Package scalaExec.ClassLoaders

Source Code of scalaExec.ClassLoaders.JarClassLoader

package scalaExec.ClassLoaders;

import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.JarInputStream;
import java.util.jar.JarOutputStream;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues;
import scalaExec.gui.AutoCompletionScalaSci;

* This class implements a simple class loader  that can be used to load at runtime
* classes contained in a JAR file.
public class JarClassLoader extends ExtensionClassLoader // implements ScalaClassLoader
    public int  numLoadedClass;
    Hashtable  clTable;  // reference to the global hashtable of loaded classes
    TreeSet    sortedLoadedClasses;   // keeps sorted the loaded classes of the toolbox
    JFrame progressFrame;
    JPanel progressPanel;
    Graphics2D   g2d;
    String  dots = ".";
    int numJarAutoCompletionItems=0;
    Vector avoidClassPatterns = new Vector()// some classes can be problematic for autocompletion or for loading their methods. We can specify them
                            // in a file name "AvoidClassPatterns.txt" in order to avoid loading them
   * Creates a new JarClassLoader that will allow the loading
   * of classes stored in a jar file.
   * @param jarFileName   the name of the jar file
   * @exception IOException   an error happened while reading
   * the contents of the jar file
    public JarClassLoader() {
        super("");//  (ClassLoader) GlobalValues.scalalabMainFrame.scalalabConsole.scalaInterpreter.scala$tools$nsc$Interpreter$$classLoader());


    // scan the jarFileName for patterns beginning with LibDir
  public  static Vector scanLib(String jarFileName, String LibDir
    Vector scannedLibs = new Vector()
    int libPathLen = LibDir.length()// the length of the prefix
    int numLibAllClasses = 0;      // number of classes
    int numLibAllMethods=0;     // number of methods
    //  get reference to the global Hashtable that holds all loaded classes
  JarEntry je;
  JarInputStream jis=null;
        try {
            jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
        } catch (IOException ex) {
        try {
            while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)
                {   // while jar file has entries unprocessed
                 String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
          // make sure we have only slashes, i.e. use Unix path conventions
                  String name ='/'+je.getName().replace('\\', '/');
                 int strLen = nameOfEntry.length();
                 if (strLen > libPathLen) {   // entry can be considered further
                     nameOfEntry = nameOfEntry.substring(0, libPathLen);   // extract prefix

                     if (nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(LibDir))  { // scan only entries starting with LibDir subdirectory
                      String javaName = name.replace('/', '.');
                      String lowerCaseJavaName = javaName.toLowerCase()
                      if (lowerCaseJavaName.contains("test") == false && lowerCaseJavaName.contains("$") == false) {  // avoid test classes
                            int idx = javaName.lastIndexOf(".class");
                            int javaNameLen = javaName.length();
                            boolean classStringIsWithinName = javaNameLen > ( idx+".class".length() );
                            if  (idx != -1 && !classStringIsWithinName) {  // a class file
                            javaName = javaName.substring(1, idx);    // remove the first '.'
                         Class  foundClass = null
                             try {
                     foundClass = GlobalValues.extensionClassLoader.loadClass(javaName);
                       catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                           foundClass = null;
                    if (foundClass!=null)
                       }   // a class file
                      // avoid test classes
                   }   // scan only  LibDir  subdirectory
              } // strLen > libPathLen
            } // while jar file has entries unprocessed
        } catch (IOException ex) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
return scannedLibs;  // return the Vector of methods


     * loads the built-in NUMALL library classes from the .jar file
     * Numerical analysis functions of the NUMALL library are housed at the directory /numal.
     * Returns the number of the classes that successfully loaded into the
     * global loadedClasses table
  public  int  scanBuiltInNumAllClasses(String jarFileName, TreeSet classesOfToolbox)    throws IOException
    String  LibDir = "numal";   //  NUMAL library functions
    int libPathLen = LibDir.length();
    int numNumAllClasses = 0;   
    int numNumAllMethods=0;
    //  get reference to the global Hashtable that holds all loaded classes
  JarEntry je;
  JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
  while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)
      {   // while jar file has entries unprocessed
       String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
       int strLen = nameOfEntry.length();
       if (strLen > libPathLen) {  // strLen > libPathLen
        nameOfEntry = nameOfEntry.substring(0, libPathLen);
       if (nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(LibDir))  { // scan only  LibDir  subdirectory
// make sure we have only slashes, i.e. use Unix path conventions
  String name ='/'+je.getName().replace('\\', '/');
        String   remainingClassName = name.substring(libPathLen+1, name.length());
            String javaName = name.replace('/','.');
          if (javaName.indexOf("Test") == -1)     { // do not consider the testing classes of the NUMAL package
            int idx = javaName.lastIndexOf(".class");
            int javaNameLen = javaName.length();
            boolean classStringIsWithinName = javaNameLen > ( idx+".class".length() );
            if (idx != -1 && !classStringIsWithinName) {  // a class file
            javaName = javaName.substring(1, idx);    // remove the first '.'
               Class  foundClass = null
                   try {
           foundClass = GlobalValues.extensionClassLoader.loadClass(javaName);
             catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
                 foundClass = null;

           if (javaName.indexOf("$") == -1) {
        String smallName = javaName.substring(javaName.lastIndexOf(".")+1, javaName.length());
        String nameToInsert = smallName+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;

        if (foundClass != null)  {
            Method [] classMethods = foundClass.getDeclaredMethods();
            for (Method currentMethod: classMethods) {
                if (Modifier.isPublic(currentMethod.getModifiers() )) {
                    String methodName = currentMethod.getName()+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
                    if (AutoCompletionScalaSci.scanMethodsScalaSci.indexOf(methodName)==-1)  {
            }   // a class file
            }    // do not consider testing classes of the NUMAL package
         }   // scan only  LibDir  subdirectory
    } // strLen > libPathLen
  } // while jar file has entries unprocessed
System.out.println("NUMAL  Classes = "+numNumAllClasses);
System.out.println("NUMAL  Methods = "+numNumAllMethods);
return numNumAllClasses;
     * scans the built-in Scala library classes from the .jar file
     * Scala classes are housed at the directory /Scala .
     * Returns the number of the classes that successfully accessible and fills their information for autocompletion
  public  int  scanBuiltInScalaSciClasses(String jarFileName)    throws IOException
    String  ScalaSciDir = "scalaSci";   // matrix functions, plotting functions etc.
    String ScalaSciCommands = "scalaSciCommands";
    String  jplotDir = "JFPlot";
    int libPathLen = jplotDir.length()// the length of the smallest dir
    int numScalaLoadedClasses = 0;   
    int numScalaMethods = 0;
    String NRRoutines = "com";
    JarEntry je;
    JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
  while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)
      {   // while jar file has entries unprocessed
       String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
       int strLen = nameOfEntry.length();
       if (strLen > libPathLen) { 
           int idxSeparator = nameOfEntry.indexOf('/');
           if (idxSeparator != -1)  {
       nameOfEntry = nameOfEntry.substring(0, idxSeparator);
// scan only subdirectories that correspond to ScalaSci's libraries
       if ( nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(ScalaSciDir) || nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(ScalaSciCommands) || nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(jplotDir)   || nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(NRRoutines))  {
// make sure we have only slashes, i.e. use Unix path conventions
  String name ='/'+je.getName().replace('\\', '/');
        String javaName = name.replace('/','.');
        int idx = javaName.lastIndexOf(".class");
        int javaNameLen = javaName.length();
        boolean classStringIsWithinName = javaNameLen > ( idx+".class".length() );
        if (idx != -1 && !classStringIsWithinName) {  // a class file
        javaName = javaName.substring(1, idx);    // remove the first '.'
        if (javaName.indexOf("$") == -1) {   // not a special class
  Class  foundClass = null
                   try {
           foundClass = GlobalValues.extensionClassLoader.loadClass(javaName);
             catch (Exception e) {
                 foundClass = null;
           if (foundClass != null)  {
            Method [] classMethods = foundClass.getDeclaredMethods();
            for (Method currentMethod: classMethods) {
                if (Modifier.isPublic(currentMethod.getModifiers() )) {
                    String methodName = currentMethod.getName()+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
                  if (AutoCompletionScalaSci.scanMethodsScalaSci.indexOf(methodName)==-1) {
         }  // foundClass != null

        String smallName = javaName.substring(javaName.lastIndexOf(".")+1, javaName.length());
        String nameToInsert = smallName+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
                   }     // not a special class
                 }   // a class file
            } // strLen > libPathLen
       // idxDot != -1
  } // while jar file has entries unprocessed
System.out.println("ScalaSci Classes = "+numScalaLoadedClasses);
System.out.println("ScalaSci Methods = "+numScalaMethods);
return numScalaLoadedClasses;

     * scans the basic library classes
     * Returns the number of the classes that successfully accessible and fills their information for autocompletion
  public  int  scanLibsScalaSciClasses(String jarFileName)    throws IOException
    String  JSciDir = "JSci";  
    String numalDir = "numAll";
    String ejmlDir = "org";
    int libPathLen = ejmlDir.length()// the length of the smallest dir
    int numScalaLoadedClasses = 0;   
    int numScalaMethods = 0;
    JarEntry je;
    JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
  while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)
      {   // while jar file has entries unprocessed
       String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
       int strLen = nameOfEntry.length();
       if (strLen > libPathLen) { 
           int idxSeparator = nameOfEntry.indexOf('/');
           if (idxSeparator != -1)  {
       nameOfEntry = nameOfEntry.substring(0, idxSeparator);
// scan only subdirectories that correspond to ScalaSci's libraries
       if ( nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(JSciDir) || nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(numalDir) || nameOfEntry.equalsIgnoreCase(ejmlDir) )  {
// make sure we have only slashes, i.e. use Unix path conventions
  String name ='/'+je.getName().replace('\\', '/');
        String javaName = name.replace('/','.');
        int idx = javaName.lastIndexOf(".class");
        int javaNameLen = javaName.length();
        boolean classStringIsWithinName = javaNameLen > ( idx+".class".length() );
        if (idx != -1 && !classStringIsWithinName) {  // a class file
        javaName = javaName.substring(1, idx);    // remove the first '.'
        if (javaName.indexOf("$") == -1) {   // not a special class
  Class  foundClass = null
                   try {
           foundClass = GlobalValues.extensionClassLoader.loadClass(javaName);
             catch (Exception e) {
                 foundClass = null;
           if (foundClass != null)  {
            Method [] classMethods = foundClass.getDeclaredMethods();
            for (Method currentMethod: classMethods) {
                if (Modifier.isPublic(currentMethod.getModifiers() )) {
                    String methodName = currentMethod.getName()+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
                  if (AutoCompletionScalaSci.scanMethodsScalaSci.indexOf(methodName)==-1) {
         }  // foundClass != null

        String smallName = javaName.substring(javaName.lastIndexOf(".")+1, javaName.length());
        String nameToInsert = smallName+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
                   }     // not a special class
                 }   // a class file
            } // strLen > libPathLen
       // idxDot != -1
  } // while jar file has entries unprocessed
System.out.println("ScalaSci Classes = "+numScalaLoadedClasses);
System.out.println("ScalaSci Methods = "+numScalaMethods);
return numScalaLoadedClasses;

public static void copyStreams( InputStream in, OutputStream out, int bufLen ) {
      byte [] buf = new byte[bufLen];
      int bytesReaded;
      try {
      while  ( (bytesReaded =, 0, buf.length)) != -1)  {
          out.write(buf, 0, bytesReaded);
      catch (IOException ioe) { ioe.printStackTrace(); return; }

  public static void appendZip( String  fromZip, String toZip)   throws IOException {
   ZipEntry jie;
   ZipInputStream jis = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(fromZip)));
   ZipOutputStream  jos = new ZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream  (new FileOutputStream(toZip, true)) );
   while ((jie = jis.getNextEntry()) != null) {
       String nameOfEntry = jie.toString();
       int siz = (int)jie.getSize();
      System.out.println(nameOfEntry+" size = "+siz);

      jos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(jie.getName()));
       if (siz >0) {
        copyStreams(jis, jos, siz);

public static void appendJar( String  fromJar, String toJar)   throws IOException {
   JarInputStream in = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(fromJar)); // oldJarName is the JAR that contains all the files we want to keep
   String toJarComp = toJar.substring(toJar.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)+1, toJar.length());

   String tempJarName = fromJar.replaceAll(".jar", "")+toJarComp;
   JarOutputStream out = new JarOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempJarName)); // this is your "out" variable

// copy the files from the old JAR to the new, but don't close the new JAR yet
JarEntry inEnt;
while ((inEnt = in.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
  JarEntry outEnt = new JarEntry(inEnt); // copy size, modification time etc.
  byte[] data = new byte[(int)inEnt.getSize()];; // read data for this old entry
  out.write(data); // copy it to the new entry

in = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(toJar));
// copy the files from the old JAR to the new, but don't close the new JAR yet
while ((inEnt = in.getNextJarEntry()) != null) {
  JarEntry outEnt = new JarEntry(inEnt); // copy size, modification time etc.
  byte[] data = new byte[(int)inEnt.getSize()];; // read data for this old entry
  out.write(data); // copy it to the new entry
// and *now* we close the new JAR file.

// We then delete the old JAR file...
//File origFile = new File(fromJar);
//boolean status = origFile.delete();
//File tempJarFile = new File(tempJarName);

// ... and rename the new JAR file to use the old one's name.

public static void appendZip( String  fromJar, String toJar)   throws IOException {
   ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(new FileInputStream(fromJar)); // oldJarName is the JAR that contains all the files we want to keep
   String toJarComp = toJar.substring(toJar.lastIndexOf(File.separatorChar)+1, toJar.length());

   String tempJarName = fromJar.replaceAll(".jar", "")+toJarComp;
   int response = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(null, "Create file: "+tempJarName+" from "+fromJar+" and "+toJar+ " ?""Confirm toolbox creation",
            JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, null, null);
   if (response == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION)  {
       ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tempJarName)); // this is your "out" variable

// copy the files from the old JAR to the new, but don't close the new JAR yet
ZipEntry inEnt;
while ((inEnt = in.getNextEntry()) != null) {
  ZipEntry outEnt = new ZipEntry(inEnt); // copy size, modification time etc.
  byte[] data = new byte[(int)inEnt.getSize()];; // read data for this old entry
  out.write(data); // copy it to the new entry

in = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(toJar));
// copy the files from the old JAR to the new, but don't close the new JAR yet
while ((inEnt = in.getNextEntry()) != null) {
  ZipEntry outEnt = new ZipEntry(inEnt); // copy size, modification time etc.
  byte[] data = new byte[(int)inEnt.getSize()];; // read data for this old entry
    out.write(data); // copy it to the new entry
catch (IOException ioe) {
    System.out.println("exception trying to put entry "+outEnt.getName());

// and *now* we close the new JAR file.
// We then delete the old JAR file...
//File origFile = new File(fromJar);
//boolean status = origFile.delete();
//File tempJarFile = new File(tempJarName);

// ... and rename the new JAR file to use the old one's name.

  public static void main(String [] args) {
   try {
     appendJar("C:\\test\\jfes.jar" , "c:\\test\\na.jar");
  catch (IOException ie) {
       System.out.println("exception I/O");
       System.out.println("exception = "+ie.getMessage());
  // returns true if the Java class javaName is not within the class names that we have to avoid
  private boolean checkAllowed(String javaName) {
    for (int k=0; k<avoidClassPatterns.size(); k++) {
        String currentClassToAvoid = (String)avoidClassPatterns.get(k);
        if (javaName.contains(currentClassToAvoid))
            return false;
    return true;
  // scan the jarFileName for classes without loading them for extracting information
  public  int  scanAllToolboxClasses(String jarFileName)    throws IOException

    int numOfPatternsToAvoid = 0;
    int numJarClasses = 0;   
    //  get reference to the global Hashtable that holds all loaded classes
    String startupCode = null, patternsToAvoid = null;
    progressFrame = new JFrame("Reading ..");
    progressPanel = new JPanel();
    progressFrame.setSize(400, 100);
    g2d = (Graphics2D) progressPanel.getGraphics();
    GlobalValues.scalalabMainFrame.scalalabConsole.interpreterWithAppendedCP(jarFileName);    // create a Scala interpreter that includes in its classpath the toolbox file

    HashMap <String, Boolean> specifiedToolboxes = GlobalValues.jartoolboxesLoadedFlag;  // the table of already loaded toolboxes
    boolean toolboxInited = specifiedToolboxes.containsKey(jarFileName);
    if (toolboxInited == false)  {  // load the specified jar toolbox
        GlobalValues.jartoolboxesLoadedFlag.put(jarFileName, true);
        int toolboxIndex = 0;   // the scalaSciToolbox class keeps the name of the .jar file of each toolbox and a Vector that holds the bytecodes of its classes
        scalaExec.scalaLab.scalaSciToolbox  ssciToolbox = new scalaExec.scalaLab.scalaSciToolbox();
        ssciToolbox.toolboxName = jarFileName;
        JarEntry je;
  JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
    //  scan first the jar for the file "AvoidClassPatterns.txt" and for the startup code
    while  ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)  {
        String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
        if (nameOfEntry.contains("AvoidClassPatterns.txt"))  {
             patternsToAvoid = readTextFromJar(jarFileName, nameOfEntry);    // get the patterns to avoid from the .jar file
             StringTokenizer strTok = new StringTokenizer(patternsToAvoid, " \n,\t;");
             numOfPatternsToAvoid =strTok.countTokens();
             while (strTok.hasMoreElements()) 
  jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
    while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)
      {   // while jar file has entries unprocessed
       String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
         if (nameOfEntry.contains("startup.ssci"))  {
             startupCode = readTextFromJar(jarFileName, nameOfEntry);    // get the startup code from the .jar file
// make sure we have only slashes, i.e. use Unix path conventions
  String name ='/'+je.getName().replace('\\', '/');
            String javaName = name.replace('/','.');
            int idx = javaName.lastIndexOf(".class");
            int javaNameLen = javaName.length();
            boolean classStringIsWithinName = javaNameLen > ( idx+".class".length() );
            if (idx != -1 && !classStringIsWithinName) {  // a class file
               javaName = javaName.substring(1, idx);    // remove the first '.'
             if (checkAllowed(javaName) == true)   {   // not a class name that we should avoid to load 
               Object  foundClass=null;
          try {
                 foundClass = GlobalValues.extensionClassLoader.loadClass(javaName);
             catch (Exception   e) {
                   foundClass = null;
         boolean classIsPublic = false;
          if (foundClass != null)  {
              int modifier = ((Class) foundClass).getModifiers();
               if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifier)==false && Modifier.isInterface(modifier)== false &&  Modifier.isStatic(modifier)==false)    {  // class is not abstract or interface
                 if ( Modifier.isPublic(modifier) )  {  // class is public
                     classIsPublic = true;
              if (numJarAutoCompletionItems % 100 == 0) {   // update visual progress
                    dots += ".";
                    String classCntDots = "Classes: "+ numJarAutoCompletionItems+"  "+dots;
                    g2d.clearRect(0, 0, 400, 100);
                    g2d.drawString(classCntDots, 20, 10);
         }  // class is public 
                 if (GlobalValues.retrieveAlsoMethods && classIsPublic)  {    // classIsPublic
                     Method [] classMethods=null;
                   try {
             classMethods = ((Class)foundClass).getDeclaredMethods();
            if (classMethods != null)
             if (classMethods.length > 0)
              for (Method currentMethod: classMethods) {
                if (Modifier.isPublic(currentMethod.getModifiers() )) {
                      String methodName = currentMethod.getName()+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
                  if (AutoCompletionScalaSci.scanMethodsScalaSci.indexOf(methodName)==-1) {
                   catch (SecurityException e) {
                       System.out.println("Security Exception in getDeclaredMethods");
                     catch (Exception e) {
                         System.out.println("Exception in getDeclaredMethods");
                   }   // classIsPublic
if (javaName.indexOf("$") == -1) {
         String smallName = javaName.substring(javaName.lastIndexOf(".")+1, javaName.length());
        String nameToInsert = smallName+GlobalValues.smallNameFullPackageSeparator+javaName;
        //String elemToInsert = nameToInsert+" #Toolbox  class";
        if (AutoCompletionScalaSci.scanMethodsScalaSci.indexOf(nameToInsert) == -1)   {
                  }     // class is public
               // class is not abstract or interface
           }    // foundClasss != null
        }   // a class file
            } //
    // while jar file has entries unprocessed
  //System.out.println("Found in toolbox "+jarFileName+" #classes = "+JarClassLoader.classesFnt);
// construct a new AutoCompletion Object (needed in order to sort the list of methods, and to permit the access of the new methods)
  scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.autoCompletionScalaSci = new scalaExec.gui.AutoCompletionScalaSci()// create the autocompletion object
System.out.println("number of Toolbox LoadedClasses = "+numJarClasses);
System.out.println("number of Toolbox AutoCompletion Items = "+numJarAutoCompletionItems);
System.out.println("Total items of ScalaSci Autocompletion = "+ scalaExec.Interpreter.GlobalValues.autoCompletionScalaSci.scanMethodsScalaSci.size());
            // try to execute any startup code
          if (startupCode!=null)            
    }   // load the specified jar toolbox

    return numJarAutoCompletionItems;
  // scan the jarFileName for classes without loading them for extracting information
  public  Vector  scanAllJarClasses(String jarFileName)    throws IOException

    Vector  jarClasses = new Vector()
    //  get reference to the global Hashtable that holds all loaded classes
   JarEntry je;
  JarInputStream jis = new JarInputStream(new BufferedInputStream  (new FileInputStream(jarFileName)));
  while ((je = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null)
      {   // while jar file has entries unprocessed
       String nameOfEntry = je.toString();
// make sure we have only slashes, i.e. use Unix path conventions
  String name ='/'+je.getName().replace('\\', '/');
            String javaName = name.replace('/','.');
            int idx = javaName.lastIndexOf(".class");
            int javaNameLen = javaName.length();
            boolean classStringIsWithinName = javaNameLen > ( idx+".class".length() );
            if (idx != -1 && !classStringIsWithinName) {  // a class file
                javaName = javaName.substring(1, javaNameLen);    // remove the first '.'
        }   // a class file
    // while jar file has entries unprocessed
    return  jarClasses;

  public String  readTextFromJar(String jarFileName, String s) {
       StringBuilder  initCode = new StringBuilder();
       String code="";
               try {
      JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(jarFileName);
     InputStream in = jarFile.getInputStream(jarFile.getEntry(s));
     Scanner inScanner = new Scanner(in);
     while (inScanner.hasNextLine())
       code = initCode.toString();
    catch (IOException ioe
       return code;



Related Classes of scalaExec.ClassLoaders.JarClassLoader

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