Package undecided

Source Code of undecided.ItemCreator

package undecided;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Random;

import rectangles.BubbleShieldRectangle;
import rectangles.CrateRectangle;
import rectangles.FireRingRectangle;
import rectangles.IceBlockRectangle;
import rectangles.ImmovableBlockRectangle;
import rectangles.SpeedBoostRectangle;
import rectangles.SpikePitRectangle;
import rectangles.TNTRectangle;
import rectangles.TankRectangle;

* The ItemCreator class will determine when and where items should be created
* and placed onto an active map. There are to be no more than one of each type
* of item on the field at a time and will never be placed on top of an existing
* item, a tank, or obstacle. This will all be done through random generators
* and case statements.
* @author Team Exception
* @extends Thread
* @see Thread, BubbleShield, SpeedBoost, IceBlock
public class ItemCreator extends Thread {
  private BubbleShield b;
  private SpeedBoost s;
  private IceBlock ice;
  private boolean exists;
  private Map map;
   * This is the class constructor for the ItemCreator class and will simply
   * have a map that it is on and know whether it exists or not.
   * @param map
   *            map to which this ItemCreator is to be assigned.
  public ItemCreator(Map map) { = map;
    exists = true;
   * This method runs the thread of the itemCreator. It will choose a random
   * number and depending on the value and whether that specific item already
   * exists, will call method to try and spawn that specific item on the
   * field.
   * @see Random, BubbleShield, IceBlock, SpeedBoost
  public synchronized void run() {
    while(exists) {
      Random rnd = new Random();
      int creation = rnd.nextInt(600) + 1;
      if(creation == 1 || creation == 2) {
        if(!hasBubbleShield()) {
          if(spawnBubbleShield()) {
      if(creation == 3 || creation == 4) {
        if(!hasSpeedBoost()) {
          if(spawnSpeedBoost()) {
      if(creation == 5 || creation == 6) {
        if(!hasIceBlock()) {
          if(spawnIceBlock()) {
      if(map.isOver()) {
        exists = false;
      try {
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

  private boolean spawnIceBlock() {
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int x = rnd.nextInt(600) + 25;
    int y = rnd.nextInt(875) + 25;
    ice = new IceBlock(new Point(x, y), map);
    IceBlockRectangle rect = ice.getRectangle();
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<PlayerTank> tank = map.getPlayers();
    LinkedList<Item> item = map.getItems();
    for (PlayerTank p : tank) {
      TankRectangle tRect = p.getRectangle();
      if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
        return false;
    for (Item p : item) {
      if(p instanceof BubbleShield) {
      BubbleShield s = (BubbleShield)p;
      BubbleShieldRectangle tRect = s.getRectangle();
      if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
        return false;
      if(p instanceof SpeedBoost) {
        SpeedBoost s = (SpeedBoost)p;
        SpeedBoostRectangle tRect = s.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle p = obs.get(i);
      if (p instanceof Crate) {// for instance of crate
        Crate c = (Crate) p;
        CrateRectangle tRect = c.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof ImmovableBlock) {// for instance of immovableBlock
        ImmovableBlock ib = (ImmovableBlock) p;
        ImmovableBlockRectangle tRect = ib.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof SpikePit) {// for instance of SpikePit
        SpikePit sp = (SpikePit) p;
        SpikePitRectangle tRect = sp.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof FireRing) {// for instance of fireRing
        FireRing fr = (FireRing) p;
        FireRingRectangle tRect = fr.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof TNT) {// for instance of TNT
        TNT tnt = (TNT) p;
        TNTRectangle tRect = tnt.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;

    return true;

   * This method will actually attempt to spawn an IceBlock. It will create a
   * two random number for the x and y coordinates and try to spawn an
   * IceBlock at that location. It will do so as long as there is no other
   * obstacle, item, or tank.
   * @return whether it has successfully added that item
  private boolean spawnSpeedBoost() {
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int x = rnd.nextInt(600) + 25;
    int y = rnd.nextInt(875) + 25;
    s = new SpeedBoost(new Point(x, y));
    SpeedBoostRectangle rect = s.getRectangle();
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<PlayerTank> tank = map.getPlayers();
    LinkedList<Item> item = map.getItems();
    for (PlayerTank p : tank) {
      TankRectangle tRect = p.getRectangle();
      if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
        return false;
    for (Item p : item) {
      if(p instanceof SpeedBoost) {
      SpeedBoost s = (SpeedBoost)p;
      SpeedBoostRectangle tRect = s.getRectangle();
      if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
        return false;
      if(p instanceof IceBlock) {
        IceBlock s = (IceBlock)p;
        IceBlockRectangle tRect = s.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle p = obs.get(i);
      if (p instanceof Crate) {// for instance of crate
        Crate c = (Crate) p;
        CrateRectangle tRect = c.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof ImmovableBlock) {// for instance of immovableBlock
        ImmovableBlock ib = (ImmovableBlock) p;
        ImmovableBlockRectangle tRect = ib.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof SpikePit) {// for instance of SpikePit
        SpikePit sp = (SpikePit) p;
        SpikePitRectangle tRect = sp.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof FireRing) {// for instance of fireRing
        FireRing fr = (FireRing) p;
        FireRingRectangle tRect = fr.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof TNT) {// for instance of TNT
        TNT tnt = (TNT) p;
        TNTRectangle tRect = tnt.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;

    return true;

  private boolean spawnBubbleShield() {
    Random rnd = new Random();
    int x = rnd.nextInt(600) + 25;
    int y = rnd.nextInt(875) + 25;
    b = new BubbleShield(new Point(x, y));
    BubbleShieldRectangle rect = b.getRectangle();
    LinkedList<Obstacle> obs = map.getObstacles();
    LinkedList<PlayerTank> tank = map.getPlayers();
    LinkedList<Item> item = map.getItems();
    for (PlayerTank p : tank) {
      TankRectangle tRect = p.getRectangle();
      if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
        return false;
    for (Item p : item) {
      if(p instanceof SpeedBoost) {
      SpeedBoost s = (SpeedBoost)p;
      SpeedBoostRectangle tRect = s.getRectangle();
      if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
        return false;
      if(p instanceof IceBlock) {
        IceBlock s = (IceBlock)p;
        IceBlockRectangle tRect = s.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < obs.size(); i++) {
      Obstacle p = obs.get(i);
      if (p instanceof Crate) {// for instance of crate
        Crate c = (Crate) p;
        CrateRectangle tRect = c.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof ImmovableBlock) {// for instance of immovableBlock
        ImmovableBlock ib = (ImmovableBlock) p;
        ImmovableBlockRectangle tRect = ib.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof SpikePit) {// for instance of SpikePit
        SpikePit sp = (SpikePit) p;
        SpikePitRectangle tRect = sp.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof FireRing) {// for instance of fireRing
        FireRing fr = (FireRing) p;
        FireRingRectangle tRect = fr.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;
      if (p instanceof TNT) {// for instance of TNT
        TNT tnt = (TNT) p;
        TNTRectangle tRect = tnt.getRectangle();
        if(tRect.intersects(rect)) {
          return false;

    return true;
   * This method determines if there is already an IceBlock in existence on
   * the map by traversing an items list.
   * @return whether an IceBlock is on the field
  private boolean hasIceBlock() {
    LinkedList<Item> item = map.getItems();
    for(int i = 0; i < item.size(); i++) {
      if(item.get(i) instanceof IceBlock) {
        return true;
    return false;

   * This method determines if there is already a SpeedBoost in existence on
   * the map by traversing an items list.
   * @return whether a SpeedBoost is on the field
  private boolean hasSpeedBoost() {
    LinkedList<Item> item = map.getItems();
    for (int i = 0; i < item.size(); i++) {
      if (item.get(i) instanceof SpeedBoost) {
        return true;
    return false;

   * This method determines if there is already a BubbleShield in existence on
   * the map by traversing an items list.
   * @return whether a BubbleShield is on the field
  private boolean hasBubbleShield() {
    LinkedList<Item> item = map.getItems();
    for (int i = 0; i < item.size(); i++) {
      if (item.get(i) instanceof BubbleShield) {
        return true;
    return false;


Related Classes of undecided.ItemCreator

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