Package org.t24.driver

Source Code of org.t24.driver.T24QueryFormatter

package org.t24.driver;

import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.*;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import java.util.Scanner;

import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

* @author avityuk
public class T24QueryFormatter {
  public enum QueryType { APP, ENQ }

  public static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("org.t24.driver");

    //private static SimpleDateFormat sdfDateParse = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
    //private static SimpleDateFormat sdfDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd");
    private T24Connection con;    //connection
    private int queryTimeout;         //timeout
    //private String query;         //original query
    //private List<String> param;   //input parameters
    private final static int STATE_DEF = 0;
    private final static int STATE_OFS = 1;
    //debugging / testing data
    private List<String> sentOfsQueries=new ArrayList<String>();
    private String currentLine="<start>";

    //private static int STATE_POST=3;

    public T24QueryFormatter(Connection con, int seconds) {
        this.con = (T24Connection)con;
        this.queryTimeout = seconds;
    public T24QueryFormatter() {
    public List<String> getSentOfsQueries(){
      return sentOfsQueries;
  public T24ResultSet execute(String query, List<String> queryParam) throws SQLException{
    try {
      //cut off the optional SELECT keyword
      if( Pattern.compile("^\\s*SELECT\\s.*$",Pattern.DOTALL).matcher(query).matches() )
      String ofsHeader=null;
      T24ResultSet result=null;
      Map<String,String> ofsParam=new LinkedHashMap<String,String>();
      int state=STATE_DEF;
      StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(query, "\r\n");

        String line = st.nextToken().trim();

        //skip empty and commented lines
        if (line.length() < 1 || line.startsWith("//")) {
        if(line.matches("^SENDOFS\\s.*$")) {
            case STATE_DEF:
            case STATE_OFS:
              throw new T24ParseException("Met SENDOFS when previous not END-ed");
              throw new T24ParseException("Wrong parser status: "+state); //should not happend
          state = STATE_OFS;
          ofsHeader = prepareHeader(line, queryParam);

        }else if(line.equals("END")){
            case STATE_DEF:
              throw new T24ParseException("Met END without SENDOFS");
            case STATE_OFS:
              result = executeOfs(ofsHeader, ofsParam, result);
              throw new T24ParseException("Wrong parser status: "+state); //should not happend
          //usual evaluate lines here
            case STATE_DEF:
            case STATE_OFS:
              evaluate(line, null, queryParam, ofsParam);
              throw new T24ParseException("Wrong parser status: "+state);
      if(state==STATE_OFS)throw new T24ParseException("Last SENDOFS not ended with END");
      if(result==null)throw new T24Exception("None of the OFS messages has been executed.");

      for(int i=0; i<result.getRowCount(); i++){
      //return result from last ofs
      return result;
    } catch (T24ParseException e) {
      throw new T24Exception("T24 Parser Error at line "+currentLine+".\n"+e.getMessage(),e);
  * evaluate the expression and apply evaluated parameters to resultset and to query parameters
  * " ?[0-9] = expression " must go to queryParam
  * " ?xxx = expression " must throw not supported exception (maybe in the future we will use it)
  * " xxx = expression " should go to the result (new column evaluated for each row)
  protected void postEvaluate(String line, T24ResultSet result, List<String> queryParam) throws SQLException{
    if (result == null) {return;}
      String expression=line.replaceAll("^FILTER\\s+\\w+\\s+(.*)$","$1");
          List<String> commandParams = getCommandParams(expression);
      //matcher from input parameters
      String matcher = getValueForComandParam(1, commandParams, null, queryParam);
      //perform filter if matcher was defined
      if(matcher.length() > 0) {
        for(int i=result.getRowCount(); i>0; i-- ){
          //test value from resultset
          String value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, ((T24ResultSetMetaData)result.getMetaData()).getColumnNames(), result.getDataRow(i));
    } else if( line.matches("^ASSERT\\s+EQUALS\\s+.*") ) {
      String expression=line.replaceAll("^ASSERT\\s+EQUALS\\s+(.*)$","$1");
          List<String> commandParams = getCommandParams(expression);
          if(commandParams.size()!=2)throw new T24Exception("ASSERT EQUALS command must be followed by two parameters: "+line);
          //go through all resultset lines and do assert check for them
      for(int i=1; i <= result.getRowCount(); i++ ) {
        //get first and second values
        String v1 = getValueForComandParamEx(0, commandParams, queryParam,
              ((T24ResultSetMetaData)result.getMetaData()).getColumnNames(), result.getDataRow(i) );
        String v2 = getValueForComandParamEx(1, commandParams, queryParam,
              ((T24ResultSetMetaData)result.getMetaData()).getColumnNames(), result.getDataRow(i) );
        //compare values
        if( v1.length()>0 && !v1.equals(v2) )throw new T24Exception(line+" Failed: \""+v1+"\" != \""+v2+"\"");
    } else if( line.matches("^ASSERT\\s+MATCHES\\s+.*") ) {
      String expression=line.replaceAll("^ASSERT\\s+MATCHES\\s+(.*)$","$1");
          List<String> commandParams = getCommandParams(expression);
          if(commandParams.size()!=2)throw new T24Exception("ASSERT MATCHES command must be followed by two parameters: "+line);
          //go through all resultset lines and do assert check for them
      for(int i=1; i <= result.getRowCount(); i++ ) {
        //get first and second values
        String v1 = getValueForComandParamEx(0, commandParams, queryParam,
              ((T24ResultSetMetaData)result.getMetaData()).getColumnNames(), result.getDataRow(i) );
        String v2 = commandParams.get(1);
        //match value
        if( !v1.matches(v2) )throw new T24Exception(line+" Failed: \""+v1+"\".matches( \""+v2+"\" )");
    } else {
      Map<String,String> postParam=new HashMap<String,String>(2); //initial count = 2
      for(int i=1; i <= result.getRowCount(); i++ ) {
        evaluate(line, ((T24ResultSetMetaData)result.getMetaData()).getColumnNames(), result.getDataRow(i), postParam);
        //now go through all key/values
        for( Map.Entry<String,String> entry : postParam.entrySet() ) {
          String key=entry.getKey();
          if(key.startsWith("?")) {
            //key started with ? so set the value for query parameter
            try {
              int index=Integer.parseInt(key.substring(1))-1;
              else queryParam.set(index,entry.getValue());
            } catch ( Exception e ) {
              throw new T24ParseException("Wrong post process index in expression: "+line,e);
          } else {
            //usual key, so add column for the resultset
  protected String prepareHeader(String ofsHeader,List<String> queryParam)throws SQLException{
    //evaluate and replace all {{expression}}
    //no special formatting here put result as is
    int p1 = 0, p2 = 0;
    Map<String,String> eval = new HashMap<String,String>(2); //initial count = 2
    StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
    p1 = ofsHeader.indexOf("{{");
    while ( p1>=0 ) {
      out.append( ofsHeader.substring(p2, p1) );
      p2 = ofsHeader.indexOf("}}",p1);
      if(p2<0)throw new T24ParseException("Can't find close tag for header expression: "+ofsHeader);
      String expression=ofsHeader.substring(p1+2, p2);
      evaluate("x="+expression, null, queryParam, eval);
      out.append( eval.get("x") );
    return out.toString();

  protected T24ResultSet executeOfs(String ofsHeader, Map<String,String> ofsParam, T24ResultSet oldResult) throws SQLException{
    T24ResultSet rs = null;
    boolean isOfsSend=true;
    //do final prepare of the ofs
    ///remove SENDOFS
    ofsHeader = ofsHeader.substring("SENDOFS".length()).trim();
    if( ofsHeader.matches("^(TRUE|FALSE)\\s+.*") ) {
      isOfsSend = Boolean.parseBoolean(ofsHeader.substring(0,5).trim());
      ofsHeader = ofsHeader.substring(5).trim();

    if (!isOfsSend){
      rs = oldResult;
      ofsHeader = ofsHeader.replaceAll("^(.*)[\\s+](.*)$", "$2");
      QueryType queryType;

      if (ofsHeader.matches("^ENQUIRY.SELECT.*$")){
        queryType = QueryType.ENQ;
      }else {
        queryType = QueryType.APP;

      String ofs = ofsHeader;
      String ofsBody="";
      for (String columnName : ofsParam.keySet()) {
        String columnValue = ofsParam.get(columnName);
        ofsBody = prepareField(columnName, columnValue, queryType);
        ofs += ofsBody;
      String ofsResp = con.t24Send(ofs, queryTimeout);
      //create resultset from responce
      rs = new T24ResultSet(ofs, ofsResp);

    return rs;
     * evaluate the one-line command
     * @param line one-line command ( CR & LF not expected )
     * @param colName list of column names (could be null)
     * @param colValue list of column values
     * @param result a Map where to store result : column - bdec pair evaluated from line. Better to use LinkedHashMap, so order will be preserved.
    private void evaluate(String line, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws SQLException {
        line = line.trim();
        if (line.length() == 0) {
        if (line.startsWith("//")) {
        int position;
        position = line.indexOf('=');
        if (position < 0) {
            throw new T24ParseException("Syntax error: '=' expected in line: " + line);
        String fieldName = line.substring(0, position).trim();
        String expression = line.substring(position + 1).trim();

        String command = expression.replaceAll("^(\\w+)\\s.*$", "$1");
        expression = expression.replaceAll("^(\\w+)\\s(.*)$", "$2").trim();
        List<String> commandParams = getCommandParams(expression);

        if ("const".equals(command)) {
            evaluateConst(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("decodeMath".equals(command)) {
            evaluateMathDecode(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("percent".equals(command)) {
            evaluatePercent(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("decode".equals(command)) {
            evaluateDecode(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("toCent".equals(command)) {
            evaluateToCent(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("set".equals(command)) {
            evaluateSet(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("fromCent".equals(command)) {
            evaluateFromCent(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("split".equals(command)) {
            evaluateSplit(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("substr".equals(command)) {
            evaluateSubstr(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("setIfNull".equals(command)) {
            evaluateSetIfNull(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("getToken".equals(command)) {
            evaluateGetToken(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("USER".equals(command)) {
            evaluateUSER(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else if ("PASS".equals(command)) {
            evaluatePASS(fieldName, commandParams, colName, colValue, result);
        } else {
            throw new T24ParseException("Unknown command : " + command);

    private List<String> getCommandParams(String expression) throws SQLException{
      return CommandParamParser.parse(expression);
    private String getValueForComandParamEx(int paramNumber,
            List<String> commandParams, List<String> unnamedValue, List<String> namedName, List<String> namedValue) throws T24Exception
    if (commandParams == null) {
      throw new T24ParseException("Incorrect parameters: null");
    String paramString = commandParams.get(paramNumber);
    if( paramString.matches("\\?\\d+") || paramString.matches(".*\\?\\{\\d+\\}.*") ){
      //this case for unnamed parameters
      return getValueForComandParam(paramNumber, commandParams, null, unnamedValue);
      //this case for named parameters
      return getValueForComandParam(paramNumber, commandParams, namedName, namedValue);

    private String getValueForComandParam(int paramNumber, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue) throws T24Exception{
    String res="";   
    if (commandParams == null || colValue == null) {
      throw new T24ParseException("Incorrect parameters or ResultSet");
    String paramString = commandParams.get(paramNumber);
      Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\?\\{[^\\}]*\\}");
      Matcher matcher = p.matcher(paramString);

    if ( paramString.startsWith("?") && paramString.charAt(1) != '{') {
      res = getParamValue(paramString, colName, colValue);
    }else {
      int current = 0;
      while (true) {
          String key =;
          key = key.replaceAll("\\{", "");
          key = key.replaceAll("\\}", "");
          res += paramString.substring(current, matcher.start()) + getParamValue(key, colName, colValue);

          current = matcher.end();
          res += paramString.substring(current);

    return (res==null?"":res.trim());
    private String getParamValue(String key, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue) throws T24Exception{
    int valueIndex;
    try {
      valueIndex = Integer.valueOf(key.substring(1)) - 1;
    } catch(Exception e) {
      if(colName==null)throw new T24ParseException("Can't get value for named parameter " + key);
      valueIndex = colName.indexOf(key.substring(1).toLowerCase());
    if (valueIndex == -1)
      throw new T24ParseException("Can't find parameter: " + key );
    if (valueIndex >= colValue.size())
      throw new T24ParseException("Can't get value for: " + key +". Values count: " + colValue.size() );
    String value = colValue.get(valueIndex);
    return (value==null?"":value.trim());

    private void evaluateToCent(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
        String value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);

    if ( value==null || value.length()==0 ) {
      result.put(fieldName, "");
    } else {
      BigDecimal bdvalue = new BigDecimal(value);
      bdvalue = bdvalue.multiply(new BigDecimal("100")).setScale(0,RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
      result.put(fieldName, bdvalue.toPlainString());

    private void evaluateDecode(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
        String value = "";
        boolean changed = false;
    value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        for (int i = 1; i < commandParams.size() - 1; i += 2) {
            if (value.equals(commandParams.get(i).trim())) {
                value = commandParams.get(i + 1);
                changed = true;
        if (!changed && commandParams.size() % 2 == 0) {
//            value = commandParams.get(commandParams.size() - 1);
      value = getValueForComandParam(commandParams.size() - 1, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        result.put(fieldName, value);
    // decodeMathGraterOrEqualsThen value   decodeMath  ?1 "1" "1" "2" "2" "3" "3" "4" "4" "5" "5" "3001" "2" "8001" "3" "20001" "4" "50001" "5" "1"
    private void evaluateMathDecode(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
        String value = "";
        int curValue = 0;
        boolean changed = false;
    value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
     if(value==null || "".equals(value)){
            result.put(fieldName, "");
        for (int i = 1; i < commandParams.size() - 1; i += 2) {"!!!value = "+ value);
            if(value!=null && !"".equals(value)){
              int intValue = Integer.parseInt(value);
              int intParam = Integer.parseInt(commandParams.get(i).trim());
          if (intValue >= intParam) {
            curValue = Integer.parseInt(commandParams.get(i+1).trim());
            changed = true;
          if (intValue==intParam) {
          }catch(Exception e){
        if (!changed && commandParams.size() % 2 == 0) {
//            value = commandParams.get(commandParams.size() - 1);
      value = getValueForComandParam(commandParams.size() - 1, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        result.put(fieldName, ""+curValue);
    private void evaluatePercent(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
      throw new T24ParseException("Wrong parameters count for Percent command");
        String value1 = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
    String value2 = getValueForComandParam(1, commandParams, colName, colValue);
    boolean fromCent = false;
        if (commandParams.size() % 2 == 1) {
      fromCent = Boolean.parseBoolean(getValueForComandParam(commandParams.size() - 1, commandParams, colName, colValue));
     if(value1==null || "".equals(value1) || value2==null || "".equals(value2)){
          result.put(fieldName, "");
    BigDecimal bdec = new BigDecimal(value1);
    bdec = bdec.multiply(new BigDecimal(value2));
    bdec = bdec.multiply(new BigDecimal("0.01")).setScale(2,RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
      bdec = bdec.multiply(new BigDecimal("0.01")).setScale(2,RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
    String value = bdec.toPlainString();
    result.put(fieldName, value);

    private void evaluatePASS(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) {
        result.put(fieldName, con.tcPass);

    private void evaluateUSER(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) {
        result.put(fieldName, con.tcUser);

    private void evaluateConst(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) {
        result.put(fieldName, commandParams.get(0));

    private void evaluateSet(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
        String value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        result.put(fieldName, value);
    private void evaluateGetToken(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
    String value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
    String regExp = commandParams.get(1).trim();
    int tokenNum = Integer.parseInt(commandParams.get(2).trim());
    List <String> tokens = new ArrayList <String>();
    Scanner scanRow = new Scanner(value).useDelimiter(regExp);
      while (scanRow.hasNext()) {
        if (tokens.size() > 0){
      if (tokenNum == -1 ){
        value = tokens.get(tokens.size() - 1);
        value = tokens.get(tokenNum);
        }else {
      value = "";
        result.put(fieldName, value);

    private void evaluateSetIfNull(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
    String value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        if (value == null || "".equals(value)) {
        } else {
      if( commandParams.size() >= 3 ) value = commandParams.get(2);
        result.put(fieldName, value);

    private void evaluateFromCent(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
    String value = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
    if(value==null||value.length()==0) {
      result.put(fieldName, null);
    } else {
      BigDecimal bdec = new BigDecimal(value);
      bdec = bdec.multiply(new BigDecimal("0.01"));
      value = bdec.toPlainString();
      result.put(fieldName, value);

    private void evaluateSplit(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
        String str = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        int counter = 1;
        int length = Integer.parseInt(commandParams.get(1));
        while (str.length() > 0) {
            String value = substr(str, 0, length);
            result.put(fieldName.replaceAll("\\*", Integer.toString(counter)), value);
            str = substr(str, length, str.length());

    private void evaluateSubstr(String fieldName, List<String> commandParams, List<String> colName, List<String> colValue, Map<String, String> result) throws T24Exception {
    String str = getValueForComandParam(0, commandParams, colName, colValue);
        int indexStart = Integer.parseInt(commandParams.get(1));
        int length = Integer.parseInt(commandParams.get(2));

        String value = substr(str, indexStart, length);
        result.put(fieldName, value);

    private String substr(String str, int start, int length) {
        String res;
        int indexBegin;
        int indexEnd;
        if (str == null || str.length() == 0) {
            res = "";
        } else {
          if (start < 0) {
            indexBegin = str.length() + start; 
              indexBegin = Math.min(start, str.length());
            if (length < 0) {
                indexEnd = str.length() + length;
            } else {
                indexEnd = Math.min(start + length, str.length());
            res = str.substring(indexBegin, indexEnd);
        return res;

    private String prepareField(String fieldName, String value, QueryType queryType) {
        String res;
        if (value == null || value.length() == 0) {
            res = "";
        } else {
            value = value.replace('\"', '|');
            if (queryType==QueryType.APP || fieldName.endsWith("$")) {
          fieldName = fieldName.substring(0, fieldName.length()-1);
                value = value.replaceAll("_", "'_'");
                value = "\"" + value + "\"";
            res = "," + fieldName + "=" + value;
        return res;


Related Classes of org.t24.driver.T24QueryFormatter

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