Package gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure

Source Code of gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool

* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure;

import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.geom.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.globes.Globe;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.RenderableLayer;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.*;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.List;

* A utility class to interactively draw shapes and measure distance and area across the terrain. When armed, the class
* monitors mouse events to allow the definition of a measure shape that can be one of {@link #SHAPE_LINE}, {@link
* #SHAPE_PATH}, {@link #SHAPE_POLYGON}, {@link #SHAPE_CIRCLE}, {@link #SHAPE_ELLIPSE}, {@link #SHAPE_SQUARE} or {@link
* #SHAPE_QUAD}. <p/> <p>In order to allow user interaction with the measuring shape, a controller must be set by
* calling {@link #setController(MeasureToolController)} with a new instance of a <code>MeasureToolController</code>.</p>
* <p/> <p>The interaction sequence for drawing a shape and measuring is as follows: <ul> <li>Set the measure
* shape.</li> <li>Arm the <code>MeasureTool</code> object by calling its {@link #setArmed(boolean)} method with an
* argument of true.</li> <li>Click on the terrain to add points.</li> <li>Disarm the <code>MeasureTool</code> object by
* calling its {@link #setArmed(boolean)} method with an argument of false. </li> <li>Read the measured length or area
* by calling the <code>MeasureTool</code> {@link #getLength()} or {@link #getArea()} method. Note that the length and
* area can be queried at any time during or after the process.</li> </ul> </p> <p>While entering points or after the
* measure tool has been disarmed, dragging the control points allow to change the initial points positions and alter
* the measure shape.</p> <p/> <p> While the <code>MeasureTool</code> is armed, pressing and immediately releasing mouse
* button one while also pressing the control key (Ctl) removes the last point entered. </p> <p/> <p>Arming and
* disarming the <code>MeasureTool</code> does not change the contents or attributes of the measure tool's layer. Note
* that the measure tool will NOT disarm itself after the second point of a line or a regular shape has been entered -
* the MeasureToolController has that responsability.</p> <p/> <p><b>Setting the measure shape from the
* application</b></p> <p/> <p>The application can set the measure shape to an arbitrary list of positions using {@link
* #setPositions(java.util.ArrayList)}. If the provided list contains two positions, the measure shape will be set to
* {@link #SHAPE_LINE}. If more then two positions are provided, the measure shape will be set to {@link #SHAPE_PATH} if
* the last position differs from the first (open path), or {@link #SHAPE_POLYGON} if the path is closed.</p> <p/>
* <p>The application can also set the measure shape to a predefined regular shape by calling {@link
* #setMeasureShapeType(String, Position, double, double, Angle)}, providing a shape type (one of {@link #SHAPE_CIRCLE},
* {@link #SHAPE_ELLIPSE}, {@link #SHAPE_SQUARE} or {@link #SHAPE_QUAD}), a center position, a wdth, a height (in
* meters) and a heading angle.</p> <p/> <p>Finally, the application can use an existing <code>Polyline</code> or
* <code>SurfaceShape</code> by using {@link #setMeasureShape(Polyline)} or {@link #setMeasureShape(SurfaceShape)}. The
* surface shape can be one of <code>SurfacePolygon</code>, <code>SurfaceQuad</code>, <code>SurfaceSquare</code>,
* <code>SurfaceEllipse</code> or <code>SurfaceCircle</code>. <p/> <p><b>Measuring</b></p> <p/> <p>The application can
* read the measured length or area by calling the <code>MeasureTool</code> {@link #getLength()} or {@link #getArea()}
* method. These methods will return -1 when no value is available.</p> <p/> <p>Regular shapes are defined by a center
* position, a width a height and a heading angle. Those attributes can be accessed by calling the {@link
* #getCenterPosition()}, {@link #getWidth()}, {@link #getHeight()} and {@link #getOrientation()} methods.</p> <p/>
* <p>The measurements are dislayed in units specified in the measure tool's {@link UnitsFormat} object. Access to the
* units format is via the method {@link #getUnitsFormat()}. <p/> <p><b>Events</b></p> <p/> <p>The
* <code>MeasureTool</code> will send events on several occasions: when the position list has changed - {@link
* #EVENT_POSITION_ADD}, {@link #EVENT_POSITION_REMOVE} or {@link #EVENT_POSITION_REPLACE}, when metrics has changed
* {@link #EVENT_METRIC_CHANGED} or when the tool is armed or disarmed {@link #EVENT_ARMED}.</p> <p/> <p>Events will
* also be fired at the start and end of a rubber band operation during shape creation: {@link #EVENT_RUBBERBAND_START}
* and {@link #EVENT_RUBBERBAND_STOP}.</p> <p/> <p>See {@link gov.nasa.worldwindx.examples.MeasureToolPanel} for some
* events usage.</p> <p/> <p>Several instances of this class can be used simultaneously. However, each instance should
* be disposed of after usage by calling the {@link #dispose()} method.</p>
* @author Patrick Murris
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
* @see MeasureToolController
public class MeasureTool extends AVListImpl implements Disposable
    public static final String SHAPE_LINE = "MeasureTool.ShapeLine";
    public static final String SHAPE_PATH = "MeasureTool.ShapePath";
    public static final String SHAPE_POLYGON = "MeasureTool.ShapePolygon";
    public static final String SHAPE_CIRCLE = "MeasureTool.ShapeCircle";
    public static final String SHAPE_ELLIPSE = "MeasureTool.ShapeEllipse";
    public static final String SHAPE_QUAD = "MeasureTool.ShapeQuad";
    public static final String SHAPE_SQUARE = "MeasureTool.ShapeSquare";

    public static final String EVENT_POSITION_ADD = "MeasureTool.AddPosition";
    public static final String EVENT_POSITION_REMOVE = "MeasureTool.RemovePosition";
    public static final String EVENT_POSITION_REPLACE = "MeasureTool.ReplacePosition";
    public static final String EVENT_METRIC_CHANGED = "MeasureTool.MetricChanged";
    public static final String EVENT_ARMED = "MeasureTool.Armed";
    public static final String EVENT_RUBBERBAND_START = "MeasureTool.RubberBandStart";
    public static final String EVENT_RUBBERBAND_STOP = "MeasureTool.RubberBandStop";

    public static final String ANGLE_LABEL = "MeasureTool.AngleLabel";
    public static final String AREA_LABEL = "MeasureTool.AreaLabel";
    public static final String LENGTH_LABEL = "MeasureTool.LengthLabel";
    public static final String PERIMETER_LABEL = "MeasureTool.PerimeterLabel";
    public static final String RADIUS_LABEL = "MeasureTool.RadiusLabel";
    public static final String HEIGHT_LABEL = "MeasureTool.HeightLabel";
    public static final String WIDTH_LABEL = "MeasureTool.WidthLabel";
    public static final String HEADING_LABEL = "MeasureTool.HeadingLabel";
    public static final String CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL = "MeasureTool.CenterLatitudeLabel";
    public static final String CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL = "MeasureTool.CenterLongitudeLabel";
    public static final String LATITUDE_LABEL = "MeasureTool.LatitudeLabel";
    public static final String LONGITUDE_LABEL = "MeasureTool.LongitudeLabel";
    public static final String ACCUMULATED_LABEL = "MeasureTool.AccumulatedLabel";
    public static final String MAJOR_AXIS_LABEL = "MeasureTool.MajorAxisLabel";
    public static final String MINOR_AXIS_LABEL = "MeasureTool.MinorAxisLabel";

    public static final String CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX = "MeasureTool.ControlTypeLocationIndex";
    public static final String CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE = "MeasureTool.ControlTypeRegularShape";
    public static final String CONTROL_TYPE_LEADER_ORIGIN = "MeasureTool.ControlTypeLeaderOrigin";

    private static final String CENTER = "Center";
    private static final String NORTH = "North";
    private static final String EAST = "East";
    private static final String SOUTH = "South";
    private static final String WEST = "West";
    private static final String NORTHEAST = "NE";
    private static final String SOUTHEAST = "SE";
    private static final String SOUTHWEST = "SW";
    private static final String NORTHWEST = "NW";
    private static final String NORTH_LEADER = "NorthLeader";

    protected static final double SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH_METERS = 0.1;
    protected static final double SHAPE_MIN_HEIGHT_METERS = 0.1;
    protected static final int MAX_SHAPE_MOVE_ITERATIONS = 10;
    protected static final double SHAPE_CONTROL_EPSILON_METERS = 0.01;

    protected final WorldWindow wwd;
    protected MeasureToolController controller;

    protected ArrayList<Position> positions = new ArrayList<Position>();
    protected ArrayList<Renderable> controlPoints = new ArrayList<Renderable>();
    protected RenderableLayer applicationLayer;
    protected CustomRenderableLayer layer;
    protected CustomRenderableLayer controlPointsLayer;
    protected CustomRenderableLayer shapeLayer;
    protected Polyline line;
    protected SurfaceShape surfaceShape;
    protected ScreenAnnotation annotation;

    protected Color lineColor = Color.YELLOW;
    protected Color fillColor = new Color(.6f, .6f, .4f, .5f);
    protected double lineWidth = 2;
    protected String pathType = AVKey.GREAT_CIRCLE;
    protected AnnotationAttributes controlPointsAttributes;
    protected AnnotationAttributes controlPointWithLeaderAttributes;
    protected ShapeAttributes leaderAttributes;
    protected AnnotationAttributes annotationAttributes;
    protected String measureShapeType = SHAPE_LINE;
    protected boolean followTerrain = false;
    protected boolean showControlPoints = true;
    protected boolean showAnnotation = true;
    protected UnitsFormat unitsFormat = new UnitsFormat();

    // Rectangle enclosed regular shapes attributes
    protected Rectangle2D.Double shapeRectangle = null;
    protected Position shapeCenterPosition = null;
    protected Angle shapeOrientation = null;
    protected int shapeIntervals = 64;

    protected static class CustomRenderableLayer extends RenderableLayer implements PreRenderable, Renderable
        public void render(DrawContext dc)
            if (dc.isPickingMode() && !this.isPickEnabled())
            if (!this.isEnabled())


     * Construct a new measure tool drawing events from the specified <code>WorldWindow</code>.
     * @param wwd the <code>WorldWindow</code> to draw events from.
    public MeasureTool(final WorldWindow wwd)
        this(wwd, null);

     * Construct a new measure tool drawing events from the specified <code>WorldWindow</code> and using the given
     * <code>RenderableLayer</code>.
     * @param wwd              the <code>WorldWindow</code> to draw events from.
     * @param applicationLayer the <code>RenderableLayer</code> to use. May be null. If specified, the caller is
     *                         responsible for adding the layer to the model and enabling it.
    public MeasureTool(final WorldWindow wwd, RenderableLayer applicationLayer)
        if (wwd == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.WorldWindow");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        this.wwd = wwd;
        this.applicationLayer = applicationLayer; // can be null

        // Set up layers

        this.layer = createCustomRenderableLayer();
        this.shapeLayer = createCustomRenderableLayer();
        this.controlPointsLayer = createCustomRenderableLayer();

        this.layer.setName("Measure Tool");
        this.layer.addRenderable(this.shapeLayer);          // add shape layer to render layer
        this.layer.addRenderable(this.controlPointsLayer)// add control points layer to render layer
        if (this.applicationLayer != null)
            this.applicationLayer.addRenderable(this.layer);    // add render layer to the application provided layer
            this.wwd.getModel().getLayers().add(this.layer);    // add render layer to the globe model

        // Init control points rendering attributes
        this.controlPointsAttributes = new AnnotationAttributes();
        // Define an 8x8 square centered on the screen point
        this.controlPointsAttributes.setSize(new Dimension(8, 8));
        this.controlPointsAttributes.setDrawOffset(new Point(0, -4));
        this.controlPointsAttributes.setInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
        this.controlPointsAttributes.setBackgroundColor(Color.BLUE);    // Normal color
        this.controlPointsAttributes.setTextColor(Color.GREEN);         // Highlighted color
        this.controlPointsAttributes.setDistanceMaxScale(1);            // No distance scaling

        // Init control point with leader rendering attributes.
        this.controlPointWithLeaderAttributes = new AnnotationAttributes();
        this.controlPointWithLeaderAttributes.setSize(new Dimension(10, 10));
        this.controlPointWithLeaderAttributes.setDrawOffset(new Point(0, -5));

        this.leaderAttributes = new BasicShapeAttributes();

        // Annotation attributes
        this.annotationAttributes = new AnnotationAttributes();
        this.annotationAttributes.setInsets(new Insets(0, 0, 0, 0));
        this.annotationAttributes.setDrawOffset(new Point(0, 10));
        this.annotationAttributes.setSize(new Dimension(220, 0));
        this.annotation = new ScreenAnnotation("", new Point(0, 0), this.annotationAttributes);
        this.annotation.getAttributes().setDrawOffset(null); // use defaults

    protected void setInitialLabels()
        this.setLabel(ACCUMULATED_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(ACCUMULATED_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(ANGLE_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(ANGLE_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(AREA_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(AREA_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(CENTER_LONGITUDE_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(HEADING_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(HEADING_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(HEIGHT_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(HEIGHT_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(LATITUDE_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(LONGITUDE_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(LENGTH_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(LENGTH_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(MAJOR_AXIS_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(MAJOR_AXIS_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(MINOR_AXIS_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(MINOR_AXIS_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(PERIMETER_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(RADIUS_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(RADIUS_LABEL));
        this.setLabel(WIDTH_LABEL, Logging.getMessage(WIDTH_LABEL));

    public WorldWindow getWwd()
        return this.wwd;

     * Return the {@link UnitsFormat} instance governing the measurement value display units and format.
     * @return the tool's units format instance.
    public UnitsFormat getUnitsFormat()
        return this.unitsFormat;

     * Set the measure tool's @{link UnitsFormat} instance that governs measurement value display units and format.
     * @param unitsFormat the units format instance.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the units format instance is null.
    public void setUnitsFormat(UnitsFormat unitsFormat)
        if (unitsFormat == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.Format");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        this.unitsFormat = unitsFormat;

    /** @return Instance of the custom renderable layer to use of our internal layers */
    protected CustomRenderableLayer createCustomRenderableLayer()
        return new CustomRenderableLayer();

     * Set the controller object for this measure tool - can be null.
     * @param controller the controller object for this measure tool.
    public void setController(MeasureToolController controller)
        if (this.controller != null)
            this.controller = null;
        if (controller != null)
            this.controller = controller;

    public void setLabel(String labelName, String label)
        if (labelName != null && labelName.length() > 0)
            this.setValue(labelName, label);

    public String getLabel(String labelName)
        if (labelName == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.LabelName");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        String label = this.getStringValue(labelName);

        return label != null ? label : this.unitsFormat.getStringValue(labelName);

     * Get the <code>MeasureToolController</code> for this measure tool.
     * @return the <code>MeasureToolController</code> for this measure tool.
    public MeasureToolController getController()
        return this.controller;

     * Arms and disarms the measure tool controller. When armed, the controller monitors user input and builds the shape
     * in response to user actions. When disarmed, the controller ignores all user input.
     * @param state true to arm the controller, false to disarm it.
    public void setArmed(boolean state)
        if (this.controller != null)

     * Identifies whether the measure tool controller is armed.
     * @return true if armed, false if not armed.
    public boolean isArmed()
        return this.controller != null && this.controller.isArmed();

     * Returns the measure tool layer.
     * @return the layer containing the measure shape and control points.
    public RenderableLayer getLayer()
        return this.layer;

     * Returns the applilcation layer passed to the constructor.
     * @return the layer containing the measure shape and control points.
    public RenderableLayer getApplicationLayer()
        return applicationLayer;

     * Returns the polyline currently used to display lines and path.
     * @return the polyline currently used to display lines and path.
    public Polyline getLine()
        return this.line;

     * Returns the surface shape currently used to display polygons.
     * @return the surface shape currently used to display polygons.
    public SurfaceShape getSurfaceShape()
        return this.surfaceShape;

     * Get the list of positions that define the current measure shape.
     * @return the list of positions that define the current measure shape.
    public ArrayList<? extends Position> getPositions()
        return this.positions;

     * Set the measure shape to an arbitrary list of positions. If the provided list contains two positions, the measure
     * shape will be set to {@link #SHAPE_LINE}. If more then two positions are provided, the measure shape will be set
     * to {@link #SHAPE_PATH} if the last position differs from the first (open path), or {@link #SHAPE_POLYGON} if the
     * path is closed.
     * @param newPositions the shape position list.
    public void setPositions(ArrayList<? extends Position> newPositions)
        if (newPositions == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PositionsListIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (newPositions.size() < 2)


        // Setup the proper measure shape
        boolean closedShape = newPositions.get(0).equals(newPositions.get(newPositions.size() - 1));
        if (newPositions.size() > 2 && closedShape)

        // Import positions and create control points
        for (int i = 0; i < newPositions.size(); i++)
            Position pos = newPositions.get(i);
            if (i < newPositions.size() - 1 || !closedShape)
                addControlPoint(pos, CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX, this.positions.size() - 1);

        // Update line heading if needed
        if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_LINE))
            this.shapeOrientation = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(this.positions.get(0), this.positions.get(1));

        // Update screen shapes
        this.firePropertyChange(EVENT_POSITION_REPLACE, null, null);

     * Get the list of control points associated with the current measure shape.
     * @return the list of control points associated with the current measure shape.
    public ArrayList<Renderable> getControlPoints()
        return this.controlPoints;

     * Get the attributes associated with the control points.
     * @return the attributes associated with the control points.
    public AnnotationAttributes getControlPointsAttributes()
        return this.controlPointsAttributes;

     * Get the attributes associated with the tool tip annotation.
     * @return the attributes associated with the tool tip annotation.
    public AnnotationAttributes getAnnotationAttributes()
        return this.annotationAttributes;

    public void setLineColor(Color color)
        if (color == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ColorIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        this.lineColor = color;
        if (this.line != null)
        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
            ShapeAttributes attr = this.surfaceShape.getAttributes();
            if (attr == null)
                attr = new BasicShapeAttributes();
            attr.setOutlineMaterial(new Material(color));
            attr.setOutlineOpacity(color.getAlpha() / 255d);

    public Color getLineColor()
        return this.lineColor;

    public void setFillColor(Color color)
        if (color == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ColorIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        this.fillColor = color;
        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
            ShapeAttributes attr = this.surfaceShape.getAttributes();
            if (attr == null)
                attr = new BasicShapeAttributes();
            attr.setInteriorMaterial(new Material(color));
            attr.setInteriorOpacity(color.getAlpha() / 255d);

    public Color getFillColor()
        return this.fillColor;

    public void setLineWidth(double width)
        this.lineWidth = width;
        if (this.line != null)
        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
            ShapeAttributes attr = this.surfaceShape.getAttributes();
            if (attr == null)
                attr = new BasicShapeAttributes();

    public double getLineWidth()
        return this.lineWidth;

    public String getPathType()
        return this.pathType;

    public void setPathType(String type)
        this.pathType = type;
        if (this.line != null)
        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
        if (this.isRegularShape())

    protected static int polylinePathTypeFromKey(String type)
        if (type != null && type == AVKey.GREAT_CIRCLE)
            return Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE;
        else if (type != null && (type == AVKey.RHUMB_LINE || type == AVKey.LOXODROME))
            return Polyline.RHUMB_LINE;
            return Polyline.LINEAR;

    protected static String keyFromPolylinePathType(int type)
        if (type == Polyline.GREAT_CIRCLE)
            return AVKey.GREAT_CIRCLE;
        else if (type == Polyline.RHUMB_LINE)
            return AVKey.RHUMB_LINE;
            return AVKey.LINEAR;

    public boolean isShowControlPoints()
        return this.showControlPoints;

    public void setShowControlPoints(boolean state)
        this.showControlPoints = state;

    public boolean isShowAnnotation()
        return this.showAnnotation;

    public void setShowAnnotation(boolean state)
        this.showAnnotation = state;

    /** Removes all positions from the shape, clear attributes. */
    public void clear()
        while (this.positions.size() > 0 || this.controlPoints.size() > 0)

        this.shapeCenterPosition = null;
        this.shapeOrientation = null;
        this.shapeRectangle = null;

    public boolean isMeasureShape(Object o)
        return o == this.shapeLayer;

     * Get the measure shape type. can be one of {@link #SHAPE_LINE}, {@link #SHAPE_PATH}, {@link #SHAPE_POLYGON},
     * {@link #SHAPE_CIRCLE}, {@link #SHAPE_ELLIPSE}, {@link #SHAPE_SQUARE} or {@link #SHAPE_QUAD}.
     * @return the measure shape type.
    public String getMeasureShapeType()
        return this.measureShapeType;

     * Set the measure shape type. can be one of {@link #SHAPE_LINE}, {@link #SHAPE_PATH}, {@link #SHAPE_POLYGON},
     * {@link #SHAPE_CIRCLE}, {@link #SHAPE_ELLIPSE}, {@link #SHAPE_SQUARE} or {@link #SHAPE_QUAD}. This will reset the
     * measure tool and clear the current measure shape.
     * @param shape the measure shape type.
    public void setMeasureShapeType(String shape)
        if (shape == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ShapeType");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (!this.measureShapeType.equals(shape))
            this.measureShapeType = shape;

     * Set and initialize the measure shape to one of the regular shapes {@link #SHAPE_CIRCLE}, {@link #SHAPE_ELLIPSE},
     * {@link #SHAPE_SQUARE} or {@link #SHAPE_QUAD}.
     * @param shapeType      the shape type.
     * @param centerPosition ther shape center position.
     * @param radius         the shape radius of half width/height.
    public void setMeasureShapeType(String shapeType, Position centerPosition, double radius)
        setMeasureShapeType(shapeType, centerPosition, radius * 2, radius * 2, Angle.ZERO);

     * Set and initialize the measure shape to one of the regular shapes {@link #SHAPE_CIRCLE}, {@link #SHAPE_ELLIPSE},
     * {@link #SHAPE_SQUARE} or {@link #SHAPE_QUAD}.
     * @param shapeType      the shape type.
     * @param centerPosition ther shape center position.
     * @param width          the shape width.
     * @param height         the shape height.
     * @param orientation    the shape orientation or azimuth angle - clockwise from north.
    public void setMeasureShapeType(String shapeType, Position centerPosition, double width, double height,
        Angle orientation)
        if (shapeType == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.ShapeType");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (centerPosition == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PositionIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (orientation == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (isRegularShape(shapeType))
            if ((shapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE) || shapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE)) && width != height)
                width = Math.max(width, height);
                height = Math.max(width, height);
            // Set regular shape properties
            this.measureShapeType = shapeType;
            this.shapeCenterPosition = centerPosition;
            this.shapeRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height);
            this.shapeOrientation = orientation;
            // Create control points for regular shapes
            // Update screen shapes
            this.firePropertyChange(EVENT_POSITION_REPLACE, null, null);

     * Set the measure shape to an existing <code>Polyline</code>.
     * @param line a <code>Polyline</code> instance.
    public void setMeasureShape(Polyline line)
        if (line == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.Shape");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        // Clear and replace current shape
        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
            this.surfaceShape = null;
        if (this.line != null)
        this.line = line;
        // Grab some of the line attributes
        // Update position list and create control points
        int i = 0;
        for (Position pos : line.getPositions())
            addControlPoint(pos, CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX, i++);
        // Set proper measure shape type
        this.measureShapeType = getPathType(this.positions);
        this.firePropertyChange(EVENT_POSITION_REPLACE, null, null);

    protected String getPathType(List<? extends Position> positions)
        return positions.size() > 2 ? SHAPE_PATH : SHAPE_LINE;

     * Set the measure shape to an existing <code>SurfaceShape</code>. Can be one of <code>SurfacePolygon</code>,
     * <code>SurfaceQuad</code>, <code>SurfaceSquare</code>, <code>SurfaceEllipse</code> or <code>SurfaceCircle</code>.
     * @param surfaceShape a <code>SurfaceShape</code> instance.
    public void setMeasureShape(SurfaceShape surfaceShape)
        if (surfaceShape == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.Shape");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);


        // Clear and replace current surface shape
        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
        if (this.line != null)
            this.line = null;
        this.surfaceShape = surfaceShape;

        if (surfaceShape instanceof SurfaceQuad)
            // Set measure shape type
            this.measureShapeType = surfaceShape instanceof SurfaceSquare ? SHAPE_SQUARE : SHAPE_QUAD;
            // Set regular shape properties
            SurfaceQuad shape = ((SurfaceQuad) surfaceShape);
            this.shapeCenterPosition = new Position(shape.getCenter(), 0);
            this.shapeRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, shape.getWidth(), shape.getHeight());
            this.shapeOrientation = shape.getHeading();
            // Create control points for regular shapes
            // Extract positions from shape
        else if (surfaceShape instanceof SurfaceEllipse)
            // Set measure shape type
            this.measureShapeType = surfaceShape instanceof SurfaceCircle ? SHAPE_CIRCLE : SHAPE_ELLIPSE;
            // Set regular shape properties
            SurfaceEllipse shape = ((SurfaceEllipse) surfaceShape);
            this.shapeCenterPosition = new Position(shape.getCenter(), 0);
            this.shapeRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, shape.getMajorRadius() * 2,
                shape.getMinorRadius() * 2);
            this.shapeOrientation = shape.getHeading();
            // Create control points for regular shapes
            // Extract positions from shape
        else // SurfacePolygon, SurfacePolyline, SurfaceSector, or some custom shape
            // Set measure shape type
            this.measureShapeType = SHAPE_POLYGON;
            // Extract positions from shape
            // Create control points for each position except the last that is the same as the first
            for (int i = 0; i < this.positions.size() - 1; i++)
                addControlPoint(this.positions.get(i), CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX, i);

        this.firePropertyChange(EVENT_POSITION_REPLACE, null, null);

    public boolean isRegularShape()
        return isRegularShape(this.measureShapeType);

    protected boolean isRegularShape(String shape)
        return (shape.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE)
            || shape.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE)
            || shape.equals(SHAPE_QUAD)
            || shape.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE));

    public boolean isFollowTerrain()
        return this.followTerrain;

    public void setFollowTerrain(boolean followTerrain)
        this.followTerrain = followTerrain;
        if (this.line != null)

    public boolean isCenterControl(ControlPoint controlPoint)
        String control = controlPoint.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
        return control != null && control.equals(CENTER);

    public boolean isSideControl(ControlPoint controlPoint)
        String control = controlPoint.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
        return control != null && (control.equals(NORTH) || control.equals(EAST)
            || control.equals(SOUTH) || control.equals(WEST));

    public boolean isCornerControl(ControlPoint controlPoint)
        String control = controlPoint.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
        return control != null && (control.equals(NORTHEAST) || control.equals(SOUTHEAST)
            || control.equals(SOUTHWEST) || control.equals(NORTHWEST));

    // *** Metric accessors ***

    public double getLength()
        Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe();

        if (this.line != null)
            return this.line.getLength(globe);

        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
            return this.surfaceShape.getPerimeter(globe);

        return -1;

    public double getArea()
        Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe();

        if (this.surfaceShape != null)
            return this.surfaceShape.getArea(globe, this.followTerrain);

        return -1;

    public double getWidth()
        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            return this.shapeRectangle.width;
        return -1;

    public double getHeight()
        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            return this.shapeRectangle.height;
        return -1;

    public Angle getOrientation()
        return this.shapeOrientation;

    public Position getCenterPosition()
        return this.shapeCenterPosition;

    // *** Editing shapes ***

    /** Add a control point to the current measure shape at the cuurrent WorldWindow position. */
    public void addControlPoint()
        Position curPos = this.wwd.getCurrentPosition();
        if (curPos == null)

        if (this.isRegularShape())
            // Regular shapes are defined in two steps: 1. center, 2. initial corner or edge.
            if (this.shapeCenterPosition == null)
                this.shapeCenterPosition = curPos;
                this.shapeOrientation = this.getShapeInitialHeading();
            else if (this.shapeRectangle == null)
                // Compute shape rectangle and heading, curPos being a corner
                String control = this.getShapeInitialControl(curPos);
                updateShapeProperties(control, curPos, null);
                // Update or create control points
            if (!this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON) || this.positions.size() <= 1)
                // Line, path or polygons with less then two points
                addControlPoint(this.positions.get(this.positions.size() - 1), CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX,
                    this.positions.size() - 1);
                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON) && this.positions.size() == 2)
                    // Once we have two points of a polygon, add an extra position
                    // to loop back to the first position and have a closed shape
                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_LINE) && this.positions.size() > 1)
                    // Two points on a line, update line heading info
                    this.shapeOrientation = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(this.positions.get(0), this.positions.get(1));
                // For polygons with more then 2 points, the last position is the same as the first, so insert before it
                this.positions.add(positions.size() - 1, curPos);
                addControlPoint(this.positions.get(this.positions.size() - 2), CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX,
                    this.positions.size() - 2);
        // Update screen shapes
        this.firePropertyChange(EVENT_POSITION_ADD, null, curPos);

    /** Remove the last control point from the current measure shape. */
    public void removeControlPoint()
        Position currentLastPosition = null;
        if (this.isRegularShape())
            if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
                this.shapeRectangle = null;
                this.shapeOrientation = null;
                // remove all control points except center which is first
                while (this.controlPoints.size() > 1)
            else if (this.shapeCenterPosition != null)
                this.shapeCenterPosition = null;
            if (this.positions.size() == 0)

            if (!this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON) || this.positions.size() == 1)
                currentLastPosition = this.positions.get(this.positions.size() - 1);
                this.positions.remove(this.positions.size() - 1);
                // For polygons with more then 2 points, the last position is the same as the first, so remove before it
                currentLastPosition = this.positions.get(this.positions.size() - 2);
                this.positions.remove(this.positions.size() - 2);
                if (positions.size() == 2)
                    positions.remove(1); // remove last loop position when a polygon shrank to only two (same) positions
            if (this.controlPoints.size() > 0)
                this.controlPoints.remove(this.controlPoints.size() - 1);
        // Update screen shapes
        this.firePropertyChange(EVENT_POSITION_REMOVE, currentLastPosition, null);

     * Update the current measure shape according to a given control point position.
     * @param point one of the shape control points.
    public void moveControlPoint(ControlPoint point)
        moveControlPoint(point, null); // use the default mode.

     * Update the current measure shape according to a given control point position and shape edition mode.
     * @param point one of the shape control points.
     * @param mode  the shape edition mode.
    public void moveControlPoint(ControlPoint point, String mode)
        if (point == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.PointIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (point.getValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE) != null)
            // Update shape properties
            updateShapeProperties((String) point.getValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE), point.getPosition(), mode);
            //positions = makeShapePositions();

        if (point.getValue(CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX) != null)
            int positionIndex = (Integer) point.getValue(CONTROL_TYPE_LOCATION_INDEX);
            // Update positions
            Position surfacePosition = computeSurfacePosition(point.getPosition());
            surfacePosition = new Position(point.getPosition(), surfacePosition.getAltitude());
            positions.set(positionIndex, surfacePosition);
            // Update last pos too if polygon and first pos changed
            if (measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON) && positions.size() > 2 && positionIndex == 0)
                positions.set(positions.size() - 1, surfacePosition);
            // Update heading for simple line
            if (measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_LINE) && positions.size() > 1)
                shapeOrientation = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(positions.get(0), positions.get(1));

        // Update rendered shapes

     * Move the current measure shape along a great circle arc at a given azimuth <code>Angle</code> for a given
     * distance <code>Angle</code>.
     * @param azimuth  the azimuth <code>Angle</code>.
     * @param distance the distance <code>Angle</code>.
    public void moveMeasureShape(Angle azimuth, Angle distance)
        if (distance == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);
        if (azimuth == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.AngleIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (this.isRegularShape())
            // Move regular shape center
            if (controlPoints.size() > 0)
                ControlPoint point = this.getControlPoint(CENTER);
                    new Position(LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(point.getPosition(), azimuth, distance), 0));
            // Move all positions and control points
            for (int i = 0; i < positions.size(); i++)
                Position newPos = computeSurfacePosition(
                    LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(positions.get(i), azimuth, distance));
                positions.set(i, newPos);
                if (!this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON) || i < positions.size() - 1)
                    ((ControlPoint) controlPoints.get(i)).setPosition(new Position(newPos, 0));
            // Update heading for simple line
            if (measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_LINE) && positions.size() > 1)
                shapeOrientation = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(positions.get(0), positions.get(1));
            // Update rendered shapes

    protected Position computeSurfacePosition(LatLon latLon)
        Vec4 surfacePoint = wwd.getSceneController().getTerrain().getSurfacePoint(latLon.getLatitude(),
        if (surfacePoint != null)
            return wwd.getModel().getGlobe().computePositionFromPoint(surfacePoint);
            return new Position(latLon, wwd.getModel().getGlobe().getElevation(latLon.getLatitude(),

    public String getShapeInitialControl(Position position)
        if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
            return EAST;
        else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
            return NORTHEAST;

        return null;

    protected Angle getShapeInitialHeading()
        return this.wwd.getView().getHeading();

    protected void updateShapeProperties(String control, Position newPosition, String mode)
        if (control.equals(CENTER))
            // Update the shape's center position
            this.updateShapeCenter(control, newPosition);
        else if (control.equals(NORTH_LEADER))
            // Update the shape's orientation.
            this.updateShapeOrientation(control, newPosition);
            // Update the shape's center position and dimensions.
            this.updateShapeSize(control, newPosition);

    protected void updateShapeCenter(String control, Position newPosition)
        this.shapeCenterPosition = newPosition;

    protected void updateShapeOrientation(String control, Position newPosition)
        // Compute the control point's azimuth in shape local coordinates.
        Angle controlAzimuth = this.computeControlPointAzimuth(control, this.shapeRectangle.width,

        // Compute the shape's new azimuth as the difference between the great arc azimuth from the shape's
        // center position and the new corner position, and the corner's azimuth in shape local coordinates.
        Angle newShapeAzimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(this.shapeCenterPosition, newPosition);
        newShapeAzimuth = newShapeAzimuth.subtract(controlAzimuth);

        // Set the shape's new orientation.
        this.shapeOrientation = computeNormalizedHeading(newShapeAzimuth);

    protected void updateShapeSize(String control, Position newPosition)
        if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
            // Compute azimuth and arc length which define the great arc spanning the shape's center position and the
            // control point's position.
            Angle refAzimiuth = this.computeControlPointAzimuth(control, 1d, 1d).add(this.shapeOrientation);
            Angle controlAzimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(this.shapeCenterPosition, newPosition);
            Angle controlArcLength = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(this.shapeCenterPosition, newPosition);
            // Compute the arc length in meters of the great arc between the shape's center position and the control
            // point's position.
            Angle diffAngle = refAzimiuth.angularDistanceTo(controlAzimuth);
            double globeRadius = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().getRadiusAt(this.shapeCenterPosition);
            double arcLengthMeters = Math.abs(diffAngle.cos()) * Math.abs(controlArcLength.radians) * globeRadius;

            double widthMeters;
            double heightMeters;

            if (control.equals(EAST) || control.equals(WEST))
                widthMeters = 2d * arcLengthMeters;
                heightMeters = (this.shapeRectangle != null) ? this.shapeRectangle.getHeight() : widthMeters;

                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
                    //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
                    heightMeters = widthMeters;
                // during shape creation
                else if (this.controller != null && this.controller.isActive())
                    heightMeters = 0.6 * widthMeters;
            else // if (control.equals(NORTH) || control.equals(SOUTH))
                heightMeters = 2d * arcLengthMeters;
                widthMeters = (this.shapeRectangle != null) ? this.shapeRectangle.getWidth() : heightMeters;

                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
                    //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination
                    widthMeters = heightMeters;
                // during shape creation
                else if (this.controller != null && this.controller.isActive())
                    widthMeters = 0.6 * heightMeters;

            if (widthMeters <= SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH_METERS)
                widthMeters = SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH_METERS;
            if (heightMeters <= SHAPE_MIN_HEIGHT_METERS)
                heightMeters = SHAPE_MIN_HEIGHT_METERS;

            this.shapeRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0d, 0d, widthMeters, heightMeters);

            // Determine if the dragged control point crossed the shape's horizontal or vertical boundary, causing
            // the shape to "flip". If so, swap the control point with its horizontal or vertical opposite. This
            // ensures that control points have the correct orientation.
            this.swapEdgeControls(control, newPosition);
        else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
            ControlPoint oppositeControlPoint = this.getOppositeControl(control);

            // Compute the corner position diagonal from the current corner position, and compute the azimuth
            // and arc length which define a great arc between the two positions.
            Angle diagonalAzimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(oppositeControlPoint.getPosition(), newPosition);
            Angle diagonalArcLength = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(oppositeControlPoint.getPosition(), newPosition);

            // Compute the shape's center location as the mid point on the great arc between the two diagonal
            // control points.
            LatLon newCenterLocation = LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(oppositeControlPoint.getPosition(),
                diagonalAzimuth, diagonalArcLength.divide(2d));

            // Compute the azimuth and arc length which define a great arc between the new center position and
            // the new corner position.
            Angle controlAzimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(newCenterLocation, newPosition);
            controlAzimuth = this.computeControlPointAzimuthInShapeCoordinates(control, controlAzimuth);
            Angle controlArcLength = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(newCenterLocation, newPosition);
            // Compute the arc length in meters of the great arc between the new center position and the new
            // corner position.
            double globeRadius = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().getRadiusAt(newCenterLocation);
            double arcLengthMeters = controlArcLength.radians * globeRadius;

            // Compute shape's the width and height in meters from the diagonal between the shape's new center
            // position and its new corner position.
            double widthMeters = 2d * arcLengthMeters * Math.abs(controlAzimuth.sin());
            double heightMeters = 2d * arcLengthMeters * Math.abs(controlAzimuth.cos());

            if (widthMeters <= SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH_METERS)
                widthMeters = SHAPE_MIN_WIDTH_METERS;
            if (heightMeters <= SHAPE_MIN_HEIGHT_METERS)
                heightMeters = SHAPE_MIN_HEIGHT_METERS;

            if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
                // Force the square to have equivalent dimensions.
                double sizeMeters = Math.min(widthMeters, heightMeters);
                widthMeters = sizeMeters;
                heightMeters = sizeMeters;

                // Determine if the dragged control point crossed the shape's horizontal or vertical boundary, causing
                // the shape to "flip". If so, swap the control point with its horizontal or vertical opposite. This
                // ensures that control points have the correct orientation. We perform this operation prior to
                // adjusting the square's fixed corner location, because flipping the shape changes which corner we
                // adjust.
                this.swapCornerControls(control, newPosition);

                // Forcing the square to have equivalent width and height causes the opposite control point to move
                // from its current location. Move the square's opposite control point back to its original location
                // so that the square drags from a fixed corner out to the current control point.
                LatLon location = this.moveShapeByControlPoint(oppositeControlPoint, this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe(),
                    this.shapeOrientation, newCenterLocation, widthMeters, heightMeters);
                if (location != null)
                    newCenterLocation = location;

            // Set the shape's new center position and new dimensions.
            this.shapeCenterPosition = new Position(newCenterLocation, 0d);
            this.shapeRectangle = new Rectangle2D.Double(0d, 0d, widthMeters, heightMeters);

            if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD))
                // Determine if the dragged control point crossed the shape's horizontal or vertical boundary, causing
                // the shape to "flip". If so, swap the control point with its horizontal or vertical opposite. This
                // ensures that control points have the correct orientation.
                this.swapCornerControls(control, newPosition);

    public ControlPoint getControlPoint(String control)
        for (Renderable cp : this.controlPoints)
            String value = ((ControlPoint) cp).getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
            if (value != null && value.equals(control))
                return (ControlPoint) cp;
        return null;

    protected String computeCornerControl(Position position)
        if (this.shapeCenterPosition == null || this.shapeOrientation == null)
            return null;

        Angle azimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(this.shapeCenterPosition, position).subtract(this.shapeOrientation);
        azimuth = computeNormalizedHeading(azimuth);

        if (azimuth.degrees < 90)
            return NORTHEAST;
        else if (azimuth.degrees < 180)
            return SOUTHEAST;
        else if (azimuth.degrees < 270)
            return SOUTHWEST;
            return NORTHWEST;

    protected ControlPoint getOppositeControl(String control)
        if (this.controlPoints.size() == 0)
            return null;

        else if (this.controlPoints.size() == 1)
            return getControlPoint(CENTER);
        else if (control.equals(NORTH))
            return getControlPoint(SOUTH);
        else if (control.equals(EAST))
            return getControlPoint(WEST);
        else if (control.equals(SOUTH))
            return getControlPoint(NORTH);
        else if (control.equals(WEST))
            return getControlPoint(EAST);
        else if (control.equals(NORTHEAST))
            return getControlPoint(SOUTHWEST);
        else if (control.equals(SOUTHEAST))
            return getControlPoint(NORTHWEST);
        else if (control.equals(SOUTHWEST))
            return getControlPoint(NORTHEAST);
        else if (control.equals(NORTHWEST))
            return getControlPoint(SOUTHEAST);
        return null;

    protected LatLon moveShapeByControlPoint(ControlPoint controlPoint, Globe globe, Angle heading, LatLon center,
        double width, double height)
        double globeRadius = globe.getRadiusAt(center);

        String control = controlPoint.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
        if (control == null)
            return center;

        LatLon newCenterLocation = center;

        // Iteratively move a location on the shape defined by heading, center, width, and height to the specified
        // control point's location. Because shapes are defined by an azimuth, center point, and real world dimensions,
        // we cannot assume that moving the shape's center point moves any of its corners or edges by exactly that
        // amount. However, the center and corners should move in a roughly similar manner, so we can iteratively move
        // a corner until it converges at the desired location.
        for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SHAPE_MOVE_ITERATIONS; i++)
            // Compute the control point's corresponding location on the shape.
            LatLon shapeControlLocation = this.computeControlPointLocation(control, globe, heading, newCenterLocation,
                width, height);
            // Compute a great arc spanning the control point's location, and its corresponding location on the shape.
            Angle azimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(shapeControlLocation, controlPoint.getPosition());
            Angle pathLength = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(shapeControlLocation, controlPoint.getPosition());

            // If the great circle distance between the control point's location and its corresponding location on the
            // shape is less than a predefined value, then we're done.
            double pathLengthMeters = pathLength.radians * globeRadius;
            if (pathLengthMeters < SHAPE_CONTROL_EPSILON_METERS)

            // Move the center to a new location on the great arc starting at the current center location, and with
            // azimuth and arc length equal to the arc spanning the corner location and the control point's location.
            newCenterLocation = LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(newCenterLocation, azimuth, pathLength);

        return newCenterLocation;

    protected void swapEdgeControls(String control, Position position)
        if (this.controlPoints.size() < 2)

        if (this.shapeCenterPosition == null || this.shapeOrientation == null)

        Angle azimuth = LatLon.greatCircleAzimuth(this.shapeCenterPosition, position).subtract(this.shapeOrientation);
        azimuth = computeNormalizedHeading(azimuth);

        if ((control.equals(NORTH) && azimuth.degrees < 270 && azimuth.degrees > 90) ||
            (control.equals(SOUTH) && (azimuth.degrees > 270 || azimuth.degrees < 90)))
            for (Renderable r : this.controlPoints)
                ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint) r;
                String c = cp.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
                if (c == null)

                if (c.equals(NORTH))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTH);
                else if (c.equals(SOUTH))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTH);

        if ((control.equals(EAST) && (azimuth.degrees < 360 && azimuth.degrees > 180)) ||
            (control.equals(WEST) && (azimuth.degrees < 180 && azimuth.degrees > 0)))
            for (Renderable r : this.controlPoints)
                ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint) r;
                String c = cp.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
                if (c == null)

                if (c.equals(EAST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, WEST);
                else if (c.equals(WEST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, EAST);

    protected void swapCornerControls(String control, Position position)
        if (this.controlPoints.size() < 2)

        String newControl = this.computeCornerControl(position);
        if (control.equals(newControl))
            return// no need to swap

        // For corner controls NE, SE, SW, NW
        if (control.length() != 2 || newControl.length() != 2)

        if (control.charAt(0) != newControl.charAt(0))
            for (Renderable r : this.controlPoints)
                ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint) r;
                String c = cp.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
                if (c == null)

                if (c.equals(NORTHEAST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTHEAST);
                else if (c.equals(SOUTHEAST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTHEAST);
                else if (c.equals(SOUTHWEST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTHWEST);
                else if (c.equals(NORTHWEST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTHWEST);
        if (control.charAt(1) != newControl.charAt(1))
            for (Renderable r : this.controlPoints)
                ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint) r;
                String c = cp.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
                if (c == null)

                if (c.equals(NORTHEAST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTHWEST);
                else if (c.equals(SOUTHEAST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTHWEST);
                else if (c.equals(SOUTHWEST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTHEAST);
                else if (c.equals(NORTHWEST))
                    cp.setValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTHEAST);

    protected LatLon computeControlPointLocation(String control, Globe globe, Angle heading, LatLon center,
        double width, double height)
        Angle azimuth = this.computeControlPointAzimuth(control, width, height);
        Angle pathLength = this.computeControlPointPathLength(control, width, height, globe.getRadiusAt(center));

        if (control.equals(CENTER))
            return center;
        else if (azimuth != null && pathLength != null)
            azimuth = azimuth.add(heading);
            return LatLon.greatCircleEndPosition(center, azimuth, pathLength);

        return null;

    protected LatLon computeQuadEdgeMidpointLocation(String control, Globe globe, Angle heading, LatLon center,
        double width, double height)
        LatLon ne = this.computeControlPointLocation(NORTHEAST, globe, heading, center, width, height);
        LatLon se = this.computeControlPointLocation(SOUTHEAST, globe, heading, center, width, height);
        LatLon sw = this.computeControlPointLocation(SOUTHWEST, globe, heading, center, width, height);
        LatLon nw = this.computeControlPointLocation(NORTHWEST, globe, heading, center, width, height);

        if (control.equals(NORTH))
            return LatLon.interpolate(this.pathType, 0.5, nw, ne);
        else if (control.equals(EAST))
            return LatLon.interpolate(this.pathType, 0.5, ne, se);
        else if (control.equals(SOUTH))
            return LatLon.interpolate(this.pathType, 0.5, sw, se);
        else if (control.equals(WEST))
            return LatLon.interpolate(this.pathType, 0.5, sw, nw);

        return null;

    protected Angle computeControlPointAzimuth(String control, double width, double height)
        Angle azimuth = null;

        if (control.equals(NORTH))
            azimuth = Angle.ZERO;
        else if (control.equals(EAST))
            azimuth = Angle.POS90;
        else if (control.equals(SOUTH))
            azimuth = Angle.POS180;
        else if (control.equals(WEST))
            azimuth = Angle.fromDegrees(270);
        else if (control.equals(NORTHEAST))
            azimuth = Angle.fromRadians(Math.atan2(width, height));
        else if (control.equals(SOUTHEAST))
            azimuth = Angle.fromRadians(Math.atan2(width, -height));
        else if (control.equals(SOUTHWEST))
            azimuth = Angle.fromRadians(Math.atan2(-width, -height));
        else if (control.equals(NORTHWEST))
            azimuth = Angle.fromRadians(Math.atan2(-width, height));
        else if (control.equals(NORTH_LEADER))
            azimuth = Angle.ZERO;

        return azimuth != null ? computeNormalizedHeading(azimuth) : null;

    protected Angle computeControlPointAzimuthInShapeCoordinates(String control, Angle azimuth)
        if (control.equals(NORTHEAST))
            return azimuth.subtract(this.shapeOrientation);
        else if (control.equals(SOUTHEAST))
            return this.shapeOrientation.addDegrees(180).subtract(azimuth);
        else if (control.equals(SOUTHWEST))
            return azimuth.subtract(this.shapeOrientation.addDegrees(180));
        else if (control.equals(NORTHWEST))
            return this.shapeOrientation.subtract(azimuth);

        return null;

    protected Angle computeControlPointPathLength(String control, double width, double height, double globeRadius)
        Angle pathLength = null;

        if (control.equals(NORTH) || control.equals(SOUTH))
            pathLength = Angle.fromRadians((height / 2d) / globeRadius);
        else if (control.equals(EAST) || control.equals(WEST))
            pathLength = Angle.fromRadians((width / 2d) / globeRadius);
        else if (control.equals(NORTHEAST) || control.equals(SOUTHEAST) || control.equals(SOUTHWEST) ||
            double diag = Math.sqrt((width * width) / 4d + (height * height) / 4d);
            pathLength = Angle.fromRadians(diag / globeRadius);
        else if (control.equals(NORTH_LEADER))
            pathLength = Angle.fromRadians(3d / 4d * height / globeRadius);

        return pathLength;

    protected static Angle computeNormalizedHeading(Angle heading)
        double a = heading.degrees % 360;
        double degrees = a > 360 ? a - 360 : a < 0 ? 360 + a : a;
        return Angle.fromDegrees(degrees);

    protected void updateShapeControlPoints()
        if (this.shapeCenterPosition != null)
            // Set center control point
            if (this.controlPoints.size() < 1)
                addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, CENTER);

            // Update center control point position
            ((ControlPoint) this.controlPoints.get(0)).setPosition(new Position(this.shapeCenterPosition, 0));

        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            if (this.controlPoints.size() < 5)
                // Add control points in four directions - CW from north
                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTH);
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, EAST);
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTH);
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, WEST);
                // Add control points at four corners - CW from north
                else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTHEAST);
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTHEAST);
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, SOUTHWEST);
                    this.addControlPoint(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTHWEST);

                // Add a control point with a leader to the top of the shape.
                this.addControlPointWithLeader(Position.ZERO, CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE, NORTH_LEADER,

            Globe globe = this.getWwd().getModel().getGlobe();

            // Update control points positions
            for (Renderable r : this.controlPoints)
                ControlPoint cp = (ControlPoint) r;

                String control = cp.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_REGULAR_SHAPE);
                if (control == null)

                LatLon controlLocation = this.computeControlPointLocation(control, globe, this.shapeOrientation,
                    this.shapeCenterPosition, this.shapeRectangle.getWidth(), this.shapeRectangle.getHeight());
                if (controlLocation == null)

                cp.setPosition(new Position(controlLocation, 0d));

                if (cp instanceof ControlPointWithLeader)
                    this.updateControlPointWithLeader((ControlPointWithLeader) cp, controlLocation);

    protected void updateControlPointWithLeader(ControlPointWithLeader cp, LatLon controlLocation)
        Globe globe = this.getWwd().getModel().getGlobe();

        String leaderControl = cp.getStringValue(CONTROL_TYPE_LEADER_ORIGIN);
        if (leaderControl == null)

        LatLon leaderBegin;

        if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
            leaderBegin = this.computeQuadEdgeMidpointLocation(leaderControl, globe,
                this.shapeOrientation, this.shapeCenterPosition, this.shapeRectangle.getWidth(),
            leaderBegin = this.computeControlPointLocation(leaderControl, globe,
                this.shapeOrientation, this.shapeCenterPosition, this.shapeRectangle.getWidth(),

        if (leaderBegin == null)

        cp.setLeaderLocations(leaderBegin, controlLocation);

    protected void updateMeasureShape()
        // Update line
        if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_LINE) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_PATH))
            if (this.positions.size() > 1 && this.line == null)
                // Init polyline
                this.line = new Polyline();
                //this.line.setNumSubsegments(this.followTerrain ? 10 : 1);
            if (this.positions.size() < 2 && this.line != null)
                // Remove line if less then 2 positions
                this.line = null;
            // Update current line
            if (this.positions.size() > 1 && this.line != null)

            if (this.surfaceShape != null)
                // Remove surface shape if necessary
                this.surfaceShape = null;
        // Update polygon
        else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON))
            if (this.positions.size() >= 4 && this.surfaceShape == null)
                // Init surface shape
                this.surfaceShape = new SurfacePolygon(this.positions);
                ShapeAttributes attr = new BasicShapeAttributes();
                attr.setInteriorMaterial(new Material(this.getFillColor()));
                attr.setInteriorOpacity(this.getFillColor().getAlpha() / 255d);
                attr.setOutlineMaterial(new Material(this.getLineColor()));
                attr.setOutlineOpacity(this.getLineColor().getAlpha() / 255d);
            if (this.positions.size() <= 3 && this.surfaceShape != null)
                // Remove surface shape if only three positions or less - last is same as first
                this.surfaceShape = null;
            if (this.surfaceShape != null)
                // Update current shape
                ((SurfacePolygon) this.surfaceShape).setLocations(this.positions);
            // Remove line if necessary
            if (this.line != null)
                this.line = null;
        // Update regular shape
        else if (this.isRegularShape())
            if (this.shapeCenterPosition != null && this.shapeRectangle != null && this.surfaceShape == null)
                // Init surface shape
                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD))
                    this.surfaceShape = new SurfaceQuad(this.shapeCenterPosition,
                        this.shapeRectangle.width, this.shapeRectangle.height, this.shapeOrientation);
                else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
                    this.surfaceShape = new SurfaceSquare(this.shapeCenterPosition,
                else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE))
                    this.surfaceShape = new SurfaceEllipse(this.shapeCenterPosition,
                        this.shapeRectangle.width / 2, this.shapeRectangle.height / 2, this.shapeOrientation,
                else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
                    this.surfaceShape = new SurfaceCircle(this.shapeCenterPosition,
                        this.shapeRectangle.width / 2, this.shapeIntervals);

                ShapeAttributes attr = new BasicShapeAttributes();
                attr.setInteriorMaterial(new Material(this.getFillColor()));
                attr.setInteriorOpacity(this.getFillColor().getAlpha() / 255d);
                attr.setOutlineMaterial(new Material(this.getLineColor()));
                attr.setOutlineOpacity(this.getLineColor().getAlpha() / 255d);
            if (this.shapeRectangle == null && this.surfaceShape != null)
                // Remove surface shape if not defined
                this.surfaceShape = null;
            if (this.surfaceShape != null)
                // Update current shape
                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE))
                    ((SurfaceQuad) this.surfaceShape).setCenter(this.shapeCenterPosition);
                    ((SurfaceQuad) this.surfaceShape).setSize(this.shapeRectangle.width, this.shapeRectangle.height);
                    ((SurfaceQuad) this.surfaceShape).setHeading(this.shapeOrientation);
                if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE))
                    ((SurfaceEllipse) this.surfaceShape).setCenter(this.shapeCenterPosition);
                    ((SurfaceEllipse) this.surfaceShape).setRadii(this.shapeRectangle.width / 2,
                        this.shapeRectangle.height / 2);
                    ((SurfaceEllipse) this.surfaceShape).setHeading(this.shapeOrientation);
                // Update position from shape list with zero elevation
            // Remove line if necessary
            if (this.line != null)
                this.line = null;

    protected void updatePositionsFromShape()
        Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe();


        Iterable<? extends LatLon> locations = this.surfaceShape.getLocations(globe);
        if (locations != null)
            for (LatLon latLon : locations)
                this.positions.add(new Position(latLon, 0));

    public void dispose()
        if (this.applicationLayer != null)
//        this.controlPointsLayer.removeAllRenderables(); // TODO: why commented out? Are annotations being disposed?

    // *** Control points ***

    public static class ControlPoint extends GlobeAnnotation
        MeasureTool parent;

        public ControlPoint(Position position, AnnotationAttributes attributes, MeasureTool parent)
            super("", position, attributes);
            this.parent = parent;

        public MeasureTool getParent()
            return this.parent;

    protected static class ControlPointWithLeader extends ControlPoint implements PreRenderable
        protected SurfacePolyline leaderLine;

        public ControlPointWithLeader(Position position, AnnotationAttributes controlPointAttributes,
            ShapeAttributes leaderAttributes, MeasureTool parent)
            super(position, controlPointAttributes, parent);

            this.leaderLine = new SurfacePolyline(leaderAttributes);

        public void preRender(DrawContext dc)
            if (dc == null)
                String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

            if (this.leaderLine != null)

        public void render(DrawContext dc)
            if (dc == null)
                String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.DrawContextIsNull");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

            if (this.leaderLine != null)


        public void setLeaderLocations(LatLon begin, LatLon end)
            if (begin == null)
                String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.BeginIsNull");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

            if (end == null)
                String message = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.EndIsNull");
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(message);

            this.leaderLine.setLocations(Arrays.asList(begin, end));

    protected void addControlPoint(Position position, String key, Object value)
        ControlPoint controlPoint = new ControlPoint(new Position(position, 0), this.controlPointsAttributes, this);
        controlPoint.setValue(key, value);

    protected void addControlPointWithLeader(Position position, String controlKey, Object control, String leaderKey,
        Object leader)
        ControlPointWithLeader controlPoint = new ControlPointWithLeader(new Position(position, 0),
            this.controlPointWithLeaderAttributes, this.leaderAttributes, this);
        controlPoint.setValue(controlKey, control);
        controlPoint.setValue(leaderKey, leader);

    protected void doAddControlPoint(ControlPoint controlPoint)

    public void updateAnnotation(Position pos)
        if (pos == null)

        String displayString = this.getDisplayString(pos);

        if (displayString == null)


        Vec4 screenPoint = this.computeAnnotationPosition(pos);
        if (screenPoint != null)
            this.annotation.setScreenPoint(new Point((int) screenPoint.x, (int) screenPoint.y));


    protected String getDisplayString(Position pos)
        String displayString = null;

        if (pos != null)
            if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_CIRCLE) && this.shapeRectangle != null)
                displayString = this.formatCircleMeasurements(pos);
            else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_SQUARE) && this.shapeRectangle != null)
                displayString = this.formatSquareMeasurements(pos);
            else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_QUAD) && this.shapeRectangle != null)
                displayString = this.formatQuadMeasurements(pos);
            else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_ELLIPSE) && this.shapeRectangle != null)
                displayString = this.formatEllipseMeasurements(pos);
            else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_LINE) || this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_PATH))
                displayString = this.formatLineMeasurements(pos);
            else if (this.measureShapeType.equals(SHAPE_POLYGON))
                displayString = this.formatPolygonMeasurements(pos);

        return displayString;

    protected Vec4 computeAnnotationPosition(Position pos)
        Vec4 surfacePoint = this.wwd.getSceneController().getTerrain().getSurfacePoint(
            pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude());
        if (surfacePoint == null)
            Globe globe = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe();
            surfacePoint = globe.computePointFromPosition(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude(),
                globe.getElevation(pos.getLatitude(), pos.getLongitude()));

        return this.wwd.getView().project(surfacePoint);

    protected String formatCircleMeasurements(Position pos)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.areaNL(this.getLabel(AREA_LABEL), this.getArea()));
        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL), this.getLength()));

        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(RADIUS_LABEL), this.shapeRectangle.width / 2d));

        if (this.getCenterPosition() != null && areLocationsRedundant(this.getCenterPosition(), pos))
                this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL), this.getCenterPosition().getLatitude()));

        if (!this.areLocationsRedundant(pos, this.getCenterPosition()))
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude()));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude()));

        return sb.toString();

    protected String formatEllipseMeasurements(Position pos)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.areaNL(this.getLabel(AREA_LABEL), this.getArea()));
        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL), this.getLength()));

        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(MAJOR_AXIS_LABEL), this.shapeRectangle.width));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(MINOR_AXIS_LABEL), this.shapeRectangle.height));

        if (this.getOrientation() != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(HEADING_LABEL), this.getOrientation()));

        if (this.getCenterPosition() != null && areLocationsRedundant(this.getCenterPosition(), pos))
                this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL), this.getCenterPosition().getLatitude()));

        if (!this.areLocationsRedundant(pos, this.getCenterPosition()))
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude()));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude()));

        return sb.toString();

    protected String formatSquareMeasurements(Position pos)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.areaNL(this.getLabel(AREA_LABEL), this.getArea()));
        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL), this.getLength()));

        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(WIDTH_LABEL), this.shapeRectangle.width));

        if (this.getOrientation() != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(HEADING_LABEL), this.getOrientation()));

        if (this.getCenterPosition() != null && areLocationsRedundant(this.getCenterPosition(), pos))
                this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL), this.getCenterPosition().getLatitude()));

        if (!this.areLocationsRedundant(pos, this.getCenterPosition()))
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude()));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude()));

        return sb.toString();

    protected String formatQuadMeasurements(Position pos)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.areaNL(this.getLabel(AREA_LABEL), this.getArea()));
        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL), this.getLength()));

        if (this.shapeRectangle != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(WIDTH_LABEL), this.shapeRectangle.width));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(HEIGHT_LABEL), this.shapeRectangle.height));

        if (this.getOrientation() != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(HEADING_LABEL), this.getOrientation()));

        if (this.getCenterPosition() != null && areLocationsRedundant(this.getCenterPosition(), pos))
                this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL), this.getCenterPosition().getLatitude()));

        if (!this.areLocationsRedundant(pos, this.getCenterPosition()))
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude()));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude()));

        return sb.toString();

    protected String formatPolygonMeasurements(Position pos)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.areaNL(this.getLabel(AREA_LABEL), this.getArea()));
        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(PERIMETER_LABEL), this.getLength()));

        if (this.getCenterPosition() != null && areLocationsRedundant(this.getCenterPosition(), pos))
                this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(CENTER_LATITUDE_LABEL), this.getCenterPosition().getLatitude()));

        if (!this.areLocationsRedundant(pos, this.getCenterPosition()))
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude()));
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude()));

        return sb.toString();

    protected String formatLineMeasurements(Position pos)
        // TODO: Compute the heading of individual path segments
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(LENGTH_LABEL), this.getLength()));

        Double accumLength = this.computeAccumulatedLength(pos);
        if (accumLength != null && accumLength >= 1 && !lengthsEssentiallyEqual(this.getLength(), accumLength))
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.lengthNL(this.getLabel(ACCUMULATED_LABEL), accumLength));

        if (this.getOrientation() != null)
            sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(HEADING_LABEL), this.getOrientation()));

        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LATITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLatitude()));
        sb.append(this.unitsFormat.angleNL(this.getLabel(LONGITUDE_LABEL), pos.getLongitude()));

        return sb.toString();

    protected Double computeAccumulatedLength(LatLon pos)
        if (this.positions.size() <= 2)
            return null;

        double radius = this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().getRadius();
        double distanceFromStart = 0;
        int segmentIndex = 0;
        LatLon pos1 = this.positions.get(segmentIndex);
        for (int i = 1; i < this.positions.size(); i++)
            LatLon pos2 = this.positions.get(i);
            double segmentLength = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(pos1, pos2).radians * radius;

            // Check whether the position is inside the segment
            double length1 = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(pos1, pos).radians * radius;
            double length2 = LatLon.greatCircleDistance(pos2, pos).radians * radius;
            if (length1 <= segmentLength && length2 <= segmentLength)
                // Compute portion of segment length
                distanceFromStart += length1 / (length1 + length2) * segmentLength;
                distanceFromStart += segmentLength;
            pos1 = pos2;

        double gcPathLength = this.computePathLength();

        return distanceFromStart < gcPathLength ? this.getLength() * (distanceFromStart / gcPathLength) : null;

    protected double computePathLength()
        double pathLengthRadians = 0;

        LatLon pos1 = null;
        for (LatLon pos2 : this.positions)
            if (pos1 != null)
                pathLengthRadians += LatLon.greatCircleDistance(pos1, pos2).radians;
            pos1 = pos2;

        return pathLengthRadians * this.wwd.getModel().getGlobe().getRadius();

    protected Angle computeAngleBetween(LatLon a, LatLon b, LatLon c)
        Vec4 v0 = new Vec4(
            b.getLatitude().radians - a.getLatitude().radians,
            b.getLongitude().radians - a.getLongitude().radians, 0);

        Vec4 v1 = new Vec4(
            c.getLatitude().radians - b.getLatitude().radians,
            c.getLongitude().radians - b.getLongitude().radians, 0);

        return v0.angleBetween3(v1);

    protected boolean lengthsEssentiallyEqual(Double l1, Double l2)
        return Math.abs(l1 - l2) / l1 < 0.001; // equal to within a milimeter

    protected boolean areLocationsRedundant(LatLon locA, LatLon locB)
        if (locA == null || locB == null)
            return false;

        String aLat = this.unitsFormat.angleNL("", locA.getLatitude());
        String bLat = this.unitsFormat.angleNL("", locB.getLatitude());

        if (!aLat.equals(bLat))
            return false;

        String aLon = this.unitsFormat.angleNL("", locA.getLongitude());
        String bLon = this.unitsFormat.angleNL("", locB.getLongitude());

        return aLon.equals(bLon);

Related Classes of gov.nasa.worldwind.util.measure.MeasureTool

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