Package gov.nasa.worldwind.layers

Source Code of gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.RenderableLayer

* Copyright (C) 2012 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
* National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
* All Rights Reserved.
package gov.nasa.worldwind.layers;

import gov.nasa.worldwind.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.event.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.pick.PickSupport;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.render.*;
import gov.nasa.worldwind.util.Logging;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

* The <code>RenderableLayer</code> class manages a collection of {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable} objects
* for rendering, picking, and disposal.
* @author tag
* @version $Id: 1171 2013-02-11 21:45:02Z dcollins $
* @see gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable
public class RenderableLayer extends AbstractLayer
    protected Collection<Renderable> renderables = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<Renderable>();
    protected Iterable<Renderable> renderablesOverride;
    protected PickSupport pickSupport = new PickSupport();

    /** Creates a new <code>RenderableLayer</code> with a null <code>delegateOwner</code> */
    public RenderableLayer()

     * Adds the specified <code>renderable</code> to this layer's internal collection. If this layer's internal
     * collection has been overridden with a call to {@link #setRenderables(Iterable)}, this will throw an exception.
     * <p/>
     * If the <code>renderable</code> implements {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList}, the layer forwards its
     * property change events to the layer's property change listeners. Any property change listeners the layer attaches
     * to the <code>renderable</code> are removed in {@link #removeRenderable(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable)},
     * {@link #removeAllRenderables()}, or {@link #dispose()}.
     * @param renderable Renderable to add.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>renderable</code> is null.
     * @throws IllegalStateException    If a custom Iterable has been specified by a call to <code>setRenderables</code>.
    public void addRenderable(Renderable renderable)
        if (renderable == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.RenderableIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.LayerIsUsingCustomIterable");
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);


        // Attach the layer as a property change listener of the renderable. This forwards property change events from
        // the renderable to the SceneController.
        if (renderable instanceof AVList)
            ((AVList) renderable).addPropertyChangeListener(this);

     * Adds the contents of the specified <code>renderables</code> to this layer's internal collection. If this layer's
     * internal collection has been overriden with a call to {@link #setRenderables(Iterable)}, this will throw an
     * exception.
     * <p/>
     * If any of the <code>renderables</code> implement {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList}, the layer forwards
     * their property change events to the layer's property change listeners. Any property change listeners the layer
     * attaches to the <code>renderable</code> are removed in {@link #removeRenderable(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable)},
     * {@link #removeAllRenderables()}, or {@link #dispose()}.
     * @param renderables Renderables to add.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>renderables</code> is null.
     * @throws IllegalStateException    If a custom Iterable has been specified by a call to <code>setRenderables</code>.
    public void addRenderables(Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables)
        if (renderables == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.IterableIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.LayerIsUsingCustomIterable");
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);

        for (Renderable renderable : renderables)
            // Internal list of renderables does not accept null values.
            if (renderable != null)

            // Attach the layer as a property change listener of the renderable. This forwards property change events
            // from the renderable to the SceneController.
            if (renderable instanceof AVList)
                ((AVList) renderable).addPropertyChangeListener(this);

     * Removes the specified <code>renderable</code> from this layer's internal collection, if it exists. If this
     * layer's internal collection has been overridden with a call to {@link #setRenderables(Iterable)}, this will throw
     * an exception.
     * <p/>
     * If the <code>renderable</code> implements {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList}, this stops forwarding the its
     * property change events to the layer's property change listeners. Any property change listeners the layer attached
     * to the <code>renderable</code> in {@link #addRenderable(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable)} or {@link
     * #addRenderables(Iterable)} are removed.
     * @param renderable Renderable to remove.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException If <code>renderable</code> is null.
     * @throws IllegalStateException    If a custom Iterable has been specified by a call to <code>setRenderables</code>.
    public void removeRenderable(Renderable renderable)
        if (renderable == null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("nullValue.RenderableIsNull");
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.LayerIsUsingCustomIterable");
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);


        // Remove the layer as a property change listener of the renderable. This prevents the renderable from keeping a
        // dangling reference to the layer.
        if (renderable instanceof AVList)
            ((AVList) renderable).removePropertyChangeListener(this);

     * Clears the contents of this layer's internal Renderable collection. If this layer's internal collection has been
     * overriden with a call to {@link #setRenderables(Iterable)}, this will throw an exception.
     * <p/>
     * If any of the <code>renderables</code> implement {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList}, this stops forwarding
     * their property change events to the layer's property change listeners. Any property change listeners the layer
     * attached to the <code>renderables</code> in {@link #addRenderable(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable)} or
     * {@link #addRenderables(Iterable)} are removed.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If a custom Iterable has been specified by a call to <code>setRenderables</code>.
    public void removeAllRenderables()
        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.LayerIsUsingCustomIterable");
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);


    protected void clearRenderables()
        if (this.renderables != null && this.renderables.size() > 0)
            // Remove the layer as property change listener of any renderables. This prevents the renderables from
            // keeping a dangling references to the layer.
            for (Renderable renderable : this.renderables)
                if (renderable instanceof AVList)
                    ((AVList) renderable).removePropertyChangeListener(this);


    public int getNumRenderables()
        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            int size = 0;
            //noinspection UnusedDeclaration
            for (Renderable r : this.renderablesOverride)

            return size;
            return this.renderables.size();

     * Returns the Iterable of Renderables currently in use by this layer. If the caller has specified a custom Iterable
     * via {@link #setRenderables(Iterable)}, this will returns a reference to that Iterable. If the caller passed
     * <code>setRenderables</code> a null parameter, or if <code>setRenderables</code> has not been called, this returns
     * a view of this layer's internal collection of Renderables.
     * @return Iterable of currently active Renderables.
    public Iterable<Renderable> getRenderables()
        return this.getActiveRenderables();

     * Returns the Iterable of currently active Renderables. If the caller has specified a custom Iterable via {@link
     * #setRenderables(Iterable)}, this will returns a reference to that Iterable. If the caller passed
     * <code>setRenderables</code> a null parameter, or if <code>setRenderables</code> has not been called, this returns
     * a view of this layer's internal collection of Renderables.
     * @return Iterable of currently active Renderables.
    protected Iterable<Renderable> getActiveRenderables()
        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            return this.renderablesOverride;
            // Return an unmodifiable reference to the internal list of renderables.
            // This prevents callers from changing this list and invalidating any invariants we have established.
            return java.util.Collections.unmodifiableCollection(this.renderables);

     * Overrides the collection of currently active Renderables with the specified <code>renderableIterable</code>. This
     * layer will maintain a reference to <code>renderableIterable</code> strictly for picking and rendering. This layer
     * will not modify the reference, or dispose of its contents. This will also clear and dispose of the internal
     * collection of Renderables, and will prevent any modification to its contents via <code>addRenderable,
     * addRenderables, removeRenderables, or dispose</code>.
     * <p/>
     * Unlike {@link #addRenderable(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable)} or {@link #addRenderables(Iterable)}, this
     * does not forward any of the renderable's property change events to the layer's property change listeners. Since
     * the layer is not in control of the iIterable's contents, attaching property change listeners to the renderables
     * could cause the them to hold dangling references to the layer. If any of the renderables in the Iterable rely on
     * forwarding property change events for proper operation - such as {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.render.AbstractBrowserBalloon}
     * - use {@link #addRenderables(Iterable)} instead.
     * <p/>
     * If the specified <code>renderableIterable</code> is null, this layer reverts to maintaining its internal
     * collection.
     * @param renderableIterable Iterable to use instead of this layer's internal collection, or null to use this
     *                           layer's internal collection.
    public void setRenderables(Iterable<Renderable> renderableIterable)
        this.renderablesOverride = renderableIterable;
        // Dispose of the internal collection of Renderables.
        // Clear the internal collection of Renderables.

     * Opacity is not applied to layers of this type because each renderable typically has its own opacity control.
     * @param opacity the current opacity value, which is ignored by this layer.
    public void setOpacity(double opacity)

     * Returns the layer's opacity value, which is ignored by this layer because each of its renderables typiically has
     * its own opacity control.
     * @return The layer opacity, a value between 0 and 1.
    public double getOpacity()
        return super.getOpacity();

     * Disposes the contents of this layer's internal Renderable collection, but does not remove any elements from that
     * collection.
     * <p/>
     * If any of layer's internal Renderables implement {@link gov.nasa.worldwind.avlist.AVList}, this stops forwarding
     * their property change events to the layer's property change listeners. Any property change listeners the layer
     * attached to the <code>renderables</code> in {@link #addRenderable(gov.nasa.worldwind.render.Renderable)} or
     * {@link #addRenderables(Iterable)} are removed.
     * @throws IllegalStateException If a custom Iterable has been specified by a call to <code>setRenderables</code>.
    public void dispose()
        if (this.renderablesOverride != null)
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.LayerIsUsingCustomIterable");
            throw new IllegalStateException(msg);


    protected void disposeRenderables()
        if (this.renderables != null && this.renderables.size() > 0)
            for (Renderable renderable : this.renderables)
                    // Remove the layer as a property change listener of the renderable. This prevents the renderable
                    // from keeping a dangling reference to the layer.
                    if (renderable instanceof AVList)
                        ((AVList) renderable).removePropertyChangeListener(this);

                    if (renderable instanceof Disposable)
                        ((Disposable) renderable).dispose();
                catch (Exception e)
                    String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionAttemptingToDisposeRenderable");
                    // continue to next renderable


    protected void doPreRender(DrawContext dc)
        this.doPreRender(dc, this.getActiveRenderables());

    protected void doPick(DrawContext dc, java.awt.Point pickPoint)
        this.doPick(dc, this.getActiveRenderables(), pickPoint);

    protected void doRender(DrawContext dc)
        this.doRender(dc, this.getActiveRenderables());

    protected void doPreRender(DrawContext dc, Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables)
        for (Renderable renderable : renderables)
                // If the caller has specified their own Iterable,
                // then we cannot make any guarantees about its contents.
                if (renderable != null && renderable instanceof PreRenderable)
                    ((PreRenderable) renderable).preRender(dc);
            catch (Exception e)
                String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionWhilePrerenderingRenderable");
                // continue to next renderable

    protected void doPick(DrawContext dc, Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables, java.awt.Point pickPoint)
        GL2 gl = dc.getGL().getGL2(); // GL initialization checks for GL2 compatibility.

            for (Renderable renderable : renderables)
                // If the caller has specified their own Iterable,
                // then we cannot make any guarantees about its contents.
                if (renderable != null)
//                    float[] inColor = new float[4];
//                    gl.glGetFloatv(GL.GL_CURRENT_COLOR, inColor, 0);
                    java.awt.Color color = dc.getUniquePickColor();
                    gl.glColor3ub((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue());

                    catch (Exception e)
                        String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionWhilePickingRenderable");
                        Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.FINER, msg, e); // show exception for this level
                        continue; // go on to next renderable
//                    gl.glColor4fv(inColor, 0);

                    if (renderable instanceof Locatable)
                        this.pickSupport.addPickableObject(color.getRGB(), renderable,
                            ((Locatable) renderable).getPosition(), false);
                        this.pickSupport.addPickableObject(color.getRGB(), renderable);

            this.pickSupport.resolvePick(dc, pickPoint, this);

    protected void doRender(DrawContext dc, Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables)
        for (Renderable renderable : renderables)
                // If the caller has specified their own Iterable,
                // then we cannot make any guarantees about its contents.
                if (renderable != null)
            catch (Exception e)
                String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionWhileRenderingRenderable");
                Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
                // continue to next renderable

    public String toString()
        return Logging.getMessage("layers.RenderableLayer.Name");

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * <p/>
     * This implementation forwards the message to each Renderable that implements {@link MessageListener}.
     * @param message The message that was received.
    public void onMessage(Message message)
        for (Renderable renderable : this.renderables)
                if (renderable instanceof MessageListener)
                    ((MessageListener) renderable).onMessage(message);
            catch (Exception e)
                String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionInvokingMessageListener");
                Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
                // continue to next renderable

Related Classes of gov.nasa.worldwind.layers.RenderableLayer

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