Package eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.task

Source Code of eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.task.IterationHeadPactTask

* Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by the Stratosphere project (
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on
* an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

package eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.task;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import eu.stratosphere.api.common.functions.Function;
import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparator;
import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypeComparatorFactory;
import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializer;
import eu.stratosphere.api.common.typeutils.TypeSerializerFactory;
import eu.stratosphere.core.memory.DataInputView;
import eu.stratosphere.core.memory.MemorySegment;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.hash.CompactingHashTable;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.BlockingBackChannel;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.BlockingBackChannelBroker;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.Broker;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.IterationAggregatorBroker;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.SolutionSetBroker;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.SolutionSetUpdateBarrier;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.SolutionSetUpdateBarrierBroker;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.concurrent.SuperstepBarrier;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.event.AllWorkersDoneEvent;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.event.TerminationEvent;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.iterative.event.WorkerDoneEvent;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.RegularPactTask;
import eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.util.TaskConfig;
import eu.stratosphere.types.Value;
import eu.stratosphere.util.Collector;
import eu.stratosphere.util.MutableObjectIterator;

* The head is responsible for coordinating an iteration and can run a
* {@link eu.stratosphere.pact.runtime.task.PactDriver} inside. It will read
* the initial input and establish a {@link BlockingBackChannel} to the iteration's tail. After successfully processing
* the input, it will send {@link EndOfSuperstepEvent} events to its outputs. It must also be connected to a
* synchronization task and after each superstep, it will wait
* until it receives an {@link AllWorkersDoneEvent} from the sync, which signals that all other heads have also finished
* their iteration. Starting with
* the second iteration, the input for the head is the output of the tail, transmitted through the backchannel. Once the
* iteration is done, the head
* will send a {@link TerminationEvent} to all it's connected tasks, signaling them to shutdown.
* <p>
* Assumption on the ordering of the outputs: - The first n output gates write to channels that go to the tasks of the
* step function. - The next m output gates to to the tasks that consume the final solution. - The last output gate
* connects to the synchronization task.
* @param <X>
*        The type of the bulk partial solution / solution set and the final output.
* @param <Y>
*        The type of the feed-back data set (bulk partial solution / workset). For bulk iterations, {@code Y} is the
*        same as {@code X}
public class IterationHeadPactTask<X, Y, S extends Function, OT> extends AbstractIterativePactTask<S, OT> {

  private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(IterationHeadPactTask.class);

  private Collector<X> finalOutputCollector;

  private List<BufferWriter> finalOutputWriters;

  private TypeSerializerFactory<Y> feedbackTypeSerializer;

  private TypeSerializerFactory<X> solutionTypeSerializer;

  private BufferWriter toSync;

  private int initialSolutionSetInput; // undefined for bulk iterations

  private int feedbackDataInput; // workset or bulk partial solution

  private RuntimeAggregatorRegistry aggregatorRegistry;

  // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  protected int getNumTaskInputs() {
    // this task has an additional input in the workset case for the initial solution set
    boolean isWorkset = config.getIsWorksetIteration();
    return driver.getNumberOfInputs() + (isWorkset ? 1 : 0);

  protected void initOutputs() throws Exception {
    // initialize the regular outputs first (the ones into the step function).

    // at this time, the outputs to the step function are created
    // add the outputs for the final solution
    this.finalOutputWriters = new ArrayList<BufferWriter>();
    final TaskConfig finalOutConfig = this.config.getIterationHeadFinalOutputConfig();
    this.finalOutputCollector = RegularPactTask.getOutputCollector(this, finalOutConfig,
      this.userCodeClassLoader, this.finalOutputWriters, finalOutConfig.getNumOutputs());

    // sanity check the setup
    final int writersIntoStepFunction = this.eventualOutputs.size();
    final int writersIntoFinalResult = this.finalOutputWriters.size();
    final int syncGateIndex = this.config.getIterationHeadIndexOfSyncOutput();

    if (writersIntoStepFunction + writersIntoFinalResult != syncGateIndex) {
      throw new Exception("Error: Inconsistent head task setup - wrong mapping of output gates.");
    // now, we can instantiate the sync gate
    this.toSync = new BufferWriter(this);

   * the iteration head prepares the backchannel: it allocates memory, instantiates a {@link BlockingBackChannel} and
   * hands it to the iteration tail via a {@link Broker} singleton
  private BlockingBackChannel initBackChannel() throws Exception {

    /* get the size of the memory available to the backchannel */
    int backChannelMemoryPages = getMemoryManager().computeNumberOfPages(this.config.getBackChannelMemory());

    /* allocate the memory available to the backchannel */
    List<MemorySegment> segments = new ArrayList<MemorySegment>();
    int segmentSize = getMemoryManager().getPageSize();
    getMemoryManager().allocatePages(this, segments, backChannelMemoryPages);

    /* instantiate the backchannel */
    BlockingBackChannel backChannel = new BlockingBackChannel(new SerializedUpdateBuffer(segments, segmentSize,

    /* hand the backchannel over to the iteration tail */
    Broker<BlockingBackChannel> broker = BlockingBackChannelBroker.instance();
    broker.handIn(brokerKey(), backChannel);

    return backChannel;
  private <BT> CompactingHashTable<BT> initCompactingHashTable() throws Exception {
    // get some memory
    long hashjoinMemorySize = config.getSolutionSetMemory();

    TypeSerializerFactory<BT> solutionTypeSerializerFactory = config.getSolutionSetSerializer(userCodeClassLoader);
    TypeComparatorFactory<BT> solutionTypeComparatorFactory = config.getSolutionSetComparator(userCodeClassLoader);
    TypeSerializer<BT> solutionTypeSerializer = solutionTypeSerializerFactory.getSerializer();
    TypeComparator<BT> solutionTypeComparator = solutionTypeComparatorFactory.createComparator();

    CompactingHashTable<BT> hashTable = null;
    List<MemorySegment> memSegments = null;
    boolean success = false;
    try {
      int numPages = getMemoryManager().computeNumberOfPages(hashjoinMemorySize);
      memSegments = getMemoryManager().allocatePages(getOwningNepheleTask(), numPages);
      hashTable = new CompactingHashTable<BT>(solutionTypeSerializer, solutionTypeComparator, memSegments);
      success = true;
      return hashTable;
    } finally {
      if (!success) {
        if (hashTable != null) {
          try {
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Error closing the solution set hash table after unsuccessful creation.", t);
        if (memSegments != null) {
          try {
          } catch (Throwable t) {
            log.error("Error freeing memory after error during solution set hash table creation.", t);
  private void readInitialSolutionSet(CompactingHashTable<X> solutionSet, MutableObjectIterator<X> solutionSetInput) throws IOException {;

  private SuperstepBarrier initSuperstepBarrier() {
    SuperstepBarrier barrier = new SuperstepBarrier(userCodeClassLoader);
    this.toSync.subscribeToEvent(barrier, AllWorkersDoneEvent.class);
    this.toSync.subscribeToEvent(barrier, TerminationEvent.class);
    return barrier;

  public void run() throws Exception {
    // initialize the serializers (one per channel) of the record writers

    final String brokerKey = brokerKey();
    final int workerIndex = getEnvironment().getIndexInSubtaskGroup();

    //MutableHashTable<X, ?> solutionSet = null; // if workset iteration
    CompactingHashTable<X> solutionSet = null; // if workset iteration
    boolean waitForSolutionSetUpdate = config.getWaitForSolutionSetUpdate();
    boolean isWorksetIteration = config.getIsWorksetIteration();

    try {
      /* used for receiving the current iteration result from iteration tail */
      BlockingBackChannel backChannel = initBackChannel();
      SuperstepBarrier barrier = initSuperstepBarrier();
      SolutionSetUpdateBarrier solutionSetUpdateBarrier = null;

      feedbackDataInput = config.getIterationHeadPartialSolutionOrWorksetInputIndex();
      feedbackTypeSerializer = this.<Y>getInputSerializer(feedbackDataInput);

      if (isWorksetIteration) {
        initialSolutionSetInput = config.getIterationHeadSolutionSetInputIndex();
        TypeSerializerFactory<X> solutionTypeSerializerFactory = config.getSolutionSetSerializer(userCodeClassLoader);
        solutionTypeSerializer = solutionTypeSerializerFactory;

        // setup the index for the solution set
        //solutionSet = initHashTable();
        solutionSet = initCompactingHashTable();

        // read the initial solution set
        MutableObjectIterator<X> solutionSetInput = (MutableObjectIterator<X>) createInputIterator(inputReaders[initialSolutionSetInput], solutionTypeSerializer);
        readInitialSolutionSet(solutionSet, solutionSetInput);

        SolutionSetBroker.instance().handIn(brokerKey, solutionSet);

        if (waitForSolutionSetUpdate) {
          solutionSetUpdateBarrier = new SolutionSetUpdateBarrier();
          SolutionSetUpdateBarrierBroker.instance().handIn(brokerKey, solutionSetUpdateBarrier);

      } else {
        // bulk iteration case
        initialSolutionSetInput = -1;

        TypeSerializerFactory<X> solSer = (TypeSerializerFactory<X>) feedbackTypeSerializer;
        solutionTypeSerializer = solSer;
        // = termination Criterion tail
        if (waitForSolutionSetUpdate) {
          solutionSetUpdateBarrier = new SolutionSetUpdateBarrier();
          SolutionSetUpdateBarrierBroker.instance().handIn(brokerKey, solutionSetUpdateBarrier);

      // instantiate all aggregators and register them at the iteration global registry
      aggregatorRegistry = new RuntimeAggregatorRegistry(config.getIterationAggregators());
      IterationAggregatorBroker.instance().handIn(brokerKey, aggregatorRegistry);

      DataInputView superstepResult = null;

      while (this.running && !terminationRequested()) {

        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"starting iteration [" + currentIteration() + "]"));


        if (waitForSolutionSetUpdate) {

        if (!inFirstIteration()) {

        // signal to connected tasks that we are done with the superstep

        if (waitForSolutionSetUpdate) {

        // blocking call to wait for the result
        superstepResult = backChannel.getReadEndAfterSuperstepEnded();
        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"finishing iteration [" + currentIteration() + "]"));

        sendEventToSync(new WorkerDoneEvent(workerIndex, aggregatorRegistry.getAllAggregators()));

        if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
"waiting for other workers in iteration [" + currentIteration() + "]"));


        if (barrier.terminationSignaled()) {
          if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {
  "head received termination request in iteration ["
              + currentIteration()
              + "]"));
        } else {

          String[] globalAggregateNames = barrier.getAggregatorNames();
          Value[] globalAggregates = barrier.getAggregates();
          aggregatorRegistry.updateGlobalAggregatesAndReset(globalAggregateNames, globalAggregates);

      if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"streaming out final result after [" + currentIteration() + "] iterations"));

      if (isWorksetIteration) {
      } else {
        streamOutFinalOutputBulk(new InputViewIterator<X>(superstepResult, this.solutionTypeSerializer.getSerializer()));


    } finally {
      // make sure we unregister everything from the broker:
      // - backchannel
      // - aggregator registry
      // - solution set index
      if (isWorksetIteration) {
        if (waitForSolutionSetUpdate) {
      if (solutionSet != null) {
        solutionSet = null;

  private void streamOutFinalOutputBulk(MutableObjectIterator<X> results) throws IOException {
    final Collector<X> out = this.finalOutputCollector;
    X record = this.solutionTypeSerializer.getSerializer().createInstance();

    while ((record = != null) {
  private void streamSolutionSetToFinalOutput(CompactingHashTable<X> hashTable) throws IOException {
    final MutableObjectIterator<X> results = hashTable.getEntryIterator();
    final Collector<X> output = this.finalOutputCollector;
    X record = solutionTypeSerializer.getSerializer().createInstance();

    while ((record = != null) {

  private void feedBackSuperstepResult(DataInputView superstepResult) {
    this.inputs[this.feedbackDataInput] =
      new InputViewIterator<Y>(superstepResult, this.feedbackTypeSerializer.getSerializer());

  private void sendEndOfSuperstepToAllIterationOutputs() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
      log.debug(formatLogString("Sending end-of-superstep to all iteration outputs."));

    for (int outputIndex = 0; outputIndex < this.eventualOutputs.size(); outputIndex++) {

  private void sendEventToSync(WorkerDoneEvent event) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
    if (log.isInfoEnabled()) {"sending " + WorkerDoneEvent.class.getSimpleName() + " to sync"));



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