Package com.denimgroup.threadfix.cli

Source Code of com.denimgroup.threadfix.cli.ThreadFixRestClientIT

//     Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Denim Group, Ltd.
//     The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License
//     Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
//     compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
//     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
//     License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
//     under the License.
//     The Original Code is ThreadFix.
//     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Denim Group, Ltd.
//     Portions created by Denim Group, Ltd. are Copyright (C)
//     Denim Group, Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
//     Contributor(s): Denim Group, Ltd.

package com.denimgroup.threadfix.cli;

import com.denimgroup.threadfix.cli.util.TestUtils;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.remote.ThreadFixRestClient;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.remote.ThreadFixRestClientImpl;
import com.denimgroup.threadfix.remote.response.RestResponse;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class ThreadFixRestClientIT {

    String dummyUrl = "";

    private ThreadFixRestClient getClient() {
        return TestUtils.getConfiguredClient();

    private RestResponse<Organization> createTeam(String name) {
        return getClient().createTeam(name);

    private Integer getTeamId(String name) {
        RestResponse<Organization> teamResponse = createTeam(name);

        assertTrue("Rest Response was a failure. message was: " + teamResponse.message,
        assertNotNull("The returned team object was null.", teamResponse.object);

        return teamResponse.object.getId();

    private RestResponse<Application> createApplication(String teamId, String name, String url) {
        return getClient().createApplication(teamId, name, url);

    private Integer getApplicationId(String teamName, String name, String url) {
        RestResponse<Application> teamResponse = createApplication(
                getTeamId(teamName).toString(), name, url);

        assertTrue("Rest Response was a failure. message was: " + teamResponse.message,
        assertNotNull("The returned application object was null.", teamResponse.object);

        return teamResponse.object.getId();

    private RestResponse<Waf> createWaf(String name, String type) {
        return getClient().createWaf(name, type);

    private Integer getWafId(String name, String type) {
        RestResponse<Waf> wafsResponse = createWaf(name, type);

        assertTrue("Rest Response was a failure. message was: " + wafsResponse.message,
        assertNotNull("The returned application object was null.", wafsResponse.object);

        return wafsResponse.object.getId();

    public void testCreateTeam() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        RestResponse<Organization> organizationResponse = createTeam(name);


    public void testSearchForTeamById() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        String teamId = getTeamId(name).toString();

        RestResponse<Organization> organizationResponse = getClient().searchForTeamById(teamId);

        assertEquals("Names didn't match.", organizationResponse.object.getName(), name);

    public void testSearchForTeamByName() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        Integer teamId = getTeamId(name);

        RestResponse<Organization> organizationResponse = getClient().searchForTeamByName(name);

        assertEquals("Ids didn't match", organizationResponse.object.getId(), teamId);

    public void testGetAllTeams() {

        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        Integer teamId = getTeamId(name);

        RestResponse<Organization[]> teamsResponse = getClient().getAllTeams();

        assertTrue("Rest Response was a failure. message was: " + teamsResponse.message,

        boolean foundIt = false;

        for (Organization organization : teamsResponse.object) {
            if (organization.getId().equals(teamId)) {
                foundIt = true;

        assertTrue("Didn't find the team in the teams list.", foundIt);

    public void testCreateApplication() {
        String appName = TestPropertiesManager.getName(), teamName = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        RestResponse<Application> response =
                createApplication(getTeamId(teamName).toString(), appName, dummyUrl);

        assertNotNull("Response was null.", response.object);
        assertTrue("Application name was incorrect: " + response.object.getName() +
                " instead of " + appName, response.object.getName().equals(appName));
        assertTrue("Application URL was not correct.", response.object.getUrl().equals(dummyUrl));

    public void testSearchForApplicationById() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName(), teamName = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        String idString = getApplicationId(teamName, name, dummyUrl).toString();

        RestResponse<Application> appResponse = getClient().searchForApplicationById(idString);

        assertTrue("Rest Response was a failure. message was: " + appResponse.message,

        assertEquals("Names didn't match.", appResponse.object.getName(), name);

    public void testSearchForApplicationByName() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName(), teamName = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        String idString = getApplicationId(teamName, name, dummyUrl).toString();

        RestResponse<Application> appResponse = getClient().searchForApplicationByName(name, teamName);

        assertTrue("Rest Response was a failure. message was: " + appResponse.message,

        assertEquals("Names didn't match.", appResponse.object.getId().toString(), idString);

    public void testSetParameters() {
        String appName = TestPropertiesManager.getName(), teamName = TestPropertiesManager.getName(),
                url = "";

        FrameworkType type = FrameworkType.SPRING_MVC;

        RestResponse<Application> appRet = getClient().setParameters(
                getApplicationId(teamName, appName, url).toString(),

        Application app = appRet.object;

        assertTrue("Test was a failure.", appRet.success);
        assertNotNull("Returned Application was null.", app);
        assertTrue("Application frameworkType was " + app.getFrameworkType() + " instead of " +
                type.getDisplayName(), app.getFrameworkTypeEnum() == type);

    public void testCreateWaf() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        RestResponse<Waf> wafRestResponse = createWaf(name, WafType.BIG_IP_ASM);

        assertTrue("Names weren't equal.", wafRestResponse.object.getName().equals(name));

    public void testSearchForWafByName() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        Integer wafId = getWafId(name, WafType.DENY_ALL_RWEB);

        RestResponse<Waf> wafRestResponse = getClient().searchForWafByName(name);

        assertEquals("Names weren't equal.", wafRestResponse.object.getId(), wafId);

    public void testSearchForWafById() {
        String name = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        Integer wafId = getWafId(name, WafType.DENY_ALL_RWEB);

        RestResponse<Waf> wafRestResponse = getClient().searchForWafById(wafId.toString());


    public void testAddWaf() {

        String wafName = TestPropertiesManager.getName(), appName = TestPropertiesManager.getName(), teamName = TestPropertiesManager.getName();

        String appId = getApplicationId(teamName, appName, dummyUrl).toString();
        String wafId = getWafId(wafName, WafType.MOD_SECURITY).toString();

        RestResponse<Application> response = getClient().addWaf(appId, wafId);

        assertTrue("Response was a failure. Message: " + response.message, response.success);
        assertEquals("Application ID didn't match.", response.object.getId().toString(), appId);
        assertEquals("WAF ID didn't match.", response.object.getWaf().getId().toString(), wafId);

    public void testTask() {
        String scannerList = "OWASP Zed Attack Proxy";
        ThreadFixRestClient client = new ThreadFixRestClientImpl(new TestPropertiesManager());

        RestResponse<Task> response = client.requestTask(scannerList, "");

        assertTrue(response != null && response.object != null);

    // TODO write tests for the scan agent methods.


Related Classes of com.denimgroup.threadfix.cli.ThreadFixRestClientIT

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