Package com.meapsoft.featextractors

Source Code of com.meapsoft.featextractors.AvgMelSpec

*  Copyright 2006-2007 Columbia University.
*  This file is part of MEAPsoft.
*  MEAPsoft is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
*  published by the Free Software Foundation.
*  MEAPsoft is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
*  along with MEAPsoft; if not, write to the Free Software
*  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
*  02110-1301 USA
*  See the file "COPYING" for the text of the license.

package com.meapsoft.featextractors;

import java.util.Arrays;

import com.meapsoft.FeatExtractor;
import com.meapsoft.RingMatrix;
import com.meapsoft.STFT;

* Averages all spectral frames together into a single feature vector and then
* converts the vector to the mel frequency scale.
* @author Mike Mandel (
public class AvgMelSpec extends FeatureExtractor

  // for each mel bin...
  protected double[] melCenter; // actual targe mel value at center of this

  // bin

  protected double[] melWidth; // mel width divisor for this bin (constant,

  // except broadens in low bins)

  // for each fft bin
  protected double[] melOfLin;

  protected double[] linSpec;

  protected int N;

  protected int outDim;

  public double lin2mel(double fq)
    return 1127.0 * Math.log(1.0 + fq / 700.0);

  public double mel2lin(double mel)
    return 700.0 * (Math.exp(mel / 1127.0) - 1.0);

  // Default constructor - Use 40 mel spaced bins
  public AvgMelSpec()
    this(FeatExtractor.nfft / 2 + 1, FeatExtractor.feSamplingRate, 40);

  public AvgMelSpec(int N, float sampleRate, int outDim)
    this.N = N;
    this.outDim = outDim;
    linSpec = new double[N];

    // Calculate the locations of the bin centers on the mel scale and
    // as indices into the input vector
    melCenter = new double[outDim + 2];
    melWidth = new double[outDim + 2];

    double melMin = lin2mel(0);
    // double melMax = lin2mel(sampleRate/2);
    double melMax = lin2mel((8000.0 < sampleRate / 2) ? 8000.0
        : sampleRate / 2); // dpwe 2006-12-11 - hard maximum
    double hzPerBin = sampleRate / 2 / N;
    for (int i = 0; i < outDim + 2; i++)
      melCenter[i] = melMin + i * (melMax - melMin) / (outDim + 1);
      // System.out.println("centersMel["+i+"]="+centersMel[i]+"
      // centersInd[]="+centersInd[i]);
    for (int i = 0; i < outDim + 1; i++)
      melWidth[i] = melCenter[i + 1] - melCenter[i];
      double linbinwidth = (mel2lin(melCenter[i + 1]) - mel2lin(melCenter[i]))
          / hzPerBin;
      if (linbinwidth < 1)
        melWidth[i] = lin2mel(mel2lin(melCenter[i]) + hzPerBin)
            - melCenter[i];
      // System.out.println("melBin="+i+" melCenter="+melCenter[i]+"
      // melWidth="+melWidth[i]+"("+mel2lin(melCenter[i]-melWidth[i])/hzPerBin+".."+mel2lin(melCenter[i])/hzPerBin+".."+mel2lin(melCenter[i]+melWidth[i])/hzPerBin);
    // precalculate mel translations of fft bin frequencies
    melOfLin = new double[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
      melOfLin[i] = lin2mel(i * sampleRate / (2 * N));
      // System.out.println("linbin2Mel["+i+"]="+linbin2mel[i]);

  public double[] features(STFT stft, long startFrame, int length, boolean preEmphasis)
    double[] melSpec = new double[outDim];
    double[] curFrame;
    double sum = 0;

    // we're expecting a certain frequency resolution...
    boolean recalculateSTFT = stft.getRows() != N;
    RingMatrix newstft = null;
    if (recalculateSTFT)
      // keep the same number of frames as in stft
      newstft = STFT.getSTFT(stft.getSamples(startFrame, startFrame
          + length), (N - 1) * 2, stft.nhop);
      length = newstft.getColumns();

    // intialize average to 0
    Arrays.fill(linSpec, 0);

    // System.out.println("startFrame: " + startFrame + " length: " +
    // length);
    // collect average linear spectrum
    for (int frame = 0; frame < length; frame++)
      if (!recalculateSTFT)
        curFrame = stft.getFrame(startFrame + frame);
        curFrame = newstft.getColumn(frame);

      // what's going on? For very sparse segments curFrame is sometimes
      // null???
      // is there a zero length segment or something?
      if (curFrame != null)
        for (int band = 0; band < linSpec.length; band++)
           * if (startFrame == 7011) { System.out.println("frame: " +
           * frame); System.out.println("band: " + band);
           * System.out.println("linSpec.length: " + linSpec.length);
           * System.out.println("curFrame.length: " +
           * curFrame.length); }
          linSpec[band] += curFrame[band] / length;
      // else
      // System.out.println("why's currFrame == null???");
    // convert log magnitude to linear magnitude for binning
    for (int band = 0; band < linSpec.length; band++)
      // linSpec[band] = Math.exp(linSpec[band]);
      linSpec[band] = Math.pow(10, linSpec[band] / 10);

    // convert to mel scale
    for (int bin = 0; bin < outDim; bin++)
      // initialize
      melSpec[bin] = 0;

      for (int i = 0; i < linSpec.length; ++i)
        double weight = 1.0 - (Math.abs(melOfLin[i] - melCenter[bin]) / melWidth[bin]);
        if (weight > 0)
          melSpec[bin] += weight * linSpec[i];

      // Take log
      melSpec[bin] = 10 * Math.log(melSpec[bin]) / Math.log(10);

      sum += melSpec[bin];

    // Audio scrubber takes care of normalization, level is a good cue
    // for(int bin=0; bin<outDim; bin++)
    // melSpec[bin] = melSpec[bin] / sum;

    return melSpec;

  public String description()
    return "Computes the mean spectrum of a chunk and converts it to the perceptually weighted Mel frequency scale.";

Related Classes of com.meapsoft.featextractors.AvgMelSpec

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