Package driftingdroids.model

Source Code of driftingdroids.model.SolverBFS$KnownStates$AllKeysLong

/*  DriftingDroids - yet another Ricochet Robots solver program.
    Copyright (C) 2011  Michael Henke

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

package driftingdroids.model;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.List;

public class SolverBFS {
    public enum SOLUTION_MODE {
        MINIMUM("minimum"), MAXIMUM("maximum");
        private final String name;
        private SOLUTION_MODE(String name) { = name; }
        @Override public String toString() { return; }
    private final Board board;
    private final byte[][] boardWalls;
    private final int boardSizeNumBits;
    private final int boardSizeBitMask;
    private final int boardNumRobots;
    private final boolean isBoardStateInt32;
    private final boolean isBoardGoalWildcard;
    private final boolean[] expandRobotPositions;
    private SOLUTION_MODE optSolutionMode = SOLUTION_MODE.MINIMUM;
    private boolean optAllowRebounds = true;
    private List<Solution> lastResultSolutions = null;
    private long solutionMilliSeconds = 0;
    private int solutionStoredStates = 0;
    public SolverBFS(final Board board) {
        this.board = board;
        this.boardWalls = this.board.getWalls();
        this.boardSizeNumBits = 32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(this.board.size - 1); //ceil(log2(x))
        int bitMask = 0;
        for (int i = 0;  i < this.boardSizeNumBits;  ++i) { bitMask += bitMask + 1; }
        this.boardSizeBitMask = bitMask;
        this.boardNumRobots = this.board.getRobotPositions().length;
        this.isBoardStateInt32 = (this.boardSizeNumBits * this.boardNumRobots <= 32);
        this.isBoardGoalWildcard = (this.board.getGoal().robotNumber < 0);
        this.expandRobotPositions = new boolean[this.board.size];
        Arrays.fill(this.expandRobotPositions, false);
    public List<Solution> get() {
        return this.lastResultSolutions;
    public List<Solution> execute() throws InterruptedException {
        final long startExecute = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.lastResultSolutions = new ArrayList<Solution>();
        final KnownStates knownStates = new KnownStates();
        final List<int[]> finalStates = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        System.out.println("options: " + this.getOptionsAsString());
        final int[] startState = this.board.getRobotPositions().clone();
        swapGoalLast(startState);   //goal robot is always the last one.
        System.out.printf("startState=" + this.stateString(startState) + "\n");
        //find the "finalStates" and save all intermediate states in "knownStates"
        final long startGetStates = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (true == this.optAllowRebounds) {
            this.getFinalStates(startState, this.board.getGoal().position, this.isBoardGoalWildcard, knownStates, finalStates);
        } else {
            this.getFinalStatesNoRebound(startState, this.board.getGoal().position, this.isBoardGoalWildcard, knownStates, finalStates);
        this.solutionStoredStates = knownStates.size();
        System.out.println("knownStates: " + knownStates.infoString());
        final long durationStates = System.currentTimeMillis() - startGetStates;
        System.out.println("time (Breadth-First-Search for finalStates) : " + (durationStates / 1000d) + " seconds");
        System.out.println("number of finalStates: " + finalStates.size());
        //find the paths from "startState" to the "finalStates".
        //build the Solutions and store them in list "this.lastResultSolutions" (THE RESULT).
        //depending on the options, this list is then sorted in natural order (MINIMUM)
        //or reverse natural order (MAXIMUM), so that the preferred solution is always
        //placed at list index 0.
        final long startGetPath = System.currentTimeMillis();
        for (int[] finalState : finalStates) {
            final List<int[]> statesPath = this.getStatesPath(finalState, knownStates);
            if (1 < statesPath.size()) {
                Solution tmpSolution = new Solution(this.board);
                for (int i = 0;  i < statesPath.size() - 1;  ++i) {
                    tmpSolution.add(new Move(this.board, statesPath.get(i), statesPath.get(i+1), i));
                System.out.printf("finalState=%s  solution=%s", this.stateString(finalState), tmpSolution.toString());
                if (true == tmpSolution.isRebound()) {
                    System.out.print("  <- rebound");
        if (0 == this.lastResultSolutions.size()) {
            this.lastResultSolutions.add(new Solution(this.board));
        if (SOLUTION_MODE.MINIMUM == this.optSolutionMode) {
        } else if (SOLUTION_MODE.MAXIMUM == this.optSolutionMode) {
            Collections.sort(this.lastResultSolutions, Collections.reverseOrder());
        final long durationPath = System.currentTimeMillis() - startGetPath;
        System.out.println("time (Depth-First-Search   for statePaths ) : " + (durationPath / 1000d) + " seconds");
        this.solutionMilliSeconds = System.currentTimeMillis() - startExecute;
        return this.lastResultSolutions;
    private void getFinalStates(
            final int[] startState,             //IN: initial state (positions of all robots)
            final int goalPosition,             //IN: position of goal
            final boolean isWildcardGoal,       //IN: is it the wildcard goal (any robot)
            final KnownStates knownStates,      //OUT: all known states
            final List<int[]> finalStates       //OUT: final states (goal robot has reached goal position)
            ) throws InterruptedException {
        int depth = knownStates.incrementDepth();
        assert 0 == depth : depth;
        final int[] tmpState = new int[startState.length];
        final int robo1 = tmpState.length - 1//goal robot is always the last one.
        //is the starting position already on goal?
        if (true == isWildcardGoal) {
            for (int pos : startState) { if (goalPosition == pos) { finalStates.add(startState.clone()); } }
        } else if (goalPosition == startState[robo1]) { finalStates.add(startState.clone()); }
        //breadth-first search
        while(true) {
            if (0 < finalStates.size()) { return; } //goal has been reached!
            depth = knownStates.incrementDepth();
            KnownStates.Iterator iter = knownStates.iterator(depth - 1);
            System.out.println("... BFS working at depth="+depth+"   statesToExpand=" + iter.size());
            if (0 == iter.size()) { return; }       //goal NOT reachable!
            //first pass: move goal robot, only.
            while (true == {
                if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); }
                for (int pos : tmpState) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = true; }
                final int oldRoboPos = tmpState[robo1];
                int dir = -1;
                for (int dirIncr : this.board.directionIncrement) {
                    int newRoboPos = oldRoboPos;
                    while (0 == this.boardWalls[newRoboPos][dir]) {     //move the robot until it reaches a wall or another robot.
                        newRoboPos += dirIncr;                          //NOTE: we rely on the fact that all boards are surrounded
                        if (this.expandRobotPositions[newRoboPos]) {    //by outer walls. without the outer walls we would need
                            newRoboPos -= dirIncr;                      //some additional boundary checking here.
                    if (oldRoboPos != newRoboPos) {
                        tmpState[robo1] = newRoboPos;
                        if ((true == knownStates.add(tmpState)) && (goalPosition == newRoboPos)) {
                            finalStates.add(tmpState.clone())//goal robot has reached the goal position.
                tmpState[robo1] = oldRoboPos;
                for (int pos : tmpState) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = false; }
            if ((0 < finalStates.size()) && (false == isWildcardGoal)) { return; //goal has been reached!
            //second pass: move the other (non-goal) robots.
            iter = knownStates.iterator(depth - 1);
            while (true == {
                if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); }
                for (int pos : tmpState) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = true; }
                for (int robo2 = 0;  robo2 < robo1;  ++robo2) {
                    final int oldRoboPos = tmpState[robo2];
                    int dir = -1;
                    for (int dirIncr : this.board.directionIncrement) {
                        int newRoboPos = oldRoboPos;
                        while (0 == this.boardWalls[newRoboPos][dir]) {     //move the robot until it reaches a wall or another robot.
                            newRoboPos += dirIncr;                          //NOTE: we rely on the fact that all boards are surrounded
                            if (this.expandRobotPositions[newRoboPos]) {    //by outer walls. without the outer walls we would need
                                newRoboPos -= dirIncr;                      //some additional boundary checking here.
                        if (oldRoboPos != newRoboPos) {
                            tmpState[robo2] = newRoboPos;
                            if (true == knownStates.add(tmpState)) {
                                //in this second pass, we can reach a wildcard goal, only.
                                if ((true == isWildcardGoal) && (goalPosition == newRoboPos)) {
                                    finalStates.add(tmpState.clone())//goal robot has reached the goal position.
                    tmpState[robo2] = oldRoboPos;
                for (int pos : tmpState) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = false; }
    private void getFinalStatesNoRebound(
            final int[] startState,             //IN: initial state (positions of all robots)
            final int goalPosition,             //IN: position of goal
            final boolean isWildcardGoal,       //IN: is it the wildcard goal (any robot)
            final KnownStates knownStates,      //OUT: all known states
            final List<int[]> finalStates       //OUT: final states (goal robot has reached goal position)
            ) throws InterruptedException {
        int depth = knownStates.incrementDepth();
        assert 0 == depth : depth;
        final int[] tmpDirs = new int[startState.length];
        for (int i = 0;  i < tmpDirs.length;  ++i) { tmpDirs[i] = 7; // 7 == not_yet_moved
        knownStates.add(startState, tmpDirs);
        final int[] tmpState = new int[startState.length];
        final int robo1 = tmpState.length - 1//goal robot is always the last one.
        //is the starting position already on goal?
        if (true == isWildcardGoal) {
            for (int pos : startState) { if (goalPosition == pos) { finalStates.add(startState.clone()); } }
        } else if (goalPosition == startState[robo1]) { finalStates.add(startState.clone()); }
        //breadth-first search
        while(true) {
            if (0 < finalStates.size()) { return; } //goal has been reached!
            depth = knownStates.incrementDepth();
            final KnownStates.Iterator iter = knownStates.iterator(depth - 1);
            System.out.println("... BFS working at depth="+depth+"   statesToExpand=" + iter.size());
            if (0 == iter.size()) { return; }       //goal NOT reachable!
            while (true ==, tmpDirs)) {
                if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); }
                for (int pos : tmpState) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = true; }
                for (int robo = 0;  robo < tmpState.length;  ++robo) {
                    final int oldRoboPos = tmpState[robo],  oldRoboDir = tmpDirs[robo];
                    int dir = -1;
                    for (int dirIncr : this.board.directionIncrement) {
                        //don't allow rebound moves
                        if ((oldRoboDir != dir) && (oldRoboDir != ((dir + 2) & 3))) {
                            int newRoboPos = oldRoboPos;
                            while (0 == this.boardWalls[newRoboPos][dir]) {     //move the robot until it reaches a wall or another robot.
                                newRoboPos += dirIncr;                          //NOTE: we rely on the fact that all boards are surrounded
                                if (this.expandRobotPositions[newRoboPos]) {    //by outer walls. without the outer walls we would need
                                    newRoboPos -= dirIncr;                      //some additional boundary checking here.
                            if (oldRoboPos != newRoboPos) {
                                tmpState[robo] = newRoboPos;
                                tmpDirs[robo] = dir;
                                if (true == knownStates.add(tmpState, tmpDirs)) {
                                    if ((goalPosition == newRoboPos) && ((robo1 == robo) || (true == isWildcardGoal))) {
                                        finalStates.add(tmpState.clone())//goal robot has reached the goal position.
                    tmpState[robo] = oldRoboPos;
                    tmpDirs[robo] = oldRoboDir;
                for (int pos : tmpState) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = false; }
    private List<int[]> getStatesPath(final int[] finalState, final KnownStates knownStates) throws InterruptedException {
        final List<int[]> result = new ArrayList<int[]>();
        final int depth = knownStates.depth();
        if (depth > 0) {
            final int[][] tmpStates = new int[depth][this.boardNumRobots];
            final boolean haveResult;
            if (true == this.optAllowRebounds) {
                haveResult = this.doPathDFS(finalState.clone(), knownStates, depth-1, result, tmpStates);
            } else {
                final int[] tmpDirs = new int[this.boardNumRobots];
                haveResult = this.doPathDFSNoRebound(finalState.clone(), knownStates, depth-1, result, tmpStates, tmpDirs);
            if (true == haveResult) {
        return result;
    private boolean doPathDFS(final int[] thisState, final KnownStates knownStates, final int depth, final List<int[]> result, final int[][] tmpStates) throws InterruptedException {
        final KnownStates.Iterator iter = knownStates.iterator(depth);
        final int[] tmpStatesAtDepth = tmpStates[depth];
        if (0 == depth) {
            return true;
        } else {
            while (true == {
                if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); }
                //detect the number of moved robots between prevState and thisState.
                //store the position difference in diffPos if only one robot has moved.
                int diffPos = 0, prevPos = 0, i = -1;
                for (int thisPos : thisState) {
                    if (tmpStatesAtDepth[i] != thisPos) {
                        if (0 == diffPos) {
                            prevPos = tmpStatesAtDepth[i];
                            diffPos = thisPos - prevPos;
                        } else {
                            diffPos = 0; break; //found more than one difference
                //check if this position difference is a possible move along one row or column.
                if ((0 != diffPos) && ((Math.abs(diffPos) < this.board.width) || (0 == diffPos % this.board.width))) {
                    final int thisPos = prevPos + diffPos;
                    for (int pos : tmpStatesAtDepth) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = true; }
                    final int dir = this.board.getDirection(diffPos);
                    //check if the move would go though obstacles (walls or robots).
                    final int dirIncr = this.board.directionIncrement[dir];
                    while (0 == this.boardWalls[prevPos][dir]) {
                        prevPos += dirIncr;
                        if (this.expandRobotPositions[prevPos]) {
                            prevPos -= dirIncr;
                    for (int pos : tmpStatesAtDepth) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = false; }
                    //follow the move to the previous level in the array of states. (recursion)
                    if (prevPos == thisPos) {
                        if (this.doPathDFS(tmpStatesAtDepth, knownStates, depth-1, result, tmpStates)) {
                            return true;
        return false;
    private boolean doPathDFSNoRebound(final int[] thisState, final KnownStates knownStates, final int depth, final List<int[]> result, final int[][] tmpStates, final int[] tmpDirections) throws InterruptedException {
        final KnownStates.Iterator iter = knownStates.iterator(depth);
        final int[] tmpStatesAtDepth = tmpStates[depth];
        if (0 == depth) {
            return true;
        } else {
            while (true ==, tmpDirections)) {
                if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException(); }
                //detect the number of moved robots between prevState and thisState.
                //store the position difference in diffPos if only one robot has moved.
                int diffPos = 0, prevPos = 0, tmpDir = 0, i = -1;
                for (int thisPos : thisState) {
                    if (tmpStatesAtDepth[i] != thisPos) {
                        if (0 == diffPos) {
                            prevPos = tmpStatesAtDepth[i];
                            diffPos = thisPos - prevPos;
                            tmpDir  = tmpDirections[i];
                        } else {
                            diffPos = 0; break; //found more than one difference
                //check if this position difference is a possible move along one row or column.
                if ((0 != diffPos) && ((Math.abs(diffPos) < this.board.width) || (0 == diffPos % this.board.width))) {
                    final int dir = this.board.getDirection(diffPos);
                    //don't allow rebound moves
                    if ((tmpDir != dir) && (tmpDir != ((dir + 2) & 3))) {
                        final int thisPos = prevPos + diffPos;
                        for (int pos : tmpStatesAtDepth) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = true; }
                        //check if the move would go though obstacles (walls or robots).
                        final int dirIncr = this.board.directionIncrement[dir];
                        while (0 == this.boardWalls[prevPos][dir]) {
                            prevPos += dirIncr;
                            if (this.expandRobotPositions[prevPos]) {
                                prevPos -= dirIncr;
                        for (int pos : tmpStatesAtDepth) { this.expandRobotPositions[pos] = false; }
                        //follow the move to the previous level in the array of states. (recursion)
                        if (prevPos == thisPos) {
                            if (this.doPathDFSNoRebound(tmpStatesAtDepth, knownStates, depth-1, result, tmpStates, tmpDirections)) {
                                return true;
        return false;
    private String stateString(final int[] state) {
        final Formatter formatter = new Formatter();
        for (int i = 0;  i < state.length;  i++) {
            formatter.format("%02x", Integer.valueOf(state[i]));
        return "0x" + formatter.out().toString();
    private void swapGoalLast(final int[] state) {
        //swap goal robot and last robot (if goal is not wildcard)
        if (false == this.isBoardGoalWildcard) {
            final int tmp = state[state.length - 1];
            state[state.length - 1] = state[this.board.getGoal().robotNumber];
            state[this.board.getGoal().robotNumber] = tmp;
    public void setOptionSolutionMode(SOLUTION_MODE mode) {
        this.optSolutionMode = mode;
    public void setOptionAllowRebounds(boolean allowRebounds) {
        this.optAllowRebounds = allowRebounds;
    public String getOptionsAsString() {
        return this.optSolutionMode.toString() + " number of robots moved; "
                + (this.optAllowRebounds ? "with" : "no") + " rebound moves";
    public String getOptionsAsString2() {
        return "-" + this.optSolutionMode.toString() + " number of robots moved\n-"
                + (this.optAllowRebounds ? "with" : "no") + " rebound moves\n";
    public long getSolutionMilliSeconds() {
        return this.solutionMilliSeconds;
    public int getSolutionStoredStates() {
        return this.solutionStoredStates;
    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
        s.append(", time=").append(this.solutionMilliSeconds / 1000d).append(" seconds");
        return s.toString();
    private class KnownStates {
        private final AllKeys allKeys;
        private final AllStates allStates;
        private final AllDirections allDirections;
        private int currentDepth = -1;
        public KnownStates() {
            this.allKeys = ((true == isBoardStateInt32) ? new AllKeysInt() : new AllKeysLong());
            this.allStates = new AllStatesByte();   //TODO add AllStatesShort to support board sizes > 16*16
            this.allDirections = new AllDirectionsShort();
        //store the unique keys of all known states
        private abstract class AllKeys {
            public abstract boolean add(final int[] state);
            public abstract long getBytesAllocated();
        //store the unique keys of all known states in 32-bit ints
        //supports up to 4 robots with a board size of 256 (16*16)
        private final class AllKeysInt extends AllKeys {
            private final TrieSet theSet = new TrieSet(Math.max(12, boardNumRobots * boardSizeNumBits));
            private final KeyMakerInt keyMaker = createKeyMakerInt();
            public final boolean add(final int[] state) {
                final int key =;
                return this.theSet.add(key);
            public final long getBytesAllocated() {
                return this.theSet.getBytesAllocated();
        //store the unique keys of all known states in 32-bit ints
        //fastest version = uses full 4 gigabits array.
//        private final class AllKeysIntBitArray extends AllKeys {
//            private final KeyMakerInt keyMaker = createKeyMakerInt();
//            private final int[] allBits = new int[(4096 / 32) * 1024 * 1024];   // 512 megabytes = 4 gigabits (2**32)
//            public AllKeysIntBitArray() {
//                super();
//            }
//            @Override
//            public final boolean add(final int[] state) {
//                final int key =;
//                final int index = key >>> 5;
//                final int oldBits = this.allBits[index];
//                final int newBits = oldBits | (1 << key);
//                final boolean keyHasBeenAdded = (oldBits != newBits);
//                if (true == keyHasBeenAdded) {
//                    this.allBits[index] = newBits;
//                }
//                return keyHasBeenAdded;
//            }
//            @Override
//            public final long getBytesAllocated() {
//                return (this.allBits.length << 2);
//            }
//        }
        //store the unique keys of all known states in 64-bit longs
        //supports more than 4 robots and/or board sizes larger than 256
        private final class AllKeysLong extends AllKeys {
            private final TrieSet theSet = new TrieSet(boardNumRobots * boardSizeNumBits);
            private final KeyMakerLong keyMaker = createKeyMakerLong();
            public final boolean add(final int[] state) {
                final long key =;
                return this.theSet.add(key);
            public final long getBytesAllocated() {
                return this.theSet.getBytesAllocated();
        //store all known states in a way that allows them to be retrieved later
        private abstract class AllStates {
            protected final int ARRAY_SIZE = 60 * 100 * 100; //size of each array in the list of arrays. lcm(1,2,3,4,5) = 60
            protected int numStates = 0;                     //number of states that are stored
            protected int addArrayNum = 0;                   //add: number of arrays in list "allStates"
            protected int addOffset = this.ARRAY_SIZE;       //add: current index inside the current array
            protected final List<Integer> depthBegin = new ArrayList<Integer>();    //iterateStart
            public int size() {
                return this.numStates;
            public void incrementDepth() {
            public abstract void add(final int[] state);
            public abstract Iterator iterator(final int depth);
            public abstract class Iterator {
                protected final int iterStart, iterEnd;
                protected int iterCurrent, iterArrayNum, iterOffset;
                protected Iterator(final int depth) {
                    this.iterStart = depthBegin.get(depth).intValue();
                    this.iterEnd = ((depth + 1 < depthBegin.size()) ? depthBegin.get(depth + 1).intValue() : numStates);
                    this.iterCurrent = this.iterStart;
                    this.iterArrayNum = (this.iterStart * boardNumRobots) / ARRAY_SIZE;
                    this.iterOffset = (this.iterStart * boardNumRobots) % ARRAY_SIZE;
                public int size() {
                    return this.iterEnd - this.iterStart;
                public abstract boolean next(final int[] resultState);
            public abstract long getBytesAllocated();
        //store all known states in a list of byte arrays
        //supports board sizes up to 256 (16*16)
        private final class AllStatesByte extends AllStates {
            private byte[][] allStatesArrays = new byte[32][];
            private byte[] addArray = null;
            public final void add(final int[] state) {
                assert 8 >= boardSizeNumBits : boardSizeNumBits;
                //if necessary, allocate an additional array and append it to the list
                if (this.addOffset >= this.ARRAY_SIZE) {
                    if (this.allStatesArrays.length <= this.addArrayNum) {
                        this.allStatesArrays = Arrays.copyOf(this.allStatesArrays, this.allStatesArrays.length << 1);
                    this.addArray = new byte[this.ARRAY_SIZE];
                    this.allStatesArrays[this.addArrayNum++] = this.addArray;
                    this.addOffset = 0;
                //append state to the current array
                for (int pos : state) {
                    this.addArray[this.addOffset++] = (byte)pos;
            private final class AllStatesByteIterator extends AllStates.Iterator {
                private byte[] iterArray;
                public AllStatesByteIterator(final int depth) {
                    this.iterArray = allStatesArrays[this.iterArrayNum++];
                public boolean next(final int[] resultState) {
                  final boolean hasNext = (this.iterEnd > this.iterCurrent);
                  if (true == hasNext) {
                      //if necessary, switch to next array in the list
                      if (this.iterOffset >= ARRAY_SIZE) {
                          this.iterArray = allStatesArrays[this.iterArrayNum++];
                          this.iterOffset = 0;
                      //retrieve the next state
                      for (int i = 0;  i < resultState.length;  i++) {
                          resultState[i] = (boardSizeBitMask & iterArray[this.iterOffset++]);
                  return hasNext;
            public AllStates.Iterator iterator(final int depth) {
                return new AllStatesByteIterator(depth);
            public final long getBytesAllocated() {
                long result = 0;
                for (int i = 0;  i < this.addArrayNum;  ++i) {
                    result += this.allStatesArrays[i].length;
                return result;
        //TODO start -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //store all known states in a list of byte arrays
        //supports board sizes up to 256 (16*16)
//        private final class AllStatesByteCompressed extends AllStates {
//            private byte[][] allStatesArrays = new byte[32][];
//            private int[][] prevStates = new int[4][boardNumRobots];
//            private int prevStateIdx = 0;
//            private int[] diffCount1 = new int[boardNumRobots + 1];
//            private int[] diffCount3 = new int[3];
//            @Override
//            public final void incrementDepth() {
//                super.incrementDepth();
//                this.prevStateIdx = 0;
//                Arrays.fill(this.prevStates[0], 0);
//                Arrays.fill(this.prevStates[1], 0);
//                Arrays.fill(this.prevStates[2], 0);
//                Arrays.fill(this.prevStates[3], 0);
//            }
//            private final void countDifferences(final int[] state) {
//                //compare against the previous state.
//                //count number of positions that differ.
//                int diffs = 0;
//                final int[] prev0 = this.prevStates[this.prevStateIdx];
//                for (int i = 0;  i < state.length;  ++i) {
//                    if (prev0[i] != state[i]) { ++diffs; }
//                }
//                ++this.diffCount1[diffs];
//                //compare against the previous 3 states.
//                //count the single-position differences.
//                if (1 == diffs) {
//                    ++this.diffCount3[0];
//                } else {
//                    diffs = 0;
//                    final int[] prev1 = this.prevStates[(this.prevStateIdx - 1) & 3];
//                    for (int i = 0;  i < state.length;  ++i) {
//                        if (prev1[i] != state[i]) { ++diffs; }
//                    }
//                    if (1 == diffs) {
//                        ++this.diffCount3[1];
//                    } else {
//                        diffs = 0;
//                        final int[] prev2 = this.prevStates[(this.prevStateIdx - 2) & 3];
//                        for (int i = 0;  i < state.length;  ++i) {
//                            if (prev2[i] != state[i]) { ++diffs; }
//                        }
//                        if (1 == diffs) {
//                            ++this.diffCount3[2];
//                        }
//                    }
//                }
//                //update the previous state.
//                this.prevStateIdx = (this.prevStateIdx + 1) & 3;
//                final int[] next = this.prevStates[this.prevStateIdx];
//                for (int i = 0;  i < state.length;  ++i) {
//                    next[i] = state[i];
//                }
//            }
//            @Override
//            public final void add(final int[] state) {
//                assert 8 >= boardSizeNumBits : boardSizeNumBits;
//                countDifferences(state);
//                //if necessary, allocate an additional array and append it to the list
//                if (this.addOffset >= this.ARRAY_SIZE) {
//                    if (this.allStatesArrays.length <= this.addArray + 1) {
//                        this.allStatesArrays = Arrays.copyOf(this.allStatesArrays, this.allStatesArrays.length << 1);
//                    }
//                    this.allStatesArrays[++this.addArray] = new byte[this.ARRAY_SIZE];
//                    this.addOffset = 0;
//                }
//                //append state to the current array in list
//                final byte[] allStatesArray = this.allStatesArrays[this.addArray];
//                for (int pos : state) {
//                    allStatesArray[this.addOffset++] = (byte)pos;
//                }
//                this.numStates++;
//            }
//            private final class AllStatesByteIterator extends AllStates.Iterator {
//                public AllStatesByteIterator(final int depth) {
//                    super(depth);
//                }
//                @Override
//                public boolean next(final int[] resultState) {
//                  final boolean hasNext = (this.iterEnd > this.iterCurrent);
//                  if (true == hasNext) {
//                      //if necessary, switch to next array in the list
//                      if (this.iterOffset >= ARRAY_SIZE) {
//                          this.iterArray++;
//                          this.iterOffset = 0;
//                      }
//                      //retrieve the next state
//                      final byte[] allStatesArray = allStatesArrays[this.iterArray];
//                      for (int i = 0;  i < resultState.length;  i++) {
//                          resultState[i] = (boardSizeBitMask & allStatesArray[this.iterOffset++]);
//                      }
//                      this.iterCurrent++;
//                  }
//                  return hasNext;
//                }
//            }
//            @Override
//            public AllStates.Iterator iterator(final int depth) {
//                return new AllStatesByteIterator(depth);
//            }
//            @Override
//            public final long getBytesAllocated() {
//                long result = 0;
//                for (int i = 0;  i <= this.addArray;  ++i) {
//                    result += this.allStatesArrays[i].length;
//                }
//                return result;
//            }
//        }
        //TODO end ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //store all directions belonging to the known states
        //(implementation is copy/paste from AllStates with some adaptions)
        private abstract class AllDirections {
            protected final int ARRAY_SIZE = 10 * 100 * 100;
            protected int numDirs = 0;
            protected int addOffset = this.ARRAY_SIZE;
            protected final List<Integer> depthBegin = new ArrayList<Integer>();
            public final void incrementDepth() {
            public abstract void add(final int[] dirs);
            public abstract Iterator iterator(final int depth);
            public abstract class Iterator {
                protected final int iterStart, iterEnd;
                protected int iterCurrent, iterArrayNum, iterOffset;
                protected Iterator(final int depth) {
                    this.iterStart = depthBegin.get(depth).intValue();
                    this.iterEnd = ((depth + 1 < depthBegin.size()) ? depthBegin.get(depth + 1).intValue() : numDirs);
                    this.iterCurrent = this.iterStart;
                    this.iterArrayNum = this.iterStart / ARRAY_SIZE;
                    this.iterOffset = this.iterStart % ARRAY_SIZE;
                public int size() {
                    return this.iterEnd - this.iterStart;
                public abstract boolean next(final int[] resultState);
            public abstract long getBytesAllocated();
        //store all directions belonging to the known states in a list of short arrays
        //supports up to 5 robots (with 3 bits per direction)
        private final class AllDirectionsShort extends AllDirections {
            private final List<short[]> allDirsListOfShortArrays = new ArrayList<short[]>();
            private short[] addArray = null;
            public final void add(final int[] dirs) {
                assert dirs.length <= 5 : dirs.length;
                //if necessary, allocate an additional array and append it to the list
                if (this.addOffset >= this.ARRAY_SIZE) {
                    this.addArray = new short[this.ARRAY_SIZE];
                    this.addOffset = 0;
                //append "dirs" to the current array in list
                int packed = 0;
                for (int dir : dirs) {
                    packed = (packed << 3) | dir;
                this.addArray[this.addOffset++] = (short)packed;
            private final class AllDirectionsShortIterator extends AllDirections.Iterator {
                private short[] iterArray;
                public AllDirectionsShortIterator(final int depth) {
                    this.iterArray = ((allDirsListOfShortArrays.size() == 0) ? null : allDirsListOfShortArrays.get(this.iterArrayNum++));
                public boolean next(final int[] resultDirs) {
                    assert resultDirs.length <= 5 : resultDirs.length;
                    final boolean hasNext = (this.iterEnd > this.iterCurrent);
                    if (true == hasNext) {
                        if (this.iterOffset >= ARRAY_SIZE) {
                            this.iterArray = allDirsListOfShortArrays.get(this.iterArrayNum++);
                            this.iterOffset = 0;
                        int packed = this.iterArray[this.iterOffset++];
                        for (int i = resultDirs.length - 1;  i > 0;  --i) {
                            resultDirs[i] = (7 & packed);
                            packed >>>= 3;
                        resultDirs[0] = (7 & packed);
                    return hasNext;
            public Iterator iterator(final int depth) {
                return new AllDirectionsShortIterator(depth);
            public final long getBytesAllocated() {
                long result = 0;
                for (short[] dirArray : this.allDirsListOfShortArrays) {
                    result += dirArray.length << 1;
                return result;
        public final class Iterator {
            private final AllStates.Iterator allStatesIter;
            private final AllDirections.Iterator allDirsIter;
            public Iterator(final int depth) {
                this.allStatesIter = allStates.iterator(depth);
                this.allDirsIter = allDirections.iterator(depth);
            public int size() {
                return this.allStatesIter.size();
            public boolean next(final int[] resultState) {
                assert resultState.length == boardNumRobots : resultState.length;
            public boolean next(final int[] resultState, final int[] resultDirs) {
                assert this.allStatesIter.size() == this.allDirsIter.size();
                assert resultState.length == boardNumRobots : resultState.length;
                assert resultDirs.length == boardNumRobots : resultDirs.length;
        public final int incrementDepth() {
            return this.currentDepth;
        public final boolean add(final int[] state) {
            assert state.length == boardNumRobots : state.length;
            final boolean stateHasBeenAdded = this.allKeys.add(state);
            if (true == stateHasBeenAdded) {
            return stateHasBeenAdded;
        public final boolean add(final int[] state, final int[] dirs) {
            assert state.length == boardNumRobots : state.length;
            assert dirs.length == boardNumRobots : dirs.length;
            final boolean stateHasBeenAdded = this.allKeys.add(state);
            if (true == stateHasBeenAdded) {
            return stateHasBeenAdded;
        public Iterator iterator(final int depth) {
            return new Iterator(depth);
        public final int size() {
            return this.allStates.size();
        public final int depth() {
            return this.currentDepth;
        public final String infoString() {
            return "size=" + this.allStates.size() + " depth=" + this.currentDepth;
        public final String megaBytesAllocated() {
            final int keysMB = (int)((this.allKeys.getBytesAllocated() + (1 << 20) - 1) >> 20);
            final int statesMB = (int)((this.allStates.getBytesAllocated() + (1 << 20) - 1) >> 20);
            final int dirsMB = (int)((this.allDirections.getBytesAllocated() + (1 << 20) - 1) >> 20);
            return "megabytes allocated: keys=" + keysMB + " states=" + statesMB + " directions=" + dirsMB +
                    " total=" + (keysMB + statesMB + dirsMB);
    private final KeyMakerInt createKeyMakerInt() {
        final KeyMakerInt keyMaker;
        switch (this.boardNumRobots) {
        case 1:  keyMaker = new KeyMakerInt11(); break;
        case 2:  keyMaker = (this.isBoardGoalWildcard ? new KeyMakerInt22() : new KeyMakerInt21()); break;
        case 3:  keyMaker = (this.isBoardGoalWildcard ? new KeyMakerInt33() : new KeyMakerInt32()); break;
        case 4:  keyMaker = (this.isBoardGoalWildcard ? new KeyMakerInt44() : new KeyMakerInt43()); break;
        default: keyMaker = new KeyMakerIntAll();
        return keyMaker;
    private abstract class KeyMakerInt {
        protected final int s1 = boardSizeNumBits,  s2 = s1 * 2,  s3 = s1 * 3;
        public abstract int run(final int[] state);
    private final class KeyMakerIntAll extends KeyMakerInt {
        private final int[] tmpState = new int[boardNumRobots];
        private final int idxSort, idxLen1, idxLen2;
        public KeyMakerIntAll() {
            this.idxSort = this.tmpState.length - (isBoardGoalWildcard ? 0 : 1);
            this.idxLen1 = this.tmpState.length - 1;
            this.idxLen2 = this.tmpState.length - 2;
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert this.tmpState.length == state.length : state.length;
            //copy and sort state
            System.arraycopy(state, 0, this.tmpState, 0, state.length);
            Arrays.sort(this.tmpState, 0, this.idxSort);
            //pack state into a single int value
            int result = this.tmpState[this.idxLen1];
            for (int i = this.idxLen2;  i >= 0;  --i) {
                result = (result << s1) | this.tmpState[i];
            return result;
    private final class KeyMakerInt11 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 1 of 1 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 1 == state.length : state.length;
            return state[0];
    private final class KeyMakerInt21 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 1 of 2 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 2 == state.length : state.length;
            return state[0] | (state[1] << s1);
    private final class KeyMakerInt22 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 2 of 2 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 2 == state.length : state.length;
            final int result;
            if (state[0] < state[1]) {
                result = state[0] | (state[1] << s1);
            } else {
                result = state[1] | (state[0] << s1);
            return result;
    private final class KeyMakerInt32 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 2 of 3 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 3 == state.length : state.length;
            final int result;
            if (state[0] < state[1]) {
                result = state[0] | (state[1<< s1);
            } else {
                result = state[1] | (state[0] << s1);
            return result | (state[2] << s2);
    private final class KeyMakerInt33 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 3 of 3 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 3 == state.length : state.length;
            final int a = state[0],  b = state[1],  c = state[2];
            final int result;
            if (a < b) {
                if (a < c) {
                    if (b < c) { result = a | (b << s1) | (c << s2);
                    } else {     result = a | (c << s1) | (b << s2); }
                } else {         result = c | (a << s1) | (b << s2); }
            } else {
                if (b < c) {
                    if (a < c) { result = b | (a << s1) | (c << s2);
                    } else {     result = b | (c << s1) | (a << s2); }
                } else {         result = c | (b << s1) | (a << s2); }
            return result;
    private final class KeyMakerInt43 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 3 of 4 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 4 == state.length : state.length;
            final int a = state[0],  b = state[1],  c = state[2];
            final int result;
            if (a < b) {
                if (a < c) {
                    if (b < c) { result = a | (b << s1) | (c << s2);
                    } else {     result = a | (c << s1) | (b << s2); }
                } else {         result = c | (a << s1) | (b << s2); }
            } else {
                if (b < c) {
                    if (a < c) { result = b | (a << s1) | (c << s2);
                    } else {     result = b | (c << s1) | (a << s2); }
                } else {         result = c | (b << s1) | (a << s2); }
            return result | (state[3] << s3);
    private final class KeyMakerInt44 extends KeyMakerInt {     //sort 4 of 4 elements
        public final int run(final int[] state) {
            assert 4 == state.length : state.length;
            final int a = state[0],  b = state[1],  c = state[2],  d = state[3];
            final int result;
            if (a <= b) {
                if (c <= d) {
                    if (a <= c) {
                        if (b <= d) {
                            if (b <= c) { result = a | (b << s1) | (c << s2) | (d << s3);
                            } else {      result = a | (c << s1) | (b << s2) | (d << s3); }
                        } else {          result = a | (c << s1) | (d << s2) | (b << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (b <= d) {     result = c | (a << s1) | (b << s2) | (d << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (a <= d) { result = c | (a << s1) | (d << s2) | (b << s3);
                            } else {      result = c | (d << s1) | (a << s2) | (b << s3); }
                } else {
                    if (a <= d) {
                        if (b <= c) {
                            if (b <= d) { result = a | (b << s1) | (d << s2) | (c << s3);
                            } else {      result = a | (d << s1) | (b << s2) | (c << s3); }
                        } else {          result = a | (d << s1) | (c << s2) | (b << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (b <= c) {     result = d | (a << s1) | (b << s2) | (c << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (a <= c) { result = d | (a << s1) | (c << s2) | (b << s3);
                            } else {      result = d | (c << s1) | (a << s2) | (b << s3); }
            } else {
                if (c <= d) {
                    if (b <= c) {
                        if (a <= d) {
                            if (a <= c) { result = b | (a << s1) | (c << s2) | (d << s3);
                            } else {      result = b | (c << s1) | (a << s2) | (d << s3); }
                        } else {          result = b | (c << s1) | (d << s2) | (a << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (a <= d) {     result = c | (b << s1) | (a << s2) | (d << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (b <= d) { result = c | (b << s1) | (d << s2) | (a << s3);
                            } else {      result = c | (d << s1) | (b << s2) | (a << s3); }
                } else {
                    if (b <= d) {
                        if (a <= c) {
                            if (a <= d) { result = b | (a << s1) | (d << s2) | (c << s3);
                            } else {      result = b | (d << s1) | (a << s2) | (c << s3); }
                        } else {          result = b | (d << s1) | (c << s2) | (a << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (a <= c) {     result = d | (b << s1) | (a << s2) | (c << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (b <= c) { result = d | (b << s1) | (c << s2) | (a << s3);
                            } else {      result = d | (c << s1) | (b << s2) | (a << s3); }
            return result;
    private final KeyMakerLong createKeyMakerLong() {
        final KeyMakerLong keyMaker;
        switch (boardNumRobots) {
        case 5:  keyMaker = (isBoardGoalWildcard ? new KeyMakerLongAll() : new KeyMakerLong54()); break;
        default: keyMaker = new KeyMakerLongAll();
        return keyMaker;
    private abstract class KeyMakerLong {
        protected final int s1 = boardSizeNumBits,  s2 = s1 * 2,  s3 = s1 * 3,  s4 = s1 * 4;
        public abstract long run(final int[] state);
    private final class KeyMakerLongAll extends KeyMakerLong {
        private final int[] tmpState = new int[boardNumRobots];
        private final int idxSort, idxLen1, idxLen2;
        public KeyMakerLongAll() {
            this.idxSort = this.tmpState.length - (isBoardGoalWildcard ? 0 : 1);
            this.idxLen1 = this.tmpState.length - 1;
            this.idxLen2 = this.tmpState.length - 2;
        public final long run(final int[] state) {
            assert this.tmpState.length == state.length : state.length;
            //copy and sort state
            System.arraycopy(state, 0, this.tmpState, 0, state.length);
            Arrays.sort(this.tmpState, 0, this.idxSort);
            //pack state into a single long value
            long result = this.tmpState[this.idxLen1];
            for (int i = this.idxLen2;  i >= 0;  --i) {
                result = (result << s1) | this.tmpState[i];
            return result;
    private final class KeyMakerLong54 extends KeyMakerLong {     //sort 4 of 5 elements
        public final long run(final int[] state) {
            assert 5 == state.length : state.length;
            final int a = state[0],  b = state[1],  c = state[2],  d = state[3];
            final long result;
            if (a <= b) {
                if (c <= d) {
                    if (a <= c) {
                        if (b <= d) {
                            if (b <= c) { result = (a | (b << s1) | (c << s2)) | ((long)d << s3);
                            } else {      result = (a | (c << s1) | (b << s2)) | ((long)d << s3); }
                        } else {          result = (a | (c << s1) | (d << s2)) | ((long)b << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (b <= d) {     result = (c | (a << s1) | (b << s2)) | ((long)d << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (a <= d) { result = (c | (a << s1) | (d << s2)) | ((long)b << s3);
                            } else {      result = (c | (d << s1) | (a << s2)) | ((long)b << s3); }
                } else {
                    if (a <= d) {
                        if (b <= c) {
                            if (b <= d) { result = (a | (b << s1) | (d << s2)) | ((long)c << s3);
                            } else {      result = (a | (d << s1) | (b << s2)) | ((long)c << s3); }
                        } else {          result = (a | (d << s1) | (c << s2)) | ((long)b << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (b <= c) {     result = (d | (a << s1) | (b << s2)) | ((long)c << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (a <= c) { result = (d | (a << s1) | (c << s2)) | ((long)b << s3);
                            } else {      result = (d | (c << s1) | (a << s2)) | ((long)b << s3); }
            } else {
                if (c <= d) {
                    if (b <= c) {
                        if (a <= d) {
                            if (a <= c) { result = (b | (a << s1) | (c << s2)) | ((long)d << s3);
                            } else {      result = (b | (c << s1) | (a << s2)) | ((long)d << s3); }
                        } else {          result = (b | (c << s1) | (d << s2)) | ((long)a << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (a <= d) {     result = (c | (b << s1) | (a << s2)) | ((long)d << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (b <= d) { result = (c | (b << s1) | (d << s2)) | ((long)a << s3);
                            } else {      result = (c | (d << s1) | (b << s2)) | ((long)a << s3); }
                } else {
                    if (b <= d) {
                        if (a <= c) {
                            if (a <= d) { result = (b | (a << s1) | (d << s2)) | ((long)c << s3);
                            } else {      result = (b | (d << s1) | (a << s2)) | ((long)c << s3); }
                        } else {          result = (b | (d << s1) | (c << s2)) | ((long)a << s3); }
                    } else {
                        if (a <= c) {     result = (d | (b << s1) | (a << s2)) | ((long)c << s3);
                        } else {
                            if (b <= c) { result = (d | (b << s1) | (c << s2)) | ((long)a << s3);
                            } else {      result = (d | (c << s1) | (b << s2)) | ((long)a << s3); }
            return result | ((long)state[4] << s4);

Related Classes of driftingdroids.model.SolverBFS$KnownStates$AllKeysLong

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