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import com.hazelcast.config.Config;
import com.hazelcast.config.MapConfig;
import com.hazelcast.config.MapIndexConfig;
import com.hazelcast.core.HazelcastInstance;
import com.hazelcast.core.IMap;
import com.hazelcast.query.*;
import com.hazelcast.test.HazelcastParallelClassRunner;
import com.hazelcast.test.HazelcastTestSupport;
import com.hazelcast.test.TestHazelcastInstanceFactory;
import com.hazelcast.test.annotation.QuickTest;
import com.hazelcast.util.IterationType;
import com.hazelcast.util.UuidUtil;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.UUID;

import static com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.PortableTest.ChildPortableObject;
import static com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.PortableTest.GrandParentPortableObject;
import static com.hazelcast.nio.serialization.PortableTest.ParentPortableObject;
import static com.hazelcast.query.SampleObjects.Employee;
import static com.hazelcast.query.SampleObjects.State;
import static com.hazelcast.query.SampleObjects.Value;
import static com.hazelcast.query.SampleObjects.ValueType;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertArrayEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static;

public class QueryBasicTest extends HazelcastTestSupport {

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testInPredicateWithEmptyArray() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory nodeFactory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        Config cfg = new Config();
        HazelcastInstance instance = nodeFactory.newHazelcastInstance(cfg);
        final IMap<String, Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            final Value v = new Value("name" + i, new ValueType("type" + i), i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        String[] emptyArray = new String[2];
        final Predicate predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").in(emptyArray);
        final Collection<Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(values.size(), 0);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testInnerIndex() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", false);
        map.addIndex("type.typeName", false);
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i, i < 5 ? null : new ValueType("type" + i), i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("type.typeName").in("type8", "type6");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(2, values.size());
        List<String> typeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Value configObject : values) {
        String[] array = typeNames.toArray(new String[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(typeNames.toString(), new String[]{"type6", "type8"}, array);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testInnerIndexSql() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", false);
        map.addIndex("type.typeName", false);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i, new ValueType("type" + i), i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("type.typeName='type1'");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(1, values.size());
        List<String> typeNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Value configObject : values) {
        assertArrayEquals(typeNames.toString(), new String[]{"type1"}, typeNames.toArray(new String[0]));

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void issue685RemoveIndexesOnClear() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("name='name0'");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(0, values.size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void issue393SqlIn() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("name IN ('name0', 'name2')");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        String[] expectedValues = new String[]{"name0", "name2"};
        assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.size());
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Value configObject : values) {
        String[] array = names.toArray(new String[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(names.toString(), expectedValues, array);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void issue393SqlInInteger() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("index", false);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i, new ValueType("type" + i), i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("index IN (0, 2)");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        String[] expectedValues = new String[]{"name0", "name2"};
        assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.size());
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Value configObject : values) {
        String[] array = names.toArray(new String[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(names.toString(), expectedValues, array);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testInPredicate() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.ValueType> map = instance.getMap("testIteratorContract");
        map.put("1", new ValueType("one"));
        map.put("2", new ValueType("two"));
        map.put("3", new ValueType("three"));
        map.put("4", new ValueType("four"));
        map.put("5", new ValueType("five"));
        map.put("6", new ValueType("six"));
        map.put("7", new ValueType("seven"));
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("typeName in ('one','two')");
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            Collection<SampleObjects.ValueType> values = map.values(predicate);
            assertEquals(2, values.size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testInstanceofPredicate() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, Object> map = instance.getMap("testInstanceofPredicate");

        LinkedList linkedList = new LinkedList();

        Predicate linkedListPredicate = Predicates.instanceOf(LinkedList.class);
        map.put("1", "somestring");
        map.put("2", new ArrayList());
        map.put("3", linkedList);

        Collection<Object> values = map.values(linkedListPredicate);
        assertEquals(1, values.size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testIteratorContract() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.ValueType> map = instance.getMap("testIteratorContract");
        map.put("1", new ValueType("one"));
        map.put("2", new ValueType("two"));
        map.put("3", new ValueType("three"));
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("typeName in ('one','two')");
        assertEquals(2, map.values(predicate).size());
        assertEquals(2, map.keySet(predicate).size());
        testIterator(map.keySet().iterator(), 3);
        testIterator(map.keySet(predicate).iterator(), 2);
        testIterator(map.entrySet().iterator(), 3);
        testIterator(map.entrySet(predicate).iterator(), 2);
        testIterator(map.values().iterator(), 3);
        testIterator(map.values(predicate).iterator(), 2);

    private void testIterator(Iterator it, int size) {
        for (int i = 0; i < size * 2; i++) {
            assertTrue("i is " + i, it.hasNext());
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void issue393Fail() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("qwe", true);
        Value v = new Value("name");
        try {
            map.put("0", v);
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("There is no suitable accessor for 'qwe'"));

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void negativeDouble() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Employee> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("salary", false);
        map.put("" + 4, new Employee(1, "default", 1, true, -70D));
        map.put("" + 3, new Employee(1, "default", 1, true, -60D));
        map.put("" + 1, new Employee(1, "default", 1, true, -10D));
        map.put("" + 2, new Employee(2, "default", 2, true, 10D));
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("salary >= -60");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Employee> values = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(3, values.size());
        predicate = new SqlPredicate("salary between -20 and 20");
        values = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(2, values.size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void issue393SqlEq() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new SqlPredicate("name='name0'");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        String[] expectedValues = new String[]{"name0"};
        assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.size());
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Value configObject : values) {
        String[] array = names.toArray(new String[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(names.toString(), expectedValues, array);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void issue393() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value("name" + i);
            map.put("" + i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").in("name0", "name2");
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        String[] expectedValues = new String[]{"name0", "name2"};
        assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.size());
        List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (Value configObject : values) {
        String[] array = names.toArray(new String[0]);
        assertArrayEquals(names.toString(), expectedValues, array);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testOneIndexedFieldsWithTwoCriteriaField() throws Exception {
        HazelcastInstance h1 = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap imap = h1.getMap("employees");
        imap.addIndex("name", false);
//        imap.addIndex("age", false);
        imap.put("1", new Employee(1L, "joe", 30, true, 100D));
        EntryObject e = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject();
        PredicateBuilder a = e.get("name").equal("joe");
        Predicate b = e.get("age").equal("30");
        Collection<Object> actual = imap.values(a.and(b));
        assertEquals(1, actual.size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testWithDashInTheNameAndSqlPredicate() {
        HazelcastInstance h1 = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, SampleObjects.Employee> map = h1.getMap("employee");
        Employee toto = new Employee("toto", 23, true, 165765.0);
        map.put("1", toto);
        Employee toto2 = new Employee("toto-super+hero", 23, true, 165765.0);
        map.put("2", toto2);
        //Works well
        Set<Map.Entry<String, SampleObjects.Employee>> entries = map.entrySet(new SqlPredicate("name='toto-super+hero'"));
        assertTrue(entries.size() > 0);
        for (Map.Entry<String, SampleObjects.Employee> entry : entries) {
            Employee e = entry.getValue();
            assertEquals(e, toto2);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void queryWithThis() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<String, String> map = instance.getMap("queryWithThis");
        map.addIndex("this", false);
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
            map.put("" + i, "" + i);
        Predicate predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("this").equal("10");
        Collection<String> set = map.values(predicate);
        assertEquals(1, set.size());
        assertEquals(1, map.values(new SqlPredicate("this=15")).size());

     * Test for issue 711
    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateWithEntryKeyObject() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateWithEntryKeyObject");
        map.put("1", 11);
        map.put("2", 22);
        map.put("3", 33);
        map.put("4", 44);
        map.put("5", 55);
        map.put("6", 66);
        Predicate predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().key().equal("1");
        assertEquals(1, map.values(predicate).size());
        predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().key().in("2", "3");
        assertEquals(2, map.keySet(predicate).size());
        predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().key().in("2", "3", "5", "6", "7");
        assertEquals(4, map.keySet(predicate).size());

     * Github issues 98 and 131
    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateStringAttribute() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateStringWithString");

     * Github issues 98 and 131
    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateStringAttributesWithIndex() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateStringWithStringIndex");
        map.addIndex("name", false);

    private void testPredicateStringAttribute(IMap map) {
        map.put(1, new Value("abc"));
        map.put(2, new Value("xyz"));
        map.put(3, new Value("aaa"));
        map.put(4, new Value("zzz"));
        map.put(5, new Value("klm"));
        map.put(6, new Value("prs"));
        map.put(7, new Value("prs"));
        map.put(8, new Value("def"));
        map.put(9, new Value("qwx"));
        assertEquals(8, map.values(new SqlPredicate("name > 'aac'")).size());
        assertEquals(9, map.values(new SqlPredicate("name between 'aaa' and 'zzz'")).size());
        assertEquals(7, map.values(new SqlPredicate("name < 't'")).size());
        assertEquals(6, map.values(new SqlPredicate("name >= 'gh'")).size());
        assertEquals(8, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").greaterThan("aac")).size());
        assertEquals(9, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").between("aaa", "zzz")).size());
        assertEquals(7, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").lessThan("t")).size());
        assertEquals(6, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").greaterEqual("gh")).size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateDateAttribute() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateDateAttribute");

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateDateAttributeWithIndex() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateDateAttribute");
        map.addIndex("this", true);

    private void testPredicateDateAttribute(IMap map) {
        Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.set(2012, 5, 5);
        map.put(1, cal.getTime());
        cal.set(2011, 10, 10);
        map.put(2, cal.getTime());
        cal.set(2011, 1, 1);
        map.put(3, cal.getTime());
        cal.set(2010, 8, 5);
        map.put(4, cal.getTime());
        cal.set(2000, 5, 5);
        map.put(5, cal.getTime());
        cal.set(2011, 0, 1);
        assertEquals(3, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("this").greaterThan(cal.getTime())).size());
        assertEquals(3, map.values(new SqlPredicate("this > 'Sat Jan 01 11:43:05 EET 2011'")).size());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("this").lessThan(cal.getTime())).size());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new SqlPredicate("this < 'Sat Jan 01 11:43:05 EET 2011'")).size());
        cal.set(2003, 10, 10);
        Date d1 = cal.getTime();
        cal.set(2012, 1, 10);
        Date d2 = cal.getTime();
        assertEquals(3, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("this").between(d1, d2)).size());
        assertEquals(3, map.values(new SqlPredicate("this between 'Mon Nov 10 11:43:05 EET 2003'" +
                " and 'Fri Feb 10 11:43:05 EET 2012'")).size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateEnumAttribute() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateEnumAttribute");

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateEnumAttributeWithIndex() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateEnumAttribute");
        map.addIndex("this", true);

    private void testPredicateEnumAttribute(IMap map) {
        map.put(1, NodeType.MEMBER);
        map.put(2, NodeType.LITE_MEMBER);
        map.put(3, NodeType.JAVA_CLIENT);
        assertEquals(NodeType.MEMBER, map.values(new SqlPredicate("this=MEMBER")).iterator().next());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new SqlPredicate("this in (MEMBER, LITE_MEMBER)")).size());
                map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject()
        assertEquals(0, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject()
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject()
                .get("this").in(NodeType.LITE_MEMBER, NodeType.MEMBER)).size());

    public enum NodeType {

        private int value;

        private NodeType(int type) {
            this.value = type;

        public int getValue() {
            return value;

        public static NodeType create(int value) {
            switch (value) {
                case 1:
                    return MEMBER;
                case 2:
                    return LITE_MEMBER;
                case 3:
                    return JAVA_CLIENT;
                case 4:
                    return CSHARP_CLIENT;
                    return null;

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateCustomAttribute() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map = instance.getMap("testPredicateCustomAttribute");

        CustomAttribute attribute = new CustomAttribute(78, 145);
        CustomObject object = new CustomObject("name1", UuidUtil.buildRandomUUID(), attribute);
        map.put(1, object);

        CustomObject object2 = new CustomObject("name2", UuidUtil.buildRandomUUID(), attribute);
        map.put(2, object2);

        assertEquals(object, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("uuid").equal(object.uuid)).iterator().next());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("attribute").equal(attribute)).size());

        assertEquals(object2, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("uuid").in(object2.uuid)).iterator().next());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("attribute").in(attribute)).size());

    private static class CustomObject implements Serializable {
        private String name;
        private UUID uuid;
        private CustomAttribute attribute;

        private CustomObject(String name, UUID uuid, CustomAttribute attribute) {
   = name;
            this.uuid = uuid;
            this.attribute = attribute;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

            CustomObject that = (CustomObject) o;

            if (attribute != null ? !attribute.equals(that.attribute) : that.attribute != null) return false;
            if (name != null ? !name.equals( : != null) return false;
            if (uuid != null ? !uuid.equals(that.uuid) : that.uuid != null) return false;

            return true;

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = name != null ? name.hashCode() : 0;
            result = 31 * result + (uuid != null ? uuid.hashCode() : 0);
            result = 31 * result + (attribute != null ? attribute.hashCode() : 0);
            return result;

    private static class CustomAttribute implements Serializable, Comparable {
        private int age;
        private long height;

        private CustomAttribute(int age, long height) {
            this.age = age;
            this.height = height;

        public int compareTo(Object o) {
            return 0;

        public boolean equals(Object o) {
            if (this == o) return true;
            if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;

            CustomAttribute that = (CustomAttribute) o;

            if (age != that.age) return false;
            if (height != that.height) return false;

            return true;

        public int hashCode() {
            int result = age;
            result = 31 * result + (int) (height ^ (height >>> 32));
            return result;

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testPredicateNotEqualWithIndex() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap map1 = instance.getMap("testPredicateNotEqualWithIndex-ordered");
        IMap map2 = instance.getMap("testPredicateNotEqualWithIndex-unordered");
        testPredicateNotEqualWithIndex(map1, true);
        testPredicateNotEqualWithIndex(map2, false);

    private void testPredicateNotEqualWithIndex(IMap map, boolean ordered) {
        map.addIndex("name", ordered);
        map.put(1, new Value("abc", 1));
        map.put(2, new Value("xyz", 2));
        map.put(3, new Value("aaa", 3));
        assertEquals(3, map.values(new SqlPredicate("name != 'aac'")).size());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new SqlPredicate("index != 2")).size());
        assertEquals(3, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("name").notEqual("aac")).size());
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("index").notEqual(2)).size());

    public static void doFunctionalSQLQueryTest(IMap imap) {
        imap.put("1", new Employee("joe", 33, false, 14.56));
        imap.put("2", new Employee("ali", 23, true, 15.00));
        for (int i = 3; i < 103; i++) {
            imap.put(String.valueOf(i), new Employee("name" + i, i % 60, ((i & 1) == 1), Double.valueOf(i)));
        Set<Map.Entry> entries = imap.entrySet();
        assertEquals(102, entries.size());
        int itCount = 0;
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
        assertEquals(102, itCount);
        entries = imap.entrySet(new SqlPredicate("active=true and age=23"));
        assertEquals(3, entries.size());
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
            assertEquals(c.getAge(), 23);
        entries = imap.entrySet(new SqlPredicate("active=true and age=23"));
        assertEquals(2, entries.size());
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
            assertEquals(c.getAge(), 23);
        entries = imap.entrySet(new SqlPredicate("age!=33"));
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
            assertTrue(c.getAge() != 33);
        entries = imap.entrySet(new SqlPredicate("active!=false"));
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();

    public static void doFunctionalQueryTest(IMap imap) {
        imap.put("1", new Employee("joe", 33, false, 14.56));
        imap.put("2", new Employee("ali", 23, true, 15.00));
        for (int i = 3; i < 103; i++) {
            imap.put(String.valueOf(i), new Employee("name" + i, i % 60, ((i & 1) == 1), Double.valueOf(i)));
        Set<Map.Entry> entries = imap.entrySet();
        assertEquals(102, entries.size());
        int itCount = 0;
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
        assertEquals(102, itCount);
        EntryObject e = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject();
        Predicate predicate ="active").and(e.get("age").equal(23));
        entries = imap.entrySet(predicate);
//        assertEquals(3, entries.size());
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
            assertEquals(c.getAge(), 23);
        entries = imap.entrySet(predicate);
        assertEquals(2, entries.size());
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
            assertEquals(c.getAge(), 23);
        entries = imap.entrySet(new SqlPredicate(" (age >= " + 30 + ") AND (age <= " + 40 + ")"));
        assertEquals(23, entries.size());
        for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {
            Employee c = (Employee) entry.getValue();
            assertTrue(c.getAge() >= 30);
            assertTrue(c.getAge() <= 40);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testInvalidSqlPredicate() {
        Config cfg = new Config();
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory nodeFactory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(1);
        HazelcastInstance instance = nodeFactory.newHazelcastInstance(cfg);
        IMap map = instance.getMap("employee");
        map.put(1, new Employee("e", 1, false, 0));
        map.put(2, new Employee("e2", 1, false, 0));
        try {
            map.values(new SqlPredicate("invalid_sql"));
            fail("Should fail because of invalid SQL!");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("There is no suitable accessor for 'invalid_sql'"));
        try {
            map.values(new SqlPredicate("invalid sql"));
            fail("Should fail because of invalid SQL!");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Invalid SQL: [invalid sql]"));
        try {
            map.values(new SqlPredicate("invalid and sql"));
            fail("Should fail because of invalid SQL!");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("There is no suitable accessor for 'invalid'"));
        try {
            map.values(new SqlPredicate("invalid sql and"));
            fail("Should fail because of invalid SQL!");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("There is no suitable accessor for 'invalid'"));
        try {
            map.values(new SqlPredicate(""));
            fail("Should fail because of invalid SQL!");
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Invalid SQL: []"));
        assertEquals(2, map.values(new SqlPredicate("age=1 and name like 'e%'")).size());

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testIndexingEnumAttributeIssue597() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("state", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value(i % 2 == 0 ? State.STATE1 : State.STATE2, new ValueType(), i);
            map.put(i, v);
        Predicate predicate = new PredicateBuilder().getEntryObject().get("state").equal(State.STATE1);
        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(predicate);
        int[] expectedValues = new int[]{0, 2};
        assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.size());
        int[] indexes = new int[2];
        int index = 0;
        for (Value configObject : values) {
            indexes[index++] = configObject.getIndex();
        assertArrayEquals(indexes, expectedValues);

     * see pull request 616
    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testIndexingEnumAttributeWithSqlIssue597() {
        HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Value> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("state", true);
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
            Value v = new Value(i % 2 == 0 ? State.STATE1 : State.STATE2, new ValueType(), i);
            map.put(i, v);

        Collection<SampleObjects.Value> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("state = 'STATE1'"));
        int[] expectedValues = new int[]{0, 2};
        assertEquals(expectedValues.length, values.size());
        int[] indexes = new int[2];
        int index = 0;
        for (Value configObject : values) {
            indexes[index++] = configObject.getIndex();
        assertArrayEquals(indexes, expectedValues);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testMultipleOrPredicatesIssue885WithoutIndex() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance instance = factory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
        factory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
        IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Employee> map = instance.getMap("default");

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testMultipleOrPredicatesIssue885WithIndex() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance instance = factory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
        factory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
        IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Employee> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", true);

    @Test(timeout = 1000 * 60)
    public void testMultipleOrPredicatesIssue885WithDoubleIndex() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance instance = factory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
        factory.newHazelcastInstance(new Config());
        IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Employee> map = instance.getMap("default");
        map.addIndex("name", true);
        map.addIndex("city", true);

    private void testMultipleOrPredicates(IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Employee> map) {
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            map.put(i, new Employee(i, "name" + i, "city" + i, i, true, i));

        Collection<SampleObjects.Employee> values;

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name = 'name1' OR name = 'name2' OR name LIKE 'name3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name = 'name1' OR name LIKE 'name2%' OR name LIKE 'name3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name = 'name1' OR name LIKE 'name2%' OR name == 'name3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name LIKE '%name1' OR name LIKE 'name2%' OR name LIKE '%name3%'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name == 'name1' OR name == 'name2' OR name = 'name3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name = 'name1' OR name = 'name2' OR city LIKE 'city3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name = 'name1' OR name LIKE 'name2%' OR city LIKE 'city3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name = 'name1' OR name LIKE 'name2%' OR city == 'city3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name LIKE '%name1' OR name LIKE 'name2%' OR city LIKE '%city3%'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("name == 'name1' OR name == 'name2' OR city = 'city3'"));
        assertEquals(3, values.size());

    public void testSqlQueryUsing__KeyField() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance hz1 = factory.newHazelcastInstance();
        HazelcastInstance hz2 = factory.newHazelcastInstance();

        IMap<Object, Object> map = hz2.getMap(randomMapName());

        Object key = generateKeyOwnedBy(hz1);
        Object value = "value";
        map.put(key, value);

        Collection<Object> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("__key = '" + key + "'"));
        assertEquals(1, values.size());
        assertEquals(value, values.iterator().next());

    public void testSqlQueryUsingNested__KeyField() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance hz1 = factory.newHazelcastInstance();
        HazelcastInstance hz2 = factory.newHazelcastInstance();

        IMap<Object, Object> map = hz2.getMap(randomMapName());

        Object key = new CustomAttribute(12, 123L);
        Object value = "value";
        map.put(key, value);

        Collection<Object> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("__key.age = 12 and __key.height = 123"));
        assertEquals(1, values.size());
        assertEquals(value, values.iterator().next());

    public void testSqlQueryUsingPortable__KeyField() {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance hz1 = factory.newHazelcastInstance();
        HazelcastInstance hz2 = factory.newHazelcastInstance();

        IMap<Object, Object> map = hz2.getMap(randomMapName());

        Object key = new ChildPortableObject(123L);
        Object value = "value";
        map.put(key, value);

        Collection<Object> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("__key.timestamp = 123"));
        assertEquals(1, values.size());
        assertEquals(value, values.iterator().next());

    public void testQueryPortableObject() {
        testQueryUsingPortableObject(new Config(), randomMapName());

    public void testQueryPortableObjectAndOptimizeQueries() {
        String name = randomMapName();
        Config config = new Config();
        config.addMapConfig(new MapConfig(name).setOptimizeQueries(true));

        testQueryUsingPortableObject(config, name);

    public void testQueryPortableObjectWithIndex() {
        String name = randomMapName();
        Config config = new Config();
        MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig(name)
                .addMapIndexConfig(new MapIndexConfig("timestamp", true));

        testQueryUsingPortableObject(config, name);

    public void testQueryPortableObjectWithIndexAndOptimizeQueries() {
        String name = randomMapName();
        Config config = new Config();
        MapConfig mapConfig = new MapConfig(name)
                .addMapIndexConfig(new MapIndexConfig("timestamp", true));

        testQueryUsingPortableObject(config, name);

    private void testQueryUsingPortableObject(Config config, String mapName) {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance hz1 = factory.newHazelcastInstance(config);
        HazelcastInstance hz2 = factory.newHazelcastInstance(config);

        IMap<Object, Object> map = hz2.getMap(mapName);

        Object key = generateKeyOwnedBy(hz1);
        map.put(key, new ParentPortableObject(1L));

        Collection<Object> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("timestamp > 0"));
        assertEquals(1, values.size());

    @Test(expected = QueryException.class)
    public void testQueryPortableField() {
        HazelcastInstance hz = createHazelcastInstance();
        IMap<Object, Object> map = hz.getMap(randomMapName());

        map.put(1, new GrandParentPortableObject(1, new ParentPortableObject(1L, new ChildPortableObject(1L))));
        Collection<Object> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("child > 0"));

    public void testQueryUsingNestedPortableObject() {
        testQueryUsingNestedPortableObject(new Config(), randomMapName());

    public void testQueryUsingNestedPortableObjectWithIndex() {
        String name = randomMapName();
        Config config = new Config();
        config.addMapConfig(new MapConfig(name).addMapIndexConfig(new MapIndexConfig("child.timestamp", false))
                .addMapIndexConfig(new MapIndexConfig("child.child.timestamp", true)));

        testQueryUsingNestedPortableObject(config, name);

    private void testQueryUsingNestedPortableObject(Config config, String name) {
        TestHazelcastInstanceFactory factory = createHazelcastInstanceFactory(2);
        HazelcastInstance hz1 = factory.newHazelcastInstance(config);
        HazelcastInstance hz2 = factory.newHazelcastInstance(config);

        IMap<Object, Object> map = hz2.getMap(name);

        Object key = generateKeyOwnedBy(hz1);
        map.put(key, new GrandParentPortableObject(1, new ParentPortableObject(1L, new ChildPortableObject(1L))));

        Collection<Object> values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("child.timestamp > 0"));
        assertEquals(1, values.size());

        values = map.values(new SqlPredicate("child.child.timestamp > 0"));
        assertEquals(1, values.size());

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnUnorderedIndexStoreWithLessPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.lessThan("date", 5000000L));
        assertEquals(2, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(2000000L, 4000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnUnorderedIndexStoreWithLessEqualPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.lessEqual("date", 5000000L));
        assertEquals(2, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(2000000L, 4000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnUnorderedIndexStoreWithGreaterPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.greaterThan("date", 5000000L));
        assertEquals(3, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(6000000L, 8000000L, 10000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnUnorderedIndexStoreWithGreaterEqualPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.greaterEqual("date", 6000000L));
        assertEquals(3, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(6000000L, 8000000L, 10000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnUnorderedIndexStoreWithNotEqualPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.notEqual("date", 2000000L));
        assertEquals(4, dates.size());
                Arrays.asList(4000000L, 6000000L, 8000000L, 10000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnOrderedIndexStoreWithLessPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.lessThan("date", 5000000L));
        assertEquals(2, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(2000000L, 4000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnOrderedIndexStoreWithLessEqualPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.lessEqual("date", 5000000L));
        assertEquals(2, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(2000000L, 4000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnOrderedIndexStoreWithGreaterPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.greaterThan("date", 5000000L));
        assertEquals(3, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(6000000L, 8000000L, 10000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnOrderedIndexStoreWithGreaterEqualPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.greaterEqual("date", 6000000L));
        assertEquals(3, dates.size());
        assertTrue(dates.containsAll(Arrays.asList(6000000L, 8000000L, 10000000L)));

    public void testIndexedNullValueOnOrderedIndexStoreWithNotEqualPredicate() {
        final List<Long> dates =
                                                 Predicates.notEqual("date", 2000000L));
        assertEquals(4, dates.size());
                Arrays.asList(4000000L, 6000000L, 8000000L, 10000000L)));

    private List<Long> queryIndexedDateFieldAsNullValue(boolean ordered, Predicate pred) {
        final HazelcastInstance instance = createHazelcastInstance();
        final IMap<Integer, SampleObjects.Employee> map = instance.getMap("default");

        map.addIndex("date", ordered);
        for (int i = 10; i >= 1; i--) {
            Employee employee = new Employee(i, "name-" + i, i, true, i * 100);
            if (i % 2 == 0) {
                employee.setDate(new Timestamp(i * 1000000));
            } else {
            map.put(i, employee);

        final List<Long> dates = new ArrayList<Long>();
        for (SampleObjects.Employee employee : map.values(pred)) {

        return dates;


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