Package org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms

Source Code of org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms.CondensationIsolator

package org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.Set;

import org.ggp.base.util.concurrency.ConcurrencyUtils;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.GdlUtils;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.Gdl;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlConstant;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlDistinct;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlLiteral;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlNot;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlPool;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRelation;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlRule;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlSentence;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlTerm;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.grammar.GdlVariable;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.CartesianSentenceFormDomain;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceDomainModel;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceDomainModelFactory;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceDomainModelOptimizer;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceDomainModels;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceDomainModels.VarDomainOpts;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceForm;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceFormDomain;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceFormModel;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceForms;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SentenceModelUtils;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.SimpleSentenceForm;
import org.ggp.base.util.gdl.model.assignments.AssignmentsImpl;


* The CondensationIsolator is a GDL transformation designed to split up
* rules in a way that results in smaller propnets. For example, we may
* have a rule as follows:
* (<= (foo ?x ?y)
*     (bar ?x ?y)
*     (baz ?y ?z))
* In the propnet, this will result in one AND node for each combination
* of ?x, ?y, and ?z. The CondensationIsolator would split it up as follows:
* (<= (foo ?x ?y)
*     (bar ?x ?y)
*     (baz_tmp0 ?y))
* (<= (baz_tmp0 ?y)
*     (baz ?y ?z))
* In the propnet, there will now be one AND node for each combination of
* ?x and ?y and one new link for each combination of ?y and ?z, but there
* will not be a cross-product of the domains of all three.
* "Condensation" refers to the type of rule generated, in which we simply
* ignore certain variables.
* @author Alex Landau
public class CondensationIsolator {
  public static List<Gdl> run(List<Gdl> description) throws InterruptedException {
    //This class is not put together in any "optimal" way, so it's left in
    //an unpolished state for now. A better version would use estimates of
    //the impact of breaking apart rules. (It also needs to stop itself from
    //making multiple new relations with the same meaning.)

    //This version will be rather advanced.
    //In particular, it will try to incorporate
    //1) More thorough scanning for condensations;
    //2) Condensations that are only safe to perform because of mutexes.

    //TODO: Don't perform condensations on stuff like (add _ _ _)...
    //In general, don't perform condensations where the headroom is huge?
    //Better yet... DON'T perform condensations on recursive functions!
    //As for headroom... maybe make sure that # of vars eliminated > # "kept"
    //Or make sure none are kept? Use directional connected components?

    description =;
    description =;
    description = VariableConstrainer.replaceFunctionValuedVariables(description);

    //How do we define a condensation, and what needs to be true in it?
    //Definition: A condensation set is a set of conjuncts of a
    //1) There must be some variable not in the head of the sentence that
    //   appears exclusively in the condensation set. (This means we can
    //   easily find sets one of which must be a condensation set.)
    //2) For any variable appearing in a distinct or not conjunct in the set,
    //   there must be a positive conjunct in the set also containing that
    //   variable. This does apply to variables found in the head.
    //3) There must be at least one non-distinct literal outside the
    //   condensation set.

    //How mutexes work:
    //Say we have a rule
    //  (<= (r1 ?b)
    //      (r2 ?a ?b ?c)
    //      (r3 ?b ?c)
    //    (r4 ?a)
    //    (r5 ?c))
    //If we wanted to factor out ?a, we'd normally have to do
    /*  (<= (r6 ?b ?c)
     *     (r2 ?a ?b ?c)
     *     (r4 ?a))
     *  (<= (r1 ?b)
     *     (r6 ?b ?c)
     *     (r3 ?b ?c)
     *     (r5 ?c))
     * But if we know r2 is a mutex, instead we can do (notice r2 splitting):
     *  (<= (r6 ?b)
     *     (r2 ?a ?b ?c)
     *     (r4 ?a))
     *  (<= (r1 ?b)
     *    (r2 ?a ?b ?c)
     *    (r6 ?b)
     *    (r3 ?b ?c)
     *    (r5 ?c))
     * Which in turn becomes:
     *  (<= (r6 ?b)
     *     (r2 ?a ?b ?c)
     *     (r4 ?a))
     *  (<= (r7 ?b)
     *    (r2 ?a ?b ?c)
     *    (r3 ?b ?c)
     *    (r5 ?c))
     *  (<= (r1 ?b)
     *    (r6 ?b)
     *    (r7 ?b))
     * Both r6 and r7 can be further condensed to ignore ?c and ?a,
     * respectively. What just happened?
     * 1) The condensation set for ?a included the mutex r2.
     * 2) r2 (by itself) would have required ?c to be included as an
     *    argument passed back to the original rule, which is undesirable.
     *    Instead, as it's a mutex, we leave a copy in the original rule
     *    and don't include the ?c.
     * So, what kind of algorithm can we find to solve this task?
    List<Gdl> newDescription = new ArrayList<Gdl>();
    Queue<GdlRule> rulesToAdd = new LinkedList<GdlRule>();

    for(Gdl gdl : description) {
      if(gdl instanceof GdlRule)
        rulesToAdd.add((GdlRule) gdl);

    //Don't use the model indiscriminately; it reflects the old description,
    //not necessarily the new one
    SentenceDomainModel model = SentenceDomainModelFactory.createWithCartesianDomains(description);
    model = SentenceDomainModelOptimizer.restrictDomainsToUsefulValues(model);
    UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource = UnusedSentenceNameSource.create(model);
    ConstantChecker constantChecker = ConstantCheckerFactory.createWithForwardChaining(model);

    Set<SentenceForm> constantForms = model.getConstantSentenceForms();


    List<Gdl> curDescription = Lists.newArrayList(description);
    while(!rulesToAdd.isEmpty()) {
      GdlRule curRule = rulesToAdd.remove();
      if(isRecursive(curRule)) {
        //Don't mess with it!
      GdlSentence curRuleHead = curRule.getHead();
      if(SentenceModelUtils.inSentenceFormGroup(curRuleHead, constantForms)) {
      Set<GdlLiteral> condensationSet = getCondensationSet(curRule, model, constantChecker, sentenceNameSource);
      if(condensationSet != null) {
        List<GdlRule> newRules = applyCondensation(condensationSet, curRule, sentenceNameSource);
        //Since we're making only small changes, we can readjust
        //the model as we go, instead of recomputing it
        List<GdlRule> oldRules = Collections.singletonList(curRule);
        List<Gdl> replacementDescription = Lists.newArrayList(curDescription);
        curDescription = replacementDescription;
        model = augmentModelWithNewForm(model, newRules);
      } else {
    return newDescription;

  private static void saveKif(List<Gdl> description) {
    //Save the description in a new file
    //Useful for debugging chains of condensations to see
    //which cause decreased performance
    String filename = "ci0.kif";
    int filenum = 0;
    File file = null;
    while(file == null || file.exists()) {
      filename = "ci" + filenum + ".kif";
      file = new File(filename);
      file = new File("games/rulesheets", filename);
    BufferedWriter out = null;
    try {
      out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));
      for(Gdl gdl : description) {
        out.append(gdl.toString() + "\n");
    } catch(IOException e) {
    } finally {
      try {
        if (out != null) {
      } catch (IOException e) {}

  private static boolean isRecursive(GdlRule rule) {
    for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody())
      if(literal instanceof GdlSentence)
        if(((GdlSentence) literal).getName().equals(rule.getHead().getName()))
          //A good approximation
          return true;
    return false;

  private static class UnusedSentenceNameSource {
    private final Set<String> allNamesSoFar;

    public UnusedSentenceNameSource(Collection<String> initialNames) {
      allNamesSoFar = Sets.newHashSet(initialNames);

    public static UnusedSentenceNameSource create(SentenceFormModel model) {
      Set<String> sentenceFormNames = SentenceForms.getNames(model.getSentenceForms());
      return new UnusedSentenceNameSource(sentenceFormNames);

    public GdlConstant getNameWithPrefix(GdlConstant prefix) {
      for(int i = 0; ; i++) {
        String candidateName = prefix + "_tmp" + i;
        if(!allNamesSoFar.contains(candidateName)) {
          return GdlPool.getConstant(candidateName);

  private static List<GdlRule> applyCondensation(
      Set<GdlLiteral> condensationSet, GdlRule rule,
      UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource) {

    Set<GdlVariable> varsInCondensationSet = new HashSet<GdlVariable>();
    for(GdlLiteral literal : condensationSet)
    Set<GdlVariable> varsToKeep = new HashSet<GdlVariable>();
    //Which vars do we "keep" (put in our new condensed literal)?
    //Vars that are both:
    //1) In the condensation set, in a non-mutex literal
    //2) Either in the head or somewhere else outside the condensation set
    for(GdlLiteral literal : condensationSet)
    Set<GdlVariable> varsToKeep2 = new HashSet<GdlVariable>();
    for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody())

    //Now we're ready to split it apart
    //Let's make the new rule
    List<GdlTerm> orderedVars = new ArrayList<GdlTerm>(varsToKeep);
    GdlConstant condenserName = sentenceNameSource.getNameWithPrefix(rule.getHead().getName());
    //Make the rule head
    GdlSentence condenserHead;
    if(orderedVars.isEmpty()) {
      condenserHead = GdlPool.getProposition(condenserName);
    } else {
      condenserHead = GdlPool.getRelation(condenserName, orderedVars);
    List<GdlLiteral> condenserBody = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>(condensationSet);
    GdlRule condenserRule = GdlPool.getRule(condenserHead, condenserBody);
    //TODO: Look for existing rules matching the new one

    List<GdlLiteral> remainingLiterals = new ArrayList<GdlLiteral>();
    for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody())

    GdlRule modifiedRule = GdlPool.getRule(rule.getHead(), remainingLiterals);

    List<GdlRule> newRules = new ArrayList<GdlRule>(2);
    return newRules;

  private static Set<GdlLiteral> getCondensationSet(GdlRule rule,
      SentenceDomainModel model,
      ConstantChecker checker,
      UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource) throws InterruptedException {
    //We use each variable as a starting point
    List<GdlVariable> varsInRule = GdlUtils.getVariables(rule);
    List<GdlVariable> varsInHead = GdlUtils.getVariables(rule.getHead());
    List<GdlVariable> varsNotInHead = new ArrayList<GdlVariable>(varsInRule);

    for(GdlVariable var : varsNotInHead) {

      Set<GdlLiteral> minSet = new HashSet<GdlLiteral>();
      for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody())

      //#1 is already done
      //Now we try #2
      Set<GdlVariable> varsNeeded = new HashSet<GdlVariable>();
      Set<GdlVariable> varsSupplied = new HashSet<GdlVariable>();
      for(GdlLiteral literal : minSet)
        if(literal instanceof GdlRelation)
        else if(literal instanceof GdlDistinct || literal instanceof GdlNot)

      List<Set<GdlLiteral>> candidateSuppliersList = new ArrayList<Set<GdlLiteral>>();
      for(GdlVariable varNeeded : varsNeeded) {
        Set<GdlLiteral> suppliers = new HashSet<GdlLiteral>();
        for(GdlLiteral literal : rule.getBody())
          if(literal instanceof GdlRelation)

      //TODO: Now... I'm not sure if we want to minimize the number of
      //literals added, or the number of variables added
      //Right now, I don't have time to worry about optimization
      //Currently, we pick one at random
      //TODO: Optimize this
      Set<GdlLiteral> literalsToAdd = new HashSet<GdlLiteral>();
      for(Set<GdlLiteral> suppliers : candidateSuppliersList)
        if(Collections.disjoint(suppliers, literalsToAdd))

      if(goodCondensationSetByHeuristic(minSet, rule, model, checker, sentenceNameSource))
        return minSet;

    return null;

  private static boolean goodCondensationSetByHeuristic(
      Set<GdlLiteral> minSet, GdlRule rule, SentenceDomainModel model,
      ConstantChecker checker,
      UnusedSentenceNameSource sentenceNameSource) throws InterruptedException {
    //We actually want the sentence model here so we can see the domains
    //also, if it's a constant, ...
    //Anyway... we want to compare the heuristic for the number of assignments
    //and/or links that will be generated with or without the condensation set
    //Heuristic for a rule is A*(L+1), where A is the number of assignments and
    //L is the number of literals, unless L = 1, in which case the heuristic is
    //just A. This roughly captures the number of links that would be generated
    //if this rule were to be generated.
    //Obviously, there are differing degrees of accuracy with which we can
    //represent A.
    //One way is taking the product of all the variables in all the domains.
    //However, we can do better by actually asking the Assignments class for
    //its own heuristic of how it would implement the rule as-is.
    //The only tricky aspect here is that we need an up-to-date SentenceModel,
    //and in some cases this could be expensive to compute. Might as well try
    //it, though...

    //Heuristic for the rule as-is:

    long assignments = AssignmentsImpl.getNumAssignmentsEstimate(rule,
        SentenceDomainModels.getVarDomains(rule, model, VarDomainOpts.INCLUDE_HEAD),
    int literals = rule.arity();
    if(literals > 1)
      literals++; //We have to "and" the literals together
    //Note that even though constants will be factored out, we're concerned here
    //with getting through them in a reasonable amount of time, so we do want to
    //count them. TODO: Not sure if they should be counted in L, though...
    long curRuleHeuristic = assignments * literals;
    //And if we split them up...
    List<GdlRule> newRules = applyCondensation(minSet, rule, sentenceNameSource);
    GdlRule r1 = newRules.get(0), r2 = newRules.get(1);

    //Augment the model
    SentenceDomainModel newModel = augmentModelWithNewForm(model, newRules);

    long a1 = AssignmentsImpl.getNumAssignmentsEstimate(r1,
        SentenceDomainModels.getVarDomains(r1, newModel, VarDomainOpts.INCLUDE_HEAD), checker);
    long a2 = AssignmentsImpl.getNumAssignmentsEstimate(r2,
        SentenceDomainModels.getVarDomains(r2, newModel, VarDomainOpts.INCLUDE_HEAD), checker);
    int l1 = r1.arity(); if(l1 > 1) l1++;
    int l2 = r2.arity(); if(l2 > 1) l2++;

    //Whether we split or not depends on what the two heuristics say
    long newRulesHeuristic = a1 * l1 + a2 * l2;
    return newRulesHeuristic < curRuleHeuristic;

  private static SentenceDomainModel augmentModelWithNewForm(
      final SentenceDomainModel oldModel, List<GdlRule> newRules) {
    final SentenceForm newForm = SimpleSentenceForm.create(newRules.get(0).getHead());
    final SentenceFormDomain newFormDomain = getNewFormDomain(newRules.get(0), oldModel, newForm);
    return new SentenceDomainModel() {
      public SentenceFormDomain getDomain(SentenceForm form) {
        if (form.equals(newForm)) {
          return newFormDomain;
        return oldModel.getDomain(form);

      public Set<SentenceForm> getIndependentSentenceForms() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public Set<SentenceForm> getConstantSentenceForms() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public Multimap<SentenceForm, SentenceForm> getDependencyGraph() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public Set<GdlSentence> getSentencesListedAsTrue(SentenceForm form) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public Set<GdlRule> getRules(SentenceForm form) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public Set<SentenceForm> getSentenceForms() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public List<Gdl> getDescription() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
      public SentenceForm getSentenceForm(GdlSentence sentence) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

  private static SentenceFormDomain getNewFormDomain(GdlRule condensingRule,
      SentenceDomainModel oldModel, SentenceForm newForm) {
    Map<GdlVariable, Set<GdlConstant>> varDomains = SentenceDomainModels.getVarDomains(
        condensingRule, oldModel, VarDomainOpts.BODY_ONLY);

    List<Set<GdlConstant>> domainsForSlots = Lists.newArrayList();
    for (GdlTerm term : GdlUtils.getTupleFromSentence(condensingRule.getHead())) {
      if (!(term instanceof GdlVariable)) {
        throw new RuntimeException("Expected all slots in the head of a condensing rule to be variables, but the rule was: " + condensingRule);
    return CartesianSentenceFormDomain.create(newForm, domainsForSlots);

Related Classes of org.ggp.base.util.gdl.transforms.CondensationIsolator

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