Package org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso

Source Code of org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl$ComponentJsoImpl$ElementStartJsoImpl

* Copyright 2010 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso;

import static org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonHelper.*;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.AnnotationBoundary;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.ElementStart;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.ReplaceAttributes;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.UpdateAttributes;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.KeyValuePair;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.KeyValueUpdate;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl.AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl.ElementStartJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl.ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl.UpdateAttributesJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl.KeyValuePairJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl.ComponentJsoImpl.KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.KeyValuePair;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil.KeyValuePairUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.KeyValueUpdate;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil.KeyValueUpdateUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.ElementStart;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil.ElementStartUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.ReplaceAttributes;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil.ReplaceAttributesUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.UpdateAttributes;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil.UpdateAttributesUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperation.Component.AnnotationBoundary;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.ComponentUtil.AnnotationBoundaryUtil;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.Blob;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.ProtoEnums;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.*;
import org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.json.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

* Client implementation of ProtocolDocumentOperation backed by a GWT JavaScriptObject.
* Generated from org/waveprotocol/wave/federation/federation.protodevel. Do not edit.
// We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
// visible in case of nested classes.
public final class ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
    implements ProtocolDocumentOperation {

  // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
  // visible in case of nested classes.
  public static final class ComponentJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
      implements Component {

    // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
    // visible in case of nested classes.
    public static final class KeyValuePairJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
        implements KeyValuePair {
      private static final String keyKey = "1";
      private static final String keyValue = "2";
      protected KeyValuePairJsoImpl() {

      public static KeyValuePairJsoImpl create() {
        KeyValuePairJsoImpl instance = (KeyValuePairJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
        // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
        // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
        // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
        return instance;

      public void copyFrom(KeyValuePair message) {
        super.copyFrom((KeyValuePairJsoImpl) message);

      public String getKey() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyKey) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyKey) : null;

      public void setKey(String value) {
        setPropertyAsString(this, keyKey, value);

      public String getValue() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyValue) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyValue) : null;

      public void setValue(String value) {
        setPropertyAsString(this, keyValue, value);

      public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof KeyValuePairJsoImpl) {
          return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
        } else if (o instanceof KeyValuePair) {
          return KeyValuePairUtil.isEqual(this, (KeyValuePair) o);
        } else {
          return false;


    // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
    // visible in case of nested classes.
    public static final class KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
        implements KeyValueUpdate {
      private static final String keyKey = "1";
      private static final String keyOldValue = "2";
      private static final String keyNewValue = "3";
      protected KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl() {

      public static KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl create() {
        KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl instance = (KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
        // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
        // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
        // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
        return instance;

      public void copyFrom(KeyValueUpdate message) {
        super.copyFrom((KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) message);

      public String getKey() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyKey) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyKey) : null;

      public void setKey(String value) {
        setPropertyAsString(this, keyKey, value);

      public boolean hasOldValue() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyOldValue);

      public void clearOldValue() {
        if (hasProperty(this, keyOldValue)) {
          deleteProperty(this, keyOldValue);

      public String getOldValue() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyOldValue) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyOldValue) : null;

      public void setOldValue(String value) {
        setPropertyAsString(this, keyOldValue, value);

      public boolean hasNewValue() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyNewValue);

      public void clearNewValue() {
        if (hasProperty(this, keyNewValue)) {
          deleteProperty(this, keyNewValue);

      public String getNewValue() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyNewValue) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyNewValue) : null;

      public void setNewValue(String value) {
        setPropertyAsString(this, keyNewValue, value);

      public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) {
          return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
        } else if (o instanceof KeyValueUpdate) {
          return KeyValueUpdateUtil.isEqual(this, (KeyValueUpdate) o);
        } else {
          return false;


    // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
    // visible in case of nested classes.
    public static final class ElementStartJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
        implements ElementStart {
      private static final String keyType = "1";
      private static final String keyAttribute = "2";
      protected ElementStartJsoImpl() {

      public static ElementStartJsoImpl create() {
        ElementStartJsoImpl instance = (ElementStartJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
        // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
        // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
        // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
        return instance;

      public void copyFrom(ElementStart message) {
        super.copyFrom((ElementStartJsoImpl) message);

      public String getType() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyType) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyType) : null;

      public void setType(String value) {
        setPropertyAsString(this, keyType, value);

      public List<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> getAttribute() {
        initArray(this, keyAttribute);
        List<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> list = new ArrayList<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getAttributeSize(); i++) {
        return list;

      public void addAllAttribute(List<? extends KeyValuePair> models) {
        for (KeyValuePair model : models) {

          public KeyValuePairJsoImpl getAttribute(int n) {
        initArray(this, keyAttribute);
        JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttribute).cast();
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
        return array.get(n);

          public void setAttribute(int n, KeyValuePair model) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        initArray(this, keyAttribute);
        ((JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttribute)).set(n, (KeyValuePairJsoImpl) model);

      public int getAttributeSize() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyAttribute) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttribute)).length() : 0;

          public void addAttribute(KeyValuePair model) {
        initArray(this, keyAttribute);
        ((JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttribute)).push((KeyValuePairJsoImpl) model);

      public void clearAttribute() {
        clearArray(this, keyAttribute);

      public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof ElementStartJsoImpl) {
          return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
        } else if (o instanceof ElementStart) {
          return ElementStartUtil.isEqual(this, (ElementStart) o);
        } else {
          return false;


    // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
    // visible in case of nested classes.
    public static final class ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
        implements ReplaceAttributes {
      private static final String keyEmpty = "1";
      private static final String keyOldAttribute = "2";
      private static final String keyNewAttribute = "3";
      protected ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl() {

      public static ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl create() {
        ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl instance = (ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
        // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
        // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
        // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
        return instance;

      public void copyFrom(ReplaceAttributes message) {
        super.copyFrom((ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl) message);

      public boolean hasEmpty() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEmpty);

      public void clearEmpty() {
        if (hasProperty(this, keyEmpty)) {
          deleteProperty(this, keyEmpty);

      public boolean getEmpty() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEmpty) ? getPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyEmpty) : false;

      public void setEmpty(boolean value) {
        setPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyEmpty, value);

      public List<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> getOldAttribute() {
        initArray(this, keyOldAttribute);
        List<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> list = new ArrayList<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getOldAttributeSize(); i++) {
        return list;

      public void addAllOldAttribute(List<? extends KeyValuePair> models) {
        for (KeyValuePair model : models) {

          public KeyValuePairJsoImpl getOldAttribute(int n) {
        initArray(this, keyOldAttribute);
        JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyOldAttribute).cast();
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
        return array.get(n);

          public void setOldAttribute(int n, KeyValuePair model) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        initArray(this, keyOldAttribute);
        ((JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyOldAttribute)).set(n, (KeyValuePairJsoImpl) model);

      public int getOldAttributeSize() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyOldAttribute) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyOldAttribute)).length() : 0;

          public void addOldAttribute(KeyValuePair model) {
        initArray(this, keyOldAttribute);
        ((JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyOldAttribute)).push((KeyValuePairJsoImpl) model);

      public void clearOldAttribute() {
        clearArray(this, keyOldAttribute);

      public List<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> getNewAttribute() {
        initArray(this, keyNewAttribute);
        List<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> list = new ArrayList<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getNewAttributeSize(); i++) {
        return list;

      public void addAllNewAttribute(List<? extends KeyValuePair> models) {
        for (KeyValuePair model : models) {

          public KeyValuePairJsoImpl getNewAttribute(int n) {
        initArray(this, keyNewAttribute);
        JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl> array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyNewAttribute).cast();
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
        return array.get(n);

          public void setNewAttribute(int n, KeyValuePair model) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        initArray(this, keyNewAttribute);
        ((JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyNewAttribute)).set(n, (KeyValuePairJsoImpl) model);

      public int getNewAttributeSize() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyNewAttribute) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyNewAttribute)).length() : 0;

          public void addNewAttribute(KeyValuePair model) {
        initArray(this, keyNewAttribute);
        ((JsArray<KeyValuePairJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyNewAttribute)).push((KeyValuePairJsoImpl) model);

      public void clearNewAttribute() {
        clearArray(this, keyNewAttribute);

      public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl) {
          return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
        } else if (o instanceof ReplaceAttributes) {
          return ReplaceAttributesUtil.isEqual(this, (ReplaceAttributes) o);
        } else {
          return false;


    // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
    // visible in case of nested classes.
    public static final class UpdateAttributesJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
        implements UpdateAttributes {
      private static final String keyEmpty = "1";
      private static final String keyAttributeUpdate = "2";
      protected UpdateAttributesJsoImpl() {

      public static UpdateAttributesJsoImpl create() {
        UpdateAttributesJsoImpl instance = (UpdateAttributesJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
        // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
        // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
        // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
        return instance;

      public void copyFrom(UpdateAttributes message) {
        super.copyFrom((UpdateAttributesJsoImpl) message);

      public boolean hasEmpty() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEmpty);

      public void clearEmpty() {
        if (hasProperty(this, keyEmpty)) {
          deleteProperty(this, keyEmpty);

      public boolean getEmpty() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEmpty) ? getPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyEmpty) : false;

      public void setEmpty(boolean value) {
        setPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyEmpty, value);

      public List<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl> getAttributeUpdate() {
        initArray(this, keyAttributeUpdate);
        List<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl> list = new ArrayList<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getAttributeUpdateSize(); i++) {
        return list;

      public void addAllAttributeUpdate(List<? extends KeyValueUpdate> models) {
        for (KeyValueUpdate model : models) {

          public KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl getAttributeUpdate(int n) {
        initArray(this, keyAttributeUpdate);
        JsArray<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl> array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttributeUpdate).cast();
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
        return array.get(n);

          public void setAttributeUpdate(int n, KeyValueUpdate model) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        initArray(this, keyAttributeUpdate);
        ((JsArray<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttributeUpdate)).set(n, (KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) model);

      public int getAttributeUpdateSize() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyAttributeUpdate) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttributeUpdate)).length() : 0;

          public void addAttributeUpdate(KeyValueUpdate model) {
        initArray(this, keyAttributeUpdate);
        ((JsArray<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAttributeUpdate)).push((KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) model);

      public void clearAttributeUpdate() {
        clearArray(this, keyAttributeUpdate);

      public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof UpdateAttributesJsoImpl) {
          return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
        } else if (o instanceof UpdateAttributes) {
          return UpdateAttributesUtil.isEqual(this, (UpdateAttributes) o);
        } else {
          return false;


    // We have to use fully-qualified name of the GsonSerializable class here in order to make it
    // visible in case of nested classes.
    public static final class AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl extends org.waveprotocol.wave.communication.gwt.JsonMessage
        implements AnnotationBoundary {
      private static final String keyEmpty = "1";
      private static final String keyEnd = "2";
      private static final String keyChange = "3";
      protected AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl() {

      public static AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl create() {
        AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl instance = (AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
        // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
        // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
        // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
        return instance;

      public void copyFrom(AnnotationBoundary message) {
        super.copyFrom((AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl) message);

      public boolean hasEmpty() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEmpty);

      public void clearEmpty() {
        if (hasProperty(this, keyEmpty)) {
          deleteProperty(this, keyEmpty);

      public boolean getEmpty() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEmpty) ? getPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyEmpty) : false;

      public void setEmpty(boolean value) {
        setPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyEmpty, value);

      public List<String> getEnd() {
        initArray(this, keyEnd);
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getEndSize(); i++) {
        return list;

      public void addAllEnd(List<String> values) {
        for (String value : values) {

          public String getEnd(int n) {
        initArray(this, keyEnd);
        JsArrayString array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyEnd).cast();
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
        return array.get(n);

      public void setEnd(int n, String value) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        initArray(this, keyEnd);
        ((JsArrayString) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyEnd)).set(n, value);

      public int getEndSize() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyEnd) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyEnd)).length() : 0;

      public void addEnd(String value) {
        initArray(this, keyEnd);
        ((JsArrayString) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyEnd)).push(value);

      public void clearEnd() {
        clearArray(this, keyEnd);

      public List<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl> getChange() {
        initArray(this, keyChange);
        List<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl> list = new ArrayList<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl>();
        for (int i = 0; i < getChangeSize(); i++) {
        return list;

      public void addAllChange(List<? extends KeyValueUpdate> models) {
        for (KeyValueUpdate model : models) {

          public KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl getChange(int n) {
        initArray(this, keyChange);
        JsArray<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl> array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyChange).cast();
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
        return array.get(n);

          public void setChange(int n, KeyValueUpdate model) {
        if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
        initArray(this, keyChange);
        ((JsArray<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyChange)).set(n, (KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) model);

      public int getChangeSize() {
        return hasProperty(this, keyChange) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyChange)).length() : 0;

          public void addChange(KeyValueUpdate model) {
        initArray(this, keyChange);
        ((JsArray<KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyChange)).push((KeyValueUpdateJsoImpl) model);

      public void clearChange() {
        clearArray(this, keyChange);

      public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
        if (o instanceof AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl) {
          return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
        } else if (o instanceof AnnotationBoundary) {
          return AnnotationBoundaryUtil.isEqual(this, (AnnotationBoundary) o);
        } else {
          return false;


    private static final String keyAnnotationBoundary = "1";
    private static final String keyCharacters = "2";
    private static final String keyElementStart = "3";
    private static final String keyElementEnd = "4";
    private static final String keyRetainItemCount = "5";
    private static final String keyDeleteCharacters = "6";
    private static final String keyDeleteElementStart = "7";
    private static final String keyDeleteElementEnd = "8";
    private static final String keyReplaceAttributes = "9";
    private static final String keyUpdateAttributes = "10";
    protected ComponentJsoImpl() {

    public static ComponentJsoImpl create() {
      ComponentJsoImpl instance = (ComponentJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
      // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
      // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
      // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
      return instance;

    public void copyFrom(Component message) {
      super.copyFrom((ComponentJsoImpl) message);

    public boolean hasAnnotationBoundary() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyAnnotationBoundary);

    public void clearAnnotationBoundary() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyAnnotationBoundary)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyAnnotationBoundary);

    public AnnotationBoundary getAnnotationBoundary() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyAnnotationBoundary) ? ((AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyAnnotationBoundary)) : null;

    public void setAnnotationBoundary(AnnotationBoundary model) {
      setPropertyAsObject(this, keyAnnotationBoundary, (AnnotationBoundaryJsoImpl) model);

    public boolean hasCharacters() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyCharacters);

    public void clearCharacters() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyCharacters)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyCharacters);

    public String getCharacters() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyCharacters) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyCharacters) : null;

    public void setCharacters(String value) {
      setPropertyAsString(this, keyCharacters, value);

    public boolean hasElementStart() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyElementStart);

    public void clearElementStart() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyElementStart)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyElementStart);

    public ElementStart getElementStart() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyElementStart) ? ((ElementStartJsoImpl) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyElementStart)) : null;

    public void setElementStart(ElementStart model) {
      setPropertyAsObject(this, keyElementStart, (ElementStartJsoImpl) model);

    public boolean hasElementEnd() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyElementEnd);

    public void clearElementEnd() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyElementEnd)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyElementEnd);

    public boolean getElementEnd() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyElementEnd) ? getPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyElementEnd) : false;

    public void setElementEnd(boolean value) {
      setPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyElementEnd, value);

    public boolean hasRetainItemCount() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyRetainItemCount);

    public void clearRetainItemCount() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyRetainItemCount)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyRetainItemCount);

    public int getRetainItemCount() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyRetainItemCount) ? getPropertyAsInteger(this, keyRetainItemCount) : 0;

    public void setRetainItemCount(int value) {
      setPropertyAsInteger(this, keyRetainItemCount, value);

    public boolean hasDeleteCharacters() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyDeleteCharacters);

    public void clearDeleteCharacters() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyDeleteCharacters)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyDeleteCharacters);

    public String getDeleteCharacters() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyDeleteCharacters) ? getPropertyAsString(this, keyDeleteCharacters) : null;

    public void setDeleteCharacters(String value) {
      setPropertyAsString(this, keyDeleteCharacters, value);

    public boolean hasDeleteElementStart() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyDeleteElementStart);

    public void clearDeleteElementStart() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyDeleteElementStart)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyDeleteElementStart);

    public ElementStart getDeleteElementStart() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyDeleteElementStart) ? ((ElementStartJsoImpl) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyDeleteElementStart)) : null;

    public void setDeleteElementStart(ElementStart model) {
      setPropertyAsObject(this, keyDeleteElementStart, (ElementStartJsoImpl) model);

    public boolean hasDeleteElementEnd() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyDeleteElementEnd);

    public void clearDeleteElementEnd() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyDeleteElementEnd)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyDeleteElementEnd);

    public boolean getDeleteElementEnd() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyDeleteElementEnd) ? getPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyDeleteElementEnd) : false;

    public void setDeleteElementEnd(boolean value) {
      setPropertyAsBoolean(this, keyDeleteElementEnd, value);

    public boolean hasReplaceAttributes() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyReplaceAttributes);

    public void clearReplaceAttributes() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyReplaceAttributes)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyReplaceAttributes);

    public ReplaceAttributes getReplaceAttributes() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyReplaceAttributes) ? ((ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyReplaceAttributes)) : null;

    public void setReplaceAttributes(ReplaceAttributes model) {
      setPropertyAsObject(this, keyReplaceAttributes, (ReplaceAttributesJsoImpl) model);

    public boolean hasUpdateAttributes() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyUpdateAttributes);

    public void clearUpdateAttributes() {
      if (hasProperty(this, keyUpdateAttributes)) {
        deleteProperty(this, keyUpdateAttributes);

    public UpdateAttributes getUpdateAttributes() {
      return hasProperty(this, keyUpdateAttributes) ? ((UpdateAttributesJsoImpl) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyUpdateAttributes)) : null;

    public void setUpdateAttributes(UpdateAttributes model) {
      setPropertyAsObject(this, keyUpdateAttributes, (UpdateAttributesJsoImpl) model);

    public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
      if (o instanceof ComponentJsoImpl) {
        return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
      } else if (o instanceof Component) {
        return ComponentUtil.isEqual(this, (Component) o);
      } else {
        return false;


  private static final String keyComponent = "1";
  protected ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl() {

  public static ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl create() {
    ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl instance = (ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl) JsonMessage.createJsonMessage();
    // Force all lists to start with an empty list rather than no property for
    // the list. This is so that the native JS equality works, since (obviously)
    // {} != {"foo": []} while in the context of messages they should be.
    return instance;

  public void copyFrom(ProtocolDocumentOperation message) {
    super.copyFrom((ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl) message);

  public List<ComponentJsoImpl> getComponent() {
    initArray(this, keyComponent);
    List<ComponentJsoImpl> list = new ArrayList<ComponentJsoImpl>();
    for (int i = 0; i < getComponentSize(); i++) {
    return list;

  public void addAllComponent(List<? extends Component> models) {
    for (Component model : models) {

      public ComponentJsoImpl getComponent(int n) {
    initArray(this, keyComponent);
    JsArray<ComponentJsoImpl> array = getPropertyAsObject(this, keyComponent).cast();
    if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
    if (array.length() <= n) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + ">= array length " + array.length());
    return array.get(n);

      public void setComponent(int n, Component model) {
    if (n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("index " + n + " < 0");
    initArray(this, keyComponent);
    ((JsArray<ComponentJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyComponent)).set(n, (ComponentJsoImpl) model);

  public int getComponentSize() {
    return hasProperty(this, keyComponent) ? ((JsArray<?>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyComponent)).length() : 0;

      public void addComponent(Component model) {
    initArray(this, keyComponent);
    ((JsArray<ComponentJsoImpl>) getPropertyAsObject(this, keyComponent)).push((ComponentJsoImpl) model);

  public void clearComponent() {
    clearArray(this, keyComponent);

  public boolean isEqualTo(Object o) {
    if (o instanceof ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl) {
      return nativeIsEqualTo(o);
    } else if (o instanceof ProtocolDocumentOperation) {
      return ProtocolDocumentOperationUtil.isEqual(this, (ProtocolDocumentOperation) o);
    } else {
      return false;


Related Classes of org.waveprotocol.wave.federation.jso.ProtocolDocumentOperationJsoImpl$ComponentJsoImpl$ElementStartJsoImpl

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