Package net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.core

Source Code of net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.core.TextTags

package net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.core;

import net.aufdemrand.denizen.Denizen;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.Element;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.Attribute;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler;
import org.bukkit.event.Listener;

public class TextTags implements Listener {

    public TextTags(Denizen denizen) {
        denizen.getServer().getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, denizen);

    public void foreignCharacterTags(ReplaceableTagEvent event) {

        if (!event.getName().startsWith("&")) return;
        Attribute attribute =
                new Attribute(event.raw_tag, event.getScriptEntry());

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <&auml>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // Returns an umlaut-a symbol: ä
        // -->
        if (event.getName().equals("&auml"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("ä").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&Auml>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a capital umlaut-A symbol: Ä
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equals("&Auml"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("Ä").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&ouml>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns an umlaut-o symbol: ö
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equals("&ouml"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("ö").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&Iuml>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a capital umlaut-O symbol: Ö
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equals("&Ouml"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("Ö").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&uuml>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns an umlaut-u symbol: ü
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equals("&uuml"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("ü").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&Uuml>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a capital umlaut-U symbol: Ü
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equals("&Uuml"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("Ü").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));


    // Thanks geckon :)
    final String[] code = {"0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&0>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Black.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&1>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Blue.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&2>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Green.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&3>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Cyan.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&4>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Red.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&5>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Magenta.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&6>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Gold.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&7>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Gray.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&8>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Gray.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&9>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Blue.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&a>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Green.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&b>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Cyan.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&c>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Red.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&d>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Magenta.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&e>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Yellow.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&f>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters White.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&k>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters obfuscated.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&l>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters bold.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&m>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters have a strike-through.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&n>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters have an underline.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&o>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters italicized.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <&r>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that resets the following characters to normal.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <black>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Black.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <dark_blue>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Blue.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <dark_green>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Green.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <dark_aqua>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Cyan.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <dark_red>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Red.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <dark_purple>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Magenta.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <gold>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Gold.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <gray>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Gray.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <dark_gray>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Dark Gray.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <blue>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Blue.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <green>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Green.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <aqua>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Cyan.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <red>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Light Red.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <light_purple>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Magenta.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <yellow>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters Yellow.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <white>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters White.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <magic>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters obfuscated.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <bold>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters bold.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <strikethrough>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters have a strike-through.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <underline>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters have an underline.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <italic>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that makes the following characters italicized.
    // -->

    // <--[tag]
    // @attribute <reset>
    // @returns Element
    // @description
    // Returns the ChatColor that resets the following characters to normal.
    // -->

    public void colorTags(ReplaceableTagEvent event) {
        Attribute attribute = event.getAttributes();
        int i = 0;
        for (ChatColor color : ChatColor.values()) {
            if (i > 22) break;
            if (event.matches(
                event.setReplaced(new Element(color.toString()).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));
            else if (event.matches("&" + code[i]))
                event.setReplaced(new Element(ChatColor.getByChar(code[i]).toString()).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

    public void specialCharacterTags(ReplaceableTagEvent event) {
        if (!event.getName().startsWith("&")) return;
        Attribute attribute =
                new Attribute(event.raw_tag, event.getScriptEntry());

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <&nl>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // Returns a newline symbol.
        // -->
        if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&nl"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("\n").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&amp>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns an ampersand symbol: &
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&amp"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("&").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&cm>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a comma symbol: ,
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&cm"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(",").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&ss>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns an internal coloring symbol: §
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&ss"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("§").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&sq>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a single-quote symbol: '
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&sq"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("'").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&sp>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a non-breaking space symbol.
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&sp"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(String.valueOf((char)0x00A0)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&dq>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a double-quote symbol: "
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&dq"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("\"").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&co>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a colon symbol: :
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&co"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(":").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&sc>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a semicolon symbol: ;
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&sc"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(String.valueOf((char)0x2011)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&rb>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a right-bracket symbol: ]
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&rb"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("]").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&lb>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a left-bracket symbol: [
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&lb"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("[").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&rc>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a right-brace symbol: }
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&rc"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("}").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&lc>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a left-brace symbol: {
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&lc"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("{").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&ns>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a hash symbol: #
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&ns"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("#").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&pc>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a percent symbol: %
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&pc"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("%").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&pipe>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a pipe symbol: |
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&pipe"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("|").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&ds>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a dollar sign: $
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&ds"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("$").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&lt>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a less than symbol: <
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&lt"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(String.valueOf((char)0x01)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&gt>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a greater than symbol: >
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&gt"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(String.valueOf((char)0x02)).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&bs>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a backslash symbol: \
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&bs"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("\\").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&at>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns an at symbol: @
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&at"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("@").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

            // <--[tag]
            // @attribute <&dot>
            // @returns Element
            // @description
            // Returns a dot symbol: .
            // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&dot"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element(".").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <&hrt>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // Returns a heart symbol: ♥
        // -->
        else if (event.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("&hrt"))
            event.setReplaced(new Element("\u2665").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1)));

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <&chr[<character>]>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // Returns the character specified.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("&chr") && attribute.hasContext(1))
            event.setReplaced(String.valueOf((char)Integer.parseInt(attribute.getContext(1), 16)));


Related Classes of net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.core.TextTags

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