Package net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects

Source Code of net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dWorld

package net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects;

import net.aufdemrand.denizen.tags.Attribute;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.debugging.dB;
import net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.depends.Depends;
import net.aufdemrand.denizencore.utilities.CoreUtilities;
import net.citizensnpcs.api.CitizensAPI;

import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
import org.bukkit.Chunk;
import org.bukkit.Difficulty;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_7_R4.CraftChunk;
import org.bukkit.entity.Entity;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class dWorld implements dObject, Adjustable {


    static Map<String, dWorld> worlds = new HashMap<String, dWorld>();

    public static dWorld mirrorBukkitWorld(World world) {
        if (world == null) return null;
        if (worlds.containsKey(world.getName())) return worlds.get(world.getName());
        else return new dWorld(world);


    // <--[language]
    // @name w@
    // @group Object Fetcher System
    // @description
    // w@ refers to the 'object identifier' of a dWorld. The 'w@' is notation for Denizen's Object
    // Fetcher. The only valid constructor for a dWorld is the name of the world it should be
    // associated with. For example, to reference the world named 'world1', use w@world1.
    // World names are case insensitive.
    // -->

    public static dWorld valueOf(String string) {
        if (string == null) return null;

        string = string.replace("w@", "");

        // Match world name

        World returnable = null;

        for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds())
            if (world.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(string))
                returnable = world;

        if (returnable != null) {
            if (worlds.containsKey(returnable.getName()))
                return worlds.get(returnable.getName());
            else return new dWorld(returnable);
        else dB.echoError("Invalid World! '" + string
                + "' could not be found.");

        return null;

    public static boolean matches(String arg) {

        arg = arg.replace("w@", "");

        World returnable = null;

        for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds())
            if (world.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(arg))
                returnable = world;

        return returnable != null;

    public World getWorld() {
        return Bukkit.getWorld(world_name);

    public String getName() {
        return world_name;

    public List<Entity> getEntities() {
        return getWorld().getEntities();

    private String prefix;
    String world_name;

    public dWorld(World world) {
        this(null, world);

    public dWorld(String prefix, World world) {
        if (prefix == null) this.prefix = "World";
        else this.prefix = prefix;
        this.world_name = world.getName();
        if (!worlds.containsKey(world.getName()))
            worlds.put(world.getName(), this);

    public String getPrefix() {
        return prefix;

    public String debug() {
        return (prefix + "='<A>" + identify() + "<G>'  ");

    public boolean isUnique() {
        return true;

    public String getObjectType() {
        return "World";

    public String identify() {
        return "w@" + world_name;


    public String identifySimple() {
        return identify();

    public String toString() {
        return identify();

    public dObject setPrefix(String prefix) {
        this.prefix = prefix;
        return this;

    public String getAttribute(Attribute attribute) {

        if (attribute == null) return null;


        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.prefix>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // Returns the prefix of the world dObject.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("prefix"))
            return new Element(prefix)


        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.entities>
        // @returns dList(dEntity)
        // @description
        // Returns a list of entities in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("entities")) {
            ArrayList<dEntity> entities = new ArrayList<dEntity>();

            for (Entity entity : getWorld().getEntities()) {
                entities.add(new dEntity(entity));

            return new dList(entities)

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.living_entities>
        // @returns dList(dEntity)
        // @description
        // Returns a list of living entities in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("living_entities")) {
            ArrayList<dEntity> entities = new ArrayList<dEntity>();

            for (Entity entity : getWorld().getLivingEntities()) {
                entities.add(new dEntity(entity));

            return new dList(entities)

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.players>
        // @returns dList(dPlayer)
        // @description
        // Returns a list of online players in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("players")) {
            ArrayList<dPlayer> players = new ArrayList<dPlayer>();

            for (Player player : getWorld().getPlayers()) {
                if (Depends.citizens == null || !CitizensAPI.getNPCRegistry().isNPC(player))
                    players.add(new dPlayer(player));

            return new dList(players)


        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.can_generate_structures>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether the world will generate structures.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("can_generate_structures"))
            return new Element(getWorld().canGenerateStructures())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.loaded_chunks>
        // @returns dList(dChunk)
        // @description
        // returns a list of all the currently loaded chunks.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("loaded_chunks")) {
            dList chunks = new dList();
            for (Chunk ent : this.getWorld().getLoadedChunks())
                chunks.add(new dChunk((CraftChunk) ent).identify());

            return chunks.getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.random_loaded_chunk>
        // @returns dChunk
        // @description
        // returns a random loaded chunk.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("random_loaded_chunk")) {
            int random = CoreUtilities.getRandom().nextInt(getWorld().getLoadedChunks().length);
            return new dChunk((CraftChunk) getWorld().getLoadedChunks()[random])

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.sea_level>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // returns the level of the sea.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("sea_level"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getSeaLevel())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.spawn_location>
        // @returns dLocation
        // @description
        // returns the spawn location of the world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("spawn_location"))
            return new dLocation(getWorld().getSpawnLocation())


        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // returns the name of the world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("name"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getName())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.seed>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // returns the world seed.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("seed"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getSeed())


        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.allows_animals>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether animals can spawn in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("allows_animals"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getAllowAnimals())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.allows_monsters>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether monsters can spawn in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("allows_monsters"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getAllowMonsters())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.allows_pvp>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether player versus player combat is allowed in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("allows_pvp"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getPVP())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.ambient_spawn_limit>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // Returns the number of ambient mobs that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("ambient_spawn_limit"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getAmbientSpawnLimit())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.animal_spawn_limit>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // Returns the number of animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("animal_spawn_limit"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getAnimalSpawnLimit())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.auto_save>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether the world automatically saves.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("auto_save"))
            return new Element(getWorld().isAutoSave())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.difficulty>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // returns the name of the difficulty level.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("difficulty"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getDifficulty().name())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.keep_spawn>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether the world's spawn area should be kept loaded into memory.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("keep_spawn"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getDifficulty().name())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.max_height>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // Returns the maximum height of this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("max_height"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getMaxHeight())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.monster_spawn_limit>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // Returns the number of monsters that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("monster_spawn_limit"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getMonsterSpawnLimit())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.ticks_per_animal_spawn>
        // @returns Duration
        // @description
        // Returns the world's ticks per animal spawn value.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("ticks_per_animal_spawn"))
            return new Duration(getWorld().getTicksPerAnimalSpawns() )

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.ticks_per_monster_spawn>
        // @returns Duration
        // @description
        // Returns the world's ticks per monster spawn value.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("ticks_per_monster_spawn"))
            return new Duration(getWorld().getTicksPerMonsterSpawns() )

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.water_animal_spawn_limit>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // Returns the number of water animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("water_animal_spawn_limit"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getWaterAnimalSpawnLimit())

        //   TIME ATTRIBUTES

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.time.period>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // returns the time as 'day', 'night', 'dawn', or 'dusk'.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("time.period")) {

            long time = getWorld().getTime();
            String period;

            if (time >= 23000) period = "dawn";
            else if (time >= 13500) period = "night";
            else if (time >= 12500) period = "dusk";
            else period = "day";

            return new Element(period).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(2));

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.time.full>
        // @returns Duration
        // @description
        // Returns the in-game time of this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("time.full"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getFullTime())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.time>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // Returns the relative in-game time of this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("time"))
            return new Element(getWorld().getTime())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.moon_phase>
        // @returns Element(Number)
        // @description
        // returns the current phase of the moon, as an integer from 1 to 8.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("moon_phase")
                || attribute.startsWith("moonphase"))
            return new Element((int)((getWorld().getFullTime() / 24000) % 8) + 1)


        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.has_storm>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // returns whether there is currently a storm in this world.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("has_storm"))
            return new Element(getWorld().hasStorm())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.thunder_duration>
        // @returns Duration
        // @description
        // Returns the duration of thunder.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("thunder_duration"))
            return new Duration((long) getWorld().getThunderDuration())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.thundering>
        // @returns Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Returns whether it is currently thundering in this world.
        if (attribute.startsWith("thundering"))
            return new Element(getWorld().isThundering())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.weather_duration>
        // @returns Duration
        // @description
        // Returns the duration of storms.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("weather_duration"))
            return new Duration((long) getWorld().getWeatherDuration())

        // <--[tag]
        // @attribute <w@world.type>
        // @returns Element
        // @description
        // Always returns 'World' for dWorld objects. All objects fetchable by the Object Fetcher will return the
        // type of object that is fulfilling this attribute.
        // -->
        if (attribute.startsWith("type")) {
            return new Element("World").getAttribute(attribute.fulfill(1));
        // Iterate through this object's properties' attributes
        for (Property property : PropertyParser.getProperties(this)) {
            String returned = property.getAttribute(attribute);
            if (returned != null) return returned;

        return new Element(identify()).getAttribute(attribute);

    public void applyProperty(Mechanism mechanism) {
        dB.echoError("Cannot apply properties to a world!");

    public void adjust(Mechanism mechanism) {

        Element value = mechanism.getValue();

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name ambient_spawn_limit
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets the limit for number of ambient mobs that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.ambient_spawn_limit>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("ambient_spawn_limit")
                && mechanism.requireInteger()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name animal_spawn_limit
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets the limit for number of animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.animal_spawn_limit>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("animal_spawn_limit")
                && mechanism.requireInteger()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name auto_save
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets whether the world will automatically save edits.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.auto_save>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("auto_save")
                && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name difficulty
        // @input Element
        // @description
        // Sets the limit for number of animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.difficulty>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("difficulty") && mechanism.requireEnum(true, Difficulty.values())) {
            String upper = value.asString().toUpperCase();
            Difficulty diff = null;
            if (upper.matches("(PEACEFUL|EASY|NORMAL|HARD)")) {
                diff = Difficulty.valueOf(upper);
            else {
                diff = Difficulty.getByValue(value.asInt());
            if (diff != null)

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name full_time
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets the in-game time on the server.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.time.full>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("full_time") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name keep_spawn
        // @input Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Sets whether the world's spawn area should be kept loaded into memory.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.time.full>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("keep_spawn") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name monster_spawn_limit
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets the limit for number of monsters that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.monster_spawn_limit>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("monster_spawn_limit") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name allow_pvp
        // @input Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Sets whether player versus player combat is allowed in this world.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.allows_pvp>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("allow_pvp") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name spawn_location
        // @input dLocation
        // @description
        // Sets the spawn location of this world. (This ignores the world value of the dLocation.)
        // @tags
        // <w@world.spawn_location>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("spawn_location") && mechanism.requireObject(dLocation.class)) {
            dLocation loc = value.asType(dLocation.class);
            getWorld().setSpawnLocation(loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ());

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name storming
        // @input Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Sets whether there is a storm.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.has_storm>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("storming") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name thunder_duration
        // @input Duration
        // @description
        // Sets the duration of thunder.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.thunder_duration>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("thunder_duration") && mechanism.requireObject(Duration.class)) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name thundering
        // @input Element(Boolean)
        // @description
        // Sets whether it is thundering.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.thundering>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("thundering") && mechanism.requireBoolean()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name ticks_per_animal_spawns
        // @input Duration
        // @description
        // Sets the time between animal spawns.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.ticks_per_animal_spawns>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("ticks_per_animal_spawns") && mechanism.requireObject(Duration.class)) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name ticks_per_monster_spawns
        // @input Duration
        // @description
        // Sets the time between monster spawns.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.ticks_per_monster_spawns>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("ticks_per_monster_spawns") && mechanism.requireObject(Duration.class)) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name time
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets the relative in-game time on the server.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.time>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("time") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name water_animal_spawn_limit
        // @input Element(Integer)
        // @description
        // Sets the limit for number of water animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.water_animal_spawn_limit>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("water_animal_spawn_limit") && mechanism.requireInteger()) {

        // <--[mechanism]
        // @object dWorld
        // @name weather_duration
        // @input Duration
        // @description
        // Set the remaining time in ticks of the current conditions.
        // @tags
        // <w@world.weather_duration>
        // -->
        if (mechanism.matches("weather_duration") && mechanism.requireObject(Duration.class)) {

        // Iterate through this object's properties' mechanisms
        for (Property property : PropertyParser.getProperties(this)) {
            if (mechanism.fulfilled())

        if (!mechanism.fulfilled())


Related Classes of net.aufdemrand.denizen.objects.dWorld

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