
Source Code of

* Copyright 2006 - 2013
*     Stefan Balev     <>
*     Julien Baudry    <>
*     Antoine Dutot    <>
*     Yoann Pigné      <>
*     Guilhelm Savin   <>
* This file is part of GraphStream <>.
* GraphStream is a library whose purpose is to handle static or dynamic
* graph, create them from scratch, file or any source and display them.
* This program is free software distributed under the terms of two licenses, the
* CeCILL-C license that fits European law, and the GNU Lesser General Public
* License. You can  use, modify and/ or redistribute the software under the terms
* of the CeCILL-C license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and INRIA at the following
* URL <> or under the terms of the GNU LGPL as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
* option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
* WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
* PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <>.
* The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
* knowledge of the CeCILL-C and LGPL licenses and that you accept their terms.



import org.graphstream.util.parser.ParseException;
import org.graphstream.util.parser.Parser;
import org.graphstream.util.parser.ParserFactory;

* A GML parser.
* This parser should understand the whole GML syntax. It transforms any
* unknown tag into an attribute. Depending on the location of the unknown
* tag, the attribute is added to the graph, to nodes or to the edges.
* The "graphics" attributes are, as far as possible, transformed into
* "" attributes that are merged with the style sheet. The understood
* graphics tags are "x", "y", "z", "w", "h", "d" for position and size,
* "fill" for the background color (becomes "fill-color"), "outline" (becomes
* "stroke-color"), "type" (becomes "shape", the known shapes being
* the ones of the GraphStream CSS, plus the "ellipse" tag wich maps
* to "circle" and the "rectangle" tag that maps to "box"), "outline_width" (becomes
* "stroke-width", in pixels).
* If edges have no "id" tag, the id is the concatenation of the source
* and target node identifiers separated by a "_" character and a random
* number.
* You can declare nodes either with the full declaration:
* <pre>
*     node [ Id "foo" ]
* </pre>
* Which is useful when adding attributes to it. Or you can use a lighter
* declaration with:
* <pre>
*      node "foo"
* </pre>
* You can also remove nodes and edges by using:
* <pre>
*      -node "foo"
*      del-node "foo"
*      -node [ Id "foo" ]
*      del-node [ Id "foo" ]
* </pre>
* And the same for edges with "-edge" or "del-edge".
* All the dynamic events of GraphStream are supported as an extension.
* You can add or remove attributes to or from a node or edge using a
* minus sign in front of the attribute name and following the attribute
* name by [].
* You can remove a node or edge using a minus sign in front of the
* node and edge tags:
* <pre>
*     -node [ id "foo" ]
* </pre>
* Or
* <pre>
*     -node "foo"
* </pre>
* You can change the attributes of a node or edge using a plus sign
* in front of the node and edge tags:
* <pre>
*     +node [ id "foo" someAttribute "added" -removedAttribute [] ]
* </pre>
* Be careful, that files exported with the dynamic extensions will not
* be compatible with most GML readers of other programs.
* The standard extension for GML files is ".gml". If your file contains
* dynamic additions, you can use the ".dgml" (Dynamic GML) extensions.
* The parser will handle both dynamic and non dynamic files with the
* extension ".gml".
public class FileSourceGML extends FileSourceParser {
   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public boolean nextStep() throws IOException {
    try {
      return ((GMLParser) parser).step();
    } catch(ParseException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
  public ParserFactory getNewParserFactory() {
    return new ParserFactory() {
      public Parser newParser(Reader reader) {
        return new GMLParser(FileSourceGML.this, reader);

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