Package org.apache.james.smtpserver.fastfail

Source Code of org.apache.james.smtpserver.fastfail.SpamAssassinHandler

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* distributed with this work for additional information        *
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file   *
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package org.apache.james.smtpserver.fastfail;

import javax.mail.MessagingException;
import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;

import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration;
import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.james.protocols.api.ProtocolSession.State;
import org.apache.james.protocols.lib.lifecycle.InitializingLifecycleAwareProtocolHandler;
import org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.SMTPSession;
import org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.dsn.DSNStatus;
import org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.hook.HookResult;
import org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.hook.HookReturnCode;
import org.apache.james.smtpserver.JamesMessageHook;
import org.apache.james.util.scanner.SpamAssassinInvoker;
import org.apache.mailet.Mail;

* <p>
* This MessageHandler could be used to check message against spamd before
* accept the email. So its possible to reject a message on smtplevel if a
* configured hits amount is reached. The handler add the follow attributes to
* the mail object:
* <pre>
* <code>
* org.apache.james.spamassassin.status - Holds the status
* org.apache.james.spamassassin.flag - Holds the flag
* </code>
* </pre>
* </p>
* <p>
* Sample Configuration:
* <pre>
* &lt;handler class="org.apache.james.smtpserver.SpamAssassinHandler"&gt;
*   &lt;spamdHost&gt;localhost&lt;/spamdHost&gt;
*   &lt;spamdPort&gt;783&lt;/spamdPort&gt; <br>
*   &lt;spamdRejectionHits&gt;15.0&lt;/spamdRejectionHits&gt;
*   &lt;checkAuthNetworks&gt;false&lt;/checkAuthNetworks&gt;
* &lt;/handler&gt;
* </pre>
* </p>
public class SpamAssassinHandler implements JamesMessageHook, InitializingLifecycleAwareProtocolHandler {

    /** The port spamd is listen on */
    private int spamdPort = 783;

    /** The host spamd is running on */
    private String spamdHost = "localhost";

    /** The hits on which the message get rejected */
    private double spamdRejectionHits = 0.0;

     * Set the host the spamd daemon is running at
     * @param spamdHost
     *            The spamdHost
    public void setSpamdHost(String spamdHost) {
        this.spamdHost = spamdHost;

     * Set the port the spamd daemon is listen on
     * @param spamdPort
     *            the spamdPort
    public void setSpamdPort(int spamdPort) {
        this.spamdPort = spamdPort;

     * Set the hits on which the message will be rejected.
     * @param spamdRejectionHits
     *            The hits
    public void setSpamdRejectionHits(double spamdRejectionHits) {
        this.spamdRejectionHits = spamdRejectionHits;


     * @see org.apache.james.smtpserver.JamesMessageHook#onMessage(org.apache.james.protocols.smtp.SMTPSession,
     *      org.apache.mailet.Mail)
    public HookResult onMessage(SMTPSession session, Mail mail) {

        try {
            MimeMessage message = mail.getMessage();
            SpamAssassinInvoker sa = new SpamAssassinInvoker(spamdHost, spamdPort);

            // Add the headers
            for (String key : sa.getHeadersAsAttribute().keySet()) {
                mail.setAttribute(key, sa.getHeadersAsAttribute().get(key));

            // Check if rejectionHits was configured
            if (spamdRejectionHits > 0) {
                try {
                    double hits = Double.parseDouble(sa.getHits());

                    // if the hits are bigger the rejectionHits reject the
                    // message
                    if (spamdRejectionHits <= hits) {
                        String buffer = "Rejected message from " + session.getAttachment(SMTPSession.SENDER, State.Transaction).toString() + " from host " + session.getRemoteAddress().getHostName() + " (" + session.getRemoteAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress() + ") This message reach the spam hits treshold. Required rejection hits: " + spamdRejectionHits + " hits: " + hits;

                        // Message reject .. abort it!
                        return new HookResult(HookReturnCode.DENY, DSNStatus.getStatus(DSNStatus.PERMANENT, DSNStatus.SECURITY_OTHER) + " This message reach the spam hits treshold. Please contact the Postmaster if the email is not SPAM. Message rejected");
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    // hits unknown
        } catch (MessagingException e) {
        return new HookResult(HookReturnCode.DECLINED);

    public void init(Configuration config) throws ConfigurationException {
        setSpamdHost(config.getString("spamdHost", "localhost"));
        setSpamdPort(config.getInt("spamdPort", 783));
        setSpamdRejectionHits(config.getDouble("spamdRejectionHits", 0.0));       

    public void destroy() {
        // nothing to-do

Related Classes of org.apache.james.smtpserver.fastfail.SpamAssassinHandler

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