Package com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db

Source Code of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.OracleTxlogEventReader

package com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db;
* Copyright 2013 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import com.linkedin.databus.core.DbusEventBufferAppendable;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.UnsupportedKeyException;
import com.linkedin.databus.core.monitoring.mbean.DbusEventsStatisticsCollector;
import com.linkedin.databus2.core.DatabusException;
import com.linkedin.databus2.core.seq.MaxSCNWriter;
import com.linkedin.databus2.producers.EventCreationException;
import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.LogicalSourceConfig;
import com.linkedin.databus2.relay.config.PhysicalSourceStaticConfig.ChunkingType;
import com.linkedin.databus2.util.DBHelper;

* Class which can read events from the Oracle databus transaction log (sy$txlog) starting from
* a given SCN. Each call to the readEventsFromAllSources will perform one event cycle against all
* sources. That is, it will fetch any existing events starting at the given SCN and then return.
* Semantics : If a connection / PreparedStmt is a created within a method, and not cached in a member variable,
* the method is responsible for closing it. If not, it should NOT close it.
public class OracleTxlogEventReader
  implements SourceDBEventReader
  public static final String MODULE = OracleTxlogEventReader.class.getName();

  private final String _name;
  private final List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> _sources;
  private final String _selectSchema;

  private final DataSource _dataSource;

  private static final int DEFAULT_STMT_FETCH_SIZE = 100;
  private static final int MAX_STMT_FETCH_SIZE = 1000;

  private final DbusEventBufferAppendable _eventBuffer;
  private final boolean _enableTracing;

  private final Map<Short, String> _eventQueriesBySource;
  private final Map<Short, String> _eventChunkedScnQueriesBySource;
  private final Map<Short, String> _eventChunkedTxnQueriesBySource;

  private PreparedStatement _txnChunkJumpScnStmt;

  /** Logger for error and debug messages. */
  private final Logger _log;
  private final Logger _eventsLog;

  private Connection _eventSelectConnection;
  private final DbusEventsStatisticsCollector _relayInboundStatsCollector;
  private final MaxSCNWriter _maxScnWriter;
  private long _lastquerytime;
  private long _lastMaxScnTime;
  private final long _slowQuerySourceThreshold  ;

  private final ChunkingType _chunkingType;
  private final long _txnsPerChunk;
  private final long _scnChunkSize;
  private final long _chunkedScnThreshold;
  private final long _maxScnDelayMs;

  private long _lastSeenEOP = EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN;

  private volatile boolean _inChunkingMode = false;
  private volatile long _catchupTargetMaxScn = -1L;

  public OracleTxlogEventReader(String name,
                              List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> sources,
                             DataSource dataSource,
                             DbusEventBufferAppendable eventBuffer,
                             boolean enableTracing,
                             DbusEventsStatisticsCollector dbusEventsStatisticsCollector,
                             MaxSCNWriter maxScnWriter,
                             long slowQuerySourceThreshold,
                             ChunkingType chunkingType,
                             long txnsPerChunk,
                             long scnChunkSize,
                             long chunkedScnThreshold,
                             long maxScnDelayMs)
    List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> sourcesTemp = new ArrayList<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo>();
    _name = name;
    _sources = Collections.unmodifiableList(sourcesTemp);
    _dataSource = dataSource;
    _eventBuffer = eventBuffer;
    _enableTracing = enableTracing;
    _relayInboundStatsCollector = dbusEventsStatisticsCollector;
    _maxScnWriter = maxScnWriter;
    _slowQuerySourceThreshold = slowQuerySourceThreshold;
    _log = Logger.getLogger(getClass().getName() + "." + _name);
    _eventsLog = Logger.getLogger("" + _name);
    _chunkingType = chunkingType;
    _txnsPerChunk = txnsPerChunk;
    _scnChunkSize = scnChunkSize;
    _chunkedScnThreshold = chunkedScnThreshold;
    _maxScnDelayMs = maxScnDelayMs;
    _lastquerytime = System.currentTimeMillis();

    // Make sure all logical sources come from the same database schema.
    // Note that Oracle treats quoted names as case-sensitive, but we
    // don't quote ours, so a case-insensitive comparison is fine.
    for (OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source : sourcesTemp)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("All logical sources must have the same Oracle schema:\n   " +
                                           source.getSourceName() + " (id " + source.getSourceId() +
                                           ") schema = " + source.getEventSchema() + ";\n   " +
                                           sourcesTemp.get(0).getSourceName() + " (id " +
                                           sourcesTemp.get(0).getSourceId() + ") schema = " +
    _selectSchema = sourcesTemp.get(0).getEventSchema() == null ? "" : sourcesTemp.get(0).getEventSchema() + ".";

    // Generate the event queries for each source
    _eventQueriesBySource = new  HashMap<Short, String>();
    for(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo : sources)
      String eventQuery = generateEventQuery(sourceInfo);"Generated events query. source: " + sourceInfo + " ; eventQuery: " + eventQuery);
      _eventQueriesBySource.put(sourceInfo.getSourceId(), eventQuery);

    _eventChunkedTxnQueriesBySource = new HashMap<Short, String>();
    for(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo : sources)
      String eventQuery = generateTxnChunkedQuery(sourceInfo,_selectSchema);"Generated Chunked Txn events query. source: " + sourceInfo + " ; chunkTxnEventQuery: " + eventQuery);
      _eventChunkedTxnQueriesBySource.put(sourceInfo.getSourceId(), eventQuery);

    _eventChunkedScnQueriesBySource = new HashMap<Short, String>();
    for(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo : sources)
      String eventQuery = generateScnChunkedQuery(sourceInfo);"Generated Chunked Scn events query. source: " + sourceInfo + " ; chunkScnEventQuery: " + eventQuery);
      _eventChunkedScnQueriesBySource.put(sourceInfo.getSourceId(), eventQuery);

  public ReadEventCycleSummary readEventsFromAllSources(long sinceSCN)
  throws DatabusException, EventCreationException, UnsupportedKeyException
    boolean eventBufferNeedsRollback = true;
    boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled();
    List<EventReaderSummary> summaries = new ArrayList<EventReaderSummary>();

      long cycleStartTS = System.currentTimeMillis();

      // Open the database connection if it is closed (at start or after an SQLException)
      if(_eventSelectConnection == null || _eventSelectConnection.isClosed())

       * Chunking in Relay:
       * =================
       *  Variables used:
       *  ===============
       *  1. _inChunking : Flag to indicate if the relay is in chunking mode
       *  2. _chunkingType : Type of chunking supported
       *  3. _chunkedScnThreshold :
       *               The threshold Scn diff which triggers chunking. If the relay's maxScn is older
       *               than DB's maxScn by this threshold, then chunking will be enabled.
       *  4. _txnsPerChunk : Chunk size of txns for txn based chunking.
       *  5. _scnChunkSize : Chunk Size for scn based chunking.
       *  6. _catchupTargetMaxScn : Cached copy of DB's maxScn used as chunking's target SCN.
       *  =========================================
       *  Behavior of Chunking for Slow Sources:
       *  =========================================
       *  The slow sources case that is illustrated here is when all the sources in the sourcesList (fetched by relay) is slow.
       *  In this case, the endOfPeriodSCN will not increase on its own whereas in all other cases, it will.
       *  At startup, if the _catchupTargetMaxScn - currScn > _chunkedScnThreshold, then chunking is enabled.
       *  1. Txn_based_chunking
       *    a) If chunking is on at startup, then txn-based chunking query is used. Otherwise, regular query is used.
       *    b) For a period till SLOW_SOURCE_QUERY_THRESHOLD msec, the endOfPeriodSCN/SinceSCN will not increase.
       *    c) After SLOW_SOURCE_QUERY_THRESHOLD msec, the sinceScn/endOfPeriodSCN will be increased to current MaxScn. If chunking was previously enabled
       *        at this time, it will be disabled upto MAX_SCN_DELAY_MS msec after which _catchupTargetMaxScn will be refreshed.
       *    d) if the new _catchupTargetMaxScn - currScn > _chunkedScnThreshold, then chunking is again enabled.
       *    e) go to (b)
       *  2. SCN based Chunking
       *    a) If chunking is on at startup, then scn-based chunking query is used. Otherwise, regular query is used.
       *    b) For a period till SLOW_SOURCE_QUERY_THRESHOLD msec, the endOfPeriodSCN/SinceSCN keep increasing by _scnChunkSize with no rows fetched.
       *    c) When _catchupTargetMaxScn - endOfPeriodSCN <  _chunkedScnThreshold, then chunking is disabled and regular query kicks in and in this
       *       phase sinceSCN/endOfPeriodSCN will not increase. After MAX_SCN_DELAY_MS interval, _catchupTargetSCN will be refreshed.
       *    d) If the new _catchupTargetMaxScn - currScn > _chunkedScnThreshold, then SCN chunking is again enabled.
       *    e) go to (b)       *
      if(sinceSCN <= 0)
        _catchupTargetMaxScn = sinceSCN = getMaxTxlogSCN(_eventSelectConnection);
        _log.debug("sinceSCN was <= 0. Overriding with the current max SCN=" + sinceSCN);
        } catch (SQLException s)
      } else if ((_chunkingType.isChunkingEnabled()) && (_catchupTargetMaxScn <= 0)) {
      _catchupTargetMaxScn = getMaxTxlogSCN(_eventSelectConnection);
        _log.debug("catchupTargetMaxScn was <= 0. Overriding with the current max SCN=" + _catchupTargetMaxScn);

      if (_catchupTargetMaxScn <= 0)
        _inChunkingMode = false;

      // Get events for each source
      List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> filteredSources = filterSources(sinceSCN);

      long endOfPeriodScn = EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN;
      for(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source : _sources)
          long startTS = System.currentTimeMillis();
          EventReaderSummary summary = readEventsFromOneSource(_eventSelectConnection, source, sinceSCN);
          endOfPeriodScn = Math.max(endOfPeriodScn, summary.getEndOfPeriodSCN());
          long endTS = System.currentTimeMillis();

          if (_eventsLog.isDebugEnabled() || (_eventsLog.isInfoEnabled() && summary.getNumberOfEvents() >0))

          // Update statistics for the source
          if(summary.getNumberOfEvents() > 0)
            source.getStatisticsBean().addEventCycle(summary.getNumberOfEvents(), endTS - startTS,

      _lastSeenEOP = Math.max(_lastSeenEOP, Math.max(endOfPeriodScn, sinceSCN));

      // If we did not read any events in this cycle then get the max SCN from the txlog. This
      // is for slow sources so that the endOfPeriodScn never lags too far behind the max scn
      // in the txlog table.
      long curtime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      if(endOfPeriodScn == EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN)

          // If in SCN Chunking mode, its possible to get empty batches for a SCN range,
          if ((sinceSCN + _scnChunkSize <= _catchupTargetMaxScn) &&
               (ChunkingType.SCN_CHUNKING == _chunkingType))
            endOfPeriodScn = sinceSCN + _scnChunkSize;
            _lastquerytime = curtime;
          else if (ChunkingType.TXN_CHUNKING == _chunkingType && _inChunkingMode) {
          long nextBatchScn = getMaxScnSkippedForTxnChunked(_eventSelectConnection, sinceSCN, _txnsPerChunk);
"No events while in txn chunking. CurrScn : " + sinceSCN + ", jumping to :" + nextBatchScn);
          endOfPeriodScn = nextBatchScn;
            _lastquerytime = curtime;
          } else if ((curtime - _lastquerytime) > _slowQuerySourceThreshold) {
            _lastquerytime = curtime;
            //get new start scn for subsequent calls;
            final long maxTxlogSCN = getMaxTxlogSCN(_eventSelectConnection);
            //For performance reasons, getMaxTxlogSCN() returns the max scn only among txlog rows
            //which have their scn rewritten (i.e. scn < infinity). This allows the getMaxTxlogSCN
            //query to be evaluated using only the SCN index. Getting the true max SCN requires
            //scanning the rows where scn == infinity which is expensive.
            //On the other hand, readEventsFromOneSource will read the latter events. So it is
            //possible that maxTxlogSCN < scn of the last event in the buffer!
            //We use max() to guarantee that there are no SCN regressions.
          endOfPeriodScn = Math.max(maxTxlogSCN, sinceSCN);
    "SlowSourceQueryThreshold hit. currScn : " + sinceSCN +
                        ". Advanced endOfPeriodScn to " + endOfPeriodScn +
                        " and added the event to relay");
          if (debugEnabled)
            _log.debug("No events processed. Read max SCN from txlog table for endOfPeriodScn. endOfPeriodScn=" + endOfPeriodScn);

          if (endOfPeriodScn != EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN && endOfPeriodScn > sinceSCN)
            // If the SCN has moved forward in the above if/else loop, then
  "The endOfPeriodScn has advanced from to " + endOfPeriodScn);
              eventBufferNeedsRollback = false;
            eventBufferNeedsRollback = true;
        //we have appended some events; and a new end of period has been found
        _lastquerytime = curtime;
        if (debugEnabled)
          _log.debug("End of events: " + endOfPeriodScn + " windown range= "
                       + _eventBuffer.getMinScn() + "," + _eventBuffer.lastWrittenScn());
        //no need to roll back
        eventBufferNeedsRollback = false;

      //save endOfPeriodScn if new one has been discovered
      if (endOfPeriodScn != EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN)
        if (null != _maxScnWriter && (endOfPeriodScn != sinceSCN))
        for(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source : _sources) {
          //update maxDBScn here
      long cycleEndTS = System.currentTimeMillis();

      //check if we should refresh _catchupTargetMaxScn
      if ( _chunkingType.isChunkingEnabled() &&
          (_lastSeenEOP >= _catchupTargetMaxScn) &&
          (curtime - _lastMaxScnTime >= _maxScnDelayMs))
        //reset it to -1 so it gets refreshed next time around
        _catchupTargetMaxScn = -1;

      boolean chunkMode = _chunkingType.isChunkingEnabled() &&
                          (_catchupTargetMaxScn > 0) &&
                              (_lastSeenEOP < _catchupTargetMaxScn);

      if (!chunkMode && _inChunkingMode)"Disabling chunking for sources !!");

      _inChunkingMode = chunkMode;

      if ( _inChunkingMode  && debugEnabled)
       _log.debug("_inChunkingMode = true, _catchupTargetMaxScn=" + _catchupTargetMaxScn
                  + ", endOfPeriodScn=" + endOfPeriodScn + ", _lastSeenEOP=" + _lastSeenEOP);

      ReadEventCycleSummary summary = new ReadEventCycleSummary(_name, summaries,
                                                                Math.max(endOfPeriodScn, sinceSCN),
                                                                (cycleEndTS - cycleStartTS));
      // Have to commit the transaction since we are in serializable isolation level

      // Return the event summaries
      return summary;
    catch(SQLException ex)
        try {
         } catch (SQLException s) {
             throw new DatabusException(s.getMessage());

          throw new DatabusException(ex);
    catch(Exception e)
      throw new DatabusException(e);
      // If events were not processed successfully then eventBufferNeedsRollback will be true.
      // If that happens, rollback the event buffer.
        if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
         _log.debug("Rolling back the event buffer because eventBufferNeedsRollback is true.");

  private void handleExceptionInReadEvents(Exception e)

      _eventSelectConnection = null;

      // If not in chunking mode, resetting _catchupTargetMaxScn may enforce chunking mode to overcome ORA-1555 if this was the reason for exception
      if ((!_inChunkingMode) && (_chunkingType.isChunkingEnabled()) )
        _catchupTargetMaxScn = -1;

      _log.error("readEventsFromAllSources exception:" + e.getMessage(), e);
      for(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source : _sources) {
        //update maxDBScn here

  private PreparedStatement createQueryStatement(Connection conn,
                                OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source,
                    long sinceScn,
                    int currentFetchSize,
                    boolean useChunking)
    throws SQLException
    boolean debugEnabled = _log.isDebugEnabled();
    String eventQuery = null;
    ChunkingType type = _chunkingType;

    if ( ! useChunking || (! type.isChunkingEnabled()))
      eventQuery = _eventQueriesBySource.get(source.getSourceId());
    } else {
      if ( type == ChunkingType.SCN_CHUNKING)
          eventQuery = _eventChunkedScnQueriesBySource.get(source.getSourceId());
        eventQuery = _eventChunkedTxnQueriesBySource.get(source.getSourceId());

    if (debugEnabled) _log.debug("source[" + source.getEventView() + "]: " + eventQuery +
          "; skipInfinityScn=" + source.isSkipInfinityScn() + " ; sinceScn=" + sinceScn);

    PreparedStatement pStmt = conn.prepareStatement(eventQuery);
    if ( ! useChunking || (!type.isChunkingEnabled()))
    pStmt.setLong(1, sinceScn);
    if (! source.isSkipInfinityScn()) pStmt.setLong(2, sinceScn);
    } else {
    int i = 1;
      pStmt.setLong(i++, sinceScn);
    pStmt.setLong(i++, sinceScn);

    if ( ChunkingType.TXN_CHUNKING == type)
        pStmt.setLong(i++, _txnsPerChunk);
    } else {
      long untilScn = sinceScn + _scnChunkSize;"SCN chunking mode, next target SCN is: " + untilScn);
        pStmt.setLong(i++, untilScn);
    return pStmt;

  private EventReaderSummary readEventsFromOneSource(Connection con, OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo source, long sinceScn)
  throws SQLException, UnsupportedKeyException, EventCreationException
  boolean useChunking = false; // do not use chunking by default

  if (_chunkingType.isChunkingEnabled())
    // use the upper bound for chunking if not caught up yet
      useChunking = (sinceScn + _chunkedScnThreshold  <= _catchupTargetMaxScn);
      if ( useChunking && !_inChunkingMode)"Enabling chunking for sources !!");

      _log.debug("SinceScn :" + sinceScn +", _ChunkedScnThreshold :"
                  +  _chunkedScnThreshold + ", _catchupTargetMaxScn:" + _catchupTargetMaxScn
                  +", useChunking :" + useChunking);

  _inChunkingMode = _inChunkingMode || useChunking;

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    long endOfPeriodSCN = EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN;

    int currentFetchSize = DEFAULT_STMT_FETCH_SIZE;
    int numRowsFetched = 0;
      long startTS = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long totalEventSerializeTime = 0;
      pstmt = createQueryStatement(con, source, sinceScn, currentFetchSize, useChunking);

      long t = System.currentTimeMillis();
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
      long queryExecTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - t;
      long totalEventSize = 0;
      long tsWindowStart = Long.MAX_VALUE ; long tsWindowEnd=Long.MIN_VALUE;
        long scn = rs.getLong(1);
        long timestamp = rs.getTimestamp(2).getTime();
        tsWindowEnd = Math.max(timestamp,tsWindowEnd);
        tsWindowStart = Math.min(timestamp, tsWindowStart);

        // Delegate to the source's EventFactory to create the event and append it to the buffer
        // and then update endOfPeriod to the new max SCN
        long tsStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long eventSize = source.getFactory().createAndAppendEvent(scn,
        totalEventSerializeTime += System.currentTimeMillis()-tsStart;
        totalEventSize += eventSize;
        endOfPeriodSCN = Math.max(endOfPeriodSCN, scn);

        // Count the row
        numRowsFetched ++;

        // If we are fetching a large number of rows, increase the fetch size until
        // we reach MAX_STMT_FETCH_SIZE
        if(numRowsFetched > currentFetchSize && currentFetchSize != MAX_STMT_FETCH_SIZE)
          currentFetchSize = Math.min(2 * currentFetchSize, MAX_STMT_FETCH_SIZE);
      long endTS = System.currentTimeMillis();

      if (_inChunkingMode && (ChunkingType.TXN_CHUNKING == _chunkingType))
"txn chunking mode: since=" + sinceScn + " eop=" + endOfPeriodSCN);

      // Build the event summary and return
      EventReaderSummary summary = new EventReaderSummary(source.getSourceId(), source.getSourceName(),
                                                          endOfPeriodSCN, numRowsFetched,
                                                          totalEventSize, (endTS - startTS),totalEventSerializeTime,tsWindowStart,tsWindowEnd,queryExecTime);
      return summary;
      DBHelper.close(rs, pstmt, null);

   * Filtering is disabled !!
   * @param startSCN
   * @return
   * @throws DatabusException
  List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> filterSources(long startSCN)
  throws DatabusException
    return _sources;

  public void resetConnections()
    throws SQLException
      _eventSelectConnection = _dataSource.getConnection();"JDBC Version is: " + _eventSelectConnection.getMetaData().getDriverVersion());

  String generateEventQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo)
    String sql = generateEventQuery(sourceInfo, _selectSchema);"EventQuery=" + sql);
    return sql;

  static String generateSkipInfScnQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, String selectSchema)
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

    sql.append("select ");
      sql.append(" ");
      sql.append(" ");

    sql.append(" tx.scn scn, tx.ts event_timestamp, src.* ");
    sql.append("from ");
    sql.append(selectSchema + "sy$").append(sourceInfo.getEventView()).append(" src, " + selectSchema + "sy$txlog tx ");
    sql.append("where ");
    sql.append("src.txn=tx.txn and ");
    sql.append("tx.scn > ? and tx.scn < 9999999999999999999999999999");

    return sql.toString();

  static String generateNoSkipInfScnQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, String selectSchema)
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

    sql.append("select ");
      sql.append(" ");
      sql.append(" ");

    sql.append(selectSchema + "sync_core.getScn(tx.scn, tx.ora_rowscn) scn, tx.ts event_timestamp, src.* ");
    sql.append("from ");
    sql.append(selectSchema + "sy$").append(sourceInfo.getEventView()).append(" src, " + selectSchema + "sy$txlog tx ");
    sql.append("where ");
    sql.append("src.txn=tx.txn and ");
    sql.append("tx.scn > ? and ");
    sql.append("tx.ora_rowscn > ?");

    return sql.toString();

  static String generateEventQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, String selectSchema)
    if (sourceInfo.isSkipInfinityScn()) return generateSkipInfScnQuery(sourceInfo, selectSchema);
    else return generateNoSkipInfScnQuery(sourceInfo, selectSchema);

   * TXN Chunking Query
   * Query to select a chunk of rows by txn ids.
   * This query goes hand-in-hand with getMaxScnSkippedForTxnChunked.
   * You would need to change the  getMaxScnSkippedForTxnChunked query when you change this query
   * @param sourceInfo Source Info for which chunk query is needed
   * @return
  static String generateTxnChunkedQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo, String selectSchema)
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

    sql.append("SELECT scn, event_timestamp, src.* ");
    sql.append("FROM ").append(selectSchema).append("sy$").append(sourceInfo.getEventView()).append(" src, ");
    sql.append("( SELECT ");
    String hints = sourceInfo.getEventTxnChunkedQueryHints();
    sql.append(hints).append(" "); // hint for oracle

    sql.append(selectSchema + "sync_core.getScn(tx.scn, tx.ora_rowscn) scn, tx.ts event_timestamp, ");
    sql.append("tx.txn, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY TX.SCN) r ");
    sql.append("FROM ").append(selectSchema + "sy$txlog tx ");
    sql.append("WHERE tx.scn > ? AND tx.ora_rowscn > ? AND tx.scn < 9999999999999999999999999999) t ");
    sql.append("WHERE src.txn = t.txn AND r<= ? ");
    sql.append("ORDER BY r ");

    return sql.toString();

  static String generateScnChunkedQuery(OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo sourceInfo)
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();
    sql.append("SELECT ");
    String hints = sourceInfo.getEventScnChunkedQueryHints();
    sql.append(hints).append(" "); // hint for oracle
    sql.append("sync_core.getScn(tx.scn, tx.ora_rowscn) scn, tx.ts event_timestamp, src.* ");
    sql.append("FROM sy$").append(sourceInfo.getEventView()).append(" src, sy$txlog tx ");
    sql.append("WHERE src.txn=tx.txn AND tx.scn > ? AND tx.ora_rowscn > ? AND ");
    sql.append(" tx.ora_rowscn <= ?");

    return sql.toString();

  private long getMaxScnSkippedForTxnChunked(Connection db, long currScn, long txnsPerChunk)
    throws SQLException
    // Generate the PreparedStatement and cache it in a member variable.
    // Owned by the object, hence do not close it
    PreparedStatement stmt = _txnChunkJumpScnStmt;
    long retScn = currScn;
    if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("Executing MaxScnSkippedForTxnChunked query with currScn :" + currScn + " and txnsPerChunk :" + txnsPerChunk);
    ResultSet rs = null;
      stmt.setLong(1, currScn);
      stmt.setLong(2, txnsPerChunk);
      rs = stmt.executeQuery();

      if (
        long scnFromQuery = rs.getLong(1);
        if ( scnFromQuery == 0)
                  if (_log.isDebugEnabled())
              _log.debug("Ignoring SCN obtained from txn chunked query as there may be no update. currScn = " + currScn + " scnFromQuery = " + scnFromQuery);
        else if ( scnFromQuery < currScn)
          _log.error("ERROR: SCN obtained from txn chunked query is less than currScn. currScn = " + currScn + " scnFromQuery = " + scnFromQuery);
          retScn = rs.getLong(1);
    } finally {
    return retScn;

   * Max SCN Query for TXN Chunking.
   * When no rows are returned for a given chunk of txns, this query is used to find the beginning of the next batch.
   * This query goes hand-in-hand with generateTxnChunkedQuery.
   * You would need to change this query when you change generateTxnChunkedQuery query.
   * @param db Connection instance
   * @return None
  private void generateMaxScnSkippedForTxnChunkedQuery(Connection db)
    throws SQLException
  if ( null == _txnChunkJumpScnStmt)
    StringBuilder sql = new StringBuilder();

    sql.append("SELECT max(t.scn) from (");
    sql.append("select /*+ index(tx) */ tx.scn, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY tx.scn) r FROM ");
    sql.append(_selectSchema +  "sy$txlog tx ");
    sql.append("WHERE tx.scn >  ? AND tx.scn < 9999999999999999999999999999) t ");
    sql.append("WHERE r <= ?");

    _txnChunkJumpScnStmt = db.prepareStatement(sql.toString());


   * Returns the max SCN from the sy$txlog table
   * @param db
   * @return the max scn
   * @throws SQLException
  private long getMaxTxlogSCN(Connection db) throws SQLException
  _lastMaxScnTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long maxScn = EventReaderSummary.NO_EVENTS_SCN;

    String sql = "select " +
                 "max(scn)" +
                 "from " + _selectSchema + "sy$txlog where " +
                 "scn < 9999999999999999999999999999";

    if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug(sql);

    PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
    ResultSet rs = null;

      pstmt = db.prepareStatement(sql);
      rs = pstmt.executeQuery();

      long testScn = rs.getLong(1);
      if (testScn != 0)
            maxScn = testScn;
      DBHelper.close(rs, pstmt, null);

    if (_log.isDebugEnabled()) _log.debug("MaxSCN Query :" + sql + ", MaxSCN :" + maxScn);

    return maxScn;

  public List<OracleTriggerMonitoredSourceInfo> getSources() {
    return _sources;

  public void close()
    if (null != _eventSelectConnection) DBHelper.close(_eventSelectConnection);

  public void setCatchupTargetMaxScn(long catchupTargetMaxScn)
    _catchupTargetMaxScn = catchupTargetMaxScn;

Related Classes of com.linkedin.databus2.producers.db.OracleTxlogEventReader

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