Package com.forgeessentials.worldborder

Source Code of com.forgeessentials.worldborder.ConfigWorldBorder

package com.forgeessentials.worldborder;

import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Configuration;
import net.minecraftforge.common.config.Property;

import com.forgeessentials.core.config.IConfigLoader.ConfigLoaderBase;
import com.forgeessentials.util.OutputHandler;
import com.forgeessentials.worldborder.Effects.IEffect;

* This generates the configuration structure
* @author Dries007

public class ConfigWorldBorder extends ConfigLoaderBase {

     * Does penalty part on config
     * @param config
    public static void penaltiesConfig(Configuration config)

        String penaltyBasePackage = IEffect.class.getPackage().getName();
        config.addCustomCategoryComment("Penalties", "This is what will happen to the player if he passes the world border.");

        String[] stages =
                { "Stage1" };
        stages = config.get("Penalties", "stages", stages, "If you add an item here, a subcategory will be generated.").getStringList();

        for (String stage : stages)
            String cat = "Penalties." + stage;

            int dist = config.get(cat, "Distance", 0,
                    "The distance outside the border when this gets activated. WARNING: This needs to be unique! You can specify 2 penalties in 1 stage.")

            String[] effects =
                    { "message", "knockback", "damage" };
            effects = config.get(cat, "effects", effects, "Get the list of possibilities in the example file").getStringList();

            IEffect[] effctList = new IEffect[effects.length];
            int i = 0;
            for (String effect : effects)
                    Class<?> c = Class.forName(penaltyBasePackage + "." + effect.toLowerCase());
                        IEffect pentalty = (IEffect) c.newInstance();
                        pentalty.registerConfig(config, cat + "." + effect);
                        effctList[i] = pentalty;
                    catch (Exception e)
              "Could not initialize '" + effect + "' in stage '" + stage + "'");
                catch (ClassNotFoundException e)
          "'" + effect + "' in the stage '" + stage + "' does not exist!");

            ModuleWorldBorder.registerEffects(dist, effctList);

     * Does all the rest of the config
     * @param config
    public static void commonConfig(Configuration config)
        String category = "Settings";
        config.addCustomCategoryComment(category, "Common settings.");

        ModuleWorldBorder.logToConsole = config.get(category, "LogToConsole", true, "Enable logging to the server console and the log file").getBoolean(true);

        Property prop = config.get(category, "overGenerate", 345);
        prop.comment = "The amount of blocks that will be generated outside the radius of the border. This is important!"
                + " \nIf you set this high, you will need exponentially more time while generating, but you won't get extra land if a player does pass the border."
                + " \nIf you use something like Dynmap you should put this number higher. If the border isn't there for aesthetic purposes, then you don't need that."
                + " \nThe default value (345) is calculated like this: (20 chuncks for view distance * 16 blocks per chunck) + 25 as backup."
                + " \nThis allows players to pass the border 25 blocks before generating new land.";
        ModuleWorldBorder.overGenerate = prop.getInt(345);

    public void load(Configuration config, boolean isReload)


Related Classes of com.forgeessentials.worldborder.ConfigWorldBorder

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