Package edu.isi.karma.research.lod

Source Code of edu.isi.karma.research.lod.VirtuosoConnector

package edu.isi.karma.research.lod;
*  $Id:,v 1.9 2008/06/30 14:29:27 source Exp $
*  This file is part of the OpenLink Software Virtuoso Open-Source (VOS)
*  project.
*  Copyright (C) 1998-2008 OpenLink Software
*  This project is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
*  under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
*  Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License, dated June 1991.
*  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
*  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*  General Public License for more details.
*  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
*  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
*  51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA

//package virtuoso.sesame.driver;


import org.openrdf.model.Value;
import org.openrdf.query.BindingSet;
import org.openrdf.query.MalformedQueryException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryEvaluationException;
import org.openrdf.query.QueryLanguage;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQuery;
import org.openrdf.query.TupleQueryResult;
import org.openrdf.repository.Repository;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection;
import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import edu.isi.karma.modeling.research.Params;

import virtuoso.sesame2.driver.VirtuosoRepository;

public class VirtuosoConnector {

  private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(VirtuosoConnector.class);

  public static final String VIRTUOSO_INSTANCE = "";
  public static final int VIRTUOSO_PORT = 1130// Web UI: 8990
  public static final String VIRTUOSO_USERNAME = "dba";
  public static final String VIRTUOSO_PASSWORD = "dba";

  static int PASSED = 0;
  static int FAILED = 0;
  static int testCounter = 0;

  public static void startTest() {
    System.out.println("== TEST " + testCounter + ": " + " : Start");

  public static void log(String mess) {
    System.out.println("   " + mess);

  public static void endTest(boolean OK) {
    System.out.println("== TEST " + testCounter + ": " + " : End");
    System.out.println((OK ? "PASSED:" : "***FAILED:") + " TEST " + testCounter + "\n");
    if (OK) PASSED++;
    else FAILED++;

  public static void getTotal() {
    System.out.println("PASSED:" + PASSED + " FAILED:" + FAILED);

  public static void extractObjectProperties(Repository repository, String GraphIRI, String filename) {

    try {
      PrintWriter resultFile = new PrintWriter(new File(filename));
      RepositoryConnection con = repository.getConnection();
      try {

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String from = GraphIRI == null || GraphIRI.trim().isEmpty() ? "" : "FROM <" + GraphIRI + "> ";

        String queryString =
            "SELECT DISTINCT ?c1 ?p ?c2 (COUNT(?p) as ?count) " +
                from +
                "WHERE { ?x rdf:type ?c1. " +
                "?y rdf:type ?c2. " +
                "?x ?p ?y. " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c1), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c2), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c1), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c2), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c1), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c2), \"\")) " +
                "} " +
                "GROUP BY ?c1 ?p ?c2";


        TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString);
        TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate();
        try {
          while (result.hasNext()) {
            BindingSet bindingSet =;
            Value valueOfC1 = bindingSet.getValue("c1");
            Value valueOfP = bindingSet.getValue("p");
            Value valueOfC2 = bindingSet.getValue("c2");
            Value valueOfCount = bindingSet.getValue("count");

            if (valueOfC1 != null) {
              System.out.print(valueOfC1.stringValue() + "\t");
              resultFile.print(valueOfC1.stringValue() + ",");
            if (valueOfP != null) {
              System.out.println(valueOfP.stringValue() + "\t");
              resultFile.print(valueOfP.stringValue() + ",");
            if (valueOfC2 != null) {
              System.out.println(valueOfC2.stringValue() + "\t");
              resultFile.print(valueOfC2.stringValue() + ",");
            if (valueOfCount != null) {
              System.out.println(valueOfCount.stringValue() + "\t");
        } finally {
          long responseTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
"response time: " + (responseTime/1000F));

      } catch (MalformedQueryException e) {
      } catch (QueryEvaluationException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      } finally {

    catch (RepositoryException e) {
      // handle exception
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block


  public static void extractDataProperties(Repository repository, String GraphIRI, String filename) {

    try {
      PrintWriter resultFile = new PrintWriter(new File(filename));
      RepositoryConnection con = repository.getConnection();
      try {

        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
        String from = GraphIRI == null || GraphIRI.trim().isEmpty() ? "" : "FROM <" + GraphIRI + "> ";

        String queryString =
            "SELECT DISTINCT ?c ?p (COUNT(?p) as ?count) " +
                from +
                "WHERE { ?x rdf:type ?c. " +
                "?x ?p ?y. " +
                "FILTER isLiteral(?y). " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c), \"\")) " +
                "FILTER(!STRSTARTS(STR(?c), \"\")) " +
                "} " +
                "GROUP BY ?c ?p";


        TupleQuery tupleQuery = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, queryString);
        TupleQueryResult result = tupleQuery.evaluate();
        try {
          while (result.hasNext()) {
            BindingSet bindingSet =;
            Value valueOfC = bindingSet.getValue("c");
            Value valueOfP = bindingSet.getValue("p");
            Value valueOfCount = bindingSet.getValue("count");

            if (valueOfC != null) {
              System.out.print(valueOfC.stringValue() + "\t");
              resultFile.print(valueOfC.stringValue() + ",");
            if (valueOfP != null) {
              System.out.println(valueOfP.stringValue() + "\t");
              resultFile.print(valueOfP.stringValue() + ",");
            if (valueOfCount != null) {
              System.out.println(valueOfCount.stringValue() + "\t");
        } finally {
          long responseTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - start;
"response time: " + (responseTime/1000F));

      } catch (MalformedQueryException e) {
      } catch (QueryEvaluationException e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
      } finally {

    catch (RepositoryException e) {
      // handle exception
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e2) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block


  public static void main(String[] args) {

    String[] sa = new String[4];
    sa[1] = VIRTUOSO_PORT + "";
    for (int i = 0; i < sa.length && i < args.length; i++) {
      sa[i] = args[i];
    Repository repository = new VirtuosoRepository("jdbc:virtuoso://" + sa[0] + ":" +
        sa[1]+ "/charset=UTF-8/log_enable=2", sa[2], sa[3]);

    //    extractObjectProperties(repository, "", Params.LOD_OBJECT_PROPERIES_FILE);
    //    extractDataProperties(repository, "", Params.LOD_DATA_PROPERIES_FILE);

    //    extractObjectProperties(repository, "", Params.LOD_OBJECT_PROPERIES_FILE);
    //    extractDataProperties(repository, "", Params.LOD_DATA_PROPERIES_FILE);

    extractDataProperties(repository, null, Params.LOD_DATA_PROPERIES_FILE);
    extractObjectProperties(repository, null, Params.LOD_OBJECT_PROPERIES_FILE);


//  public static void main_original(String[] args) {
//    String[] sa = new String[4];
//    sa[0] = VIRTUOSO_INSTANCE;
//    sa[1] = VIRTUOSO_PORT + "";
//    sa[2] = VIRTUOSO_USERNAME;
//    sa[3] = VIRTUOSO_PASSWORD;
//    for (int i = 0; i < sa.length && i < args.length; i++) {
//      sa[i] = args[i];
//    }
//    Repository repository = new VirtuosoRepository("jdbc:virtuoso://" + sa[0] + ":" + sa[1], sa[2], sa[3]);
//    RepositoryConnection con = null;
//    try {
//      con = repository.getConnection();
//      con.setAutoCommit(true);
//      // // test ask query
//      // String ask = "ask { ?s <> ?o }";
//      // doQuery(con, ask);
//      // test add data to the repository
//      boolean ok = true;
//      String query = null;
//      String strurl = "";
//      URL url = new URL(strurl);
//      URI context = repository.getValueFactory().createURI("");
//      Value[][] results = null;
//      startTest();
//      // test query data
//      query = "SELECT * FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1";
//      try {
//        log("Loading data from URL: " + strurl);
//        con.add(url, "", RDFFormat.RDFXML, context);
//        ok = true;
//        results = doTupleQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && (results.length > 0))); // should return true
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        con.clear(context);
//        log("Clearing triple store");
//        long sz = con.size(context);
//        ok = (sz == 0);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest(ok); // should return sz == 0
//      // test add data from a flat file
//      startTest();
//      String fstr = "virtuoso_driver" + File.separator + "data.nt";
//      log("Loading data from file: " + fstr);
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        File dataFile = new File(fstr);
//        con.add(dataFile, "", RDFFormat.NTRIPLES, context);
//        query = "SELECT * FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1";
//        results = doTupleQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((results != null && results.length > 0)); // should return true
//      byte utf8data[] = { (byte)0xd0, (byte)0xbf, (byte)0xd1, (byte)0x80,
//          (byte)0xd0, (byte)0xb8, (byte)0xd0, (byte)0xb2,
//          (byte)0xd0, (byte)0xb5, (byte)0xd1, (byte)0x82 };
//      String utf8str = new String(utf8data, "UTF8");
//      URI un_testuri = repository.getValueFactory().createURI("");
//      URI un_name = repository.getValueFactory().createURI("");
//      Literal un_Value = repository.getValueFactory().createLiteral(utf8str);
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        con.clear(context);
//        log("Loading UNICODE single triple");
//        con.add(un_testuri, un_name, un_Value, context);
//        query = "SELECT * FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1";
//        results = doTupleQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      if (ok && results.length > 0) {
//        if (!results[0][0].toString().equals(un_testuri.toString())
//            || !results[0][1].toString().equals(un_name.toString())
//            || !results[0][2].toString().equals(un_Value.toString()))
//        {
//          ok = false;
//        }
//      }
//      endTest((ok && (results.length > 0))); // should return true
//      URI shermanmonroe = repository.getValueFactory().createURI("");
//      BNode snode = repository.getValueFactory().createBNode("smonroeNode");
//      URI name = repository.getValueFactory().createURI("");
//      Literal nameValue = repository.getValueFactory().createLiteral("Sherman Monroe");
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        con.clear(context);
//        log("Loading single triple");
//        con.add(snode, name, nameValue, context);
//        query = "SELECT * FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s ?p ?o} LIMIT 1";
//        results = doTupleQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && (results.length > 0))); // should return true
//      if (results.length > 0) {
//        startTest();
//        log("Casted value type");
//        if (!((results[0][0] instanceof BNode) && (results[0][1] instanceof URI) && (results[0][2] instanceof Literal))) {
//          log("TEST 1e Value types: " + (ok && (results[0][0] == null) ? null : results[0][0].getClass().getName()) + ", " + ((results[0][1] == null) ? null : results[0][1].getClass().getName()) + ", " + ((results[0][2] == null) ? null : results[0][2].getClass().getName())); // should
//        }
//        endTest((ok && (results[0][0] instanceof BNode) && (results[0][1] instanceof URI) && (results[0][2] instanceof Literal))); // should return true
//      }
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Selecting property");
//        query = "SELECT * FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s <> ?o} LIMIT 1";
//        results = doTupleQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && (results.length > 0))); // should return true
//      boolean exists = false;
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        con.add(shermanmonroe, name, nameValue, context);
//        exists = con.hasStatement(shermanmonroe, name, null, false, context);
//        if (!exists) throw new Exception("Triple wasn't added");
//        // test remove a statement
//        con.remove(shermanmonroe, name, nameValue, (Resource) context);
//        // test statement removed
//        log("Statement does not exists");
//        exists = con.hasStatement(shermanmonroe, name, null, false, context);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && !exists)); // should return false
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Statement exists (by resultset size)");
//        con.add(shermanmonroe, name, nameValue, context);
//        exists = con.hasStatement(shermanmonroe, name, null, false, context);
//        if (!exists) throw new Exception("Triple wasn't added");
//        query = "SELECT * FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s <> ?o} LIMIT 1";
//        results = doTupleQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && (results.length > 0))); // should return true
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Statement exists (by hasStatement())");
//        exists = con.hasStatement(shermanmonroe, name, null, false, context);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && exists)); // should return true
//      // test getNamespace
//      Namespace testns = null;
//      RepositoryResult<Namespace> namespaces = null;
//      boolean hasNamespaces = false;
//      try {
//        namespaces = con.getNamespaces();
//        hasNamespaces = namespaces.hasNext();
//        while (namespaces.hasNext()) {
//          Namespace ns =;
//          // LOG("Namespace found: (" + ns.getName() + " " + ns.getPrefix() + ")");
//          testns = ns;
//        }
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      // test getNamespaces and RepositoryResult implementation
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Retrieving namespaces");
//        if (testns != null) {
//          // LOG("Retrieving namespace (" + testns.getName() + " " + testns.getPrefix() + ")");
//          String ns = con.getNamespace(testns.getPrefix());
//          if (hasNamespaces) ok = (ns != null);
//          else ok = false;
//        }
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest(ok); // should return true
//      RepositoryResult<Statement> statements = null;
//      // test getStatements and RepositoryResult implementation
//      startTest();
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Retrieving statement (" + shermanmonroe + " " + name + " " + null + ")");
//        statements = con.getStatements(shermanmonroe, name, null, false, context);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && statements.hasNext())); // should return true
//      while (statements.hasNext()) {
//        Statement st =;
//        // System.out.println("Statement found: (" + st.getSubject() + " " + st.getPredicate() + " " + st.getObject() + ")");
//      }
//      startTest();
//      // test export and handlers
//      File f = new File("results.n3.txt");
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Writing the statements to file: (" + f.getAbsolutePath() + ")");
//        RDFHandler ntw = new NTriplesWriter(new FileOutputStream(f));
//        con.exportStatements(shermanmonroe, name, null, false, ntw);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && f.exists())); // should return true
//      startTest();
//      RepositoryResult<Resource> contexts = null;
//      // test retrieve graph ids
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Retrieving graph ids");
//        contexts = con.getContextIDs();
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        log("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest((ok && contexts != null ? contexts.hasNext() : false)); // should return true
//      if (contexts != null) while (contexts.hasNext()) {
//        Value id =;
//        if ((id instanceof Literal)) log("Literal value for graphid found: (" + ((Literal) id).getLabel() + ")");
//      }
//      startTest();
//      // test get size
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Retrieving triple store size");
//        // sz = con.size(context);
//        // System.out.println("TEST 10: Passed: " + (sz > 0)); // should return sz > 0 results
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        System.out.println("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest(ok); // should return sz > 0 results
//      // do ask
//      startTest();
//      boolean result = false;
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Sending ask query");
//        query = "ASK FROM <" + context + "> {?s <> ?o}";
//        result = doBooleanQuery(con, query);
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        System.out.println("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest(ok && result); // should return sz > 0 results 
//      // do construct
//      startTest();
//      Graph g = new GraphImpl();
//      boolean statementFound = false;
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Sending construct query");
//        query = "CONSTRUCT {?s <> ?o} FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s <> ?o}";
//        g = doGraphQuery(con, query);
//        Iterator<Statement> it = g.iterator();
//        statementFound = true;
//        while(it.hasNext()) {
//          Statement st =;
//          if( !st.getPredicate().stringValue().equals("")) statementFound = false;
//        }
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        System.out.println("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest(ok && g.size() > 0); // should return sz > 0 results 
//      // do describe
//      startTest();
//      g = new GraphImpl();
//      statementFound = false;
//      try {
//        ok = true;
//        log("Sending describe query");
//        query = "DESCRIBE ?s FROM <" + context + "> WHERE {?s <> ?o}";
//        g = doGraphQuery(con, query);
//        Iterator<Statement> it = g.iterator();
//        statementFound = it.hasNext();
//        //        while(it.hasNext()) {
//        //          Statement st =;
//        //          if( !st.getPredicate().stringValue().equals("")) statementFound = false;
//        //        }
//      }
//      catch (Exception e) {
//        System.out.println("Error[" + e + "]");
//        e.printStackTrace();
//        ok = false;
//      }
//      endTest(ok && statementFound); // should return sz > 0 results 
//      // get total passed and failed
//      getTotal();
//    }
//    catch (Exception e) {
//      System.out.println("ERROR Test Failed.");
//      e.printStackTrace();
//    }
//    finally {
//      if (con != null) try {
//        con.close();
//      }
//      catch (RepositoryException e) {
//        e.printStackTrace();
//      }
//    }
//  }
//  private static boolean doBooleanQuery(RepositoryConnection con, String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException, QueryEvaluationException {
//    BooleanQuery resultsTable = con.prepareBooleanQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query);
//    return resultsTable.evaluate();
//    //
//    //    Vector<Value[]> results = new Vector<Value[]>();
//    //    for (int row = 0; bindings.hasNext(); row++) {
//    //      // System.out.println("RESULT " + (row + 1) + ": ");
//    //      BindingSet pairs =;
//    //      List<String> names = bindings.getBindingNames();
//    //      Value[] rv = new Value[names.size()];
//    //      for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
//    //        String name = names.get(i);
//    //        Value value = pairs.getValue(name);
//    //        rv[i] = value;
//    //        // if(column > 0) System.out.print(", ");
//    //        // System.out.println("\t" + name + "=" + value);
//    //        // vars.add(value);
//    //        // if(column + 1 == names.size()) System.out.println(";");
//    //      }
//    //      results.add(rv);
//    //    }
//    //    return (Value[][]) results.toArray(new Value[0][0]);
//  } 
//  private static Value[][] doTupleQuery(RepositoryConnection con, String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException, QueryEvaluationException {
//    TupleQuery resultsTable = con.prepareTupleQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query);
//    TupleQueryResult bindings = resultsTable.evaluate();
//    Vector<Value[]> results = new Vector<Value[]>();
//    for (int row = 0; bindings.hasNext(); row++) {
//      // System.out.println("RESULT " + (row + 1) + ": ");
//      BindingSet pairs =;
//      List<String> names = bindings.getBindingNames();
//      Value[] rv = new Value[names.size()];
//      for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
//        String name = names.get(i);
//        Value value = pairs.getValue(name);
//        rv[i] = value;
//        // if(column > 0) System.out.print(", ");
//        // System.out.println("\t" + name + "=" + value);
//        // vars.add(value);
//        // if(column + 1 == names.size()) System.out.println(";");
//      }
//      results.add(rv);
//    }
//    return (Value[][]) results.toArray(new Value[0][0]);
//  }
//  private static Graph doGraphQuery(RepositoryConnection con, String query) throws RepositoryException, MalformedQueryException, QueryEvaluationException {
//    GraphQuery resultsTable = con.prepareGraphQuery(QueryLanguage.SPARQL, query);
//    GraphQueryResult statements = resultsTable.evaluate();
//    Graph g = new GraphImpl();
//    Vector<Value[]> results = new Vector<Value[]>();
//    for (int row = 0; statements.hasNext(); row++) {
//      Statement pairs =;
//      g.add(pairs);
//      //      List<String> names = statements.getBindingNames();
//      //      Value[] rv = new Value[names.size()];
//      //      for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
//      //        String name = names.get(i);
//      //        Value value = pairs.getValue(name);
//      //        rv[i] = value;
//      //      }
//      //      results.add(rv);
//    }
//    //    return (Value[][]) results.toArray(new Value[0][0]);
//    return g;
//  }
//  public static void test(String args[]) {
//    try {
//      String url;
//      url = "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111";
//      Class.forName("virtuoso.jdbc3.Driver");
//      Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, "dba", "123456");
//      java.sql.Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
//      stmt.execute("clear graph <gr>");
//      ResultSet rs = stmt.getResultSet();
//      while (;
//      stmt.execute("insert into graph <gr> " + "{ <aa> <bb> \"cc\" . <xx> <yy> <zz> . " + "  <mm> <nn> \"Some long literal with language\"@en . " + "  <oo> <pp> \"12345\"^^<> }");
//      rs = stmt.getResultSet();
//      while (;
//      // output:valmode "LONG" turns RDF box on output
//      // boolean more = stmt.execute("define output:valmode \"LONG\" select * from <gr> where { ?x ?y ?z }");
//      boolean more = stmt.execute("select * from <gr> where { ?x ?y ?z }");
//      ResultSetMetaData data = stmt.getResultSet().getMetaData();
//      for (int i = 1; i <= data.getColumnCount(); i++)
//        System.out.println(data.getColumnLabel(i) + "\t" + data.getColumnTypeName(i));
//      System.out.println("===");
//      if (more) {
//        rs = stmt.getResultSet();
//        while ( {
//          for (int i = 1; i <= data.getColumnCount(); i++) {
//            String s = stmt.getResultSet().getString(i);
//            Object o = stmt.getResultSet().getObject(i);
//            // Value casted =
//            System.out.print("Object type is " + o.getClass().getName() + " ");
//            System.out.print(data.getColumnLabel(i) + " = ");
//            if (o instanceof VirtuosoRdfBox) // Typed literal
//            {
//              VirtuosoRdfBox rb = (VirtuosoRdfBox) o;
//              System.out.println(rb.rb_box + " lang=" + rb.getLang() + " type=" + rb.getType() + " ro_id=" + rb.rb_ro_id);
//            }
//            else if (o instanceof VirtuosoExtendedString) // String representing an IRI
//            {
//              VirtuosoExtendedString vs = (VirtuosoExtendedString) o;
//              if (vs.iriType == VirtuosoExtendedString.IRI) System.out.println("<" + vs.str + ">");
//              else if (vs.iriType == VirtuosoExtendedString.BNODE) System.out.println("<" + vs.str + ">");
//              else // not reached atm, literals are String or RdfBox
//                System.out.println("\"" + vs.str + "\"");
//            }
//            else if (stmt.getResultSet().wasNull()) System.out.println("NULL\t");
//            else System.out.println(s + " (No extended type availible)\t");
//          }
//          System.out.println("---");
//        }
//        more = stmt.getMoreResults();
//      }
//      stmt.close();
//      // Try making new typed literal
//      // System.out.println("---");
//      // VirtuosoRdfBox rb = new VirtuosoRdfBox (connection, "Some literal with many symbols over 20", null, "cz");
//      // System.out.println (rb.rb_box + " lang=" + rb.getLang() + " type=" + rb.getType() + " ro_id=" + rb.rb_ro_id );
//      connection.close();
//    }
//    catch (Exception e) {
//      e.printStackTrace();
//      System.exit(-1);
//    }
//    System.out.println("eof");
//    System.exit(0);
//  }


Related Classes of edu.isi.karma.research.lod.VirtuosoConnector

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