Package fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.handlers

Source Code of fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.handlers.MessageInjectionManager

* Copyright 2011-2012 Universite Joseph Fourier, LIG, ADELE team
*   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*   You may obtain a copy of the License at
*   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*   limitations under the License.
package fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.handlers;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue;

import org.apache.felix.ipojo.ConfigurationException;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.Handler;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.metadata.Attribute;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.metadata.Element;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.parser.MethodMetadata;
import org.apache.felix.ipojo.util.Callback;
import org.osgi.framework.ServiceRegistration;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Consumer;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.Wire;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WireAdmin;
import org.osgi.service.wireadmin.WireConstants;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import fr.imag.adele.apam.Component;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.Instance;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.ApformInstance;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.ApamComponentFactory;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.ApamInstanceManager;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.declarations.RelationDeclaration;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.declarations.RequirerInstrumentation;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.declarations.references.resources.MessageReference;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.message.Message;
import fr.imag.adele.apam.util.ApAMQueue;

* This handler handles message consumers. It is at the same time a OSGi's
* WireAdmin consumer and an APAM message consumer, so that it translates
* message exchanges over APAM wires into concrete message exchanges over
* WireAdmin wires.
* This handler is also a field interceptor that injects a message queue
* into fields to transparently consume messages. Fields must be declared of type
* Queue<D>.
* This handler is also in charge of triggering lazy resolution, if data is
* consumed and there is no producer bound to this relation. It also translates
* APAM notifications for wire creation and deletion into appropriate actions at
* the WireAdmin level.
* @author vega
public class MessageInjectionManager implements RelationInjectionManager, Consumer {

    Logger logger  = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
     * The registered name of this iPojo handler
    public static final String NAME = "consumer";
   * The source component of the relation
    private final ApamComponentFactory  component;

     * The relation injection handler
    private final RelationInjectionHandler handler;
     * The associated resolver
    private final ApamInstanceManager   instance;
     * The relation that is going to be injected
    private final RelationDeclaration relation;
   * The relation injection managed by this relation
    private final RequirerInstrumentation injection;
     * The list of target services.
    private final Set<Instance> targetServices;

   * The WireAdmin consumer registration. A consumer is registered when the
   * relation is resolved and automatically unregistered when the relation
   * gets unresolved.
    private ServiceRegistration consumer;

     * The list of connected producers, indexed by producer identification
    private final Map<String,Wire> wires;

     * The maximum size of the buffer
    private final static int MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 100;
     * The buffer of received messages that are waiting for being consumed
    private final ArrayBlockingQueue<Object> buffer;
     * In case of method callback, an object to allow direct invocation of the instance
    private final Callback callback;
    private final boolean isMessageCallback;
     * Represent the consumed flavors (Registration Property)
    private final Class<?>[] messageFlavors;

     * Represent the consumer persistent id
    private final String consumerId;

     * The field injected in the instance
    private ApAMQueue<?> fieldBuffer;
    public MessageInjectionManager(ApamComponentFactory component, ApamInstanceManager instance, RelationInjectionHandler handler, RelationDeclaration relation,  RequirerInstrumentation injection) throws ConfigurationException {
        assert injection.getRequiredResource() instanceof MessageReference;
        this.component  = component;
        this.instance   = instance;
        this.handler  = handler;
        this.relation  = relation;
        this.injection  = injection;
        if (injection instanceof RequirerInstrumentation.MessageConsumerCallback) {
            MethodMetadata callbackMetadata = null;
            String callbackParameterType    = null;
            for (MethodMetadata method : this.component.getPojoMetadata().getMethods(injection.getName())) {
                if (method.getMethodArguments().length == 1) {
                    callbackMetadata        = method;
                    callbackParameterType   = method.getMethodArguments()[0];
            this.callback           = new Callback(callbackMetadata, instance);
            this.isMessageCallback  = Message.class.getCanonicalName().equals(callbackParameterType);

        else {
            this.callback           = null;
            this.isMessageCallback  = false;
        this.targetServices = new HashSet<Instance>();
        this.consumer       = null;

        try {
            this.messageFlavors = new Class<?>[] {this.component.loadClass(injection.getRequiredResource().getJavaType())};
            this.consumerId     = NAME+"["+instance.getInstanceName()+","+relation.getIdentifier()+","+injection.getName()+"]";
            this.wires          = new HashMap<String,Wire>();
            this.buffer         = new ArrayBlockingQueue<Object>(MAX_BUFFER_SIZE);
            this.fieldBuffer  = new ApAMQueue<Object>(buffer);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new ConfigurationException(e.getLocalizedMessage());

     * The apform instance associated with this manager
    ApformInstance getInstance() {
      return instance.getApform();

   * The relation injection associated to this manager
    public RelationDeclaration getRelation() {
        return relation;
   * The relation injection associated to this manager
    public RequirerInstrumentation getRelationInjection() {
        return injection;
   * Get an XML representation of the state of this relation
  public Element getDescription() {

        Element consumerDescription = new Element("injection", ApamComponentFactory.APAM_NAMESPACE);
    consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("relation", relation.getIdentifier()));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("target", relation.getTarget().toString()));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("method", injection.getName()));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("type", injection.getRequiredResource().toString()));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("isAggregate",   Boolean.toString(injection.acceptMultipleProviders())));

         * show the current state of resolution. To avoid unnecessary synchronization overhead make a copy of the
         * current target services and do not use directly the field that can be concurrently modified
        List<Wire> resolutions = new ArrayList<Wire>();
        synchronized (this) {

        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("resolved",Boolean.toString(!resolutions.isEmpty())));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("",consumerId));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("flavors",Arrays.toString(messageFlavors)));
        consumerDescription.addAttribute(new Attribute("buffered",Integer.toString(buffer.size())));

        for (Wire wire : resolutions) {
            Element wireInfo = new Element("wire",ApamComponentFactory.APAM_NAMESPACE);
            wireInfo.addAttribute(new Attribute("",(String)wire.getProperties().get(WireConstants.WIREADMIN_PRODUCER_PID)));
            wireInfo.addAttribute(new Attribute("flavors",Arrays.toString(wire.getFlavors())));

        return consumerDescription;
     * Handle modification of the injected field
  public void onSet(Object pojo, String fieldName, Object value) {
        // Nothing to do, this should never happen as we exclusively handle the field's value

     * Handle access to the injected field
  public Object onGet(Object pojo, String fieldName, Object value) {

        synchronized (this) {
            if (consumer != null)
                return fieldBuffer;

     * Ask APAM to resolve the relation. Depending on the application
     * policies this may throw an error, or block the thread until the
     * relation is fulfilled, or keep the relation unresolved in the case of
     * optional dependencies.
     * Resolution has as side-effect a modification of the target services.
        return consumer !=null ? fieldBuffer : null;

   * Get access to the wireadmin, via the relationInjectionHandler
    private WireAdmin getWireAdmin() {
        return handler.getWireAdmin();

     * This implementation of message injection requires that the WireAdmin service be available on the platform
    public boolean isValid() {
        WireAdmin wireAdmin = getWireAdmin();
        if (wireAdmin == null) {
            System.err.println("The WireAdmin service must be available in the platform to handle message consumer injection \""+injection.toString()+"\"");
        return wireAdmin != null;
     * The consumer Id associated to this manager
    public String getConsumerId() {
        return consumerId;
     * The message provider handler associated to the given target instance
     * NOTE This performs an unchecked down cast, as it assumes the target instance  is an Apform-iPojo provided
     * instance
    private static MessageProviderHandler getMessageProvider(Instance target) {
        return getHandler(target,ApamComponentFactory.APAM_NAMESPACE,MessageProviderHandler.NAME);

     * Get the reference to an Apform handler associated to an instance
     * NOTE This performs an unchecked down casts, as it assumes the calling client knows the exact class of the
     * requested handler
    private static <T extends Handler> T getHandler(Instance component, String namespace, String handlerId) {
        String qualifiedHandlerId = namespace+":"+handlerId;
        return (T) ((ApamInstanceManager.Apform)component.getApformInst()).getManager().getHandler(qualifiedHandlerId);

   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.handlers.relationInjectionManager#addTarget
   * (fr.imag.adele.apam.Instance)
    public void addTarget(Component target) {

       * Messages can only be exchanged between instances
      if (! (target instanceof Instance))
         * Add this target and invalidate cache
        synchronized (this) {

             * Register the consumer on the first resolution
            if (targetServices.isEmpty()) {
                Properties properties = new Properties();
                consumer = handler.getHandlerManager().getContext().registerService(Consumer.class.getCanonicalName(), this, properties);
             * Create a wire at the WireAdmin level
            MessageProviderHandler  producer = getMessageProvider((Instance)target);
            if (producer != null) {


   * (non-Javadoc)
   * @see
   * fr.imag.adele.apam.apform.impl.handlers.relationInjectionManager#removeTarget
   * (fr.imag.adele.apam.Instance)
    public void removeTarget(Component target) {

        synchronized (this) {

             * Delete the wire at the WireAdmin level
            MessageProviderHandler  producer = getMessageProvider((Instance)target);
            if (producer != null) {
             * Remove this target and invalidate cache
       * Unregister the consumer if the relation becomes unresolved
            if (targetServices.isEmpty()) {
                consumer = null;

   * The APAM relation handler only manages wires created indirectly by mapping APAM resolution
   * into WireAdmin events.
   * Those wires are already tracked by the provider handler, wer do not use notifications.

    public void producersConnected(Wire[] newWires) {

     * Consumes a message and put it in the buffer for later retrieval.
     * NOTE This methods unsafely down cast the received value to a message, as we assume that
     * we only exchange messages with APAM producers.
    public void updated(Wire wire, Object value) {
        if (!(value instanceof Message))

        Message<?> message = (Message<?>) value;
        if (isMessageCallback){
        }else {
         * If a callback is registered consume message directly and push it to the component
        if (callback != null) {
            try {
                Object consumed  = buffer.poll();
                if (consumed != null) {
                    if (isMessageCallback)
               Object[] {(Message<?>)consumed});
               Object[] {consumed});
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("error invoking callback "+e);


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