Package cc.mallet.fst

Source Code of cc.mallet.fst.MaxLatticeDefault$ViterbiNode$PreviousStateIterator

/* Copyright (C) 2005 Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst, Computer Science Dept.
   This file is part of "MALLET" (MAchine Learning for LanguagE Toolkit).
   This software is provided under the terms of the Common Public License,
   version 1.0, as published by  For further
   information, see the file `LICENSE' included with this distribution. */

@author Fernando Pereira <a href=""></a>
@author Andrew McCallum <a href=""></a>
package cc.mallet.fst;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import cc.mallet.types.ArraySequence;
import cc.mallet.types.Sequence;
import cc.mallet.types.SequencePairAlignment;

import cc.mallet.fst.Transducer.State;
import cc.mallet.fst.Transducer.TransitionIterator;

import cc.mallet.util.MalletLogger;

/** Default, full dynamic programming version of the Viterbi "Max-(Product)-Lattice" algorithm.
* @author Fernando Pereira
* @author Andrew McCallum
public class MaxLatticeDefault implements MaxLattice
  private static Logger logger = MalletLogger.getLogger(MaxLatticeDefault.class.getName());
  //{ logger.setLevel(Level.INFO); }

  private Transducer t;
  private Sequence<Object> input, providedOutput;
  private int latticeLength;
  private ViterbiNode[][] lattice;
  private WeightCache first, last;
  private WeightCache[] caches;
  private int numCaches, maxCaches;
  public Transducer getTransducer () { return t; }
  public Sequence getInput() { return input; }
  public Sequence getProvidedOutput() { return providedOutput; }

  private class ViterbiNode implements AStarState {
    int inputPosition;                // Position of input used to enter this node
    State state;                      // Transducer state from which this node entered
    Object output;                    // Transducer output produced on entering this node
    double delta = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT;
    ViterbiNode maxWeightPredecessor = null;
    ViterbiNode (int inputPosition, State state) {
      this.inputPosition = inputPosition;
      this.state = state;
    // The one method required by AStarState
    public double completionCost () { return -delta; }
    public boolean isFinal() {
      return inputPosition == 0 && state.getInitialWeight() > Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT;
    private class PreviousStateIterator extends AStarState.NextStateIterator {
      private int prev;
      private boolean found;
      private double weight;
      private double[] weights;
      private PreviousStateIterator() {
        prev = 0;
        if (inputPosition > 0) {
          int j = state.getIndex();
          weights = new double[t.numStates()];
          WeightCache c = getCache(inputPosition-1);
          for (int s = 0; s < t.numStates(); s++)
            weights[s] = c.weight[s][j];
      private void lookAhead() {
        if (weights != null && !found) {
          for (; prev < t.numStates(); prev++)
            if (weights[prev] > Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) {
              found = true;
      public boolean hasNext() {
        return weights != null && prev < t.numStates();

      public SearchState nextState() {
        weight = weights[prev++];
        found = false;
        return getViterbiNode(inputPosition-1, prev-1);

      // Required by SearchState, super-interface of AStarState
      public double cost() {
        return -weight;
      public double weight() {
        return weight;

    public NextStateIterator getNextStates() {
      return new PreviousStateIterator();

  private class WeightCache {
    private WeightCache prev, next;
    private double weight[][];
    private int position;
    private WeightCache(int position) {
      weight = new double[t.numStates()][t.numStates()];
    private void init(int position) {
      this.position = position;
      for (int i = 0; i < t.numStates(); i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < t.numStates(); j++)
          weight[i][j] = Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT;

  private WeightCache getCache(int position) {
    WeightCache cache = caches[position];
    if (cache == null) {            // No cache for this position
//      System.out.println("cache " + numCaches + "/" + maxCaches);
      if (numCaches < maxCaches)  { // Create another cache
        cache = new WeightCache(position);
        if (numCaches++ == 0)
          first = last = cache;
      else {                        // Steal least used cache
        cache = last;
        caches[cache.position] = null;
      for (int i = 0; i < t.numStates(); i++) {
        if (lattice[position][i] == null || lattice[position][i].delta == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT)
        State s = t.getState(i);
        TransitionIterator iter =
          s.transitionIterator (input, position, providedOutput, position);
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          State d =;
          cache.weight[i][d.getIndex()] = iter.getWeight();
      caches[position] = cache;
    if (cache != first) {           // Move to front
      if (cache == last)
        last = cache.prev;
      if (cache.prev != null) =; = first;
      cache.prev = null;
      first.prev = cache;
      first = cache;
    return cache;

  protected ViterbiNode getViterbiNode (int ip, int stateIndex)
    if (lattice[ip][stateIndex] == null)
      lattice[ip][stateIndex] = new ViterbiNode (ip, t.getState (stateIndex));
    return lattice[ip][stateIndex];
  public MaxLatticeDefault (Transducer t, Sequence inputSequence)
    this (t, inputSequence, null, 100000);
  public MaxLatticeDefault (Transducer t, Sequence inputSequence, Sequence outputSequence)
    this (t, inputSequence, outputSequence, 100000);

  /** Initiate Viterbi decoding of the inputSequence, contrained to match non-null parts of the outputSequence.
   * maxCaches indicates how much state information to memoize in n-best decoding. */
  public MaxLatticeDefault (Transducer t, Sequence inputSequence, Sequence outputSequence, int maxCaches)
    // This method initializes the forward path, but does not yet do the backward pass.
    this.t = t;
    if (maxCaches < 1)
      maxCaches = 1;
    this.maxCaches = maxCaches;
    assert (inputSequence != null);
    if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE)) {
      logger.fine ("Starting ViterbiLattice");
      logger.fine ("Input: ");
      for (int ip = 0; ip < inputSequence.size(); ip++)
        logger.fine (" " + inputSequence.get(ip));
      logger.fine ("\nOutput: ");
      if (outputSequence == null)
        logger.fine ("null");
        for (int op = 0; op < outputSequence.size(); op++)
          logger.fine (" " + outputSequence.get(op));
      logger.fine ("\n");

    this.input = inputSequence;
    this.providedOutput = outputSequence;
    latticeLength = input.size()+1;
    int numStates = t.numStates();
    lattice = new ViterbiNode[latticeLength][numStates];
    caches = new WeightCache[latticeLength-1];

    // Viterbi Forward
    logger.fine ("Starting Viterbi");
    boolean anyInitialState = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
      double initialWeight = t.getState(i).getInitialWeight();
      if (initialWeight > Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT) {
        ViterbiNode n = getViterbiNode (0, i); = initialWeight;
        anyInitialState = true;

    if (!anyInitialState) {
      logger.warning ("Viterbi: No initial states!");

    for (int ip = 0; ip < latticeLength-1; ip++)
      for (int i = 0; i < numStates; i++) {
        if (lattice[ip][i] == null || lattice[ip][i].delta == Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT)
        State s = t.getState(i);
        TransitionIterator iter = s.transitionIterator (input, ip, providedOutput, ip);
        if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE))
          logger.fine (" Starting Viterbi transition iteration from state "
              + s.getName() + " on input " + input.get(ip));
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
          State destination =;
          if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE))
            logger.fine ("Viterbi[inputPos="+ip
          ViterbiNode destinationNode = getViterbiNode (ip+1, destination.getIndex());
          destinationNode.output = iter.getOutput();
          double weight = lattice[ip][i].delta + iter.getWeight();
          if (ip == latticeLength-2) {
            weight += destination.getFinalWeight();
          if (weight > {
            if (logger.isLoggable (Level.FINE))
              logger.fine ("Viterbi[inputPos="+ip
                  +"] weight increased to "+weight+" by source="+
   = weight;
            destinationNode.maxWeightPredecessor = lattice[ip][i];
  public double getDelta (int ip, int stateIndex) {
    if (lattice != null) {
      return getViterbiNode (ip, stateIndex).delta;
    throw new RuntimeException ("Attempt to called getDelta() when lattice not stored.");

  private List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,ViterbiNode>> viterbiNodeAlignmentCache = null;

   * Perform the backward pass of Viterbi, returning the n-best sequences of
   * ViterbiNodes. Each ViterbiNode contains the state, output symbol, and other
   * information. Note that the length of each ViterbiNode Sequence is
   * inputLength+1, because the first element of the sequence is the start
   * state, and the first input/output symbols occur on the transition from a
   * start-state to the next state. These first input/output symbols are stored
   * in the second ViterbiNode in the sequence. The last ViterbiNode in the
   * sequence corresponds to the final state and has the last input/output
   * symbols.
  public List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,ViterbiNode>> bestViterbiNodeSequences (int n) {
    if (viterbiNodeAlignmentCache != null && viterbiNodeAlignmentCache.size() >= n)
      return viterbiNodeAlignmentCache;
    int numFinal = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < t.numStates(); i++) {
      if (lattice[latticeLength-1][i] != null && lattice[latticeLength-1][i].delta > Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT)
    ViterbiNode[] finalNodes = new ViterbiNode[numFinal];
    int f = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < t.numStates(); i++) {
      if (lattice[latticeLength-1][i] != null && lattice[latticeLength-1][i].delta > Transducer.IMPOSSIBLE_WEIGHT)
        finalNodes[f++] = lattice[latticeLength-1][i];
    AStar search = new AStar(finalNodes, latticeLength * t.numStates());
    List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,ViterbiNode>> outputs = new ArrayList<SequencePairAlignment<Object,ViterbiNode>>(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n && search.hasNext(); i++) {
      // gsc: removing unnecessary cast
      SearchNode ans =;
      double weight = -ans.getCost();
      ViterbiNode[] seq = new ViterbiNode[latticeLength];
      // Commented out so we get the start state ViterbiNode -akm 12/2007
      //ans = ans.getParent(); // ans now corresponds to the Viterbi node after the first transition
      for (int j = 0; j < latticeLength; j++) {
        ViterbiNode v = (ViterbiNode)ans.getState();
        assert(v.inputPosition == j)// was == j+1
        seq[j] = v;
        ans = ans.getParent();
      outputs.add(new SequencePairAlignment<Object,ViterbiNode>(input, new ArraySequence<ViterbiNode>(seq), weight));
    viterbiNodeAlignmentCache = outputs;
    return outputs;

  private List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,State>> stateAlignmentCache = null;

   * Perform the backward pass of Viterbi, returning the n-best sequences of
   * States. Note that the length of each State Sequence is inputLength+1,
   * because the first element of the sequence is the start state, and the first
   * input/output symbols occur on the transition from a start state to the next
   * state. The last State in the sequence corresponds to the final state.
  public List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,State>> bestStateAlignments (int n) {
    if (stateAlignmentCache != null && stateAlignmentCache.size() >= n)
      return stateAlignmentCache;
    bestViterbiNodeSequences(n); // ensure that viterbiNodeAlignmentCache has at least size n
    ArrayList<SequencePairAlignment<Object,State>> ret = new ArrayList<SequencePairAlignment<Object,State>>(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      State[] ss = new State[latticeLength];
      Sequence<ViterbiNode> vs = viterbiNodeAlignmentCache.get(i).output();
      for (int j = 0; j < latticeLength; j++)
        ss[j] = vs.get(j).state; // Here is where we grab the state from the ViterbiNode
      ret.add(new SequencePairAlignment<Object,State>(input, new ArraySequence<State>(ss), viterbiNodeAlignmentCache.get(i).getWeight()));
    stateAlignmentCache = ret;
    return ret;
  public SequencePairAlignment<Object,State> bestStateAlignment () {
    return bestStateAlignments(1).get(0);

  public List<Sequence<State>> bestStateSequences(int n) {
    List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,State>> a = bestStateAlignments(n);
    ArrayList<Sequence<State>> ret = new ArrayList<Sequence<State>>(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      ret.add (a.get(i).output());
    return ret;
  public Sequence<State> bestStateSequence() {
    return bestStateAlignments(1).get(0).output();
  private List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,Object>> outputAlignmentCache = null;

  public List<SequencePairAlignment<Object,Object>> bestOutputAlignments (int n) {
    if (outputAlignmentCache != null && outputAlignmentCache.size() >= n)
      return outputAlignmentCache;
    bestViterbiNodeSequences(n); // ensure that viterbiNodeAlignmentCache has at least size n
    ArrayList<SequencePairAlignment<Object,Object>> ret = new ArrayList<SequencePairAlignment<Object,Object>>(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      Object[] ss = new Object[latticeLength-1];
      Sequence<ViterbiNode> vs = viterbiNodeAlignmentCache.get(i).output();
      for (int j = 0; j < latticeLength-1; j++)
        ss[j] = vs.get(j+1).output; // Here is where we grab the output from the ViterbiNode destination
      ret.add(new SequencePairAlignment<Object,Object>(input, new ArraySequence<Object>(ss), viterbiNodeAlignmentCache.get(i).getWeight()));
    outputAlignmentCache = ret;
    return ret;
  public SequencePairAlignment<Object,Object> bestOutputAlignment () {
    return bestOutputAlignments(1).get(0);

  public List<Sequence<Object>> bestOutputSequences (int n) {
    bestOutputAlignments(n); // ensure that outputAlignmentCache has at least size n
    ArrayList<Sequence<Object>> ret = new ArrayList<Sequence<Object>>(n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      ret.add (outputAlignmentCache.get(i).output());
    return ret;
    // TODO consider caching this result
  public Sequence<Object> bestOutputSequence () {
    return bestOutputAlignments(1).get(0).output();
  public double bestWeight() {
    return bestOutputAlignments(1).get(0).getWeight();
  /** Increment states and transitions with a count of 1.0 along the best state sequence.
   *  This provides for a so-called "Viterbi training" approximation. */
  public void incrementTransducer (Transducer.Incrementor incrementor)
    // We are only going to increment along the single best path ".get(0)" below.
    // We could consider having a version of this method:
    // incrementTransducer(Transducer.Incrementor incrementor, double[] counts)
    // where the number of n-best paths to increment would be determined by counts.length
    SequencePairAlignment<Object,ViterbiNode> viterbiNodeAlignment = this.bestViterbiNodeSequences(1).get(0);
    int sequenceLength = viterbiNodeAlignment.output().size();
    assert (sequenceLength == viterbiNodeAlignment.input().size()); // Not sure this works for unequal input/output lengths
    // Increment the initial state
    incrementor.incrementInitialState(viterbiNodeAlignment.output().get(0).state, 1.0);
    // Increment the final state
    incrementor.incrementFinalState(viterbiNodeAlignment.output().get(sequenceLength-1).state, 1.0);
    for (int ip = 0; ip < viterbiNodeAlignment.input().size()-1; ip++) {
      TransitionIterator iter =
        viterbiNodeAlignment.output().get(ip).state.transitionIterator (input, ip, providedOutput, ip);
      // xxx This assumes that a transition is completely
      // identified, and made unique by its destination state and
      // output.  This may not be true!
      int numIncrements = 0;
      while (iter.hasNext()) {
        if ( (viterbiNodeAlignment.output().get(ip+1).state)
            && iter.getOutput().equals (viterbiNodeAlignment.output().get(ip).output)) {
          incrementor.incrementTransition(iter, 1.0);
      if (numIncrements > 1)
        throw new IllegalStateException ("More than one satisfying transition found.");
      if (numIncrements == 0)
        throw new IllegalStateException ("No satisfying transition found.");

  public double elementwiseAccuracy (Sequence referenceOutput)
    int accuracy = 0;
    Sequence output = bestOutputSequence();
    assert (referenceOutput.size() == output.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++) {
      //logger.fine("tokenAccuracy: ref: "+referenceOutput.get(i)+" viterbi: "+output.get(i));
      if (referenceOutput.get(i).toString().equals (output.get(i).toString())) {
    } ("Number correct: " + accuracy + " out of " + output.size());
    return ((double)accuracy)/output.size();

  public double tokenAccuracy (Sequence referenceOutput, PrintWriter out)
    Sequence output = bestOutputSequence();
    int accuracy = 0;
    String testString;
    assert (referenceOutput.size() == output.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < output.size(); i++) {
      //logger.fine("tokenAccuracy: ref: "+referenceOutput.get(i)+" viterbi: "+output.get(i));
      testString = output.get(i).toString();
      if (out != null) {
      if (referenceOutput.get(i).toString().equals (testString)) {
    } ("Number correct: " + accuracy + " out of " + output.size());
    return ((double)accuracy)/output.size();

  public static class Factory extends MaxLatticeFactory implements Serializable
    public MaxLattice newMaxLattice (Transducer trans, Sequence inputSequence, Sequence outputSequence)
      return new MaxLatticeDefault (trans, inputSequence, outputSequence);

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
    private static final int CURRENT_SERIAL_VERSION = 1;

    private void writeObject(ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException {
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {



Related Classes of cc.mallet.fst.MaxLatticeDefault$ViterbiNode$PreviousStateIterator

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