
Source Code of

* ATLauncher -
* Copyright (C) 2013 ATLauncher
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

import com.atlauncher.App;
import com.atlauncher.Gsons;
import com.atlauncher.LogManager;
import com.atlauncher.gui.dialogs.ProgressDialog;
import com.atlauncher.mclauncher.LegacyMCLauncher;
import com.atlauncher.mclauncher.MCLauncher;
import com.atlauncher.utils.Authentication;
import com.atlauncher.utils.Utils;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JLabel;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JPasswordField;
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Image;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

* This class handles contains information about a single Instance in the Launcher. An Instance being an installed
* version of a ModPack separate to others by file structure.
public class Instance implements Cloneable {
     * The name of the Instance.
    private String name;

     * The name of the Pack this instance is for.
    private String pack;

     * The username of the user who installed this if it's set to be for that user only.
    private String installedBy;

     * The version installed for this Instance.
    private String version;

     * The hash of this instance if it's a dev version.
    private String hash;

     * The version of Minecraft that this Instance uses.
    private String minecraftVersion;

     * The minimum RAM/memory recommended for this Instance by the pack developer/s.
    private int memory = 0;

     * The minimum PermGen/MetaSpace recommended for this Instance by the pack developer/s.
    private int permgen = 0;

     * Comma separated list of the order of Jar's to be added to the class path when launching Minecraft.
    private String jarOrder;

     * Comma seperated list of the libraries needed by Minecraft/Forge to be added to the class path when launching
     * Minecraft.
    private String librariesNeeded = null;

     * The extra arguments to be added to the command when launching Minecraft. Generally involves things such as the
     * tweakClass/s for Forge.
    private String extraArguments = null;

     * The arguments required by Minecraft to be added to the command when launching Minecraft. Generally involves thing
     * such as handling of authentication, assets paths etc.
    private String minecraftArguments = null;

     * The main class to be run when launching Minecraft.
    private String mainClass = null;

     * The version of assets used by this Minecraft instance.
    private String assets = null;

     * If this instance has been converted or not from the old format.
    private boolean isConverted = false;

     * The Pack object for the pack this Instance was installed from. This is not stored in the instances instance.json
     * file as Pack's can be deleted from the system.
     * @see
    private transient Pack realPack;

     * If this Instance was installed from a development version of the Pack.
    private boolean isDev;

     * If this Instance is playable or not. It may become unplayable after a failed update or if files are found
     * corrupt.
    private boolean isPlayable;

     * If this instance uses the MCLauncher or the LegacyMCLauncher class to load Minecraft.
     * @see com.atlauncher.mclauncher.MCLauncher
     * @see com.atlauncher.mclauncher.LegacyMCLauncher
    private boolean newLaunchMethod;

     * List of DisableableMod objects for the mods in the Instance.
     * @see
    private List<DisableableMod> mods;

     * List of versions of the Pack this instance comes from that the user has said to not be reminded about updating
     * to.
    private List<String> ignoredUpdates;

     * Instantiates a new instance.
     * @param name               the name of the Instance
     * @param pack               the name of the Pack this Instance is of
     * @param realPack           the Pack object for the Pack this Instance is of
     * @param installJustForMe   if this instance is only meant to be used by the original installer
     * @param version            the version of the Pack this Instance is of
     * @param minecraftVersion   the Minecraft version this Instance runs off
     * @param memory             the minimum RAM/memory as recommended by the pack developer/s
     * @param permgen            the minimum PermGen/Metaspace as recommended by the pack developer/s
     * @param mods               the mods installed in this Instance
     * @param jarOrder           the order that jar mods are loaded into the class path
     * @param librariesNeeded    the libraries needed to launch Minecraft
     * @param extraArguments     the extra arguments for launching the pack
     * @param minecraftArguments the arguments needed by Minecraft to run
     * @param mainClass          the main class to run when launching Minecraft
     * @param assets             the assets version being used by Minecraft
     * @param isDev              if this Instance is using a dev version of the pack
     * @param isPlayable         if this instance is playable
     * @param newLaunchMethod    if this instance is using the new launch method for Minecraft
    public Instance(String name, String pack, Pack realPack, boolean installJustForMe, String version, String
            minecraftVersion, int memory, int permgen, List<DisableableMod> mods, String jarOrder, String
            librariesNeeded, String extraArguments, String minecraftArguments, String mainClass, String assets,
                    boolean isDev, boolean isPlayable, boolean newLaunchMethod) { = name;
        this.pack = pack;
        this.realPack = realPack;
        this.version = version;
        this.minecraftVersion = minecraftVersion;
        this.memory = memory;
        this.permgen = permgen;
        this.mods = mods;
        this.jarOrder = jarOrder;
        this.librariesNeeded = librariesNeeded;
        this.mainClass = mainClass;
        this.assets = assets;
        this.jarOrder = jarOrder;
        this.extraArguments = extraArguments;
        this.minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments;
        this.isDev = isDev;
        this.isPlayable = isPlayable;
        this.newLaunchMethod = newLaunchMethod;
        if (installJustForMe) {
            this.installedBy = App.settings.getAccount().getMinecraftUsername();
        } else {
            this.installedBy = null;
        this.isConverted = true;

     * Instantiates a new instance with it defaulting to being playable.
     * @param name               the name of the Instance
     * @param pack               the name of the Pack this Instance is of
     * @param realPack           the Pack object for the Pack this Instance is of
     * @param installJustForMe   if this instance is only meant to be used by the original installer
     * @param version            the version of the Pack this Instance is of
     * @param minecraftVersion   the Minecraft version this Instance runs off
     * @param memory             the minimum RAM/memory as recommended by the pack developer/s
     * @param permgen            the minimum PermGen/Metaspace as recommended by the pack developer/s
     * @param mods               the mods installed in this Instance
     * @param jarOrder           the order that jar mods are loaded into the class path
     * @param librariesNeeded    the libraries needed to launch Minecraft
     * @param extraArguments     the extra arguments for launching the pack
     * @param minecraftArguments the arguments needed by Minecraft to run
     * @param mainClass          the main class to run when launching Minecraft
     * @param assets             the assets version being used by Minecraft
     * @param isDev              if this Instance is using a dev version of the pack
     * @param newLaunchMethod    if this instance is using the new launch method for Minecraft
    public Instance(String name, String pack, Pack realPack, boolean installJustForMe, String version, String
            minecraftVersion, int memory, int permgen, List<DisableableMod> mods, String jarOrder, String
            librariesNeeded, String extraArguments, String minecraftArguments, String mainClass, String assets,
                    boolean isDev, boolean newLaunchMethod) {
        this(name, pack, realPack, installJustForMe, version, minecraftVersion, memory, permgen, mods, jarOrder,
                librariesNeeded, extraArguments, minecraftArguments, mainClass, assets, isDev, true, newLaunchMethod);

     * Gets this instances name.
     * @return the instances name
    public String getName() {

     * Sets a new name for this Instance. Used primarily when renaming a cloned instance.
     * @param newName the new name for this Instance
    public void setName(String newName) { = newName;

     * Gets the safe name of the Instance used in file paths. Removes all non alphanumeric characters.
     * @return the safe name of the Instance.
    public String getSafeName() {
        return"[^A-Za-z0-9]", "");

     * Gets the name of the Pack this Instance was created from. Pack's can be deleted/removed in the future.
     * @return the name of the Pack the Instance was created from.
    public String getPackName() {
        return pack;

     * Checks if the Instance has mods installed.
     * @return true if there are mods installed in the Instance
    public boolean hasInstalledMods() {
        return (this.mods == null ? false : (this.mods.size() >= 1 ? true : false));

     * Gets the order to load any jar mods into the class path when launching Minecraft.
     * @return comma separated list of filenames to jar mods in their correct loading order
    public String getJarOrder() {
        return this.jarOrder;

     * Sets the order to load the jars from the jarmods folder.
     * @param jarOrder comma separated list of filenames for the order to load the mods from the jarmods folder
    public void setJarOrder(String jarOrder) {
        this.jarOrder = jarOrder;

     * Gets the minimum recommended RAM/memory for this Instance based off what the Pack specifies. Defaults to 0 if
     * there is none specified by the pack. Value is in MB.
     * @return the minimum RAM/memory recommended for this Instance in MB
    public int getMemory() {
        return this.memory;

     * Sets the minimum recommended RAM/memory for this Instance in MB.
     * @param memory the minimum recommended RAM/memory for this Instance in MB
    public void setMemory(int memory) {
        this.memory = memory;

     * Gets a List of the installed mods in this Instance. Mods are listed as DisableableMod objects.
     * @return a List of DisableableMod objects of the installed mods in this instance or null if none
    public List<DisableableMod> getInstalledMods() {
        return this.mods;

     * Gets the minimum recommended PermGen/Metaspace size for this Instance based off what the Pack specifies. Defaults
     * to 0 if there is non specified by the pack. Value is in MB.
     * @return the minimum PermGen/Metaspace recommended for this Instance in MB
    public int getPermGen() {
        return this.permgen;

     * Renames this instance including renaming the folder in the Instances directory to the new name provided.
     * @param newName the new name of the Instance
     * @return true if the Instances folder was renamed and false if it failed
    public boolean rename(String newName) {
        String oldName =;
        File oldDir = getRootDirectory(); = newName;
        File newDir = getRootDirectory();
        if (oldDir.renameTo(newDir)) {
            return true;
        } else {
   = oldName;
            return false;

     * Gets the name of the Pack this Instance was created from in a safe manner by removing all non alphanumeric
     * characters which is then safe for use inside file paths and URL's.
     * @return the safe name of the Pack
    public String getSafePackName() {
        return this.pack.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "");

     * Gets a ImageIcon object for the image file of the Pack for use in displaying in the Packs and Instances tabs.
     * @return ImageIcon for this Instances Pack
    public ImageIcon getImage() {
        File customImage = new File(this.getRootDirectory(), "instance.png");
        File instancesImage = new File(App.settings.getImagesDir(), getSafePackName().toLowerCase() + ".png");

        if (customImage.exists()) {
            try {
                BufferedImage img =;
                Image dimg = img.getScaledInstance(300, 150, Image.SCALE_SMOOTH);
                return new ImageIcon(dimg);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                App.settings.logStackTrace("Error creating scaled image from the custom image of instance " + this
                        .getName(), e);

        if (instancesImage.exists()) {
            return Utils.getIconImage(instancesImage);

        } else {
            return Utils.getIconImage(new File(App.settings.getImagesDir(), "defaultimage.png"));

     * Gets the description of the Pack this Instance was installed from if it's still available in the Launcher. If the
     * pack no longer exists then it simply returns "No Description".
     * @return the description of the Pack this Instance was created from
    public String getPackDescription() {
        if (this.realPack != null) {
            return this.realPack.getDescription();
        } else {
            return Language.INSTANCE.localize("pack.nodescription");

     * Checks if this Instance has been converted or not from the old arguments storage.
     * @return true if this Instance has already been converted
    public boolean hasBeenConverted() {
        return this.isConverted;

     * Checks to see if Leaderboards are enabled for the Pack this Instance was created from. If the pack no longer
     * exists we don't allow logging of Leaderboard statistics.
     * @return true if Leaderboard are enabled and statistics can be sent
    public boolean isLeaderboardsEnabled() {
        return (this.realPack != null && this.realPack.isLeaderboardsEnabled());

     * Checks to see if Logging is enabled for the Pack this Instance was created from. If the pack no longer exists we
     * don't allow logging.
     * @return true if Logging is enabled
    public boolean isLoggingEnabled() {
        return (this.realPack != null && this.realPack.isLoggingEnabled());

     * This stops the popup informing a user that this Instance has an update when they go to play this Instance. It
     * will simply deny the current version from showing up again informing the user when their Instance is not using
     * the latest version.
    public void ignoreUpdate() {
        if (this.ignoredUpdates == null) {
            this.ignoredUpdates = new ArrayList<String>();
        String version = getLatestVersion();
        if (!hasUpdateBeenIgnored(version)) {

     * Checks to see if a given version has been ignored from showing update prompts when the Instance is played.
     * @param version the version to check if it's been ignored in the past
     * @return true if the user has chosen to ignore updates for the given version
    public boolean hasUpdateBeenIgnored(String version) {
        if (version == null || ignoredUpdates == null || ignoredUpdates.size() == 0) {
            return false;
        for (String ignoredVersion : ignoredUpdates) {
            if (ignoredVersion.equalsIgnoreCase(version)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * This converts an old Instance using old Minecraft argument storage to the new method of storage.
    public void convert() {
        if (this.minecraftArguments != null) {
            // Minecraft arguments are now extraArguments if found
            this.extraArguments = this.minecraftArguments;
            this.minecraftArguments = null;
        this.isConverted = true;

     * This removes a given DisableableMod object and removes it from the list of installed mods as well as deleting the
     * file.
     * @param mod the DisableableMod object for the mod to remove
    public void removeInstalledMod(DisableableMod mod) {
        Utils.delete((mod.isDisabled() ? mod.getDisabledFile(this) : mod.getFile(this)));
        this.mods.remove(mod); // Remove mod from mod List

     * Gets the version of the Pack that this Instance is based off.
     * @return the version of the Pack this Instance is based off
    public String getVersion() {
        return this.version;

     * Sets the version of the Pack this Instance was created from.
     * @param version the version of the Pack this Instance was created from
    public void setVersion(String version) {
        this.version = version;

     * Gets the Minecraft Version that this Instance uses.
     * @return the Minecraft Version that this Instance uses
    public String getMinecraftVersion() {
        return this.minecraftVersion;

     * Sets the Minecraft version of the Pack this Instance was created from.
     * @param minecraftVersion the new minecraft version
    public void setMinecraftVersion(String minecraftVersion) {
        this.minecraftVersion = minecraftVersion;

     * Gets a File object for the root directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the root directory of this Instance
    public File getRootDirectory() {
        return new File(App.settings.getInstancesDir(), getSafeName());

     * Gets a File object for the directory where the assets for this version of Minecraft are stored.
     * @return File object for the assets directory used by Minecraft
    public File getAssetsDir() {
        return new File(App.settings.getVirtualAssetsDir(), getAssets());

     * Gets a File object for the saves directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the saves directory of this Instance
    public File getSavesDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "saves");

     * Gets a File object for the reports directory of this Instance where OpenEye stores it's pending crash reports.
     * @return File object for the reports directory of this Instance
    public File getReportsDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "reports");

     * Gets a File object for the mods directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the mods directory of this Instance
    public File getModsDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "mods");

     * Gets a File object for the IC2 library directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the IC2 library directory of this Instance
    public File getIC2LibDirectory() {
        return new File(getModsDirectory(), "ic2");

     * Gets a File object for the denlib directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the denlib directory of this Instance
    public File getDenLibDirectory() {
        return new File(getModsDirectory(), "denlib");

     * Gets a File object for the plugins directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the plugins directory of this Instance
    public File getPluginsDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "plugins");

     * Gets a File object for the shader packs directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the shader packs directory of this Instance
    public File getShaderPacksDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "shaderpacks");

     * Gets a File object for the disabled mods directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the disabled mods directory of this Instance
    public File getDisabledModsDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "disabledmods");

     * Gets a File object for the core mods directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the core mods directory of this Instance
    public File getCoreModsDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "coremods");

     * Gets a File object for the jar mods directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the jar mods directory of this Instance
    public File getJarModsDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "jarmods");

     * Gets a File object for the texture packs directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the texture packs directory of this Instance
    public File getTexturePacksDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "texturepacks");

     * Gets a File object for the resource packs directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the resource packs directory of this Instance
    public File getResourcePacksDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "resourcepacks");

     * Gets a File object for the bin directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the bin directory of this Instance
    public File getBinDirectory() {
        return new File(getRootDirectory(), "bin");

     * Gets a File object for the natives directory of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the natives directory of this Instance
    public File getNativesDirectory() {
        return new File(getBinDirectory(), "natives");

     * Gets a File object for the minecraft.jar of this Instance.
     * @return File object for the minecraft.jar of this Instance
    public File getMinecraftJar() {
        return new File(getBinDirectory(), "minecraft.jar");

     * Checks if the pack associated with this Instance can be installed.
     * @return true if the Pack this Instance was made from can be installed
     * @see
    public boolean canInstall() {
        return (this.realPack != null && this.realPack.canInstall());

     * Gets the Pack object that this Instance was created from. If it doesn't exist, this will return null
     * @return Pack object of the Pack this Instance was created from or null if no longer available
    public Pack getRealPack() {
        return this.realPack;

     * Sets the Pack object that this Instance was created from. Defaults to null when loaded.
     * @param realPack the Pack object that this Instance was created from
    public void setRealPack(Pack realPack) {
        this.realPack = realPack;

     * Checks if this Instance has installed jar mods.
     * @return true if there are jar mods
    public boolean hasJarMods() {
        return this.jarOrder != null;

     * Sets the minimum recommended PermGen/Metaspace size for this Instance in MB.
     * @param permgen the minimum recommended PermGen/Metaspace for this Instance in MB
    public void setPermgen(int permgen) {
        this.permgen = permgen;

     * Sets this Instance as playable after it is marked unplayable and has been rectified.
    public void setPlayable() {
        this.isPlayable = true;

     * Sets this Instance as unplayable so the user cannot play the Instance. Used when installs go bad or files are
     * found that corrupts the Instance
    public void setUnplayable() {
        this.isPlayable = false;

     * Sets this Instance as a dev version.
    public void setDevVersion() {
        this.isDev = true;

     * Sets this Instance as a non dev version.
    public void setNotDevVersion() {
        this.isDev = false;
        this.hash = null;

     * Sets this Instances hash for dev versions.
    public void setHash(String hash) {
        this.hash = hash;

     * Checks if the version of the Pack this Instance was created from was a dev version.
     * @return true if the version of the Pack used to create this Instance was a dev version
    public boolean isDev() {
        return this.isDev;

     * Checks if the Instance is playable.
     * @return true if the Instance is playable
    public boolean isPlayable() {
        return this.isPlayable;

     * Sets the launch method used to launch this Instance.
     * @param newLaunchMethod true if the new launch menthod should be used, false for the legacy launch method
    public void setIsNewLaunchMethod(boolean newLaunchMethod) {
        this.newLaunchMethod = newLaunchMethod;

     * Checks if this Instance uses the new launch method or not.
     * @return true if this Instance uses the new launch method
    public boolean isNewLaunchMethod() {
        return this.newLaunchMethod;

     * Gets the libraries needed to be loaded when launching Minecraft.
     * @return a comma separated list of filenames for the libraries to be loaded when Minecraft is started
    public String getLibrariesNeeded() {
        return this.librariesNeeded;

     * Sets the list of libraries needed to be loaded when launching Minecraft.
     * @param librariesNeeded a comma separated list of filenames for the libraries to be loaded when Minecraft is
     *                        started
    public void setLibrariesNeeded(String librariesNeeded) {
        this.librariesNeeded = librariesNeeded;

     * Checks if there are extra arguments set for this Instance.
     * @return true if there are set extra arguments for this Instance
    public boolean hasExtraArguments() {
        return this.extraArguments != null;

     * Gets the extra arguments for the Instance which is added to the command argument when launching Minecraft.
     * @return the extra arguments used by the Instance when launching Minecraft
    public String getExtraArguments() {
        return this.extraArguments;

     * Sets the extra arguments for the Instance which is added to the command argument when launching Minecraft.
     * @param extraArguments the new extra arguments used by the Instance when launching Minecraft
    public void setExtraArguments(String extraArguments) {
        this.extraArguments = extraArguments;

     * Checks if there are Minecraft arguments set for this Instance.
     * @return true if there are set Minecraft arguments for this Instance
    public boolean hasMinecraftArguments() {
        return this.minecraftArguments != null;

     * Gets the Minecraft arguments for the Instance which is added to the command argument when launching Minecraft.
     * These involve things like asset directories, token input among other things.
     * @return the Minecraft arguments used by the Instance when launching Minecraft
    public String getMinecraftArguments() {
        return this.minecraftArguments;

     * Sets the Minecraft arguments for the Instance which is added to the command argument when launching Minecraft.
     * These involve things like asset directories, token input among other things.
     * @param minecraftArguments the new Minecraft arguments used by the Instance when launching Minecraft
    public void setMinecraftArguments(String minecraftArguments) {
        this.minecraftArguments = minecraftArguments;

     * Gets the main class used to launch Minecraft.
     * @return the main class used to launch Minecraft
    public String getMainClass() {
        return this.mainClass;

     * Sets the main class used to launch Minecraft.
     * @param mainClass the new main class used to launch Minecraft
    public void setMainClass(String mainClass) {
        this.mainClass = mainClass;

     * Gets the assets value which Minecraft uses to determine how to load assets in the game.
     * @return the assets value
    public String getAssets() {
        return (this.assets == null ? "legacy" : this.assets);

     * Sets the assets value which Minecraft uses to determine how to load assets in the game.
     * @param assets the new assets value
    public void setAssets(String assets) {
        this.assets = assets;

     * Checks if this Instance can be played. This refers only to the account and permission side of things and doesn't
     * reference if the instance is playable or as determined by the {@link}
     * field.
     * @return true if the user can play this Instance
    public boolean canPlay() {
        // Make sure an account is selected first.
        if (App.settings.getAccount() == null || !App.settings.getAccount().isReal()) {
            return false;

        // Check to see if this was a private Instance belonging to a specific user only.
        if (this.installedBy != null && !App.settings.getAccount().getMinecraftUsername().equalsIgnoreCase(this
                .installedBy)) {
            return false;

        // All good, no false returns yet so allow it.
        return true;

     * Checks if the Pack this Instance was created from has an update.
     * @return true if there is an update to the Pack this Instance was created from
    public boolean hasUpdate() {
        // Check to see if there is a Pack object defined first.
        if (this.realPack != null) {
            // Then check if the Pack has any versions associated with it and were NOT running a dev
            // version, as dev versions should never be updated.
            if (this.realPack.hasVersions() && !isDev()) {
                // Lastly check if the current version we installed is different than the latest
                // version of the Pack and that the latest version of the Pack is not restricted to
                // disallow updates.
                if (!this.realPack.getLatestVersion().getVersion().equalsIgnoreCase(this.version) && !this.realPack
                        .isLatestVersionNoUpdate()) {
                    return true;
            if (isDev() && (this.hash != null)) {
                PackVersion devVersion = this.realPack.getDevVersionByName(this.version);
                if (devVersion != null && !devVersion.hashMatches(this.hash)) {
                    return true;

        // If we triggered nothing then there is no update.
        return false;

     * Gets the latest version of the Pack this Instance was created from. If the Pack has been removed or it has no
     * published versions then it will return null.
     * @return the latest version of the Pack this Instance was created from or null if the Pack no longer exists or
     * there is no versions of the Pack
    public String getLatestVersion() {
        return (this.realPack != null ? this.realPack.getLatestVersion().getVersion() : null);

     * Checks is a mod was installed with this Instance.
     * @param name the name of the mod
     * @return true if the mod was installed with the Instance
    public boolean wasModInstalled(String name) {
        if (this.mods != null) {
            for (DisableableMod mod : this.mods) {
                if (mod.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * Sets the mods installed for this Instance.
     * @param mods List of {@link} objects of the mods installed with this Instance.
    public void setModsInstalled(List<DisableableMod> mods) {
        this.mods = mods;

     * Starts the process to launch this Instance.
     * @return true if the Minecraft process was started
    public boolean launch() {
        final Account account = App.settings.getAccount();
        if (account == null) {
            String[] options = {Language.INSTANCE.localize("common.ok")};
            JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(App.settings.getParent(), Language.INSTANCE.localize("instance.noaccount"),
                    Language.INSTANCE.localize("instance.noaccountselected"), JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane
                            .ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
            return false;
        } else {
            if ((App.settings.getMaximumMemory() < this.memory) && (this.memory <= Utils.getSafeMaximumRam())) {
                String[] options = {Language.INSTANCE.localize("common.yes"), Language.INSTANCE.localize("")};
                int ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(App.settings.getParent(), "<html><p align=\"center\">" +
                        Language.INSTANCE.localizeWithReplace("instance" + "" +
                                ".insufficientram", "<b>" + this.memory + "</b> MB<br/><br/>") +
                        "</p></html>", Language.INSTANCE.localize("instance.insufficientramtitle"), JOptionPane
                        .DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
                if (ret != 0) {
                    LogManager.warn("Launching of instance cancelled due to user cancelling memory warning!");
                    return false;
            if (App.settings.getPermGen() < this.permgen) {
                String[] options = {Language.INSTANCE.localize("common.yes"), Language.INSTANCE.localize("")};
                int ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(App.settings.getParent(), "<html><p align=\"center\">" +
                        Language.INSTANCE.localizeWithReplace("instance" + "" +
                                ".insufficientpermgen", "<b>" + this.permgen + "</b> MB<br/><br/>") +
                        "</p></html>", Language.INSTANCE.localize("instance.insufficientpermgentitle"), JOptionPane
                        .DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
                if (ret != 0) {
                    LogManager.warn("Launching of instance cancelled due to user cancelling permgen warning!");
                    return false;
            AuthenticationResponse sess = null;
            if (account.hasAccessToken() && account.isAccessTokenValid()) {
      "Access token checked and is valid!");
                sess = account.refreshToken();
            } else {
                if (account.hasAccessToken()) {
                    LogManager.error("Access token checked and is NOT valid! Will attempt to get another one!");
                String password = account.getPassword();
                if (!account.isRemembered()) {
                    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
                    panel.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
                    JLabel passwordLabel = new JLabel(Language.INSTANCE.localizeWithReplace("instance.enterpassword",
                    JPasswordField passwordField = new JPasswordField();
                    panel.add(passwordLabel, BorderLayout.NORTH);
                    panel.add(passwordField, BorderLayout.CENTER);
                    int ret = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(App.settings.getParent(), panel, Language.INSTANCE
                            .localize("instance.enterpasswordtitle"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION);
                    if (ret == JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
                        password = new String(passwordField.getPassword());
                    } else {
                        LogManager.error("Aborting login for " + account.getMinecraftUsername());
                        return false;
      "Logging into Minecraft!");
                final String pass = password;
                final ProgressDialog dialog = new ProgressDialog(Language.INSTANCE.localize("account.loggingin"), 0,
                        Language.INSTANCE.localize("account.loggingin"), "Aborting login for " + account
                dialog.addThread(new Thread() {
                    public void run() {
                        dialog.setReturnValue(Authentication.checkAccount(account.getUsername(), pass, (account
                                .hasAccessToken() ? account.getClientToken() : null)));
                sess = (AuthenticationResponse) dialog.getReturnValue();
            if (sess == null) {
                sess = new AuthenticationResponse("token:0:0", false);
            } else if (sess.hasError()) {
                String[] options = {Language.INSTANCE.localize("common.ok")};
                JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(App.settings.getParent(), "<html><p align=\"center\">" + Language
                        .INSTANCE.localizeWithReplace("instance.errorloggingin", "<br/><br/>" + sess.getErrorMessage
                                ()) + "</p></html>", Language.INSTANCE.localize("instance.errorloggingintitle"),
                        JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE, null, options, options[0]);
                return false;
            } else {

            final AuthenticationResponse session = sess;
            Thread launcher = new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    try {
                        long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (App.settings.getParent() != null) {
                        // Create a note of worlds for auto backup if enabled
                        HashMap<String, Long> preWorldList = new HashMap<String, Long>();
                        if (App.settings.isAdvancedBackupsEnabled() && App.settings.getAutoBackup()) {
                            if (getSavesDirectory().exists()) {
                                File[] files = getSavesDirectory().listFiles();
                                if (files != null) {
                                    for (File file : files) {
                                        if (file.isDirectory()) {
                                            preWorldList.put(file.getName(), file.lastModified());
                        Process process = null;
                        if (isNewLaunchMethod()) {
                            process = MCLauncher.launch(account, Instance.this, session);
                        } else {
                            process = LegacyMCLauncher.launch(account, Instance.this, session);
                        InputStream is = process.getInputStream();
                        InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is);
                        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
                        String line;
                        while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                            if (!LogManager.showDebug) {
                                line = line.replace(account.getMinecraftUsername(), "**MINECRAFTUSERNAME**");
                                line = line.replace(account.getUsername(), "**MINECRAFTUSERNAME**");
                                if (account.hasAccessToken()) {
                                    line = line.replace(account.getAccessToken(), "**ACCESSTOKEN**");
                                if (account.hasClientToken()) {
                                    line = line.replace(account.getClientToken(), "**CLIENTTOKEN**");
                                if (account.hasUUID()) {
                                    line = line.replace(account.getUUID(), "**UUID**");
                        if (App.settings.getParent() != null && App.settings.keepLauncherOpen()) {
                        long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (App.settings.isInOfflineMode()) {
                        int exitValue = 0; // Assume we exited fine
                        try {
                            exitValue = process.exitValue(); // Try to get the real exit value
                        } catch (IllegalThreadStateException e) {
                            process.destroy(); // Kill the process
                        if (!App.settings.keepLauncherOpen()) {
                            App.settings.getConsole().setVisible(false); // Hide the console to
                            // pretend
                            // we've closed
                        if (exitValue != 0) {
                            // Submit any pending crash reports from Open Eye if need to since we
                            // exited abnormally
                            if (App.settings.enableLogs() && App.settings.enableOpenEyeReporting()) {
                                App.TASKPOOL.submit(new Runnable() {
                                    public void run() {
                        } else if (App.settings.isAdvancedBackupsEnabled() && App.settings.getAutoBackup()) {
                            // Begin backup
                            if (getSavesDirectory().exists()) {
                                File[] files = getSavesDirectory().listFiles();
                                if (files != null) {
                                    for (File file : files) {
                                        if ((file.isDirectory()) && (!file.getName().equals("NEI"))) {
                                            if (preWorldList.containsKey(file.getName())) {
                                                // Only backup if file changed
                                                if (!(preWorldList.get(file.getName()) == file.lastModified())) {
                                                    SyncAbstract sync = SyncAbstract.syncList.get(App.settings
                                                    sync.backupWorld(file.getName() + String.valueOf(file
                                                            .lastModified()), file, Instance.this);
                                            // Or backup if a new file is found
                                            else {
                                                SyncAbstract sync = SyncAbstract.syncList.get(App.settings
                                                sync.backupWorld(file.getName() + String.valueOf(file.lastModified())
                                                        .replace(":", ""), file, Instance.this);

                        if (!App.settings.isInOfflineMode()) {
                            if (isLeaderboardsEnabled() && isLoggingEnabled() && !isDev() && App.settings.enableLogs
                                    ()) {
                                final int timePlayed = (int) (end - start) / 1000;
                                if (timePlayed > 0) {
                                    App.TASKPOOL.submit(new Runnable() {
                                        public void run() {
                                            addTimePlayed(timePlayed, (isDev ? "dev" : getVersion()));
                            if (App.settings.keepLauncherOpen() && App.settings.hasUpdatedFiles()) {
                        if (!App.settings.keepLauncherOpen()) {
                    } catch (IOException e1) {
            return true;

     * Send open eye pending reports from the instance.
    public void sendOpenEyePendingReports() {
        File reportsDir = this.getReportsDirectory();
        if (reportsDir.exists()) {
            for (String filename : reportsDir.list(Utils.getOpenEyePendingReportsFileFilter())) {
                File report = new File(reportsDir, filename);
      "OpenEye: Sending pending crash report located at '" + report.getAbsolutePath() + "'");
                OpenEyeReportResponse response = Utils.sendOpenEyePendingReport(report);
                if (response == null) {
                    // Pending report was never sent due to an issue. Won't delete the file in case
                    // it's
                    // a temporary issue and can be sent again later.
                    LogManager.error("OpenEye: Couldn't send pending crash report!");
                } else {
                    // OpenEye returned a response to the report, display that to user if needed.
          "OpenEye: Pending crash report sent! URL: " + response.getURL());
                    if (response.hasNote()) {
                        String[] options = {Language.INSTANCE.localize("common.opencrashreport"), Language.INSTANCE
                        int ret = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(App.settings.getParent(), "<html><p align=\"center\">"
                                + Language.INSTANCE.localizeWithReplace("instance" + "" +
                                ".openeyereport1", "<br/><br/>") + response.getNoteDisplay() + Language.INSTANCE
                                .localize("instance.openeyereport2") + "</p></html>", Language.INSTANCE.localize
                                ("instance.aboutyourcrash"), JOptionPane.DEFAULT_OPTION, JOptionPane
                                .INFORMATION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]);
                        if (ret == 0) {
                Utils.delete(report); // Delete the pending report since we've sent it

    public String addTimePlayed(int time, String version) {
        Map<String, Object> request = new HashMap<String, Object>();

        if (App.settings.enableLeaderboards()) {
            request.put("username", App.settings.getAccount().getMinecraftUsername());
        } else {
            request.put("username", null);
        request.put("version", version);
        request.put("time", time);

        try {
            return Utils.sendAPICall("pack/" + getRealPack().getSafeName() + "/timeplayed/", request);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        return "Leaderboard Time Not Added!";

     * Clones a given instance of this class.
     * @return Instance The cloned instance
     * @see java.lang.Object#clone()
    public Object clone() {
        try {
            return super.clone();
        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
        return null;

    public boolean hasCustomMods() {
        for (DisableableMod mod : this.mods) {
            if (mod.isUserAdded()) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public List<String> getCustomMods(Type type) {
        List<String> customMods = new ArrayList<String>();
        for (DisableableMod mod : this.mods) {
            if (mod.isUserAdded() && mod.getType() == type) {
        return customMods;

    public List<DisableableMod> getCustomDisableableMods() {
        List<DisableableMod> customMods = new ArrayList<DisableableMod>();
        for (DisableableMod mod : this.mods) {
            if (mod.isUserAdded()) {
        return customMods;

    public void save() {
        try {
            FileWriter writer = null;
            try {
                writer = new FileWriter(new File(new File(App.settings.getInstancesDir(), this.getSafeName()),
                App.TOASTER.pop("Instance " + this.getName());
            } finally {
                if (writer != null) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

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