Package org.opennebula.client.vm

Source Code of org.opennebula.client.vm.VirtualMachine

* Copyright 2002-2014, OpenNebula Project (, C12G Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.opennebula.client.vm;

import org.opennebula.client.Client;
import org.opennebula.client.OneResponse;
import org.opennebula.client.PoolElement;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

* This class represents an OpenNebula VM.
* It also offers static XML-RPC call wrappers.
public class VirtualMachine extends PoolElement{
    private static final String METHOD_PREFIX = "vm.";

    private static final String ALLOCATE = METHOD_PREFIX + "allocate";
    private static final String INFO     = METHOD_PREFIX + "info";
    private static final String DEPLOY   = METHOD_PREFIX + "deploy";
    private static final String ACTION   = METHOD_PREFIX + "action";
    private static final String MIGRATE  = METHOD_PREFIX + "migrate";
    private static final String SAVEDISK = METHOD_PREFIX + "savedisk";
    private static final String CHOWN    = METHOD_PREFIX + "chown";
    private static final String CHMOD    = METHOD_PREFIX + "chmod";
    private static final String MONITORING = METHOD_PREFIX + "monitoring";
    private static final String ATTACH  = METHOD_PREFIX + "attach";
    private static final String DETACH  = METHOD_PREFIX + "detach";
    private static final String RENAME  = METHOD_PREFIX + "rename";
    private static final String UPDATE  = METHOD_PREFIX + "update";
    private static final String RESIZE  = METHOD_PREFIX + "resize";
    private static final String ATTACHNIC = METHOD_PREFIX + "attachnic";
    private static final String DETACHNIC = METHOD_PREFIX + "detachnic";
    private static final String SNAPSHOTCREATE = METHOD_PREFIX + "snapshotcreate";
    private static final String SNAPSHOTREVERT = METHOD_PREFIX + "snapshotrevert";
    private static final String SNAPSHOTDELETE = METHOD_PREFIX + "snapshotdelete";
    private static final String RECOVER = METHOD_PREFIX + "recover";

    private static final String[] VM_STATES =
        "UNDEPLOYED" };

    private static final String[] SHORT_VM_STATES =
        "unde" };

    private static final String[] LCM_STATE =
        "BOOT_UNDEPLOY" };

    private static final String[] SHORT_LCM_STATES =
        "boot" };

     * Creates a new VM representation.
     * @param id The virtual machine Id (vid).
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
    public VirtualMachine(int id, Client client)
        super(id, client);

     * @see PoolElement
    protected VirtualMachine(Node xmlElement, Client client)
        super(xmlElement, client);

    // =================================
    // Static XML-RPC methods
    // =================================

     * Allocates a new VM in OpenNebula.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param description A string containing the template of the vm.
     * @return If successful the message contains the associated
     * id generated for this VM.
    public static OneResponse allocate(Client client, String description)
        return allocate(client, description, false);

     * Allocates a new VM in OpenNebula.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param description A string containing the template of the vm.
     * @param onHold False to create this VM in pending state, true on hold
     * @return If successful the message contains the associated
     * id generated for this VM.
    public static OneResponse allocate(Client client, String description,
        boolean onHold)
        return, description, onHold);

     * Replaces the user template contents for the given VM.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The id of the target vm.
     * @param new_template New template contents
     * @param append True to append new attributes instead of replace the whole template
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse update(Client client, int id, String new_template,
        boolean append)
        return, id, new_template, append ? 1 : 0);

     * Resizes the VM capacity
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The id of the target vm.
     * @param capacityTemplate Template containing the new capacity
     *   elements CPU, VCPU, MEMORY. If one of them is not present, or its
     *   value is 0, it will not be resized
     * @param enforce If it is set to true, the host capacity
     *   will be checked. This will only affect oneadmin requests, regular users
     *   resize requests will always be enforced
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse resize(Client client, int id,
        String capacityTemplate, boolean enforce)
        return, id, capacityTemplate, enforce);

     * Retrieves the information of the given VM.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @return If successful the message contains the string
     * with the information returned by OpenNebula.
    public static OneResponse info(Client client, int id)
        return, id);

     * Changes the owner/group
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param uid The new owner user ID. Set it to -1 to leave the current one.
     * @param gid The new group ID. Set it to -1 to leave the current one.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse chown(Client client, int id, int uid, int gid)
        return, id, uid, gid);

     * Changes the VM permissions
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The VM id of the target VM.
     * @param owner_u 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param owner_m 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param owner_a 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param group_u 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param group_m 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param group_a 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param other_u 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param other_m 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param other_a 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse chmod(Client client, int id,
                                    int owner_u, int owner_m, int owner_a,
                                    int group_u, int group_m, int group_a,
                                    int other_u, int other_m, int other_a)
        return chmod(client, CHMOD, id,
                owner_u, owner_m, owner_a,
                group_u, group_m, group_a,
                other_u, other_m, other_a);

     * Changes the permissions
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The id of the target object.
     * @param octet Permissions octed , e.g. 640
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse chmod(Client client, int id, String octet)
        return chmod(client, CHMOD, id, octet);

     * Changes the permissions
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The id of the target object.
     * @param octet Permissions octed , e.g. 640
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse chmod(Client client, int id, int octet)
        return chmod(client, CHMOD, id, octet);

     * Retrieves the monitoring information of the given VM, in XML
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @return If successful the message contains the string
     * with the monitoring information returned by OpenNebula.
    public static OneResponse monitoring(Client client, int id)
        return, id);

     * Attaches a disk to a running VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param diskTemplate Template containing the new DISK definition
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse diskAttach(Client client, int id,
            String diskTemplate)
        return, id, diskTemplate);

     * Detaches a disk from a running VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param diskId The DISK_ID of the disk to detach
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse diskDetach(Client client, int id,
            int diskId)
        return, id, diskId);

     * Sets the specified vm's disk to be saved in a new image.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param diskId ID of the disk to be saved.
     * @param imageName Name of the new Image that will be created.
     * @param imageType Type of the new image. Set to empty string to use
     * the default type
     * @param hot True to save the disk immediately, false will perform
     * the operation when the VM shuts down
     * @param doTemplate True to clone also the VM originating template
     * and replace the disk with the saved image
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse diskSnapshot(Client client, int id,
        int diskId, String imageName, String imageType,
        boolean hot, boolean doTemplate)
        return, id ,diskId, imageName, imageType,
                            hot, doTemplate);

     * Attaches a NIC to a running VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param nicTemplate Template containing the new NIC definition
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse nicAttach(Client client, int id,
            String nicTemplate)
        return, id, nicTemplate);

     * Detaches a NIC from a running VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param nicId The NIC_ID of the NIC to detach
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse nicDetach(Client client, int id,
            int nicId)
        return, id, nicId);

     * Renames this VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The VM id of the target VM.
     * @param name New name for the VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse rename(Client client, int id, String name)
        return, id, name);

     * Creates a new VM snapshot
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The VM id of the target VM.
     * @param name Name for the snapshot.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse snapshotCreate(Client client, int id, String name)
        return, id, name);

     * Reverts to a snapshot
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The VM id of the target VM.
     * @param snapId Id of the snapshot
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse snapshotRevert(Client client, int id, int snapId)
        return, id, snapId);

     * Deletes a VM snapshot.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The VM id of the target VM.
     * @param snapId Id of the snapshot
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse snapshotDelete(Client client, int id, int snapId)
        return, id, snapId);

     * Recovers a stuck VM.
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param success recover by succeeding the missing transaction if true.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public static OneResponse recover(Client client, int id, boolean success)
        return, id, success);

    // =================================
    // Instanced object XML-RPC methods
    // =================================

     * Loads the xml representation of the virtual machine.
     * The info is also stored internally.
     * @see VirtualMachine#info(Client, int)
    public OneResponse info()
        OneResponse response = info(client, id);
        return response;

     * Initiates the instance of the VM on the target host.
     * @param hostId The host id (hid) of the target host where
     * the VM will be instantiated.
     * @param enforce If it is set to true, the host capacity
     * will be checked, and the deployment will fail if the host is
     * overcommited. Defaults to false
     * @param dsId The System Datastore where to deploy the VM. To use the
     * default, set it to -1
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse deploy(int hostId, boolean enforce, int dsId)
        return, id, hostId, enforce, dsId);

     * Initiates the instance of the VM on the target host.
     * @param hostId The host id (hid) of the target host where
     * the VM will be instantiated.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse deploy(int hostId)
        return deploy(hostId, false, -1);

     * Submits an action to be performed on the virtual machine.
     * <br/>
     * It is recommended to use the helper methods instead:
     * <ul>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#shutdown(boolean)}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#reboot(boolean)}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#hold()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#release()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#stop()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#suspend()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#resume()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#delete(boolean)}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#boot()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#poweroff()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#resched()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#unresched()}</li>
     * <li>{@link VirtualMachine#undeploy(boolean)}</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param action The action name to be performed, can be:<br/>
     * "shutdown", "hold", "release", "stop", "shutdown-hard", "suspend",
     * "resume", "boot", "delete", "delete-recreate", "reboot", "resched",
     * "unresched", "reboot-hard", "poweroff", "undeploy", "undeploy-hard"
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    protected OneResponse action(String action)
        return, action, id);

     * Migrates the virtual machine to the target host (hid).
     * @param hostId The target host id (hid) where we want to migrate
     * the vm.
     * @param live If true we are indicating that we want livemigration,
     * otherwise false.
     * @param enforce If it is set to true, the host capacity
     * will be checked, and the deployment will fail if the host is
     * overcommited. Defaults to false
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse migrate(int hostId, boolean live, boolean enforce)
        return, id, hostId, live, enforce);

     * Migrates the virtual machine to the target host (hid).
     * @param hostId The target host id (hid) where we want to migrate
     * the vm.
     * @param live If true the migration is done without downtime.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse migrate(int hostId, boolean live)
        return migrate(hostId, live, false);

     * Migrates the virtual machine to the target host (hid).
     * @param hostId The target host id (hid) where we want to migrate
     * the vm.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse migrate(int hostId)
        return migrate(hostId, false, false);

     * Changes the owner/group
     * @param uid The new owner user ID. Set it to -1 to leave the current one.
     * @param gid The new group ID. Set it to -1 to leave the current one.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse chown(int uid, int gid)
        return chown(client, id, uid, gid);

     * Changes the owner
     * @param uid The new owner user ID.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse chown(int uid)
        return chown(uid, -1);

     * Changes the group
     * @param gid The new group ID.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse chgrp(int gid)
        return chown(-1, gid);

     * Changes the VM permissions
     * @param owner_u 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param owner_m 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param owner_a 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param group_u 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param group_m 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param group_a 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param other_u 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param other_m 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @param other_a 1 to allow, 0 deny, -1 do not change
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse chmod(int owner_u, int owner_m, int owner_a,
                             int group_u, int group_m, int group_a,
                             int other_u, int other_m, int other_a)
        return chmod(client, id,
                    owner_u, owner_m, owner_a,
                    group_u, group_m, group_a,
                    other_u, other_m, other_a);

     * Changes the permissions
     * @param octet Permissions octed , e.g. 640
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse chmod(String octet)
        return chmod(client, id, octet);

     * Changes the permissions
     * @param octet Permissions octed , e.g. 640
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse chmod(int octet)
        return chmod(client, id, octet);

     * Retrieves the monitoring information of the given VM, in XML
     * @return If successful the message contains the string
     * with the monitoring information returned by OpenNebula.
    public OneResponse monitoring()
        return monitoring(client, id);

     * Attaches a disk to a running VM
     * @param diskTemplate Template containing the new DISK definition
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse diskAttach(String diskTemplate)
        return diskAttach(client, id, diskTemplate);

     * Detaches a disk from a running VM
     * @param diskId The DISK_ID of the disk to detach
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse diskDetach(int diskId)
        return detachdisk(client, id, diskId);

     * Sets the specified vm's disk to be saved in a new image.
     * @param diskId ID of the disk to be saved.
     * @param imageName Name of the new Image that will be created.
     * @param imageType Type of the new image. Set to empty string to use
     * the default type
     * @param hot True to save the disk immediately, false will perform
     * the operation when the VM shuts down
     * @param doTemplate True to clone also the VM originating template
     * and replace the disk with the saved image
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse diskSnapshot(int diskId, String imageName,
        String imageType, boolean hot, boolean doTemplate)
        return diskSnapshot(client, id, diskId, imageName, imageType,
                            hot, doTemplate);

     * Sets the specified vm's disk to be saved in a new image when the
     * VirtualMachine shuts down.
     * @param diskId ID of the disk to be saved.
     * @param imageName Name of the new Image that will be created.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse diskSnapshot(int diskId, String imageName)
        return diskSnapshot(diskId, imageName, "", false, false);

     * Sets the specified vm's disk to be saved in a new image.
     * @param diskId ID of the disk to be saved.
     * @param imageName Name of the new Image that will be created.
     * @param hot True to save the disk immediately, false will perform
     * the operation when the VM shuts down
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse diskSnapshot(int diskId, String imageName, boolean hot)
        return diskSnapshot(diskId, imageName, "", hot, false);

     * Attaches a NIC to a running VM
     * @param nicTemplate Template containing the new NIC definition
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse nicAttach(String nicTemplate)
        return nicAttach(client, id, nicTemplate);

     * Detaches a NIC from a running VM
     * @param nicId The NIC_ID of the NIC to detach
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse nicDetach(int nicId)
        return nicDetach(client, id, nicId);

     * Renames this VM
     * @param name New name for the VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse rename(String name)
        return rename(client, id, name);

     * Replaces this VM's user template contents.
     * @param new_template New template contents
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse update(String new_template)
        return update(new_template, false);

     * Replaces this VM's user template contents.
     * @param new_template New template contents
     * @param append True to append new attributes instead of replace the whole template
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse update(String new_template, boolean append)
        return update(client, id, new_template, append);

     * Resizes this VM's capacity
     * @param capacityTemplate Template containing the new capacity
     *   elements CPU, VCPU, MEMORY. If one of them is not present, or its
     *   value is 0, it will not be resized
     * @param enforce If it is set to true, the host capacity
     *   will be checked. This will only affect oneadmin requests, regular users
     *   resize requests will always be enforced
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse resize(String capacityTemplate, boolean enforce)
        return resize(client, id, capacityTemplate, enforce);

     * Creates a new VM snapshot
     * @param name Name for the snapshot.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse snapshotCreate(String name)
        return snapshotCreate(client, id, name);

     * Reverts to a snapshot
     * @param snapId Id of the snapshot
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse snapshotRevert(int snapId)
        return snapshotRevert(client, id, snapId);

     * Deletes a VM snapshot
     * @param snapId Id of the snapshot
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse snapshotDelete(int snapId)
        return snapshotDelete(client, id, snapId);

     * Recovers a stuck VM.
     * @param success recover by succeeding the missing transaction if true.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse recover(boolean success)
        return recover(client, id, success);

    // =================================
    // Helpers
    // =================================

     * Gracefully shuts down the already deployed VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse shutdown()
        return shutdown(false);

     * Shuts down the already deployed VM.
     * @param hard True to perform a hard (no acpi) shutdown, false for a
     * graceful shutdown
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse shutdown(boolean hard)
        String actionSt = hard ? "shutdown-hard" : "shutdown";

        return action(actionSt);

     * Undeploy a running VM, it preserve its resources and disk modifications.
     * @param hard True to perform a hard (no acpi) shutdown, false for a
     * graceful shutdown
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse undeploy(boolean hard)
        String actionSt = hard ? "undeploy-hard" : "undeploy";

        return action(actionSt);

     * Powers off a running VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse poweroff()
        return poweroff(false);

     * Powers off a running VM.
     * @param hard True to perform a hard (no acpi) shutdown, false for a
     * graceful shutdown
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse poweroff(boolean hard)
        String actionSt = hard ? "poweroff-hard" : "poweroff";

        return action(actionSt);

     * Reboots a running VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse reboot()
        return action("reboot");

     * Reboots a running VM.
     * @param hard True to perform a hard (no acpi) reboot, false for a
     * graceful reboot
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse reboot(boolean hard)
        String actionSt = hard ? "reboot-hard" : "reboot";

        return action(actionSt);

     * Sets the VM to hold state. The VM will not be scheduled until it is
     * released.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse hold()
        return action("hold");

     * Releases a virtual machine from hold state.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse release()
        return action("release");

     * Stops the virtual machine. The virtual machine state is transferred back
     * to OpenNebula for a possible reschedule.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse stop()
        return action("stop");

     * Suspends the virtual machine. The virtual machine state is left in the
     * cluster node for resuming.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse suspend()
        return action("suspend");

     * Resumes the execution of a saved VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse resume()
        return action("resume");

     * Deletes the VM from the pool and database.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse delete()
        return delete(false);

     * Deletes the VM from the pool and database.
     * @param recreate True to recreate the VM in the pending state.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse delete(boolean recreate)
        String actionSt = recreate ? "delete-recreate" : "delete";

        return action(actionSt);

     * Forces a re-deployment of a VM in UNKNOWN or BOOT states.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse boot()
        return action("boot");

     * Sets the re-scheduling flag for the VM
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse resched()
        return action("resched");

     * Unsets the re-scheduling flag for the VM
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
    public OneResponse unresched()
        return action("unresched");

    public int state()
        return super.state();

     * Returns the VM state of the VirtualMachine (string value).
     * @return The VM state of the VirtualMachine (string value).
    public String stateStr()
        int state = state();
        return state != -1 ? VM_STATES[state()] : null;

     * Returns the LCM state of the VirtualMachine (numeric value).
     * @return The LCM state of the VirtualMachine (numeric value).
    public int lcmState()
        String state = xpath("LCM_STATE");
        return state != null ? Integer.parseInt(state) : -1;

     * Returns the LCM state of the VirtualMachine (string value).
     * @return The LCM state of the VirtualMachine (string value).
    public String lcmStateStr()
        int state = lcmState();
        return state != -1 ? LCM_STATE[state] : null;

     * Returns the short status string for the VirtualMachine.
     * @return The short status string for the VirtualMachine.
    public String status()
        int state = state();
        String shortStateStr = null;
        if(state != -1)
            shortStateStr = SHORT_VM_STATES[state];
                int lcmState = lcmState();
                if(lcmState != -1)
                    shortStateStr = SHORT_LCM_STATES[lcmState];
        return shortStateStr;

    // =================================
    // Deprecated methods
    // =================================

     * Attaches a disk to a running VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param diskTemplate Template containing the new DISK definition
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #diskAttach}
    @Deprecated public static OneResponse attachdisk(Client client, int id,
            String diskTemplate)
        return diskAttach(client, id, diskTemplate);

     * Detaches a disk from a running VM
     * @param client XML-RPC Client.
     * @param id The virtual machine id (vid) of the target instance.
     * @param diskId The DISK_ID of the disk to detach
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #diskDetach}
    @Deprecated public static OneResponse detachdisk(Client client, int id,
            int diskId)
        return diskDetach(client, id, diskId);

     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #diskSnapshot(int,String)}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse savedisk(int diskId, String imageName)
        return diskSnapshot(diskId, imageName);

     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #diskSnapshot(int,String,String,boolean,boolean)}
    public OneResponse savedisk(int diskId, String imageName, String imageType)
        return diskSnapshot(diskId, imageName, imageType, false, false);

     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #diskAttach(String)}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse attachdisk(String diskTemplate)
        return diskAttach(diskTemplate);

    @Deprecated public OneResponse detachdisk(int diskId)
        return diskDetach(diskId);

     * Cancels the running VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by hard shutdown {@link #shutdown(boolean)}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse cancel()
        return action("cancel");

     * Resets a running VM.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by hard reboot {@link #reboot(boolean)}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse reset()
        return action("reset");

     * Deletes the VM from the pool and database.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #delete}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse finalizeVM()
        return action("finalize");

     * Resubmits a VM to PENDING state.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by delete and recreate {@link #delete(boolean)}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse resubmit()
        return action("resubmit");

     * Forces a re-deployment of a VM in UNKNOWN or BOOT states.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #boot}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse restart()
        return action("restart");

     * Performs a live migration of the virtual machine to the
     * target host (hid).
     * <br/>
     * It does the same as {@link VirtualMachine#migrate(int, boolean)}
     * with live set to true.
     * @param hostId The target host id (hid) where we want to migrate
     * the vm.
     * @return If an error occurs the error message contains the reason.
     * @deprecated  Replaced by {@link #migrate}
    @Deprecated public OneResponse liveMigrate(int hostId)
        return migrate(hostId, false);

Related Classes of org.opennebula.client.vm.VirtualMachine

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