
Source Code of

* $RCSfile:,v $
* Copyright (c) 2005 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All rights reserved.
* Use is subject to license terms.
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* $Date: 2005/05/12 18:24:34 $
* $State: Exp $

import java.awt.RenderingHints;
import java.awt.image.RenderedImage;
import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
import java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Vector;

* A convenience class for instantiating operations on remote machines.
* This class also provides information related to the server and allows
* for setting of parameters for the remote communication with the server.
* <p>Conceptually this class is very similar to the <code>JAI</code>
* class, except that the <code>RemoteJAI</code> class deals with
* remote operations. This class allows programmers to use the syntax:
* <pre>
* import;
* RemoteJAI rc = new RemoteJAI(protocolName, serverName);
* RemoteRenderedOp im = rc.create("convolve", paramBlock, renderHints);
* </pre>
* to create new images by applying operators that are executed remotely on
* the specified server. The <code>create()</code> method returns a
* <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code> encapsulating the protocol name, server
* name, operation name, parameter block, and rendering hints. Additionally,
* it performs validity checking on the operation parameters. The operation
* parameters are determined from the <code>OperationDescriptor</code>
* retrieved using the <code>getServerSupportedOperationList()</code> method.
* Programmers may also refer to
* RemoteJAI.createRenderable("opname", paramBlock, renderHints);
* <p> If the <code>OperationDescriptor</code> associated with the
* named operation returns <code>true</code> from its
* <code>isImmediate()</code> method, the <code>create()</code>
* method will ask the <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code> it constructs to render
* itself immediately.  If this rendering is <code>null</code>,
* <code>create()</code> will itself return <code>null</code>
* rather than returning an instance of <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code>
* as it normally does.
* <p> The registry being used by this class may be
* inspected or set using the <code>getOperationRegistry()</code> and
* <code>setOperationRegistry()</code> methods.  Only experienced
* users should attempt to set the registry. This registry is used to
* map protocol names into either a <code>RemoteRIF</code> or a
* <code>RemoteCRIF</code>.
* <p> The <code>TileCache</code> associated with an instance may be
* similarly accessed.
* <p> Each instance of <code>RemoteJAI</code> contains a set of
* default rendering hints which will be used for all image creations.
* These hints are merged with any hints supplied to the
* <code>create</code> method; directly supplied hints take precedence
* over the common hints. When a new <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance is
* constructed, its hints are initialized to a copy of the default
* hints. Thus when an instance of <code>RemoteJAI</code> is
* constructed, hints for the default registry, tile cache, number of
* retries, and the retry interval are added to the set of common
* rendering hints.  Similarly, invoking <code>setOperationRegistry()</code>,
* <code>setTileCache()</code>, <code>setNumRetries()</code> or
* <code>setRetryInterval()</code> on a <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance
* will cause the respective entity to be added to the common rendering
* hints. The hints associated with any instance may be manipulated
* using the <code>getRenderingHints()</code>,
* <code>setRenderingHints()</code>, <and
* <code>clearRenderingHints()</code> methods.
* <p> The <code>TileCache</code> to be used by a particular operation
* may be set during construction, or by calling
* the <code>setTileCache()</code> method.  This will result in the
* provided tile cache being added to the set of common rendering
* hints.
* <p> Network errors are dealt with through the use of retry intervals and
* retries. Retries refers to the maximum number of times a remote operation
* will be retried. The retry interval refers to the amount of time (in
* milliseconds) between two consecutive retries. If errors are encountered
* at each retry and the number of specified retries has been exhausted, a
* <code>RemoteImagingException</code> will be thrown. By default, the
* number of retries is set to five, and the retry interval
* is set to a thousand milliseconds. These values can be changed by using
* the <code>setNumRetries()</code> and the <code>setRetryInterval</code>
* methods and can also be specified via the <code>RenderingHints</code>
* object passed as an argument to <code>RemoteJAI.create()</code>. Time
* outs (When the amount of time taken to get a response or
* the result of an operation from the remote machine exceeds a limit) are
* not dealt with, and must be taken care of by the network imaging
* protocol implementation itself. The implementation must be responsible
* for monitoring time outs, but on encountering one can deal with it by
* throwing a <code>RemoteImagingException</code>, which will then be dealt
* with using retries and retry intervals.
* <p> This class provides the capability of negotiating capabilities
* between the client and the server. The <code>negotiate</code>
* method uses the preferences specified via the
* <code>setNegotiationPreferences</code> method alongwith the server
* and client capabilities retrieved via the <code>getServerCapabilities</code>
* and <code>getClientCapabilities</code> respectively to negotiate on each
* of the preferences. This negotiation treats the client and server
* capabilities as being non-preferences, and the user set
* <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> as being a preference. The
* negotiation is performed according to the rules described in the class
* documentation for <code>NegotiableCapability</code>.
* <p> Note that negotiation preferences can be set either prior to
* specifying a particular rendered or renderable operation (by using
* <code>RemoteJAI.create()</code> or
* <code>RemoteJAI.createRenderable()</code>) or afterwards. The currently
* set negotiation preferences are passed to the <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code>
* on its construction through the <code>RenderingHints</code> using the
* <code>KEY_NEGOTIATION_PREFERENCES</code> key. Since
* <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code> does not accept a
* <code>RenderingHints</code> object as a construction argument, the newly
* created <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code> is informed of these preferences
* using it's <code>setRenderingHints()</code> method. These preferences
* can be changed after the construction using the
* <code>setNegotiationPreferences()</code> method on both
* <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code> and <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code>.
* The same behavior applies to the number of retries and the retry interval,
* whether they be the default values contained in the default
* <code>RenderingHints</code> or whether they are set using the
* <code>setNumRetries</code> or <code>setRetryInterval</code> methods, the
* existing values are passed to <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code>'s when they
* are created through the <code>RenderingHints</code> argument, and are set
* on the newly created <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code> using the
* <code>setNumRetries</code> or <code>setRetryInterval</code> methods on
* <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code>.
* @see JAI
* @see JAIRMIDescriptor
* @see RemoteImagingException
* @since JAI 1.1
public class RemoteJAI {

    /** The String representing the remote server machine. */
    protected String serverName;

    /** The name of the protocol used for client-server communication. */
    protected String protocolName;

    /** The OperationRegistry instance used for instantiating operations. */
    private OperationRegistry operationRegistry =

    /** The amount of time to wait between retries (in Millseconds). */
    public static final int DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL = 1000;

    /** The default number of retries. */
    public static final int DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES = 5;

     * Time in milliseconds between retries, initialized to default value.
    private int retryInterval = DEFAULT_RETRY_INTERVAL; // Milliseconds

    /** The number of retries, initialized to default value. */
    private int numRetries = DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES;

    /** A reference to a centralized TileCache object. */
    private transient TileCache cache =

     * The RenderingHints object used to retrieve the TileCache,
     * OperationRegistry hints.
    private RenderingHints renderingHints;

     * The set of preferences to be used for the communication between
     * the client and the server.
    private NegotiableCapabilitySet preferences = null;

     * The set of properties agreed upon after the negotiation process
     * between the client and the server has been completed.
    private static NegotiableCapabilitySet negotiated;

    /** The client and server capabilities. */
    private NegotiableCapabilitySet serverCapabilities = null;
    private NegotiableCapabilitySet clientCapabilities = null;

     * A Hashtable containing OperationDescriptors hashed by their
     * operation names.
    private Hashtable odHash = null;

    /** The array of descriptors supported by the server. */
    private OperationDescriptor descriptors[] = null;

    /** Required to I18N compound messages. */
    private static MessageFormat formatter;

     * Constructs a <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance with the given
     * protocol name and server name. The semantics of the serverName
     * are defined by the particular protocol used to create this
     * class. Instructions on how to create a serverName that is
     * compatible with this protocol can be retrieved from the
     * <code>getServerNameDocs()</code> method on the
     * <code>RemoteDescriptor</code> associated with the given
     * protocolName. An <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> may
     * be thrown by the protocol specific classes at a later point, if
     * null is provided as the serverName argument and null is not
     * considered a valid serverName by the specified protocol.
     * @param protocolName The <code>String</code> that identifies the
     *                     remote imaging protocol.
     * @param serverName   The <code>String</code> that identifies the server.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if protocolName is null.
    public RemoteJAI(String protocolName, String serverName) {
  this(protocolName, serverName, null, null);

     * Constructs a <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance with the given
     * protocol name, server name, <code>OperationRegistry</code>
     * and <code>TileCache</code>. If the specified
     * <code>OperationRegistry</code> is null, the registry associated
     * with the default <code>JAI</code> instance will be used. If the
     * specified <code>TileCache</code> is null, the <code>TileCache</code>
     * associated with the default <code>JAI</code> instance will be used.
     * <p> An <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> may
     * be thrown by the protocol specific classes at a later point, if
     * null is provided as the serverName argument and null is not
     * considered a valid serverName by the specified protocol.
     * @param serverName        The <code>String</code> that identifies
     *                          the server.
     * @param protocolName      The <code>String</code> that identifies
     *                          the remote imaging protocol.
     * @param operationRegistry The <code>OperationRegistry</code> associated
     *                          with this class, if null, default will be used.
     * @param tileCache         The <code>TileCache</code> associated with
     *                          this class, if null, default will be used.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if protocolName is null.
    public RemoteJAI(String protocolName,
         String serverName,
         OperationRegistry registry,
         TileCache tileCache) {

  if (protocolName == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("Generic1"));

  // For formatting error strings.
  formatter = new MessageFormat("");

  this.protocolName = protocolName;
  this.serverName = serverName;

  // operationRegistry and cache variables are already initialized
  // via static initializers, so change them only if the user has
  // provided a non-null value for them.
  if (registry != null) {
      this.operationRegistry = registry;

  if (tileCache != null) {
      this.cache = tileCache;

  this.renderingHints = new RenderingHints(null);
        this.renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_OPERATION_REGISTRY, operationRegistry);
  this.renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_TILE_CACHE, cache);
        new Integer(retryInterval));
        this.renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_NUM_RETRIES, new Integer(numRetries));

     * Returns a <code>String</code> identifying the remote server machine.
    public String getServerName() {
  return serverName;

     * Returns the protocol name.
    public String getProtocolName() {
  return protocolName;

     * Sets the amount of time between retries in milliseconds. The
     * specified <code>retryInterval</code> parameter will be added
     * to the common <code>RenderingHints</code> of this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance, under the
     * <code>JAI.KEY_RETRY_INTERVAL</code> key.
     * @param retryInterval The time interval between retries (milliseconds).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if retryInterval is negative.
    public void setRetryInterval(int retryInterval) {

  if (retryInterval < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("Generic3"));

  this.retryInterval = retryInterval;
  renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_RETRY_INTERVAL, new Integer(retryInterval));

     * Returns the amount of time between retries in milliseconds.
    public int getRetryInterval() {
  return retryInterval;

     * Sets the number of retries. The specified <code>numRetries</code>
     * parameter will be added to the common <code>RenderingHints</code>
     * of this <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance, under the
     * <code>JAI.KEY_NUM_RETRIES</code> key.
     * @param numRetries The number of retries.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if numRetries is negative.
    public void setNumRetries(int numRetries) {
        if (numRetries < 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(JaiI18N.getString("Generic4"));

  this.numRetries = numRetries;
  renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_NUM_RETRIES, new Integer(numRetries));

     * Returns the number of retries.
    public int getNumRetries() {
  return numRetries;

     * Returns the <code>OperationRegistry</code> being used by this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
    public OperationRegistry getOperationRegistry() {
        return operationRegistry;

     * Sets the<code>OperationRegistry</code> to be used by this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance. The <code>operationRegistry</code>
     * parameter will be added to the <code>RenderingHints</code> of this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if operationRegistry is null.
    public void setOperationRegistry(OperationRegistry operationRegistry) {
        if (operationRegistry == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        this.operationRegistry = operationRegistry;
        this.renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_OPERATION_REGISTRY, operationRegistry);

     * Sets the <code>TileCache</code> to be used by this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code>. The <code>tileCache</code> parameter
     * will be added to the <code>RenderingHints</code> of this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if tileCache is null.
    public void setTileCache(TileCache tileCache) {
        if (tileCache == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        this.cache = tileCache;
        renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_TILE_CACHE, cache);

     * Returns the <code>TileCache</code> being used by this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
    public TileCache getTileCache() {
  return cache;

     * Returns the <code>RenderingHints</code> associated with this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.  These rendering hints will be
     * merged with any hints supplied as an argument to the
     * <code>create()</code> method.
    public RenderingHints getRenderingHints() {
        return renderingHints;

     * Sets the <code>RenderingHints</code> associated with this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.  These rendering hints will be
     * merged with any hints supplied as an argument to the
     * <code>create()</code> method.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if hints is null.
    public void setRenderingHints(RenderingHints hints) {
        if (hints == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        this.renderingHints = hints;

     * Clears the <code>RenderingHints</code> associated with this
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
    public void clearRenderingHints() {
        this.renderingHints = new RenderingHints(null);

     * Returns the hint value associated with a given key
     * in this <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance, or <code>null</code>
     * if no value is associated with the given key.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if key is null.
    public Object getRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key key) {
        if (key == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        return renderingHints.get(key);

     * Sets the hint value associated with a given key
     * in this <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>key</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>value</code> is
     *         <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>value</code> is
     *         not of the correct type for the given hint.
    public void setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key key, Object value) {
        if (key == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
        if (value == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(

        try {
            renderingHints.put(key, value);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.toString());

     * Removes the hint value associated with a given key
     * in this <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
    public void removeRenderingHint(RenderingHints.Key key) {

     * Creates a <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code> which represents the named
     * operation to be performed remotely, using the source(s) and/or
     * parameter(s) specified in the <code>ParameterBlock</code>, and
     * applying the specified hints to the destination. This method
     * should only be used when the final result returned is a single
     * <code>RemoteRenderedImage</code>.
     * <p> The supplied operation name is validated against the
     * names of the <code>OperationDescriptor</code>s returned from
     * the <code>getServerSupportedOperationList()</code> method. The
     * source(s) and/or parameter(s) in the <code>ParameterBlock</code>
     * are validated against the named operation's descriptor, both in
     * their numbers and types. Additional restrictions placed on the
     * sources and parameters by an individual operation are also
     * validated by calling its
     * <code>OperationDescriptor.validateArguments()</code> method.
     * <p>Parameters are allowed to have a <code>null</code> input
     * value, if that particular parameter has a default value specified
     * in its operation's descriptor.  In this case, the default value
     * will replace the <code>null</code> input.
     * <p>Unspecified tailing parameters are allowed, if these
     * parameters have default values specified in the operation's
     * descriptor. However, if a parameter, which has a default value,
     * is followed by one or more parameters that
     * have no default values, this parameter must be specified in the
     * <code>ParameterBlock</code>, even if it only has a value of
     * code>null</code>.
     * <p> The rendering hints associated with this instance of
     * <code>RemoteJAI</code> are overlaid with the hints passed to this
     * method.  That is, the set of keys will be the union of the
     * keys from the instance's hints and the hints parameter.
     * If the same key exists in both places, the value from the
     * hints parameter will be used.
     * @param opName The name of the operation.
     * @param args   The source(s) and/or parameter(s) for the operation.
     * @param hints  The hints for the operation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>opName</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>args</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no
     *         <code>OperationDescriptor</code> is available from the server
     *         with the specified operation name.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the
     *         <code>OperationDescriptor</code> for the specified
     *         operation name on the server does not
     *         support the "rendered" registry mode.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified operation does
     *         not produce a
     *         <code>java.awt.image.RenderedImage</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified operation is
     *         unable to handle the sources and parameters specified in
     *         <code>args</code>.
     * @return  A <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code> that represents the named
     *          operation to be performed remotely, or <code>null</code>
     *          if the specified operation
     *          is in the "immediate" mode and the rendering of the
     *          <code>PlanarImage</code> failed.
    public RemoteRenderedOp create(String opName,
           ParameterBlock args,
           RenderingHints hints) {

  if (opName == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (args == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  // Initialize the odHash hashtable

  // Get the OperationDescriptor associated with this name.
  OperationDescriptor odesc =
      (OperationDescriptor)odHash.get(new CaselessStringKey(opName));

  if (odesc == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

        // Does this operation support rendered mode?
        if (!odesc.isModeSupported("rendered")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  // Does the operation produce a RenderedImage?
  if (!RenderedImage.class.isAssignableFrom(
        odesc.getDestClass("rendered"))) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  // Validate input arguments. The ParameterBlock is cloned here
  // because OperationDescriptor.validateArguments() may change
  // its content.
        StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
        args = (ParameterBlock)args.clone();
        if (!odesc.validateArguments("rendered", args, msg)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg.toString());

  // Merge rendering hints.  Hints passed in take precedence.
        RenderingHints mergedHints;
        if (hints == null) {
            mergedHints = renderingHints;
        } else if (renderingHints.isEmpty()) {
            mergedHints = hints;
        } else {
            mergedHints = new RenderingHints((Map)renderingHints);

  RemoteRenderedOp op = new RemoteRenderedOp(operationRegistry,

  // If the operation requests immediate rendering, do so.
        if (odesc.isImmediate()) {
            PlanarImage im = null;
            im = op.getRendering();

            if (im == null) {
    // Op could not be rendered, return null.
                return null;

        // Return the RemoteRenderedOp associated with this operation.
        return op;

     * Creates a <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code> that represents the named
     * operation to be performed remotely, using the source(s) and/or
     * parameter(s) specified in the <code>ParameterBlock</code>.
     * This method should only be used when the final result returned
     * is a single <code>RenderableImage</code>.
     * <p> The supplied operation name is validated against the names
     * of the <code>OperationDescriptor</code>s returned from
     * the <code>getServerSupportedOperationList()</code> method.
     * The source(s) and/or parameter(s) in the
     * <code>ParameterBlock</code> are validated against the named
     * operation's descriptor, both in their numbers and types.
     * Additional restrictions placed on the sources and parameters
     * by an individual operation are also validated by calling its
     * <code>OperationDescriptor.validateRenderableArguments()</code>
     * method.
     * <p>Parameters are allowed to have a <code>null</code> input
     * value, if that particular parameter has a default value specified
     * in its operation's descriptor.  In this case, the default value
     * will replace the <code>null</code> input.
     * <p>Unspecified tailing parameters are allowed, if these
     * parameters have default values specified in the operation's
     * descriptor. However, if a parameter, which
     * has a default value, is followed by one or more parameters that
     * have no default values, this parameter must be specified in the
     * <code>ParameterBlock</code>, even if it only has a value of
     * code>null</code>.
     * @param opName  The name of the operation.
     * @param args    The source(s) and/or parameter(s) for the operation.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>opName</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>args</code> is
     * <code>null</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if no
     *         <code>OperationDescriptor</code> is available from the server
     *         with the specified operation name.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the
     *         <code>OperationDescriptor</code> for the specified
     *         operation name on the server does not
     *         support "renderable" registry mode.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified operation does
     *         not produce a
     *         <code>java.awt.image.renderable.RenderableImage</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified operation is
     *         unable to handle the sources and parameters specified in
     *         <code>args</code>.
     * @return  A <code>RemoteRenderableOp</code> that represents the named
     *          operation to be performed remotely.
    public RemoteRenderableOp createRenderable(String opName,
                 ParameterBlock args) {

  if (opName == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (args == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  // Initialize the odHash hashtable

  // Get the OperationDescriptor associated with this name.
  OperationDescriptor odesc =
      (OperationDescriptor)odHash.get(new CaselessStringKey(opName));

  if (odesc == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

        // Does this operation support rendered mode?
        if (!odesc.isModeSupported("renderable")) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  // Does the operation produce a RenderedImage?
  if (!RenderableImage.class.isAssignableFrom(
            odesc.getDestClass("renderable"))) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  // Validate input arguments. The ParameterBlock is cloned here
  // because OperationDescriptor.validateRenderableArguments()
  // may change its content.
        StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();
        args = (ParameterBlock)args.clone();
        if (!odesc.validateArguments("renderable", args, msg)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg.toString());

   RemoteRenderableOp op = new RemoteRenderableOp(operationRegistry,
  // Set the node-scope hints

  // Return the RemoteRenderableOp.
        return op;


     * Sets the preferences to be used in the client-server
     * communication. These preferences are utilized in the negotiation
     * process. Note that preferences for more than one category can be
     * specified using this method since <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code>
     * allows different <code>NegotiableCapability</code> objects to be
     * bundled up in one <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> class. Even
     * under the same category (as specified by the getCategory() method
     * on <code>NegotiableCapability</code>), multiple
     * <code>NegotiableCapability</code> objects can be added to the
     * preferences. The preference added first for a particular category is
     * given highest priority in the negotiation process.
     * <p> Since a new set of preferences is set everytime this method is
     * called, this method allows for changing negotiation preferences
     * multiple times. However it should be noted that preferences set on
     * this method are relevant only prior to the creation of an
     * operation (using the <code>RemoteJAI.create</code> method). To
     * change negotiation preferences on an operation after it has been
     * created, the <code>setNegotiationPreferences()</code> method on the
     * created <code>RemoteRenderedOp</code> should be used. The
     * <code>preferences</code> parameter will be added to the
     * <code>RenderingHints</code> of this <code>RemoteJAI</code> instance.
    public void setNegotiationPreferences(NegotiableCapabilitySet preferences) {

  this.preferences = preferences;

  if (preferences == null)
      renderingHints.put(JAI.KEY_NEGOTIATION_PREFERENCES, preferences);

  // Every time new preferences are set, invalidate old Negotiation
  // results and do the negotiation again.
  negotiated = null;

     * Returns the results of the negotiation between the client and server
     * capabilities according to the user preferences specified at an
     * earlier time. This will return null if the negotiation failed.
     * <p> If a negotiation cycle has not been initiated prior to calling
     * this method, or the negotiation preferences have been
     * changed, this method will initiate a new negotiation cycle, which will
     * create and return a new set of negotiated values.
     * @returns A <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> that is the
     * result of the negotiation process, if negotiation is successful,
     * otherwise returns null.
    public NegotiableCapabilitySet getNegotiatedValues()
  throws RemoteImagingException {

  // If negotiation was not performed before, or if new preferences
  // have invalidated the old negotiated results.
  if (negotiated == null) {

      if (serverCapabilities == null) {
                serverCapabilities = getServerCapabilities();

      if (clientCapabilities == null) {
    clientCapabilities = getClientCapabilities();

      // Do the negotiation
      negotiated = negotiate(preferences,

  return negotiated;

     * Returns the results of the negotiation between the client and server
     * capabilities according to the user preferences specified at an
     * earlier time for the given category. This method returns a
     * <code>NegotiableCapability</code> object, that represents the result
     * of the negotiation for the given category. If the negotiation failed,
     * null will be returned.
     * <p> If a negotiation cycle has not been initiated prior to calling
     * this method, or the negotiation preferences have been
     * changed, this method will initiate a new negotiation cycle, which will
     * create and return a new negotiated value for the given category.
     * @param category The category to negotiate on.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if category is null.
     * @returns A <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> that is the
     * result of the negotiation process, if negotiation is successful,
     * otherwise returns null.
    public NegotiableCapability getNegotiatedValues(String category)
  throws RemoteImagingException {

  // We do not need to check for category being null, since that
  // check will be made by the methods called from within this method.

  // If negotiation was not performed before, or if new preferences
  // have invalidated the old negotiated results.
  if (negotiated == null) {

      if (serverCapabilities == null) {
                serverCapabilities = getServerCapabilities();

      if (clientCapabilities == null) {
    clientCapabilities = getClientCapabilities();

      // Do the negotiation
      return negotiate(preferences,
  } else {
      // If negotiated is not null, then the negotiated results are
      // current and the result for the given category can just be
      // extracted from there and returned.
      return negotiated.getNegotiatedValue(category);

     * This method negotiates the capabilities to be used in the remote
     * communication. Upon completion of the negotiation process,
     * this method returns a <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> which
     * contains an aggregation of the <code>NegotiableCapability</code>
     * objects that represent the results of negotiation. If the negotiation
     * fails, null will be returned.
     * <p> The negotiation process treats the serverCapabilities and the
     * clientCapabilities as non-preferences and will throw an
     * <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> if the
     * <code>isPreference</code> method for either of these returns
     * true. The preferences <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> should
     * return true from its <code>isPreference</code> method, otherwise an
     * <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> will be thrown. The negotiation
     * is done in accordance with the rules described in the class comments
     * for <code>NegotiableCapability</code>.
     * <p> If either the serverCapabilities or the clientCapabilities
     * is null, then the negotiation will fail, and null will be returned.
     * If preferences is null, the negotiation will become a two-way
     * negotiation between the two non-null
     * <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code>s.
     * @param preferences        The user preferences for the negotiation.
     * @param serverCapabilities The capabilities of the server.
     * @param clientCapabilities The capabilities of the client.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if serverCapabilities is a
     * preference, i.e., if it's <code>isPreference()</code> method
     * returns true.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if clientCapabilities is a
     * preference, i.e., if it's <code>isPreference()</code> method
     * returns true.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preferences is a
     * non-preference, i.e., if it's <code>isPreference()</code> method
     * returns false.
    public static NegotiableCapabilitySet negotiate(
        NegotiableCapabilitySet preferences,
        NegotiableCapabilitySet serverCapabilities,
        NegotiableCapabilitySet clientCapabilities) {

  if (serverCapabilities == null || clientCapabilities == null)
      return null;

  if (serverCapabilities != null &&
      serverCapabilities.isPreference() == true)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (clientCapabilities != null &&
      clientCapabilities.isPreference() == true)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (preferences == null) {
      return serverCapabilities.negotiate(clientCapabilities);
  } else {
      if (preferences.isPreference() == false)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(

      NegotiableCapabilitySet clientServerCap =
      if (clientServerCap == null)
    return null;
      return clientServerCap.negotiate(preferences);

     * This method negotiates the capabilities to be used in the remote
     * communication for the given category. Upon completion of the
     * negotiation process, this method returns a
     * <code>NegotiableCapability</code> object, that represents the result
     * of the negotiation for the given category. If the negotiation fails,
     * null will be returned.
     * <p> The negotiation process treats the serverCapabilities and the
     * clientCapabilities as non-preferences and will throw an
     * <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> if the
     * <code>isPreference</code> method for either of these returns
     * true. The preferences <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code> should
     * return true from its <code>isPreference</code> method or an
     * <code>IllegalArgumentException</code> will be thrown. The negotiation
     * is done in accordance with the rules described in the class comments
     * for <code>NegotiableCapability</code>.
     * <p> If either the serverCapabilities or the clientCapabilities
     * is null, then the negotiation will fail, and null will be returned.
     * If preferences is null, the negotiation will become a two-way
     * negotiation between the two non-null
     * <code>NegotiableCapabilitySet</code>s.
     * @param preferences        The user preferences for the negotiation.
     * @param serverCapabilities The capabilities of the server.
     * @param clientCapabilities The capabilities of the client.
     * @param category           The category to perform the negotiation on.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if preferences is a
     * non-preference, i.e., if it's <code>isPreference()</code> method
     * returns false.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if serverCapabilities is a
     * preference, i.e., if it's <code>isPreference()</code> method
     * returns true.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if clientCapabilities is a
     * preference, i.e., if it's <code>isPreference()</code> method
     * returns true.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if category is null.
    public static NegotiableCapability negotiate(
        NegotiableCapabilitySet preferences,
        NegotiableCapabilitySet serverCapabilities,
        NegotiableCapabilitySet clientCapabilities,
        String category) {

  if (serverCapabilities == null || clientCapabilities == null)
      return null;

  if (serverCapabilities != null &&
      serverCapabilities.isPreference() == true)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (clientCapabilities != null &&
      clientCapabilities.isPreference() == true)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (preferences != null && preferences.isPreference() == false)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (category == null)
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(

  if (preferences == null || preferences.isEmpty()) {
      return serverCapabilities.getNegotiatedValue(clientCapabilities,
  } else {

      List prefList = preferences.get(category);
      List serverList = serverCapabilities.get(category);
      List clientList = clientCapabilities.get(category);
      Iterator p = prefList.iterator();

      NegotiableCapability server, client, result;

      NegotiableCapability pref = null;
      //If there are no preferences for the current category
      if (p.hasNext() == false)
    pref = null;
    pref = (NegotiableCapability);

      Vector results = new Vector();

      // Negotiate every server NC with every client NC
      for (Iterator s = serverList.iterator(); s.hasNext(); ) {
    server = (NegotiableCapability);
    for (Iterator c = clientList.iterator(); c.hasNext(); ) {
        client = (NegotiableCapability);

        result = server.negotiate(client);
        if (result == null) {
      // This negotiation failed, continue to the next one
        } else {
      // Negotiation between client and server succeeded,
      // add to results array

      if (pref != null) {
          // Negotiate with the pref, if negotiation is
          // successful, return the result from this method.
          result = result.negotiate(pref);

      if (result != null) {
          return result;
      } // else move onto next negotiation

      for (; p.hasNext(); ) {
    pref = (NegotiableCapability);
    for (int r=0; r<results.size(); r++) {
        if ((result = pref.negotiate((NegotiableCapability)
                results.elementAt(r))) != null) {
      return result;

      // If all negotiations failed, return null.
      return null;

     * Returns the set of capabilites supported by the server. If any
     * network related errors are encountered by this method (identified
     * as such by receiving a <code>RemoteImagingException</code>), they
     * will be dealt with by the use of retries and retry intervals.
    public NegotiableCapabilitySet getServerCapabilities() throws RemoteImagingException {

  if (serverCapabilities == null) {

      // Get the RemoteDescriptor for protocolName
      RemoteDescriptor descriptor = (RemoteDescriptor)

      if (descriptor == null) {
    Object[] msgArg0 = {new String(protocolName)};
    throw new RuntimeException(formatter.format(msgArg0));
      Exception rieSave = null;
      int count=0;
      while (count++ < numRetries) {
    try {
        serverCapabilities =
    } catch (RemoteImagingException rie) {
        // Print that an Exception occured
        rieSave = rie;
        // Sleep for retryInterval milliseconds
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
                                                new ImagingException(JaiI18N.getString("Generic5"), ie));
//      throw new RuntimeException(ie.toString());

      if (serverCapabilities == null && count > numRetries) {
                sendExceptionToListener(JaiI18N.getString("RemoteJAI18"), rieSave);
//    throw new RemoteImagingException(
//             JaiI18N.getString("RemoteJAI18")+"\n"+rieSave.getMessage());

  return serverCapabilities;

     * Returns the set of capabilities supported by the client.
    public NegotiableCapabilitySet getClientCapabilities() {

  if (clientCapabilities == null) {

      RemoteRIF rrif =
      if (rrif == null) {
    rrif =

      if (rrif == null) {
    Object[] msgArg0 = {new String(protocolName)};
    throw new RuntimeException(formatter.format(msgArg0));

      clientCapabilities = rrif.getClientCapabilities();

  return clientCapabilities;

     * Returns the list of <code>OperationDescriptor</code>s that describe
     * the operations supported by the server. If any
     * network related errors are encountered by this method (identified
     * as such by receiving a <code>RemoteImagingException</code>), they
     * will be dealt with by the use of retries and retry intervals.
    public OperationDescriptor[] getServerSupportedOperationList()
  throws RemoteImagingException {

  if (descriptors == null) {

      // Get the RemoteDescriptor for protocolName
      RemoteDescriptor descriptor = (RemoteDescriptor)

      if (descriptor == null) {
    Object[] msgArg0 = {new String(protocolName)};
    throw new RuntimeException(formatter.format(msgArg0));
      Exception rieSave = null;
      int count = 0;
      while (count++ < numRetries) {
    try {
        descriptors =
    } catch (RemoteImagingException rie) {
        // Print that an Exception occured
              rieSave = rie;
        // Sleep for retryInterval milliseconds
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ie) {
//      throw new ImagingException(ie);
                                                new ImagingException(JaiI18N.getString("Generic5"), ie));

      if (descriptors == null && count > numRetries) {
                sendExceptionToListener(JaiI18N.getString("RemoteJAI23"), rieSave);
//    throw new RemoteImagingException(
//             JaiI18N.getString("RemoteJAI23")+"\n"+rieSave.getMessage());

      // Store the descriptors into a Hashtable hashed by
      // their operation name.
      odHash = new Hashtable();
      for (int i=0; i<descriptors.length; i++) {
    odHash.put(new CaselessStringKey(descriptors[i].getName()),

  return descriptors;

    void sendExceptionToListener(String message, Exception e) {
        ImagingListener listener = JAI.getDefaultInstance().getImagingListener();
        listener.errorOccurred(message, e, this, false);

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