Package com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing

Source Code of com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils_Associations$StandaloneEventHashAggregator

* Copyright 2012, The Infinit.e Open Source Project.
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3,
* as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.TreeSet;

import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.aliases.AliasLookupTable;
import com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils.EntSigHolder;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBList;
import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;

class ScoringUtils_Associations {


// Add standalone events to the output (aggregate across all time for facts, on a per-day basis for events and summaries)
// Events are returned in the order of the documents in which they first occurred (this is arbitrary)
// Note that this code will *also* alter the events returned in the documents in the case where
// the first instance of the event is in a document that is being promoted. This obviously isn't ideal but:
// - Assuming 1000+ docs analyzed, 100 docs returned, this won't affect all events anyway
// - The event has "better" time_start/time_end added and a "doccount" field that can be ignored, so
//   it's not the end of the world
// - The performance hit of duplicating all events could be high, and the code complexity of optimized duplication is high
// This should be revisited during V0 aggregation improvements
  static class StandaloneEventHashAggregator {
    StandaloneEventHashAggregator(LinkedList<BasicDBObject> primaryList, boolean bSimulateAggregation, AliasLookupTable aliasLookup) {
      store = new HashMap<StandaloneEventHashCode,BasicDBObject>();
      listBuckets = (LinkedList<BasicDBObject>[])new LinkedList[NUM_BUCKETS];
      tmpList = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();
      this.bSimulateAggregation = bSimulateAggregation;
      this.aliasLookup = aliasLookup;
    HashMap<StandaloneEventHashCode,BasicDBObject> store;
    double dMaxSig = 0; // (max sig observed)
    boolean bCalcSig = true; // (default)
    int nPhase0Events = 0; // (count the events from promoted docs - allows some optimization later)
    int nPhase1Events = 0; // (count the events from once-promoted docs - allows some optimization later)
    boolean bSimulateAggregation = false; // (if true, generates pure aggregations of events/facts)
    AliasLookupTable aliasLookup = null;
    // Very basic prioritization
    private static final int NUM_BUCKETS = 100;
    private static final int NUM_BUCKETS_1 = 99;
    private static final double DNUM_BUCKETS = 100.0;
    LinkedList<BasicDBObject>[] listBuckets = null;
    LinkedList<BasicDBObject> tmpList = null; // (until they're ordered)
  static class StandaloneEventHashCode { // (used to aggregate standalone events)
    StandaloneEventHashCode(boolean bAggregation_, BasicDBObject evt_, boolean bIsSummary_, boolean bIsFact_) {
      evt = new BasicDBObject(evt_);
      if (bAggregation_) { // Remove loads of things
      else {
        if (!bIsSummary_) {
        if (bIsFact_) {
      nHashCode = evt.hashCode();
    }//TESTED (saw facts, events, and summaries aggregate correctly)
    public int hashCode() { return nHashCode; }
    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
          if ( ! ( obj instanceof StandaloneEventHashCode ) )
              return false;
      return evt.equals(((StandaloneEventHashCode)obj).evt);
    private BasicDBObject evt = null;
    private int nHashCode = -1;
  // Prepare "nMaxToReturn" of the ~ highest ranked events 
  static void finalizeStandaloneEvents(LinkedList<BasicDBObject> standaloneEventList, StandaloneEventHashAggregator standaloneEventAggregator, int nMaxToReturn)
    double dMaxSig = (standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig + 0.01); // (+0.01 ensures no div by zero and that dBucket<1.0)
    int nHighPrioAssocs = (standaloneEventAggregator.nPhase0Events + standaloneEventAggregator.nPhase1Events/4);
      // (all the docs being promoted and some of the docs that didn't quite make it)
    int nCurrAssoc = 0;
    int nFromHighPrioAddedToBucket = 0;
    for (BasicDBObject assoc: standaloneEventAggregator.tmpList) {

      try {
        double dAssocSig = assoc.getDouble(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_);
        assoc.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, Math.sqrt(dAssocSig));
        double dBucket = dAssocSig/dMaxSig;
        int nBucket = StandaloneEventHashAggregator.NUM_BUCKETS_1 -
                  % StandaloneEventHashAggregator.NUM_BUCKETS; // (do crazy stuff if dBucket >= 1.0)
        LinkedList<BasicDBObject> bucketList = standaloneEventAggregator.listBuckets[nBucket];
        if (null == bucketList) {
          bucketList = new LinkedList<BasicDBObject>();
          standaloneEventAggregator.listBuckets[nBucket] = bucketList;
      catch (Exception e) {
        // Just ignore that event
      if (nCurrAssoc < nHighPrioAssocs) {
      // Some exit criteria:
      if (nFromHighPrioAddedToBucket >= nMaxToReturn) { // Got enough events...
        if (nCurrAssoc >= nHighPrioAssocs) {  // And stepped through the high prio ones
    } // (end loop over all collected "events")
    // Now add the required number of elements to the output list:
    int nAddedToReturnList = 0;
    for (LinkedList<BasicDBObject> bucket: standaloneEventAggregator.listBuckets) {
      if (null != bucket) {
        for (BasicDBObject dbo: bucket) {
          if (standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) {
            dbo = new BasicDBObject(dbo);
          } //TESTED

          if (nAddedToReturnList >= nMaxToReturn) {
  //3. Integrate with API/GUI (also have max assoc sig for aggregated facts/events)
  // Phase 0 == promoted docs
  // Phase 1 == un-promoted docs
  // Phase 2 == never-promoted docs
  static void addStandaloneEvents(BasicDBObject doc, double dDocSig, int nPhase,
                    StandaloneEventHashAggregator standaloneEventAggregator,
                    boolean bEntTypeFilterPositive, boolean bAssocVerbFilterPositive,
                    HashSet<String> entTypeFilter, HashSet<String> assocVerbFilter,
                    boolean bEvents, boolean bSummaries, boolean bFacts)
    if (standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) {
      bSummaries = false;
    String sDocIsoPubDate = null;
    BasicDBList lev = (BasicDBList)(doc.get(DocumentPojo.associations_));
    if (null != lev)
      for(Iterator<?> e0 = lev.iterator(); e0.hasNext();)
        BasicDBObject e = (BasicDBObject);
        String sEvType = e.getString(AssociationPojo.assoc_type_);
        boolean bIsFact = false;
        boolean bIsSummary = false;
        boolean bKeep = true;
        if (null == sEvType) {
          bKeep = false;
        else if (sEvType.equalsIgnoreCase("event")) {
          if (!bEvents) bKeep = false;
        else if (sEvType.equalsIgnoreCase("fact")) {
          if (!bFacts) bKeep = false;
          bIsFact = true;
        else if (sEvType.equalsIgnoreCase("summary")) {
          if (!bSummaries) bKeep = false;
          bIsSummary = true;
        }//TESTED x4
        // Filter and aliasing logic:
        if (bKeep) {
          boolean bKeep2 = filterAndAliasAssociation(e, standaloneEventAggregator.aliasLookup, true,
              bEntTypeFilterPositive, bAssocVerbFilterPositive,
              entTypeFilter, assocVerbFilter);
          if (!bKeep2) {
              // (remove/rename events based on filters where we can,
              //  means we don't have to do it in stage4)
            bKeep = false;
        if (bKeep)
          String time_start = null;
          String time_end = null; // (normally not needed)
          if (!standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation) { //else times are discarded           
            // Add time from document
            time_start = e.getString(AssociationPojo.time_start_);
            if (null == time_start)
              if (null == sDocIsoPubDate) {
                // Convert docu pub date to ISO (day granularity):
                Date pubDate = (Date) doc.get(DocumentPojo.publishedDate_);
                if (null != pubDate) {
                  SimpleDateFormat f2 = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
                  time_start = f2.format(pubDate);
              else {
                time_start = sDocIsoPubDate; // (so it doesn't get added again below)
            { // Remove hourly granularity for consistency           
              time_start = time_start.replaceAll("T.*$", "");
              time_end = e.getString(AssociationPojo.time_end_);
              if (null != time_end) {
                time_end = time_end.replaceAll("T.*$", "");
            }//TESTED (with debug code, eg time_start = "1997-07-16T19:20:30+01:00")
            if (null != time_start)
            { // Ensure it has day granularity, to help with aggregation
              e.put(AssociationPojo.time_start_, time_start);
              if (null != time_end) {
                e.put(AssociationPojo.time_end_, time_end);             
          }//(end if normal standalone mode, not aggregation simulation)
          StandaloneEventHashCode evtHolder = new StandaloneEventHashCode(standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation, e, bIsSummary, bIsFact);
          BasicDBObject oldEvt =;

          if (null == oldEvt) {
            // Doc count (see below)
            e.put(AssociationPojo.doccount_, 1);
            double dAssocSig = dDocSig*dDocSig;
            // Weight down summaries slightly (80%), and summaries with missing entities a lot (50%) 
            if (bIsSummary) {
              String sEntity2 = (String) e.get(AssociationPojo.entity2_);
              if (null == sEntity2) {
                dAssocSig *= 0.50;             
              else {
                dAssocSig *= 0.80;               
            // Running significance count:
            e.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, dAssocSig); // (use sum-squared to score up events that occur frequently)
            if (dAssocSig > standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig) {
              standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig = dAssocSig;
  , e);
            // Add to list in some sort of very basic order...
            if (2 == nPhase) { // Put at the back, it's probably really low sig
            else if (1 == nPhase) { // Put at the front until Phase 0 comes along
            else { // phases 0 and 1 get the higher orderings
          else { // Update doc count
            long nDocCount = oldEvt.getInt(AssociationPojo.doccount_, 1) + 1;
            oldEvt.put(AssociationPojo.doccount_, nDocCount);
            // Running significance count:
            double dAssocSig = oldEvt.getDouble(AssociationPojo.doccount_) + dDocSig*dDocSig;
            oldEvt.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, dAssocSig);
            if (dAssocSig/nDocCount > standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig) {
              standaloneEventAggregator.dMaxSig = dAssocSig;             
            if (bIsFact && !standaloneEventAggregator.bSimulateAggregation)
              // For facts, also update the time range:
              String old_time_start = oldEvt.getString(AssociationPojo.time_start_);
              String old_time_end = oldEvt.getString(AssociationPojo.time_end_);
              // Just keep this really simple and inefficient:
              TreeSet<String> timeOrder = new TreeSet<String>();
              if (null != old_time_start) {
              if (null != old_time_end) {
              if (null != time_start) {
              if (null != time_end) {
              if (timeOrder.size() > 1) {
                Iterator<String> itStart = timeOrder.iterator();
                Iterator<String> itEnd = timeOrder.descendingIterator();
            }// end if is fact - treat times different
        } // (end if keeping this event)
      } // (end loop over events) 
    } // (end if this doc has events)
  } //TESTED

  // Utility
  static boolean filterAndAliasAssociation(BasicDBObject e, AliasLookupTable aliasLookup, boolean bModifyAssocObj,
      boolean bEntTypeFilterPositive, boolean bAssocVerbFilterPositive,
      HashSet<String> entTypeFilter, HashSet<String> assocVerbFilter)
    // Verb filter
    if (null != assocVerbFilter) {
      if (bAssocVerbFilterPositive) {
        if (!assocVerbFilter.contains(e.getString(AssociationPojo.verb_category_))) {
          return false;
      else if (assocVerbFilter.contains(e.getString(AssociationPojo.verb_category_))) {
        return false;

    if ((null != entTypeFilter) || (null != aliasLookup)) {     
      String ent1Index = e.getString(AssociationPojo.entity1_index_);
      if (null != ent1Index) {
        String entType = null;
        if (null != aliasLookup) {
          EntityFeaturePojo alias = aliasLookup.getAliasMaster(ent1Index);
          if (null != alias) {           
            ent1Index = alias.getIndex();
            entType = alias.getType();           
            if (ent1Index.equalsIgnoreCase("discard")) {
              return false;
            else { // rename
              if (bModifyAssocObj) {
                e.put(AssociationPojo.entity1_index_, alias.getIndex());
        if (null == entType) {
          int nIndex = ent1Index.lastIndexOf('/');
          if (nIndex >= 0) {
            entType = ent1Index.substring(nIndex + 1);
        else {
          entType = entType.toLowerCase();
        }//TESTED (both clauses)
        if (null != entTypeFilter) {         
          if (bEntTypeFilterPositive) {
            if ((null != entType) && (!entTypeFilter.contains(entType))) {
              return false;
          else if ((null != entType) && (entTypeFilter.contains(entType))) {
            return false;
      }//(end if ent1_index exists)

      String ent2Index = e.getString(AssociationPojo.entity2_index_);
      if (null != ent2Index) {
        String entType = null;
        if (null != aliasLookup) {
          EntityFeaturePojo alias = aliasLookup.getAliasMaster(ent2Index);
          if (null != alias) {
            ent2Index = alias.getIndex();
            entType = alias.getType();
            if (ent2Index.equalsIgnoreCase("discard")) {
              return false;
            else { // rename
              if (bModifyAssocObj) {
                e.put(AssociationPojo.entity2_index_, alias.getIndex());
        }//TESTED (cut and paste from ent1)
        if (null == entType) {
          int nIndex = ent2Index.lastIndexOf('/');
          if (nIndex >= 0) {
            entType = ent2Index.substring(nIndex + 1);
        else {
          entType = entType.toLowerCase();
        }//TESTED (cut and paste from ent1)
        if (null != entTypeFilter) {
          if (bEntTypeFilterPositive) {
            if ((null != entType) && (!entTypeFilter.contains(entType))) {
              return false;
          else if ((null != entType) && (entTypeFilter.contains(entType))) {
            return false;
      }//(end if ent2_index exists)
      String geoIndex = e.getString(AssociationPojo.geo_index_);
      if (null != geoIndex) {
        String entType = null;
        if (null != aliasLookup) {
          EntityFeaturePojo alias = aliasLookup.getAliasMaster(geoIndex);
          if (null != alias) {
            geoIndex = alias.getIndex();
            entType = alias.getType();
            if (geoIndex.equalsIgnoreCase("discard")) {
              if ((ent1Index == null) || (ent2Index == null)) {
                return false;               
              else if (bModifyAssocObj) {
              else {
                return false;
            else { // rename
              if (bModifyAssocObj) {
                e.put(AssociationPojo.geo_index_, alias.getIndex());
        }//TESTED (cut and paste from ent1)
        if (null == entType) {
          int nIndex = geoIndex.lastIndexOf('/');
          if (nIndex >= 0) {
            entType = geoIndex.substring(nIndex + 1);
        else {
          entType = entType.toLowerCase();
        }//TESTED (cut and paste from ent1)
        if (null != entTypeFilter) {
          if (bEntTypeFilterPositive) {
            if ((null != entType) && (!entTypeFilter.contains(entType))) {
              return false;
          else if ((null != entType) && (entTypeFilter.contains(entType))) {
            return false;
      }//(end if ent2_index exists)
    }//(end entity filter logic for associations)
    return true;
  }//TOTEST (geo index)

  // Grab the standalone significances of the entities and also calc their pythag distance
  // (weight geo down since it's a secondary value)
  final private static double ASSOC_SCALE = 0.707106781; //(1/sqrt(2)
  static void calcAssocationSignificance(String ent1_index, String ent2_index, String geo_index, BasicDBObject assoc, HashMap<String, EntSigHolder> entitySet)
    double dPythag = 0.0;
    if (null != ent1_index) {
      EntSigHolder ent = entitySet.get(ent1_index);
      if (null != ent) {
        if (null != ent.masterAliasSH) { // (for the 3 indexes, use the aliased version if it exists)
          ent = ent.masterAliasSH;
        assoc.put(AssociationPojo.entity1_sig_, ent.datasetSignificance);
        dPythag += ent.datasetSignificance*ent.datasetSignificance;
    if (null != ent2_index) {
      EntSigHolder ent = entitySet.get(ent2_index);
      if (null != ent) {
        if (null != ent.masterAliasSH) {
          ent = ent.masterAliasSH;
        assoc.put(AssociationPojo.entity2_sig_, ent.datasetSignificance);
        dPythag += ent.datasetSignificance*ent.datasetSignificance;
    if (null != geo_index) {     
      EntSigHolder ent = entitySet.get(geo_index);
      if (null != ent) {
        if (null != ent.masterAliasSH) {
          ent = ent.masterAliasSH;
        assoc.put(AssociationPojo.geo_sig_, ent.datasetSignificance);
        dPythag += 0.25*ent.datasetSignificance*ent.datasetSignificance;
    if (0.0 != dPythag) {
      dPythag = Math.sqrt(dPythag);
    assoc.put(AssociationPojo.assoc_sig_, ASSOC_SCALE*dPythag);

Related Classes of com.ikanow.infinit.e.api.knowledge.processing.ScoringUtils_Associations$StandaloneEventHashAggregator

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