Package org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.tile

Source Code of org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.tile.NASATile$NASATileName$NASAZoomLevel

/* uDig - User Friendly Desktop Internet GIS client
* (C) 2010, Refractions Research Inc.
* All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
* are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
* (, and the Refractions BSD
* License v1.0 (
package org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.tile;

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.Trace;
import org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.WMTPlugin;
import org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.tile.NASATile.NASATileName.NASAZoomLevel;
import org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.wmtsource.NASASource;
import org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.wmtsource.WMTSource;
import org.locationtech.udig.core.internal.CorePlugin;
import org.locationtech.udig.project.internal.render.impl.ScaleUtils;

import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope;

public class NASATile extends WMTTile {

    private NASATileName tileName;
    private NASASource nasaSource;
    public NASATile(int x, int y, NASAZoomLevel zoomLevel, NASASource nasaSource) {
        this(new NASATileName(x, y, zoomLevel, nasaSource), nasaSource);
    public NASATile(NASATileName tileName, NASASource nasaSource){
        super(NASATile.getExtentFromTileName(tileName), tileName);
        this.tileName = tileName;
        this.nasaSource = nasaSource;
    //region Get extent from tile-name       
     * Returns the bounding box of a tile by the given tile name.
     * The upper left corner of tile 0/0 is at 90,-180.
     * @param tileName
     * @return BoundingBox for a tile
    public static ReferencedEnvelope getExtentFromTileName(NASATileName tileName) {
        ReferencedEnvelope extent = new ReferencedEnvelope(
                tile2lon(tileName.getX(), tileName),
                tile2lon(tileName.getX() + 1, tileName),
                tile2lat(tileName.getY(), tileName),
                tile2lat(tileName.getY() + 1, tileName),
        return extent;
    public static double tile2lat(int row, NASATileName tileName) {      
        return tileName.getNasaSource().getBounds().getMaxY() - row * tileName.getHeightInWorldUnits();    
    public static double tile2lon(int col, NASATileName tileName) {
        return tileName.getNasaSource().getBounds().getMinX() + col * tileName.getWidthInWorldUnits();           

    public NASATile getLowerNeighbour() {
        return new NASATile(tileName.getLowerNeighbour(), nasaSource);

    public NASATile getRightNeighbour() {
        return new NASATile(tileName.getRightNeighbour(), nasaSource);

    public static class NASATileFactory extends WMTTileFactory {

        //region Get tile from coordinate
         * Finds out the tile which contains the coordinate at a given zoom level.
         * @param lat y
         * @param lon x
         * @param zoomLevel
         * @param wmtSource
         * @return
        public NASATile getTileFromCoordinate(double lat, double lon,
                WMTZoomLevel zoomLevel, WMTSource wmtSource) {
            NASASource nasaSource = (NASASource) wmtSource;
            // normalize latitude and longitude
            lat = WMTTileFactory.normalizeDegreeValue(lat, 90);
            lon = WMTTileFactory.normalizeDegreeValue(lon, 180);

            lat = WMTTileFactory.moveInRange(lat,
                    nasaSource.getBounds().getMinY(), nasaSource.getBounds().getMaxY());
            lon = WMTTileFactory.moveInRange(lon,
                    nasaSource.getBounds().getMinX(), nasaSource.getBounds().getMaxX());
            NASAZoomLevel nasaZoomLevel = (NASAZoomLevel) zoomLevel;
            int row = (int) Math.abs((lat - nasaSource.getBounds().getMaxY())  / nasaZoomLevel.getHeightInWorldUnits());
            int col = (int) Math.abs((lon - nasaSource.getBounds().getMinX()) / nasaZoomLevel.getWidthInWorldUnits());
            WMTPlugin.debug("[NASATile.getTileFromCoordinate] " + zoomLevel.getZoomLevel() + //$NON-NLS-1$
                    "/" + col +  "/" + row + " lon: " + lon + " lat: " + lat, Trace.NASA)//$NON-NLS-1$//$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ //$NON-NLS-4$
            return new NASATile(col, row, nasaZoomLevel, (NASASource) wmtSource);

        public WMTZoomLevel getZoomLevel(int zoomLevel, WMTSource wmtSource) {
            NASASource nasaSource = (NASASource) wmtSource;
            return nasaSource.getZoomLevel(zoomLevel);
     * A small helper class which stores the tile-name.
     * @author to.srwn
     * @since 1.1.0
    public static class NASATileName extends WMTTileName{
        private NASAZoomLevel zoomLevel;
        private NASASource nasaSource;
        public NASATileName(int x, int y, NASAZoomLevel zoomLevel, NASASource source) {
            super(zoomLevel, x, y, source);
            this.zoomLevel = zoomLevel;
            this.nasaSource = source;
         * @return
        public URL getTileUrl() {
            try {
                String tileUrl = zoomLevel.getTileUrl(getExtentFromTileName(this));
                return new URL(null, tileUrl, CorePlugin.RELAXED_HANDLER)
            } catch (Exception e) {
                WMTPlugin.log("[NASATile] Could not create the url for tile (Zoom: " + zoomLevel.getZoomLevel() + //$NON-NLS-1$
                        ", X: " + getX() + ", " + getY(), e); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
            return null;

        public NASATileName getRightNeighbour() {
            return new NASATileName(
                        WMTTileName.arithmeticMod((getX()+1), zoomLevel.getMaxTilePerRowNumber()),
        public NASATileName getLowerNeighbour() {
            return new NASATileName(
                        WMTTileName.arithmeticMod((getY()+1), zoomLevel.getMaxTilePerColNumber()),
        public double getWidthInWorldUnits() {
            return zoomLevel.getWidthInWorldUnits();
        public double getHeightInWorldUnits() {
            return zoomLevel.getHeightInWorldUnits();
        public NASASource getNasaSource() {
            return nasaSource;
        public String toString() {
            return zoomLevel.getZoomLevel() + "/" + getX() + "/" + getY(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            if (!(obj instanceof NASATileName)) return false;
            NASATileName other = (NASATileName) obj;
            return (getX() == other.getX()) && (getY() == other.getY()) && zoomLevel.equals(other.zoomLevel);

         * Small helper class which wraps the zoom-level and
         * the maximum tile-number for x and y in this zoom-level.
         * @author to.srwn
         * @since 1.1.0
        public static class NASAZoomLevel extends WMTZoomLevel implements Comparable<NASAZoomLevel>{
                private ReferencedEnvelope boundsOfFirstTile;
                private String requestUrlPrefix;
                private String requestUrlSuffix;
                private DecimalFormat boundsFormatter;
                private double scale;
                private NASASource nasaSource;
                private static final char BOUNDS_SEPERATOR = ',';
                private static final String doublePatternString = "([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d*)(?![-+0-9\\.])"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                private static final String bboxPatternString = "(bbox)(=)" + doublePatternString + //$NON-NLS-1$
                    "(,)" + doublePatternString + //$NON-NLS-1$
                    "(,)" + doublePatternString + //$NON-NLS-1$
                    "(,)" + doublePatternString; //$NON-NLS-1$
                private static final Pattern bboxPattern = Pattern.compile(
                        bboxPatternString, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.DOTALL);
            public NASAZoomLevel(String tilePattern, NASASource nasaSource) {
                this.nasaSource = nasaSource;
                String rawRequest = getRawRequestStringFromTilePattern(tilePattern);
             * Constructs the URL with which a tile for the corresponding
             * bounds can be fetched.
             * @param bounds The Extent of the tile
            public String getTileUrl(ReferencedEnvelope bounds) {
                StringBuffer bbox = new StringBuffer();
                bbox.append("bbox="); //$NON-NLS-1$
                return bbox.toString();
            private String getFormattedCoordinate(double value) {
                return boundsFormatter.format(value).replace(',', '.');
             * The <TilePattern> tag may look like this:
             * request=GetMap&layers=global_mosaic&srs=EPSG:4326&format=image/jpeg&styles=visual&width=512&height=512&bbox=-180,-38,-52,90
             * request=GetMap&layers=global_mosaic&srs=EPSG:4326&width=512&height=512&bbox=-180,-38,-52,90&format=image/jpeg&version=1.1.1&styles=visual
             * We just want the first request.
             * @param tilePattern
             * @return
            private String getRawRequestStringFromTilePattern(String tilePattern) {
                tilePattern = tilePattern.replace('\n', ' ').trim();
                if (tilePattern.contains(" ")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                    return tilePattern.substring(0, tilePattern.indexOf(' ') );
                return tilePattern;
             * Parses the BBox of the first tile from the tilepattern, and also
             * gets the part of the url before the bbox (requestUrlPrefix)
             * and after the bbox (requestUrlSuffix).
             * For example:
             * rawRequest = request=GetMap&layers=global_mosaic&srs=EPSG:4326&width=512&height=512&bbox=-180,-38,-52,90&format=image/jpeg&version=1.1.1&styles=visual
             * -->
             * bbox = -180,-38,-52,90
             * requestUrlPrefix = request=GetMap&layers=global_mosaic&srs=EPSG:4326&width=512&height=512&
             * requestUrlSuffix = &format=image/jpeg&version=1.1.1&styles=visual
             * @param rawRequest
            private void parseBboxFromRequest(String rawRequest) {
                Matcher m = bboxPattern.matcher(rawRequest);
                if (m.find())
                    String xMinText =;
                    String yMinText =;
                    String xMaxText =;
                    String yMaxText =;
                    setBoundsFormatter(xMinText, yMinText, xMaxText, yMaxText);
                    // Set the url prefix and suffix
                    requestUrlPrefix = getRequestPart(rawRequest, 0, m.start());
                    requestUrlSuffix = getRequestPart(rawRequest, m.end(), rawRequest.length());
                    // build bbox
                    try {
                        double xMin = Double.parseDouble(xMinText);
                        double yMin = Double.parseDouble(yMinText);
                        double xMax = Double.parseDouble(xMaxText);
                        double yMax = Double.parseDouble(yMaxText);
                        boundsOfFirstTile = new ReferencedEnvelope(
                    } catch(NumberFormatException exc) {
                        WMTPlugin.log("[NASATile] Getting the bbox failed", exc); //$NON-NLS-1$
                boundsOfFirstTile = null;
            private String getRequestPart(String rawRequest, int start, int end) {
                if (start < 0 || end < 0 || start > end) {
                    return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
                } else {
                    return rawRequest.substring(start, end);
             * So that requests to the NASA WMS server can be recognized as a
             * tile request, the request must follow a special tilepattern (see
             * ).
             * Therefore to avoid request like "1.0000001,0.9999999" we round
             * to a specific accuracy by using DecimalFormat.
             * @param xMinText
             * @param yMinText
             * @param xMaxText
             * @param yMaxText
            private void setBoundsFormatter(String xMinText, String yMinText, String xMaxText, String yMaxText) {
                int maxCountOfDecimalPlaces = getMax(
                String format = "##0"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                if (maxCountOfDecimalPlaces > 0) {
                    format += "."; //$NON-NLS-1$
                    for (int i = 0; i < maxCountOfDecimalPlaces; i++) {
                        format += "#"; //$NON-NLS-1$
                boundsFormatter = new DecimalFormat(format);
             * Counts the number of decimal places.
             * @param number
             * @return
            private int getDecimalPlacesCount(String number) {
                if (number.contains(".")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
                    int posOfDot = number.indexOf("."); //$NON-NLS-1$
                    return (number.length() - 1) - posOfDot;
                } else {
                    return 0;
            private int getMax(int a, int b, int c, int d) {
                return Math.max(a,
                                Math.max(c, d)));       
             * Calculates the corresponding scale from the bounds of a tile
             * and the size of that tile in pixels.
            private void findOutScale() {
                if (boundsOfFirstTile == null) {
                    scale = Double.NaN;
                } else {                   
                    // We are building a envelope at (0/0) with the size of the first tile
                    // to calculate the scale
                    double halfWidth = boundsOfFirstTile.getWidth() / 2.0;
                    double halfHeight = boundsOfFirstTile.getHeight() / 2.0;
                    ReferencedEnvelope boundsAtEquator = new ReferencedEnvelope(-halfWidth, halfWidth,
                            -halfHeight, halfHeight, DefaultGeographicCRS.WGS84);
                    int dpi = 96;
                        dpi = Display.getDefault().getDPI().x;
                    }catch(Exception exc){}
                    scale = ScaleUtils.calculateScaleDenominator(boundsAtEquator,
                                new Dimension(nasaSource.getTileWidth(), nasaSource.getTileHeight()),
            public int calculateMaxTilePerColNumber(int zoomLevel) {
                if (boundsOfFirstTile == null) return 0;

                return (int) Math.ceil(nasaSource.getBounds().getHeight() / boundsOfFirstTile.getHeight());

            public int calculateMaxTilePerRowNumber(int zoomLevel) {
                if (boundsOfFirstTile == null) return 0;
                return (int) Math.ceil(nasaSource.getBounds().getWidth() / boundsOfFirstTile.getWidth());

            public double getScale() {
                return scale;
            public double getWidthInWorldUnits() {
                return boundsOfFirstTile.getWidth();
            public double getHeightInWorldUnits() {
                return boundsOfFirstTile.getHeight();
            public int compareTo(NASAZoomLevel other) {
                return, other.scale);

Related Classes of org.locationtech.udig.catalog.internal.wmt.tile.NASATile$NASATileName$NASAZoomLevel

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