
Source Code of

* Copyright 2012 JBoss Inc
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.


import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Scanner;

import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Ignore;
import org.junit.Test;

import static org.fest.assertions.api.Assertions.*;
import static*;
import static*;

public class JGitFileSystemProviderTest extends AbstractTestInfra {

    private static final JGitFileSystemProvider PROVIDER = JGitFileSystemProvider.getInstance();

    public static void setup() throws IOException {

    public static void tearDown() throws IOException {

    public void testDaemob() throws InterruptedException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://repo-name" );

        final Map<String, ?> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( "init", Boolean.TRUE );

        FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        WatchService ws = null;
        ws = fs.newWatchService();
        final Path path = fs.getRootDirectories().iterator().next();
        path.register( ws, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_CREATE, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE, StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_RENAME );

        final WatchKey k = ws.take();

        final List<WatchEvent<?>> events = k.pollEvents();
        for ( WatchEvent object : events ) {
            if ( object.kind() == StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_MODIFY ) {
                System.out.println( "Modify: " + object.context().toString() );
            if ( object.kind() == StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_RENAME ) {
                System.out.println( "Rename: " + object.context().toString() );
            if ( object.kind() == StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_DELETE ) {
                System.out.println( "Delete: " + object.context().toString() );
            if ( object.kind() == StandardWatchEventKind.ENTRY_CREATE ) {
                System.out.println( "Created: " + object.context().toString() );

    public void testNewFileSystem() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://repo-name" );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( newRepo ), null );
        assertThat( stream ).isNotNull().hasSize( 0 );

        try {
            PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( FileSystemAlreadyExistsException.class );
        } catch ( final Exception ex ) {

        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( URI.create( "git://repo-name2" ), EMPTY_ENV );

    public void testNewFileSystemInited() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://init-repo-name" );

        final Map<String, ?> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( "init", Boolean.TRUE );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( newRepo ), null );
        assertThat( stream ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );

    public void testInvalidURINewFileSystem() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git:///repo-name" );

        try {
            PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalArgumentException.class );
        } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
            assertThat( ex.getMessage() ).isEqualTo( "Parameter named 'uri' is invalid, missing host repository!" );

    public void testNewFileSystemClone() throws IOException {

        final URI originRepo = URI.create( "git://my-simple-test-origin-name" );

        final JGitFileSystem origin = (JGitFileSystem) PROVIDER.newFileSystem( originRepo, new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( "listMode", "ALL" );
        }} );

        commit( origin.gitRepo(), "master", "user1", "", "commitx", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "file.txt", tempFile( "temp" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://my-repo-name" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, "git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-name" );
            put( "listMode", "ALL" );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( fs.getRootDirectories() ).hasSize( 2 );

        assertThat( fs.getPath( "file.txt" ).toFile() ).isNotNull().exists();

        commit( origin.gitRepo(), "master", "user1", "", "commitx", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "fileXXXXX.txt", tempFile( "temp" ) );
        }} );

        PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://my-repo-name?sync=git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-name&force" ) );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( fs.getRootDirectories() ).hasSize( 3 );

        for ( final Path root : fs.getRootDirectories() ) {
            if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "upstream" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );
            } else if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "origin" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 1 );
            } else {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );

        commit( origin.gitRepo(), "master", "user1", "", "commitx", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "fileYYYY.txt", tempFile( "tempYYYY" ) );
        }} );

        PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://my-repo-name?sync=git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-name&force" ) );

        assertThat( fs.getRootDirectories() ).hasSize( 3 );

        for ( final Path root : fs.getRootDirectories() ) {
            if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "upstream" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 3 );
            } else if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "origin" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 1 );
            } else {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 3 );

    @Ignore(value = "Can't push to git using git protocol, just ssh")
    public void testNewFileSystemCloneAndPush() throws IOException {

        final URI originRepo = URI.create( "git://my-simple-test-origin-repo" );

        final JGitFileSystem origin = (JGitFileSystem) PROVIDER.newFileSystem( originRepo, new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( "listMode", "ALL" );
        }} );

        commit( origin.gitRepo(), "master", "user1", "", "commitx", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "file.txt", tempFile( "temp" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://my-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, "git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-repo" );
            put( "listMode", "ALL" );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( fs.getRootDirectories() ).hasSize( 2 );

        assertThat( fs.getPath( "file.txt" ).toFile() ).isNotNull().exists();

        commit( ( (JGitFileSystem) fs ).gitRepo(), "master", "user1", "", "commitx", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "fileXXXXX.txt", tempFile( "temp" ) );
        }} );

        PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://my-repo?push=git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-repo&force" ) );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( fs.getRootDirectories() ).hasSize( 2 );

        for ( final Path root : fs.getRootDirectories() ) {
            if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "upstream" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );
            } else if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "origin" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 1 );
            } else {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );

        final URI newRepo2 = URI.create( "git://my-repo2" );

        final Map<String, Object> env2 = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, "git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-repo" );
            put( "listMode", "ALL" );

        final FileSystem fs2 = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo2, env2 );

        PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://my-repo?sync=git://localhost:9418/my-simple-test-origin-repo&force" ) );

        assertThat( fs2.getRootDirectories() ).hasSize( 2 );

        for ( final Path root : fs2.getRootDirectories() ) {
            if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "upstream" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );
            } else if ( root.toAbsolutePath().toUri().toString().contains( "origin" ) ) {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );
            } else {
                assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( root, null ) ).isNotEmpty().hasSize( 2 );

    public void testGetFileSystem() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://new-repo-name" );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.getFileSystem( newRepo ) ).isEqualTo( fs );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://master@new-repo-name" ) ) ).isEqualTo( fs );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://branch@new-repo-name" ) ) ).isEqualTo( fs );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.getFileSystem( URI.create( "git://branch@new-repo-name?fetch" ) ) ).isEqualTo( fs );

    public void testInvalidURIGetFileSystem() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git:///new-repo-name" );

        try {
            PROVIDER.getFileSystem( newRepo );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalArgumentException.class );
        } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
            assertThat( ex.getMessage() ).isEqualTo( "Parameter named 'uri' is invalid, missing host repository!" );


    public void testGetPath() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://new-get-repo-name" );

        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@new-get-repo-name/home" ) );

        assertThat( path ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( path.getRoot().toString() ).isEqualTo( "/" );
        assertThat( path.getRoot().toRealPath().toUri().toString() ).isEqualTo( "git://master@new-get-repo-name/" );
        assertThat( path.toString() ).isEqualTo( "/home" );

        final Path pathRelative = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@new-get-repo-name/:home" ) );
        assertThat( pathRelative ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( pathRelative.toRealPath().toUri().toString() ).isEqualTo( "git://master@new-get-repo-name/:home" );
        assertThat( pathRelative.getRoot().toString() ).isEqualTo( "" );
        assertThat( pathRelative.toString() ).isEqualTo( "home" );

    public void testInvalidURIGetPath() {
        final URI uri = URI.create( "git:///master@new-get-repo-name/home" );

        try {
            PROVIDER.getPath( uri );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalArgumentException.class );
        } catch ( final IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
            assertThat( ex.getMessage() ).isEqualTo( "Parameter named 'uri' is invalid, missing host repository!" );

    public void testGetComplexPath() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://new-complex-get-repo-name" );

        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://origin/master@new-complex-get-repo-name/home" ) );

        assertThat( path ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( path.getRoot().toString() ).isEqualTo( "/" );
        assertThat( path.toString() ).isEqualTo( "/home" );

        final Path pathRelative = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://origin/master@new-complex-get-repo-name/:home" ) );
        assertThat( pathRelative ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( pathRelative.getRoot().toString() ).isEqualTo( "" );
        assertThat( pathRelative.toString() ).isEqualTo( "home" );

    public void testInputStream() throws IOException {
        final File parentFolder = createTempDirectory();
        final File gitFolder = new File( parentFolder, "mytest.git" );

        final Git origin = JGitUtil.newRepository( gitFolder, true );

        commit( origin, "master", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "myfile.txt", tempFile( "temp\n.origin\n.content" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://inputstream-test-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, origin.getRepository().getDirectory().toString() );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://origin/master@inputstream-test-repo/myfile.txt" ) );

        final InputStream inputStream = PROVIDER.newInputStream( path );
        assertThat( inputStream ).isNotNull();

        final String content = new Scanner( inputStream ).useDelimiter( "\\A" ).next();


        assertThat( content ).isNotNull().isEqualTo( "temp\n.origin\n.content" );

    public void testInputStream2() throws IOException {

        final File parentFolder = createTempDirectory();
        final File gitFolder = new File( parentFolder, "mytest.git" );

        final Git origin = JGitUtil.newRepository( gitFolder, true );

        commit( origin, "master", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "path/to/file/myfile.txt", tempFile( "temp\n.origin\n.content" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://xinputstream-test-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, origin.getRepository().getDirectory().toString() );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://origin/master@xinputstream-test-repo/path/to/file/myfile.txt" ) );

        final InputStream inputStream = PROVIDER.newInputStream( path );
        assertThat( inputStream ).isNotNull();

        final String content = new Scanner( inputStream ).useDelimiter( "\\A" ).next();


        assertThat( content ).isNotNull().isEqualTo( "temp\n.origin\n.content" );

    @Test(expected = NoSuchFileException.class)
    public void testInputStream3() throws IOException {

        final File parentFolder = createTempDirectory();
        final File gitFolder = new File( parentFolder, "mytest.git" );

        final Git origin = JGitUtil.newRepository( gitFolder, true );

        commit( origin, "master", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "path/to/file/myfile.txt", tempFile( "temp\n.origin\n.content" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://xxinputstream-test-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, origin.getRepository().getDirectory().toString() );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://origin/master@xxinputstream-test-repo/path/to" ) );

        PROVIDER.newInputStream( path );

    @Test(expected = NoSuchFileException.class)
    public void testInputStreamNoSuchFile() throws IOException {

        final File parentFolder = createTempDirectory();
        final File gitFolder = new File( parentFolder, "mytest.git" );

        final Git origin = JGitUtil.newRepository( gitFolder, true );

        commit( origin, "master", "user1", "", "commitx", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "file.txt", tempFile( "temp.origin.content.2" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://inputstream-not-exists-test-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, origin.getRepository().getDirectory().toString() );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://origin/master@inputstream-not-exists-test-repo/temp.txt" ) );

        PROVIDER.newInputStream( path );

    public void testNewOutputStream() throws Exception {
        final File parentFolder = createTempDirectory();
        final File gitFolder = new File( parentFolder, "mytest.git" );

        final Git origin = JGitUtil.newRepository( gitFolder, true );

        commit( origin, "master", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "myfile.txt", tempFile( "temp\n.origin\n.content" ) );
        }} );
        commit( origin, "user_branch", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "path/to/some/file/myfile.txt", tempFile( "some\n.content\nhere" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://outstream-test-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, origin.getRepository().getDirectory().toString() );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@outstream-test-repo/some/path/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final InputStream inStream = PROVIDER.newInputStream( path );

        final String content = new Scanner( inStream ).useDelimiter( "\\A" ).next();


        assertThat( content ).isNotNull().isEqualTo( "my cool content" );

        try {
            PROVIDER.newOutputStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@outstream-test-repo/some/path/" ) ) );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {

    public void testNewOutputStreamWithJGitOp() throws Exception {
        final File parentFolder = createTempDirectory();
        final File gitFolder = new File( parentFolder, "mytest.git" );

        final Git origin = JGitUtil.newRepository( gitFolder, true );

        commit( origin, "master", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "myfile.txt", tempFile( "temp\n.origin\n.content" ) );
        }} );
        commit( origin, "user_branch", "user", "", "commit message", null, null, false, new HashMap<String, File>() {{
            put( "path/to/some/file/myfile.txt", tempFile( "some\n.content\nhere" ) );
        }} );

        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://outstreamwithop-test-repo" );

        final Map<String, Object> env = new HashMap<String, Object>() {{
            put( JGitFileSystemProvider.GIT_DEFAULT_REMOTE_NAME, origin.getRepository().getDirectory().toString() );

        final FileSystem fs = PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, env );

        assertThat( fs ).isNotNull();

        final SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat( "dd/MM/yyyy" );

        final CommentedOption op = new CommentedOption( "User Tester", "", "omg, is it the end?", formatter.parse( "31/12/2012" ) );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@outstreamwithop-test-repo/some/path/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path, op );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final InputStream inStream = PROVIDER.newInputStream( path );

        final String content = new Scanner( inStream ).useDelimiter( "\\A" ).next();


        assertThat( content ).isNotNull().isEqualTo( "my cool content" );

    @Test(expected = FileSystemNotFoundException.class)
    public void testGetPathFileSystemNotExisting() {
        PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@not-exists-get-repo-name/home" ) );

    @Test(expected = FileSystemNotFoundException.class)
    public void testGetFileSystemNotExisting() {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://not-new-repo-name" );

        PROVIDER.getFileSystem( newRepo );

    public void testDelete() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://delete1-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@delete1-test-repo/path/to/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        PROVIDER.newInputStream( path ).close();

        try {
            PROVIDER.delete( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@delete1-test-repo/non_existent_path" ) ) );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( NoSuchFileException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.delete( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@delete1-test-repo/path/to/" ) ) );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( DirectoryNotEmptyException.class );
        } catch ( DirectoryNotEmptyException ex ) {

        PROVIDER.delete( path );

        try {
            PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( FileSystemAlreadyExistsException.class );
        } catch ( FileSystemAlreadyExistsException e ) {

        final Path fsPath = path.getFileSystem().getPath( null );
        PROVIDER.delete( fsPath );
        assertThat( fsPath.getFileSystem().isOpen() ).isEqualTo( false );

        final URI newRepo2 = URI.create( "git://delete1-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo2, EMPTY_ENV );

    public void testDeleteBranch() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://delete-branch-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@delete-branch-test-repo/path/to/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        PROVIDER.newInputStream( path ).close();

        PROVIDER.delete( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@delete-branch-test-repo" ) ) );

        try {
            PROVIDER.delete( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@delete-branch-test-repo" ) ) );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( NoSuchFileException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.delete( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://some_user_branch@delete-branch-test-repo" ) ) );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( NoSuchFileException ex ) {

    public void testDeleteIfExists() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://deleteifexists1-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@deleteifexists1-test-repo/path/to/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        PROVIDER.newInputStream( path ).close();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.deleteIfExists( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@deleteifexists1-test-repo/non_existent_path" ) ) ) ).isFalse();

        try {
            PROVIDER.deleteIfExists( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@deleteifexists1-test-repo/path/to/" ) ) );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( DirectoryNotEmptyException.class );
        } catch ( DirectoryNotEmptyException ex ) {

        assertThat( PROVIDER.deleteIfExists( path ) ).isTrue();

    public void testDeleteBranchIfExists() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://deletebranchifexists1-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@deletebranchifexists1-test-repo/path/to/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        PROVIDER.newInputStream( path ).close();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.deleteIfExists( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@deletebranchifexists1-test-repo" ) ) ) ).isTrue();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.deleteIfExists( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://not_user_branch@deletebranchifexists1-test-repo" ) ) ) ).isFalse();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.deleteIfExists( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@deletebranchifexists1-test-repo" ) ) ) ).isFalse();


    public void testIsHidden() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://ishidden-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/path/to/.myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        assertThat( outStream ).isNotNull();
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/path/to/myfile.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        assertThat( outStream2 ).isNotNull();
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isHidden( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/path/to/.myfile.txt" ) ) ) ).isTrue();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isHidden( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/path/to/myfile.txt" ) ) ) ).isFalse();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isHidden( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/path/to/non_existent/.myfile.txt" ) ) ) ).isTrue();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isHidden( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/path/to/non_existent/myfile.txt" ) ) ) ).isFalse();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isHidden( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/" ) ) ) ).isFalse();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isHidden( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@ishidden-test-repo/some" ) ) ) ).isFalse();

    public void testIsSameFile() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://issamefile-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@issamefile-test-repo/path/to/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@issamefile-test-repo/path/to/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@issamefile-test-repo/path/to/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isSameFile( path, path2 ) ).isTrue();

        assertThat( PROVIDER.isSameFile( path, path3 ) ).isTrue();

    public void testCreateDirectory() throws Exception {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://xcreatedir-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final JGitPathImpl path = (JGitPathImpl) PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@xcreatedir-test-repo/some/path/to/" ) );

        final Pair<PathType, ObjectId> result = JGitUtil.checkPath( path.getFileSystem().gitRepo(), path.getRefTree(), path.getPath() );
        assertThat( result.getK1() ).isEqualTo( PathType.NOT_FOUND );

        PROVIDER.createDirectory( path );

        final Pair<PathType, ObjectId> resultAfter = JGitUtil.checkPath( path.getFileSystem().gitRepo(), path.getRefTree(), path.getPath() );
        assertThat( resultAfter.getK1() ).isEqualTo( PathType.DIRECTORY );

        try {
            PROVIDER.createDirectory( path );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( FileAlreadyExistsException.class );
        } catch ( FileAlreadyExistsException e ) {

    public void testCheckAccess() throws Exception {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://checkaccess-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@checkaccess-test-repo/path/to/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        PROVIDER.checkAccess( path );

        final Path path_to_dir = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@checkaccess-test-repo/path/to" ) );

        PROVIDER.checkAccess( path_to_dir );

        final Path path_not_exists = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@checkaccess-test-repo/path/to/some.txt" ) );

        try {
            PROVIDER.checkAccess( path_not_exists );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( NoSuchFileException e ) {

    public void testGetFileStore() throws Exception {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://filestore-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@filestore-test-repo/path/to/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final FileStore fileStore = PROVIDER.getFileStore( path );

        assertThat( fileStore ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( fileStore.getAttribute( "readOnly" ) ).isEqualTo( Boolean.FALSE );

    public void testNewDirectoryStream() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://dirstream-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@dirstream-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream1 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/" ) ), null );

        assertThat( stream1 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 ).contains( path3, PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/other" ) ) );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream2 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/other" ) ), null );

        assertThat( stream2 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 ).contains( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/other/path" ) ) );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream3 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@dirstream-test-repo/other/path" ) ), null );

        assertThat( stream3 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 ).contains( path2 );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream4 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@dirstream-test-repo/" ) ), null );

        assertThat( stream4 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 ).contains( path );

        try {
            PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( path, null );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NotDirectoryException.class );
        } catch ( NotDirectoryException ex ) {
        final Path crazyPath = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@dirstream-test-repo/crazy/path/here" ) );
        try {
            PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( crazyPath, null );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NotDirectoryException.class );
        } catch ( NotDirectoryException ex ) {

        PROVIDER.createDirectory( crazyPath );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( crazyPath, null ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );

    public void testDeleteNonEmptyDirectory() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://delete-non-empty-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path dir = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@delete-non-empty-test-repo/other/path" ) );

        final Path _root = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@delete-non-empty-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outRootStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( _root );
        outRootStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@delete-non-empty-test-repo/other/path/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@delete-non-empty-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@delete-non-empty-test-repo/other/path/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path dir1 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@delete-non-empty-test-repo/other/path/dir" ) );

        PROVIDER.createDirectory( dir1 );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream3 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( dir, null );

        assertThat( stream3 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 4 );

        try {
            PROVIDER.delete( dir );
            fail( "dir not empty" );
        } catch ( final DirectoryNotEmptyException ignore ) {

        try {
            final CommentedOption op = new CommentedOption( "User Tester", "", "omg, erase dir!" );

            PROVIDER.delete( dir, NON_EMPTY_DIRECTORIES, op );
        } catch ( final DirectoryNotEmptyException ignore ) {
            fail( "dir should be deleted!" );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.exists( dir ) ).isEqualTo( false );

    public void testFilteredNewDirectoryStream() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://filter-dirstream-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@filter-dirstream-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@filter-dirstream-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@filter-dirstream-test-repo/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path4 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@filter-dirstream-test-repo/" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream4 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path4 );
        outStream4.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream1 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@filter-dirstream-test-repo/" ) ), new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
            public boolean accept( final Path entry ) throws {
                if ( entry.toString().endsWith( ".xxx" ) ) {
                    return true;
                return false;
        } );

        assertThat( stream1 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 ).contains( path4 );

        final DirectoryStream<Path> stream2 = PROVIDER.newDirectoryStream( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@filter-dirstream-test-repo/" ) ), new DirectoryStream.Filter<Path>() {
            public boolean accept( final Path entry ) throws {
                return false;
        } );

        assertThat( stream2 ).isNotNull().hasSize( 0 );

    public void testGetFileAttributeView() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://getfileattriview-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@getfileattriview-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@getfileattriview-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@getfileattriview-test-repo/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final JGitVersionAttributeView attrs = PROVIDER.getFileAttributeView( path3, JGitVersionAttributeView.class );

        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().history().records().size() ).isEqualTo( 1 );
        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().history().records().get( 0 ).uri() ).isNotNull();

        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().isDirectory() ).isFalse();
        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().isRegularFile() ).isTrue();
        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().creationTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().lastModifiedTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrs.readAttributes().size() ).isEqualTo( 15L );

        try {
            PROVIDER.getFileAttributeView( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@getfileattriview-test-repo/not_exists.txt" ) ), BasicFileAttributeView.class );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {

        assertThat( PROVIDER.getFileAttributeView( path3, MyInvalidFileAttributeView.class ) ).isNull();

        final Path rootPath = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@getfileattriview-test-repo/" ) );

        final BasicFileAttributeView attrsRoot = PROVIDER.getFileAttributeView( rootPath, BasicFileAttributeView.class );

        assertThat( attrsRoot.readAttributes().isDirectory() ).isTrue();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.readAttributes().isRegularFile() ).isFalse();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.readAttributes().creationTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.readAttributes().lastModifiedTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.readAttributes().size() ).isEqualTo( -1L );

    public void testReadAttributes() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://readattrs-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@readattrs-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrs-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrs-test-repo/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final BasicFileAttributes attrs = PROVIDER.readAttributes( path3, BasicFileAttributes.class );

        assertThat( attrs.isDirectory() ).isFalse();
        assertThat( attrs.isRegularFile() ).isTrue();
        assertThat( attrs.creationTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrs.lastModifiedTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrs.size() ).isEqualTo( 15L );

        try {
            PROVIDER.readAttributes( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrs-test-repo/not_exists.txt" ) ), BasicFileAttributes.class );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( NoSuchFileException e ) {

        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path3, MyAttrs.class ) ).isNull();

        final Path rootPath = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrs-test-repo/" ) );

        final BasicFileAttributes attrsRoot = PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, BasicFileAttributes.class );

        assertThat( attrsRoot.isDirectory() ).isTrue();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.isRegularFile() ).isFalse();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.creationTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.lastModifiedTime() ).isNotNull();
        assertThat( attrsRoot.size() ).isEqualTo( -1L );

    public void testReadAttributesMap() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://readattrsmap-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@readattrsmap-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrsmap-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrsmap-test-repo/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "*" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 9 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "basic:*" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 9 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "basic:isRegularFile" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "basic:isRegularFile,isDirectory" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "basic:isRegularFile,isDirectory,someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "basic:someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 0 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "version:version" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "isRegularFile" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "isRegularFile,isDirectory" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "isRegularFile,isDirectory,someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 0 );

        try {
            PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, ":someThing" );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalArgumentException.class );
        } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.readAttributes( path, "advanced:isRegularFile" );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( UnsupportedOperationException.class );
        } catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {

        final Path rootPath = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrsmap-test-repo/" ) );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "*" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 9 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "basic:*" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 9 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "basic:isRegularFile" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "basic:isRegularFile,isDirectory" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "basic:isRegularFile,isDirectory,someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "basic:someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 0 );

        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "isRegularFile" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 1 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "isRegularFile,isDirectory" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "isRegularFile,isDirectory,someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 2 );
        assertThat( PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "someThing" ) ).isNotNull().hasSize( 0 );

        try {
            PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, ":someThing" );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalArgumentException.class );
        } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.readAttributes( rootPath, "advanced:isRegularFile" );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( UnsupportedOperationException.class );
        } catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.readAttributes( PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@readattrsmap-test-repo/not_exists.txt" ) ), BasicFileAttributes.class );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NoSuchFileException.class );
        } catch ( NoSuchFileException e ) {

    public void testSetAttribute() throws IOException {
        final URI newRepo = URI.create( "git://setattr-test-repo" );
        PROVIDER.newFileSystem( newRepo, EMPTY_ENV );

        final Path path = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://master@setattr-test-repo/myfile1.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path );
        outStream.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path2 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@setattr-test-repo/other/path/myfile2.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream2 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path2 );
        outStream2.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        final Path path3 = PROVIDER.getPath( URI.create( "git://user_branch@setattr-test-repo/myfile3.txt" ) );

        final OutputStream outStream3 = PROVIDER.newOutputStream( path3 );
        outStream3.write( "my cool content".getBytes() );

        try {
            PROVIDER.setAttribute( path3, "basic:isRegularFile", true );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NotImplementedException.class );
        } catch ( NotImplementedException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.setAttribute( path3, "isRegularFile", true );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( NotImplementedException.class );
        } catch ( NotImplementedException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.setAttribute( path3, "notExisits", true );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalStateException.class );
        } catch ( IllegalStateException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.setAttribute( path3, "advanced:notExisits", true );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( UnsupportedOperationException.class );
        } catch ( UnsupportedOperationException ex ) {

        try {
            PROVIDER.setAttribute( path3, ":isRegularFile", true );
            failBecauseExceptionWasNotThrown( IllegalArgumentException.class );
        } catch ( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {


    private static class MyInvalidFileAttributeView implements BasicFileAttributeView {

        public BasicFileAttributes readAttributes() throws {
            return null;

        public void setTimes( FileTime lastModifiedTime,
                              FileTime lastAccessTime,
                              FileTime createTime ) throws {


        public String name() {
            return null;

    private static interface MyAttrs extends BasicFileAttributes {


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