Package org.gradle.model.internal.registry

Source Code of org.gradle.model.internal.registry.DefaultModelRegistry$BinderCreationListener

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* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.gradle.model.internal.registry;

import net.jcip.annotations.NotThreadSafe;
import org.gradle.api.Action;
import org.gradle.api.Nullable;
import org.gradle.api.Transformer;
import org.gradle.internal.Actions;
import org.gradle.internal.Transformers;
import org.gradle.model.InvalidModelRuleException;
import org.gradle.model.ModelRuleBindingException;
import org.gradle.model.internal.core.*;
import org.gradle.model.internal.core.rule.describe.ModelRuleDescriptor;

import java.util.*;

public class DefaultModelRegistry implements ModelRegistry {

                Things we aren't doing and should:

                - Detecting cycles between config rules
                - Detecting dangling, unbound, rules
                - Detecting model elements with no object at their parent path
                - Detecting mutation rules registering parent model
                - Detecting a rule binding the same input twice (maybe that's ok)
                - Detecting a rule trying to bind the same element to mutate and to read

    private final Map<ModelPath, ModelElement> store = new HashMap<ModelPath, ModelElement>();

    private final Map<ModelPath, BoundModelCreator> creations = new HashMap<ModelPath, BoundModelCreator>();
    private final Multimap<ModelPath, BoundModelMutator<?>> mutators = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    private final Multimap<ModelPath, List<ModelPath>> usedMutators = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    private final Multimap<ModelPath, BoundModelMutator<?>> finalizers = ArrayListMultimap.create();
    private final Multimap<ModelPath, List<ModelPath>> usedFinalizers = ArrayListMultimap.create();

    // TODO rework this listener mechanism to be more targeted, in that interested parties nominate what they are interested in (e.g. path or type) and use this to only notify relavant listeners
    private final List<ModelCreationListener> modelCreationListeners = new LinkedList<ModelCreationListener>();

    private final List<RuleBinder<?>> binders = Lists.newLinkedList();

    private BoundModelCreator inCreation;

    private static String toString(ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor) {
        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
        return stringBuilder.toString();

    public void create(ModelCreator creator) {
        ModelPath path = creator.getPath();
        BoundModelCreator existingCreation = creations.get(path);

        if (existingCreation != null) {
            throw new DuplicateModelException(
                            "Cannot register model creation rule '%s' for path '%s' as the rule '%s' is already registered to create a model element at this path",

        ModelElement existing = store.get(path);
        if (existing != null) {
            throw new DuplicateModelException(
                            "Cannot register model creation rule '%s' for path '%s' as the rule '%s' is already registered (and the model element has been created)",


    public <T> void mutate(ModelMutator<T> mutator) {
        bind(mutator, mutators);

    public <T> void finalize(ModelMutator<T> mutator) {
        bind(mutator, finalizers);

    private void bind(final ModelCreator creator) {
        final RuleBinder<Void> binder = bind(null, creator.getInputs(), creator.getDescriptor(), new Action<RuleBinder<Void>>() {
            public void execute(RuleBinder<Void> ruleBinding) {
                BoundModelCreator boundCreator = new BoundModelCreator(creator, ruleBinding.getInputBindings());
                creations.put(creator.getPath(), boundCreator);


    private <T> RuleBinder<T> bind(ModelReference<T> subject, List<ModelReference<?>> inputs, ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor, Action<? super RuleBinder<T>> onBind) {
        RuleBinder<T> binder = new RuleBinder<T>(subject, inputs, descriptor, Actions.composite(new Action<RuleBinder<T>>() {
            public void execute(RuleBinder<T> binder) {
                // TODO this is going to run even if we never added the binder to the bindings (inefficient)
        }, onBind));

        if (!binder.isBound()) {

        return binder;

    private <T> void bind(final ModelMutator<T> mutator, final Multimap<ModelPath, BoundModelMutator<?>> mutators) {
        final RuleBinder<T> binder = bind(mutator.getSubject(), mutator.getInputs(), mutator.getDescriptor(), new Action<RuleBinder<T>>() {
            public void execute(RuleBinder<T> ruleBinder) {
                BoundModelMutator<T> boundMutator = new BoundModelMutator<T>(mutator, ruleBinder.getSubjectBinding(), ruleBinder.getInputBindings());
                ModelPath path = boundMutator.getSubject().getPath();
                mutators.put(path, boundMutator);

        registerListener(new BinderCreationListener(binder.getDescriptor(), binder.getSubjectReference(), true, new Action<ModelPath>() {
            public void execute(ModelPath modelPath) {


    private void bindInputs(final RuleBinder<?> binder) {
        List<ModelReference<?>> inputReferences = binder.getInputReferences();
        for (int i = 0; i < inputReferences.size(); i++) {
            final int finalI = i;
            registerListener(new BinderCreationListener(binder.getDescriptor(), inputReferences.get(i), false, new Action<ModelPath>() {
                public void execute(ModelPath modelPath) {
                    binder.bindInput(finalI, modelPath);

    private void assertNotFinalized(ModelPath path) {
        if (store.containsKey(path)) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("model '" + path + "' is finalized");

    public <T> T get(ModelPath path, ModelType<T> type) {
        ModelElement element = get(path);
        ModelView<? extends T> typed = assertView(element, type, "get(ModelPath, ModelType)");
        return typed.getInstance();

    public ModelElement element(ModelPath path) {
        return get(path);

    public ModelState state(ModelPath path) {
        ModelElement closed = store.get(path);
        if (closed != null) {
            return toState(closed.getPath(), ModelState.Status.FINALIZED);

        BoundModelCreator creator = creations.get(path);
        if (creator != null) {
            return toState(creator.getCreator().getPath(), ModelState.Status.PENDING);

        if (inCreation != null && inCreation.getCreator().getPath().equals(path)) {
            return toState(inCreation.getCreator().getPath(), ModelState.Status.IN_CREATION);

        return null;

    private ModelState toState(ModelPath path, ModelState.Status status) {
        return new ModelState(path, status);

    public void registerListener(ModelCreationListener listener) {
        boolean remove;

        // Copy the creations we know about now because a listener may add creations, causing a CME.
        // This can happen when a listener is listening in order to bind a type-only reference, and the
        // reference binding causing the rule to fully bind and register a new creation.
        List<ModelPath> creationKeys = new ArrayList<ModelPath>(creations.keySet());

        for (ModelPath key : creationKeys) {
            BoundModelCreator boundCreator = creations.get(key);
            ModelCreator creator = boundCreator.getCreator();
            remove = listener.onCreate(creator.getDescriptor(), creator.getPath(), creator.getPromise());
            if (remove) {

        for (ModelElement element : store.values()) {
            remove = listener.onCreate(element.getCreatorDescriptor(), element.getPath(), element.getPromise());
            if (remove) {


    public void remove(ModelPath path) {
        if (creations.remove(path) == null && store.remove(path) == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Tried to remove model " + path + " but it is not registered");
        if (isDependedOn(path)) {
            throw new RuntimeException("Tried to remove model " + path + " but it is depended on by other model elements");

    public void validate() throws UnboundModelRulesException {
        if (!binders.isEmpty()) {
            ModelPathSuggestionProvider suggestionsProvider = new ModelPathSuggestionProvider(Iterables.concat(store.keySet(), creations.keySet()));
            List<? extends UnboundRule> unboundRules = new UnboundRulesProcessor(binders, suggestionsProvider).process();
            throw new UnboundModelRulesException(unboundRules);

    // TODO - this needs to consider partially bound rules
    private boolean isDependedOn(ModelPath candidate) {
        Transformer<Iterable<ModelPath>, BoundModelMutator<?>> extractInputPaths = new Transformer<Iterable<ModelPath>, BoundModelMutator<?>>() {
            public Iterable<ModelPath> transform(BoundModelMutator<?> original) {
                return Iterables.transform(original.getInputs(), new Function<ModelBinding<?>, ModelPath>() {
                    public ModelPath apply(ModelBinding<?> input) {
                        return input.getPath();

        Transformer<List<ModelPath>, List<ModelPath>> passThrough = Transformers.noOpTransformer();

        return hasModelPath(candidate, mutators.values(), extractInputPaths)
               || hasModelPath(candidate, usedMutators.values(), passThrough)
               || hasModelPath(candidate, finalizers.values(), extractInputPaths)
               || hasModelPath(candidate, usedFinalizers.values(), passThrough);

    private <T> boolean hasModelPath(ModelPath candidate, Iterable<T> things, Transformer<? extends Iterable<ModelPath>, T> transformer) {
        for (T thing : things) {
            for (ModelPath path : transformer.transform(thing)) {
                if (path.equals(candidate)) {
                    return true;

        return false;

    private Set<ModelPath> getPromisedPaths() {
        return ImmutableSet.<ModelPath>builder().addAll(creations.keySet()).build();

    private ModelElement get(ModelPath path) {
        if (store.containsKey(path)) {
            return store.get(path);

        inCreation = removeCreator(path);
        try {
            return createAndClose(inCreation);
        } finally {
            inCreation = null;

    private ModelElement createAndClose(BoundModelCreator creation) {
        ModelElement element = doCreate(creation);
        return element;

    private void close(ModelElement model) {
        ModelPath path = model.getPath();
        fireMutations(model, mutators.removeAll(path), usedMutators);
        fireMutations(model, finalizers.removeAll(path), usedFinalizers);

        // close all the child objects
        Set<ModelPath> promisedPaths = getPromisedPaths();
        for (ModelPath modelPath : promisedPaths) {
            if (path.isDirectChild(modelPath)) {

    private void fireMutations(ModelElement element, Iterable<BoundModelMutator<?>> mutators, Multimap<ModelPath, List<ModelPath>> used) {
        for (BoundModelMutator<?> mutator : mutators) {
            fireMutation(element, mutator);
            List<ModelPath> inputPaths = Lists.transform(mutator.getInputs(), new Function<ModelBinding<?>, ModelPath>() {
                public ModelPath apply(ModelBinding<?> input) {
                    return input.getPath();
            used.put(element.getPath(), inputPaths);

    private <T> ModelView<? extends T> assertView(ModelElement element, ModelType<T> targetType, String msg, Object... msgArgs) {
        ModelAdapter adapter = element.getAdapter();
        ModelView<? extends T> view = adapter.asReadOnly(targetType);
        if (view == null) {
            // TODO better error reporting here
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Model element " + element.getPath() + " is not compatible with requested " + targetType + " (operation: " + String.format(msg, msgArgs) + ")");
        } else {
            return view;

    private <T> ModelView<? extends T> assertView(ModelElement element, ModelBinding<T> binding, ModelRuleDescriptor sourceDescriptor, Inputs inputs) {
        ModelAdapter adapter = element.getAdapter();
        ModelView<? extends T> view = adapter.asWritable(binding, sourceDescriptor, inputs, this);
        if (view == null) {
            // TODO better error reporting here
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot project model element " + binding.getPath() + " to writable type '" + binding.getReference().getType() + "' for rule " + sourceDescriptor);
        } else {
            return view;

    private BoundModelCreator removeCreator(ModelPath path) {
        BoundModelCreator creator = creations.remove(path);
        if (creator == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("No creator for '" + path + "'");
        } else {
            return creator;

    private ModelElement doCreate(BoundModelCreator boundCreator) {
        ModelCreator creator = boundCreator.getCreator();
        ModelPath path = creator.getPath();
        Inputs inputs = toInputs(boundCreator.getInputs());

        ModelAdapter adapter;
        try {
            adapter = creator.create(inputs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // TODO some representation of state of the inputs
            throw new ModelRuleExecutionException(creator.getDescriptor(), e);

        ModelElement element = toElement(adapter, creator);
        store.put(path, element);
        return element;

    private ModelElement toElement(ModelAdapter adapter, ModelCreator creator) {
        return new ModelElement(creator.getPath(), creator.getPromise(), adapter, creator.getDescriptor());

    private <T> void fireMutation(ModelElement element, BoundModelMutator<T> boundMutator) {
        Inputs inputs = toInputs(boundMutator.getInputs());
        ModelMutator<T> mutator = boundMutator.getMutator();
        ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor = mutator.getDescriptor();

        ModelView<? extends T> view = assertView(element, boundMutator.getSubject(), descriptor, inputs);
        try {
            mutator.mutate(view.getInstance(), inputs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new ModelRuleExecutionException(descriptor, e);
        } finally {

    private Inputs toInputs(Iterable<? extends ModelBinding<?>> bindings) {
        ImmutableList.Builder<ModelRuleInput<?>> builder = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (ModelBinding<?> binding : bindings) {
            ModelRuleInput<?> input = toInput(binding);
        return new DefaultInputs(;

    private <T> ModelRuleInput<T> toInput(ModelBinding<T> binding) {
        ModelPath path = binding.getPath();
        ModelElement element = element(path);
        ModelView<? extends T> view = assertView(element, binding.getReference().getType(), "toInputs");
        return ModelRuleInput.of(binding, view);

    private void notifyCreationListeners(ModelCreator creator) {
        ListIterator<ModelCreationListener> modelCreationListenerListIterator = modelCreationListeners.listIterator();
        while (modelCreationListenerListIterator.hasNext()) {
            ModelCreationListener next =;
            boolean remove = next.onCreate(creator.getDescriptor(), creator.getPath(), creator.getPromise());
            if (remove) {

    private static class BinderCreationListener implements ModelCreationListener {
        private final ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor;
        private final ModelReference<?> reference;
        private final boolean writable;
        private final Action<? super ModelPath> bindAction;
        private ModelPath boundTo;
        private ModelRuleDescriptor boundToCreator;

        public BinderCreationListener(ModelRuleDescriptor descriptor, ModelReference<?> reference, boolean writable, Action<? super ModelPath> bindAction) {
            this.descriptor = descriptor;
            this.reference = reference;
            this.writable = writable;
            this.bindAction = bindAction;

        public boolean onCreate(ModelRuleDescriptor creatorDescriptor, ModelPath path, ModelPromise promise) {
            if (boundTo != null && isTypeCompatible(promise)) {
                throw new InvalidModelRuleException(descriptor, new ModelRuleBindingException(
                        new AmbiguousBindingReporter(reference, boundTo, boundToCreator, path, creatorDescriptor).asString()
            } else if (reference.getPath() == null) {
                boolean typeCompatible = isTypeCompatible(promise);
                if (typeCompatible) {
                    boundTo = path;
                    boundToCreator = creatorDescriptor;
                    return false; // don't unregister listener, need to keep listening for other potential bindings
            } else if (path.equals(reference.getPath())) {
                boolean typeCompatible = isTypeCompatible(promise);
                if (typeCompatible) {
                    return true; // bound by type and path, stop listening
                } else {
                    throw new InvalidModelRuleException(descriptor, new ModelRuleBindingException(
                            IncompatibleTypeReferenceReporter.of(creatorDescriptor, promise, reference, writable).asString()

            return false;

        private boolean isTypeCompatible(ModelPromise promise) {
            return writable ? promise.asWritable(reference.getType()) : promise.asReadOnly(reference.getType());


Related Classes of org.gradle.model.internal.registry.DefaultModelRegistry$BinderCreationListener

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