Package com.technophobia.substeps.runner

Source Code of com.technophobia.substeps.runner.FeatureFileParserTest

*  Copyright Technophobia Ltd 2012
*   This file is part of Substeps.
*    Substeps is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
*    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
*    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
*    (at your option) any later version.
*    Substeps is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
*    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
*    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
*    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
*    along with Substeps.  If not, see <>.
package com.technophobia.substeps.runner;

import static;
import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.not;

import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.junit.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;

import com.technophobia.substeps.model.FeatureFile;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.Scenario;
import com.technophobia.substeps.model.Step;

* @author imoore
public class FeatureFileParserTest {

    public void testABigishFeature() {

        final FeatureFileParser parser = new FeatureFileParser();

        final String featureFile = "./target/test-classes/features/abigishfeature.feature";

        final FeatureFile feature = parser.loadFeatureFile(new File(featureFile));

        // not much of an assertion - feature file parsing covered elsewhere,
        // this was to pick up a performance problem when calculating line
        // numbers in large feature files


    public void testLineNumbersAndParsing() {

        final FeatureFileParser parser = new FeatureFileParser();

        final String featureFile = "./target/test-classes/features/lineNumbers.feature";

        final FeatureFile feature = parser.loadFeatureFile(new File(featureFile));


        final List<Scenario> scenarios = feature.getScenarios();

        Assert.assertThat(scenarios.size(), is(4));

        final Scenario sc1 = scenarios.get(0);

        Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSourceStartOffset(), is(not(-1)));
        // Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSourceEndOffset(), is(not(-1)));

        Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSourceStartLineNumber(), is(13));

        final List<Step> steps = sc1.getSteps();
        Assert.assertThat(steps.size(), is(7));

        final Step s1 = steps.get(0);
        Assert.assertThat(s1.getSourceLineNumber(), is(14));
        final Step s2 = steps.get(1);
        Assert.assertThat(s2.getSourceLineNumber(), is(15));

        final Step s3 = steps.get(2);
        Assert.assertThat(s3.getSourceLineNumber(), is(16));

        final Step s4 = steps.get(3);
        Assert.assertThat(s4.getSourceLineNumber(), is(17));

        final Step s5 = steps.get(4);
        Assert.assertThat(s5.getSourceLineNumber(), is(18));

        final Step s6 = steps.get(5);
        Assert.assertThat(s6.getSourceLineNumber(), is(19));

        final Step s7 = steps.get(6);
        Assert.assertThat(s7.getSourceLineNumber(), is(20));

        final Scenario sc2 = scenarios.get(1);

        Assert.assertThat(sc2.getSourceStartLineNumber(), is(23));

        Assert.assertThat(sc2.getSteps().get(0).getSourceLineNumber(), is(24));

        final Scenario sc3 = scenarios.get(2);
        Assert.assertThat(sc3.getSourceStartLineNumber(), is(30));

        final Scenario sc4 = scenarios.get(3);

        Assert.assertThat(sc4.getSteps().get(3).getSourceLineNumber(), is(56));

    public void testLineNumbersAndParsingWhenCommentIsPresentBetweenSteps() {
        final FeatureFileParser parser = new FeatureFileParser();

        final String featureFile = "./target/test-classes/features/lineNumbers-with-comments.feature";

        final FeatureFile feature = parser.loadFeatureFile(new File(featureFile));


        final List<Scenario> scenarios = feature.getScenarios();

        Assert.assertThat(scenarios.size(), is(1));

        final Scenario sc1 = scenarios.get(0);

        Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSourceStartOffset(), is(not(-1)));
        // Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSourceEndOffset(), is(not(-1)));

        Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSourceStartLineNumber(), is(8));

        final List<Step> steps = sc1.getSteps();
        Assert.assertThat(steps.size(), is(3));

        final Step s1 = steps.get(0);
        Assert.assertThat(s1.getSourceLineNumber(), is(9));
        final Step s2 = steps.get(1);
        Assert.assertThat(s2.getSourceLineNumber(), is(11));
        final Step s3 = steps.get(2);
        Assert.assertThat(s3.getSourceLineNumber(), is(13));

    public void testFeatureFileParsing() {
        final FeatureFileParser parser = new FeatureFileParser();

        final FeatureFile ff = parser.loadFeatureFile(new File("./target/test-classes/features/example2.feature"));



        Assert.assertThat(ff.getScenarios().size(), is(4));

        final Scenario sc1 = ff.getScenarios().get(1);
        Assert.assertThat(sc1.getBackground().getSteps().size(), is(1));
        Assert.assertThat(sc1.getSteps().size(), is(4));

        final Step withEmailAddress = ff.getScenarios().get(0).getSteps().get(0);
        Assert.assertThat(withEmailAddress.getLine(), is("Given something with"));

        final Scenario sc2 = ff.getScenarios().get(2);
        Assert.assertThat(sc2.getSteps().size(), is(6));

        Assert.assertThat(sc2.getExampleParameters().size(), is(8));

        final Scenario sc3 = ff.getScenarios().get(3);
        Assert.assertThat(sc3.getSteps().size(), is(5));

        final Step step = sc3.getSteps().get(2);
        Assert.assertThat(step.getInlineTable().size(), is(1));

        final Map<String, String> inlineTableRow0 = step.getInlineTable().get(0);

        Assert.assertThat(inlineTableRow0.size(), is(4));


        // TODO - test out the tags

        final Set<String> tags = ff.getScenarios().get(0).getTags();


    public void testCommentEscaping() {

        final String line1 = "hello this is a test with no comments";
        final String line2 = "# hello this is a comment";
        final String line3 = "hello this is a # trailing comment";

        // this should be picked up as a comment
        final String line4 = " \"hello\" this is an unquoted # \"hash\"";

        // this should NOT be picked up as a comment
        final String line5 = " hello this is a quoted \" # \"hash";

        final String line6 = " hello this is a quoted '#' hash";

        final String line7 = " \"hello\" this is a quoted '#' hash";

        final String line8 = " 'hello' this is a non 'quoted' #' hash";

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line1), is("hello this is a test with no comments"));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line2), is(""));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line3), is("hello this is a"));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line4), is("\"hello\" this is an unquoted"));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line5), is("hello this is a quoted \" # \"hash"));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line6), is("hello this is a quoted '#' hash"));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line7), is("\"hello\" this is a quoted '#' hash"));

        Assert.assertThat(FeatureFileParser.stripComments(line8), is("'hello' this is a non 'quoted'"));



Related Classes of com.technophobia.substeps.runner.FeatureFileParserTest

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