
Source Code of


import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.servlet.ServletContext;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import com.dotcms.publisher.endpoint.bean.PublishingEndPoint;
import com.dotcms.publisher.integrity.IntegrityDataGeneratorThread;
import com.dotcms.publisher.pusher.PushPublisher;
import com.dotcms.publisher.util.TrustFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.cms.factories.PublicEncryptionFactory;
import com.dotmarketing.db.HibernateUtil;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotDataException;
import com.dotmarketing.exception.DotHibernateException;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Config;
import com.dotmarketing.util.ConfigUtils;
import com.dotmarketing.util.Logger;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UUIDGenerator;
import com.dotmarketing.util.UtilMethods;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONArray;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONException;
import com.dotmarketing.util.json.JSONObject;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageException;
import com.liferay.portal.language.LanguageUtil;
import com.liferay.portal.model.User;

public class IntegrityResource extends WebResource {

    public enum ProcessStatus {

    public enum IntegrityType {



        private String label;
        private String dataToCheckCSVName;
        private String dataToFixCSVName;

        IntegrityType(String label,String dataToCheckCSVName,String dataToFixCSVName) {
            this.label = label;
            this.dataToCheckCSVName = dataToCheckCSVName;
            this.dataToFixCSVName = dataToFixCSVName;

        public String getLabel() {
            return label;

        public String getDataToCheckCSVName() {
            return dataToCheckCSVName;

        public String getDataToFixCSVName() {
            return dataToFixCSVName;


    public static final String INTEGRITY_DATA_TO_CHECK_ZIP_FILE_NAME = "";
    public static final String INTEGRITY_DATA_TO_FIX_ZIP_FILE_NAME = "";

     * <p>Returns a zip with data from structures, workflow schemes and folders for integrity check
     * Usage: /getdata

    public Response generateIntegrityData(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @FormDataParam("AUTH_TOKEN") String auth_token_enc)  {

        String remoteIP = null;
        try {

            if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( auth_token_enc ) ) {
                return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( "Error: 'endpoint' is a required param." ).build();

            String auth_token = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(auth_token_enc);
            remoteIP = request.getRemoteHost();
                remoteIP = request.getRemoteAddr();

            PublishingEndPointAPI endpointAPI = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI();
            final PublishingEndPoint requesterEndPoint = endpointAPI.findEnabledSendingEndPointByAddress(remoteIP);

            if(!BundlePublisherResource.isValidToken(auth_token, remoteIP, requesterEndPoint)) {
                return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED).build();

            ServletContext servletContext = request.getSession().getServletContext();

            if(servletContext.getAttribute("integrityRunning")!=null && ((Boolean) servletContext.getAttribute("integrityRunning"))) {
                throw new WebApplicationException(Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT).entity("Already Running").build());

            String transactionId = UUIDGenerator.generateUuid();
            servletContext.setAttribute("integrityDataRequestID", transactionId);

            // start data generation process
            IntegrityDataGeneratorThread idg = new IntegrityDataGeneratorThread( requesterEndPoint, request.getSession().getServletContext() );
            //Saving the thread on the session context for a later use
            servletContext.setAttribute( "integrityDataGeneratorThread_" + transactionId, idg );

            return Response.ok(transactionId).build();

        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error caused by remote call of: "+remoteIP);

        return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();


     * Checks if the generation of Integrity Data is done.
     * If FINISHED, returns a zip with the data
     * if PROCESSING, returns HttpStatus.SC_PROCESSING
     * if ERROR, returns HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, including the error message
     * Usage: /getdata
    public Response getIntegrityData(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @FormDataParam("AUTH_TOKEN") String auth_token_enc, @FormDataParam("REQUEST_ID") String requestId)  {
        String remoteIP = null;

        try {

            String auth_token = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(auth_token_enc);
            remoteIP = request.getRemoteHost();
                remoteIP = request.getRemoteAddr();

            PublishingEndPointAPI endpointAPI = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI();
            final PublishingEndPoint requesterEndPoint = endpointAPI.findEnabledSendingEndPointByAddress(remoteIP);

            if(!BundlePublisherResource.isValidToken(auth_token, remoteIP, requesterEndPoint) || !UtilMethods.isSet(requestId)) {
                return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED).build();

            ServletContext servletContext = request.getSession().getServletContext();
                    || !((String) servletContext.getAttribute("integrityDataRequestID")).equals(requestId)) {
                return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED).build();

            ProcessStatus integrityDataGeneratorStatus = (ProcessStatus) servletContext.getAttribute("integrityDataGenerationStatus");

            if(UtilMethods.isSet( integrityDataGeneratorStatus )) {
                switch (integrityDataGeneratorStatus) {
                    case PROCESSING:
                        return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_PROCESSING).build();
                    case FINISHED:
                        StreamingOutput output = new StreamingOutput() {
                            public void write(OutputStream output) throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
                                InputStream is = new FileInputStream(ConfigUtils.getIntegrityPath() + File.separator + requesterEndPoint.getId() + File.separator + INTEGRITY_DATA_TO_CHECK_ZIP_FILE_NAME);

                                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                                int bytesRead;
                                //read from is to buffer
                                while((bytesRead = !=-1){
                                    output.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead);
                                //flush OutputStream to write any buffered data to file

                        return Response.ok(output).build();

                    case CANCELED:
                        return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_RESET_CONTENT ).entity( servletContext.getAttribute( "integrityDataGenerationError" ) ).build();

                    case ERROR:
                        return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(servletContext.getAttribute("integrityDataGenerationError")).build();


        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error caused by remote call of: "+remoteIP, e);
            return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).entity(e.getMessage()).build();

        return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR).build();


    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response checkIntegrity(@Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam("params") String params)  {
        InitDataObject initData = init(params, true, request, true);

        Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();

        final HttpSession session = request.getSession();
        final User loggedUser = initData.getUser();

        JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();

        //Validate the parameters
        final String endpointId = paramsMap.get( "endpoint" );
        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( endpointId ) ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( "Error: endpoint is a required Field.").build();

        // return if we already have the data
        try {
            IntegrityUtil integrityUtil = new IntegrityUtil();

            if(integrityUtil.doesIntegrityConflictsDataExist(endpointId)) {

                jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
                jsonResponse.put( "message", "Integrity Checking Initialized..." );

                //Setting the process status
                setStatus( request, endpointId, ProcessStatus.FINISHED );

                return response( jsonResponse.toString(), false );
        } catch(JSONException e) {
            Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error setting return message in JSON response", e);
            return response( "Error setting return message in JSON response" , true );
        } catch(Exception e) {
            Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error checking existence of integrity data", e);
            return response( "Error checking existence of integrity data" , true );

        try {

            //Setting the process status
            setStatus( request, endpointId, ProcessStatus.PROCESSING );

            final Client client = getRESTClient();

            final PublishingEndPoint endpoint = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI().findEndPointById(endpointId);
            final String authToken = PushPublisher.retriveKeyString(PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(endpoint.getAuthKey().toString()));

            FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();

            //Sending bundle to endpoint
            String url = endpoint.toURL()+"/api/integrity/generateintegritydata/";
   resource = client.resource(url);

            ClientResponse response =
                    resource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA).post(ClientResponse.class, form);

            if(response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                final String integrityDataRequestID = response.getEntity(String.class);

                Thread integrityDataRequestChecker = new Thread() {
                    public void run(){

                        FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();

                        String url = endpoint.toURL()+"/api/integrity/getintegritydata/";
               resource = client.resource(url);

                        boolean processing = true;

                        while(processing) {

                            ClientResponse response = resource.type( MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA ).post( ClientResponse.class, form );
                            if ( response.getClientResponseStatus() != null && response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) {

                                processing = false;

                                InputStream zipFile = response.getEntityInputStream();
                                String outputDir = ConfigUtils.getIntegrityPath() + File.separator + endpoint.getId();

                                try {

                                    IntegrityUtil.unzipFile(zipFile, outputDir);

                                } catch(Exception e) {

                                    //Special handling if the thread was interrupted
                                    if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) {
                                        //Setting the process status
                                        setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.CANCELED, null );
                                        Logger.debug( IntegrityResource.class, "Requested interruption of the integrity checking process [unzipping Integrity Data] by the user.", e );
                                        throw new RuntimeException( "Requested interruption of the integrity checking process [unzipping Integrity Data] by the user.", e );

                                    //Setting the process status
                                    setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.ERROR, null );
                                    Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error while unzipping Integrity Data", e);
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Error while unzipping Integrity Data", e);

                                // set session variable
                                // call IntegrityChecker

                                Boolean foldersConflicts = false;
                                Boolean structuresConflicts = false;
                                Boolean schemesConflicts = false;

                                IntegrityUtil integrityUtil = new IntegrityUtil();
                                try {

                                    foldersConflicts = integrityUtil.checkFoldersIntegrity(endpointId);
                                    structuresConflicts = integrityUtil.checkStructuresIntegrity(endpointId);
                                    schemesConflicts = integrityUtil.checkWorkflowSchemesIntegrity(endpointId);


                                } catch(Exception e) {

                                    try {
                                    } catch (DotHibernateException e1) {
                                        Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error while rolling back transaction", e);

                                    //Special handling if the thread was interrupted
                                    if ( e instanceof InterruptedException ) {
                                        //Setting the process status
                                        setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.CANCELED, null );
                                        Logger.debug( IntegrityResource.class, "Requested interruption of the integrity checking process by the user.", e );
                                        throw new RuntimeException( "Requested interruption of the integrity checking process by the user.", e );

                                    Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error checking integrity", e);

                                    //Setting the process status
                                    setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.ERROR, null );
                                    throw new RuntimeException("Error checking integrity", e);
                                } finally {
                                    try {
                                    } catch (DotDataException e) {
                                        Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error while deleting temp tables", e);

                                if ( !foldersConflicts && !structuresConflicts && !schemesConflicts ) {
                                    String noConflictMessage;
                                    try {
                                        noConflictMessage = LanguageUtil.get( loggedUser.getLocale(), "push_publish_integrity_conflicts_not_found" );
                                    } catch ( LanguageException e ) {
                                        noConflictMessage = "No Integrity Conflicts found";
                                    //Setting the process status
                                    setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.NO_CONFLICTS, noConflictMessage );
                                } else {
                                    //Setting the process status
                                    setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.FINISHED, null );

                            } else if ( response.getClientResponseStatus() == null && response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_PROCESSING ) {
                            } else if ( response.getClientResponseStatus() == null && response.getStatus() == HttpStatus.SC_RESET_CONTENT ) {
                                processing = false;
                                //Setting the process status
                                setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.CANCELED, null );
                            } else {
                                setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.ERROR, null );
                                Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Response indicating a " + response.getClientResponseStatus().getReasonPhrase() + " (" + response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() + ") Error trying to retrieve the Integrity data from the Endpoint [" + endpointId + "]." );
                                processing = false;

                //Start the integrity check
                addThreadToSession( session, integrityDataRequestChecker, endpointId, integrityDataRequestID );

            } else if ( response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ) {
                setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.ERROR, null );
                Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Response indicating Not Authorized received from Endpoint. Please check Auth Token. Endpoint Id: " + endpointId );
                return response( "Response indicating Not Authorized received from Endpoint. Please check Auth Token. Endpoint Id:" + endpointId, true );
            } else {
                setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.ERROR, null );
                Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Response indicating a " + response.getClientResponseStatus().getReasonPhrase() + " (" + response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() + ") Error trying to connect with the Integrity API on the Endpoint. Endpoint Id: " + endpointId );
                return response( "Response indicating a " + response.getClientResponseStatus().getReasonPhrase() + " (" + response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() + ") Error trying to connect with the Integrity API on the Endpoint. Endpoint Id: " + endpointId, true );

            jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
            jsonResponse.put( "message", "Integrity Checking Initialized..." );

        } catch(Exception e) {

            //Special handling if the thread was interrupted
            if ( e instanceof InterruptedException || e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException ) {
                //Setting the process status
                setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.CANCELED, null );
                Logger.debug( IntegrityResource.class, "Requested interruption of the integrity checking process by the user.", e );
                return response( "Requested interruption of the integrity checking process by the user for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]" , true );

            //Setting the process status
            setStatus( session, endpointId, ProcessStatus.ERROR, null );
            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error initializing the integrity checking process for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", e );
            return response( "Error initializing the integrity checking process for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]" , true );

        return response( jsonResponse.toString(), false );


     * Method that will interrupt the integrity checking running processes locally and in the end point server
     * @param request
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException
    @Path ("/cancelIntegrityProcess/{params:.*}")
    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response cancelIntegrityProcess ( @Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam ("params") String params ) throws JSONException {

        StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();

        InitDataObject initData = init( params, true, request, true );
        Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();

        //Validate the parameters
        String endpointId = paramsMap.get( "endpoint" );
        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( endpointId ) ) {
            Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
            responseBuilder.entity( responseMessage.append( "Error: " ).append( "endpoint" ).append( " is a required Field." ) );


        try {
            JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();

            HttpSession session = request.getSession();
            //Verify if we have something set on the session
            if ( session.getAttribute( "integrityCheck_" + endpointId ) == null ) {
                //And prepare the response
                jsonResponse.put( "success", false );
                jsonResponse.put( "message", "No checking process found for End point server [" + endpointId + "]" );
            } else if ( session.getAttribute( "integrityThread_" + endpointId ) == null ) {
                //And prepare the response
                jsonResponse.put( "success", false );
                jsonResponse.put( "message", "No checking process found for End point server [" + endpointId + "]" );
            } else {

                //Search for the status on session
                ProcessStatus status = (ProcessStatus) session.getAttribute( "integrityCheck_" + endpointId );

                //And prepare the response
                jsonResponse.put( "endPoint", endpointId );
                if ( status == ProcessStatus.PROCESSING ) {

                    //Get the thread associated to this endpoint and the integrity request id
                    Thread runningThread = (Thread) session.getAttribute( "integrityThread_" + endpointId );
                    String integrityDataRequestId = (String) session.getAttribute( "integrityDataRequest_" + endpointId );

                    //Find the registered auth token in order to connect to the end point server
                    PublishingEndPoint endpoint = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI().findEndPointById( endpointId );
                    String authToken = PushPublisher.retriveKeyString( PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString( endpoint.getAuthKey().toString() ) );

                    FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();
                    form.field( "AUTH_TOKEN", authToken );
                    form.field( "REQUEST_ID", integrityDataRequestId );

                    //Prepare the connection
                    Client client = getRESTClient();
                    String url = endpoint.toURL() + "/api/integrity/cancelIntegrityProcessOnEndpoint/";
           resource = client.resource( url );

                    //Execute the call
                    ClientResponse response = resource.type( MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA ).post( ClientResponse.class, form );

                    if ( response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK ) {
                        //Nothing to do here, we found no process to cancel
                    } else if ( response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_RESET_CONTENT ) {
                        //Expected return status if a cancel was made on the end point server
                    } else {
                        Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Response indicating a " + response.getClientResponseStatus().getReasonPhrase() + " (" + response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() + ") Error trying to interrupt the running process on the Endpoint [ " + endpointId + "]." );

                    //Interrupt the Thread process

                    //Remove the thread from the session
                    clearThreadInSession( request, endpointId );

                    jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "IntegrityCheckingCanceled" ) );
                } else {
                    jsonResponse.put( "success", false );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", "The integrity process for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "] was already stopped." );

            responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error checking the integrity process status for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", e );
            return response( "Error checking the integrity process status for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", true );

        return response( responseMessage.toString(), false );

     * Method expected to run on an end point server in order to interrupt the integrity checking process if running
     * @param request
     * @param auth_token_enc
     * @param requestId
     * @return
    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response cancelIntegrityProcessOnEndpoint ( @Context HttpServletRequest request, @FormDataParam ("AUTH_TOKEN") String auth_token_enc, @FormDataParam ("REQUEST_ID") String requestId ) {

        String remoteIP = null;

        try {

            remoteIP = request.getRemoteHost();
            if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( remoteIP ) ) {
                remoteIP = request.getRemoteAddr();

            //Search for the given end point
            PublishingEndPointAPI endpointAPI = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI();
            PublishingEndPoint requesterEndPoint = endpointAPI.findEnabledSendingEndPointByAddress( remoteIP );

            //Verify the authentication token
            String auth_token = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString( auth_token_enc );
            if ( !BundlePublisherResource.isValidToken( auth_token, remoteIP, requesterEndPoint ) || !UtilMethods.isSet( requestId ) ) {
                return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ).build();

            ServletContext servletContext = request.getSession().getServletContext();
            if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( servletContext.getAttribute( "integrityDataRequestID" ) ) || !((String) servletContext.getAttribute( "integrityDataRequestID" )).equals( requestId ) ) {
                return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED ).build();

            //Verify the status and if the process it is still running we will interrupt it
            ProcessStatus integrityDataGeneratorStatus = (ProcessStatus) servletContext.getAttribute( "integrityDataGenerationStatus" );
            if ( UtilMethods.isSet( integrityDataGeneratorStatus ) ) {
                switch ( integrityDataGeneratorStatus ) {
                    case PROCESSING:

                        //Verify if the thread is on the session for this given request id
                        if ( servletContext.getAttribute( "integrityDataGeneratorThread_" + requestId ) != null ) {

                            //If found interrupt the process
                            IntegrityDataGeneratorThread integrityDataGeneratorThread = (IntegrityDataGeneratorThread) servletContext.getAttribute( "integrityDataGeneratorThread_" + requestId );
                            servletContext.removeAttribute( "integrityDataGeneratorThread_" + requestId );

                            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_RESET_CONTENT ).entity( "Interrupted checking process on End Point server ( " + remoteIP + ")." ).build();

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            Logger.error( IntegrityResource.class, "Error caused by remote call of: " + remoteIP, e );
            return response( "Error interrupting checking process on End Point server ( " + remoteIP + "). [" + e.getMessage() + "]", true );

        return response( "Interrupted checking process on End Point server ( " + remoteIP + ").", false );

     * Method that will verify the status of a check integrity process for a given server
     * @param request
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException
    @Path ("/checkIntegrityProcessStatus/{params:.*}")
    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response checkIntegrityProcessStatus ( @Context final HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam ("params") String params ) throws JSONException {

        StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();

        InitDataObject initData = init( params, true, request, true );
        Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();

        //Validate the parameters
        String endpointId = paramsMap.get( "endpoint" );
        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( endpointId ) ) {
            Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
            responseBuilder.entity( responseMessage.append( "Error: " ).append( "endpoint" ).append( " is a required Field." ) );


        try {
            JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();

            HttpSession session = request.getSession();
            //Verify if we have something set on the session
            if ( session.getAttribute( "integrityCheck_" + endpointId ) == null ) {
                //And prepare the response
                jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
                jsonResponse.put( "message", "No checking process found for End point server [" + endpointId + "]" );
                jsonResponse.put( "status", "nopresent" );
            } else {

                //Search for the status on session
                ProcessStatus status = (ProcessStatus) session.getAttribute( "integrityCheck_" + endpointId );

                //And prepare the response
                jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
                jsonResponse.put( "endPoint", endpointId );
                if ( status == ProcessStatus.PROCESSING ) {
                    jsonResponse.put( "status", "processing" );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", "Success" );
                } else if ( status == ProcessStatus.FINISHED ) {
                    jsonResponse.put( "status", "finished" );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", "Success" );
                } else if ( status == ProcessStatus.NO_CONFLICTS ) {
                    jsonResponse.put( "status", "noConflicts" );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", session.getAttribute( "integrityCheck_message_" + endpointId ) );
                    clearStatus( request, endpointId );
                } else if ( status == ProcessStatus.CANCELED) {
                    jsonResponse.put( "status", "canceled" );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), "IntegrityCheckingCanceled" ) );
                    clearStatus( request, endpointId );
                } else {
                    jsonResponse.put( "status", "error" );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", "Error checking the integrity process status for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]" );
                    clearStatus( request, endpointId );

            responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error checking the integrity process status for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", e );
            return response( "Error checking the integrity process status for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]" , true );

        return response( responseMessage.toString(), false );

     * Generates and returns the integrity check results for a given server
     * @param request
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException
    @Path ("/getIntegrityResult/{params:.*}")
    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response getIntegrityResult ( @Context HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam ("params") String params ) throws JSONException {

        StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();

        InitDataObject initData = init( params, true, request, true );
        Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();

        //Validate the parameters
        String endpointId = paramsMap.get( "endpoint" );
        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( endpointId ) ) {
            Response.ResponseBuilder responseBuilder = Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST );
            responseBuilder.entity( responseMessage.append( "Error: " ).append( "endpoint" ).append( " is a required Field." ) );


        try {

            JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();
            IntegrityUtil integrityUtil = new IntegrityUtil();

            //Structures tab data
            JSONArray tabResponse = null;
            JSONObject errorContent = null;

            IntegrityType[] types = IntegrityType.values();
            boolean isThereAnyConflict = false;

            for (IntegrityType integrityType : types) {
                tabResponse = new JSONArray();
                errorContent = new JSONObject();

                errorContent.put( "title",   LanguageUtil.get( initData.getUser().getLocale(), integrityType.getLabel() )  );//Title of the check

                List<Map<String, Object>> results = integrityUtil.getIntegrityConflicts(endpointId, integrityType);

                JSONArray columns = new JSONArray();

                switch (integrityType) {
                    case STRUCTURES:
                    case FOLDERS:
                    case SCHEMES:


                errorContent.put( "columns", columns.toArray() );

                if(!results.isEmpty()) {
                    // the columns names are the keys in the results
                    isThereAnyConflict = isThereAnyConflict || true;

                    JSONArray values = new JSONArray();
                    for (Map<String, Object> result : results) {

                        JSONObject columnsContent = new JSONObject();

                        for (String keyName : result.keySet()) {
                            columnsContent.put(keyName, result.get(keyName));


                    errorContent.put( "values", values.toArray() );
                } else {
                    errorContent.put( "values", new JSONArray().toArray() );

                tabResponse.add( errorContent );
                //And prepare the response
                jsonResponse.put(, tabResponse.toArray() );

            if(!isThereAnyConflict) {
                clearStatus( request, endpointId );

            Important just in case of return custom errors
            jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
            jsonResponse.put( "message", "Success" );

            responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );
        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error generating the integrity result for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", e );
            return response( "Error generating the integrity result for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]" , true );

        return response( responseMessage.toString(), false );

     * Method that will discard the conflicts between local node and given endpoint
     * @param request
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException
    @Path ("/discardconflicts/{params:.*}")
    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response discardConflicts ( @Context final HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam ("params") String params ) throws JSONException {

        StringBuilder responseMessage = new StringBuilder();

        InitDataObject initData = init( params, true, request, true );
        Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();

        //Validate the parameters
        String endpointId = paramsMap.get( "endpoint" );
        String type = paramsMap.get( "type" );

        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( endpointId ) ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( responseMessage.append( "Error: " ).append( "'endpoint'" ).append( " is a required param." )).build();

        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( type ) ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( responseMessage.append( "Error: " ).append( "'type'" ).append( " is a required param." )).build();

        try {
            JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();

            IntegrityUtil integrityUtil = new IntegrityUtil();
            integrityUtil.discardConflicts(endpointId, IntegrityType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()));

            clearStatus( request, endpointId );

            responseMessage.append( jsonResponse.toString() );

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error discarding "+type+" conflicts for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", e );
            return response( "Error discarding "+type+" conflicts for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]" , true );

        return response( responseMessage.toString(), false );

     * Method that will fix the conflicts received from remote
     * @param request
     * @param dataToFix
     * @param auth_token_enc
     * @param type
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException
    public Response fixConflictsFromRemote ( @Context final HttpServletRequest request,
                                             @FormDataParam("DATA_TO_FIX") InputStream dataToFix, @FormDataParam("AUTH_TOKEN") String auth_token_enc,
                                             @FormDataParam("TYPE") String type ) throws JSONException {

        String remoteIP = null;
        JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();

        try {
            String auth_token = PublicEncryptionFactory.decryptString(auth_token_enc);
            remoteIP = request.getRemoteHost();
                remoteIP = request.getRemoteAddr();

            PublishingEndPointAPI endpointAPI = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI();
            final PublishingEndPoint requesterEndPoint = endpointAPI.findEnabledSendingEndPointByAddress(remoteIP);

            if(!BundlePublisherResource.isValidToken(auth_token, remoteIP, requesterEndPoint)) {
                return Response.status(HttpStatus.SC_UNAUTHORIZED).build();

            IntegrityUtil integrityUtil = new IntegrityUtil();
            integrityUtil.fixConflicts(dataToFix, requesterEndPoint.getId(), IntegrityType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()) );

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
            try {
            } catch (DotHibernateException e1) {
                Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error while rolling back transaction", e);
            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error fixing "+type+" conflicts from remote", e );
            return response( "Error fixing "+type+" conflicts from remote" , true );

        jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
        jsonResponse.put( "message", "Conflicts fixed in Remote Endpoint" );
        return response( jsonResponse.toString(), false );

     * Method that will fix the conflicts between local and remote.
     * If param 'whereToFix' == local, the fix will take place in local node
     * If param 'whereToFix' == remote, the fix will take place in remote node
     * @param request
     * @param params
     * @return
     * @throws JSONException
    @Path ("/fixconflicts/{params:.*}")
    @Produces (MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)
    public Response fixConflicts ( @Context final HttpServletRequest request, @PathParam ("params") String params ) throws JSONException {

        InitDataObject initData = init( params, true, request, true );
        Map<String, String> paramsMap = initData.getParamsMap();
        JSONObject jsonResponse = new JSONObject();

        //Validate the parameters
        String endpointId = paramsMap.get( "endpoint" );
        String type = paramsMap.get( "type" );
        String whereToFix = paramsMap.get( "wheretofix" );

        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( endpointId ) ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( "Error: 'endpoint' is a required param." ).build();

        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( type ) ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( "Error: 'type' is a required param." ).build();

        if ( !UtilMethods.isSet( whereToFix ) ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( "Error: 'whereToFix' is a required param." ).build();

        try {

            IntegrityUtil integrityUtil = new IntegrityUtil();

            if(whereToFix.equals("local")) {

                integrityUtil.fixConflicts(endpointId, IntegrityType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()));
                jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
                jsonResponse.put( "message", "Conflicts fixed in Local Endpoint" );

                clearStatus( request, endpointId );

            } else  if(whereToFix.equals("remote")) {
                integrityUtil.generateDataToFixZip(endpointId, IntegrityType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()));

                final Client client = getRESTClient();

                PublishingEndPoint endpoint = APILocator.getPublisherEndPointAPI().findEndPointById(endpointId);
                String outputPath = ConfigUtils.getIntegrityPath() + File.separator + endpointId;
                File bundle = new File(outputPath + File.separator + INTEGRITY_DATA_TO_FIX_ZIP_FILE_NAME);

                FormDataMultiPart form = new FormDataMultiPart();

                form.field("TYPE", type);
                form.bodyPart(new FileDataBodyPart("DATA_TO_FIX", bundle, MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA_TYPE));

                String url = endpoint.toURL()+"/api/integrity/fixconflictsfromremote/";
       resource = client.resource(url);

                ClientResponse response = resource.type(MediaType.MULTIPART_FORM_DATA).post(ClientResponse.class, form);

                if(response.getClientResponseStatus().getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
                    jsonResponse.put( "success", true );
                    jsonResponse.put( "message", "Fix Conflicts Process successfully started at Remote." );

                    integrityUtil.discardConflicts(endpointId, IntegrityType.valueOf(type.toUpperCase()));

                    clearStatus( request, endpointId );

                } else {
                    return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity("Endpoint with id: " + endpointId + " returned server error." ).build();
            } else {
                return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_BAD_REQUEST ).entity( "Error: 'whereToFix' has an invalid value.").build();

        } catch ( Exception e ) {
          try {
            } catch (DotHibernateException e1) {
                Logger.error(IntegrityResource.class, "Error while rolling back transaction", e);

            Logger.error( this.getClass(), "Error fixing "+type+" conflicts for End Point server: [" + endpointId + "]", e );
            return response( "Error fixing conflicts for endpoint: " + endpointId , true );

        return response( jsonResponse.toString(), false );

    private Client getRESTClient() {
        TrustFactory tFactory = new TrustFactory();
        ClientConfig cc = new DefaultClientConfig();

        if(Config.getStringProperty("TRUSTSTORE_PATH") != null && !Config.getStringProperty("TRUSTSTORE_PATH").trim().equals("")) {
            cc.getProperties().put(HTTPSProperties.PROPERTY_HTTPS_PROPERTIES, new HTTPSProperties(tFactory.getHostnameVerifier(), tFactory.getSSLContext()));
        final Client client = Client.create(cc);
        return client;

     * Removes the status for the checking integrity process of a given enpoint from session
     * @param request
     * @param endpointId
    private void clearStatus ( HttpServletRequest request, String endpointId ) {
        clearStatus( request.getSession(), endpointId );

     * Removes the status for the checking integrity process of a given enpoint from session
     * @param session
     * @param endpointId
    private void clearStatus ( HttpSession session, String endpointId ) {
        session.removeAttribute( "integrityCheck_" + endpointId );
        session.removeAttribute( "integrityCheck_message_" + endpointId );
        clearThreadInSession( session, endpointId );

     * Sets the status for the checking integrity process of a given enpoint in session
     * @param request
     * @param endpointId
     * @param status
    private void setStatus ( HttpServletRequest request, String endpointId, ProcessStatus status ) {
        setStatus( request, endpointId, status, null );

     * Sets the status for the checking integrity process of a given enpoint in session
     * @param request
     * @param endpointId
     * @param status
     * @param message
    private void setStatus ( HttpServletRequest request, String endpointId, ProcessStatus status, String message ) {
        setStatus( request.getSession(), endpointId, status, message );

     * Sets the status for the checking integrity process of a given enpoint in session
     * @param session
     * @param endpointId
     * @param status
     * @param message
    private void setStatus ( HttpSession session, String endpointId, ProcessStatus status, String message ) {
        session.setAttribute( "integrityCheck_" + endpointId, status );
        if ( message != null ) {
            session.setAttribute( "integrityCheck_message_" + endpointId, message );
        } else {
            session.removeAttribute( "integrityCheck_message_" + endpointId );

     * Removes the integrity checking thread from session and a given endpoint id
     * @param request
     * @param endpointId
    private void clearThreadInSession ( HttpServletRequest request, String endpointId ) {
        clearThreadInSession( request.getSession(), endpointId );

     * Removes the integrity checking thread from session and a given endpoint id
     * @param session
     * @param endpointId
    private void clearThreadInSession ( HttpSession session, String endpointId ) {
        session.removeAttribute( "integrityThread_" + endpointId );
        session.removeAttribute( "integrityDataRequest_" + endpointId );

     * Adds the integrity checking thread into the session for a given endpoint id
     * @param request
     * @param thread
     * @param endpointId
     * @param integrityDataRequestID
    private void addThreadToSession ( HttpServletRequest request, Thread thread, String endpointId, String integrityDataRequestID ) {
        addThreadToSession( request.getSession(), thread, endpointId, integrityDataRequestID );

     * Adds the integrity checking thread into the session for a given endpoint id
     * @param session
     * @param thread
     * @param endpointId
     * @param integrityDataRequestID
    private void addThreadToSession ( HttpSession session, Thread thread, String endpointId, String integrityDataRequestID ) {
        session.setAttribute( "integrityThread_" + endpointId, thread );
        session.setAttribute( "integrityDataRequest_" + endpointId, integrityDataRequestID );

     * Prepares a Response object with a given response text. The creation depends if it is an error or not.
     * @param response
     * @param error
     * @return
    private Response response ( String response, Boolean error ) {
        return response( response, error, "application/json" );

     * Prepares a Response object with a given response text. The creation depends if it is an error or not.
     * @param response
     * @param error
     * @param contentType
     * @return
    private Response response ( String response, Boolean error, String contentType ) {
        if ( error ) {
            return Response.status( HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR ).entity( response ).build();
        } else {
            return Response.ok( response, contentType ).build();


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