Package org.geoserver.wfs.v1_1

Source Code of org.geoserver.wfs.v1_1.TransactionTest

/* (c) 2014 Open Source Geospatial Foundation - all rights reserved
* (c) 2001 - 2013 OpenPlans
* This code is licensed under the GPL 2.0 license, available at the root
* application directory.
package org.geoserver.wfs.v1_1;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.xml.namespace.QName;

import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.XMLAssert;
import org.geoserver.catalog.Catalog;
import org.geoserver.catalog.CatalogBuilder;
import org.geoserver.catalog.DataStoreInfo;
import org.geoserver.catalog.FeatureTypeInfo;
import org.geoserver.wfs.WFSTestSupport;
import org.geotools.feature.DefaultFeatureCollection;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder;
import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;

import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;

public class TransactionTest extends WFSTestSupport {

    public static final QName WITH_GML = new QName(SystemTestData.SF_URI,
        "WithGMLProperties", SystemTestData.SF_PREFIX);

    public void revert() throws Exception {
        getTestData().addVectorLayer(WITH_GML, Collections.EMPTY_MAP, getClass(),

    public void testInsert1() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
                + " xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
                + " xmlns:gml=\"\" "
                + " xmlns:sf=\"\">"
                + "<wfs:Insert handle=\"insert-1\">"
                + " <sf:PrimitiveGeoFeature gml:id=\"cite.gmlsf0-f01\">"
                + "  <gml:description>"
                + "Fusce tellus ante, tempus nonummy, ornare sed, accumsan nec, leo."
                + "Vivamus pulvinar molestie nisl."
                + "</gml:description>"
                + "<gml:name>Aliquam condimentum felis sit amet est.</gml:name>"
                //+ "<gml:name codeSpace=\"\">cite.gmlsf0-f01</gml:name>"
                + "<sf:curveProperty>"
                + "  <gml:LineString gml:id=\"cite.gmlsf0-g01\" srsName=\"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11.2:4326\">"
                + "   <gml:posList>47.608284 19.034142 51.286873 16.7836 49.849854 15.764992</gml:posList>"
                + " </gml:LineString>"
                + "</sf:curveProperty>"
                + "<sf:intProperty>1025</sf:intProperty>"
                + "<sf:measurand>7.405E2</sf:measurand>"
                + "<sf:dateTimeProperty>2006-06-23T12:43:12+01:00</sf:dateTimeProperty>"
                + "<sf:decimalProperty>90.62</sf:decimalProperty>"
                + "</sf:PrimitiveGeoFeature>"
                + "</wfs:Insert>"
                + "<wfs:Insert handle=\"insert-2\">"
                + "<sf:AggregateGeoFeature gml:id=\"cite.gmlsf0-f02\">"
                + " <gml:description>"
                + "Duis nulla nisi, molestie vel, rhoncus a, ullamcorper eu, justo. Sed bibendum."
                + " Ut sem. Mauris nec nunc a eros aliquet pharetra. Mauris nonummy, pede et"
                + " tincidunt ultrices, mauris lectus fermentum massa, in ullamcorper lectus"
                + "felis vitae metus. Sed imperdiet sollicitudin dolor."
                + " </gml:description>"
                + " <gml:name codeSpace=\"\">cite.gmlsf0-f02</gml:name>"
                + " <gml:name>Quisqué viverra</gml:name>"
                + " <gml:boundedBy>"
                + "   <gml:Envelope srsName=\"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11.2:4326\">"
                + "     <gml:lowerCorner>36.1 8.0</gml:lowerCorner>"
                + "    <gml:upperCorner>52.0 21.1</gml:upperCorner>"
                + "   </gml:Envelope>"
                + "  </gml:boundedBy>"
                + "   <sf:multiPointProperty>"
                + "<gml:MultiPoint srsName=\"urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:6.11.2:4326\">"
                + "<gml:pointMember>"
                + " <gml:Point><gml:pos>49.325176 21.036873</gml:pos></gml:Point>"
                + "</gml:pointMember>"
                + "<gml:pointMember>"
                + "  <gml:Point><gml:pos>36.142586 13.56189</gml:pos></gml:Point>"
                + "</gml:pointMember>"
                + "<gml:pointMember>"
                + "  <gml:Point><gml:pos>51.920937 8.014193</gml:pos></gml:Point>"
                + "</gml:pointMember>"
                + "</gml:MultiPoint>"
                + "</sf:multiPointProperty>"

                + "  <sf:intRangeProperty>43</sf:intRangeProperty>"
                + " <sf:strProperty>"
                + "Donec ligulä pede, sodales iń, vehicula eu, sodales et, lêo."
                + "</sf:strProperty>"
                + "<sf:featureCode>AK121</sf:featureCode>"
                + "</sf:AggregateGeoFeature>"
                + "</wfs:Insert>"
                + "</wfs:Transaction>";

        Document dom = postAsDOM("wfs", xml);
        assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement()
        assertTrue(dom.getElementsByTagName("ogc:FeatureId").getLength() > 0);

    public void testInsertWithNoSRS() throws Exception {
        // 1. do a getFeature
        String getFeature = "<wfs:GetFeature " + "service=\"WFS\" " + "version=\"1.1.0\" "
                + "xmlns:cgf=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:ogc=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:wfs=\"\" " + "> "
                + "<wfs:Query typeName=\"cgf:Points\"> "
                + "<wfs:PropertyName>cite:id</wfs:PropertyName> " + "</wfs:Query> "
                + "</wfs:GetFeature>";

        Document dom = postAsDOM("wfs", getFeature);
        int n = dom.getElementsByTagName("cgf:Points").getLength();

        // perform an insert
        String insert = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
                + "xmlns:cgf=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:ogc=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:gml=\"\"> " + "<wfs:Insert > " + "<cgf:Points>"
                + "<cgf:pointProperty>" + "<gml:Point>" + "<gml:pos>20 40</gml:pos>"
                + "</gml:Point>" + "</cgf:pointProperty>" + "<cgf:id>t0002</cgf:id>"
                + "</cgf:Points>" + "</wfs:Insert>" + "</wfs:Transaction>";

        dom = postAsDOM("wfs", insert);

        NodeList numberInserteds = dom.getElementsByTagName("wfs:totalInserted");
        Element numberInserted = (Element) numberInserteds.item(0);
        assertEquals("1", numberInserted.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        String fid = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "ogc:FeatureId").getAttribute("fid");
        // check insertion occurred
        dom = postAsDOM("wfs", getFeature);
        assertEquals(n + 1, dom.getElementsByTagName("cgf:Points").getLength());

        // check coordinate order is preserved
        getFeature = "<wfs:GetFeature " + "service=\"WFS\" " + "version=\"1.1.0\" "
            + "xmlns:cgf=\"\" "
            + "xmlns:ogc=\"\" "
            + "xmlns:wfs=\"\" " + "> "
            + "<wfs:Query typeName=\"cgf:Points\"> "
            + "<ogc:Filter>"
            + "<ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>"
            + "<ogc:PropertyName>cgf:id</ogc:PropertyName>"
            + "<ogc:Literal>t0002</ogc:Literal>"
            + "</ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>"
            + "</ogc:Filter></wfs:Query> "
            + "</wfs:GetFeature>";
        dom = postAsDOM("wfs", getFeature);
//        print(dom);
        assertEquals("20.0 40.0", getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "gml:pos").getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

    public void testInsertWithSRS() throws Exception {

        // 1. do a getFeature
        String getFeature = "<wfs:GetFeature " + "service=\"WFS\" " + "version=\"1.1.0\" "
                + "xmlns:cgf=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:ogc=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:wfs=\"\" " + "> "
                + "<wfs:Query typeName=\"cgf:Points\"/> "
                + "</wfs:GetFeature>";

        Document dom = postAsDOM("wfs", getFeature);
//        print(dom);
        int n = dom.getElementsByTagName("cgf:Points").getLength();

        // perform an insert
        String insert = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
                + "xmlns:cgf=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:ogc=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:gml=\"\"> "
                + "<wfs:Insert srsName=\"EPSG:32615\"> " + "<cgf:Points>" + "<cgf:pointProperty>"
                + "<gml:Point>" + "<gml:pos>1 1</gml:pos>" + "</gml:Point>"
                + "</cgf:pointProperty>" + "<cgf:id>t0003</cgf:id>" + "</cgf:Points>"
                + "</wfs:Insert>" + "</wfs:Transaction>";

        dom = postAsDOM("wfs", insert);

        NodeList numberInserteds = dom.getElementsByTagName("wfs:totalInserted");
        Element numberInserted = (Element) numberInserteds.item(0);

        assertEquals("1", numberInserted.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

        // do another get feature
        getFeature = "<wfs:GetFeature " + "service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
                + "xmlns:cgf=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:ogc=\"\" "
                + "xmlns:wfs=\"\" " + "> "
                + "<wfs:Query typeName=\"cgf:Points\"> "
                + "</wfs:Query> "
                + "</wfs:GetFeature>";
        dom = postAsDOM("wfs", getFeature);
//        print(dom);

        NodeList pointsList = dom.getElementsByTagName("cgf:Points");
        assertEquals(n + 1, pointsList.getLength());

    public void testInsertWithGMLProperties() throws Exception {
         String xml = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" " +
             "xmlns:wfs=\"\" " +
             "xmlns:sf=\"\" " +
             "<wfs:Insert>" +   
               "<sf:WithGMLProperties>" +
                  "<gml:location>" +
                       "<gml:Point>" +
                          "<gml:coordinates>2,2</gml:coordinates>" +
                       "</gml:Point>" +
                   "</gml:location>" +
                   "<gml:name>two</gml:name>" +
                   "<sf:foo>2</sf:foo>" +
                 "</sf:WithGMLProperties>" +
               "</wfs:Insert>" +
         Document dom = postAsDOM("wfs", xml);
         assertEquals( "wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
         Element inserted = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalInserted");
         assertEquals( "1", inserted.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
         dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&service=wfs&version=1.1.0&typename=sf:WithGMLProperties");
         NodeList features = dom.getElementsByTagName("sf:WithGMLProperties");
         assertEquals( 2, features.getLength() );
         Element feature = (Element) features.item( 1 );
         assertEquals( "two", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "gml:name" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
         assertEquals( "2", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "sf:foo" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
         Element location = getFirstElementByTagName( feature, "gml:location" );
         Element pos = getFirstElementByTagName(location, "gml:pos");
         assertEquals( "2.0 2.0", pos.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() );
         xml = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" " +
         "xmlns:wfs=\"\" " +
         "xmlns:sf=\"\" " +
         "<wfs:Insert>" +   
           "<sf:WithGMLProperties>" +
              "<sf:location>" +
                   "<gml:Point>" +
                      "<gml:coordinates>3,3</gml:coordinates>" +
                   "</gml:Point>" +
               "</sf:location>" +
               "<sf:name>three</sf:name>" +
               "<sf:foo>3</sf:foo>" +
             "</sf:WithGMLProperties>" +
           "</wfs:Insert>" +
         dom = postAsDOM("wfs", xml);
         assertEquals( "wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
         dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&service=wfs&version=1.1.0&typename=sf:WithGMLProperties");
         features = dom.getElementsByTagName("sf:WithGMLProperties");
         assertEquals( 3, features.getLength() );
         feature = (Element) features.item( 2 );
         assertEquals( "three", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "gml:name" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
         assertEquals( "3", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "sf:foo" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
         location = getFirstElementByTagName( feature, "gml:location" );
         pos = getFirstElementByTagName(location, "gml:pos");
         assertEquals( "3.0 3.0", pos.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() );
    public void testUpdateWithGMLProperties() throws Exception {
        String xml =
            "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\"" +
               " xmlns:sf=\"\"" +
               " xmlns:ogc=\"\"" +
               " xmlns:gml=\"\"" +
               " xmlns:wfs=\"\">" +
               " <wfs:Update typeName=\"sf:WithGMLProperties\">" +
               "   <wfs:Property>" +
               "     <wfs:Name>gml:name</wfs:Name>" +
               "     <wfs:Value>two</wfs:Value>" +
               "   </wfs:Property>" +
               "   <wfs:Property>" +
               "     <wfs:Name>gml:location</wfs:Name>" +
               "     <wfs:Value>" +
               "        <gml:Point>" +
               "          <gml:coordinates>2,2</gml:coordinates>" +
               "        </gml:Point>" +
               "     </wfs:Value>" +
               "   </wfs:Property>" +
               "   <wfs:Property>" +
               "     <wfs:Name>sf:foo</wfs:Name>" +
               "     <wfs:Value>2</wfs:Value>" +
               "   </wfs:Property>" +
               "   <ogc:Filter>" +
               "     <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
               "       <ogc:PropertyName>foo</ogc:PropertyName>" +
               "       <ogc:Literal>1</ogc:Literal>" +
               "     </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
               "   </ogc:Filter>" +
               " </wfs:Update>" +

        Document dom = postAsDOM( "wfs", xml );
        assertEquals( "wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
        Element updated = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalUpdated");
        assertEquals( "1", updated.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&service=wfs&version=1.1.0&typename=sf:WithGMLProperties");
//        print( dom );
        NodeList features = dom.getElementsByTagName("sf:WithGMLProperties");
        assertEquals( 1, features.getLength() );
        Element feature = (Element) features.item( 0 );
        assertEquals( "two", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "gml:name" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        assertEquals( "2", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "sf:foo" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        Element location = getFirstElementByTagName( feature, "gml:location" );
        Element pos = getFirstElementByTagName(location, "gml:pos");
        assertEquals( "2.0 2.0", pos.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() );
        xml =
            "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\"" +
               " xmlns:sf=\"\"" +
               " xmlns:ogc=\"\"" +
               " xmlns:gml=\"\"" +
               " xmlns:wfs=\"\">" +
               " <wfs:Update typeName=\"sf:WithGMLProperties\">" +
               "   <wfs:Property>" +
               "     <wfs:Name>sf:name</wfs:Name>" +
               "     <wfs:Value>trhee</wfs:Value>" +
               "   </wfs:Property>" +
               "   <wfs:Property>" +
               "     <wfs:Name>sf:location</wfs:Name>" +
               "     <wfs:Value>" +
               "        <gml:Point>" +
               "          <gml:coordinates>3,3</gml:coordinates>" +
               "        </gml:Point>" +
               "     </wfs:Value>" +
               "   </wfs:Property>" +
               "   <wfs:Property>" +
               "     <wfs:Name>sf:foo</wfs:Name>" +
               "     <wfs:Value>3</wfs:Value>" +
               "   </wfs:Property>" +
               "   <ogc:Filter>" +
               "     <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
               "       <ogc:PropertyName>foo</ogc:PropertyName>" +
               "       <ogc:Literal>2</ogc:Literal>" +
               "     </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
               "   </ogc:Filter>" +
               " </wfs:Update>" +

        dom = postAsDOM( "wfs", xml );
        assertEquals( "wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
        updated = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalUpdated");
        assertEquals( "1", updated.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=getfeature&service=wfs&version=1.1.0&typename=sf:WithGMLProperties");
        features = dom.getElementsByTagName("sf:WithGMLProperties");
        assertEquals( 1, features.getLength() );
        feature = (Element) features.item( 0 );
        assertEquals( "trhee", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "gml:name" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        assertEquals( "3", getFirstElementByTagName(feature, "sf:foo" ).getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        location = getFirstElementByTagName( feature, "gml:location" );
        pos = getFirstElementByTagName(location, "gml:pos");
        assertEquals( "3.0 3.0", pos.getFirstChild().getNodeValue() );
    public void testInsertWithBoundedBy() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
            + " xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
            + " xmlns:gml=\"\" "
            + " xmlns:cite=\"\">"
            + "<wfs:Insert>"
            + " <cite:BasicPolygons>"
            + " <gml:boundedBy>"
            + "  <gml:Envelope>"
            + "<gml:lowerCorner>-1.0 2.0</gml:lowerCorner>"
            + "<gml:upperCorner>2.0 5.0</gml:upperCorner>"
            + "  </gml:Envelope>"
            + " </gml:boundedBy>"
            + "  <cite:the_geom>"
            + "    <gml:MultiPolygon>"
            + "      <gml:polygonMember>"
            + "         <gml:Polygon>"
            + "<gml:exterior>"
            + "<gml:LinearRing>"
            + "<gml:posList>-1.0 5.0 2.0 5.0 2.0 2.0 -1.0 2.0 -1.0 5.0</gml:posList>"
            + "</gml:LinearRing>"
            + "</gml:exterior>"
            + "         </gml:Polygon>"
            + "      </gml:polygonMember>"
            + "    </gml:MultiPolygon>"
            + "  </cite:the_geom>"
            + "  <cite:ID>foo</cite:ID>"
            + " </cite:BasicPolygons>"
            + "</wfs:Insert>"
            + "</wfs:Transaction>";
        Document dom = postAsDOM("wfs", xml);
        assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
        assertEquals( "1", getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalInserted").getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        assertTrue(dom.getElementsByTagName("ogc:FeatureId").getLength() > 0);
    public void testInsert2() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
            + " xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
            + " xmlns:gml=\"\" "
            + " xmlns:cite=\"\">"
            + "<wfs:Insert>"
            + " <cite:RoadSegments>"
            + "  <cite:the_geom>"
            + "<gml:MultiLineString xmlns:gml=\"\""
            + "    srsName=\"EPSG:4326\">"
            + " <gml:lineStringMember>"
            + "                  <gml:LineString>"
            + "                   <gml:posList>4.2582 52.0643 4.2584 52.0648</gml:posList>"
            + "                 </gml:LineString>"
            + "               </gml:lineStringMember>"
            + "             </gml:MultiLineString>"
            + "  </cite:the_geom>"
            + "  <cite:FID>foo</cite:FID>"
            + "  <cite:NAME>bar</cite:NAME>"
            + " </cite:RoadSegments>"
            + "</wfs:Insert>"
            + "</wfs:Transaction>";
        Document dom = postAsDOM( "wfs", xml );
        assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
        assertEquals( "1", getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalInserted").getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        dom = getAsDOM( "wfs?version=1.1.0&request=getfeature&typename=cite:RoadSegments&srsName=EPSG:4326&" +
//        print(dom);
        assertEquals( "wfs:FeatureCollection", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
        assertEquals( 1, dom.getElementsByTagName("cite:RoadSegments").getLength() );
        Element roadSegment = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "cite:RoadSegments" );
        Element posList = getFirstElementByTagName( roadSegment, "gml:posList" );
        String[] pos = posList.getFirstChild().getTextContent().split( " " );
        assertEquals( 4, pos.length );
        assertEquals( 4.2582, Double.parseDouble( pos[0] ), 1E-4 );
        assertEquals( 52.0643, Double.parseDouble( pos[1] ), 1E-4 );
        assertEquals( 4.2584, Double.parseDouble( pos[2] ), 1E-4 );
        assertEquals( 52.0648, Double.parseDouble( pos[3] ), 1E-4 );
    public void testUpdateForcedSRS() throws Exception {
    public void testUpdateNoSRS() throws Exception {
    private void testUpdate(String srs) throws Exception {
        String xml =
        "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\"" +
        " xmlns:cite=\"\"" +
        " xmlns:ogc=\"\"" +
        " xmlns:gml=\"\"" +
        " xmlns:wfs=\"\">" +
        " <wfs:Update typeName=\"cite:RoadSegments\">" +
        "   <wfs:Property>" +
        "     <wfs:Name>cite:the_geom</wfs:Name>" +
        "     <wfs:Value>" +
        "      <gml:MultiLineString xmlns:gml=\"\" " + srs + ">" +
        "       <gml:lineStringMember>" +
        "         <gml:LineString>" +
        "            <gml:posList>4.2582 52.0643 4.2584 52.0648</gml:posList>" +
        "         </gml:LineString>" +
        "       </gml:lineStringMember>" +
        "      </gml:MultiLineString>" +
        "     </wfs:Value>" +
        "   </wfs:Property>" +
        "   <ogc:Filter>" +
        "     <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
        "       <ogc:PropertyName>FID</ogc:PropertyName>" +
        "       <ogc:Literal>102</ogc:Literal>" +
        "     </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
        "   </ogc:Filter>" +
        " </wfs:Update>" +
        Document dom = postAsDOM( "wfs", xml );
        assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
        assertEquals( "1", getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalUpdated").getFirstChild().getNodeValue());
        String srsBlock = "".equals(srs) ? "" : "&" + srs.replaceAll("\"", "");
        dom = getAsDOM( "wfs?version=1.1.0&request=getfeature&typename=cite:RoadSegments" + srsBlock + "&" +
        assertEquals( "wfs:FeatureCollection", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName() );
        assertEquals( 1, dom.getElementsByTagName("cite:RoadSegments").getLength() );
        Element roadSegment = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "cite:RoadSegments" );
        Element posList = getFirstElementByTagName( roadSegment, "gml:posList" );
        String[] pos = posList.getFirstChild().getTextContent().split( " " );
        assertEquals( 4, pos.length );
        assertEquals( 4.2582, Double.parseDouble( pos[0] ), 1E-4 );
        assertEquals( 52.0643, Double.parseDouble( pos[1] ), 1E-4 );
        assertEquals( 4.2584, Double.parseDouble( pos[2] ), 1E-4 );
        assertEquals( 52.0648, Double.parseDouble( pos[3] ), 1E-4 );
    public void testUpdateWithInvalidProperty() throws Exception {
        String xml =
            "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\"" +
            " xmlns:cite=\"\"" +
            " xmlns:ogc=\"\"" +
            " xmlns:gml=\"\"" +
            " xmlns:wfs=\"\">" +
            " <wfs:Update typeName=\"cite:RoadSegments\">" +
            "   <wfs:Property>" +
            "     <wfs:Name>INVALID</wfs:Name>" +
            "     <wfs:Value>INVALID</wfs:Value>" +
            "   </wfs:Property>" +
            "   <ogc:Filter>" +
            "     <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
            "       <ogc:PropertyName>FID</ogc:PropertyName>" +
            "       <ogc:Literal>102</ogc:Literal>" +
            "     </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
            "   </ogc:Filter>" +
            " </wfs:Update>" +
            Document dom = postAsDOM( "wfs", xml );
            assertEquals("ows:ExceptionReport", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
    public void testInsertLayerQualified() throws Exception {
        String xml = "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
            + " xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
            + " xmlns:gml=\"\" "
            + " xmlns:cite=\"\">"
            + "<wfs:Insert>"
            + " <cite:RoadSegments>"
            + "  <cite:the_geom>"
            + "<gml:MultiLineString xmlns:gml=\"\""
            + "    srsName=\"EPSG:4326\">"
            + " <gml:lineStringMember>"
            + "                  <gml:LineString>"
            + "                   <gml:posList>4.2582 52.0643 4.2584 52.0648</gml:posList>"
            + "                 </gml:LineString>"
            + "               </gml:lineStringMember>"
            + "             </gml:MultiLineString>"
            + "  </cite:the_geom>"
            + "  <cite:FID>foo</cite:FID>"
            + "  <cite:NAME>bar</cite:NAME>"
            + " </cite:RoadSegments>"
            + "</wfs:Insert>"
            + "</wfs:Transaction>";
        Document dom = postAsDOM( "cite/Forests/wfs", xml );
        XMLAssert.assertXpathEvaluatesTo("1", "count(//ows:ExceptionReport)", dom);
        dom = postAsDOM( "cite/RoadSegments/wfs", xml );
        assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
        assertEquals( "1", getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalInserted").getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

    public void testUpdateLayerQualified() throws Exception {
        String xml =
            "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\"" +
            " xmlns:cite=\"\"" +
            " xmlns:ogc=\"\"" +
            " xmlns:gml=\"\"" +
            " xmlns:wfs=\"\">" +
            " <wfs:Update typeName=\"RoadSegments\">" +
            "   <wfs:Property>" +
            "     <wfs:Name>cite:the_geom</wfs:Name>" +
            "     <wfs:Value>" +
            "      <gml:MultiLineString xmlns:gml=\"\">" +
            "       <gml:lineStringMember>" +
            "         <gml:LineString>" +
            "            <gml:posList>4.2582 52.0643 4.2584 52.0648</gml:posList>" +
            "         </gml:LineString>" +
            "       </gml:lineStringMember>" +
            "      </gml:MultiLineString>" +
            "     </wfs:Value>" +
            "   </wfs:Property>" +
            "   <ogc:Filter>" +
            "     <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
            "       <ogc:PropertyName>FID</ogc:PropertyName>" +
            "       <ogc:Literal>102</ogc:Literal>" +
            "     </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
            "   </ogc:Filter>" +
            " </wfs:Update>" +
            Document dom = postAsDOM( "cite/Forests/wfs", xml );
            XMLAssert.assertXpathEvaluatesTo("1", "count(//ows:ExceptionReport)", dom);
            dom = postAsDOM("cite/RoadSegments/wfs", xml);
            assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
            assertEquals( "1", getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalUpdated").getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

    public void testUpdateWithDifferentPrefix() throws Exception {
       String xml =
           "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\"" +
           " xmlns:ogc=\"\"" +
           " xmlns:gml=\"\"" +
           " xmlns:wfs=\"\">" +
           " <wfs:Update xmlns:foo=\"\" typeName=\"foo:RoadSegments\">" +
           "   <wfs:Property>" +
           "     <wfs:Name>foo:the_geom</wfs:Name>" +
           "     <wfs:Value>" +
           "     </wfs:Value>" +
           "   </wfs:Property>" +
           "   <ogc:Filter>" +
           "     <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
           "       <ogc:PropertyName>FID</ogc:PropertyName>" +
           "       <ogc:Literal>102</ogc:Literal>" +
           "     </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>" +
           "   </ogc:Filter>" +
           " </wfs:Update>" +
       Document dom = postAsDOM( "wfs", xml );
       assertEquals( "wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
       Element updated = getFirstElementByTagName(dom, "wfs:totalUpdated");
       assertEquals( "1", updated.getFirstChild().getNodeValue());

    public void testInsertUseExistingId() throws Exception {
       // create a store that can actually handle user specified ids
       // TODO: factor this out into base class or something
       Catalog cat = getCatalog();
       DataStoreInfo ds = cat.getFactory().createDataStore();
       Map params = ds.getConnectionParameters();
       params.put("dbtype", "h2");
       params.put("database", getTestData().getDataDirectoryRoot().getAbsolutePath());
       FeatureSource fs1 = getFeatureSource(SystemTestData.FIFTEEN);
       FeatureSource fs2 = getFeatureSource(SystemTestData.SEVEN);
       DataStore store = (DataStore) ds.getDataStore(null);
       SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder tb = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder();
       tb.add("name", String.class);
       tb.add("geom", Point.class);
       CatalogBuilder cb = new CatalogBuilder(cat);

       SimpleFeatureStore fs = (SimpleFeatureStore) store.getFeatureSource("bar");
       SimpleFeatureBuilder b = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(fs.getSchema());
       b.add(new WKTReader().read("POINT(1 1)"));

       DefaultFeatureCollection fc = new DefaultFeatureCollection();

       FeatureTypeInfo ft = cb.buildFeatureType(fs);

       String xml =
           "<wfs:Transaction service=\"WFS\" version=\"1.1.0\" "
               + " xmlns:wfs=\"\" "
               + " xmlns:gml=\"\" "
               + " xmlns:gs='" + SystemTestData.DEFAULT_URI + "'>"
               + "<wfs:Insert idgen='UseExisting'>"
               + " <gs:bar gml:id='bar.1234'>"
               + "    <gs:name>acme</gs:name>"
               + " </gs:bar>"
               + "</wfs:Insert>"
           + "</wfs:Transaction>";

       Document dom = postAsDOM("wfs", xml);
       assertEquals("wfs:TransactionResponse", dom.getDocumentElement().getNodeName());
       XMLAssert.assertXpathExists("//ogc:FeatureId[@fid = 'bar.1234']", dom);

       dom = getAsDOM("wfs?request=GetFeature&version=1.1.0&service=wfs&featureId=bar.1234");
       XMLAssert.assertXpathExists("//gs:bar[@gml:id = 'bar.1234']",dom);

Related Classes of org.geoserver.wfs.v1_1.TransactionTest

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