Package plugins.Freetalk.ui.web

Source Code of plugins.Freetalk.ui.web.BoardPage

/* This code is part of Freenet. It is distributed under the GNU General
* Public License, version 2 (or at your option any later version). See
* for further details of the GPL. */
package plugins.Freetalk.ui.web;

import java.text.DateFormat;

import plugins.Freetalk.Board;
import plugins.Freetalk.Freetalk;
import plugins.Freetalk.Identity;
import plugins.Freetalk.OwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard;
import plugins.Freetalk.SubscribedBoard.BoardThreadLink;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTIdentityManager;
import plugins.Freetalk.WoT.WoTOwnIdentity;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchBoardException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NoSuchIdentityException;
import plugins.Freetalk.exceptions.NotInTrustTreeException;
import freenet.l10n.BaseL10n;

* Displays the content messages of a subscribed board.
* @author xor (
public final class BoardPage extends WebPageImpl {

  private final SubscribedBoard mBoard;
    private final boolean mMarkAllThreadsAsRead;
    private final boolean mMarkAllThreadsAsUnread;
  public BoardPage(WebInterface myWebInterface, OwnIdentity viewer, HTTPRequest request, BaseL10n _baseL10n) throws NoSuchBoardException {
    super(myWebInterface, viewer, request, _baseL10n);
    mBoard = mFreetalk.getMessageManager().getSubscription(viewer, request.getParam("name"));
    mMarkAllThreadsAsRead = mRequest.isPartSet("MarkAllThreadsAsRead");
    mMarkAllThreadsAsUnread = mRequest.isPartSet("MarkAllThreadsAsUnread");

  public final void make() {

    HTMLNode threadsBox = addContentBox(l10n().getString("BoardPage.Threads.Header", "boardname" , mBoard.getName()));
    threadsBox = threadsBox.addChild("div", "class", "threads");
    // Button for creating a new thread
    HTMLNode buttonRow = threadsBox.addChild("div", "class", "button-row");
    HTMLNode newThreadButton = buttonRow.addChild("span", "class", "new-thread-button");
    HTMLNode newThreadForm = addFormChild(newThreadButton, Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/NewThread", "NewThreadPage");
      newThreadForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "hidden", "BoardName", mBoard.getName() });
      newThreadForm.addChild("input", new String[] { "type", "name", "value" }, new String[] { "submit", "submit", l10n().getString("BoardPage.CreateNewThreadButton") });
        // Button to mark all threads read
    HTMLNode markAllAsReadButton = buttonRow.addChild("span", "class", "mark-all-read-button");
        HTMLNode markAllAsReadButtonForm = addFormChild(markAllAsReadButton, getURI(mBoard.getName()), "BoardPage");
          markAllAsReadButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "name", mBoard.getName()});
          markAllAsReadButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "MarkAllThreadsAsRead", "true"});
          markAllAsReadButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit", l10n().getString("BoardPage.MarkAllThreadsAsReadButton") });

        // Button to mark all threads read
        HTMLNode markAllAsUnreadButton = buttonRow.addChild("span", "class", "mark-all-unread-button");
        HTMLNode markAllAsUnreadButtonForm = addFormChild(markAllAsUnreadButton, getURI(mBoard.getName()), "BoardPage");
          markAllAsUnreadButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "name", mBoard.getName()});
          markAllAsUnreadButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"hidden", "MarkAllThreadsAsUnread", "true"});
          markAllAsUnreadButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit", l10n().getString("BoardPage.MarkAllThreadsAsUnreadButton") });
        // Button to view not fetched messages
        HTMLNode showNotFetchedButton = buttonRow.addChild("span", "class", "show-not-fetched-button");
        HTMLNode showNotFetchedButtonForm = addFormChild(showNotFetchedButton, NotFetchedMessagesPage.getURI(mBoard), "NotFetchedMessagesPage");
        showNotFetchedButtonForm.addChild("input", new String[] {"type", "name", "value"}, new String[] {"submit", "submit", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ShowNotFetchedMessagesButton") });
        // Clear margins after button row.
        // TODO: Move to freetalk.css
        threadsBox.addChild("div", "style", "clear: both;");

    // Threads table
    HTMLNode threadsTable = threadsBox.addChild("table", "class", "threads-table");
    // Tell the browser the table columns and their sizes.
    HTMLNode colgroup = threadsTable.addChild("colgroup");
      colgroup.addChild("col", "width", "100%"); // Title, specifying the size only in CSS does not work.
      colgroup.addChild("col"); // Author
      colgroup.addChild("col"); // Trust
      colgroup.addChild("col"); // Date
      colgroup.addChild("col"); // Replies
      colgroup.addChild("col"); // Unread count
    HTMLNode row = threadsTable.addChild("thead").addChild("tr");
      row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.Title"));
      row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.Author"));
      row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.Trust"));
      row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.Date"));
      row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.Replies"));
      row.addChild("th", l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.Unread"));
    DateFormat dateFormat = DateFormat.getInstance();
    HTMLNode table = threadsTable.addChild("tbody");
    final WoTIdentityManager identityManager = mFreetalk.getIdentityManager();
    // TODO: We don't want to lock the identity manager here to make the displaying of the board FAST - it shouldn't wait until the lock
    // is available: Introduce a non-locking getIdentity() in the identity manager and use it - the locking one will cause deadlocks
    // if we do not lock the identity manager before the board.
    synchronized(identityManager) {
    synchronized(mBoard) {
        boolean firstUnread = true;
      for(BoardThreadLink threadReference : mBoard.getThreads()) {
        // TODO: The author in the threadReference is guessed from the ID if the thread was not downloaded...
        // we should display a warning that the fact "the original thread was written by X" might not be true because
        // thread-IDs can be spoofed - dunno how to do that in the table, maybe with colors?
        String authorText;
        String authorScore;
        // Author related stuff
          Identity author = null;
          // TODO: Use a colored "unknown" if the author/score is unknown
          // TODO: Use a special color if author == yourself
          authorText = "?"; // TODO: l10n
          authorScore = "?";
          try {
            author = identityManager.getIdentity(threadReference.getAuthorID());
            authorText = author.getShortestUniqueName();
            // TODO: Get rid of the cast somehow, we should maybe call this WoTBoardPage :|
            final int score = ((WoTOwnIdentity)mOwnIdentity).getScoreFor((WoTIdentity)author);
            if (score == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
              authorScore = l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.Score.Infinite");
              authorScore = Integer.toString(score);
          } catch(NoSuchIdentityException e) {
          } catch(NotInTrustTreeException e) {
            authorScore = l10n().getString("Common.WebOfTrust.ScoreNull");
          } catch(Exception e) {
            Logger.error(this, "getScoreFor() failed", e);
                // mark thread read if requested ...
                if (mMarkAllThreadsAsRead) {
                } else if(mMarkAllThreadsAsUnread) {

                final boolean threadWasRead = threadReference.wasThreadRead();
                final String threadTitle = threadReference.getMessageTitle();
        row = table.addChild("tr", "class", "thread-row");
        if(firstUnread && !threadReference.wasThreadRead()) {
          row.addAttribute("id", "FirstUnreadThread");
          firstUnread = false;
        /* Unread count */
        int unreadCount = 0;
        if(!threadWasRead) {
          if(!threadReference.wasRead()) {
          unreadCount += mBoard.threadUnreadReplyCount(threadReference.getThreadID());

        /* Title */
        HTMLNode titleCell = row.addChild("td", "class", threadWasRead ? "title-read" : "title-unread");
        if(unreadCount > 0) {
          titleCell.addChild(new HTMLNode("a", new String[]{"href", "title"}, new String[]{ThreadPage.getFirstUnreadURI(mBoard, threadReference), l10n().getString("BoardPage.ThreadTableHeader.GoToFirstUnreadMessage")}, "↪"));
          titleCell.addChild("#", " ");

        titleCell.addChild(new HTMLNode("a", "href", ThreadPage.getURI(mBoard, threadReference), threadTitle));

        /* Author */
        row.addChild("td", "class", "author-name", authorText);

        /* Trust */
        row.addChild("td", "class", "author-score", authorScore);

        /* Date of last reply */
        row.addChild("td", "class", "date", dateFormat.format(threadReference.getLastReplyDate()));

        /* Reply count */
        row.addChild("td", "class", "reply-count",  Integer.toString(mBoard.threadReplyCount(threadReference.getThreadID())));

        if(unreadCount == 0) {
          row.addChild("td", "class", "unread-count-0", Integer.toString(unreadCount));
        } else {
          row.addChild("td", "class", "unread-count").addChild("a", "href", ThreadPage.getFirstUnreadURI(mBoard, threadReference), Integer.toString(unreadCount));

  private void makeBreadcrumbs() {
    BreadcrumbTrail trail = new BreadcrumbTrail(l10n());
    BoardPage.addBreadcrumb(trail, mBoard);

  public static void addBreadcrumb(BreadcrumbTrail trail, Board board) {
    trail.addBreadcrumbInfo(board.getName(), getURI(board));
  public static void addBreadcrumb(BreadcrumbTrail trail, String boardName) {
    trail.addBreadcrumbInfo(boardName, getURI(boardName));
  public static String getURI(Board board) {
    return getURI(board.getName());
  public static String getURI(String boardName) {
    return Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showBoard?name=" + boardName;
  public static String getFirstUnreadURI(String boardName) {
    return Freetalk.PLUGIN_URI + "/showBoard?name=" + boardName + "#FirstUnreadThread";

Related Classes of plugins.Freetalk.ui.web.BoardPage

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