Package org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry

Source Code of org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.FormEntryContext

package org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Stack;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.openmrs.Concept;
import org.openmrs.Drug;
import org.openmrs.DrugOrder;
import org.openmrs.Encounter;
import org.openmrs.Location;
import org.openmrs.Obs;
import org.openmrs.Order;
import org.openmrs.Patient;
import org.openmrs.api.context.Context;
import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.matching.ObsGroupEntity;
import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.schema.HtmlFormSchema;
import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.schema.HtmlFormSection;
import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.schema.ObsGroup;
import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.widget.ErrorWidget;
import org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.widget.Widget;
import org.openmrs.util.LocaleUtility;
import org.openmrs.util.OpenmrsUtil;

* This class holds the context data around generating html widgets from tags in an HtmlForm.
* <p/>
* It allows you to register widgets, which assigns them an id/name in the generated html, and allows you to
* look up those id/names later. It allows you specify which error widget goes for which widget, so that error
* messages get displayed in the right place.
* <p/>
* It also holds existing data for an encounter in View mode, so that widgets can be set with
* their appropriate values.
* <p/>
* TODO rename this class: it's really more of the html generation context than a form entry context
* </p>
* TODO move Mode class up to FormEntrySession instead?
* <p>
* 'automaticClientSideValidation' means that elements and widgets should generate HTML that does things like numeric range
* checking when you blur a text field.
* 'clientSideValidationHints' means that elements and widgets should generate HTML where inputs have classes like "required"
* and "numeric-range", and attributes like "min" and "max".
* </p>
public class FormEntryContext {

    /** Logger for this class and subclasses */
    protected final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());
    private Mode mode;
    private Map<Widget, String> fieldNames = new HashMap<Widget, String>();
    private Map<Widget, ErrorWidget> errorWidgets = new HashMap<Widget, ErrorWidget>();
    private Map<String, String> javascriptFieldAccessorInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
    private Translator translator = new Translator();
    private HtmlFormSchema schema = new HtmlFormSchema();
    private Stack<Map<ObsGroup, List<Obs>>> obsGroupStack = new Stack<Map<ObsGroup, List<Obs>>>();
    private ObsGroup activeObsGroup;
    private Patient existingPatient;
    private Encounter existingEncounter;
    private Map<Concept, List<Obs>> existingObs;
    private Map<Concept, List<Order>> existingOrders;
    private Map<Obs, Set<Obs>> existingObsInGroups;

    private Stack<Concept> currentObsGroupConcepts = new Stack<Concept>();
    private List<Obs> currentObsGroupMembers;
    private Location defaultLocation;
    private Date previousEncounterDate;  // if the encounter has been edited on a form, this stores the prior encounter date
    private List<ObsGroupEntity> unmatchedObsGroupEntities = null;
    private boolean unmatchedMode = false;
    private boolean guessingInd = false;
    private HttpSession httpSession;

    private boolean automaticClientSideValidation = true;
    private boolean clientSideValidationHints = false;

    private Stack<Object> stack = new Stack<Object>();

    // TODO once Html Form Entry no longer supports older core versions that don't have visits, we should:
    // TODO 1) change the type of this variable to visit
    // TODO 2) change HtmlFormEntryController so that it correctly populates the context with the relevent visit (if available)
    private Object visit;

    public FormEntryContext(Mode mode) {
        this.mode = mode;
        setupExistingData((Encounter) null);
        schema.addSection(new HtmlFormSection());
     * Gets the {@see Mode} associated with this Context
     * @return the {@see Mode} associatd with this Context
    public Mode getMode() {
        return mode;
    private Integer sequenceNextVal = 1;
     * Registers a widget within the Context
     * @param widget the widget to register
     * @return the field id used to identify this widget in the HTML Form
    public String registerWidget(Widget widget) {
        if (fieldNames.containsKey(widget))
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("This widget is already registered");
        int thisVal = 0;
        synchronized (sequenceNextVal) {
            thisVal = sequenceNextVal;
            sequenceNextVal = sequenceNextVal + 1;           
        String fieldName = "w" + thisVal;
        fieldNames.put(widget, fieldName);
        if (log.isTraceEnabled())
          log.trace("Registered widget " + widget.getClass() + " as " + fieldName);
        return fieldName;
     * Registers an error widget within the Context
     * @param widget the widget to associate this error widget with
     * @param errorWidget the error widget to register
     * @return the field id used to identify this widget in the HTML Form
    public String registerErrorWidget(Widget widget, ErrorWidget errorWidget) {
        String errorWidgetId;
        if (!fieldNames.containsKey(errorWidget)) {
            errorWidgetId = registerWidget(errorWidget);
        } else {
            errorWidgetId = getFieldName(errorWidget);
        errorWidgets.put(widget, errorWidget);
        return errorWidgetId;

     * Gets the field id used to identify a specific widget within the HTML Form
     * @param widget the widget
     * @return the field id associated with the widget in the HTML Form
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the given widget is not registered
    public String getFieldName(Widget widget) {
        String fieldName = fieldNames.get(widget);
        if (fieldName == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Widget not registered");
            return fieldName;
     * Like {@link #getFieldName(Widget)} but returns null if the widget is not registered (instead
     * of throwing an exception).
     * @param widget
     * @return
    public String getFieldNameIfRegistered(Widget widget) {
        return fieldNames.get(widget);
     * @return the widget that is registered for the given field name, or null if there is none
  public Widget getWidgetByFieldName(String fieldName) {
    for (Map.Entry<Widget, String> e : fieldNames.entrySet()) {
      if (e.getValue().equals(fieldName))
        return e.getKey();
    return null;
     * Gets the field id used to identify a specific error widget within the HTML Form
     * @param widget the widget
     * @return the field id associated with the error widget in the HTML Form
    public String getErrorFieldId(Widget widget) {
        return getFieldName(errorWidgets.get(widget));
     * Gets the fields ids for all currently registered error widgets
     * @return a set of all the field ids for all currently registered error widgets
    public Collection<String> getErrorDivIds() {
        Set<String> ret = new HashSet<String>();
        for (ErrorWidget e : errorWidgets.values())
        return ret;
     * Marks the start of a new {@see ObsGroup} within current Context
    public void beginObsGroup(Concept conceptSet, Obs thisGroup, ObsGroup obsGroupSchemaObj) {
        activeObsGroup = obsGroupSchemaObj;
        Map<ObsGroup, List<Obs>> map = new HashMap<ObsGroup, List<Obs>>();
        map.put(this.getActiveObsGroup(), currentObsGroupMembers);
     * Gets the {@see ObsGroup} that is currently active within the current Context
     * @return the currently active {@see ObsGroup}
    public ObsGroup getActiveObsGroup() {
      return activeObsGroup;
     * Sets the active Obs group members to the Obs that are associated with the Obs passed as a parameter
     * @param group an Obs that should have group members
    public void setObsGroup(Obs group) {
        if (group == null) {
            currentObsGroupMembers = null;
        } else {
            currentObsGroupMembers = new ArrayList<Obs>();
            for (Obs o : group.getGroupMembers())
     * Closes the active {@see ObsGroup} and adds it to the Html Form Schema
    public void endObsGroup() {
        //remove itself
        if (!obsGroupStack.isEmpty()){

        //set the activeObsGroup back to parent, if there is one.
        if (!obsGroupStack.isEmpty()){
            Map<ObsGroup, List<Obs>> map = obsGroupStack.peek();
            for (Map.Entry<ObsGroup, List<Obs>> e : map.entrySet()){
                currentObsGroupMembers = e.getValue();
                activeObsGroup = e.getKey();
        } else {
            currentObsGroupMembers = null;
            activeObsGroup = null;
     * Returns the concepts associated with the active {@see ObsGroup}
     * @return a list of the concepts associated with the active {@see ObsGroup}
    public List<Concept> getCurrentObsGroupConcepts() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(currentObsGroupConcepts);
     * Returns (and removes) the Obs from the current {@see ObsGroup} with the specified concept and answer concept
     * @param concept the concept associated with the Obs we are looking for
     * @param answerConcept the concept associated with the coded value of the Obs we are looking for (may be null)
     * @return the Obs from the current {@see ObsGroup} with the specified concept and answer concept
    public Obs getObsFromCurrentGroup(Concept concept, Concept answerConcept) {
        if (currentObsGroupMembers == null)
            return null;
        for (Iterator<Obs> iter = currentObsGroupMembers.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
            Obs obs =;
            if (!obs.isVoided() && (concept == null || concept.getConceptId().equals(obs.getConcept().getConceptId())) &&
                    (answerConcept == null || equalConcepts(answerConcept, obs.getValueCoded()))) {
                return obs;
        return null;
     * Sets the Patient to associate with the context
     * @param patient patient to associate with the context
    public void setupExistingData(Patient patient) {
      existingPatient = patient;
     * Sets the existing Encounter to associate with the context.
     * Also sets all the Obs associated with this Encounter as existing Obs
     * Also sets all the Orders associated with this Encounter as existing Orders
     * @param encounter encounter to associate with the context
  public void setupExistingData(Encounter encounter) {
    existingEncounter = encounter;
    existingObs = new HashMap<Concept, List<Obs>>();
    existingOrders = new HashMap<Concept, List<Order>>();
    if (encounter != null) {
      for (Obs obs : encounter.getObsAtTopLevel(false)) {
        List<Obs> list = existingObs.get(obs.getConcept());
        if (list == null) {
          list = new LinkedList<Obs>();
          existingObs.put(obs.getConcept(), list);
      for (Order order : encounter.getOrders()) {
          if (!order.isVoided()){
            //load subclasses for later retrieval
                    order = (Order) Context.getOrderService().getOrder(order.getOrderId());
              List<Order> list = existingOrders.get(order.getConcept());
            if (list == null) {
              list = new LinkedList<Order>();
              existingOrders.put(order.getConcept(), list);
    guessingInd = false;
    existingObsInGroups = new LinkedHashMap<Obs, Set<Obs>>();
    if (encounter != null)
     * Sets obs associated with an obs groups in existing obs groups.
     * @param oSet the obsGroup to add to existingObsInGroups
    public void setupExistingObsInGroups(Set<Obs> oSet){
        for (Obs parent : oSet)      
            if (parent.isObsGrouping()){
                existingObsInGroups.put(parent, parent.getGroupMembers());
      * Removes an Obs or ObsGroup of the relevant Concept from existingObs, and returns it. Use this version
      * for obs whose concept's datatype is not boolean.
     * @param question the concept associated with the Obs to remove
     * @param answer the concept that serves as the answer for Obs to remove (may be null)
     * @return
    public Obs removeExistingObs(Concept question, Concept answer) {
        List<Obs> list = existingObs.get(question);
        if (list != null) {
            for (Iterator<Obs> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Obs test =;
                if (answer == null || equalConcepts(answer, test.getValueCoded())) {
                    if (list.size() == 0)
                    return test;
        return null;
     * Removes an Obs or ObsGroup of the relevant Concept from existingObs, and returns it. Use this version
     * for ConceptSelect obs tags.
    * @param questions the concepts associated with the Obs to remove
    * @param answer the concept that serves as the answer for Obs to remove (may NOT be null)
    * @return
    public Obs removeExistingObs(List<Concept> questions, Concept answer) {
        for (Concept question:questions){
            Obs ret = removeExistingObs(question, answer);
            if (ret != null)
                return ret;
        return null;

     * Finds whether there is existing obs created for the question concept and numeric answer,
     * returns that <obs> if any, Use this only when datatype is numeric and style="checkbox"
     * @param question - the concept associated with the Obs to acquire
     * @param numericAns - numeric answer given with <obs/> declaration
     * @return the matching Obs, if any
    public Obs removeExistingObs(Concept question, String numericAns) {

        Number numVal = Double.valueOf(numericAns);
        List<Obs> list = existingObs.get(question);
        if (list != null) {
            for (Iterator<Obs> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Obs test =;
                if (test.getValueNumeric().equals(numVal)) {
                    if (list.size() == 0) {
                    return test;

        return null;

   * Removes an Obs or ObsGroup of the relevant Concept from existingObs, and returns the list for
   * the question. Use this version for obtaining the whole list of obs saved for the single
   * Question concept.Presently used for dynamic lists.
   * @param question concept associated with the Obs to remove
   * @return the list of obs associated with it
  public List<Obs> removeExistingObs(Concept question) {
    List<Obs> list = existingObs.get(question);
    return list;
   * Removes an Order of the relevant Concept from existingOrders, and returns it.
   * @param concept - question the concept associated with the Obs to remove
   * @return
  public Order removeExistingOrder(Concept concept) {
    List<Order> list = existingOrders.get(concept);
    if (list != null) {
      for (Iterator<Order> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
        Order test =;
        if (equalConcepts(concept, test.getConcept())) {
          if (list.size() == 0)
          return test;
    return null;
   * checks the existing orders property and return a list of all as-of-yet unmatched orders
   * @return the list of orders
  public List<Order> getRemainingExistingOrders(){
    List<Order> ret = new ArrayList<Order>();
    if (this.getExistingOrders() != null){
      for (Map.Entry<Concept, List<Order>> e : this.getExistingOrders().entrySet()){
        List<Order> ords = e.getValue();
        for (Order o : ords)
    return ret;
     * Removes a DrugOrder of the relevant Drug.Concept from existingOrders, and returns it.
     * @param drug- the drug associated with the DrugOrder to remove
     * @return
    public DrugOrder removeExistingDrugOrder(Drug drug) {
        if (drug != null){
            Concept concept = drug.getConcept();
            List<Order> list = existingOrders.get(concept);
            if (list != null) {
                for (Iterator<Order> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
                    Order test =;
                    if (test instanceof DrugOrder){
                        DrugOrder testDrugOrder = (DrugOrder) test;
                        if (equalDrug(testDrugOrder.getDrug(), drug)) {
                            if (list.size() == 0)
                            return testDrugOrder;
        return null;
     * This method exists because of the stupid bug where Concept.equals(Concept) doesn't always work.
    private boolean equalDrug(Drug c1, Drug c2) {
        return OpenmrsUtil.nullSafeEquals(c1 == null ? null : c1.getDrugId(), c2 == null ? null : c2.getDrugId());
     * This method exists because of the stupid bug where Concept.equals(Concept) doesn't always work.
    private boolean equalConcepts(Concept c1, Concept c2) {
      return OpenmrsUtil.nullSafeEquals(c1 == null ? null : c1.getConceptId(), c2 == null ? null : c2.getConceptId());

     * Removes (and returns) an Obs or ObsGroup associated with a specified Concept from existingObs.
     * Use this version for obs whose concept's datatype is boolean that are checkbox-style.
     * @param question - the concept associated with the Obs to remove
     * @param answer - the boolean value of the obs
     * @return
    public Obs removeExistingObs(Concept question, Boolean answer) {
        List<Obs> list = existingObs.get(question);
        if (list != null) {
            for (Iterator<Obs> iter = list.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
                Obs test =;
                if (test.getValueAsBoolean() == null) {
                  throw new RuntimeException("Invalid boolean value for concept " + question + "; possibly caused by TRUNK-3150");
                if (answer == test.getValueAsBoolean()) {
                    if (list.size() == 0)
                    return test;
        return null;

    public Obs getNextUnmatchedObsGroup(String path) {
        Obs ret = null;
      int unmatchedContenterCount = 0;
        for (Map.Entry<Obs, Set<Obs>> e : existingObsInGroups.entrySet() ) {
        if (path.equals(ObsGroupComponent.getObsGroupPath(e.getKey()))) {
          if (ret == null) ret = e.getKey();
        if (ret != null){
          if (unmatchedContenterCount > 1) {
                guessingInd = true;
            return ret;
        return null;
    public int getExistingObsInGroupsCount() {
      if (existingObsInGroups != null) {
            return existingObsInGroups.size();
      return 0;
     * Finds the best matching obsGroup at the right obsGroup hierarchy level
     *  <p/>
     * @param groupConcept the grouping concept associated with the {@see ObsGroups}
     * @param requiredQuestionsAndAnswers the questions and answered associate with the {@see ObsGroup}
     * @param obsGroupDepth  the depth level of the obsGroup in the xml
     * @return the first matching {@see ObsGroup}
   public Obs findBestMatchingObsGroup(List<ObsGroupComponent> questionsAndAnswers, String xmlObsGroupConcept, String path) {
        Set<Obs> contenders = new HashSet<Obs>();
        // first all obsGroups matching parentObs.concept at the right obsGroup hierarchy level in the encounter are
        // saved as contenders
        for (Map.Entry<Obs, Set<Obs>> e : existingObsInGroups.entrySet() ) {

            log.debug("Comparing obsVal " + ObsGroupComponent.getObsGroupPath(e.getKey()) + " to xmlval " + path);

            if (path.equals(ObsGroupComponent.getObsGroupPath(e.getKey())) ) {

        Obs ret = null;
        if (contenders.size() > 0){
            List<Obs> rankTable = new ArrayList<Obs>();
            int topRanking = 0;
            for (Obs parentObs : contenders){
                int rank = ObsGroupComponent.supportingRank(questionsAndAnswers, parentObs, existingObsInGroups.get(parentObs));

                if (rank > 0) {
                    if (rank > topRanking) {
                        topRanking = rank;
                    } else if (rank == topRanking) {
            if (rankTable.size() == 0 || rankTable.size() > 1) {
                /* No unique mathcing obsGroup found; returning null obsGroup.  This will
                 * trigger the creation of an <unmatched id={} /> tag which will be replaced on
                 * a subsequent form scan.
                ret = null;
            else {
                // exactly one matching obs group
                ret = rankTable.get(0);
        if (ret != null){
            return ret;
        else {
            return null;

     * Returns the patient currently associated with the context
    public Patient getExistingPatient() {
      return existingPatient;
     * Returns the encounter currently associated with the context
    public Encounter getExistingEncounter() {
        return existingEncounter;

     * Returns the translator currently associated with the context
     * @return
    public Translator getTranslator() {
      return translator;
     * Return the HTML Form schema currently associated with the context
     * @return
    public HtmlFormSchema getSchema() {
      return schema;

    public void setHttpSession(HttpSession httpSession) {
        this.httpSession = httpSession;

    public HttpSession getHttpSession() {
        return httpSession;

    public void pushToStack(Object object) {

    public Object popFromStack() {
        return stack.pop();

    public <T> T getHighestOnStack(Class<T> clazz) {
        for (int i = stack.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
            Object candidate = stack.get(i);
            if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(candidate.getClass())) {
                return (T) candidate;
        return null;

     * Modes associated with the HTML Form context
    public enum Mode {
      /** A new, unsaved form */
      /** A saved form in edit mode */
        /** A saved form in view-only mode */
    public Map<Widget, String> getFieldNames() {
        return fieldNames;
    public Map<Concept, List<Obs>> getExistingObs() {
        return existingObs;
    public Map<Obs, Set<Obs>> getExistingObsInGroups() {
        return existingObsInGroups;
    public Map<Concept, List<Order>> getExistingOrders() {
        return existingOrders;
     * Sets up the necessary information so that the javascript getField, getValue and setValue
     * functions can work.
     * @param property the user-facing name of this property, e.g. weight.value
     * @param widgetId the HTML DOM id of the widget, to be passed to the property accessor methods (if this parameter is null, the method call has no effect)
     * @param fieldFunctionName the name of the javascript function used to access the field itself (or null to use the default function
     * @param getterFunctionName the name of the javascript function used to get the value of the field (or null to use the default function
     * @param setterFunctionName the name of the javascript function used to set the value of the field (or null to use the default function
  public void registerPropertyAccessorInfo(String property, String widgetId,
                                           String fieldFunctionName, String getterFunctionName, String setterFunctionName) {
    if (widgetId == null)
    StringBuilder val = new StringBuilder("{ id: \"" + widgetId + "\" ");
    if (fieldFunctionName != null)
      val.append(", field: " + fieldFunctionName);
    if (getterFunctionName != null)
      val.append(", getter: " + getterFunctionName);
    if (setterFunctionName != null)
      val.append(", setter: " + setterFunctionName);
    val.append(" };");
    if (javascriptFieldAccessorInfo.containsKey(property)) {
      // if this key has already been registered, this probably means we're inside a repeat tag.
      // set it up as follows (assuming property="weight.value")
      //   weight.value = X
      //   weight.value_1 = X
      //   weight.value_2 = Y
      //   weight.value_3 = Z
      // ...
      int i = 1;
      while (javascriptFieldAccessorInfo.containsKey(property + "_" + i))
      if (i == 1) {
        // this is the second time we hit this key (i.e. property is registered, but property_1 is not)
        // we copy key to key_1
        javascriptFieldAccessorInfo.put(property + "_1", javascriptFieldAccessorInfo.get(property));
        i = 2;
      property = property + "_" + i;
    javascriptFieldAccessorInfo.put(property, val.toString());
     * @return the javascriptFieldAccessors
    public Map<String, String> getJavascriptFieldAccessorInfo() {
      return javascriptFieldAccessorInfo;

   * @return the defaultLocation
  public Location getDefaultLocation() {
    return defaultLocation;

   * @param defaultLocation the defaultLocation to set
  public void setDefaultLocation(Location defaultLocation) {
    this.defaultLocation = defaultLocation;

  public boolean isGuessingInd() {
    return guessingInd;

  public void setGuessingInd(boolean guessingInd) {
    this.guessingInd = guessingInd;
  public String getGuessingInd() {
    return guessingInd ? "true" : "false";

  public Date getPreviousEncounterDate() {
      return previousEncounterDate;

  public void setPreviousEncounterDate(Date previousEncounterDate) {
      this.previousEncounterDate = previousEncounterDate;
  public boolean hasUnmatchedObsGroupEntities() {
    return unmatchedObsGroupEntities != null && unmatchedObsGroupEntities.size() > 0 ? true : false;
    public int addUnmatchedObsGroupEntities(ObsGroupEntity obsGroupEntity) {
      if (unmatchedObsGroupEntities == null) unmatchedObsGroupEntities = new ArrayList<ObsGroupEntity>();
      int id = unmatchedObsGroupEntities.size();
      return id;

  public List<ObsGroupEntity> getUnmatchedObsGroupEntities() {
    return unmatchedObsGroupEntities;

  public void setUnmatchedObsGroupEntities(
      List<ObsGroupEntity> unmatchedObsGroupEntities) {
    this.unmatchedObsGroupEntities = unmatchedObsGroupEntities;

  public boolean isUnmatchedMode() {
    return unmatchedMode;

    public void setUnmatchedMode(boolean unmatchedMode) {
    this.unmatchedMode = unmatchedMode;

    public boolean isAutomaticClientSideValidation() {
        return automaticClientSideValidation;

    public void setAutomaticClientSideValidation(boolean automaticClientSideValidation) {
        this.automaticClientSideValidation = automaticClientSideValidation;

    public boolean isClientSideValidationHints() {
        return clientSideValidationHints;

    public void setClientSideValidationHints(boolean clientSideValidationHints) {
        this.clientSideValidationHints = clientSideValidationHints;

    public Object getVisit() {
        return visit;

    public void setVisit(Object visit) {
        this.visit = visit;


Related Classes of org.openmrs.module.htmlformentry.FormEntryContext

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