Package de.jungblut.math.minimize

Source Code of de.jungblut.math.minimize.Fmincg

package de.jungblut.math.minimize;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import de.jungblut.math.DoubleVector;

* Minimize a continuous differentialble multivariate function. Starting point <br/>
* is given by "X" (D by 1), and the function named in the string "f", must<br/>
* return a function value and a vector of partial derivatives. The Polack-<br/>
* Ribiere flavour of conjugate gradients is used to compute search directions,<br/>
* and a line search using quadratic and cubic polynomial approximations and the<br/>
* Wolfe-Powell stopping criteria is used together with the slope ratio method<br/>
* for guessing initial step sizes. Additionally a bunch of checks are made to<br/>
* make sure that exploration is taking place and that extrapolation will not<br/>
* be unboundedly large. The "length" gives the length of the run: if it is<br/>
* positive, it gives the maximum number of line searches, if negative its<br/>
* absolute gives the maximum allowed number of function evaluations. You can<br/>
* (optionally) give "length" a second component, which will indicate the<br/>
* reduction in function value to be expected in the first line-search (defaults<br/>
* to 1.0). The function returns when either its length is up, or if no further<br/>
* progress can be made (ie, we are at a minimum, or so close that due to<br/>
* numerical problems, we cannot get any closer). If the function terminates<br/>
* within a few iterations, it could be an indication that the function value<br/>
* and derivatives are not consistent (ie, there may be a bug in the<br/>
* implementation of your "f" function). The function returns the found<br/>
* solution "X", a vector of function values "fX" indicating the progress made<br/>
* and "i" the number of iterations (line searches or function evaluations,<br/>
* depending on the sign of "length") used.<br/>
* <br/>
* Usage: [X, fX, i] = fmincg(f, X, options, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)<br/>
* <br/>
* See also: checkgrad <br/>
* <br/>
* Copyright (C) 2001 and 2002 by Carl Edward Rasmussen. Date 2002-02-13<br/>
* <br/>
* <br/>
* (C) Copyright 1999, 2000 & 2001, Carl Edward Rasmussen <br/>
* Permission is granted for anyone to copy, use, or modify these<br/>
* programs and accompanying documents for purposes of research or<br/>
* education, provided this copyright notice is retained, and note is<br/>
* made of any changes that have been made.<br/>
* <br/>
* These programs and documents are distributed without any warranty,<br/>
* express or implied. As the programs were written for research<br/>
* purposes only, they have not been tested to the degree that would be<br/>
* advisable in any important application. All use of these programs is<br/>
* entirely at the user's own risk.<br/>
* <br/>
* [ml-class] Changes Made:<br/>
* 1) Function name and argument specifications<br/>
* 2) Output display<br/>
* <br/>
* [tjungblut] Changes Made: <br/>
* 1) translated from octave to java<br/>
* 2) added an interface to exchange minimizers more easily <br/>
* 3) in preparation for the c++ translation, I removed unused fields<br/>
* BTW "fmincg" stands for Function minimize nonlinear conjugate gradient
public final class Fmincg extends AbstractMinimizer {

  private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(Fmincg.class);

  // extrapolate maximum 3 times the current bracket.
  // this can be set higher for bigger extrapolations
  public static double EXT = 3.0;

  // a bunch of constants for line searches
  private static final double RHO = 0.01;
  // RHO and SIG are the constants in the Wolfe-Powell conditions
  private static final double SIG = 0.5;
  // don't reevaluate within 0.1 of the limit of the current bracket
  private static final double INT = 0.1;
  // max 20 function evaluations per line search
  private static final int MAX = 20;
  // maximum allowed slope ratio
  private static final int RATIO = 100;

   * Minimizes the given CostFunction with Nonlinear conjugate gradient method. <br/>
   * It uses the Polack-Ribiere (PR) to calculate the conjugate direction. See <br/>
   * {@link} <br/>
   * for more information.
   * @param f the cost function to minimize.
   * @param theta the input vector, also called starting point
   * @param maxIterations the number of iterations to make
   * @param verbose output the progress to STDOUT
   * @return a vector containing the optimized input
  public static DoubleVector minimizeFunction(CostFunction f,
      DoubleVector theta, int maxIterations, boolean verbose) {
    return new Fmincg().minimize(f, theta, maxIterations, verbose);

  public final DoubleVector minimize(CostFunction f, DoubleVector theta,
      int length, boolean verbose) {

    DoubleVector input = theta;
    int M = 0;
    int i = 0; // zero the run length counter
    int red = 1; // starting point
    int ls_failed = 0; // no previous line search has failed
    final CostGradientTuple evaluateCost = f.evaluateCost(input);
    double f1 = evaluateCost.getCost();
    DoubleVector df1 = evaluateCost.getGradient();
    i = i + (length < 0 ? 1 : 0);
    // search direction is steepest
    DoubleVector s = df1.multiply(-1.0d);

    double d1 = s.multiply(-1.0d).dot(s); // this is the slope
    double z1 = red / (1.0 - d1); // initial step is red/(|s|+1)

    while (i < Math.abs(length)) {// while not finished
      i = i + (length > 0 ? 1 : 0);// count iterations?!
      // make a copy of current values
      DoubleVector X0 = input.deepCopy();
      double f0 = f1;
      DoubleVector df0 = df1.deepCopy();
      // begin line search
      input = input.add(s.multiply(z1));
      final CostGradientTuple evaluateCost2 = f.evaluateCost(input);
      double f2 = evaluateCost2.getCost();
      DoubleVector df2 = evaluateCost2.getGradient();

      i = i + (length < 0 ? 1 : 0); // count epochs
      double d2 =;
      // initialize point 3 equal to point 1
      double f3 = f1;
      double d3 = d1;
      double z3 = -z1;
      if (length > 0) {
        M = MAX;
      } else {
        M = Math.min(MAX, -length - i);
      // initialize quanteties
      int success = 0;
      double limit = -1;

      while (true) {
        while (((f2 > f1 + z1 * RHO * d1) | (d2 > -SIG * d1)) && (M > 0)) {
          // tighten the bracket
          limit = z1;
          double z2 = 0.0d;
          double A = 0.0d;
          double B = 0.0d;
          if (f2 > f1) {
            // quadratic fit
            z2 = z3 - (0.5 * d3 * z3 * z3) / (d3 * z3 + f2 - f3);
          } else {
            // cubic fit
            A = 6 * (f2 - f3) / z3 + 3 * (d2 + d3);
            B = 3 * (f3 - f2) - z3 * (d3 + 2 * d2);
            // numerical error possible - ok!
            z2 = (Math.sqrt(B * B - A * d2 * z3 * z3) - B) / A;
          if (Double.isNaN(z2) || Double.isInfinite(z2)) {
            // if we had a numerical problem then bisect
            z2 = z3 / 2.0d;
          // don't accept too close to limits
          z2 = Math.max(Math.min(z2, INT * z3), (1 - INT) * z3);
          // update the step
          z1 = z1 + z2;
          input = input.add(s.multiply(z2));
          final CostGradientTuple evaluateCost3 = f.evaluateCost(input);
          f2 = evaluateCost3.getCost();
          df2 = evaluateCost3.getGradient();
          M = M - 1;
          i = i + (length < 0 ? 1 : 0); // count epochs
          d2 =;
          // z3 is now relative to the location of z2
          z3 = z3 - z2;
        if (f2 > f1 + z1 * RHO * d1 || d2 > -SIG * d1) {
          break; // this is a failure
        } else if (d2 > SIG * d1) {
          success = 1;
          break; // success
        } else if (M == 0) {
          break; // failure
        // make cubic extrapolation
        double A = 6 * (f2 - f3) / z3 + 3 * (d2 + d3);
        double B = 3 * (f3 - f2) - z3 * (d3 + 2 * d2);
        double z2 = -d2 * z3 * z3 / (B + Math.sqrt(B * B - A * d2 * z3 * z3));
        // num prob or wrong sign?
        if (Double.isNaN(z2) || Double.isInfinite(z2) || z2 < 0)
          // if we have no upper limit
          if (limit < -0.5) {
            // the extrapolate the maximum amount
            z2 = z1 * (EXT - 1);
          } else {
            // otherwise bisect
            z2 = (limit - z1) / 2;
        else if ((limit > -0.5) && (z2 + z1 > limit)) {
          // extraplation beyond max?
          z2 = (limit - z1) / 2; // bisect
        } else if ((limit < -0.5) && (z2 + z1 > z1 * EXT)) {
          // extrapolationbeyond limit
          z2 = z1 * (EXT - 1.0); // set to extrapolation limit
        } else if (z2 < -z3 * INT) {
          z2 = -z3 * INT;
        } else if ((limit > -0.5) && (z2 < (limit - z1) * (1.0 - INT))) {
          // too close to the limit
          z2 = (limit - z1) * (1.0 - INT);
        // set point 3 equal to point 2
        f3 = f2;
        d3 = d2;
        z3 = -z2;
        z1 = z1 + z2;
        // update current estimates
        input = input.add(s.multiply(z2));
        final CostGradientTuple evaluateCost3 = f.evaluateCost(input);
        f2 = evaluateCost3.getCost();
        df2 = evaluateCost3.getGradient();
        M = M - 1;
        i = i + (length < 0 ? 1 : 0); // count epochs?!
        d2 =;
      }// end of line search

      DoubleVector tmp = null;

      if (success == 1) { // if line search succeeded
        f1 = f2;
        if (verbose) {
"Iteration " + i + " | Cost: " + f1);
          onIterationFinished(i, f1, input);
        // Polack-Ribiere direction: s =
        // (df2'*df2-df1'*df2)/(df1'*df1)*s - df2;
        final double numerator = ( - /;
        s = s.multiply(numerator).subtract(df2);
        tmp = df1;
        df1 = df2;
        df2 = tmp; // swap derivatives
        d2 =;
        if (d2 > 0) { // new slope must be negative
          s = df1.multiply(-1.0d); // otherwise use steepest direction
          d2 = s.multiply(-1.0d).dot(s);
        // realmin in octave = 2.2251e-308
        // slope ratio but max RATIO
        z1 = z1 * Math.min(RATIO, d1 / (d2 - 2.2251e-308));
        d1 = d2;
        ls_failed = 0; // this line search did not fail
      } else {
        input = X0;
        f1 = f0;
        df1 = df0; // restore point from before failed line search
        // line search failed twice in a row?
        if (ls_failed == 1 || i > Math.abs(length)) {
          break; // or we ran out of time, so we give up
        tmp = df1;
        df1 = df2;
        df2 = tmp; // swap derivatives
        s = df1.multiply(-1.0d); // try steepest
        d1 = s.multiply(-1.0d).dot(s);
        z1 = 1.0d / (1.0d - d1);
        ls_failed = 1; // this line search failed


    return input;


Related Classes of de.jungblut.math.minimize.Fmincg

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