Package org.python.core

Source Code of org.python.core.PySystemState

// Copyright (c) Corporation for National Research Initiatives
package org.python.core;

import java.lang.ref.Reference;
import java.lang.ref.ReferenceQueue;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
import java.util.jar.JarEntry;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;

import org.jruby.ext.posix.util.Platform;
import org.python.Version;
import org.python.core.adapter.ClassicPyObjectAdapter;
import org.python.core.adapter.ExtensiblePyObjectAdapter;
import org.python.core.packagecache.PackageManager;
import org.python.core.packagecache.SysPackageManager;
import org.python.modules.Setup;
import org.python.modules.zipimport.zipimporter;
import org.python.util.Generic;

* The "sys" module.
// xxx Many have lamented, this should really be a module!
// but it will require some refactoring to see this wish come true.
public class PySystemState extends PyObject implements ClassDictInit {
    public static final String PYTHON_CACHEDIR = "python.cachedir";
    public static final String PYTHON_CACHEDIR_SKIP = "python.cachedir.skip";
    public static final String PYTHON_CONSOLE_ENCODING = "python.console.encoding";
    protected static final String CACHEDIR_DEFAULT_NAME = "cachedir";

    public static final String JYTHON_JAR = "jython.jar";
    public static final String JYTHON_DEV_JAR = "jython-dev.jar";

    private static final String JAR_URL_PREFIX = "jar:file:";
    private static final String JAR_SEPARATOR = "!";
    private static final String VFSZIP_PREFIX = "vfszip:";

    public static final PyString version = new PyString(Version.getVersion());
    public static final int hexversion = ((Version.PY_MAJOR_VERSION << 24) |
                                    (Version.PY_MINOR_VERSION << 16) |
                                    (Version.PY_MICRO_VERSION <<  8) |
                                    (Version.PY_RELEASE_LEVEL <<  4) |
                                    (Version.PY_RELEASE_SERIAL << 0));

    public static PyTuple version_info;

    public final static int maxunicode = 1114111;
    public static PyTuple subversion;

    public static PyTuple _mercurial;
     * The copyright notice for this release.

    public static final PyObject copyright = Py.newString(
        "Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Jython Developers.\n" +
        "All rights reserved.\n\n" +

        "Copyright (c) 2000\n" +
        "All Rights Reserved.\n\n"+

        "Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation.\n" +
        "All rights reserved.\n\n" +

        "Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Corporation for National Research "+
        "Initiatives.\n" +
        "All Rights Reserved.\n\n" +

        "Copyright (c) 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, " +
        "Amsterdam.\n" +
        "All Rights Reserved.");

    private static Map<String,String> builtinNames;
    public static PyTuple builtin_module_names = null;

    public static PackageManager packageManager;
    private static File cachedir;

    private static PyList defaultPath;
    private static PyList defaultArgv;
    private static PyObject defaultExecutable;

    // XXX - from Jython code, these statics are immutable; we may wish to consider
    // using the shadowing mechanism for them as well if in practice it makes
    // sense for them to be changed
    public static Properties registry; // = init_registry();
    public static PyObject prefix;
    public static PyObject exec_prefix = Py.EmptyString;

    public static final PyString byteorder = new PyString("big");
    public static final int maxint = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    public static final int minint = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

    private static boolean initialized = false;

    /** The arguments passed to this program on the command line. */
    public PyList argv = new PyList();

    public PyObject modules;
    public PyList path;

    // shadowed statics - don't use directly
    public static PyList warnoptions = new PyList();
    public static PyObject builtins;
    public static PyObject platform = new PyString("java");

    public PyList meta_path;
    public PyList path_hooks;
    public PyObject path_importer_cache;

    public PyObject ps1 = new PyString(">>> ");
    public PyObject ps2 = new PyString("... ");

    public PyObject executable;

    private String currentWorkingDir;

    private ClassLoader classLoader = null;

    public PyObject stdout, stderr, stdin;
    public PyObject __stdout__, __stderr__, __stdin__;

    public PyObject __displayhook__, __excepthook__;

    public PyObject last_value = Py.None;
    public PyObject last_type = Py.None;
    public PyObject last_traceback = Py.None;

    public PyObject __name__ = new PyString("sys");

    public PyObject __dict__;

    private int recursionlimit = 1000;

    /** true when a SystemRestart is triggered. */
    public boolean _systemRestart = false;

    // Automatically close resources associated with a PySystemState when they get GCed
    private final PySystemStateCloser closer;
    private static final ReferenceQueue<PySystemState> systemStateQueue =
            new ReferenceQueue<PySystemState>();
    private static final ConcurrentMap<WeakReference<PySystemState>,
                                       PySystemStateCloser> sysClosers = Generic.concurrentMap();

    public PySystemState() {
        closer = new PySystemStateCloser(this);
        modules = new PyStringMap();

        argv = (PyList)defaultArgv.repeat(1);
        path = (PyList)defaultPath.repeat(1);
        executable = defaultExecutable;

        meta_path = new PyList();
        path_hooks = new PyList();
        path_hooks.append(new JavaImporter());
        path_importer_cache = new PyDictionary();

        currentWorkingDir = new File("").getAbsolutePath();

        // Set up the initial standard ins and outs
        String mode = Options.unbuffered ? "b" : "";
        int buffering = Options.unbuffered ? 0 : 1;
        stdin = __stdin__ = new PyFile(, "<stdin>", "r" + mode, buffering, false);
        stdout = __stdout__ = new PyFile(System.out, "<stdout>", "w" + mode, buffering, false);
        stderr = __stderr__ = new PyFile(System.err, "<stderr>", "w" + mode, 0, false);

        __displayhook__ = new PySystemStateFunctions("displayhook", 10, 1, 1);
        __excepthook__ = new PySystemStateFunctions("excepthook", 30, 3, 3);

        if (builtins == null) {
            builtins = getDefaultBuiltins();
        modules.__setitem__("__builtin__", new PyModule("__builtin__", getDefaultBuiltins()));
        __dict__ = new PyStringMap();
        __dict__.invoke("update", getType().fastGetDict());
        __dict__.__setitem__("displayhook", __displayhook__);
        __dict__.__setitem__("excepthook", __excepthook__);

    public static void classDictInit(PyObject dict) {
        // XXX: Remove bean accessors for settrace/profile that we don't want
        dict.__setitem__("trace", null);
        dict.__setitem__("profile", null);

    void reload() throws PyIgnoreMethodTag {
        __dict__.invoke("update", getType().fastGetDict());

    private static void checkReadOnly(String name) {
        if (name == "__dict__" ||
            name == "__class__" ||
            name == "registry" ||
            name == "exec_prefix" ||
            name == "packageManager") {
            throw Py.TypeError("readonly attribute");

    private static void checkMustExist(String name) {
        if (name == "__dict__" ||
            name == "__class__" ||
            name == "registry" ||
            name == "exec_prefix" ||
            name == "platform" ||
            name == "packageManager" ||
            name == "builtins" ||
            name == "warnoptions") {
            throw Py.TypeError("readonly attribute");

    private void initEncoding() {
        String encoding = registry.getProperty(PYTHON_CONSOLE_ENCODING);
        if (encoding == null) {

        for (PyFile stdStream : new PyFile[] {(PyFile)this.stdin, (PyFile)this.stdout,
                                              (PyFile)this.stderr}) {
            if (stdStream.isatty()) {
                stdStream.encoding = encoding;

    // might be nice to have something general here, but for now these
    // seem to be the only values that need to be explicitly shadowed
    private Shadow shadowing;
    public synchronized void shadow() {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            shadowing = new Shadow();

    private static class DefaultBuiltinsHolder {
        static final PyObject builtins = fillin();

        static PyObject fillin() {
            PyObject temp = new PyStringMap();
            return temp;

    public static PyObject getDefaultBuiltins() {
        return DefaultBuiltinsHolder.builtins;

    public synchronized PyObject getBuiltins() {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            return getDefaultBuiltins();
        } else {
            return shadowing.builtins;

    public synchronized void setBuiltins(PyObject value) {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            builtins = value;
        } else {
            shadowing.builtins = value;
        modules.__setitem__("__builtin__", new PyModule("__builtin__", value));

    public synchronized PyObject getWarnoptions() {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            return warnoptions;
        } else {
            return shadowing.warnoptions;

    public synchronized void setWarnoptions(PyObject value) {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            warnoptions = new PyList(value);
        } else {
            shadowing.warnoptions = new PyList(value);

    public synchronized PyObject getPlatform() {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            return platform;
        } else {
            return shadowing.platform;

    public synchronized void setPlatform(PyObject value) {
        if (shadowing == null) {
            platform = value;
        } else {
            shadowing.platform = value;

    // xxx fix this accessors
    public PyObject __findattr_ex__(String name) {
        if (name == "exc_value") {
            PyException exc = Py.getThreadState().exception;
            if (exc == null) {
                return null;
            return exc.value;
        } else if (name == "exc_type") {
            PyException exc = Py.getThreadState().exception;
            if (exc == null) {
                return null;
            return exc.type;
        } else if (name == "exc_traceback") {
            PyException exc = Py.getThreadState().exception;
            if (exc == null) {
                return null;
            return exc.traceback;
        } else if (name == "warnoptions") {
            return getWarnoptions();
        } else if (name == "builtins") {
            return getBuiltins();
        } else if (name == "platform") {
            return getPlatform();
        } else {
            PyObject ret = super.__findattr_ex__(name);
            if (ret != null) {
                if (ret instanceof PyMethod) {
                    if (__dict__.__finditem__(name) instanceof PyReflectedFunction) {
                        return ret; // xxx depends on nonstandard __dict__
                } else if (ret == PyAttributeDeleted.INSTANCE) {
                    return null;
                } else {
                    return ret;

            return __dict__.__finditem__(name);

    public void __setattr__(String name, PyObject value) {
        if (name == "builtins") {
        } else if (name == "warnoptions") {
        } else if (name == "platform") {
        } else {
            PyObject ret = getType().lookup(name); // xxx fix fix fix
            if (ret != null && ret._doset(this, value)) {
            __dict__.__setitem__(name, value);

    public void __delattr__(String name) {
        PyObject ret = getType().lookup(name); // xxx fix fix fix
        if (ret != null) {
            ret._doset(this, PyAttributeDeleted.INSTANCE);
        try {
        } catch (PyException pye) { // KeyError
            if (ret == null) {
                throw Py.AttributeError(name);

    // xxx
    public void __rawdir__(PyDictionary accum) {

    public String toString() {
        return "<module '" + __name__ + "' (built-in)>";

    public int getrecursionlimit() {
        return recursionlimit;

    public void setrecursionlimit(int recursionlimit) {
        if(recursionlimit <= 0) {
            throw Py.ValueError("Recursion limit must be positive");
        this.recursionlimit = recursionlimit;

    public void settrace(PyObject tracefunc) {
        ThreadState ts = Py.getThreadState();
        if (tracefunc == Py.None) {
            ts.tracefunc = null;
        } else {
            ts.tracefunc = new PythonTraceFunction(tracefunc);

    public void setprofile(PyObject profilefunc) {
        ThreadState ts = Py.getThreadState();
        if (profilefunc == Py.None) {
            ts.profilefunc = null;
        } else {
            ts.profilefunc = new PythonTraceFunction(profilefunc);

    public PyString getdefaultencoding() {
        return new PyString(codecs.getDefaultEncoding());

    public void setdefaultencoding(String encoding) {

    public PyObject getfilesystemencoding() {
        return Py.None;

     * Change the current working directory to the specified path.
     * path is assumed to be absolute and canonical (via
     * os.path.realpath).
     * @param path a path String
    public void setCurrentWorkingDir(String path) {
        currentWorkingDir = path;

     * Return a string representing the current working directory.
     * @return a path String
    public String getCurrentWorkingDir() {
        return currentWorkingDir;

     * Resolve a path. Returns the full path taking the current
     * working directory into account.
     * @param path a path String
     * @return a resolved path String
    public String getPath(String path) {
        return getPath(this, path);

     * Resolve a path. Returns the full path taking the current
     * working directory into account.
     * Like getPath but called statically. The current PySystemState
     * is only consulted for the current working directory when it's
     * necessary (when the path is relative).
     * @param path a path String
     * @return a resolved path String
    public static String getPathLazy(String path) {
        // XXX: This method likely an unnecessary optimization
        return getPath(null, path);

    private static String getPath(PySystemState sys, String path) {
        if (path == null) {
            return path;

        File file = new File(path);
        // Python considers r'\Jython25' and '/Jython25' abspaths on Windows, unlike
        if (!file.isAbsolute() && (!Platform.IS_WINDOWS
                                   || !(path.startsWith("\\") || path.startsWith("/")))) {
            if (sys == null) {
                sys = Py.getSystemState();
            file = new File(sys.getCurrentWorkingDir(), path);
        // This needs to be performed always to trim trailing backslashes on Windows
        return file.getPath();

    public void callExitFunc() throws PyIgnoreMethodTag {
        PyObject exitfunc = __findattr__("exitfunc");
        if (exitfunc != null) {
            try {
            } catch (PyException exc) {
                if (!exc.match(Py.SystemExit)) {
                               Py.newString("Error in sys.exitfunc:"));

    public ClassLoader getClassLoader() {
        return classLoader;

    public void setClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) {
        this.classLoader = classLoader;

    private static String findRoot(Properties preProperties,
                                     Properties postProperties,
                                     String jarFileName)
        String root = null;
        try {
            if (postProperties != null)
                root = postProperties.getProperty("python.home");
            if (root == null)
                root = preProperties.getProperty("python.home");
            if (root == null)
                root = preProperties.getProperty("install.root");

        } catch (Exception exc) {
            return null;
        // If install.root is undefined find JYTHON_JAR in class.path
        if (root == null) {
            String classpath = preProperties.getProperty("java.class.path");
            if (classpath != null) {
                String lowerCaseClasspath = classpath.toLowerCase();
                int jarIndex = lowerCaseClasspath.indexOf(JYTHON_JAR);
                if (jarIndex < 0) {
                    jarIndex = lowerCaseClasspath.indexOf(JYTHON_DEV_JAR);
                if (jarIndex >= 0) {
                    int start = classpath.lastIndexOf(File.pathSeparator, jarIndex) + 1;
                    root = classpath.substring(start, jarIndex);
                } else if (jarFileName != null) {
                    // in case JYTHON_JAR is referenced from a MANIFEST inside another jar on the
                    // classpath
                    root = new File(jarFileName).getParent();
        if (root == null) {
            return null;
        File rootFile = new File(root);
        try {
            return rootFile.getCanonicalPath();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            return rootFile.getAbsolutePath();

    public static void determinePlatform(Properties props) {
        String version = props.getProperty("java.version");
        if (version == null) {
            version = "???";
        String lversion = version.toLowerCase();
        if (lversion.startsWith("java")) {
            version = version.substring(4, version.length());
        if (lversion.startsWith("jdk") || lversion.startsWith("jre")) {
            version = version.substring(3, version.length());
        if (version.equals("12")) {
            version = "1.2";
        platform = new PyString("java" + version);

    private static void initRegistry(Properties preProperties, Properties postProperties,
                                       boolean standalone, String jarFileName)
        if (registry != null) {
            Py.writeError("systemState", "trying to reinitialize registry");

        registry = preProperties;
        String prefix = findRoot(preProperties, postProperties, jarFileName);
        String exec_prefix = prefix;

        // Load the default registry
        if (prefix != null) {
            if (prefix.length() == 0) {
                prefix = exec_prefix = ".";
            try {
                // user registry has precedence over installed registry
                File homeFile = new File(registry.getProperty("user.home"), ".jython");
                addRegistryFile(new File(prefix, "registry"));
            } catch (Exception exc) {
        if (prefix != null) {
            PySystemState.prefix = Py.newString(prefix);
        if (exec_prefix != null) {
            PySystemState.exec_prefix = Py.newString(exec_prefix);
        try {
            String jythonpath = System.getenv("JYTHONPATH");
            if (jythonpath != null) {
                registry.setProperty("python.path", jythonpath);
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
        if (standalone) {
            // set default standalone property (if not yet set)
            if (!registry.containsKey(PYTHON_CACHEDIR_SKIP)) {
                registry.put(PYTHON_CACHEDIR_SKIP, "true");
        if (!registry.containsKey(PYTHON_CONSOLE_ENCODING)) {
            String encoding = getPlatformEncoding();
            if (encoding != null) {
                registry.put(PYTHON_CONSOLE_ENCODING, encoding);
        // Set up options from registry
     * @return the encoding of the underlying platform; can be <code>null</code>
    private static String getPlatformEncoding() {
        // first try to grab the Console encoding
        String encoding = getConsoleEncoding();
        if (encoding == null) {
            try {
                encoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
            } catch (SecurityException se) {
                // ignore, can't do anything about it
        return encoding;

     * @return the console encoding; can be <code>null</code>
    private static String getConsoleEncoding() {
        String encoding = null;
        try {
            // the Console class is only present in java 6 - have to use reflection
            Class<?> consoleClass = Class.forName("");
            Method encodingMethod = consoleClass.getDeclaredMethod("encoding");
            encodingMethod.setAccessible(true); // private static method
            encoding = (String)encodingMethod.invoke(consoleClass);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // ignore any exception
        return encoding;
    private static void addRegistryFile(File file) {
        if (file.exists()) {
            if (!file.isDirectory()) {
                // pre (e.g. system) properties should override the registry,
                // therefore only add missing properties from this registry file
                Properties fileProperties = new Properties();
                try {
                    FileInputStream fp = new FileInputStream(file);
                    try {
                        for (Entry kv : fileProperties.entrySet()) {
                            Object key = kv.getKey();
                            if (!registry.containsKey(key)) {
                                registry.put(key, kv.getValue());
                    } finally {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("couldn't open registry file: " + file.toString());
            } else {
                System.err.println("warning: " + file.toString() + " is a directory, not a file");

    public static Properties getBaseProperties() {
        try {
            return System.getProperties();
        } catch (AccessControlException ace) {
            return new Properties();

    public static synchronized void initialize() {
        initialize(null, null);

    public static synchronized void initialize(Properties preProperties, Properties postProperties) {
        initialize(preProperties, postProperties, new String[] {""});

    public static synchronized void initialize(Properties preProperties,
                                               Properties postProperties,
                                               String[] argv) {
        initialize(preProperties, postProperties, argv, null);

    public static synchronized void initialize(Properties preProperties,
                                               Properties postProperties,
                                               String[] argv,
                                               ClassLoader classLoader) {
        initialize(preProperties, postProperties, argv, classLoader, new ClassicPyObjectAdapter());

    public static synchronized void initialize(Properties preProperties,
                                               Properties postProperties,
                                               String[] argv,
                                               ClassLoader classLoader,
                                               ExtensiblePyObjectAdapter adapter) {
        if (initialized) {
        if (preProperties == null) {
            preProperties = getBaseProperties();
        if (postProperties == null) {
            postProperties = new Properties();
        try {
            ClassLoader context = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            if (context != null) {
                if (initialize(preProperties, postProperties, argv, classLoader, adapter, context)) {
            } else {
                Py.writeDebug("initializer", "Context class loader null, skipping");
            ClassLoader sysStateLoader = PySystemState.class.getClassLoader();
            if (sysStateLoader != null) {
                if (initialize(preProperties,
                               sysStateLoader)) {
            } else {
                Py.writeDebug("initializer", "PySystemState.class class loader null, skipping");
        } catch (UnsupportedCharsetException e) {
            Py.writeWarning("initializer", "Unable to load the UTF-8 charset to read an initializer definition");
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
            // Must be running in a security environment that doesn't allow access to the class
            // loader
        } catch (Exception e) {
                            "Unexpected exception thrown while trying to use initializer service");
        doInitialize(preProperties, postProperties, argv, classLoader, adapter);

    private static final String INITIALIZER_SERVICE =

     * Attempts to read a SystemStateInitializer service from the given classloader, instantiate it,
     * and initialize with it.
     * @throws UnsupportedCharsetException
     *             if unable to load UTF-8 to read a service definition
     * @return true if a service is found and successfully initializes.
    private static boolean initialize(Properties pre,
                                      Properties post,
                                      String[] argv,
                                      ClassLoader sysClassLoader,
                                      ExtensiblePyObjectAdapter adapter,
                                      ClassLoader initializerClassLoader) {
        InputStream in = initializerClassLoader.getResourceAsStream(INITIALIZER_SERVICE);
        if (in == null) {
            Py.writeDebug("initializer", "'" + INITIALIZER_SERVICE + "' not found on " + initializerClassLoader);
            return false;
        BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(in, Charset.forName("UTF-8")));
        String className;
        try {
            className = r.readLine();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Py.writeWarning("initializer", "Failed reading '" + INITIALIZER_SERVICE + "' from "
                    + initializerClassLoader);
            return false;
        Class<?> initializer;
        try {
            initializer = initializerClassLoader.loadClass(className);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            Py.writeWarning("initializer", "Specified initializer class '" + className
                    + "' not found, continuing");
            return false;
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Py.writeWarning("initializer", "Failed initializing with class '" + className
                    + "', continuing");
            return false;
        if (!initialized) {
            Py.writeWarning("initializer", "Initializer '" + className
                    + "' failed to call doInitialize, using default initialization");
        return initialized;

    public static synchronized PySystemState doInitialize(Properties preProperties,
                                                 Properties postProperties,
                                                 String[] argv,
                                                 ClassLoader classLoader,
                                                 ExtensiblePyObjectAdapter adapter) {
        if (initialized) {
            return Py.defaultSystemState;
        initialized = true;
        boolean standalone = false;
        String jarFileName = getJarFileName();
        if (jarFileName != null) {
            standalone = isStandalone(jarFileName);
        // initialize the Jython registry
        initRegistry(preProperties, postProperties, standalone, jarFileName);
        // other initializations
        // Initialize the path (and add system defaults)
        defaultPath = initPath(registry, standalone, jarFileName);
        defaultArgv = initArgv(argv);
        defaultExecutable = initExecutable(registry);
        // Set up the known Java packages
        // Finish up standard Python initialization...
        Py.defaultSystemState = new PySystemState();
        if (classLoader != null) {
        // defaultSystemState can't init its own encoding, see its constructor
        // Make sure that Exception classes have been loaded
        new PySyntaxError("", 1, 1, "", "");
        return Py.defaultSystemState;

    private static void initStaticFields() {
        Py.None = new PyNone();
        Py.NotImplemented = new PyNotImplemented();
        Py.NoKeywords = new String[0];
        Py.EmptyObjects = new PyObject[0];

        Py.EmptyTuple = new PyTuple(Py.EmptyObjects);
        Py.EmptyFrozenSet = new PyFrozenSet();
        Py.NoConversion = new PySingleton("Error");
        Py.Ellipsis = new PyEllipsis();

        Py.Zero = new PyInteger(0);
        Py.One = new PyInteger(1);

        Py.False = new PyBoolean(false);
        Py.True = new PyBoolean(true);

        Py.EmptyString = new PyString("");
        Py.Newline = new PyString("\n");
        Py.Space = new PyString(" ");

        // Setup standard wrappers for stdout and stderr...
        Py.stderr = new StderrWrapper();
        Py.stdout = new StdoutWrapper();

        String s;
        if(Version.PY_RELEASE_LEVEL == 0x0A)
            s = "alpha";
        else if(Version.PY_RELEASE_LEVEL == 0x0B)
            s = "beta";
        else if(Version.PY_RELEASE_LEVEL == 0x0C)
            s = "candidate";
        else if(Version.PY_RELEASE_LEVEL == 0x0F)
            s = "final";
        else if(Version.PY_RELEASE_LEVEL == 0xAA)
            s = "snapshot";
            throw new RuntimeException("Illegal value for PY_RELEASE_LEVEL: " +
        version_info = new PyTuple(Py.newInteger(Version.PY_MAJOR_VERSION),
        subversion = new PyTuple(Py.newString("Jython"), Py.EmptyString, Py.EmptyString);
        _mercurial = new PyTuple(Py.newString("Jython"), Py.newString(Version.getHGIdentifier()),

    public static boolean isPackageCacheEnabled() {
        return cachedir != null;

    private static void initCacheDirectory(Properties props) {
        String skip = props.getProperty(PYTHON_CACHEDIR_SKIP, "false");
        if (skip.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) {
            cachedir = null;
        cachedir = new File(props.getProperty(PYTHON_CACHEDIR, CACHEDIR_DEFAULT_NAME));
        if (!cachedir.isAbsolute()) {
            cachedir = new File(prefix == null ? null : prefix.toString(), cachedir.getPath());

    private static void initPackages(Properties props) {
        File pkgdir;
        if (cachedir != null) {
            pkgdir = new File(cachedir, "packages");
        } else {
            pkgdir = null;
        packageManager = new SysPackageManager(pkgdir, props);

    private static PyList initArgv(String[] args) {
        PyList argv = new PyList();
        if (args != null) {
            for (String arg : args) {
                argv.append(new PyString(arg));
        return argv;

     * Determine the default sys.executable value from the
     * registry. Returns Py.None is no executable can be found.
     * @param props a Properties registry
     * @return a PyObject path string or Py.None
    private static PyObject initExecutable(Properties props) {
        String executable = props.getProperty("python.executable");
        if (executable == null) {
            return Py.None;

        File executableFile = new File(executable);
        try {
            executableFile = executableFile.getCanonicalFile();
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            executableFile = executableFile.getAbsoluteFile();
        if (!executableFile.isFile()) {
            return Py.None;
        return new PyString(executableFile.getPath());

    private static void addBuiltin(String name) {
        String classname;
        String modname;

        int colon = name.indexOf(':');
        if (colon != -1) {
            // name:fqclassname
            modname = name.substring(0, colon).trim();
            classname = name.substring(colon+1, name.length()).trim();
            if (classname.equals("null"))
                // name:null, i.e. remove it
                classname = null;
        else {
            modname = name.trim();
            classname = "org.python.modules." + modname;
        if (classname != null)
            builtinNames.put(modname, classname);

    private static void initBuiltins(Properties props) {
        builtinNames =;

        // add the oddball builtins that are specially handled
        builtinNames.put("__builtin__", "");
        builtinNames.put("sys", "");

        // add builtins specified in the file
        for (String builtinModule : Setup.builtinModules)

        // add builtins specified in the registry file
        String builtinprop = props.getProperty("python.modules.builtin", "");
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(builtinprop, ",");
        while (tok.hasMoreTokens())

        int n = builtinNames.size();
        PyObject [] built_mod = new PyObject[n];
        int i = 0;
        for (String key : builtinNames.keySet()) {
            built_mod[i++] = Py.newString(key);
        builtin_module_names = new PyTuple(built_mod);

    public static String getBuiltin(String name) {
        return builtinNames.get(name);

    private static PyList initPath(Properties props, boolean standalone, String jarFileName) {
        PyList path = new PyList();
        addPaths(path, props.getProperty("python.path", ""));
        if (prefix != null) {
            String libpath = new File(prefix.toString(), "Lib").toString();
            path.append(new PyString(libpath));
        if (standalone) {
            // standalone jython: add the /Lib directory inside JYTHON_JAR to the path
            addPaths(path, jarFileName + "/Lib");

        return path;

     * Check if we are in standalone mode.
     * @param jarFileName The name of the jar file
     * @return <code>true</code> if we have a standalone .jar file, <code>false</code> otherwise.
    private static boolean isStandalone(String jarFileName) {
        boolean standalone = false;
        if (jarFileName != null) {
            JarFile jarFile = null;
            try {
                jarFile = new JarFile(jarFileName);
                JarEntry jarEntry = jarFile.getJarEntry("Lib/");
                standalone = jarEntry != null;
            } catch (IOException ioe) {
            } finally {
                if (jarFile != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
        return standalone;

     * @return the full name of the jar file containing this class, <code>null</code> if not available.
    private static String getJarFileName() {
        Class<PySystemState> thisClass = PySystemState.class;
        String fullClassName = thisClass.getName();
        String className = fullClassName.substring(fullClassName.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
        URL url = thisClass.getResource(className + ".class");
        return getJarFileNameFromURL(url);

    protected static String getJarFileNameFromURL(URL url) {
        String jarFileName = null;
        if (url != null) {
            try {
                // escape plus signs, since the URLDecoder would turn them into spaces
                final String plus = "\\+";
                final String escapedPlus = "__ppluss__";
                String rawUrl = url.toString();
                rawUrl = rawUrl.replaceAll(plus, escapedPlus);
                String urlString = URLDecoder.decode(rawUrl, "UTF-8");
                urlString = urlString.replaceAll(escapedPlus, plus);
                int jarSeparatorIndex = urlString.lastIndexOf(JAR_SEPARATOR);
                if (urlString.startsWith(JAR_URL_PREFIX) && jarSeparatorIndex > 0) {
                    // jar:file:/install_dir/jython.jar!/org/python/core/PySystemState.class
                    jarFileName = urlString.substring(JAR_URL_PREFIX.length(), jarSeparatorIndex);
                } else if (urlString.startsWith(VFSZIP_PREFIX)) {
                    // vfszip:/some/path/jython.jar/org/python/core/PySystemState.class
                    final String path = PySystemState.class.getName().replace('.', '/');
                    int jarIndex = urlString.indexOf(".jar/".concat(path));
                    if (jarIndex > 0) {
                        jarIndex += 4;
                        int start = VFSZIP_PREFIX.length();
                        if (Platform.IS_WINDOWS) {
                            // vfszip:/C:/some/path/jython.jar/org/python/core/PySystemState.class
                        jarFileName = urlString.substring(start, jarIndex);
            } catch (Exception e) {}
        return jarFileName;

    private static void addPaths(PyList path, String pypath) {
        StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(pypath,
        while  (tok.hasMoreTokens())
            path.append(new PyString(tok.nextToken().trim()));

    public static PyJavaPackage add_package(String n) {
        return add_package(n, null);

    public static PyJavaPackage add_package(String n, String contents) {
        return packageManager.makeJavaPackage(n, contents, null);

     * Add a classpath directory to the list of places that are searched
     * for java packages.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note</b>. Classes found in directory and subdirectory are not
     * made available to jython by this call. It only makes the java
     * package found in the directory available. This call is mostly
     * usefull if jython is embedded in an application that deals with
     * its own classloaders. A servlet container is a very good example.
     * Calling add_classdir("<context>/WEB-INF/classes") makes the java
     * packages in WEB-INF classes available to jython import. However the
     * actual classloading is completely handled by the servlet container's
     * context classloader.
    public static void add_classdir(String directoryPath) {
        packageManager.addDirectory(new File(directoryPath));

     * Add a .jar & .zip directory to the list of places that are searched
     * for java .jar and .zip files. The .jar and .zip files found will not
     * be cached.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note</b>. Classes in .jar and .zip files found in the directory
     * are not made available to jython by this call. See the note for
     * add_classdir(dir) for more details.
     * @param directoryPath The name of a directory.
     * @see #add_classdir
    public static void add_extdir(String directoryPath) {
        packageManager.addJarDir(directoryPath, false);

     * Add a .jar & .zip directory to the list of places that are searched
     * for java .jar and .zip files.
     * <p>
     * <b>Note</b>. Classes in .jar and .zip files found in the directory
     * are not made available to jython by this call. See the note for
     * add_classdir(dir) for more details.
     * @param directoryPath The name of a directory.
     * @param cache         Controls if the packages in the zip and jar
     *                      file should be cached.
     * @see #add_classdir
    public static void add_extdir(String directoryPath, boolean cache) {
        packageManager.addJarDir(directoryPath, cache);

    // Not public by design. We can't rebind the displayhook if
    // a reflected function is inserted in the class dict.

    static void displayhook(PyObject o) {
        /* Print value except if None */
        /* After printing, also assign to '_' */
        /* Before, set '_' to None to avoid recursion */
        if (o == Py.None)

        PyObject currentBuiltins = Py.getSystemState().getBuiltins();
        currentBuiltins.__setitem__("_", Py.None);
        currentBuiltins.__setitem__("_", o);

    static void excepthook(PyObject type, PyObject val, PyObject tb) {
        Py.displayException(type, val, tb, null);

     * Exit a Python program with the given status.
     * @param status the value to exit with
     * @exception Py.SystemExit always throws this exception.
     * When caught at top level the program will exit.
    public static void exit(PyObject status) {
        throw new PyException(Py.SystemExit, status);

     * Exit a Python program with the status 0.
    public static void exit() {

    public static PyTuple exc_info() {
        PyException exc = Py.getThreadState().exception;
        if(exc == null)
            return new PyTuple(Py.None, Py.None, Py.None);
        PyObject tb = exc.traceback;
        PyObject value = exc.value;
        return new PyTuple(exc.type,
                value == null ? Py.None : value,
                tb == null ? Py.None : tb);

    public static void exc_clear() {
        Py.getThreadState().exception = null;

    public static PyFrame _getframe() {
        return _getframe(-1);

    public static PyFrame _getframe(int depth) {
        PyFrame f = Py.getFrame();

        while (depth > 0 && f != null) {
            f = f.f_back;
        if (f == null)
             throw Py.ValueError("call stack is not deep enough");
        return f;

    public void registerCloser(Callable<Void> resourceCloser) {

    public boolean unregisterCloser(Callable<Void> resourceCloser) {
        return closer.unregisterCloser(resourceCloser);

    public void cleanup() {

    private static class PySystemStateCloser {

        private final Set<Callable<Void>> resourceClosers = new LinkedHashSet<Callable<Void>>();
        private volatile boolean isCleanup = false;
        private final Thread shutdownHook;

        private PySystemStateCloser(PySystemState sys) {
            shutdownHook = initShutdownCloser();
            WeakReference<PySystemState> ref =
                    new WeakReference<PySystemState>(sys, systemStateQueue);
            sysClosers.put(ref, this);

        private static void cleanupOtherClosers() {
            Reference<? extends PySystemState> ref;
            while ((ref = systemStateQueue.poll()) != null) {
                PySystemStateCloser closer = sysClosers.get(ref);

        private synchronized void registerCloser(Callable<Void> closer) {
            if (!isCleanup) {

        private synchronized boolean unregisterCloser(Callable<Void> closer) {
            return resourceClosers.remove(closer);

        private synchronized void cleanup() {
            if (isCleanup) {
            isCleanup = true;

            // close this thread so we can unload any associated classloaders in cycle
            // with this instance
            if (shutdownHook != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                    // JVM is already shutting down, so we cannot remove this shutdown hook anyway

            for (Callable<Void> callable : resourceClosers) {
                try {
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    // just continue, nothing we can do

        // Python scripts expect that files are closed upon an orderly cleanup of the VM.
        private Thread initShutdownCloser() {
            try {
                Thread shutdownHook = new ShutdownCloser();
                return shutdownHook;
            } catch (SecurityException se) {
                Py.writeDebug("PySystemState", "Can't register cleanup closer hook");
                return null;

        private class ShutdownCloser extends Thread {

            private ShutdownCloser() {
                super("Jython Shutdown Closer");

            public synchronized void run() {
                if (resourceClosers == null) {
                    // resourceClosers can be null in some strange cases
                for (Callable<Void> callable : resourceClosers) {
                    try {
              ; // side effect of being removed from this set
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // continue - nothing we can do now!


class PySystemStateFunctions extends PyBuiltinFunctionSet
    PySystemStateFunctions(String name, int index, int minargs, int maxargs) {
        super(name, index, minargs, maxargs);

    public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg) {
        switch (index) {
        case 10:
            return Py.None;
            throw info.unexpectedCall(1, false);
    public PyObject __call__(PyObject arg1, PyObject arg2, PyObject arg3) {
        switch (index) {
        case 30:
            PySystemState.excepthook(arg1, arg2, arg3);
            return Py.None;
            throw info.unexpectedCall(3, false);

* Value of a class or instance variable when the corresponding
* attribute is deleted.  Used only in PySystemState for now.
class PyAttributeDeleted extends PyObject {
    final static PyAttributeDeleted INSTANCE = new PyAttributeDeleted();
    private PyAttributeDeleted() {}
    public String toString() { return ""; }
    public Object __tojava__(Class c) {
        if (c == PyObject.class)
            return this;
        // we can't quite "delete" non-PyObject attributes; settle for
        // null or nothing
        if (c.isPrimitive())
            return Py.NoConversion;
        return null;

class Shadow {
    PyObject builtins;
    PyList warnoptions;
    PyObject platform;

    Shadow() {
        builtins = PySystemState.getDefaultBuiltins();
        warnoptions = PySystemState.warnoptions;
        platform = PySystemState.platform;

Related Classes of org.python.core.PySystemState

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