Package org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer

Source Code of org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.DependencyBundlingAnalyzer

* This file is part of dependency-check-core.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 2012 Jeremy Long. All Rights Reserved.
package org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer;

import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.Engine;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.exception.AnalysisException;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.dependency.Dependency;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.dependency.Identifier;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DependencyVersion;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.DependencyVersionUtil;
import org.owasp.dependencycheck.utils.LogUtils;

* <p>
* This analyzer ensures dependencies that should be grouped together, to remove excess noise from the report, are
* grouped. An example would be Spring, Spring Beans, Spring MVC, etc. If they are all for the same version and have the
* same relative path then these should be grouped into a single dependency under the core/main library.</p>
* <p>
* Note, this grouping only works on dependencies with identified CVE entries</p>
* @author Jeremy Long <>
public class DependencyBundlingAnalyzer extends AbstractAnalyzer implements Analyzer {

     * The Logger.
    private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(DependencyBundlingAnalyzer.class.getName());

    //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Constants and Member Variables">
     * A pattern for obtaining the first part of a filename.
    private static final Pattern STARTING_TEXT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z]*");
     * a flag indicating if this analyzer has run. This analyzer only runs once.
    private boolean analyzed = false;
    //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="All standard implementation details of Analyzer">
     * The name of the analyzer.
    private static final String ANALYZER_NAME = "Dependency Bundling Analyzer";
     * The phase that this analyzer is intended to run in.
    private static final AnalysisPhase ANALYSIS_PHASE = AnalysisPhase.PRE_FINDING_ANALYSIS;

     * Returns the name of the analyzer.
     * @return the name of the analyzer.
    public String getName() {
        return ANALYZER_NAME;

     * Returns the phase that the analyzer is intended to run in.
     * @return the phase that the analyzer is intended to run in.
    public AnalysisPhase getAnalysisPhase() {
        return ANALYSIS_PHASE;

     * Analyzes a set of dependencies. If they have been found to have the same base path and the same set of
     * identifiers they are likely related. The related dependencies are bundled into a single reportable item.
     * @param ignore this analyzer ignores the dependency being analyzed
     * @param engine the engine that is scanning the dependencies
     * @throws AnalysisException is thrown if there is an error reading the JAR file.
    public void analyze(Dependency ignore, Engine engine) throws AnalysisException {
        if (!analyzed) {
            analyzed = true;
            final Set<Dependency> dependenciesToRemove = new HashSet<Dependency>();
            final ListIterator<Dependency> mainIterator = engine.getDependencies().listIterator();
            //for (Dependency nextDependency : engine.getDependencies()) {
            while (mainIterator.hasNext()) {
                final Dependency dependency =;
                if (mainIterator.hasNext()) {
                    final ListIterator<Dependency> subIterator = engine.getDependencies().listIterator(mainIterator.nextIndex());
                    while (subIterator.hasNext()) {
                        final Dependency nextDependency =;
                        if (hashesMatch(dependency, nextDependency)) {
                            if (firstPathIsShortest(dependency.getFilePath(), nextDependency.getFilePath())) {
                                mergeDependencies(dependency, nextDependency, dependenciesToRemove);
                            } else {
                                mergeDependencies(nextDependency, dependency, dependenciesToRemove);
                        } else if (isShadedJar(dependency, nextDependency)) {
                            if (dependency.getFileName().toLowerCase().endsWith("pom.xml")) {
                            } else {
                        } else if (cpeIdentifiersMatch(dependency, nextDependency)
                                && hasSameBasePath(dependency, nextDependency)
                                && fileNameMatch(dependency, nextDependency)) {

                            if (isCore(dependency, nextDependency)) {
                                mergeDependencies(dependency, nextDependency, dependenciesToRemove);
                            } else {
                                mergeDependencies(nextDependency, dependency, dependenciesToRemove);
            //removing dependencies here as ensuring correctness and avoiding ConcurrentUpdateExceptions
            // was difficult because of the inner iterator.
            for (Dependency d : dependenciesToRemove) {

     * Adds the relatedDependency to the dependency's related dependencies.
     * @param dependency the main dependency
     * @param relatedDependency a collection of dependencies to be removed from the main analysis loop, this is the
     * source of dependencies to remove
     * @param dependenciesToRemove a collection of dependencies that will be removed from the main analysis loop, this
     * function adds to this collection
    private void mergeDependencies(final Dependency dependency, final Dependency relatedDependency, final Set<Dependency> dependenciesToRemove) {
        final Iterator<Dependency> i = relatedDependency.getRelatedDependencies().iterator();
        while (i.hasNext()) {

     * Attempts to trim a maven repo to a common base path. This is typically
     * [drive]\[repo_location]\repository\[path1]\[path2].
     * @param path the path to trim
     * @return a string representing the base path.
    private String getBaseRepoPath(final String path) {
        int pos = path.indexOf("repository" + File.separator) + 11;
        if (pos < 0) {
            return path;
        int tmp = path.indexOf(File.separator, pos);
        if (tmp <= 0) {
            return path;
        if (tmp > 0) {
            pos = tmp + 1;
        tmp = path.indexOf(File.separator, pos);
        if (tmp > 0) {
            pos = tmp + 1;
        return path.substring(0, pos);

     * Returns true if the file names (and version if it exists) of the two dependencies are sufficiently similar.
     * @param dependency1 a dependency2 to compare
     * @param dependency2 a dependency2 to compare
     * @return true if the identifiers in the two supplied dependencies are equal
    private boolean fileNameMatch(Dependency dependency1, Dependency dependency2) {
        if (dependency1 == null || dependency1.getFileName() == null
                || dependency2 == null || dependency2.getFileName() == null) {
            return false;
        String fileName1 = dependency1.getFileName();
        String fileName2 = dependency2.getFileName();

        //update to deal with archive analyzer, the starting name maybe the same
        // as this is incorrectly looking at the starting path
        final File one = new File(fileName1);
        final File two = new File(fileName2);
        final String oneParent = one.getParent();
        final String twoParent = two.getParent();
        if (oneParent != null) {
            if (oneParent.equals(twoParent)) {
                fileName1 = one.getName();
                fileName2 = two.getName();
            } else {
                return false;
        } else if (twoParent != null) {
            return false;

        //version check
        final DependencyVersion version1 = DependencyVersionUtil.parseVersion(fileName1);
        final DependencyVersion version2 = DependencyVersionUtil.parseVersion(fileName2);
        if (version1 != null && version2 != null) {
            if (!version1.equals(version2)) {
                return false;

        //filename check
        final Matcher match1 = STARTING_TEXT_PATTERN.matcher(fileName1);
        final Matcher match2 = STARTING_TEXT_PATTERN.matcher(fileName2);
        if (match1.find() && match2.find()) {

        return false;

     * Returns true if the CPE identifiers in the two supplied dependencies are equal.
     * @param dependency1 a dependency2 to compare
     * @param dependency2 a dependency2 to compare
     * @return true if the identifiers in the two supplied dependencies are equal
    private boolean cpeIdentifiersMatch(Dependency dependency1, Dependency dependency2) {
        if (dependency1 == null || dependency1.getIdentifiers() == null
                || dependency2 == null || dependency2.getIdentifiers() == null) {
            return false;
        boolean matches = false;
        int cpeCount1 = 0;
        int cpeCount2 = 0;
        for (Identifier i : dependency1.getIdentifiers()) {
            if ("cpe".equals(i.getType())) {
                cpeCount1 += 1;
        for (Identifier i : dependency2.getIdentifiers()) {
            if ("cpe".equals(i.getType())) {
                cpeCount2 += 1;
        if (cpeCount1 > 0 && cpeCount1 == cpeCount2) {
            for (Identifier i : dependency1.getIdentifiers()) {
                matches |= dependency2.getIdentifiers().contains(i);
                if (!matches) {
        if (LogUtils.isVerboseLoggingEnabled()) {
            final String msg = String.format("IdentifiersMatch=%s (%s, %s)", matches, dependency1.getFileName(), dependency2.getFileName());
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, msg);
        return matches;

     * Determines if the two dependencies have the same base path.
     * @param dependency1 a Dependency object
     * @param dependency2 a Dependency object
     * @return true if the base paths of the dependencies are identical
    private boolean hasSameBasePath(Dependency dependency1, Dependency dependency2) {
        if (dependency1 == null || dependency2 == null) {
            return false;
        final File lFile = new File(dependency1.getFilePath());
        String left = lFile.getParent();
        final File rFile = new File(dependency2.getFilePath());
        String right = rFile.getParent();
        if (left == null) {
            return right == null;
        if (left.equalsIgnoreCase(right)) {
            return true;
        if (left.matches(".*[/\\\\]repository[/\\\\].*") && right.matches(".*[/\\\\]repository[/\\\\].*")) {
            left = getBaseRepoPath(left);
            right = getBaseRepoPath(right);
        if (left.equalsIgnoreCase(right)) {
            return true;
        //new code
        for (Dependency child : dependency2.getRelatedDependencies()) {
            if (hasSameBasePath(dependency1, child)) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * This is likely a very broken attempt at determining if the 'left' dependency is the 'core' library in comparison
     * to the 'right' library.
     * @param left the dependency to test
     * @param right the dependency to test against
     * @return a boolean indicating whether or not the left dependency should be considered the "core" version.
    boolean isCore(Dependency left, Dependency right) {
        final String leftName = left.getFileName().toLowerCase();
        final String rightName = right.getFileName().toLowerCase();

        final boolean returnVal;
        if (!rightName.matches(".*\\.(tar|tgz|gz|zip|ear|war).+") && leftName.matches(".*\\.(tar|tgz|gz|zip|ear|war).+")
                || rightName.contains("core") && !leftName.contains("core")
                || rightName.contains("kernel") && !leftName.contains("kernel")) {
            returnVal = false;
        } else if (rightName.matches(".*\\.(tar|tgz|gz|zip|ear|war).+") && !leftName.matches(".*\\.(tar|tgz|gz|zip|ear|war).+")
                || !rightName.contains("core") && leftName.contains("core")
                || !rightName.contains("kernel") && leftName.contains("kernel")) {
            returnVal = true;
        } else {
             * considered splitting the names up and comparing the components,
             * but decided that the file name length should be sufficient as the
             * "core" component, if this follows a normal naming protocol should
             * be shorter:
             * axis2-saaj-1.4.1.jar
             * axis2-1.4.1.jar       <-----
             * axis2-kernel-1.4.1.jar
            returnVal = leftName.length() <= rightName.length();
        if (LogUtils.isVerboseLoggingEnabled()) {
            final String msg = String.format("IsCore=%s (%s, %s)", returnVal, left.getFileName(), right.getFileName());
            LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, msg);
        return returnVal;

     * Compares the SHA1 hashes of two dependencies to determine if they are equal.
     * @param dependency1 a dependency object to compare
     * @param dependency2 a dependency object to compare
     * @return true if the sha1 hashes of the two dependencies match; otherwise false
    private boolean hashesMatch(Dependency dependency1, Dependency dependency2) {
        if (dependency1 == null || dependency2 == null || dependency1.getSha1sum() == null || dependency2.getSha1sum() == null) {
            return false;
        return dependency1.getSha1sum().equals(dependency2.getSha1sum());

     * Determines if the jar is shaded and the created pom.xml identified the same CPE as the jar - if so, the pom.xml
     * dependency should be removed.
     * @param dependency a dependency to check
     * @param nextDependency another dependency to check
     * @return true if on of the dependencies is a pom.xml and the identifiers between the two collections match;
     * otherwise false
    private boolean isShadedJar(Dependency dependency, Dependency nextDependency) {
        final String mainName = dependency.getFileName().toLowerCase();
        final String nextName = nextDependency.getFileName().toLowerCase();
        if (mainName.endsWith(".jar") && nextName.endsWith("pom.xml")) {
            return dependency.getIdentifiers().containsAll(nextDependency.getIdentifiers());
        } else if (nextName.endsWith(".jar") && mainName.endsWith("pom.xml")) {
            return nextDependency.getIdentifiers().containsAll(dependency.getIdentifiers());
        return false;

     * Determines which path is shortest; if path lengths are equal then we use compareTo of the string method to
     * determine if the first path is smaller.
     * @param left the first path to compare
     * @param right the second path to compare
     * @return <code>true</code> if the leftPath is the shortest; otherwise <code>false</code>
    protected boolean firstPathIsShortest(String left, String right) {
        final String leftPath = left.replace('\\', '/');
        final String rightPath = right.replace('\\', '/');

        final int leftCount = countChar(leftPath, '/');
        final int rightCount = countChar(rightPath, '/');
        if (leftCount == rightCount) {
            return leftPath.compareTo(rightPath) <= 0;
        } else {
            return leftCount < rightCount;

     * Counts the number of times the character is present in the string.
     * @param string the string to count the characters in
     * @param c the character to count
     * @return the number of times the character is present in the string
    private int countChar(String string, char c) {
        int count = 0;
        final int max = string.length();
        for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) {
            if (c == string.charAt(i)) {
        return count;

Related Classes of org.owasp.dependencycheck.analyzer.DependencyBundlingAnalyzer

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