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// Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.


import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.parser.*;
import org.apache.tapestry5.internal.test.InternalBaseTestCase;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Locatable;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Location;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.Resource;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.ClasspathResource;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import org.apache.tapestry5.ioc.internal.util.TapestryException;
import org.apache.tapestry5.test.TapestryTestConstants;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import static java.lang.String.format;

* This is used to test the template parser ... and in some cases, the underlying behavior of the SAX APIs.
public class TemplateParserImplTest extends InternalBaseTestCase

    private TemplateParser getParser()
        return this.getService(TemplateParser.class);

    private synchronized ComponentTemplate parse(String file)
        Resource resource = getResource(file);

        return getParser().parseTemplate(resource);

    private synchronized List<TemplateToken> tokens(String file)
        return parse(file).getTokens();

    private Resource getResource(String file)
        String packageName = getClass().getPackage().getName();

        String path = packageName.replace('.', '/') + "/" + file;

        ClassLoader loader = getClass().getClassLoader();

        return new ClasspathResource(loader, path);

    private <T extends TemplateToken> T get(List l, int index)
        Object raw = l.get(index);

        return (T) raw;

    private void checkType(List<TemplateToken> l, int index, TokenType expected)
        assertEquals(l.get(index).getTokenType(), expected);

    private void checkLine(Locatable l, int expectedLineNumber)
        assertEquals(l.getLocation().getLine(), expectedLineNumber);

    public void just_HTML()
        Resource resource = getResource("justHTML.tml");

        ComponentTemplate template = getParser().parseTemplate(resource);

        assertSame(template.getResource(), resource);

        List<TemplateToken> tokens = template.getTokens();

        // They add up quick ...

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 20);

        StartElementToken t0 = get(tokens, 0);

        // Spot check a few things ...

        assertEquals(, "html");
        assertEquals(t0.namespaceURI, "");
        checkLine(t0, 1);

        TextToken t1 = get(tokens, 1);
        // Concerned this may not work cross platform.
        assertEquals(t1.text, "\n    ");

        StartElementToken t2 = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(, "head");
        checkLine(t2, 2);

        TextToken t5 = get(tokens, 5);
        assertEquals(t5.text, "title");
        checkLine(t5, 3);

        get(tokens, 6);

        StartElementToken t12 = get(tokens, 12);
        assertEquals(, "p");

        AttributeToken t13 = get(tokens, 13);
        assertEquals(, "class");
        assertEquals(t13.value, "important");
        assertEquals(t13.namespaceURI, "");

        TextToken t14 = get(tokens, 14);
        // Simplify the text, converting consecutive whitespace to just a single space.
        assertEquals(t14.text.replaceAll("\\s+", " ").trim(), "Tapestry rocks! Line 2");

        // Line number is the *start* line of the whole text block.
        checkLine(t14, 6);

    public void namespaced_element()
        Resource resource = getResource("namespaced_element.tml");

        ComponentTemplate template = getParser().parseTemplate(resource);

        assertSame(template.getResource(), resource);

        List<TemplateToken> tokens = template.getTokens();

        // They add up quick ...

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 8);

        StartElementToken t0 = get(tokens, 0);

        String expectedURI = "";

        assertEquals(t0.namespaceURI, expectedURI);
        assertEquals(, "bar");

        DefineNamespacePrefixToken t1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(t1.namespacePrefix, "foo");
        assertEquals(t1.namespaceURI, expectedURI);

        AttributeToken t2 = get(tokens, 2);

        assertEquals(, "biff");
        assertEquals(t2.value, "baz");
        assertEquals(t2.namespaceURI, expectedURI);

        StartElementToken t4 = get(tokens, 4);

        assertEquals(t4.namespaceURI, "");
        assertEquals(, "gnip");

        // The rest are close tokens

    public void container_element()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("container_element.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 4);

        TextToken t0 = get(tokens, 0);

        assertEquals(t0.text.trim(), "A bit of text.");

        StartElementToken t1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(, "foo");

        EndElementToken t2 = get(tokens, 2);

        assertNotNull(t2); // Keep compiler happy

        TextToken t3 = get(tokens, 3);

        assertEquals(t3.text.trim(), "Some more text.");

    public void xml_entity()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("xmlEntity.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        TextToken t = get(tokens, 1);

        // This is OK because the org.apache.tapestry5.dom.Text will convert the characters back into
        // XML entities.

        assertEquals(t.text.trim(), "lt:< gt:> amp:&");

    public void html_entity()
        String expectedURI = "";

        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("html_entity.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        DTDToken t0 = get(tokens, 0);

        assertEquals(, "html");
        assertEquals(t0.publicId, "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN");
        assertEquals(t0.systemId, "");

        StartElementToken t1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(t1.namespaceURI, expectedURI);
        assertEquals(, "html");

        DefineNamespacePrefixToken t2 = get(tokens, 2);

        assertEquals(t2.namespaceURI, expectedURI);
        assertEquals(t2.namespacePrefix, "");

        TextToken t = get(tokens, 3);

        // HTML entities are parsed into values that will ultimately
        // be output as numeric entities. This is less than ideal; would like
        // to find a way to keep the entities in their original form (possibly
        // involving a new type of token), but SAX seems to be fighting me on this.
        // You have to have a DOCTYPE just to parse a template that uses
        // an HTML entity.

        assertEquals(t.text.trim(), "nbsp:[\u00a0]");

    public void cdata()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("cdata.tml");

        // Whitespace text tokens around the CDATA

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        CDATAToken t = get(tokens, 2);

        assertEquals(t.content, "CDATA: &lt;foo&gt; &amp; &lt;bar&gt; and <baz>");
        checkLine(t, 2);

    public void comment()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("comment.tml");

        // Again, whitespace before and after the comment adds some tokens

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        CommentToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(token1.comment, " Single line comment ");

    public void multiline_comment()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("multilineComment.tml");

        // Again, whitespace before and after the comment adds some tokens

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        CommentToken t = get(tokens, 2);

        String comment = t.comment.trim().replaceAll("\\s+", " ");

        assertEquals(comment, "Line one Line two Line three");

    public void component()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("component.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 6);

        StartComponentToken t = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(t.getId(), "fred");
        assertEquals(t.getComponentType(), "somecomponent");
        checkLine(t, 2);

        get(tokens, 3);

    public void component_with_body()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("componentWithBody.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 7);

        get(tokens, 2);

        TextToken t = get(tokens, 3);

        assertEquals(t.text.trim(), "fred's body");

        get(tokens, 4);

     * @since
    public void comment_element_ignored()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("comment_element_ignored.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 8);

        get(tokens, 2);

        TextToken t = get(tokens, 3);

        assertEquals(t.text.trim(), "fred's body");

        EndElementToken end5 = get(tokens, 5);
        EndElementToken end7 = get(tokens, 7);

    public void root_element_is_component()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("root_element_is_component.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        StartComponentToken start = get(tokens, 0);

        assertEquals(start.getId(), "fred");
        assertEquals(start.getComponentType(), "Fred");

        AttributeToken attr = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(, "param");
        assertEquals(attr.value, "value");


    public void instrumented_element()
        ComponentTemplate template = parse("instrumented_element.tml");
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = template.getTokens();

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        StartComponentToken start = get(tokens, 0);

        assertEquals(start.getId(), "fred");
        assertEquals(start.getComponentType(), "Fred");
        assertEquals(start.getElementName(), "html");

        AttributeToken attr = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(, "param");
        assertEquals(attr.value, "value");


        assertEquals(template.getComponentIds().keySet(), Arrays.asList("fred"));

    public void body_element()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("body_element.tml");

        // start(html), text, body, text, end(html)
        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        // javac bug requires use of isInstance() instead of instanceof
        assertTrue(BodyToken.class.isInstance(get(tokens, 2)));

    public void component_with_parameters()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("componentWithParameters.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 9);

        TemplateToken templateToken = get(tokens, 2);
        Location l = templateToken.getLocation();

        AttributeToken t1 = get(tokens, 3);

        // TODO: Not sure what order the attributes appear in. Order in the XML? Sorted
        // alphabetically? Random 'cause they're hashed?

        assertEquals(, "cherry");
        assertEquals(t1.value, "bomb");
        assertSame(t1.getLocation(), l);

        AttributeToken t2 = get(tokens, 4);
        assertEquals(, "align");
        assertEquals(t2.value, "right");
        assertSame(t2.getLocation(), l);

        TextToken t3 = get(tokens, 5);

        assertEquals(t3.text.trim(), "fred's body");

        get(tokens, 6);

    public void component_with_mixins()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("component_with_mixins.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 4);

        StartComponentToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(token1.getId(), "fred");
        assertEquals(token1.getComponentType(), "comp");
        assertEquals(token1.getMixins(), "Barney");

    public void empty_string_mixins_is_null()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("empty_string_mixins_is_null.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 6);

        StartComponentToken t = get(tokens, 2);

        assertEquals(t.getId(), "fred");
        // We also check that empty string type is null ..

    public void component_ids()
        ComponentTemplate template = parse("component_ids.tml");

        Map<String, Location> map = template.getComponentIds();

        assertEquals(map.keySet(), CollectionFactory.newSet(Arrays.asList("bomb", "border", "zebra")));

    public void expansions_in_normal_text()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("expansions_in_normal_text.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 7);

        TextToken t1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(t1.text.trim(), "Expansion #1[");

        ExpansionToken t2 = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(t2.getExpression(), "expansion1");

        TextToken t3 = get(tokens, 3);
        assertEquals(t3.text.replaceAll("\\s+", " "), "] Expansion #2[");

        ExpansionToken t4 = get(tokens, 4);
        assertEquals(t4.getExpression(), "expansion2");

        TextToken t5 = get(tokens, 5);
        assertEquals(t5.text.trim(), "]");

    public void expansions_must_be_on_one_line()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("expansions_must_be_on_one_line.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        TextToken t1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(t1.text.replaceAll("\\s+", " "), " ${expansions must be on a single line} ");

    public void multiple_expansions_on_one_line()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("multiple_expansions_on_one_line.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 10);

        ExpansionToken token3 = get(tokens, 3);

        assertEquals(token3.getExpression(), "classLoader");

        TextToken token4 = get(tokens, 4);

        assertEquals(token4.text, " [");

        ExpansionToken token5 = get(tokens, 5);

        assertEquals(token5.getExpression(), "");

        TextToken token6 = get(tokens, 6);

        assertEquals(token6.text, "]");

    public void expansions_not_allowed_in_cdata()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("expansions_not_allowed_in_cdata.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        CDATAToken t2 = get(tokens, 2);

        assertEquals(t2.content, "${not-an-expansion}");

    public void expansions_not_allowed_in_attributes()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("expansions_not_allowed_in_attributes.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        AttributeToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(, "exp");
        assertEquals(token1.value, "${not-an-expansion}");

    public void expansions_with_maps()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("expansions_with_maps.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 11);

        //note that a single expansion on a line and two expansions on a line are tested individually elsewhere,
        //so we group them together here just to cover all of the bases when using maps.
        ExpansionToken expansion = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(expansion.getExpression(), "{}", "Empty map parsed incorrectly in an expansion");

        expansion = get(tokens, 4);
        assertEquals(expansion.getExpression(), "{'a': 'b'}", "Non-empty map parsed incorrectly in an expansion");

        expansion = get(tokens, 6);
        assertEquals(expansion.getExpression(), "{'one': 1}", "First expansion in a line with two expansions parsed incorrectly");

        expansion = get(tokens, 8);
        assertEquals(expansion.getExpression(), "{'two': 2}", "Second expansion in a line with two expansions parsed incorrectly");

    public void expansion_whitespace_trimmed()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("expansions_with_whitespace.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 9);

        ExpansionToken expansion = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(expansion.getExpression(), "message:messagekey1");


    public void parameter_element()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("parameter_element.tml");

        ParameterToken token4 = get(tokens, 4);
        assertEquals(, "fred");

        CommentToken token6 = get(tokens, 6);
        assertEquals(token6.comment, " fred content ");

        TemplateToken token8 = get(tokens, 8);

        assertEquals(token8.getTokenType(), TokenType.END_ELEMENT);

     * TAP5-112
    public void parameter_namespace_element()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("parameter_namespace_element.tml");

        ParameterToken token4 = get(tokens, 4);
        assertEquals(, "fred");

        CommentToken token6 = get(tokens, 6);
        assertEquals(token6.comment, " fred content ");

        TemplateToken token8 = get(tokens, 8);

        assertEquals(token8.getTokenType(), TokenType.END_ELEMENT);

    public void complex_component_type()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("complex_component_type.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 4);

        StartComponentToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(token1.getComponentType(), "subfolder/nifty");

     * TAP5-66
    public void component_inside_library_namespace()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("component_inside_library_namespace.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 4);

        StartComponentToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(token1.getComponentType(), "subfolder/nifty");

    public void block_element()
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("block_element.tml");

        BlockToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);
        assertEquals(token1.getId(), "block0");

        CommentToken token2 = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(token2.comment, " block0 content ");

        BlockToken token4 = get(tokens, 4);

        CommentToken token5 = get(tokens, 5);
        assertEquals(token5.comment, " anon block content ");

    public Object[][] parse_failure_data()
        return new Object[][]{

                        "You may not specify mixins for element <span> because it does not represent a component (which requires either an id attribute or a type attribute).",

                        "Element <parameter> does not support an attribute named 'grok'. The only allowed attribute name is 'name'.",

                        "The name attribute of the <parameter> element must be specified.", 4},

                        "The name attribute of the <parameter> element must be specified.", 4},

                        "Element <block> does not support an attribute named 'name'. The only allowed attribute name is 'id'.",

                        "A block parameter element does not allow any additional attributes. The element name defines the parameter name.", 4},

                        "The path portion of library namespace URI 'tapestry-library:subfolder/' is not valid", 2},

                {"content_within_body_element.tml", "Content inside a Tapestry body element is not allowed", 2},

                        "The <content> element may not be nested within another <content> element.", 3},

                {"container_must_be_root.tml", "Element <container> is only valid as the root element of a template.",

                {"extend_must_be_root.tml", "Element <extend> is only valid as the root element of a template.", 3},

                        "The <replace> element may only appear directly within an extend element.", 3},

                {"only_replace_within_extend.tml", "Child element of <extend> must be <replace>.", 2},

                {"missing_id_in_replace_element.tml", "The <replace> element must have an id attribute.", 3},

                {"extension_point_must_have_id.tml", "The <extension-point> element must have an id attribute.", 3},

                {"misplaced_parameter.tml", "Block parameters are only allowed directly within component elements.",

                {"parameter_namespace_element_deprecated.tml", "The <parameter> element has been deprecated in Tapestry 5.3 in favour of 'tapestry:parameter' namespace.", 4},


    @Test(dataProvider = "parse_failure_data")
    public void parse_failure(String fileName, String errorMessageSubstring, int expectedLine)
        } catch (TapestryException ex)
            if (!ex.getMessage().contains(errorMessageSubstring))
                throw new AssertionError(format("Message [%s] does not contain substring [%s].", ex.getMessage(),

            assertEquals(ex.getLocation().getLine(), expectedLine);

    public Object[][] doctype_parsed_correctly_data()
        return new Object[][]{{"xhtml1_strict_doctype.tml"}, {"xhtml1_transitional_doctype.tml"},

    @Test(dataProvider = "doctype_parsed_correctly_data")
    public void doctype_parsed_correctly(String fileName) throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens(fileName);
        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 12);
        TextToken t = get(tokens, 9);
        assertEquals(t.text.trim(), "<Test>");

    public Object[][] doctype_token_added_correctly_data()
        return new Object[][]{

                {"xhtml1_strict_doctype.tml", "html", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN",

                {"xhtml1_transitional_doctype.tml", "html", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN",

                {"xhtml1_frameset_doctype.tml", "html", "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN",

                {"html4_strict_doctype.tml", "HTML", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN",

                {"html4_transitional_doctype.tml", "HTML", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN",

                {"html4_frameset_doctype.tml", "HTML", "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN",

                {"system_doctype.xml", "foo", null,

    @Test(dataProvider = "doctype_token_added_correctly_data")
    public void doctype_added_correctly(String fileName, String name, String publicId, String systemId) throws Exception
        System.setProperty("user.dir", TapestryTestConstants.MODULE_BASE_DIR_PATH);

        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens(fileName);
        DTDToken t0 = get(tokens, 0);
        assertEquals(, name);
        assertEquals(t0.publicId, publicId);
        assertEquals(t0.systemId, systemId);

    public void invalid_component_id() throws Exception
        } catch (RuntimeException ex)
            assertMessageContains(ex, "Component id 'not-valid' is not valid");

    public void invalid_block_id() throws Exception
        } catch (RuntimeException ex)
            assertMessageContains(ex, "Block id 'not-valid' is not valid");

     * Because of common code, this covers t:block and t:parameter.
    public void space_preserved_in_block() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("space_preserved_in_block.tml");

        TextToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(token1.text, "\n" + "        line in the middle\n" + "    ");

     * t:container is a bit of a different code path than t:block/t:parameter
    public void space_preserved_in_container() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("space_preserved_in_container.tml");

        TextToken token0 = get(tokens, 0);
        assertEquals(token0.text, "\n" + "    ");

        TextToken token2 = get(tokens, 2);
        assertEquals(token2.text, "\n" + "        some text\n" + "    ");

    public void minimal_whitespace_maintained_inside_tags() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("minimal_whitespace_maintained_inside_tags.tml");

        // A line feed or carriage return surrounded by other whitespace is reduced to
        // just a line feed.

        TextToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);
        assertEquals(token1.text, "\nWhitespace\n");

        TextToken token5 = get(tokens, 5);
        assertEquals(token5.text, "\nis maintained.\n");

     * TAP5-563
    public void content_element() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("content_element.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        StartComponentToken token0 = get(tokens, 0);
        assertEquals(token0.getElementName(), "body");
        assertEquals(token0.getComponentType(), "layout");

        StartElementToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);
        assertEquals(, "p");

        TextToken token2 = get(tokens, 2);

        assertEquals(token2.text, "Page content");

        checkType(tokens, 3, TokenType.END_ELEMENT);
        checkType(tokens, 4, TokenType.END_ELEMENT);

    public void overrides() throws Exception
        ComponentTemplate template = parse("overrides.tml");


        assertEquals(template.getTokens().size(), 0);

        List<TemplateToken> alpha = template.getExtensionPointTokens("alpha");

        assertEquals(alpha.size(), 1);

        TextToken alpha0 = get(alpha, 0);
        assertEquals(alpha0.text, "beta");

        List<TemplateToken> gamma = template.getExtensionPointTokens("gamma");
        assertEquals(gamma.size(), 3);

        StartElementToken gamma0 = get(gamma, 0);
        assertEquals(, "p");

        TextToken gamma1 = get(gamma, 1);

        assertEquals(gamma1.text, "Hi!");

        checkType(gamma, 2, TokenType.END_ELEMENT);

    public void extension_point() throws Exception
        ComponentTemplate template = parse("extension_point.tml");

        ExtensionPointToken expansion = get(template.getTokens(), 2);

        assertEquals(expansion.getExtensionPointId(), "title");

        List<TemplateToken> title = template.getExtensionPointTokens("title");

        assertEquals(title.size(), 3);

        StartElementToken title0 = get(title, 0);
        assertEquals(, "h1");

        TextToken title1 = get(title, 1);
        assertEquals(title1.text, "Default Title");

        checkType(title, 2, TokenType.END_ELEMENT);

    public void html5_with_entities() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("html5_with_entities.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 5);

        DTDToken token0 = get(tokens, 0);
        assertEquals(token0.toString(), "DTD[name=html; publicId=null; systemId=null]");

        TextToken token3 = get(tokens, 3);

        assertEquals(token3.text, "\u00A92011\u00A0Apache");

    public void dupe_extension_point_id() throws Exception
        } catch (Exception ex)
            assertMessageContains(ex, "Extension point 'batman' is already defined for this template.");

    public void html_entities_inside_template_without_doctype_are_allowed() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("html_entities.tml");

        assertEquals(tokens.size(), 3);

        StartElementToken token0 = get(tokens, 0);

        assertEquals(, "html");

        TextToken token1 = get(tokens, 1);

        assertEquals(token1.text, "\n[\u00A0]\n");

    public void utf8_template() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("chinese_utf-8.tml");

        TextToken token7 = get(tokens, 7);

        assertEquals(token7.text.trim().substring(0, 3), "\u975E\u5e38\u7b80");

    public void block_can_nest_inside_extend() throws Exception
        List<TemplateToken> tokens = tokens("block_can_nest_inside_extend.tml");

        BlockToken token = get(tokens, 0);

        assert (token.getId().equals("myBlock"));

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