Package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl

Source Code of com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl.FileGraph$NotifyOnClose

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package com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.impl;

import com.hp.hpl.jena.util.FileUtils;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.graph.TransactionHandler;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.mem.GraphMem ;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Model;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.impl.ModelCom;
import com.hp.hpl.jena.shared.*;


    A FileGraph is a memory-based graph that is optionally read in from a file
    when it is created, and is written back when it is closed. It supports
    (weak) transactions by using checkpoint files.
public class FileGraph extends GraphMem
    public interface NotifyOnClose
        void notifyClosed( File f );
        static final NotifyOnClose ignore = new NotifyOnClose()
            { @Override
            public void notifyClosed( File f ) {} };

    public FileGraph( File f, boolean create, boolean strict )
        { this( NotifyOnClose.ignore, f, create, strict ); }
        The File-name of this graph, used to name it in the filing system
    public final File name;
        A model used to wrap the graph for the IO operations (since these are not
        yet available at the graph level).
    protected final Model model;
        The language used to read and write the graph, guessed from the filename's
    public final String lang;
    protected final NotifyOnClose notify;
        Construct a new FileGraph who's name is given by the specified File,
        If create is true, this is a new file, and any existing file will be destroyed;
        if create is false, this is an existing file, and its current contents will
        be loaded. The language code for the file is guessed from its suffix.
       @param f the File naming the associated file-system file
       @param create true to create a new one, false to read an existing one
        @param strict true to throw exceptions for create: existing, open: not found
        @param style the reification style for the graph
    public FileGraph( NotifyOnClose notify, File f, boolean create, boolean strict )
        { this( notify, f, FileUtils.guessLang( f.toString() ), create, strict ); }

        Construct a new FileGraph who's name is given by the specified File,
        If create is true, this is a new file, and any existing file will be destroyed;
        if create is false, this is an existing file, and its current contents will
        be loaded. The language code for the file is supplied.
        @param f the File naming the associated file-system file
        @param lang the language string for the file
        @param create true to create a new one, false to read an existing one
        @param strict true to throw exceptions for create: existing, open: not found
        @param style the reification style for the graph
    public FileGraph( NotifyOnClose notify, File f, String lang, boolean create, boolean strict )
        { = f;
        this.notify = notify;
        this.model = new ModelCom( this );
        this.lang = lang;
        if (create)
            { if (f.exists() && strict) throw new AlreadyExistsException( f.toString() ); }
            readModel( this.model, strict );
    protected void readModel( Model m, boolean strict )
        { readModelFrom( m, strict, name ); }
    protected void readModelFrom( Model m, boolean strict, File name )
        FileInputStream in = null;
            in = new FileInputStream( name );
   in, "", this.lang );
        catch (FileNotFoundException f)
            { if (strict) throw new DoesNotExistException( name.toString() ); }
            if (in != null) try {in.close();} catch (IOException ignore) {}
        As for FileGraph(File,boolean), except the name is given as a String.
    public FileGraph( String s, boolean create )
        { this( new File( s ), create, true ); }
    public static FileGraph create()
        { return new FileGraph( FileUtils.tempFileName( "anonymousFileGraph", ".rdf" ), true, true ); }
        Answer true iff the filename string given is plausibly the name of a
        graph, ie, may have RDF content. We appeal to FileUtils - if it can
        guess an RDF language name, we deliver true, otherwise false.
       @param name the leaf component of a filename
       @return true if it is likely to be an RDF file
    public static boolean isPlausibleGraphName( String name )
        { return FileUtils.guessLang( name, null ) != null; }
        Write out and then close this FileGraph.
    public void close()
        saveContents( name );
        if (count == 0) notify.notifyClosed( name );
       Delete the backing file. Primarily intended for test cleanup.
    public void delete()
        { name.delete(); }

        The graph is written out to the
        named file in the language guessed from the suffix, and then the
        parent close is invoked. The write-out goes to an intermediate file
        first, which is then renamed to the correct name, to try and ensure
        that the output is either done completely or not at all.
    protected void saveContents( File targetName )
            File intermediate = new File( targetName.getPath() + ".new" );
            FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream( intermediate );
            model.write( out, lang );
            updateFrom( targetName, intermediate );
        catch (Exception e)
            { throw new JenaException( e ); }
        The file intermediate has the new file contents. We want to move
        them to the current file. renameTo doesn't have a powerful enough
        semantics, so we anticipate failure and attempt to bypass it ...
        If the rename works, that's fine. If it fails, we delete the old file if it
        exists, and try again.
    protected void updateFrom( File targetName, File intermediate )
        if (intermediate.renameTo( targetName ) == false)
            if (targetName.exists()) mustDelete( targetName );
            mustRename( intermediate, targetName );
    protected void mustDelete( File f )
        { if (f.delete() == false) throw new JenaException( "could not delete " + f ); }
    protected void mustRename( File from, File to )
        if (from.renameTo( to ) == false)
            throw new JenaException( "could not rename " + from + " to " + to );

    public TransactionHandler getTransactionHandler()
        { if (th == null) th = new FileGraphTransactionHandler( this );
        return th; }
    protected TransactionHandler th;

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