Package org.apache.maven.plugin.ide

Source Code of org.apache.maven.plugin.ide.AbstractIdeSupportMojo

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package org.apache.maven.plugin.ide;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.jar.Attributes;
import java.util.jar.JarFile;
import java.util.jar.Manifest;

import org.apache.maven.artifact.Artifact;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataSource;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.repository.ArtifactRepository;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactCollector;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactNotFoundException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolutionResult;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.DebugResolutionListener;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ResolutionNode;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.WarningResolutionListener;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.filter.ExcludesArtifactFilter;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.ArtifactVersion;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.InvalidVersionSpecificationException;
import org.apache.maven.artifact.versioning.VersionRange;
import org.apache.maven.execution.RuntimeInformation;
import org.apache.maven.model.Dependency;
import org.apache.maven.model.DependencyManagement;
import org.apache.maven.model.Exclusion;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.AbstractMojo;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoFailureException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.Constants;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.eclipse.Messages;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LogEnabled;
import org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger;

* Abstract base plugin which takes care of the common stuff usually needed by maven IDE plugins. A plugin extending
* AbstractIdeSupportMojo should implement the <code>setup()</code> and <code>writeConfiguration()</code> methods, plus
* the getters needed to get the various configuration flags and required components. The lifecycle:
* <pre>
*       *** calls setup() where you can configure your specific stuff and stop the mojo from execute if appropriate ***
*       - manually resolve project dependencies, NOT failing if a dependency is missing
*       - compute project references (reactor projects) if the getUseProjectReferences() flag is set
*       - download sources/javadocs if the getDownloadSources() flag is set
*       *** calls writeConfiguration(), passing the list of resolved referenced dependencies ***
*       - report the list of missing sources or just tell how to turn this feature on if the flag was disabled
* </pre>
* @author Fabrizio Giustina
* @version $Id: 1173952 2011-09-22 05:53:22Z baerrach $
public abstract class AbstractIdeSupportMojo
    extends AbstractMojo
    implements LogEnabled

     * The project whose project files to create.
     * @parameter expression="${project}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected MavenProject project;

     * The currently executed project (can be a reactor project).
     * @parameter expression="${executedProject}"
     * @readonly
    protected MavenProject executedProject;

     * The project packaging.
     * @parameter expression="${project.packaging}"
    protected String packaging;

     * Artifact factory, needed to download source jars for inclusion in classpath.
     * @component role="org.apache.maven.artifact.factory.ArtifactFactory"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected ArtifactFactory artifactFactory;

     * Artifact resolver, needed to download source jars for inclusion in classpath.
     * @component role="org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;

     * Artifact collector, needed to resolve dependencies.
     * @component role="org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactCollector"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected ArtifactCollector artifactCollector;

     * @component role="org.apache.maven.artifact.metadata.ArtifactMetadataSource" hint="maven"
    protected ArtifactMetadataSource artifactMetadataSource;

     * The runtime information for Maven, used to retrieve Maven's version number.
     * @component
    private RuntimeInformation runtimeInformation;

     * Remote repositories which will be searched for source attachments.
     * @parameter expression="${project.remoteArtifactRepositories}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected List remoteArtifactRepositories;

     * Local maven repository.
     * @parameter expression="${localRepository}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected ArtifactRepository localRepository;

     * If the executed project is a reactor project, this will contains the full list of projects in the reactor.
     * @parameter expression="${reactorProjects}"
     * @required
     * @readonly
    protected List reactorProjects;

     * Skip the operation when true.
     * @parameter expression="${eclipse.skip}" default-value="false"
    private boolean skip;

     * Enables/disables the downloading of source attachments. Defaults to false. When this flag is <code>true</code>
     * remote repositories are checked for sources: in order to avoid repeated check for unavailable source archives, a
     * status cache is mantained. With versions 2.6+ of the plugin to reset this cache run
     * <code>mvn eclipse:remove-cache</code>, or use the <code>forceRecheck</code> option with versions. With older
     * versions delete the file <code></code> in the target directory.
     * @parameter expression="${downloadSources}"
    protected boolean downloadSources;

     * Enables/disables the downloading of javadoc attachments. Defaults to false. When this flag is <code>true</code>
     * remote repositories are checked for javadocs: in order to avoid repeated check for unavailable javadoc archives,
     * a status cache is mantained. With versions 2.6+ of the plugin to reset this cache run
     * <code>mvn eclipse:remove-cache</code>, or use the <code>forceRecheck</code> option with versions. With older
     * versions delete the file <code></code> in the target directory.
     * @parameter expression="${downloadJavadocs}"
    protected boolean downloadJavadocs;

     * Enables/disables the rechecking of the remote repository for downloading source/javadoc attachments. Defaults to
     * false. When this flag is <code>true</code> and the source or javadoc attachment has a status cache to indicate
     * that it is not available, then the remote repository will be rechecked for a source or javadoc attachment and the
     * status cache updated to reflect the new state.
     * @parameter expression="${forceRecheck}"
    protected boolean forceRecheck;

     * Plexus logger needed for debugging manual artifact resolution.
    protected Logger logger;

     * Getter for <code>artifactMetadataSource</code>.
     * @return Returns the artifactMetadataSource.
    public ArtifactMetadataSource getArtifactMetadataSource()
        return artifactMetadataSource;

     * Setter for <code>artifactMetadataSource</code>.
     * @param artifactMetadataSource The artifactMetadataSource to set.
    public void setArtifactMetadataSource( ArtifactMetadataSource artifactMetadataSource )
        this.artifactMetadataSource = artifactMetadataSource;

     * Getter for <code>project</code>.
     * @return Returns the project.
    public MavenProject getProject()
        return project;

     * Setter for <code>project</code>.
     * @param project The project to set.
    public void setProject( MavenProject project )
        this.project = project;

     * Getter for <code>reactorProjects</code>.
     * @return Returns the reactorProjects.
    public List getReactorProjects()
        return reactorProjects;

     * Setter for <code>reactorProjects</code>.
     * @param reactorProjects The reactorProjects to set.
    public void setReactorProjects( List reactorProjects )
        this.reactorProjects = reactorProjects;

     * Getter for <code>remoteArtifactRepositories</code>.
     * @return Returns the remoteArtifactRepositories.
    public List getRemoteArtifactRepositories()
        return remoteArtifactRepositories;

     * Setter for <code>remoteArtifactRepositories</code>.
     * @param remoteArtifactRepositories The remoteArtifactRepositories to set.
    public void setRemoteArtifactRepositories( List remoteArtifactRepositories )
        this.remoteArtifactRepositories = remoteArtifactRepositories;

     * Getter for <code>artifactFactory</code>.
     * @return Returns the artifactFactory.
    public ArtifactFactory getArtifactFactory()
        return artifactFactory;

     * Setter for <code>artifactFactory</code>.
     * @param artifactFactory The artifactFactory to set.
    public void setArtifactFactory( ArtifactFactory artifactFactory )
        this.artifactFactory = artifactFactory;

     * Getter for <code>artifactResolver</code>.
     * @return Returns the artifactResolver.
    public ArtifactResolver getArtifactResolver()
        return artifactResolver;

     * Setter for <code>artifactResolver</code>.
     * @param artifactResolver The artifactResolver to set.
    public void setArtifactResolver( ArtifactResolver artifactResolver )
        this.artifactResolver = artifactResolver;

     * Getter for <code>executedProject</code>.
     * @return Returns the executedProject.
    public MavenProject getExecutedProject()
        return executedProject;

     * Setter for <code>executedProject</code>.
     * @param executedProject The executedProject to set.
    public void setExecutedProject( MavenProject executedProject )
        this.executedProject = executedProject;

     * Getter for <code>localRepository</code>.
     * @return Returns the localRepository.
    public ArtifactRepository getLocalRepository()
        return localRepository;

     * Setter for <code>localRepository</code>.
     * @param localRepository The localRepository to set.
    public void setLocalRepository( ArtifactRepository localRepository )
        this.localRepository = localRepository;

     * Getter for <code>downloadJavadocs</code>.
     * @return Returns the downloadJavadocs.
    public boolean getDownloadJavadocs()
        return downloadJavadocs;

     * Setter for <code>downloadJavadocs</code>.
     * @param downloadJavadoc The downloadJavadocs to set.
    public void setDownloadJavadocs( boolean downloadJavadoc )
        downloadJavadocs = downloadJavadoc;

     * Getter for <code>downloadSources</code>.
     * @return Returns the downloadSources.
    public boolean getDownloadSources()
        return downloadSources;

     * Setter for <code>downloadSources</code>.
     * @param downloadSources The downloadSources to set.
    public void setDownloadSources( boolean downloadSources )
        this.downloadSources = downloadSources;

    protected void setResolveDependencies( boolean resolveDependencies )
        this.resolveDependencies = resolveDependencies;

    protected boolean isResolveDependencies()
        return resolveDependencies;

     * return <code>false</code> if projects available in a reactor build should be considered normal dependencies,
     * <code>true</code> if referenced project will be linked and not need artifact resolution.
     * @return <code>true</code> if referenced project will be linked and not need artifact resolution
    protected abstract boolean getUseProjectReferences();

     * Hook for preparation steps before the actual plugin execution.
     * @return <code>true</code> if execution should continue or <code>false</code> if not.
     * @throws MojoExecutionException generic mojo exception
    protected abstract boolean setup()
        throws MojoExecutionException;

     * Main plugin method where dependencies should be processed in order to generate IDE configuration files.
     * @param deps list of <code>IdeDependency</code> objects, with artifacts, sources and javadocs already resolved
     * @throws MojoExecutionException generic mojo exception
    protected abstract void writeConfiguration( IdeDependency[] deps )
        throws MojoExecutionException;

     * Not a plugin parameter. Collect the list of dependencies with a missing source artifact for the final report.
    private List missingSourceDependencies = new ArrayList();

     * Not a plugin parameter. Collect the list of dependencies with a missing javadoc artifact for the final report.
    // TODO merge this with the missingSourceDependencies in a classifier based map?
    private List missingJavadocDependencies = new ArrayList();

     * Cached array of resolved dependencies.
    private IdeDependency[] ideDeps;

     * Flag for mojo implementations to control whether normal maven dependencies should be resolved. Default value is
     * true.
    private boolean resolveDependencies = true;

     * @see org.codehaus.plexus.logging.LogEnabled#enableLogging(org.codehaus.plexus.logging.Logger)
    public void enableLogging( Logger logger )
        this.logger = logger;

     * @see org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo#execute()
    public final void execute()
        throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException
        if ( skip )

        boolean processProject = setup();
        if ( !processProject )

        // resolve artifacts
        IdeDependency[] deps = doDependencyResolution();

        resolveSourceAndJavadocArtifacts( deps );

        writeConfiguration( deps );



     * Resolve project dependencies. Manual resolution is needed in order to avoid resolution of multiproject artifacts
     * (if projects will be linked each other an installed jar is not needed) and to avoid a failure when a jar is
     * missing.
     * @throws MojoExecutionException if dependencies can't be resolved
     * @return resolved IDE dependencies, with attached jars for non-reactor dependencies
    protected IdeDependency[] doDependencyResolution()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        if ( ideDeps == null )
            if ( resolveDependencies )
                MavenProject project = getProject();
                ArtifactRepository localRepo = getLocalRepository();

                List deps = getProject().getDependencies();

                // Collect the list of resolved IdeDependencies.
                List dependencies = new ArrayList();

                if ( deps != null )
                    Map managedVersions =
                        createManagedVersionMap( getArtifactFactory(), project.getId(),
                                                 project.getDependencyManagement() );

                    ArtifactResolutionResult artifactResolutionResult = null;


                        List listeners = new ArrayList();

                        if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() )
                            listeners.add( new DebugResolutionListener( logger ) );

                        listeners.add( new WarningResolutionListener( logger ) );

                        artifactResolutionResult =
                            artifactCollector.collect( getProjectArtifacts(), project.getArtifact(), managedVersions,
                                                       localRepo, project.getRemoteArtifactRepositories(),
                                                       getArtifactMetadataSource(), null, listeners );
                    catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
                        getLog().debug( e.getMessage(), e );
                                        Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.artifactresolution", new Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                            e.getGroupId(), e.getArtifactId(), e.getVersion(),
                                                                e.getMessage() } ) );

                        // if we are here artifactResolutionResult is null, create a project without dependencies but
                        // don't fail
                        // (this could be a reactor projects, we don't want to fail everything)
                        // Causes MECLIPSE-185. Not sure if it should be handled this way??
                        return new IdeDependency[0];

                    // keep track of added reactor projects in order to avoid duplicates
                    Set emittedReactorProjectId = new HashSet();

                    for ( Iterator i = artifactResolutionResult.getArtifactResolutionNodes().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )

                        ResolutionNode node = (ResolutionNode);
                        int dependencyDepth = node.getDepth();
                        Artifact art = node.getArtifact();
                        // don't resolve jars for reactor projects
                        if ( hasToResolveJar( art ) )
                                artifactResolver.resolve( art, node.getRemoteRepositories(), localRepository );
                            catch ( ArtifactNotFoundException e )
                                getLog().debug( e.getMessage(), e );
                                                                   "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.artifactdownload", new Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                                   e.getGroupId(), e.getArtifactId(), e.getVersion(),
                                                                       e.getMessage() } ) );
                            catch ( ArtifactResolutionException e )
                                getLog().debug( e.getMessage(), e );
                                                                   "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.artifactresolution", new Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                                   e.getGroupId(), e.getArtifactId(), e.getVersion(),
                                                                       e.getMessage() } ) );

                        boolean includeArtifact = true;
                        if ( getExcludes() != null )
                            String artifactFullId = art.getGroupId() + ":" + art.getArtifactId();
                            if ( getExcludes().contains( artifactFullId ) )
                                getLog().info( "excluded: " + artifactFullId );
                                includeArtifact = false;

                        if ( includeArtifact
                            && ( !( getUseProjectReferences() && isAvailableAsAReactorProject( art ) ) || emittedReactorProjectId.add( art.getGroupId()
                                + '-' + art.getArtifactId() ) ) )

                            // the following doesn't work: art.getArtifactHandler().getPackaging() always returns "jar"
                            // also
                            // if the packaging specified in pom.xml is different.

                            // osgi-bundle packaging is provided by the felix osgi plugin
                            // eclipse-plugin packaging is provided by this eclipse plugin
                            // String packaging = art.getArtifactHandler().getPackaging();
                            // boolean isOsgiBundle = "osgi-bundle".equals( packaging ) || "eclipse-plugin".equals(
                            // packaging );

                            // we need to check the manifest, if "Bundle-SymbolicName" is there the artifact can be
                            // considered
                            // an osgi bundle
                            boolean isOsgiBundle = false;
                            String osgiSymbolicName = null;
                            if ( art.getFile() != null )
                                JarFile jarFile = null;
                                    jarFile = new JarFile( art.getFile(), false, ZipFile.OPEN_READ );

                                    Manifest manifest = jarFile.getManifest();
                                    if ( manifest != null )
                                        osgiSymbolicName =
                                                                                   new Attributes.Name(
                                                                                                        "Bundle-SymbolicName" ) );
                                catch ( IOException e )
                                    getLog().info( "Unable to read jar manifest from " + art.getFile() );
                                    if ( jarFile != null )
                                        catch ( IOException e )
                                            // ignore

                            isOsgiBundle = osgiSymbolicName != null;

                            IdeDependency dep =
                                new IdeDependency( art.getGroupId(), art.getArtifactId(), art.getVersion(),
                                                   art.getClassifier(), useProjectReference( art ),
                                                   Artifact.SCOPE_TEST.equals( art.getScope() ),
                                                   Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM.equals( art.getScope() ),
                                                   Artifact.SCOPE_PROVIDED.equals( art.getScope() ),
                                                   art.getArtifactHandler().isAddedToClasspath(), art.getFile(),
                                                   art.getType(), isOsgiBundle, osgiSymbolicName, dependencyDepth,
                                                   getProjectNameForArifact( art ) );
                            // no duplicate entries allowed. System paths can cause this problem.
                            if ( !dependencies.contains( dep ) )
                                dependencies.add( dep );


                    // @todo a final report with the list of
                    // missingArtifacts?


                ideDeps = (IdeDependency[]) dependencies.toArray( new IdeDependency[dependencies.size()] );
                ideDeps = new IdeDependency[0];

        return ideDeps;

     * Find the name of the project as used in eclipse.
     * @param artifact The artifact to find the eclipse name for.
     * @return The name os the eclipse project.
    abstract public String getProjectNameForArifact( Artifact artifact );

     * Returns the list of project artifacts. Also artifacts generated from referenced projects will be added, but with
     * the <code>resolved</code> property set to true.
     * @return list of projects artifacts
     * @throws MojoExecutionException if unable to parse dependency versions
    private Set getProjectArtifacts()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        // [MECLIPSE-388] Don't sort this, the order should be identical to getProject.getDependencies()
        Set artifacts = new LinkedHashSet();

        for ( Iterator dependencies = getProject().getDependencies().iterator(); dependencies.hasNext(); )
            Dependency dependency = (Dependency);

            String groupId = dependency.getGroupId();
            String artifactId = dependency.getArtifactId();
            VersionRange versionRange;
                versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec( dependency.getVersion() );
            catch ( InvalidVersionSpecificationException e )
                throw new MojoExecutionException(
                                                                      "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.unabletoparseversion", new Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                                          dependency.getManagementKey(), e.getMessage() } ),
                                                  e );

            String type = dependency.getType();
            if ( type == null )
                type = Constants.PROJECT_PACKAGING_JAR;
            String classifier = dependency.getClassifier();
            boolean optional = dependency.isOptional();
            String scope = dependency.getScope();
            if ( scope == null )
                scope = Artifact.SCOPE_COMPILE;

            Artifact art =
                getArtifactFactory().createDependencyArtifact( groupId, artifactId, versionRange, type, classifier,
                                                               scope, optional );

            if ( scope.equalsIgnoreCase( Artifact.SCOPE_SYSTEM ) )
                art.setFile( new File( dependency.getSystemPath() ) );

            handleExclusions( art, dependency );

            artifacts.add( art );

        return artifacts;

     * Apply exclusion filters to direct AND transitive dependencies.
     * @param artifact
     * @param dependency
    private void handleExclusions( Artifact artifact, Dependency dependency )

        List exclusions = new ArrayList();
        for ( Iterator j = dependency.getExclusions().iterator(); j.hasNext(); )
            Exclusion e = (Exclusion);
            exclusions.add( e.getGroupId() + ":" + e.getArtifactId() ); //$NON-NLS-1$

        ArtifactFilter newFilter = new ExcludesArtifactFilter( exclusions );

        artifact.setDependencyFilter( newFilter );

     * Utility method that locates a project producing the given artifact.
     * @param artifact the artifact a project should produce.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the artifact is produced by a reactor projectart.
    protected boolean isAvailableAsAReactorProject( Artifact artifact )
        return getReactorProject( artifact ) != null;

     * Checks the list of reactor projects to see if the artifact is included.
     * @param artifact the artifact to check if it is in the reactor
     * @return the reactor project or null if it is not in the reactor
    protected MavenProject getReactorProject( Artifact artifact )
        if ( reactorProjects != null )
            for ( Iterator iter = reactorProjects.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
                MavenProject reactorProject = (MavenProject);

                if ( reactorProject.getGroupId().equals( artifact.getGroupId() )
                    && reactorProject.getArtifactId().equals( artifact.getArtifactId() ) )
                    if ( reactorProject.getVersion().equals( artifact.getVersion() ) )
                        return reactorProject;
                                       "Artifact "
                                           + artifact.getId()
                                           + " already available as a reactor project, but with different version. Expected: "
                                           + artifact.getVersion() + ", found: " + reactorProject.getVersion() );
        return null;

     * @return an array with all dependencies available in the workspace, to be implemented by the subclasses.
    protected IdeDependency[] getWorkspaceArtefacts()
        return new IdeDependency[0];

    private Map createManagedVersionMap( ArtifactFactory artifactFactory, String projectId,
                                         DependencyManagement dependencyManagement )
        throws MojoExecutionException
        Map map;
        if ( dependencyManagement != null && dependencyManagement.getDependencies() != null )
            map = new HashMap();
            for ( Iterator i = dependencyManagement.getDependencies().iterator(); i.hasNext(); )
                Dependency d = (Dependency);

                    VersionRange versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec( d.getVersion() );
                    Artifact artifact =
                        artifactFactory.createDependencyArtifact( d.getGroupId(), d.getArtifactId(), versionRange,
                                                                  d.getType(), d.getClassifier(), d.getScope(),
                                                                  d.isOptional() );

                    handleExclusions( artifact, d );
                    map.put( d.getManagementKey(), artifact );
                catch ( InvalidVersionSpecificationException e )
                    throw new MojoExecutionException(
                                                                          "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.unabletoparseversion", new Object[] { //$NON-NLS-1$
                                                                          projectId, d.getVersion(),
                                                                              d.getManagementKey(), e.getMessage() } ),
                                                      e );
            map = Collections.EMPTY_MAP;
        return map;

     * Resolve source artifacts and download them if <code>downloadSources</code> is <code>true</code>. Source and
     * javadocs artifacts will be attached to the <code>IdeDependency</code> Resolve source and javadoc artifacts. The
     * resolved artifacts will be downloaded based on the <code>downloadSources</code> and <code>downloadJavadocs</code>
     * attributes. Source and
     * @param deps resolved dependencies
    private void resolveSourceAndJavadocArtifacts( IdeDependency[] deps )
        final List missingSources = resolveDependenciesWithClassifier( deps, "sources", getDownloadSources() );
        missingSourceDependencies.addAll( missingSources );

        final List missingJavadocs = resolveDependenciesWithClassifier( deps, "javadoc", getDownloadJavadocs() );
        missingJavadocDependencies.addAll( missingJavadocs );

     * Resolve the required artifacts for each of the dependency. <code>sources</code> or <code>javadoc</code> artifacts
     * (depending on the <code>classifier</code>) are attached to the dependency.
     * @param deps resolved dependencies
     * @param inClassifier the classifier we are looking for (either <code>sources</code> or <code>javadoc</code>)
     * @param includeRemoteRepositories flag whether we should search remote repositories for the artifacts or not
     * @return the list of dependencies for which the required artifact was not found
    private List resolveDependenciesWithClassifier( IdeDependency[] deps, String inClassifier,
                                                    boolean includeRemoteRepositories )
        List missingClassifierDependencies = new ArrayList();

        // if downloadSources is off, just check
        // local repository for reporting missing source jars
        List remoteRepos = includeRemoteRepositories ? getRemoteArtifactRepositories() : Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

        for ( int j = 0; j < deps.length; j++ )
            IdeDependency dependency = deps[j];

            if ( dependency.isReferencedProject() || dependency.isSystemScoped() )
                // artifact not needed

            if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
                                "Searching for sources for " + dependency.getId() + ":" + dependency.getClassifier()
                                    + " at " + dependency.getId() + ":" + inClassifier );

            Artifact baseArtifact =
                artifactFactory.createArtifactWithClassifier( dependency.getGroupId(), dependency.getArtifactId(),
                                                              dependency.getVersion(), dependency.getType(),
                                                              dependency.getClassifier() );
            baseArtifact =
                IdeUtils.resolveArtifact( artifactResolver, baseArtifact, remoteRepos, localRepository, getLog() );
            if ( !baseArtifact.isResolved() )
                // base artifact does not exist - no point checking for javadoc/sources

            Artifact artifact =
                IdeUtils.createArtifactWithClassifier( dependency.getGroupId(), dependency.getArtifactId(),
                                                       dependency.getVersion(), dependency.getClassifier(),
                                                       inClassifier, artifactFactory );
            File notAvailableMarkerFile = IdeUtils.getNotAvailableMarkerFile( localRepository, artifact );

            if ( forceRecheck && notAvailableMarkerFile.exists() )
                if ( !notAvailableMarkerFile.delete() )
                                   Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.unabletodeletenotavailablemarkerfile",
                                                       notAvailableMarkerFile ) );

            if ( !notAvailableMarkerFile.exists() )
                artifact =
                    IdeUtils.resolveArtifact( artifactResolver, artifact, remoteRepos, localRepository, getLog() );
                if ( artifact.isResolved() )
                    if ( "sources".equals( inClassifier ) )
                        dependency.setSourceAttachment( artifact.getFile() );
                    else if ( "javadoc".equals( inClassifier ) )
                        dependency.setJavadocAttachment( artifact.getFile() );
                    if ( includeRemoteRepositories )
                                            Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.creatednotavailablemarkerfile",
                                                                notAvailableMarkerFile ) );
                        catch ( IOException e )
                                                               notAvailableMarkerFile ) );
                    // add the dependencies to the list
                    // of those lacking the required
                    // artifact
                    missingClassifierDependencies.add( dependency );

        // return the list of dependencies missing the
        // required artifact
        return missingClassifierDependencies;


     * Output a message with the list of missing dependencies and info on how turn download on if it was disabled.
    private void reportMissingArtifacts()
        StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();

        if ( getDownloadSources() && !missingSourceDependencies.isEmpty() )
            msg.append( Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.sourcesnotavailable" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

            for ( Iterator it = missingSourceDependencies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                IdeDependency art = (IdeDependency);
                msg.append( Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.sourcesmissingitem", art.getId() ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            msg.append( "\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$

        if ( getDownloadJavadocs() && !missingJavadocDependencies.isEmpty() )
            msg.append( Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.javadocnotavailable" ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$

            for ( Iterator it = missingJavadocDependencies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); )
                IdeDependency art = (IdeDependency);
                msg.append( Messages.getString( "AbstractIdeSupportMojo.javadocmissingitem", art.getId() ) ); //$NON-NLS-1$
            msg.append( "\n" ); //$NON-NLS-1$
        getLog().info( msg );

     * @return List of dependencies to exclude from eclipse classpath.
     * @since 2.5
    public abstract List getExcludes();

     * Checks if jar has to be resolved for the given artifact
     * @param art the artifact to check
     * @return true if resolution should happen
    protected boolean hasToResolveJar( Artifact art )
        return !( getUseProjectReferences() && isAvailableAsAReactorProject( art ) );

     * Checks if a projects reference has to be used for the given artifact
     * @param art the artifact to check
     * @return true if a project reference has to be used.
    protected boolean useProjectReference( Artifact art )
        return getUseProjectReferences() && isAvailableAsAReactorProject( art );

     * Checks whether the currently running Maven satisfies the specified version (range).
     * @param version The version range to test for, must not be <code>null</code>.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the current Maven version matches the specified version range, <code>false</code>
     *         otherwise.
    protected boolean isMavenVersion( String version )
            VersionRange versionRange = VersionRange.createFromVersionSpec( version );
            ArtifactVersion mavenVersion = runtimeInformation.getApplicationVersion();
            return versionRange.containsVersion( mavenVersion );
        catch ( InvalidVersionSpecificationException e )
            throw new IllegalArgumentException( e.getMessage() );


Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.ide.AbstractIdeSupportMojo

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