
Source Code of

* See the file LICENSE for redistribution information.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2005
*      Sleepycat Software.  All rights reserved.
* $Id:,v 1.91 2005/09/21 18:48:17 linda Exp $


import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;


* A FileReader is an abstract class that traverses the log files, reading in
* chunks of the file at a time. Concrete subclasses perform a particular
* action to each entry.
public abstract class FileReader {

    protected EnvironmentImpl env;
    protected FileManager fileManager;

    /* Buffering reads */
    private ByteBuffer readBuffer;   // buffer for reading from the file
    private ByteBuffer saveBuffer;   // for piecing together data
    private int maxReadBufferSize;   // read buffer can't grow larger than this

    /* Managing the buffer reads */
    private boolean singleFile;      // if true, do not read across files
    protected boolean eof;           // true if at end of the log.
                                     // XXX, use exception instead of status?
    private boolean forward;         // if true, we're reading forward

     * ReadBufferFileNum, readBufferFileStart and readBufferFileEnd indicate
     * how the read buffer maps to the file. For example, if the read buffer
     * size is 100 and the read buffer was filled from file 9, starting at byte
     * 100, then
     *          readBufferFileNum = 9
     *          readBufferFileStart = 100
     *          readBufferFileEnd = 200
    protected long readBufferFileNum;  // file number we're pointing to
    protected long readBufferFileStart;// file position that maps to buf start
    protected long readBufferFileEnd;  // file position that maps to buf end

    /* stats */
    private int nRead;           // num entries we've seen

     * The number of times we've tried to read in a log entry that was too
     * large for the read buffer.
    private long nRepeatIteratorReads;
    /* Info about the last entry seen. */
    protected byte currentEntryTypeNum;
    protected byte currentEntryTypeVersion;
    protected long currentEntryPrevOffset;
    protected int  currentEntrySize;
    protected long currentEntryChecksum;

     * nextEntryOffset is used to set the currentEntryOffset after we've read
     * an entry.
    protected long currentEntryOffset;
    protected long nextEntryOffset;
    protected long startLsn;  // We start reading from this LSN.
    private long finishLsn; // If going backwards, read up to this LSN.

    /* For checking checksum on the read. */
    protected ChecksumValidator cksumValidator;

    /* True if this is the scavenger and we are expected checksum issues. */
    protected boolean anticipateChecksumErrors;

     * A FileReader just needs to know what size chunks to read in.
     * @param endOfFileLsn indicates the end of the log file
    public FileReader(EnvironmentImpl env,
                      int readBufferSize,
                      boolean forward,
                      long startLsn,
                      Long singleFileNumber,
                      long endOfFileLsn,
                      long finishLsn)
        throws IOException, DatabaseException {

        this.env = env;
        this.fileManager = env.getFileManager();

        /* Allocate a read buffer. */
        this.singleFile = (singleFileNumber != null);
        this.forward = forward;

        readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(readBufferSize);
        saveBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(readBufferSize);

        DbConfigManager configManager = env.getConfigManager();
        maxReadBufferSize =
      configManager.getInt(EnvironmentParams. LOG_ITERATOR_MAX_SIZE);

        /* Determine the starting position. */
        this.startLsn = startLsn;
        this.finishLsn = finishLsn;
        initStartingPosition(endOfFileLsn, singleFileNumber);

        /* stats */
        nRead = 0;
        cksumValidator = new ChecksumValidator();
  anticipateChecksumErrors = false;

     * Helper for determining the starting position and opening up a file at
     * the desired location.
    protected void initStartingPosition(long endOfFileLsn,
          Long ignoreSingleFileNumber)
        throws IOException, DatabaseException {

        eof = false;
        if (forward) {

             * Start off at the startLsn. If that's null, start at the
             * beginning of the log. If there are no log files, set eof.
            if (startLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                readBufferFileNum = DbLsn.getFileNumber(startLsn);
                readBufferFileEnd = DbLsn.getFileOffset(startLsn);
            } else {
                Long firstNum = fileManager.getFirstFileNum();
                if (firstNum == null) {
                    eof = true;
                } else {
                    readBufferFileNum = firstNum.longValue();
                    readBufferFileEnd = 0;

             * After we read the first entry, the currentEntry will point here.
            nextEntryOffset = readBufferFileEnd;
        } else {

             * Make the read buffer look like it's positioned off the end of
             * the file. Initialize the first LSN we want to read. When
             * traversing the log backwards, we always start at the very end.
            assert startLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN;
            readBufferFileNum = DbLsn.getFileNumber(endOfFileLsn);
            readBufferFileStart = DbLsn.getFileOffset(endOfFileLsn);
            readBufferFileEnd = readBufferFileStart;

             * currentEntryPrevOffset points to the entry we want to start out
             * reading when going backwards. If it's 0, the entry we want to
             * read is in a different file.
            if (DbLsn.getFileNumber(startLsn) ==
    DbLsn.getFileNumber(endOfFileLsn)) {
                currentEntryPrevOffset = DbLsn.getFileOffset(startLsn);
            } else {
                currentEntryPrevOffset = 0;
            currentEntryOffset = DbLsn.getFileOffset(endOfFileLsn);

     * @return the number of entries processed by this reader.
    public int getNumRead() {
        return nRead;

    public long getNRepeatIteratorReads() {
        return nRepeatIteratorReads;

     * Get LSN of the last entry read.
    public long getLastLsn() {
        return DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum, currentEntryOffset);

     * readNextEntry scans the log files until either it's reached the end of
     * the log or has hit an invalid portion. It then returns false.
     * @return true if an element has been read
    public boolean readNextEntry()
        throws DatabaseException, IOException {

        boolean foundEntry = false;
        try {
            while ((!eof) && (!foundEntry)) {

                /* Read the next header. */
                ByteBuffer dataBuffer =
                    readData(LogManager.HEADER_BYTES, true);

                boolean isTargetEntry = false;
                isTargetEntry = readHeader(dataBuffer);

                 * Read in the body of the next entry. Note that even if this
                 * isn't a targetted entry, we have to move the buffer position
                 * along.
                dataBuffer = readData(currentEntrySize, isTargetEntry);

                 * We've read an entry. Move up our offsets if we're moving
                 * forward. If we're moving backwards, we set our offset before
                 * we read the header, because we knew where the entry started.
                if (forward) {
                    currentEntryOffset = nextEntryOffset;
                    nextEntryOffset +=
                        LogManager.HEADER_BYTES + currentEntrySize;

                if (isTargetEntry) {
                    if (readLogEntry(dataBuffer)) {
                        foundEntry = true;
        } catch (EOFException e) {
            eof = true;
        } catch (DatabaseException e) {
            eof = true;
            /* Report on error. */
            LogEntryType problemType =
            Tracer.trace(env, "FileReader", "readNextEntry",
       "Halted log file reading at file 0x" +
                         Long.toHexString(readBufferFileNum) +
                         " offset 0x" +
                         Long.toHexString(nextEntryOffset) +
                         " offset(decimal)=" + nextEntryOffset +
                         ":\nentry="+ problemType +
                         "(typeNum=" + currentEntryTypeNum +
                         ",version=" + currentEntryTypeVersion +
                         ")\nprev=0x" +
                         Long.toHexString(currentEntryPrevOffset) +
                         "\nsize=" + currentEntrySize +
                         "\nNext entry should be at 0x" +
                         Long.toHexString((nextEntryOffset +
                                           LogManager.HEADER_BYTES +
                                           currentEntrySize)) +
                         "\n:", e);
            throw e;
        return foundEntry;

    protected boolean resyncReader(long nextGoodRecordPostCorruption,
           boolean dumpCorruptedBounds)
  throws DatabaseException, IOException {

  /* Resync not allowed for straight FileReader runs. */
  return false;

     * Make sure that the start of the target log entry is in the header. This
     * is a no-op if we're reading forwards
    private void getLogEntryInReadBuffer()
        throws IOException, DatabaseException, EOFException {

         * If we're going forward, because we read every byte sequentially,
         * we're always sure the read buffer is positioned at the right spot.
         * If we go backwards, we need to jump the buffer position.
        if (!forward) {

             * currentEntryPrevOffset is the entry before the current entry.
             * currentEntryOffset is the entry we just read (or the end of the
             * file if we're starting out.
            if ((currentEntryPrevOffset != 0) &&
                (currentEntryPrevOffset >= readBufferFileStart)) {

                /* The next log entry has passed the start LSN. */
                long nextLsn = DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,
                if (finishLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                    if (DbLsn.compareTo(nextLsn, finishLsn) == -1) {
                        throw new EOFException();

                /* This log entry starts in this buffer, just reposition. */
           (int) (currentEntryPrevOffset -
            } else {

     * If the start of the log entry is not in this read buffer,
     * fill the buffer again. If the target log entry is in a
     * different file from the current read buffer file, just start
     * the read from the target LSN. If the target log entry is the
     * same file but the log entry is larger than the read chunk
     * size, also start the next read buffer from the target
     * LSN. Otherwise, try to position the next buffer chunk so the
     * target entry is held within the buffer, all the way at the
     * end.
                if (currentEntryPrevOffset == 0) {
                    /* Go to another file. */
                    currentEntryPrevOffset =
                    Long prevFileNum =
                    if (prevFileNum == null) {
                        throw new EOFException();
                    if (readBufferFileNum - prevFileNum.longValue() != 1) {

      if (!resyncReader(DbLsn.makeLsn
            false)) {

          throw new DatabaseException
        ("Cannot read backward over cleaned file" +
         " from " + readBufferFileNum +
         " to " + prevFileNum);
                    readBufferFileNum = prevFileNum.longValue();
                    readBufferFileStart = currentEntryPrevOffset;
                } else if ((currentEntryOffset - currentEntryPrevOffset) >
                           readBuffer.capacity()) {

         * The entry is in the same file, but is bigger than one
         * buffer.
                    readBufferFileStart = currentEntryPrevOffset;
                } else {

                    /* In same file, but not in this buffer. */
                    long newPosition = currentEntryOffset -
                    readBufferFileStart = (newPosition < 0) ? 0 : newPosition;

                /* The next log entry has passed the start LSN. */
                long nextLsn = DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,
                if (finishLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
                    if (DbLsn.compareTo(nextLsn, finishLsn) == -1) {
                        throw new EOFException();

                 * Now that we've set readBufferFileNum and
                 * readBufferFileStart, do the read.
                FileHandle fileHandle =
                try {
                    fileManager.readFromFile(fileHandle.getFile(), readBuffer,

        assert EnvironmentImpl.maybeForceYield();
                } finally {
                readBufferFileEnd = readBufferFileStart +
           (int) (currentEntryPrevOffset -
            /* The current entry will start at this offset. */
            currentEntryOffset = currentEntryPrevOffset;
        } else {

       * Going forward, and an end point has been specified.  Check if
       * we've gone past.
      if (finishLsn != DbLsn.NULL_LSN) {
    /* The next log entry has passed the end LSN. */
    long nextLsn = DbLsn.makeLsn(readBufferFileNum,
    if (DbLsn.compareTo(nextLsn, finishLsn) >= 0) {
        throw new EOFException();

     * Read and validate the log entry header
    private boolean readHeader(ByteBuffer dataBuffer)
        throws DatabaseException  {

        /* Get the checksum for this log entry. */
        currentEntryChecksum = LogUtils.getUnsignedInt(dataBuffer);

        /* Read the log entry header. */
        currentEntryTypeNum = dataBuffer.get();

        currentEntryTypeVersion = dataBuffer.get();
        currentEntryPrevOffset = LogUtils.getUnsignedInt(dataBuffer);
        currentEntrySize = LogUtils.readInt(dataBuffer);
        boolean isTarget = isTargetEntry(currentEntryTypeNum,

        /* If this is a target, load the checksum up with this header. */
        if (isTarget) {
            /* Move back up to the beginning of the cksum covered header. */
            int entryStart = threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer);
            cksumValidator.update(env, dataBuffer,
            /* Move the data buffer back to where the log entry starts. */
      threadSafeBufferPosition(dataBuffer, entryStart);
        return isTarget;

     * Read and validate the log entry. Call the subclass reader's processEntry
     * method to do whatever we need with the entry.
     * @return true if this entry was one that should be returned. Note
     * that some entries, although targetted, don't get returned.
    private boolean readLogEntry(ByteBuffer entryBuffer)
        throws DatabaseException {

        /* Add the entry to the checksum and check the value. */
        cksumValidator.update(env, entryBuffer, currentEntrySize,
        cksumValidator.validate(env, currentEntryChecksum,
        readBufferFileNum, currentEntryOffset,

        if (!LogEntryType.isValidType(currentEntryTypeNum))
            throw new LogException("FileReader read invalid log entry type: "
           + currentEntryTypeNum);
        /* Do something with the entry. */
        return processEntry(entryBuffer);

     * Try to read a specified number of bytes.
     * @param amountToRead is the number of bytes we need
     * @param collectData is true if we need to actually look at the data.
     *  If false, we know we're skipping this entry, and all we need to
     *  do is to count until we get to the right spot.
     * @return a byte buffer positioned at the head of the desired portion,
     * or null if we reached eof.
    private ByteBuffer readData(int amountToRead, boolean collectData)
        throws IOException, DatabaseException, EOFException {

        int alreadyRead = 0;
        ByteBuffer completeBuffer = null;

        while ((alreadyRead < amountToRead) && !eof) {
            int bytesNeeded = amountToRead - alreadyRead;
            if (readBuffer.hasRemaining()) {

                /* There's data in the read buffer, process it. */
                if (collectData) {
                     * Save data in a buffer for processing.
                    if ((alreadyRead > 0) ||
                        (readBuffer.remaining() < bytesNeeded)) {

                        /* We need to piece an entry together. */

                        alreadyRead = threadSafeBufferPosition(saveBuffer);
                        completeBuffer = saveBuffer;
                    } else {

                        /* A complete entry is available in this buffer. */

                        completeBuffer = readBuffer;
                        alreadyRead = amountToRead;
                } else {
                     * No need to save data, just move buffer positions.
                    int positionIncrement =
                        (readBuffer.remaining() > bytesNeeded) ?
                        bytesNeeded : readBuffer.remaining();

                    alreadyRead += positionIncrement;
       threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer) +
                    completeBuffer = readBuffer;
            } else {
                 * Look for more data.

        /* Flip the save buffer just in case we've been accumulating in it. */

        return completeBuffer;

     * Change the read buffer size if we start hitting large log
     * entries so we don't get into an expensive cycle of multiple reads
     * and piecing together of log entries.
    private void adjustReadBufferSize(int amountToRead) {
        int readBufferSize = readBuffer.capacity();
        /* We need to read something larger than the current buffer size. */
        if (amountToRead > readBufferSize) {
            /* We're not at the max yet. */
            if (readBufferSize < maxReadBufferSize) {

                 * Make the buffer the minimum of amountToRead or a
                 * maxReadBufferSize.
                if (amountToRead < maxReadBufferSize) {
                    readBufferSize = amountToRead;
                    /* Make it a modulo of 1K */
                    int remainder = readBufferSize % 1024;
                    readBufferSize += 1024 - remainder;
                    readBufferSize = Math.min(readBufferSize,
                } else {
                    readBufferSize = maxReadBufferSize;
                readBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(readBufferSize);
            if (amountToRead > readBuffer.capacity()) {

     * Copy the required number of bytes into the save buffer.
    private void copyToSaveBuffer(int bytesNeeded) {
        /* How much can we get from this current read buffer? */
        int bytesFromThisBuffer;

        if (bytesNeeded <= readBuffer.remaining()) {
            bytesFromThisBuffer = bytesNeeded;
        } else {
            bytesFromThisBuffer = readBuffer.remaining();
        /* Gather it all into this save buffer. */
        ByteBuffer temp;

        /* Make sure the save buffer is big enough. */
        if (saveBuffer.capacity() - threadSafeBufferPosition(saveBuffer) <
            bytesFromThisBuffer) {
            /* Grow the save buffer. */
            temp = ByteBuffer.allocate(saveBuffer.capacity() +
            saveBuffer = temp;

         * Bulk copy only the required section from the read buffer into the
         * save buffer. We need from readBuffer.position() to
         * readBuffer.position() + bytesFromThisBuffer
        temp = readBuffer.slice();
         threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer) +

     * Fill up the read buffer with more data.
    private void fillReadBuffer(int bytesNeeded)
  throws DatabaseException, EOFException {

        FileHandle fileHandle = null;
        try {

            /* Get a file handle to read in more log. */
            fileHandle = fileManager.getFileHandle(readBufferFileNum);
            boolean fileOk = false;

             * Check to see if we've come to the end of the file.  If so, get
             * the next file.
            if (readBufferFileEnd < fileHandle.getFile().length()) {
                fileOk = true;
            } else {
                /* This file is done -- can we read in the next file? */
                if (!singleFile) {
                    Long nextFile =
                    if (nextFile != null) {
                        readBufferFileNum = nextFile.longValue();
                        fileHandle =
                        fileOk = true;
                        readBufferFileEnd = 0;
                        nextEntryOffset = 0;

            if (fileOk) {
    fileManager.readFromFile(fileHandle.getFile(), readBuffer,

    assert EnvironmentImpl.maybeForceYield();

                readBufferFileStart = readBufferFileEnd;
                readBufferFileEnd =
        readBufferFileStart + threadSafeBufferPosition(readBuffer);
            } else {
                throw new EOFException();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new DatabaseException
    ("Problem in fillReadBuffer, readBufferFileNum = " +
     readBufferFileNum + ": " + e.getMessage());

        } finally {
            if (fileHandle != null) {

     * @return true if this reader should process this entry, or just
     * skip over it.
    protected boolean isTargetEntry(byte logEntryTypeNumber,
                                    byte logEntryTypeVersion)
        throws DatabaseException {

        return true;

     * Each file reader implements this method to process the entry data.
     * @param enteryBuffer contains the entry data and is positioned at the
     * data
     * @return true if this entry should be returned
    protected abstract boolean processEntry(ByteBuffer entryBuffer)
        throws DatabaseException;

    private static class EOFException extends Exception {

     * Note that we catch Exception here because it is possible that another
     * thread is modifying the state of buffer simultaneously.  Specifically,
     * this can happen if another thread is writing this log buffer out and it
     * does (e.g.) a flip operation on it.  The actual mark/pos of the buffer
     * may be caught in an unpredictable state.  We could add another latch to
     * protect this buffer, but that's heavier weight than we need.  So the
     * easiest thing to do is to just retry the duplicate operation.  See
     * [#9822].
    private Buffer threadSafeBufferFlip(ByteBuffer buffer) {
  while (true) {
      try {
    return buffer.flip();
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException IAE) {

    private int threadSafeBufferPosition(ByteBuffer buffer) {
  while (true) {
      try {
    return buffer.position();
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException IAE) {

    private Buffer threadSafeBufferPosition(ByteBuffer buffer,
              int newPosition) {
  while (true) {
      try {
    return buffer.position(newPosition);
      } catch (IllegalArgumentException IAE) {

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