
Source Code of


   Derby - Class

   Copyright 1997, 2004 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.

   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at

   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.





// need this to print nested exception that corrupts the database


import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.MessageId;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.SQLState;

import org.apache.derby.iapi.error.StandardException;

import org.apache.derby.catalog.UUID;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Attribute;
import org.apache.derby.iapi.util.ReuseFactory;


import; // Plain files are used for backups


import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Vector;


  This is an implementation of the log using a non-circular file system file.
  No support for incremental log backup or media recovery.
  Only crash recovery is supported. 
  The 'log' is a stream of log records.  The 'log' is implemented as
  a series of numbered log files.  These numbered log files are logically
  continuous so a transaction can have log records that span multiple log files.
  A single log record cannot span more then one log file.  The log file number
  is monotonically increasing.
  The log belongs to a log factory of a RawStore.  In the current implementation,
  each RawStore only has one log factory, so each RawStore only has one log
  (which composed of multiple log files).
  At any given time, a log factory only writes new log records to one log file,
  this log file is called the 'current log file'.
  A log file is named log<em>logNumber</em>.dat
  Everytime a checkpoint is taken, a new log file is created and all subsequent
  log records will go to the new log file.  After a checkpoint is taken, old
  and useless log files will be deleted.
  RawStore exposes a checkpoint method which clients can call, or a checkpoint is
  taken automatically by the RawStore when
  <LI> the log file grows beyond a certain size (configurable, default 100K bytes)
  <LI> RawStore is shutdown and a checkpoint hasn't been done "for a while"
  <LI> RawStore is recovered and a checkpoint hasn't been done "for a while"
  This LogFactory is responsible for the formats of 2 kinds of file: the log
  file and the log control file.  And it is responsible for the format of the
  log record wrapper.
  <P> <PRE>

  Format of log control file

  @format_id  FILE_STREAM_LOG_FILE
  @purpose  The log control file contains information about which log files
  are present and where the last checkpoint log record is located.
    int format id
    int log file version
    long the log instant (LogCounter) of the last completed checkpoint
  (v15 onward)
    int format id
    int obsolete log file version
    long the log instant (LogCounter) of the last completed checkpoint
    int JBMS version
    int checkpoint interval
    long spare (value set to 0)
    long spare (value set to 0)
    long spare (value set to 0)

  <HR WIDTH="100%">

  Format of the log file

  @format_id  FILE_STREAM_LOG_FILE
  @purpose  The log file contains log record which record all the changes
  to the database.  The complete transaction log is composed of a series of
  log files.
    int format id -   the format Id of this log file
    int obsolete log file version - not used
    long log file number - this number orders the log files in a
            series to form the complete transaction log
    long prevLogRecord - log instant of the previous log record, in the
        previous log file.

    [log record wrapper]* one or more log records with wrapper

    int endMarker - value of zero.  The beginning of a log record wrapper
        is the length of the log record, therefore it is never zero
    [int fuzzy end]* zero or more int's of value 0, in case this log file
        has been recovered and any incomplete log record set to zero.
  <HR WIDTH="100%">

  Format of the log record wrapper

  @format_id none.  The format is implied by the FILE_STREAM_LOG_FILE
  @purpose  The log record wrapper provides information for the log scan.
    length(int) length of the log record (for forward scan)
    instant(long) LogInstant of the log record
    logRecord(byte[length]) byte array that is written by the FileLogger
    length(int) length of the log record (for backward scan)

  <P>Multithreading considerations:<BR>
  Log Factory must be MT-safe.
  Class is final as it has methods with privilege blocks
  and implements PrivilegedExceptionAction.

public final class LogToFile implements LogFactory, ModuleControl, ModuleSupportable,

  private static int fid = StoredFormatIds.FILE_STREAM_LOG_FILE;

  // format Id must fit in 4 bytes
    Return my format identifier.
  public int getTypeFormatId() {
    return StoredFormatIds.FILE_STREAM_LOG_FILE;

  // at the beginning of every log file is the following information:
  // the log file formatId
  // the log file version (int)
  // the log file number (long)
  // the log instant at the end of the last log record in the previous file (long)
  public static final int LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE = 24;


  // Number of bytes overhead of each log record.
  // 4 bytes of length at the beginning, 8 bytes of log instant,
  // and 4 bytes of length at the end
  public static final int LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD = 4+8+4;

  public static final String DBG_FLAG = SanityManager.DEBUG ? "LogTrace" : null;
  public static final String DUMP_LOG_ONLY = SanityManager.DEBUG ? "DumpLogOnly" : null;
  public static final String DUMP_LOG_FROM_LOG_FILE =
    SanityManager.DEBUG ? "" : null;
  protected static final String LOG_SYNC_STATISTICS = "LogSyncStatistics";

  // If you change this number, then JBMS 1.1x and 1.2x will give a really
  // horrendous error message when booting against a db created by you.  When
  // we decided that we don't need to worry about people mis-using the
  // product that way, then we can change this.  Just remember, before we do,
  // all existing database will have the number 9 in there.
  private static final int OBSOLETE_LOG_VERSION_NUMBER = 9;

  /* how big the log file should be before checkpoint or log switch is taken */
  private static final int DEFAULT_LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL = 1024*1024;   
  private static final int LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MIN     = 100000;
  private static final int LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MAX     = 128*1024*1024;
  private static final int CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MIN     = 100000;
  private static final int CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MAX     = 128*1024*1024;
  private static final int DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL = 10*1024*1024;

  //log buffer size values
  private static final int DEFAULT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768; //32K
  private static final int LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_MIN = 8192; //8k
  private static final int LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_MAX = LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MAX;
  private int logBufferSize = DEFAULT_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE;

  /* Log Control file flags. */
  private static final byte IS_BETA_FLAG = 0x1;
     * When the derby.system.durability property is set to 'test', the store
     * system will not force sync calls in the following cases
     * - for the log file at each commit
     * - for the log file before data page is forced to disk
     * - for page allocation when file is grown
     * - for data writes during checkpoint
     * This means it is possible that the recovery system may not work properly,
     * committed transactions may be lost, and/or database may not
     * be in a consistent state.
     * In order that we recognize this case that the database was previously
     * at any time booted in this mode, this value is written out
     * into the log control file. This will help prevent us from
     * wasting time to resolve issues in such cases.
     * @see org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property#DURABILITY_PROPERTY
     * This value is written as part of the log control file flags byte.
    private static final byte IS_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC_FLAG = 0x2;
     * keeps track of if the database was booted previously at any time with
     * derby.system.durability=test
    private static boolean wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync = false;
  /* to err on the conservative side, unless otherwise set, assume log
   *  archive is ON
  private static final String DEFAULT_LOG_ARCHIVE_DIRECTORY = "DEFAULT";

  private int     logSwitchInterval   = DEFAULT_LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL;
  private int     checkpointInterval  = DEFAULT_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL;

  String dataDirectory;           // where files are stored
    private WritableStorageFactory logStorageFactory;
  private boolean logBeingFlushed; // is the log in the middle of a flush
                   // (access of the variable should sync on this)

  protected LogAccessFile logOut;    // an output stream to the log file
                // (access of the variable should sync on this)
  private   StorageRandomAccessFile firstLog = null;
  protected long         endPosition = -1; // end position of the current log file
  long           lastFlush = 0// the position in the current log
                      // file that has been flushed to disk

  long           logFileNumber = -1; // current log file number
                // other than during boot and recovery time,
                // logFileNumber is only changed by
                // switchLogFile, which is synchronized.
                // MT - Anyone accessing this number should
                // synchronized on this if the current log file
                // must not be changed. If not synchronized,
                // the log file may have been switched.

  long           firstLogFileNumber = -1;
                // first log file that makes up the active
                // portion (with active transactions) of the
                // log. 
                // MT - This value is set during recovery or
                // during log truncation.  In the former single
                // thread is assumed.  In the latter
                // must be synchronized with this to access
                // or change.
  private long              maxLogFileNumber = LogCounter.MAX_LOGFILE_NUMBER;
  private CheckpointOperation     currentCheckpoint;
                // last checkpoint successfully taken
                // MT - only changed or access in recovery or
                // checkpoint, both are single thread access

  long           checkpointInstant;
                // log instant of te curerntCheckpoint

  private DaemonService   checkpointDaemon;  // the background worker thread who is going to
                // do checkpoints for this log factory.

  private  int      myClientNumber; 
                // use this number to talk to checkpoint Daemon

  private volatile boolean checkpointDaemonCalled;
                // checkpoint Daemon called already - it is not
                // important that this value is correct, the
                // daemon just need to be called once in a
                // while.  Deamon can handle multiple posts.

  private long logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint = 0;
                              // keeps track of the amout of log written between checkpoints
  private RawStoreFactory rawStoreFactory;
                // use this only after recovery is finished

  protected DataFactory dataFactory;
                // use this only after revocery is finished

  protected boolean  ReadOnlyDB;  // true if this db is read only, i.e, cannot
                // append log records

  // DEBUG DEBUG - do not truncate log files
  private boolean keepAllLogs;

  // if database is encrypted, the content of the log files are encrypted
  private boolean databaseEncrypted;

  // the following booleans are used to put the log factory into various
  // states
  private boolean       recoveryNeeded = true; // log needs to be recovered
  private boolean       inCheckpoint = false;   // in the middle of a checkpoint
  private boolean       inRedo = false;        // in the middle of redo loop
  private boolean          inLogSwitch = false;

  // make sure we don't do anything after the log factory has been stopped
  private boolean       stopped = false;

  // if log is to go to another device, this variable is set.  If null, then
  // log goes to the log subdirectory underneath the data directory
  String logDevice;

    // disable syncing of log file when running in derby.system.durability=test
    private boolean logNotSynced = false;

  private boolean logArchived = false;
  private boolean logSwitchRequired = false;

  /** DEBUG test only */
  int test_logWritten = 0;
  int test_numRecordToFillLog = -1;
  private int mon_flushCalls;
  private int mon_syncCalls;
  private int mon_numLogFlushWaits;
  private boolean mon_LogSyncStatistics;
  private int mon_numBytesToLog;

    If not null then something is corrupt in the raw store and this represents the original error.
  protected volatile StandardException corrupt;

    If frozen, don't allow anything on disk to change.
  private boolean isFrozen;

    Product Version information. Invarient after boot.
  ProductVersionHolder jbmsVersion;

    On disk database version information. When running in soft upgrade this version
    may be different to jbmsVersion.
  private int onDiskMajorVersion;
  private int onDiskMinorVersion;
  private boolean onDiskBeta;
  private CRC32 checksum = new CRC32(); // holder for the checksum

   * Note: Why logging system support file sync and write sync ?
   * Note : The reason to support file and write sync of logs is
   * there was no support to do write sync until jdk1.4 and then
   * there was write sync jvm bug in jdk1.4.1, only in jdk1.4.2 write
   * sync(rws mode)  mechanism can be used corretly.
   * Default in JVMS >= jdk1.4.2 is write sync(see the boot method for jvm checks).
   * Write sync mechanism support is added  for performance reasons.
   * On commits, logging system has to make sure the log for committed
   * transaction is on disk. With out write  sync , log is written to the
   * disk and then fsync() is used on commits to make log is written to the
   * disk for sure. On most of the OS , fsync() calls are expensive.
   * On heavey commit oriented systems , file sync make the system run slow.
   * This problem is solved by using write sync on preallocated log file.
   * write sync is much faster than doing write and file sync to a file.
   * File should be preallocated for write syncs to perform better than
   * the file sync method. Whenever a new log file is created,
   * logSwitchInterval size is preallocated by writing zeros after file after the header.

  /*If set to true , write sync will be used to do log write other file
   * level sync is used.
  private boolean isWriteSynced = false;

    MT- not needed for constructor
  public LogToFile() {
    keepAllLogs = PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(RawStoreFactory.KEEP_TRANSACTION_LOG);

    if (Performance.MEASURE)
      mon_LogSyncStatistics = PropertyUtil.getSystemBoolean(LOG_SYNC_STATISTICS);

  ** Methods of Corruptable

    Once the log factory is makred as corrupt then the raw sto
  public StandardException markCorrupt(StandardException originalError) {

    boolean firsttime = false;

    synchronized (this)
      if (corrupt == null && originalError != null)
        corrupt = originalError;
        firsttime = true;

    // only print the first error
    if (corrupt == originalError)

    // this is the first time someone detects error, shutdown the
    // system as much as possible without further damaging it
    if (firsttime)
        stopped = true;

        if (logOut != null)
            logOut.corrupt(); // get rid of open file descriptor
          catch (IOException ioe)
            // don't worry about it, just trying to clean up

        // NullPointerException is preferred over corrupting the database
        logOut = null;

      if (dataFactory != null)


    return originalError;

  private void checkCorrupt() throws StandardException
    synchronized (this)
      if (corrupt != null)
        throw StandardException.newException(
                        SQLState.LOG_STORE_CORRUPT, corrupt);

  ** Methods of LogFactory

    MT- not needed
  public Logger getLogger() {

    if (ReadOnlyDB)
      return null;
      return new FileLogger(this);

    Recover the rawStore to a consistent state using the log.

    In this implementation, the log is a stream of log records stored in
    one or more flat files.  Recovery is done in 2 passes: redo and undo.
    <BR> <B>Redo pass</B>
    <BR> In the redo pass, reconstruct the state of the rawstore by
    repeating exactly what happened before as recorded in the log.
    <BR><B>Undo pass</B>
    <BR> In the undo pass, all incomplete transactions are rolled back in
    the order from the most recently started to the oldest.

    <P>MT - synchronization provided by caller - RawStore boot.
    This method is guaranteed to be the only method being called and can
    assume single thread access on all fields.

    @see Loggable#needsRedo
    @see FileLogger#redo

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  public void recover(
    RawStoreFactory     rsf,
    DataFactory         df,
    TransactionFactory  tf)
     throws StandardException
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      SanityManager.ASSERT(rsf != null, "raw store factory == null");
      SanityManager.ASSERT(df != null,  "data factory == null");


    rawStoreFactory = rsf;
    dataFactory     = df;
    // initialize the log writer only after the rawstorefactory is available,
    // log writer requires encryption block size info from rawstore factory
    // to encrypt checksum log records.
    if (firstLog != null)
      logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, firstLog, logBufferSize);

    // we don't want to set ReadOnlyDB before recovery has a chance to look
    // at the latest checkpoint and determine that the database is shutdown
    // cleanly.  If the medium is read only but there are logs that need
    // to be redone or in flight transactions, we are hosed.  The logs that
        // are redone will leave dirty pages in the cache.

    if (recoveryNeeded)
        // During boot time, the log control file is accessed and
        // logFileNumber is determined.  LogOut is not set up.
        // LogFileNumber is the log file the latest checkpoint lives in,
        // or 1.  It may not be the latest log file (the system may have
        // crashed between the time a new log was generated and the
        // checkpoint log written), that can only be determined at the
        // end of recovery redo.
        FileLogger logger = (FileLogger)getLogger();

        // try to find the most recent checkpoint
        if (checkpointInstant != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)
          currentCheckpoint =
                        findCheckpoint(checkpointInstant, logger);

        // if we are only interested in dumping the log, start from the
        // beginning of the first log file
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DUMP_LOG_ONLY))
            currentCheckpoint = null;

            System.out.println("Dump log only");

            // unless otherwise specified, 1st log file starts at 1
            String beginLogFileNumber =

            if (beginLogFileNumber != null)
              logFileNumber =
              logFileNumber = 1;

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("setCheckpoint"))
            currentCheckpoint = null;

            System.out.println("Set Checkpoint.");

            // unless otherwise specified, 1st log file starts at 1
            String checkpointStartLogStr =

            String checkpointStartOffsetStr =

            if ((checkpointStartLogStr != null) &&
                            (checkpointStartOffsetStr != null))
              checkpointInstant =
                                "must set and, if setting setCheckpoint.");

                        currentCheckpoint =
                            findCheckpoint(checkpointInstant, logger);

        long redoLWM     = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
        long undoLWM     = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
        long ttabInstant = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;

        StreamLogScan redoScan = null;
        if (currentCheckpoint != null)
          Formatable transactionTable = null;

          // RESOLVE: sku
          // currentCheckpoint.getTransactionTable();

          // need to set the transaction table before the undo

          redoLWM = currentCheckpoint.redoLWM();
          undoLWM = currentCheckpoint.undoLWM();

          if (transactionTable != null)
            ttabInstant = checkpointInstant;

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(DBG_FLAG))
                                "Found checkpoint at " +
                                LogCounter.toDebugString(checkpointInstant) +
                                " " + currentCheckpoint.toString());

          firstLogFileNumber = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(redoLWM);

          // figure out where the first interesting log file is.
          if (LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(undoLWM) <
            firstLogFileNumber =

          // if the checkpoint record doesn't have a transaction
          // table, we need to rebuild it by scanning the log from
          // the undoLWM.  If it does have a transaction table, we
          // only need to scan the log from the redoLWM

          redoScan = (StreamLogScan)
                        openForwardsScan(undoLWM, (LogInstant)null);

          // no checkpoint

          long start =
                            logFileNumber, LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE);

          // no checkpoint, start redo from the beginning of the
                    // file - assume this is the first log file
          firstLogFileNumber = logFileNumber;

          redoScan = (StreamLogScan)
                        openForwardsScan(start, (LogInstant)null);

        // open a transaction that is used for redo and rollback
        RawTransaction recoveryTransaction =

        // make this transaction aware that it is a recovery transaction
        // and don't spew forth post commit work while replaying the log

        //  Redo loop - in FileLogger

        // set log factory state to inRedo so that if redo caused any
        // dirty page to be written from the cache, it won't flush the
        // log since the end of the log has not been determined and we
        // know the log record that caused the page to change has
        // already been written to the log.  We need the page write to
        // go thru the log factory because if the redo has a problem,
        // the log factory is corrupt and the only way we know not to
        // write out the page in a checkpoint is if it check with the
        // log factory, and that is done via a flush - we use the WAL
        // protocol to stop corrupt pages from writing to the disk.
        inRedo = true

        long logEnd =
                        recoveryTransaction, tf, redoScan, redoLWM,

        inRedo = false;

        // if we are only interested in dumping the log, don't alter
        // the database and prevent anyone from using the log
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DUMP_LOG_ONLY))
            Monitor.logMessage("\n\t\t Log dump finished");
                        // just in case, it has not been set anyway
            logOut = null;


        // determine where the log ends
        StorageRandomAccessFile theLog = null;

        // if logend == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_SCAN, that means there
                // is no log record in the log - most likely it is corrupted in
                // some way ...
        if (logEnd == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)

          StorageFile logFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber);

                    if (privExists(logFile))
            // if we can delete this strange corrupted file, do so,
            // otherwise, skip it
                        if (!privDelete(logFile))
              logFile = getLogFileName(++logFileNumber);

                        theLog =   privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rw");
          catch (IOException ioe)
            theLog = null;

                    if (theLog == null || !privCanWrite(logFile))
            if (theLog != null)

            theLog = null;

            ReadOnlyDB = true;
              // no previous log file or previous log position
              if (!initLogFile(
                                    theLog, logFileNumber,
                throw markCorrupt(
            catch (IOException ioe)
              throw markCorrupt(
                                    SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));

                        // successfully init'd the log file - set up markers,
                        // and position at the end of the log.
            endPosition = theLog.getFilePointer();
            lastFlush   = endPosition;
            //if write sync is true , prellocate the log file
            //and reopen the file in rws mode.
              //extend the file by wring zeros to it
              theLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(logFile);
              //postion the log at the current end postion
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                                endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE,
                                "empty log file has wrong size");
            //because we already incrementing the log number
            //here, no special log switch required for
            //backup recoveries.
            logSwitchRequired = false;
          // logEnd is the instant of the next log record in the log
          // it is used to determine the last known good position of
          // the log
          logFileNumber = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(logEnd);

          ReadOnlyDB = df.isReadOnly();

          StorageFile logFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber);

          if (!ReadOnlyDB)
            // if datafactory doesn't think it is readonly, we can
            // do some futher test of our own
                theLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(logFile);
                theLog = privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rw");
            catch (IOException ioe)
              theLog = null;
                        if (theLog == null || !privCanWrite(logFile))
              if (theLog != null)
              theLog = null;

              ReadOnlyDB = true;

          if (!ReadOnlyDB)
            endPosition = LogCounter.getLogFilePosition(logEnd);

            // The end of the log is at endPosition.  Which is where
            // the next log should be appending.
            // if the last log record ends before the end of the
                        // log file, then this log file has a fuzzy end.
                        // Zap all the bytes to between endPosition to EOF to 0.
            // the end log marker is 4 bytes (of zeros)
            // if endPosition + 4 == logOut.length, we have a
                        // properly terminated log file
            // if endPosition + 4 is > logOut.length, there are 0,
                        // 1, 2, or 3 bytes of 'fuzz' at the end of the log. We
                        // can ignore that because it is guaranteed to be
                        // overwritten by the next log record.
            // if endPosition + 4 is < logOut.length, we have a
                        // partial log record at the end of the log.
            // We need to overwrite all of the incomplete log
                        // record, because if we start logging but cannot
                        // 'consume' all the bad log, then the log will truly
                        // be corrupted if the next 4 bytes (the length of the
                        // log record) after that is small enough that the next
                        // time the database is recovered, it will be
                        // interpreted that the whole log record is in the log
                        // and will try to objectify, only to get classNotFound
                        // error or worse.

            //find out if log had incomplete log records at the end.
            if (redoScan.isLogEndFuzzy())
              long eof = theLog.length();

                logFile, new Long(endPosition), new Long(eof));

              /* Write zeros from incomplete log record to end of file */
              long nWrites = (eof - endPosition)/logBufferSize;
              int rBytes = (int)((eof - endPosition) % logBufferSize);
              byte zeroBuf[]= new byte[logBufferSize];
              //write the zeros to file
              while(nWrites-- > 0)
              if(rBytes !=0)
                theLog.write(zeroBuf, 0, rBytes);

            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
              if (theLog.length() != endPosition)
                                    theLog.length() > endPosition,
                                    "log end > log file length, bad scan");

            // set the log to the true end position,
                        // and not the end of the file

            lastFlush = endPosition;

        if (theLog != null)
          logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, theLog, logBufferSize);

        boolean noInFlightTransactions = tf.noActiveUpdateTransaction();

        if (ReadOnlyDB)
          // in the unlikely event that someone detects we are
          // dealing with a read only db, check to make sure the
          // database is quiesce when it was copied with no unflushed
          // dirty buffer
          if (!noInFlightTransactions)
            throw StandardException.newException(

        // Undo loop - in transaction factory.  It just gets one
        // transaction at a time from the transaction table and calls
        // undo, no different from runtime.

                if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                            "About to call undo(), transaction table =" +

        if (!noInFlightTransactions)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                                "In recovery undo, rollback inflight transactions");

          tf.rollbackAllTransactions(recoveryTransaction, rsf);

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                                LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, "finish recovery undo,");
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                                "No in flight transaction, no recovery undo work");

        // XA prepared xact loop - in transaction factory.  At this
                // point only prepared transactions should be left in the
                // transaction table, all others should have been aborted or
                // committed and removed from the transaction table.  It just
                // gets one transaction at a time from the transaction table,
                // creates a real context and transaction, reclaims locks,
                // and leaves the new xact in the transaction table.

                if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                            "About to call rePrepare(), transaction table =" +


                if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                            "Finished rePrepare(), transaction table =" +

        // End of recovery.

        // recovery is finished.  Close the transaction

        // notify the dataFactory that recovery is completed,
        // but before the checkpoint is written.

        // set the transaction factory short id, we have seen all the
        // trasactions in the log, and at the minimum, the checkpoint
        // transaction will be there.  Set the shortId to the next
        // value.

        // do a checkpoint (will flush the log) if there is any rollback
        // if can't checkpoint for some reasons, flush log and carry on
        if (!ReadOnlyDB)
          boolean needCheckpoint = true;

          // if we can figure out there there is very little in the
          // log (less than 1000 bytes), we haven't done any
                    // rollbacks, then don't checkpoint. Otherwise checkpoint.
          if (currentCheckpoint != null && noInFlightTransactions &&
            redoLWM != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT &&
            undoLWM != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)
            if ((logFileNumber == LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(redoLWM))
              && (logFileNumber == LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(undoLWM))
              && (endPosition < (LogCounter.getLogFilePosition(redoLWM) + 1000)))
              needCheckpoint = false;

            if (needCheckpoint && !checkpoint(rsf, df, tf, false))
              flush(logFileNumber, endPosition);


        recoveryNeeded = false;
      catch (IOException ioe)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)

        throw markCorrupt(
                    StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));
      catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
        throw markCorrupt(
                        SQLState.LOG_CORRUPTED, cnfe));
      catch (StandardException se)
        throw markCorrupt(se);
      catch (Throwable th)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)

        throw markCorrupt(
                        SQLState.LOG_RECOVERY_FAILED, th));


      // set the transaction factory short id

        // done with recovery       
    // setup checktpoint daemon
    checkpointDaemon = rawStoreFactory.getDaemon();
    if (checkpointDaemon != null)
      myClientNumber =
                checkpointDaemon.subscribe(this, true /*onDemandOnly */);

    Checkpoint the rawStore.

    <P> MT- Only one checkpoint is to be taking place at any given time.

    <P> The steps of a checkpoint are

    <LI> switch to a new log file if possible
      freeze the log (for the transition to a new log file)
        flush current log file
        create and flush the new log file (with file number 1 higher
                than the previous log file). The new log file becomes the
                current log file.
      unfreeze the log
    <LI> start checkpoint transaction
    <LI> gather interesting information about the rawStore:
          the current log instant (redoLWM)
          the earliest active transaction begin tran log record
                    instant (undoLWM), all the truncation LWM set by clients
                    of raw store (replication)
    <LI> clean the buffer cache
    <LI> log the next checkpoint log record, which contains
        (repPoint, undoLWM, redoLWM) and commit checkpoint transaction.
    <LI> synchronously write the control file containing the next checkpoint
        log record log instant
    <LI> the new checkpoint becomes the current checkpoint.
        Somewhere near the beginning of each log file should be a
        checkpoint log record (not guarenteed to be there)
    <LI> see if the log can be truncated

    The earliest useful log record is determined by the repPoint and the
        undoLWM, whichever is earlier.
    Every log file whose log file number is smaller than the earliest
        useful log record's log file number can be deleted.

      Transactions can be at the following states w/r to a checkpoint -
      consider the log as a continous stream and not as series of log
            files for the sake of clarity. 
      |(BT)-------(ET)| marks the begin and end of a transaction.
      .                          checkpoint started
      .       |__undoLWM          |
      .       V                   |___redoLWM
      .                           |___TruncationLWM
      .                           |
      .                           V
      1 |-----------------|
      2       |--------------------------------|
      3           |-------|
      4               |--------------------------------------(end of log)
      5                                       |-^-|
      .                                   Checkpoint Log Record

    There are only 3 periods of interest : <BR>
      A) before undoLWM,  B) between undo and redo LWM, C) after redoLWM.

    Transaction 1 started in A and terminates in B.<BR>
      During redo, we should only see log records and endXact from this
      transaction in the first phase (between undoLWM and redoLWM).  No
      beginXact log record for this transaction will be seen.

    Transaction 2 started in B (right on the undoLWM) and terminated in C.<BR>
      Any transaction that terminates in C must have a beginXact at or
            after undoLWM.  In other words, no transaction can span A, B and C.
      During redo, we will see beginXact, other log records and endXact
            for this transaction.

    Transaction 3 started in B and ended in B.<BR>
      During redo, we will see beginXact, other log records and endXact
            for this transaction.

    Transaction 4 begins in B and never ends.<BR>
      During redo, we will see beginXact, other log records.
      In undo, this loser transaction will be rolled back.

    Transaction 5 is the transaction taking the checkpoint.<BR>
        The checkpoint action started way back in time but the checkpoint
      log record is only written after the buffer cache has been flushed.

    Note that if any time elapse between taking the undoLWM and the
      redoLWM, then it will create a 4th period of interest.

    @exception StandardException - encounter exception while doing
  public boolean checkpoint(RawStoreFactory rsf,
                DataFactory df,
                TransactionFactory tf,
                boolean wait)
     throws StandardException

    // call checkpoint with no pre-started transaction
    boolean done = checkpointWithTran(null, rsf, df, tf);

    //above checpoint call will return 'false'  without
    //performing the checkpoint if some other  thread is doing checkpoint.
    //In  cases like backup it is necesary to wait for the
    //checkpoint to complete before copying the files. 'wait' flag get passed
    //in as 'true' by  such cases.
    //When wait flag is true, we will wait here until the other thread which
    //is actually doing the the checkpoint completes.
    if(!done && wait)
        //wait until the thread that is doing the checkpoint completes it.
          catch (InterruptedException ie)
            throw StandardException.interrupt(ie);
        done = true;

    return done;

    checkpoint with pre-start transaction

    @exception StandardException Cloudscape Standard Error Policy
  protected boolean checkpointWithTran(RawTransaction cptran,
                 RawStoreFactory rsf,
                 DataFactory df,
                 TransactionFactory tf)
     throws StandardException
    boolean proceed = true;
    LogInstant redoLWM;

    // we may be called to stop the database after a bad error, make sure
    // logout is set
    if (logOut == null)
      return false;

    long approxLogLength;

    synchronized (this)
      // has someone else found a problem in the raw store? 
      if (corrupt != null)
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_STORE_CORRUPT, corrupt);

      // if another checkpoint is in progress, don't do anything
      if (inCheckpoint == true)
        proceed = false;
        inCheckpoint = true;

      approxLogLength = endPosition; // current end position

      // don't return from inside of a sync block

    if (!proceed)
      return false;

    // needCPtran == true if we are not supplied with a pre-started transaction
    boolean needCPTran = (cptran == null);

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      if (logSwitchInterval == 0)
                    "switching log file: Approx log length = " +
                    approxLogLength + " logSwitchInterval = 0");

      if (approxLogLength > logSwitchInterval)
        //log switch is occuring in conjuction with the
        //checkpoint, set the amount of log written from last checkpoint to zero.
        logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint = 0;
        //checkpoint is happening without the log switch,
        //in the middle of a log file. Amount of log written already for
        //the current log file should not be included in caluculation
        //of when next check point is due. By assigning the negative
        //value of amount of log writtent for this file. Later it will
        //be subtracted when we switch the log file or while calculating whether
        //we are due a for checkpoint a flush time.
        logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint = -endPosition;

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        // if this debug flag is set on, just switch log file

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_LOG_SWITCH_LOG))
          return false

      // start a checkpoint transaction
      if (needCPTran)
        cptran = tf.startInternalTransaction(rsf,

      // gather a snapshot of the various interesting points of the log
      long undoLWM_long;
      long redoLWM_long;

      synchronized(this// we could synchronized on something else, it
        // doesn't matter as long as logAndDo sync on
        // the same thing
        // The redo LWM is the current log instant.  We are going to
                // clean the cache shortly, any log record before this point
                // will not ever need to be redone.
        redoLWM_long = currentInstant();
        redoLWM = new LogCounter(redoLWM_long);

                // The undo LWM is what we need to rollback all transactions.
                // Synchronize this with the starting of a new transaction so
                // that the transaction factory can have a consistent view
                // See FileLogger.logAndDo

        LogCounter undoLWM = (LogCounter)(tf.firstUpdateInstant());
        if (undoLWM == null)
          undoLWM_long = redoLWM_long; // no active transaction
          undoLWM_long = undoLWM.getValueAsLong();


      // clean the buffer cache

      // write out the checkpoint log record
      // send the checkpoint record to the log
      Formatable transactionTable = tf.getTransactionTable();

      CheckpointOperation nextCheckpoint =
        new CheckpointOperation(
                    redoLWM_long, undoLWM_long, transactionTable);


      LogCounter checkpointInstant =

      if (checkpointInstant != null)
                // since checkpoint is an internal transaction, I need to
                // flush it to make sure it actually goes to the log
        throw StandardException.newException(


      if (needCPTran)
        cptran.close()// if we started it, we will close it
        cptran = null;

      // write out the log control file which contains the last
      // successful checkpoint log record

      if (!writeControlFile(getControlFileName(),
        throw StandardException.newException(
                        SQLState.LOG_CONTROL_FILE, getControlFileName());

      // next checkpoint becomes the current checkpoint
      currentCheckpoint = nextCheckpoint;

      // see if we can reclaim some log space

      if (!logArchived())

      //delete the committted container drop stubs that are no longer
      //required during recovery.
    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw markCorrupt(
                    StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));

        inCheckpoint = false;

      if (cptran != null && needCPTran)
        catch (StandardException se)
          throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(
                                            SQLState.LOG_CORRUPTED, se));

    return true;

    Flush all unwritten log record up to the log instance indicated to disk
    and sync.
    Also check to see if database is frozen or corrupt.

    <P>MT - not needed, wrapper method

    @param where flush log up to here

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  public void flush(LogInstant where) throws StandardException
    long fileNumber;
    long wherePosition;

    if (where == null) { 
      // don't flush, just use this to check if database is frozen or
      // corrupt
      fileNumber = 0;
      wherePosition = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
    } else {
      LogCounter whereC = (LogCounter) where;
      fileNumber = whereC.getLogFileNumber();
      wherePosition = whereC.getLogFilePosition();
    flush(fileNumber, wherePosition);

    Flush all unwritten log record to disk and sync.
    Also check to see if database is frozen or corrupt.

    <P>MT - not needed, wrapper method

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  public void flushAll() throws StandardException
    long fnum;
    long whereTo;

      fnum = logFileNumber;
      whereTo = endPosition;

    flush(fnum, whereTo);

   * Private methods that helps to implement methods of LogFactory

    Verify that we the log file is of the right format and of the right
    version and log file number.

    <P>MT - not needed, no global variables used

    @param logFileName the name of the log file
    @param number the log file number
    @return true if the log file is of the current version and of the
    correct format

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  private boolean verifyLogFormat(StorageFile logFileName, long number)
     throws StandardException
    boolean ret = false;
      StorageRandomAccessFile log = privRandomAccessFile(logFileName, "r");
      ret = verifyLogFormat(log, number);
    catch (IOException ioe)

    return ret;

    Verify that we the log file is of the right format and of the right
    version and log file number.  The log file position is set to the

    <P>MT - MT-unsafe, caller must synchronize

    @param log the log file
    @param number the log file number
    @return true if the log file is of the current version and of the
    correct format

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  private boolean verifyLogFormat(StorageRandomAccessFile log, long number)
     throws StandardException
      int logfid = log.readInt();
      int obsoleteLogVersion = log.readInt(); // this value is useless, for
                // backwards compatibility
      long logNumber = log.readLong();

      if (logfid != fid || logNumber != number)
        throw StandardException.newException(
                        SQLState.LOG_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT, dataDirectory);
    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw StandardException.newException(
                    SQLState.LOG_CANNOT_VERIFY_LOG_FORMAT, ioe, dataDirectory);

    return true;

    Initialize the log to the correct format with the given version and
    log file number.  The new log file must be empty.  After initializing,
    the file is synchronously written to disk.

    <P>MT - synchornization provided by caller

    @param newlog the new log file to be initialized
    @param number the log file number
    @param prevLogRecordEndInstant the end position of the  previous log record

    @return true if the log file is empty, else false.

    @exception IOException if new log file cannot be accessed or initialized

  private boolean initLogFile(StorageRandomAccessFile newlog, long number,
                long prevLogRecordEndInstant)
     throws IOException, StandardException
    if (newlog.length() != 0)
      return false;

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      if ( SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_LOG_FULL))
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL1))
        throw new IOException("TestLogSwitchFail1");

    newlog.writeInt(OBSOLETE_LOG_VERSION_NUMBER); // for silly backwards compatibility reason


    return true;

    Switch to the next log file if possible.

    <P>MT - log factory is single threaded thru a log file switch, the log
    is frozen for the duration of the switch
  private void switchLogFile() throws StandardException
    boolean switchedOver = false;

    // Freeze the log for the switch over to a new log file.
    // This blocks out any other threads from sending log
    // record to the log stream.
    // The switching of the log file and checkpoint are really
    // independent events, they are tied together just because a
    // checkpoint is the natural place to switch the log and vice
    // versa.  This could happen before the cache is flushed or
    // after the checkpoint log record is written.
    synchronized (this)

      // Make sure that this thread of control is guaranteed to complete
            // it's work of switching the log file without having to give up
            // the semaphore to a backup or another flusher.  Do this by looping
            // until we have the semaphore, the log is not being flushed, and
            // the log is not frozen for backup.  Track (2985).
      while(logBeingFlushed | isFrozen)
        catch (InterruptedException ie)
          throw StandardException.interrupt(ie);

      // we have an empty log file here, refuse to switch.
      if (endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          Monitor.logMessage("not switching from an empty log file (" +
               logFileNumber + ")");

      // log file isn't being flushed right now and logOut is not being
      // used.
      StorageFile newLogFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber+1);

      if (logFileNumber+1 >= maxLogFileNumber)
        throw StandardException.newException(
                        new Long(maxLogFileNumber));

      StorageRandomAccessFile newLog = null// the new log file
        // if the log file exist and cannot be deleted, cannot
        // switch log right now
                if (privExists(newLogFile) && !privDelete(newLogFile))

                    newLog =   privRandomAccessFile(newLogFile, "rw");
        catch (IOException ioe)
          newLog = null;

                if (newLog == null || !privCanWrite(newLogFile))
          if (newLog != null)
          newLog = null;


        if (initLogFile(newLog, logFileNumber+1,
                LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(logFileNumber, endPosition)))

          // New log file init ok, close the old one and
          // switch over, after this point, need to shutdown the
          // database if any error crops up
          switchedOver = true;

          // write out an extra 0 at the end to mark the end of the log
          // file.

          endPosition += 4;
          //set that we are in log switch to prevent flusher
          //not requesting  to switch log again
          inLogSwitch = true;
          // flush everything including the int we just wrote
          flush(logFileNumber, endPosition);
          // simulate out of log error after the switch over
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL2))
              throw new IOException("TestLogSwitchFail2");

          logOut.close();    // close the old log file
          logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint += endPosition;

          endPosition = newLog.getFilePointer();
          lastFlush = endPosition;
            //extend the file by wring zeros to it
            newLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(newLogFile);

          logOut = new LogAccessFile(this, newLog, logBufferSize);
          newLog = null;

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (endPosition != LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE)
                      "new log file has unexpected size" +
                       + endPosition);

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            SanityManager.ASSERT(endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE,
                       "empty log file has wrong size");

        else  // something went wrong, delete the half baked file
          newLog = null;

          if (privExists(newLogFile))
          newLogFile = null;


      catch (IOException ioe)

        inLogSwitch = false;
        // switching log file is an optional operation and there is no direct user
        // control.  Just sends a warning message to whomever, if any,
        // system adminstrator there may be


          if (newLog != null)
            newLog = null;
        catch (IOException ioe2) {}

                if (newLogFile != null && privExists(newLogFile))
          newLogFile = null;

        if (switchedOver// error occur after old log file has been closed!
          logOut = null; // limit any damage
          throw markCorrupt(
                                SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));
      inLogSwitch = false;
    // unfreezes the log

    Flush all unwritten log record up to the log instance indicated to disk
    without syncing.

    <P>MT - not needed, wrapper method

    @param wherePosition flush log up to here

    @exception IOException Failed to flush to the log
  private void flushBuffer(long fileNumber, long wherePosition)
    throws IOException, StandardException
    synchronized (this) {
      if (fileNumber < logFileNumber// history

      // A log instant indicates the start of a log record
      // but not how long it is. Thus the amount of data in
      // the logOut buffer is irrelevant. We can only
      // not flush the buffer if the real synced flush
      // included this required log instant. This is because
      // we never flush & sync partial log records.

      if (wherePosition < lastFlush) // already flushed

      // We don't update lastFlush here because lastFlush
      // is the last position in the log file that has been
      // flushed *and* synced to disk. Here we only flush.
      // ie. lastFlush should be renamed lastSync.
      // We could have another variable indicating to which
      // point the log has been flushed which this routine
      // could take advantage of. This would only help rollbacks though.

  /** Get rid of old and unnecessary log files

    <P> MT- only one truncate log is allowed to be taking place at any
    given time.  Synchronized on this.

  private void truncateLog(CheckpointOperation checkpoint)
    long oldFirstLog;
    long firstLogNeeded;

    if (keepAllLogs)
    if ((firstLogNeeded = getFirstLogNeeded(checkpoint))==-1)
    oldFirstLog = firstLogFileNumber;
    firstLogFileNumber = firstLogNeeded;
    while(oldFirstLog < firstLogNeeded)
      StorageFile uselessLogFile = null;
        uselessLogFile = getLogFileName(oldFirstLog);
                if (privDelete(uselessLogFile))
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
              SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "truncating useless log file " + uselessLogFile.getPath());
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
              SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "Fail to truncate useless log file " + uselessLogFile.getPath());
      catch (StandardException se)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          SanityManager.THROWASSERT("error opening log segment while deleting "
                        + uselessLogFile.getPath(), se);

        // if insane, just leave it be



  private long getFirstLogNeeded(CheckpointOperation checkpoint){

    long firstLogNeeded;

    // one truncation at a time
    synchronized (this)
      firstLogNeeded = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(checkpoint.undoLWM());

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
          SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "truncatLog: undoLWM firstlog needed " + firstLogNeeded);

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
        SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "truncatLog: checkpoint truncationLWM firstlog needed " + firstLogNeeded);
        SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "truncatLog: firstLogFileNumber = " + firstLogFileNumber);
    return firstLogNeeded;

    Carefully write out this value to the control file.
        We do safe write of this data by writing the data
        into two files every time we write the control data.
        we write checksum at the end of the file, so if by
        chance system crashes while writing into the file,
        using the checksum we find that the control file
        is hosed then we  use the mirror file, which will have
        the condrol data written at last check point.

    see comment at beginning of file for log control file format.

    <P> MT- synchronized by caller
  boolean writeControlFile(StorageFile logControlFileName, long value)
     throws IOException, StandardException
    StorageRandomAccessFile logControlFile = null;

    ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(64);
    DataOutputStream daos = new DataOutputStream(baos);


    // so that when this db is booted by 1.1x and 1.2x JBMS, a IOException
    // stack trace rather than some error message that tells
    // the user to delete the database will show up.

    if (onDiskMajorVersion == 0) {
      onDiskMajorVersion = jbmsVersion.getMajorVersion();
      onDiskMinorVersion = jbmsVersion.getMinorVersion();
      onDiskBeta = jbmsVersion.isBeta();

    // previous to 1.3, that's all we wrote. 
    // from 1.3 and onward, also write out the JBMSVersion

    // For 2.0 beta we added the build number and the isBeta indication.
    // (5 bytes from our first spare long)

    byte flags = 0;
    if (onDiskBeta)
            flags |= IS_BETA_FLAG;
        // When database is booted with derby.system.durability=test,
        // this mode does not guarantee that
        // - database will recover
        // - committed transactions will not be lost
        // - database will be in a consistent state
        // Hence necessary to keep track of this state so we don't
        // waste time resolving issues in such cases.
        // wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync has information if database was
        // previously booted at any time in this mode
        if (logNotSynced || wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync)

    // write some spare bytes after 2.0 we have 3 + 2(8) spare bytes.
     long spare = 0;
    // write the checksum for the control data written
    checksum.update(baos.toByteArray(), 0, baos.size());


                logControlFile = privRandomAccessFile(logControlFileName, "rw");
      catch (IOException ioe)
        logControlFile = null;
        return false;

            if (!privCanWrite(logControlFileName))
        return false;

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_LOG_FULL))

      // write the same data to mirror control file
        logControlFile =
                    privRandomAccessFile(getMirrorControlFileName(), "rw");
      catch (IOException ioe)
        logControlFile = null;
        return false;

      if (logControlFile != null)

    return true;


    Carefully read the content of the control file.

    <P> MT- read only
  private long readControlFile(StorageFile logControlFileName, Properties startParams)
     throws IOException, StandardException
    StorageRandomAccessFile logControlFile = null;
    ByteArrayInputStream bais = null;
        DataInputStream dais = null;
    logControlFile =  privRandomAccessFile(logControlFileName, "r");
    boolean upgradeNeeded = false;
    long value = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
    long onDiskChecksum = 0;
    long controlFilelength = logControlFile.length();
    byte barray[] = null;

      // The length of the file is less than the minimum in any version
            // It is possibly hosed , no point in reading data from this file
            // skip reading checksum  control file is before 1.5
            if (controlFilelength < 16)
        onDiskChecksum = -1;
      else if (controlFilelength == 16)
        barray = new byte[16];
      }else if (controlFilelength > 16)
        barray = new byte[(int) logControlFile.length() - 8];
        onDiskChecksum = logControlFile.readLong();
        if (onDiskChecksum !=0 )
          checksum.update(barray, 0, barray.length);

      if ( onDiskChecksum == checksum.getValue() || onDiskChecksum ==0)

        bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(barray);
        dais = new DataInputStream(bais);

        if (dais.readInt() != fid)
                  throw StandardException.newException(
                          SQLState.LOG_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT, dataDirectory);
        int obsoleteVersion = dais.readInt();
        value = dais.readLong();
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                          "log control file ckp instance = " +
        // from version 1.5 onward, we added an int for storing JBMS
        // version and an int for storing checkpoint interval
        // and log switch interval
        onDiskMajorVersion = dais.readInt();
        onDiskMinorVersion = dais.readInt();
        int dbBuildNumber = dais.readInt();
        int flags = dais.readByte();
        // check if the database was booted previously at any time with
                // derby.system.durability=test mode
                // If yes, then on a boot error we report that this setting is
                // probably the cause for the error and also log a warning
                // in the derby.log that this mode was set previously
                wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync =
                    (flags & IS_DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC_FLAG) != 0;

                if (SanityManager.DEBUG) {
                    if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                        "log control file, was derby.system.durability set to test = " +
        onDiskBeta = (flags & IS_BETA_FLAG) != 0;
        if (onDiskBeta)
          // if is beta, can only be booted by exactly the same
          // version
          if (!jbmsVersion.isBeta() ||
            onDiskMajorVersion != jbmsVersion.getMajorVersion() ||
            onDiskMinorVersion != jbmsVersion.getMinorVersion())
            boolean forceBetaUpgrade = false;
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
              // give ourselves an out for this beta check for debugging purposes
              if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON("forceBetaUpgrade"))
                Monitor.logMessage("WARNING !! : forcing beta upgrade.");
                forceBetaUpgrade =true;

            if (!forceBetaUpgrade)
              throw StandardException.newException(
                ProductVersionHolder.simpleVersionString(onDiskMajorVersion, onDiskMinorVersion, onDiskBeta));
        // JBMS_VERSION must be numbered in a way so that it is ever
        // increasing.  We are backwards compatible but not forwards
        // compatible
        if (onDiskMajorVersion > jbmsVersion.getMajorVersion() ||
          (onDiskMajorVersion == jbmsVersion.getMajorVersion() &&
           onDiskMinorVersion > jbmsVersion.getMinorVersion()))
          // don't need to worry about point release, no format
          // upgrade is allowed.
          throw StandardException.newException(
              ProductVersionHolder.simpleVersionString(onDiskMajorVersion, onDiskMinorVersion, onDiskBeta));

        // Ensure that upgrade has been requested for a major or minor upgrade
        // maintaince (point) versions should not require an upgrade.
        if ((onDiskMajorVersion != jbmsVersion.getMajorVersion()) ||
          (onDiskMinorVersion != jbmsVersion.getMinorVersion()))
          upgradeNeeded = true;
        // if checksum is zeros in  version > 3.5 file is hosed
        // except incase of upgrade from versions <= 3.5
        if (onDiskChecksum == 0 &&
          (!(onDiskMajorVersion <= 3 && onDiskMinorVersion <=5) ||
          onDiskMajorVersion == 0))
          value = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
      if (logControlFile != null)
      if (bais != null)
      if (dais != null)

    if (upgradeNeeded)
      if (Monitor.isFullUpgrade(startParams,
        ProductVersionHolder.simpleVersionString(onDiskMajorVersion, onDiskMinorVersion, onDiskBeta))) {

        onDiskMajorVersion = jbmsVersion.getMajorVersion();
        onDiskMinorVersion = jbmsVersion.getMinorVersion();
        onDiskBeta = jbmsVersion.isBeta();

        // Write out the new log control file with the new
        // version, the database has been upgraded

        if (!writeControlFile(logControlFileName, value))
          throw StandardException.newException(
              SQLState.LOG_CONTROL_FILE, logControlFileName);

    return value;


     * Create the directory where transaction log should go.
     * @exception StandardException Standard Error Policy
  private void createLogDirectory() throws StandardException
    StorageFile logDir =

        if (privExists(logDir)) {
            // make sure log directory is empty.
            String[] logfiles = privList(logDir);
            if (logfiles != null) {
                if(logfiles.length != 0) {
                    throw StandardException.newException(
                        SQLState.LOG_SEGMENT_EXIST, logDir.getPath());
        }else {
            // create the log directory.
            if (!privMkdirs(logDir)) {
                throw StandardException.newException(
                    SQLState.LOG_SEGMENT_NOT_EXIST, logDir.getPath());

    Return the directory the log should go.

    <P> MT- read only
    @exception StandardException Cloudscape Standard Error Policy
  public StorageFile getLogDirectory() throws StandardException
    StorageFile logDir = null;

    logDir = logStorageFactory.newStorageFile( LogFactory.LOG_DIRECTORY_NAME);

        if (!privExists(logDir))
      throw StandardException.newException(
                    SQLState.LOG_SEGMENT_NOT_EXIST, logDir.getPath());

    return logDir;

  public String getCanonicalLogPath()
    if (logDevice == null)
      return null;
        return logStorageFactory.getCanonicalName();
      catch (IOException ioe)
        return null;
        // file not found

    Return the control file name

    <P> MT- read only
  private StorageFile getControlFileName() throws StandardException
    return logStorageFactory.newStorageFile( getLogDirectory(), "log.ctrl");

    Return the mirror control file name

    <P> MT- read only
  private StorageFile getMirrorControlFileName() throws StandardException
    return logStorageFactory.newStorageFile( getLogDirectory(), "logmirror.ctrl");

    Given a log file number, return its file name

    <P> MT- read only
  private StorageFile getLogFileName(long filenumber) throws StandardException
    return logStorageFactory.newStorageFile( getLogDirectory(), "log" + filenumber + ".dat");

    Find a checkpoint log record at the checkpointInstant

    <P> MT- read only
  private CheckpointOperation findCheckpoint(long checkpointInstant, FileLogger logger)
     throws IOException, StandardException, ClassNotFoundException
    StreamLogScan scan = (StreamLogScan)
      openForwardsScan(checkpointInstant, (LogInstant)null);

    // estimated size of a checkpoint log record, which contains 3 longs
    // and assorted other log record overhead
    Loggable lop = logger.readLogRecord(scan, 100);

    if (lop instanceof CheckpointOperation)
      return (CheckpointOperation)lop;
      return null;

   * Functions to help the Logger open a log scan on the log.

    Scan backward from start position.

    <P> MT- read only

    @exception IOException cannot access the log
    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  protected LogScan openBackwardsScan(long startAt, LogInstant stopAt
     throws IOException, StandardException

    // backward from end of log
    if (startAt == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)
      return openBackwardsScan(stopAt);

    // ensure any buffered data is written to the actual file

    return new Scan(this, startAt, stopAt, Scan.BACKWARD);

    Scan backward from end of log.
    <P> MT- read only

    @exception IOException cannot access the log
    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  protected LogScan openBackwardsScan(LogInstant stopAt)
     throws IOException, StandardException

    // current instant log instant of the next log record to be
    // written out, which is at the end of the log
    // ensure any buffered data is written to the actual file
    long startAt;
    synchronized (this)
      // flush the whole buffer to ensure the complete
      // end of log is in the file.
      startAt = currentInstant()

    return new Scan(this, startAt, stopAt, Scan.BACKWARD_FROM_LOG_END);

    @see LogFactory#openFlushedScan
    @exception StandardException Ooops.
  public ScanHandle openFlushedScan(DatabaseInstant start,int groupsIWant)
     throws StandardException
    return new FlushedScanHandle(this,start,groupsIWant);

    Scan Forward from start position.

    <P> MT- read only

    @param startAt - if startAt == INVALID_LOG_INSTANT,
      start from the beginning of the log. Otherwise, start scan from startAt.
    @param stopAt - if not null, stop at this log instant (inclusive).
      Otherwise, stop at the end of the log

    @exception IOException cannot access the log
    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  protected LogScan openForwardsScan(long startAt, LogInstant stopAt
     throws IOException, StandardException

    if (startAt == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)
      startAt = firstLogInstant();

    // ensure any buffered data is written to the actual file
    if (stopAt != null) {
      LogCounter stopCounter = (LogCounter) stopAt;
    } else {
      synchronized (this) {
        if (logOut != null)
          // flush to the end of the log

    return new Scan(this, startAt, stopAt, Scan.FORWARD);

   * Methods to help a log scan switch from one log file to the next

    Open a log file and position the file at the beginning.
    Used by scan to switch to the next log file

    <P> MT- read only

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
    @exception IOException cannot access the log at the new position.
  protected StorageRandomAccessFile getLogFileAtBeginning(long filenumber)
     throws IOException, StandardException
    long instant = LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(filenumber,
    return getLogFileAtPosition(instant);

    Get a read-only handle to the log file positioned at the stated position

    <P> MT- read only

    @return null if file does not exist or of the wrong format
    @exception IOException cannot access the log at the new position.
    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  protected StorageRandomAccessFile getLogFileAtPosition(long logInstant)
     throws IOException, StandardException

    long filenum = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(logInstant);
    long filepos = LogCounter.getLogFilePosition(logInstant);

    StorageFile fileName = getLogFileName(filenum);
        if (!privExists(fileName))
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
          SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, fileName.getPath() + " does not exist");

      return null;

    StorageRandomAccessFile log = null;

            log = privRandomAccessFile(fileName, "r");

      // verify that the log file is of the right format
      if (!verifyLogFormat(log, filenum))
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
            SanityManager.DEBUG(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG, fileName.getPath() + " format mismatch");

        log = null;
    catch (IOException ioe)
        if (log != null)
          log = null;

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
          SanityManager.THROWASSERT("cannot get to position " + filepos +
                        " for log file " + fileName.getPath(), ioe);
      catch (IOException ioe2)
      throw ioe;

    return log;


  ** Methods of ModuleControl

  public boolean canSupport(Properties startParams)
    String runtimeLogAttributes = startParams.getProperty(LogFactory.RUNTIME_ATTRIBUTES);
    if (runtimeLogAttributes != null) {
      if (runtimeLogAttributes.equals(LogFactory.RT_READONLY))
        return false;

    return  true;

    Boot up the log factory.
    <P> MT- caller provide synchronization

    @exception StandardException log factory cannot start up
  public void  boot(boolean create, Properties startParams) throws StandardException
    dataDirectory = startParams.getProperty(PersistentService.ROOT);
    logDevice = startParams.getProperty(Attribute.LOG_DEVICE);
        if( logDevice != null)
      // in case the user specifies logDevice in URL form
      String logDeviceURL = null;
      try {
        URL url = new URL(logDevice);
        logDeviceURL = url.getFile();
      } catch (MalformedURLException ex) {}
      if (logDeviceURL != null)
        logDevice = logDeviceURL;

        if(create) {
        } else {
            // check if the database is being restored from the backup,
            // if it is then restore the logs.
            if (!restoreLogs(startParams)) {
                // set the log storage factory.
                if (logDevice != null)
                    // Make sure we find the log, do not assume
                    // it is OK that the log is not there because
                    // it could be a user typo(like when users edit
                    // to change the log device
                    // while restoring from backups using OS copy.
                    StorageFile checklogDir =
                    if (!privExists(checklogDir))
                            SQLState.LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, checklogDir.getPath());

    //if user does not set the right value for the log buffer size,
    //default value is used instead.
    logBufferSize =  PropertyUtil.getSystemInt(org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property.LOG_BUFFER_SIZE,
    jbmsVersion = Monitor.getMonitor().getEngineVersion();

    String dataEncryption =

    databaseEncrypted = Boolean.valueOf(dataEncryption).booleanValue();

    String logArchiveMode =
    logArchived = Boolean.valueOf(logArchiveMode).booleanValue();
    //get log factorty properties if any set in

    /* check if the storage factory supports write sync(rws).  If so, use it unless
     * property is set true by user.

    if (logStorageFactory.supportsRws())
      //write sync can be used in the jvm that database is running on.
      //disable write sync if is true
      isWriteSynced =
      isWriteSynced = false;

        // If derby.system.durability=test is set,then set flag to
        // disable sync of log records at commit and log file before
        // data page makes it to disk
        if (Property.DURABILITY_TESTMODE_NO_SYNC.equalsIgnoreCase(
        // disable syncing of log.
        logNotSynced = true;
          //if log not being synced;files shouldn't be open in write sync mode
        isWriteSynced = false

    // try to access the log
    // if it doesn't exist, create it.
    // if it does exist, run recovery

    boolean createNewLog = create;

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      SanityManager.ASSERT(fid != -1, "invalid log format Id");

    checkpointInstant = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
      StorageFile logControlFileName = getControlFileName();

      StorageFile logFile;

      if (!createNewLog)
                if (privExists(logControlFileName))
          checkpointInstant =
                        readControlFile(logControlFileName, startParams);

          // in case system was running previously with
                    // derby.system.durability=test then print a message
                    // to the derby log
                    if (wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync)
                        // print message stating that the database was
                        // previously atleast at one time running with
                        // derby.system.durability=test mode
          if (checkpointInstant == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT &&
            checkpointInstant =
                                getMirrorControlFileName(), startParams);

        else if (logDevice != null)
          // Do not throw this error if logDevice is null because
          // in a read only configuration, it is acceptable
          // to not have a log directory.  But clearly, if the
          // logDevice property is set, then it should be there.
          throw StandardException.newException(

        if (checkpointInstant != LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)
          logFileNumber = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(checkpointInstant);
          logFileNumber = 1;

        logFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber);

        // if log file is not there or if it is of the wrong format, create a
        // brand new log file and do not attempt to recover the database

                if (!privExists(logFile))
          if (logDevice != null)
                        throw StandardException.newException(


          createNewLog = true;
        else if (!verifyLogFormat(logFile, logFileNumber))
          Monitor.logTextMessage(MessageId.LOG_DELETE_INCOMPATIBLE_FILE, logFile);

          // blow away the log file if possible
                    if (!privDelete(logFile) && logFileNumber == 1)
            throw StandardException.newException(
                            SQLState.LOG_INCOMPATIBLE_FORMAT, dataDirectory);

          // If logFileNumber > 1, we are not going to write that
                    // file just yet.  Just leave it be and carry on.  Maybe
                    // when we get there it can be deleted.

          createNewLog = true;

      if (createNewLog)
        // brand new log.  Start from log file number 1.

        // create or overwrite the log control file with an invalid
        // checkpoint instant since there is no checkpoint yet
        if (writeControlFile(logControlFileName,
          firstLogFileNumber = 1;
          logFileNumber = 1;
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_MAX_LOGFILE_NUMBER))
              // set the value to be two less than max possible
              // log number, test case will perform some ops to
              // hit the max number case.
              firstLogFileNumber =
                                LogCounter.MAX_LOGFILE_NUMBER -2;

              logFileNumber = LogCounter.MAX_LOGFILE_NUMBER -2;
          logFile = getLogFileName(logFileNumber);

                    if (privExists(logFile))
            // this log file maybe there because the system may have
            // crashed right after a log switch but did not write
                        // out any log record
                            MessageId.LOG_DELETE_OLD_FILE, logFile);

                        if (!privDelete(logFile))
              throw StandardException.newException(

          // don't need to try to delete it, we know it isn't there
                    firstLog = privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rw");

          if (!initLogFile(firstLog, logFileNumber, LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT))
            throw StandardException.newException(
                            SQLState.LOG_SEGMENT_NOT_EXIST, logFile.getPath());

          endPosition = firstLog.getFilePointer();
          lastFlush = firstLog.getFilePointer();

                    //if write sync is true , prellocate the log file
                    //and reopen the file in rws mode.
                        //extend the file by wring zeros to it
                        firstLog = openLogFileInWriteMode(logFile);
                        //postion the log at the current log end postion

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                            endPosition == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE,
                            "empty log file has wrong size");
          // read only database
          ReadOnlyDB = true;
          logOut = null;
          firstLog = null;

        recoveryNeeded = false;
        // log file exist, need to run recovery
        recoveryNeeded = true;

    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw Monitor.exceptionStartingModule(ioe);
    // Number of the log file that can be created in Derby is increased from
    // 2^22 -1 to 2^31 -1 in version 10.1. But if the database is running on
    // engines 10.1 or above on a  softupgrade  from versions 10.0 or
    // before, the max log file number  that can be created is 
    // still limited to 2^22 -1, because users can revert back to older  versions
    // which does not have logic to handle a log file number greater than
    // 2^22-1.

    // set max possible log file number to derby 10.0 limit, if the database is not
    // fully upgraded to or created in version 10.1 or above.
    if (!checkVersion(RawStoreFactory.DERBY_STORE_MAJOR_VERSION_10,
      maxLogFileNumber = LogCounter.DERBY_10_0_MAX_LOGFILE_NUMBER;

  } // end of boot

    private void getLogStorageFactory() throws StandardException
        if( logDevice == null)
            DataFactory df = (DataFactory) Monitor.findServiceModule( this, DataFactory.MODULE);
            logStorageFactory = (WritableStorageFactory) df.getStorageFactory();
                PersistentService ps = Monitor.getMonitor().getServiceType(this);
                logStorageFactory = (WritableStorageFactory) ps.getStorageFactoryInstance( false, logDevice, null, null);
            catch( IOException ioe)
                if( SanityManager.DEBUG)
                throw StandardException.newException( SQLState.LOG_FILE_NOT_FOUND, ioe, logDevice);
    } // end of getLogStorageFactory
      Stop the log factory
    <P> MT- caller provide synchronization
    (RESOLVE: this should be called AFTER dataFactory and transFactory are
  public  void stop() {

    // stop our checkpoint
    if (checkpointDaemon != null) {

      stopped = true;

      if (logOut != null) {
        try {
        catch (IOException ioe) {}
        catch(StandardException se){}
        logOut = null;

    if (SanityManager.DEBUG &&
            Performance.MEASURE &&
      Monitor.logMessage("number of times someone waited = " +
               mon_numLogFlushWaits +
               "\nnumber of times flush is called = " +
               mon_flushCalls +
               "\nnumber of sync is called = " +
               mon_syncCalls +
               "\ntotal number of bytes written to log = " +
               LogAccessFile.mon_numBytesToLog +
               "\ntotal number of writes to log file = " +

    // delete obsolete log files,left around by earlier crashes
    if(corrupt == null && ! logArchived() && !keepAllLogs && !ReadOnlyDB

        if( logDevice != null)
        logStorageFactory = null;

  /* delete the log files, that might have been left around if we crashed
   * immediately after the checkpoint before truncations of logs completed.
   * see bug no: 3519 , for more details.

  private void deleteObsoleteLogfiles(){
    StorageFile logDir;
    //find the first  log file number that is  useful
    long firstLogNeeded = getFirstLogNeeded(currentCheckpoint);
    if (firstLogNeeded == -1)
      logDir = getLogDirectory();
    }catch (StandardException se)
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
          SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "error opening log segment dir");
    String[] logfiles = privList(logDir);
    if (logfiles != null)
      StorageFile uselessLogFile = null;
      long fileNumber;
      for(int i=0 ; i < logfiles.length; i++)
        // delete the log files that are not needed any more
        if(logfiles[i].startsWith("log") && logfiles[i].endsWith(".dat"))
          fileNumber = Long.parseLong(logfiles[i].substring(3, (logfiles[i].length() -4)));
          if(fileNumber < firstLogNeeded )
            uselessLogFile = logStorageFactory.newStorageFile(logDir, logfiles[i]);
            if (privDelete(uselessLogFile))
              if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                  SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "truncating obsolete log file " + uselessLogFile.getPath());
              if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                  SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "Fail to truncate obsolete log file " + uselessLogFile.getPath());

   * Serviceable methods

  public boolean serviceASAP()
    return false;

  // @return true, if this work needs to be done on a user thread immediately
  public boolean serviceImmediately()
    return false;

  public void getLogFactoryProperties(PersistentSet set)
     throws StandardException
    String lsInterval;
    String cpInterval;
    if(set == null)
      lsInterval = PropertyUtil.getServiceProperty(set, org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property.LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL);
      cpInterval = PropertyUtil.getServiceProperty(set, org.apache.derby.iapi.reference.Property.CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL);

    /* log switch interval */
    if (lsInterval != null)
      logSwitchInterval = Integer.parseInt(lsInterval);
          // make sure checkpoint and log switch interval are within range
      if (logSwitchInterval < LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MIN)
        logSwitchInterval = LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MIN;
      else if (logSwitchInterval > LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MAX)
        logSwitchInterval = LOG_SWITCH_INTERVAL_MAX;

    /* checkpoint interval */
    if (cpInterval != null)
      checkpointInterval = Integer.parseInt(cpInterval);
      if (checkpointInterval < CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MIN)
        checkpointInterval = CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MIN;
      else if(checkpointInterval  > CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MAX)
        checkpointInterval = CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL_MAX;

  public int performWork(ContextManager context)
      if (corrupt != null)
        return Serviceable.DONE; // don't do this again.

    // check to see if checkpointInterval and logSwitchInterval has changed
    AccessFactory af =
            (AccessFactory)Monitor.getServiceModule(this, AccessFactory.MODULE);

      if (af != null)
        TransactionController tc = null;
          tc = af.getAndNameTransaction(
                            context, AccessFactoryGlobals.SYS_TRANS_NAME);

          if (tc != null)

      // checkpoint will start its own internal transaction on the current
      // context.
    catch (StandardException se)
        catch (ShutdownException shutdown)
            // If we are shutting down, just ignore the error and let the
            // system go down without printing errors to the log.

    checkpointDaemonCalled = false;

    return Serviceable.DONE;

  ** Implementation specific methods

    Append length bytes of data to the log prepended by a long log instant
    and followed by 4 bytes of length information.

    This method is synchronized to ensure log records are added sequentially
    to the end of the log.

    <P>MT- single threaded through this log factory.  Log records are
    appended one at a time.

    @exception StandardException Log Full.

  protected long appendLogRecord(byte[] data, int offset, int length,
      byte[] optionalData, int optionalDataOffset, int optionalDataLength)
     throws StandardException
    long instant;
    boolean testIncompleteLogWrite = false;

    if (ReadOnlyDB)
      throw StandardException.newException(

    if (length <= 0)
            throw StandardException.newException(

    // RESOLVE: calculate checksum here
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///
        // go into this alternate route instead
        /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// /// ///
        return logtest_appendPartialLogRecord(data, offset, length,



      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_LOG_FULL))
          testLogFull()// if log is 'full' this routine will throw an
                // exception

      synchronized (this)
        // has someone else found a problem in the raw store?
        if (corrupt != null)
          throw StandardException.newException(
                            SQLState.LOG_STORE_CORRUPT, corrupt);

        if (logOut == null)
          throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_NULL);

         * NOTE!!
         * subclass which logs special record to the stream depends on
         * the EXACT byte sequence of the following segment of code. 
         * If you change this, not only will you need to write upgrade
         * code for this class, you also need to find all the subclass
         * which write log record to log stream directly to make sure
         * they are OK

        // see if the log file is too big, if it is, switch to the next
        // log file
        if ((endPosition + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD + length) >=

          // still too big??  Giant log record?
          if ((endPosition + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD + length) >=
            throw StandardException.newException(
                                new Long(logFileNumber),
                                new Long(endPosition),
                                new Long(length),
                                new Long(LogCounter.MAX_LOGFILE_SIZE));

        //reserve the space for the checksum log record
        endPosition += logOut.reserveSpaceForChecksum(length, logFileNumber,endPosition);

        // don't call currentInstant since we are already in a
        // synchronzied block
        instant =
                    LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(logFileNumber, endPosition);

                    length, instant, data, offset,
                    optionalData, optionalDataOffset, optionalDataLength);

        if (optionalDataLength != 0)
          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (optionalData == null)
              "optionalDataLength = " + optionalDataLength +
              " with null Optional data");

            if (optionalData.length <
              "optionalDataLength = " + optionalDataLength +
              " optionalDataOffset = " + optionalDataOffset +
              " optionalData.length = " + optionalData.length);

        endPosition += (length + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD);
    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(
                    SQLState.LOG_FULL, ioe));

    return instant;

   * Misc private functions to access the log

    Get the current log instant - this is the log instant of the Next log
    record to be written out
    <P> MT - This method is synchronized to ensure that it always points to
    the end of a log record, not the middle of one.
  protected synchronized long currentInstant()
    return LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(logFileNumber, endPosition);

  protected synchronized long endPosition()
    return endPosition;

    Return the current log file number.

    <P> MT - this method is synchronized so that
    it is not in the middle of being changed by swithLogFile
  private synchronized long getLogFileNumber()
    return logFileNumber;

    Get the first valid log instant - this is the beginning of the first
    log file

    <P>MT- synchronized on this
  private synchronized long firstLogInstant()
    return LogCounter.makeLogInstantAsLong(firstLogFileNumber, LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE);

    Flush the log such that the log record written with the instant
        wherePosition is guaranteed to be on disk.

    <P>MT - only one flush is allowed to be taking place at any given time
    (RESOLVE: right now it single thread thru the log factory while the log
    is frozen)

    @exception StandardException cannot sync log file

  protected void flush(long fileNumber, long wherePosition) throws StandardException

    long potentialLastFlush = 0;

    synchronized (this)
      if (Performance.MEASURE)
        boolean waited;
          // THIS CORRUPT CHECK MUST BE FIRST, before any check that
          // sees if the log has already been flushed to this
          // point. This is based upon the assumption that every
          // dirty page in the cache must call flush() before it is
          // written out.  has someone else found a problem in the
          // raw store?

          if (corrupt != null)
            throw StandardException.newException(
                                SQLState.LOG_STORE_CORRUPT, corrupt);

          // now check if database is frozen
          while (isFrozen)
            catch (InterruptedException ie)
              throw StandardException.interrupt(ie);

          // if we are just testing to see to see the database is
                    // frozen or corrupt (wherePosition == INVALID_LOG_INSTANT)
                    // then we can return now.
          // if the log file is already flushed up to where we are
          // interested in, just return.
          if (wherePosition == LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT ||
            fileNumber < logFileNumber ||
            wherePosition < lastFlush)

          // if we are not corrupt and we are in the middle of redo,
                    // we know the log record has already been flushed since we haven't written any log
                    // yet.
          if (recoveryNeeded && inRedo)

          if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            if (fileNumber > getLogFileNumber())
                "trying to flush a file that is not there yet " +
                 fileNumber + " " + logFileNumber);

            if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
                                DBG_FLAG, "Flush log to " + wherePosition);

          // There could be multiple threads who wants to flush the
                    // log file, see if I can be the one.
          if (logBeingFlushed)
            waited = true;
              if (Performance.MEASURE)
              wait()// release log semaphore to let non-flushing
              // threads log stuff while all the flushing
              // threads wait.

              // now we continue back to see if the sync
              // we waited for, flushed the portion
              // of log we are interested in.
            catch (InterruptedException ie)
              throw StandardException.interrupt(ie);
            waited = false;

            // logBeingFlushed is false, I am flushing the log now.
              // Flush any data from the buffered log
              //add active buffers to dirty buffer list
              //to flush to the disk.

            potentialLastFlush = endPosition; // we will flush to to the end

            // once logBeingFlushed is set, need to release
            // the logBeingFlushed flag in finally block.
            logBeingFlushed = true

        } while (waited) ;
        // if I have waited, go down do loop again - hopefully,
        // someone else have already flushed it for me already.
      catch (IOException ioe)
        throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(
    } // unfreeze log manager to accept more log records

    boolean syncSuceed = false;
      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                   "flushing log without logBeingFlushed set");
        SanityManager.ASSERT(potentialLastFlush > 0,
                   "potentialLastFlush not set");

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(TEST_LOG_FULL))

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
          SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "Begin log sync...");

      if (Performance.MEASURE)

      if (isWriteSynced)
        //LogAccessFile.flushDirtyBuffers() will allow only one write
        //sync at a time, flush requests will get queued
        if (!logNotSynced)

      syncSuceed = true;

      if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
        if (SanityManager.DEBUG_ON(LogToFile.DBG_FLAG))
          SanityManager.DEBUG(DBG_FLAG, "end log sync.");
    catch (SyncFailedException sfe)
      throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(
    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(
        logBeingFlushed = false; // done flushing

        // update lastFlush under synchronized this instead of synchronized(logOut)
        if (syncSuceed)
          lastFlush = potentialLastFlush;

        // We may actually have flushed more than that because someone
        // may have done a logOut.flushBuffer right before the sync
        // call. But this is guarenteed to be flushed.

    // get checkpoint Daemon to work
    if ((logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint + potentialLastFlush) > checkpointInterval &&
          checkpointDaemon != null &&  !checkpointDaemonCalled && !inLogSwitch)
      // following synchronized block is required to make
      // sure only one checkpoint request get scheduled.
        // recheck if checkpoint is still required, it is possible some other
        // thread might have already scheduled a checkpoint and completed it.
        if ((logWrittenFromLastCheckPoint + potentialLastFlush) > checkpointInterval &&
          checkpointDaemon != null &&  !checkpointDaemonCalled && !inLogSwitch)
          checkpointDaemonCalled = true;

      // switch the log if required, this case will occur
      // if log switch interval is less than the checkpoint interval
      // other wise , checkpoint daemon would be doing log switches along
      // with the checkpoints.
      if (potentialLastFlush > logSwitchInterval &&
        !checkpointDaemonCalled && !inLogSwitch)
        // following synchronized block is required to make sure only
        // one thread switches the log file at a time.
          // recheck if log switch is still required, it is possible some other
          // thread might have already switched the log file.
          if (potentialLastFlush > logSwitchInterval &&
            !checkpointDaemonCalled && !inLogSwitch)
            inLogSwitch = true;

     * Utility routine to call sync() on the input file descriptor.
     * <p>
    private void syncFile( StorageRandomAccessFile raf)
        throws StandardException
        for( int i=0; ; )
            // 3311: JVM sync call sometimes fails under high load against NFS
            // mounted disk.  We re-try to do this 20 times.
                raf.sync( false);

                // the sync succeed, so return
            catch (IOException ioe)
                    // wait for .2 of a second, hopefully I/O is done by now
                    // we wait a max of 4 seconds before we give up
                catch( InterruptedException ie )
                    //does not matter weather I get interrupted or not

                if( i > 20 )
                    throw StandardException.newException(
                                SQLState.LOG_FULL, ioe, null );

    Open a forward scan of the transaction log.

    <P> MT- read only
    @exception StandardException  Standard cloudscape exception policy
  public LogScan openForwardsFlushedScan(LogInstant startAt)
     throws StandardException

    // no need to flush the buffer as it's a flushed scan

    return new FlushedScan(this,((LogCounter)startAt).getValueAsLong());

    Get a forwards scan

    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  public LogScan openForwardsScan(LogInstant startAt,LogInstant stopAt)
     throws StandardException
      long startLong;
      if (startAt == null)
        startLong = LogCounter.INVALID_LOG_INSTANT;
        startLong = ((LogCounter)startAt).getValueAsLong();

      return openForwardsScan(startLong, stopAt);

    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw markCorrupt(StandardException.newException(
                                        SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));


  public final boolean databaseEncrypted()
    return databaseEncrypted;

    @see RawStoreFactory#encrypt
    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape Error Policy
  public int encrypt(byte[] cleartext, int offset, int length,
              byte[] ciphertext, int outputOffset)
     throws StandardException
    return rawStoreFactory.encrypt(cleartext, offset, length, ciphertext, outputOffset);

    @see RawStoreFactory#decrypt
    @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape Error Policy
  public int decrypt(byte[] ciphertext, int offset, int length,
               byte[] cleartext, int outputOffset)
     throws StandardException
    return rawStoreFactory.decrypt(ciphertext, offset, length, cleartext, outputOffset);

    return the encryption block size used during encrypted db creation
        public int getEncryptionBlockSize()
    return rawStoreFactory.getEncryptionBlockSize();

     returns the length that will make the data to be multiple of encryption
     block size based on the given length. Block cipher algorithms like DES
     and Blowfish ..etc  require their input to be an exact multiple of the block size.
  public int getEncryptedDataLength(int length)
    if ((length % getEncryptionBlockSize()) != 0)
      return length + getEncryptionBlockSize() - (length % getEncryptionBlockSize());

    return length;

    Get the instant of the first record which was not

    <P>This only works after running recovery the first time.
    <P>MT - RESOLVE:
    public synchronized LogInstant getFirstUnflushedInstant()
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      SanityManager.ASSERT(logFileNumber > 0 && lastFlush > 0);

    return new LogCounter(logFileNumber,lastFlush);

   * Backup restore - stop sending log record to the log stream
   * @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  public void freezePersistentStore() throws StandardException
    // if I get into this synchronized block, I know I am not in the middle
    // of a write because writing to the log file is synchronized under this.
      //when the log is being  archived for roll-frward recovery
      //we would like to switch to  a new log file.
      //otherwise during restore  logfile in the backup could
      //overwrite the more uptodate log files in the
      //online log path. And also we would like to mark the end
      //marker for the log file other wise during roll-forward recovery,
      //if we see a log file with fuzzy end , we think that is the
      //end of the recovery.

      isFrozen = true;

   * Backup restore - start sending log record to the log stream
   * @exception StandardException Standard Cloudscape error policy
  public void unfreezePersistentStore() throws StandardException
      isFrozen = false;

   * Backup restore - is the log being archived to some directory?
   * if log archive mode is enabled return true else false
  public boolean logArchived()
    return logArchived;

     Check to see if a database has been upgraded to the required
     level in order to use a store feature.
     @param requiredMajorVersion  required database Engine major version
     @param requiredMinorVersion  required database Engine minor version
     @return True if the database has been upgraded to the required level, false otherwise.
  boolean checkVersion(int requiredMajorVersion, int requiredMinorVersion)
    if(onDiskMajorVersion > requiredMajorVersion )
      return true;
      if(onDiskMajorVersion == requiredMajorVersion && 
         onDiskMinorVersion >= requiredMinorVersion)
        return true;
    return false;

  ** Sending information to the user without throwing exception.
  ** There are times when unusual external or system related things happen in
  ** the log which the user may be interested in but which doesn't impede on
  ** the normal operation of the store.  When such an event occur, just send
  ** a message or a warning message to the user rather than throw an
  ** exception, which will rollback a user transaction or crash the database.
  ** logErrMsg - sends a warning message to the user

    Print error message to user about the log
    MT - not needed, informational only
  protected void logErrMsg(String msg)

    Print error message to user about the log
    MT - not needed, informational only
  protected void logErrMsg(Throwable t)
    if (corrupt != null)

    if (t != corrupt)

     * In case of boot errors, and if database is either booted
     * with derby.system.durability=test or was previously at any time booted in
     * this mode, mention in the error message that the error is probably
     * because the derby.system.durability was set.
     * Dont want to waste time to resolve issues in such
     * cases
     * <p>
     * MT - not needed, informational only
    private void logErrMsgForDurabilityTestModeNoSync()
        if (logNotSynced || wasDBInDurabilityTestModeNoSync)

     * print stack trace from the Throwable including
     * its nested exceptions
     * @param t trace starts from this error
  private void printErrorStack(Throwable t)
    ErrorStringBuilder esb =
            new ErrorStringBuilder(Monitor.getStream().getHeader());

   *  Testing support
    Writes out a partial log record - takes the appendLogRecord.
    Need to shutdown the database before another log record gets written,
    or the database is not recoverable.
  private long logtest_appendPartialLogRecord(byte[] data, int offset,
                        int  length,
                        byte[] optionalData,
                        int optionalDataOffset,
                        int optionalDataLength)
    throws StandardException
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      int bytesToWrite = 1;

      String TestPartialLogWrite = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(TEST_LOG_PARTIAL_LOG_WRITE_NUM_BYTES);
      if (TestPartialLogWrite != null)
        bytesToWrite = Integer.valueOf(TestPartialLogWrite).intValue();

      Monitor.logMessage("TEST_LOG_INCOMPLETE_LOG_WRITE: writing " + bytesToWrite +
           " bytes out of " + length + " + " + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD + " log record");

      long instant;
        synchronized (this)
          // reserve the space for the checksum log record
          // NOTE:  bytesToWrite include the log record overhead.
          endPosition +=
            logOut.reserveSpaceForChecksum(((length + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD)
                            < bytesToWrite ? length :
                            (bytesToWrite - LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD)),
          instant = currentInstant();

          //check if the length of the records to be written is
          //actually smaller than the number of bytesToWrite
          if(length + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD < bytesToWrite)
            endPosition += (length + LOG_RECORD_OVERHEAD);
            endPosition += bytesToWrite;

          while(true)    // so we can break out without returning out of
            // sync block...
              if (bytesToWrite < 4)
                int shift = 3;
                while(bytesToWrite-- > 0)
                  logOut.write((byte)((length >>> 8*shift) & 0xFF));

              // the length before the log record
              bytesToWrite -= 4;

              if (bytesToWrite < 8)
                int shift = 7;
                while(bytesToWrite-- > 0)
                  logOut.write((byte)((instant >>> 8*shift) & 0xFF));

              // the log instant
              bytesToWrite -= 8;

              if (bytesToWrite < length)
                int dataLength = length - optionalDataLength;
                if(bytesToWrite < dataLength)
                  logOut.write(data, offset,bytesToWrite);
                  logOut.write(data, offset, dataLength);
                  bytesToWrite -= dataLength ;
                  if(optionalDataLength != 0 && bytesToWrite > 0)
                    logOut.write(optionalData, optionalDataOffset, bytesToWrite);

              // the log data
              logOut.write(data, offset, length - optionalDataLength);
              //write optional data
              if(optionalDataLength != 0)
                logOut.write(optionalData, optionalDataOffset, optionalDataLength);

              bytesToWrite -= length;

              if (bytesToWrite < 4)
                int shift = 3;
                while(bytesToWrite-- > 0)
                  logOut.write((byte)((length >>> 8*shift) & 0xFF));

              // the length after the log record


            // do make sure the partial write gets on disk by sync'ing it
            flush(logFileNumber, endPosition);


      catch (IOException ioe)
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_FULL, ioe);

      return instant;
    return 0;

    Simulate a log full condition

    if TEST_LOG_FULL is set to true, then the property
    TEST_RECORD_TO_FILL_LOG indicates the number of times this function is
    call before an IOException simulating a log full condition is raised.

    If TEST_RECORD_TO_FILL_LOG is not set, it defaults to 100 log record
  protected void testLogFull() throws IOException
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      if (test_numRecordToFillLog < 0)
        String RecordToFillLog = PropertyUtil.getSystemProperty(TEST_RECORD_TO_FILL_LOG);
        if (RecordToFillLog != null)
          test_numRecordToFillLog = Integer.valueOf(RecordToFillLog).intValue();
          test_numRecordToFillLog = 100;

      if (++test_logWritten > test_numRecordToFillLog)
        throw new IOException("TestLogFull " + test_numRecordToFillLog +
                    " written " + test_logWritten);


   * Get the log file to Simulate a log corruption
  public StorageRandomAccessFile getLogFileToSimulateCorruption(long filenum) throws IOException, StandardException
    if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
      //long filenum = LogCounter.getLogFileNumber(logInstant);
      //      long filepos = LogCounter.getLogFilePosition(logInstant);
      StorageFile fileName = getLogFileName(filenum);
      StorageRandomAccessFile log = null;
      return privRandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw");
    return null;


   * Log Testing
   * Implementations may use these strings to simulate error conditions for
   * testing purposes.

    Set to true if we want the checkpoint to only switch the log but not
    actually do the checkpoint
  public static final String TEST_LOG_SWITCH_LOG = SanityManager.DEBUG ? "TEST_LOG_SWITCH_LOG" : null ;

    Set to true if we want the up comming log record to be only partially
    written.  The database is corrupted if not immediately shutdown.
    Set TEST_LOG_PARTIAL_LOG_WRITE_NUM_BYTES to the number of bytes to write
    out, default is 1 byte.
  public static final String TEST_LOG_INCOMPLETE_LOG_WRITE = SanityManager.DEBUG ? "TEST_LOG_INCOMPLETE_LOG_WRITE" : null;

    Set to the number of bytes we want the next log record to actually write
    out, only used when TEST_LOG_INCOMPLETE_LOG_WRITE is on.  Default is 1
  public static final String TEST_LOG_PARTIAL_LOG_WRITE_NUM_BYTES = SanityManager.DEBUG ? "db2j.unittest.partialLogWrite" : null;

    Set to true if we want to simulate a log full condition
  public static final String TEST_LOG_FULL =
        SanityManager.DEBUG ? "TEST_LOG_FULL" : null;

    Set to true if we want to simulate a log full condition while switching log
  public static final String TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL1 =
        SanityManager.DEBUG ? "TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL1" : null;
  public static final String TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL2 =
        SanityManager.DEBUG ? "TEST_SWITCH_LOG_FAIL2" : null;

    Set to the number of log record we want to write before the log is
    simulated to be full.
  public static final String TEST_RECORD_TO_FILL_LOG =
        SanityManager.DEBUG ? "db2j.unittest.recordToFillLog" : null;

   * Set to true if we want to simulate max possible log file number is
     * being used.
  public static final String TEST_MAX_LOGFILE_NUMBER =
        SanityManager.DEBUG ? "testMaxLogFileNumber" : null;

  //enable the log archive mode
  public void enableLogArchiveMode() throws StandardException

    //if the log archive mode is already enabled; thre is nothing to do
      logArchived = true;
      AccessFactory af =
            (AccessFactory)Monitor.getServiceModule(this, AccessFactory.MODULE);

      if (af != null)
        TransactionController tc = null;
        tc = af.getTransaction(
        tc.setProperty(Property.LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE , "true", true);

  //disable the log archive mode
  public void disableLogArchiveMode() throws StandardException
    logArchived = false;
    AccessFactory af =
            (AccessFactory)Monitor.getServiceModule(this, AccessFactory.MODULE);
    if (af != null)
      TransactionController tc = null;
      tc = af.getTransaction(ContextService.getFactory().getCurrentContextManager());
      tc.setProperty(Property.LOG_ARCHIVE_MODE , "false", true);

  //delete the online archived log files
  public void deleteOnlineArchivedLogFiles()

  //copy all the active log files and the control files
  //to the given directory from the log directory
  public synchronized boolean copyActiveLogFiles(File toDir) throws StandardException
    //find the first  log file number that is  active
    long logNumber = getFirstLogNeeded(currentCheckpoint);
    //if there is nothing to copy return
    if (logNumber== -1)
      return true;

    StorageFile fromFile = getLogFileName(logNumber);
    File toFile = null;
    //copy all the active log files to the bakcup directory
    //except the current log file , because log files is swicthed
    //before this call when we freeze the database if the log is being
    //archived. If the log is not archived(the log switch does not occur in
    //this case) copy all the log files
    long lastLogFileToCopy = (logArchived ? getLogFileNumber()-1 : getLogFileNumber());
    while(logNumber <= lastLogFileToCopy)
      toFile = new File(toDir, fromFile.getName());
      if(!privCopyFile(fromFile, toFile))
        return false;
      fromFile = getLogFileName(++logNumber)

    //copy the log control file
    fromFile = getControlFileName();
    toFile = new File(toDir,fromFile.getName());
    if(!privCopyFile(fromFile, toFile))
      return false;

    //copy the log mirror control file
    fromFile = getMirrorControlFileName();
    toFile = new File(toDir,fromFile.getName());
    if(!privCopyFile(fromFile, toFile))
      return false;

    return true;

  //Is the transaction in rollforward recovery
  public boolean inRFR()
     *Logging System does not differentiate between the
     *crash-recovery and a rollforward recovery.
     *Except in case of rollforward atttempt on
     *read only databases to check for pending Transaction.
     *(See the comments in recovery() function)

      boolean readOnly = false;
        readOnly = !privCanWrite(getControlFileName());
      }catch(StandardException se)
        //Exception should never have come here
        //because getControlFileName() is called
        //earlier at boot time, if there were problems
        //it should have showed up earlier.             
        //We just ignore this error and hope that
        //datafactory must have market it as read only if that is the case.

      readOnly = readOnly || (dataFactory == null ? false :dataFactory.isReadOnly());
      return !readOnly;
      return false;

   *  redo a checkpoint during rollforward recovery
  public void checkpointInRFR(LogInstant cinstant, long redoLWM, DataFactory df) throws StandardException
    //sync the data

    //write the log control file; this will make sure that restart of the
    //rollfoward recovery will start this log instant next time instead of
    //from the beginning.
      if (!writeControlFile(getControlFileName(), ((LogCounter)cinstant).getValueAsLong()))
        throw StandardException.newException(
                         SQLState.LOG_CONTROL_FILE, getControlFileName());
    catch (IOException ioe)
      throw markCorrupt(
                    StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_IO_ERROR, ioe));
    //remove the stub files
    df.removeDroppedContainerFileStubs(new LogCounter(redoLWM));

   * This function restores logs based on the  following attributes
   * are specified on connection URL:
   * Attribute.CREATE_FROM (Create database from backup if it does not exist)
   * Attribute.RESTORE_FROM (Delete the whole database if it exists and then
     * restore it from backup)
   * Attribute.ROLL_FORWARD_RECOVERY_FROM:(Perform Rollforward Recovery;
   * except for the log directory everthing else is replced  by the copy  from
   * backup. log files in the backup are copied to the existing online log
     * directory.
   * In cases of RESTORE_FROM whole databases directoy is
   * is removed in while restoring
   * so even the log directory is removed.
   * In case of CREATE_FROM , log directoy will not exist if
   * we came so far bacause it should fail if a database already exists.
   * In case ROLL_FORWARD_RECOVERY_FROM log directotry should not be removed.
   * So only thing that needs to be done here is create a
   * a log directory if it does not exists and copy the
   * log files(including control files) that exists in the backup from which
     * we are are trying to restore the database to the onlie log directory.
  private boolean restoreLogs(Properties properties) throws StandardException

    String backupPath =null;
    boolean isCreateFrom = false;
    boolean isRestoreFrom = false;

    //check if the user requested for restore/recovery/create from backup
    backupPath = properties.getProperty(Attribute.CREATE_FROM);
        if (backupPath != null) {
            isCreateFrom = true;
        } else {
      backupPath = properties.getProperty(Attribute.RESTORE_FROM);
            if (backupPath != null) {
                isRestoreFrom = true;
            } else {
                backupPath = properties.getProperty(
                // if the backup is not NULL then it is a rollforward recovery.

    if(backupPath !=null)
        if(logDevice == null){
           * In restoreFrom/rollForwardRecoveryFrom mode when no
                     * logDevice on URL then the log is restored to the same
                     * location where the log was when backup was taken.
           * In createFrom mode behaviour is same as when create=true,
           * i.e unless user specifies the logDevice on URL, log will
                     * be copied to the database home dir.
           * Note: LOG_DEVICE_AT_BACKUP will get set if log is not in
           * default location(db home).
          logDevice =
      StorageFile logDir;
      logDir = logStorageFactory.newStorageFile(
      //remove the log directory in case of restoreFrom
      //if it exist, this happens if the log device is on seperate
      //location than the db home.
      if (isRestoreFrom && logDevice != null)
          //it may be just a file, try deleting it
            throw StandardException.newException(
                            getLogDirPath( logDir));

            // if it is a create/restore from backup,
            // create the log directory.
            if (isCreateFrom || isRestoreFrom) {

      File backupLogDir = new File(backupPath, LogFactory.LOG_DIRECTORY_NAME);
      String[] logfilelist = privList(backupLogDir);
      if(logfilelist !=null)
        for (int i = 0; i < logfilelist.length; i++)
          File blogFile = new File(backupLogDir, logfilelist[i]);
          StorageFile clogFile = logStorageFactory.newStorageFile(logDir, logfilelist[i]);
          if(!privCopyFile(blogFile , clogFile))
              StandardException.newException(SQLState.UNABLE_TO_COPY_LOG_FILE, blogFile, clogFile);
        throw StandardException.newException(SQLState.LOG_DIRECTORY_NOT_FOUND_IN_BACKUP,backupLogDir);
      //we need to switch the log file after redo while
      //doing recovery from backups, otherwise we will
      //be replacing updated log after a restore withe
      // a log in the backup on next restore.
      logSwitchRequired = true;

            // log is restored from backup.
            return true;
    } else {
            // log is not restored from backup.
            return false;

  /*preallocate the given log File to the logSwitchInterval size;
   *file is extended by writing zeros after the header till
   *the log file size the set by the user.
  private void preAllocateNewLogFile(StorageRandomAccessFile log) throws IOException, StandardException
        //preallocate a file by writing zeros into it .

        if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
            int currentPostion = (int)log.getFilePointer();
            SanityManager.ASSERT(currentPostion == LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE,
                                 "New Log File Is not Correctly Initialized");

        int amountToWrite = logSwitchInterval - LOG_FILE_HEADER_SIZE ;
        int bufferSize = logBufferSize * 2;
        byte[] emptyBuffer = new byte[bufferSize];
        int nWrites = amountToWrite/bufferSize;
        int remainingBytes = amountToWrite % bufferSize;
            while(nWrites-- > 0)

            if(remainingBytes !=0)
                log.write(emptyBuffer , 0 ,remainingBytes);

            //sync the file
        }catch(IOException ie)
            //ignore io exceptions during preallocations
            //because this more for performance improvements
            //system shoulf work fine even without preallocations.

            //RESOLVE: If  the exception is because of no
            //space, might be good idea to trigger a checkpoint.

            //In debug mode throw the exception
            if (SanityManager.DEBUG)
                throw ie;
    } // end of preAllocateNewLogFile

   * open the given log file name for writes; if file can not be
   * be opened in write sync mode then disable the write sync mode and
   * open the file in "rw" mode.
  private StorageRandomAccessFile openLogFileInWriteMode(StorageFile logFile) throws IOException
    StorageRandomAccessFile log;
      log = privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rws");
    }catch(FileNotFoundException ex)
      // Normally this exception should never occur. For some reason
      // currently on Mac JVM 1.4.2 FileNotFoundException exception is
      // thrown if a file is opened in "rws" mode and if it already
      // exists. Please refere to Derby-1 for more/ details on this issue.
      // Temporary workaround to avoid this problem is to make the logging
      // system use file sync mechanism.

      // disable the write sync and open the file in "rw" mode.
      isWriteSynced = false;
      log = privRandomAccessFile(logFile, "rw");
    return log ;

    private String getLogDirPath( StorageFile logDir)
        if( logDevice == null)
            return logDir.toString();
        return logDevice + logStorageFactory.getSeparator() + logDir.toString();
    } // end of getLogDirPath

        Following  methods require Priv Blocks to run under a security manager.
  private int action;
  private StorageFile activeFile;
  private File toFile;
  private String activePerms;

    protected boolean privExists(StorageFile file)
    return runBooleanAction(0, file);

    protected boolean privDelete(StorageFile file)
    return runBooleanAction(1, file);

    private synchronized StorageRandomAccessFile privRandomAccessFile(StorageFile file, String perms)
        throws IOException
    action = 2;
        activeFile = file;
        activePerms = perms;
            return (StorageRandomAccessFile);
        catch ( pae)
            throw (IOException) pae.getException();

    protected boolean privCanWrite(StorageFile file)
    return runBooleanAction(3, file);

    protected boolean privMkdirs(StorageFile file)
    return runBooleanAction(4, file);

  private synchronized String[] privList(File file)
    action = 8;
        toFile = file;

      return (String[]);
        catch ( pae)
            return null;
  private synchronized String[] privList(StorageFile file)
    action = 5;
        activeFile = file;

      return (String[]);
        catch ( pae)
            return null;

  private synchronized boolean privCopyFile(StorageFile from, File to)
    action = 6;
    activeFile = from;
    toFile = to;
      return ((Boolean);
        catch ( pae)
            return false;

  private synchronized boolean privCopyFile(File from, StorageFile to)
    action = 9;
    activeFile = to;
    toFile = from;
      return ((Boolean);
        catch ( pae)
            return false;

  private boolean privRemoveDirectory(StorageFile file)
    return runBooleanAction(7, file);

  private synchronized boolean runBooleanAction(int action, StorageFile file) {
    this.action = action;
    this.activeFile = file;

    try {
      return ((Boolean);
    } catch ( pae) {
      return false;


  public final Object run() throws IOException {
    switch (action) {
    case 0:
      return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(activeFile.exists());
    case 1:
           return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(activeFile.delete());
    case 2:
      // SECURITY PERMISSION - MP1 and/or OP4
      // dependening on the value of activePerms
      return activeFile.getRandomAccessFile(activePerms);
    case 3:
      return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(activeFile.canWrite());
    case 4:
      return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(activeFile.mkdirs());
    case 5:
      return activeFile.list();
    case 6:
      // SECURITY PERMISSION - OP4 (Have to check these codes ??)
      return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(FileUtil.copyFile(logStorageFactory, activeFile, toFile));
    case 7:
            if( ! activeFile.exists())
                return ReuseFactory.getBoolean( true);
      return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(activeFile.deleteAll());
        case 8:
            return toFile.list();
        case 9:
            return ReuseFactory.getBoolean(FileUtil.copyFile( logStorageFactory, toFile, activeFile));

      return null;

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