Package integration.forms

Source Code of integration.forms.RadioButtons

* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
*  $RCSfile:,v $
*  $Revision: 1.6 $
*  last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2007/01/15 13:45:45 $
*  The Contents of this file are made available subject to
*  the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
*    GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
*    =============================================
*    Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
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*    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
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package integration.forms;


import integration.forms.dbfTools;
import integration.forms.DocumentHelper;
import integration.forms.SpreadsheetDocument;

import util.utils;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.*;

* @author
public class RadioButtons extends complexlib.ComplexTestCase
    private DocumentHelper          m_document;         /// our current test document
    private FormLayer               m_formLayer;        /// quick access to the form layer
    private XMultiServiceFactory    m_orb;              /// our service factory
    private XPropertySet            m_primaryForm;      /// the primary form, to be used in text documents and in the first page of spreadsheets
    private XPropertySet            m_secondaryForm;    /// the secondary form, to be used in the second page of spreadsheets

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public RadioButtons()

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public String[] getTestMethodNames()
        return new String[] {

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public String getTestObjectName()
        return "Form Radio Buttons Test";

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public void before() throws, java.lang.Exception
        m_orb = (XMultiServiceFactory)param.getMSF();

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private XPropertySet insertRadio( int nXPos, int nYPos, String label, String name, String refValue ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        return insertRadio( nXPos, nYPos, label, name, refValue, null );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private XPropertySet insertRadio( int nXPos, int nYPos, String label, String name, String refValue, XPropertySet parentForm ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        XIndexContainer parentContainer = dbfTools.queryIndexContainer( parentForm );
        XPropertySet xRadio = m_formLayer.createControlAndShape( "DatabaseRadioButton", nXPos, nYPos, 25, 6, parentContainer );
        xRadio.setPropertyValue( "Label", label );
        xRadio.setPropertyValue( "RefValue", refValue );
        xRadio.setPropertyValue( "Name", name );

        if ( null == m_primaryForm )
            m_primaryForm = (XPropertySet)dbfTools.getParent( xRadio, XPropertySet.class );

        return xRadio;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** this checks whether n groups of radio buttons, consisting of only one button each,
     *  behave properly
    public void checkSingleButtons() throws, java.lang.Exception
        prepareTestStep( false );

        insertRadio( 20, 30"group 1", "group 1", "" );
        insertRadio( 20, 38"group 2", "group 2", "" );
        insertRadio( 20, 46"group 3", "group 3", "" );
        insertRadio( 20, 54"group 4", "group 4", "" );

        // switch to alive mode
        m_document.getCurrentView( ).toggleFormDesignMode( );

        checkRadio( "group 1", "" );
        verifySingleRadios( 1, 0, 0, 0 );

        checkRadio( "group 4", "" );
        verifySingleRadios( 1, 0, 0, 1 );

        checkRadio( "group 2", "" );
        verifySingleRadios( 1, 1, 0, 1 );

        checkRadio( "group 3", "" );
        verifySingleRadios( 1, 1, 1, 1 );


    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** creates three groups of radio buttons in a sample document, and checks whether they're working
    public void checkThreeGroups( ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        prepareTestStep( false );

        insertRadio( 20, 30"group 1 (a)", "group 1", "a" );
        insertRadio( 20, 38"group 1 (b)", "group 1", "b" );

        insertRadio( 20, 50"group 2 (a)", "group 2", "a" );
        insertRadio( 20, 58"group 2 (b)", "group 2", "b" );

        insertRadio( 20, 70"group 3 (a)", "group 3", "a" );
        insertRadio( 20, 78"group 3 (b)", "group 3", "b" );

        // switch to alive mode
        m_document.getCurrentView( ).toggleFormDesignMode( );

        // initially, after switching to alive mode, all buttons should be unchecked
        verifySixPack( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );

        // check one button in every group
        checkRadio( "group 1", "a" );
        checkRadio( "group 2", "b" );
        checkRadio( "group 3", "a" );
        // and verify that this worked
        verifySixPack( 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 );

        // check all buttons which are currently unchecked
        checkRadio( "group 1", "b" );
        checkRadio( "group 2", "a" );
        checkRadio( "group 3", "b" );
        // this should have reset the previous checks in the respective groups
        verifySixPack( 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1 );

        // and back to the previous check state
        checkRadio( "group 1", "a" );
        checkRadio( "group 2", "b" );
        checkRadio( "group 3", "a" );
        verifySixPack( 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0 );


    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** tests whether radio buttons which belong to different forms behave properly
    public void checkMultipleForms( ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        prepareTestStep( false );

        insertRadio( 20, 30"group 1 (a)", "group 1", "a" );
        insertRadio( 20, 38"group 1 (b)", "group 1", "b" );
        insertRadio( 20, 46"group 1 (c)", "group 1", "c" );

        m_secondaryForm = dbfTools.queryPropertySet( m_document.createSiblingForm( m_primaryForm, "secondary" ) );

        insertRadio( 70, 30"group 2 (a)", "group 2", "a", m_secondaryForm );
        insertRadio( 70, 38"group 2 (b)", "group 2", "b", m_secondaryForm );
        insertRadio( 70, 46"group 2 (c)", "group 2", "c", m_secondaryForm );

        // switch to alive mode
        m_document.getCurrentView( ).toggleFormDesignMode( );

        // play around with different check states
        checkRadio( "group 1", "b", m_primaryForm );
        checkRadio( "group 2", "c", m_secondaryForm );
        verifyTwoFormRadios( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 );

        checkRadio( "group 1", "c", m_primaryForm );
        verifyTwoFormRadios( 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 );

        checkRadio( "group 2", "a", m_secondaryForm );
        verifyTwoFormRadios( 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0 );

        checkRadio( "group 1", "a", m_primaryForm );
        verifyTwoFormRadios( 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0 );

        checkRadio( "group 2", "b", m_secondaryForm );
        verifyTwoFormRadios( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 );


    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** tests for a special bug which we once had, where radio buttons lost their state after
     *  switching spreadsheet pages
    public void checkCalcPageSwitch( ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        prepareTestStep( true );

        m_formLayer.setInsertPage( 0 );
        insertRadio( 15, 20"group 1 (a)", "group 1", "a" );
        insertRadio( 15, 26"group 1 (b)", "group 1", "b" );

        m_formLayer.setInsertPage( 1 );
        XPropertySet xRadio = insertRadio( 15, 20"group 2 (a)", "group 2", "a" );
                              insertRadio( 15, 26"group 2 (b)", "group 2", "b" );
        m_secondaryForm = (XPropertySet)dbfTools.getParent( xRadio, XPropertySet.class );

        // switch to alive mode
        SpreadsheetView view = (SpreadsheetView)m_document.getCurrentView( );
        view.toggleFormDesignMode( );
        // and do initial checking
        checkRadio( "group 1", "a", m_primaryForm );
        view.activateSheet( 1 );
        checkRadio( "group 2", "b", m_secondaryForm );

        // see whether the check states on the first page survived the page switch
        verifySheetRadios( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
        // switch back to the first sheet, and see whether the check states survived
        view.activateSheet( 0 );
        verifySheetRadios( 1, 0, 0, 1 );
        // and for completely, check again after switching to third sheet and back to the first
        view.activateSheet( 2 );
        view.activateSheet( 1 );
        verifySheetRadios( 1, 0, 0, 1 );


    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    public void after()

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** closes our document, if we have an open one
    private void closeDocument()
            // close our document
            if ( m_document != null )
                XCloseable closeDoc = (XCloseable)UnoRuntime.queryInterface( XCloseable.class,
                    m_document.getDocument() );
                closeDoc.close( true );
        catch ( e )

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private void prepareTestStep( boolean useSpreadsheetDocument ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        m_primaryForm = null;

        m_document = useSpreadsheetDocument ? new SpreadsheetDocument( m_orb ) : DocumentHelper.blankTextDocument( m_orb );
        m_formLayer = new FormLayer( m_document );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private void cleanupTestStep( )

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** checks or unchecks the radio button (in our primary form) with the given name and the given ref value
    private void checkRadio( String groupName, String refValue ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        checkRadio( groupName, refValue, m_primaryForm );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** checks or unchecks the radio button with the given name and the given ref value
    private void checkRadio( String groupName, String refValue, XPropertySet form ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        XPropertySet xRadio = getRadioModel( groupName, refValue, form );
        XAccessible accessible = (XAccessible)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XAccessible.class, m_document.getCurrentView().getControl( xRadio ) );

        XAccessibleValue xValue = (XAccessibleValue)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
            XAccessibleValue.class, accessible.getAccessibleContext() );

        xValue.setCurrentValue( new Short( (short)1 ) );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private XPropertySet getRadioModel( String name, String refValue ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        return getRadioModel( name, refValue, m_primaryForm );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    private XPropertySet getRadioModel( String name, String refValue, XPropertySet form ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        return m_formLayer.getRadioModelByRefValue( form, name, refValue );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** verifies a number of radio buttons for their states
    private boolean verifyRadios( XPropertySet[] radios, short[] states, String errorMessage ) throws
        for ( int i = 0; i<radios.length; ++i )
            if ( ((Short)radios[i].getPropertyValue( "State" )).shortValue() != states[i] )
                failed( errorMessage );
                return false;

        return true;

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** verifies the states of the 4 radio buttons from the checkSingleButtons test
    private boolean verifySingleRadios( int state1, int state2, int state3, int state4 ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        XPropertySet[] radios = new XPropertySet[4];
        radios[0] = getRadioModel( "group 1", "" );
        radios[1] = getRadioModel( "group 2", "" );
        radios[2] = getRadioModel( "group 3", "" );
        radios[3] = getRadioModel( "group 4", "" );

        short[] states = new short[4];
        states[0] = (short)state1;
        states[1] = (short)state2;
        states[2] = (short)state3;
        states[3] = (short)state4;

        return verifyRadios( radios, states, "single-group radio buttons do not work!" );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** verifies the states of 6 radio buttons form the checkThreeGroups test
    private boolean verifySixPack( XPropertySet[] radios, String errorMessage,
        int state1, int state2, int state3, int state4, int state5, int state6 ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        short[] states = new short[6];
        states[0] = (short)state1;
        states[1] = (short)state2;
        states[2] = (short)state3;
        states[3] = (short)state4;
        states[4] = (short)state5;
        states[5] = (short)state6;

        return verifyRadios( radios, states, errorMessage );

    /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */
    /** verifies the states of 6 radio buttons
    private boolean verifySixPack( int state1, int state2, int state3, int state4, int state5, int state6 ) throws, java.lang.Exception
        XPropertySet[] radios = new XPropertySet[6];
        radios[0] = getRadioModel( "group 1", "a" );
        radios[1] = getRadioModel( "group 1", "b" );
        radios[2] = getRadioModel( "group 2", "a" );
        radios[3] = getRadioModel( "group 2", "b" );
        radios[4] = getRadioModel( "group 3", "a" );
        radios[5] = getRadioModel( "group 3", "b" );

        return verifySixPack( radios, "six radio buttons, forming three different groups, do not properly work!",
            state1, state2, state3, state4, state5, state6 );

    /* ------------------

Related Classes of integration.forms.RadioButtons

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