Package org.apache.jackrabbit.core

Source Code of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.BatchedItemOperations

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.jackrabbit.core;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.jcr.AccessDeniedException;
import javax.jcr.ItemExistsException;
import javax.jcr.ItemNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.PathNotFoundException;
import javax.jcr.PropertyType;
import javax.jcr.ReferentialIntegrityException;
import javax.jcr.RepositoryException;
import javax.jcr.UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException;
import javax.jcr.lock.LockException;
import javax.jcr.nodetype.ConstraintViolationException;
import javax.jcr.version.VersionException;

import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.EffectiveNodeType;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeConflictException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.nodetype.NodeTypeRegistry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.retention.RetentionRegistry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.session.SessionContext;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChildNodeEntry;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateManager;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NoSuchItemStateException;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeReferences;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.NodeState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.PropertyState;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.UpdatableItemStateManager;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.util.ReferenceChangeTracker;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.value.InternalValue;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.VersionHistoryInfo;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.core.version.InternalVersionManager;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Name;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.Path;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QPropertyDefinition;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QItemDefinition;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.QNodeDefinition;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.conversion.MalformedPathException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

* <code>BatchedItemOperations</code> is an <i>internal</i> helper class that
* provides both high- and low-level operations directly on the
* <code>ItemState</code> level.
public class BatchedItemOperations extends ItemValidator {

    private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BatchedItemOperations.class);

    // flags used by the copy(...) methods
    protected static final int COPY = 0;
    protected static final int CLONE = 1;
    protected static final int CLONE_REMOVE_EXISTING = 2;

     * wrapped item state manager
    protected final UpdatableItemStateManager stateMgr;
     * current session used for checking access rights
    protected final SessionImpl session;

    private final HierarchyManager hierMgr;

     * Creates a new <code>BatchedItemOperations</code> instance.
     * @param stateMgr   item state manager
     * @param ntReg      node type registry
     * @param lockMgr    lock manager
     * @param session    current session
     * @param hierMgr    hierarchy manager
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public BatchedItemOperations(
            UpdatableItemStateManager stateMgr, SessionContext sessionContext)
            throws RepositoryException {
        this.stateMgr = stateMgr;
        this.session = sessionContext.getSessionImpl();
        this.hierMgr = sessionContext.getHierarchyManager();

    //-----------------------------------------< controlling batch operations >
     * Starts an edit operation on the wrapped state manager.
     * At the end of this operation, either {@link #update} or {@link #cancel}
     * must be invoked.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the state manager is already in edit mode
    public void edit() throws IllegalStateException {

     * Store an item state.
     * @param state item state that should be stored
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the manager is not in edit mode.
    public void store(ItemState state) throws IllegalStateException {;

     * Destroy an item state.
     * @param state item state that should be destroyed
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the manager is not in edit mode.
    public void destroy(ItemState state) throws IllegalStateException {

     * End an update operation. This will save all changes made since
     * the last invocation of {@link #edit()}. If this operation fails,
     * no item will have been saved.
     * @throws RepositoryException   if the update operation failed
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the state manager is not in edit mode
    public void update() throws RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {
        try {
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            String msg = "update operation failed";
            log.debug(msg, ise);
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

     * Cancel an update operation. This will undo all changes made since
     * the last invocation of {@link #edit()}.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the state manager is not in edit mode
    public void cancel() throws IllegalStateException {

    //-------------------------------------------< high-level item operations >

     * Clones the subtree at the node <code>srcAbsPath</code> in to the new
     * location at <code>destAbsPath</code>. This operation is only supported:
     * <ul>
     * <li>If the source element has the mixin <code>mix:shareable</code> (or some
     * derived node type)</li>
     * <li>If the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> has not already a shareable
     * node in the same shared set as the node at <code>srcPath</code>.</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param srcPath source path
     * @param destPath destination path
     * @return the node id of the destination's parent
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if the operation would violate a
     * node-type or other implementation-specific constraint.
     * @throws VersionException if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> is
     * versionable and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is
     * checked-in. This exception will also be thrown if <code>removeExisting</code> is <code>true</code>,
     * and a UUID conflict occurs that would require the moving and/or altering of a node that is checked-in.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if the current session does not have
     * sufficient access rights to complete the operation.
     * @throws PathNotFoundException if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> in
     * <code>srcWorkspace</code> or the parent of <code>destAbsPath</code> in this workspace does not exist.
     * @throws ItemExistsException if a property already exists at
     * <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
     * siblings are not allowed or if <code>removeExisting</code> is false and a
     * UUID conflict occurs.
     * @throws LockException if a lock prevents the clone.
     * @throws RepositoryException if the last element of <code>destAbsPath</code>
     * has an index or if another error occurs.
    public NodeId clone(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
                   VersionException, PathNotFoundException, ItemExistsException,
                   LockException, RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // check precondition

        // 1. check paths & retrieve state
        NodeState srcState = getNodeState(srcPath);

        Path destParentPath = destPath.getAncestor(1);
        NodeState destParentState = getNodeState(destParentPath);
        int ind = destPath.getIndex();
        if (ind > 0) {
            // subscript in name element
            String msg =
                "invalid destination path: " + safeGetJCRPath(destPath)
                + " (subscript in name element is not allowed)";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        return clone(srcState, destParentState, destPath.getName());

     * Implementation of {@link #clone(Path, Path)} that has already determined
     * the affected <code>NodeState</code>s.
     * @param srcState source state
     * @param destParentState destination parent state
     * @param destName destination name
     * @return the node id of the destination's parent
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if the operation would violate a
     * node-type or other implementation-specific constraint.
     * @throws VersionException if the parent node of <code>destAbsPath</code> is
     * versionable and checked-in, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor is
     * checked-in. This exception will also be thrown if <code>removeExisting</code> is <code>true</code>,
     * and a UUID conflict occurs that would require the moving and/or altering of a node that is checked-in.
     * @throws AccessDeniedException if the current session does not have
     * sufficient access rights to complete the operation.
     * @throws PathNotFoundException if the node at <code>srcAbsPath</code> in
     * <code>srcWorkspace</code> or the parent of <code>destAbsPath</code> in this workspace does not exist.
     * @throws ItemExistsException if a property already exists at
     * <code>destAbsPath</code> or a node already exist there, and same name
     * siblings are not allowed or if <code>removeExisting</code> is false and a
     * UUID conflict occurs.
     * @throws LockException if a lock prevents the clone.
     * @throws RepositoryException if the last element of <code>destAbsPath</code>
     * has an index or if another error occurs.
     * @see #clone(Path, Path)
    public NodeId clone(NodeState srcState, NodeState destParentState, Name destName)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
                   VersionException, PathNotFoundException, ItemExistsException,
                   LockException, RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // 2. check access rights, lock status, node type constraints, etc.
        checkAddNode(destParentState, destName,
                srcState.getNodeTypeName(), CHECK_ACCESS | CHECK_LOCK

        // 3. verify that source has mixin mix:shareable
        if (!isShareable(srcState)) {
            String msg =
                "Cloning inside a workspace is only allowed for shareable"
                + " nodes. Node with type " + srcState.getNodeTypeName()
                + " is not shareable.";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // 4. detect share cycle
        NodeId srcId = srcState.getNodeId();
        NodeId destParentId = destParentState.getNodeId();
        if (destParentId.equals(srcId) || hierMgr.isAncestor(srcId, destParentId)) {
            String msg =
                "Cloning Node with id " + srcId
                + " to parent with id " + destParentId
                + " would create a share cycle.";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // 5. do clone operation (modify and store affected states)
        if (!srcState.addShare(destParentState.getNodeId())) {
            String msg =
                "Adding a shareable node with id ("
                + destParentState.getNodeId()
                + ") twice to the same parent is not supported.";
            throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(msg);
        destParentState.addChildNodeEntry(destName, srcState.getNodeId());

        // store states;;
        return destParentState.getNodeId();

     * Copies the tree at <code>srcPath</code> to the new location at
     * <code>destPath</code>. Returns the id of the node at its new position.
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param srcPath
     * @param destPath
     * @param flag     one of
     *                 <ul>
     *                 <li><code>COPY</code></li>
     *                 <li><code>CLONE</code></li>
     *                 <li><code>CLONE_REMOVE_EXISTING</code></li>
     *                 </ul>
     * @return the id of the node at its new position
     * @throws RepositoryException if the copy operation fails
    public NodeId copy(Path srcPath, Path destPath, int flag)
            throws RepositoryException {
        return copy(
                srcPath, stateMgr, hierMgr, context.getAccessManager(),
                destPath, flag);

     * Copies the tree at <code>srcPath</code> retrieved using the specified
     * <code>srcStateMgr</code> to the new location at <code>destPath</code>.
     * Returns the id of the node at its new position.
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param srcPath
     * @param srcStateMgr
     * @param srcHierMgr
     * @param srcAccessMgr
     * @param destPath
     * @param flag         one of
     *                     <ul>
     *                     <li><code>COPY</code></li>
     *                     <li><code>CLONE</code></li>
     *                     <li><code>CLONE_REMOVE_EXISTING</code></li>
     *                     </ul>
     * @return the id of the node at its new position
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IllegalStateException        if the state mananger is not in edit mode
    public NodeId copy(Path srcPath,
                       ItemStateManager srcStateMgr,
                       HierarchyManager srcHierMgr,
                       AccessManager srcAccessMgr,
                       Path destPath,
                       int flag)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, PathNotFoundException, ItemExistsException,
            LockException, RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // check precondition

        // 1. check paths & retrieve state

        NodeState srcState = getNodeState(srcStateMgr, srcHierMgr, srcPath);

        Path destParentPath = destPath.getAncestor(1);
        NodeState destParentState = getNodeState(destParentPath);
        int ind = destPath.getIndex();
        if (ind > 0) {
            // subscript in name element
            String msg =
                "invalid copy destination path: " + safeGetJCRPath(destPath)
                + " (subscript in name element is not allowed)";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // 2. check access rights, lock status, node type constraints, etc.

        // JCR-2269: store target node state in changelog early as a
        // precautionary measure in order to isolate it from concurrent
        // underlying changes while checking preconditions;
        checkAddNode(destParentState, destPath.getName(),
                srcState.getNodeTypeName(), CHECK_ACCESS | CHECK_LOCK
        // check read access right on source node using source access manager
        try {
            if (!srcAccessMgr.isGranted(srcPath, Permission.READ)) {
                throw new PathNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(srcPath));
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
            String msg =
                "internal error: failed to check access rights for "
                + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath);
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, infe);

        // 3. do copy operation (modify and store affected states)

        ReferenceChangeTracker refTracker = new ReferenceChangeTracker();

        // create deep copy of source node state
        NodeState newState = copyNodeState(srcState, srcPath, srcStateMgr, srcAccessMgr,
                destParentState.getNodeId(), flag, refTracker);

        // add to new parent
        destParentState.addChildNodeEntry(destPath.getName(), newState.getNodeId());

        // adjust references that refer to uuid's which have been mapped to
        // newly generated uuid's on copy/clone
        Iterator<Object> iter = refTracker.getProcessedReferences();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            PropertyState prop = (PropertyState);
            // being paranoid...
            if (prop.getType() != PropertyType.REFERENCE
                    && prop.getType() != PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE) {
            boolean modified = false;
            InternalValue[] values = prop.getValues();
            InternalValue[] newVals = new InternalValue[values.length];
            for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                NodeId adjusted = refTracker.getMappedId(values[i].getNodeId());
                if (adjusted != null) {
                    newVals[i] = InternalValue.create(adjusted);
                    modified = true;
                } else {
                    // reference doesn't need adjusting, just copy old value
                    newVals[i] = values[i];
            if (modified) {

        // store states;;
        return newState.getNodeId();

     * Moves the tree at <code>srcPath</code> to the new location at
     * <code>destPath</code>. Returns the id of the moved node.
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param srcPath
     * @param destPath
     * @return the id of the moved node
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IllegalStateException        if the state manager is not in edit mode
    public NodeId move(Path srcPath, Path destPath)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, VersionException,
            AccessDeniedException, PathNotFoundException, ItemExistsException,
            LockException, RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // check precondition
        if (!stateMgr.inEditMode()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "cannot move path " + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath)
                    + " because manager is not in edit mode");

        // 1. check paths & retrieve state

        try {
            if (srcPath.isAncestorOf(destPath)) {
                String msg =
                    safeGetJCRPath(destPath) + ": invalid destination path"
                    + " (cannot be descendant of source path)";
                throw new RepositoryException(msg);
        } catch (MalformedPathException mpe) {
            String msg = "invalid path for move: " + safeGetJCRPath(destPath);
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, mpe);

        Path srcParentPath = srcPath.getAncestor(1);
        NodeState target = getNodeState(srcPath);
        NodeState srcParent = getNodeState(srcParentPath);

        Path destParentPath = destPath.getAncestor(1);
        NodeState destParent = getNodeState(destParentPath);

        int ind = destPath.getIndex();
        if (ind > 0) {
            // subscript in name element
            String msg =
                safeGetJCRPath(destPath) + ": invalid destination path"
                + " (subscript in name element is not allowed)";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        HierarchyManagerImpl hierMgr = (HierarchyManagerImpl) this.hierMgr;
        if (hierMgr.isShareAncestor(target.getNodeId(), destParent.getNodeId())) {
            String msg =
                safeGetJCRPath(destPath) + ": invalid destination path"
                + " (share cycle detected)";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

        // 2. check if target state can be removed from old/added to new parent

        checkRemoveNode(target, srcParent.getNodeId(),
                | CHECK_HOLD | CHECK_RETENTION);
        checkAddNode(destParent, destPath.getName(),
                target.getNodeTypeName(), CHECK_ACCESS | CHECK_LOCK

        // 3. do move operation (modify and store affected states)
        boolean renameOnly = srcParent.getNodeId().equals(destParent.getNodeId());

        int srcNameIndex = srcPath.getIndex();
        if (srcNameIndex == 0) {
            srcNameIndex = 1;

        if (renameOnly) {
            // change child node entry
            destParent.renameChildNodeEntry(srcPath.getName(), srcNameIndex,
        } else {
            // check shareable case
            if (target.isShareable()) {
                String msg =
                    "Moving a shareable node (" + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath)
                    + ") is not supported.";
                throw new UnsupportedRepositoryOperationException(msg);

            // do move:
            // 1. remove child node entry from old parent
            if (srcParent.removeChildNodeEntry(target.getNodeId())) {
                // 2. re-parent target node
                // 3. add child node entry to new parent
                destParent.addChildNodeEntry(destPath.getName(), target.getNodeId());

        // store states;
        if (renameOnly) {
        } else {
        return target.getNodeId();

     * Removes the specified node, recursively removing its properties and
     * child nodes.
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param nodePath
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws ReferentialIntegrityException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IllegalStateException
    public void removeNode(Path nodePath)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, LockException, ItemNotFoundException,
            ReferentialIntegrityException, RepositoryException,
            IllegalStateException {

        // check precondition
        if (!stateMgr.inEditMode()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "cannot remove node (" + safeGetJCRPath(nodePath)
                    + ") because manager is not in edit mode");

        // 1. retrieve affected state
        NodeState target = getNodeState(nodePath);
        NodeId parentId = target.getParentId();

        // 2. check if target state can be removed from parent
        checkRemoveNode(target, parentId,

        // 3. do remove operation

    //--------------------------------------< misc. high-level helper methods >
     * Checks if adding a child node called <code>nodeName</code> of node type
     * <code>nodeTypeName</code> to the given parent node is allowed in the
     * current context.
     * @param parentState
     * @param nodeName
     * @param nodeTypeName
     * @param options      bit-wise OR'ed flags specifying the checks that should be
     *                     performed; any combination of the following constants:
     *                     <ul>
     *                     <li><code>{@link #CHECK_ACCESS}</code>: make sure
     *                     current session is granted read & write access on
     *                     parent node</li>
     *                     <li><code>{@link #CHECK_LOCK}</code>: make sure
     *                     there's no foreign lock on parent node</li>
     *                     <li><code>{@link #CHECK_CHECKED_OUT}</code>: make sure
     *                     parent node is checked-out</li>
     *                     <li><code>{@link #CHECK_CONSTRAINTS}</code>:
     *                     make sure no node type constraints would be violated</li>
     *                     <li><code>{@link #CHECK_HOLD}</code>: check for effective holds preventing the add operation</li>
     *                     <li><code>{@link #CHECK_RETENTION}</code>: check for effective retention policy preventing the add operation</code></li>
     *                     </ul>
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public void checkAddNode(NodeState parentState, Name nodeName,
                             Name nodeTypeName, int options)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, LockException, ItemNotFoundException,
            ItemExistsException, RepositoryException {

        Path parentPath = hierMgr.getPath(parentState.getNodeId());

        // 1. locking status

        if ((options & CHECK_LOCK) == CHECK_LOCK) {
            // make sure there's no foreign lock on parent node

        // 2. versioning status

        if ((options & CHECK_CHECKED_OUT) == CHECK_CHECKED_OUT) {
            // make sure parent node is checked-out

        // 3. access rights

        if ((options & CHECK_ACCESS) == CHECK_ACCESS) {
            AccessManager accessMgr = context.getAccessManager();
            // make sure current session is granted read access on parent node
            if (!accessMgr.isGranted(parentPath, Permission.READ)) {
                throw new ItemNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId()));
            // make sure current session is granted write access on parent node
            if (!accessMgr.isGranted(parentPath, nodeName, Permission.ADD_NODE)) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException(safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId())
                        + ": not allowed to add child node");
            // make sure the editing session is allowed create nodes with a
            // specified node type (and ev. mixins)
            if (!accessMgr.isGranted(parentPath, nodeName, Permission.NODE_TYPE_MNGMT)) {
                throw new AccessDeniedException(safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId())
                        + ": not allowed to add child node");

        // 4. node type constraints

        if ((options & CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) == CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) {
            QItemDefinition parentDef =
            // make sure parent node is not protected
            if (parentDef.isProtected()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(
                        + ": cannot add child node to protected parent node");
            // make sure there's an applicable definition for new child node
            EffectiveNodeType entParent = getEffectiveNodeType(parentState);
                    nodeName, nodeTypeName, context.getNodeTypeRegistry());
            QNodeDefinition newNodeDef =
                    findApplicableNodeDefinition(nodeName, nodeTypeName,

            // check for name collisions
            if (parentState.hasChildNodeEntry(nodeName)) {
                // there's already a node with that name...

                // get definition of existing conflicting node
                ChildNodeEntry entry = parentState.getChildNodeEntry(nodeName, 1);
                NodeState conflictingState;
                NodeId conflictingId = entry.getId();
                try {
                    conflictingState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(conflictingId);
                } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                    String msg =
                        "internal error: failed to retrieve state of "
                        + safeGetJCRPath(conflictingId);
                    throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
                QNodeDefinition conflictingTargetDef =
                // check same-name sibling setting of both target and existing node
                if (!conflictingTargetDef.allowsSameNameSiblings()
                        || !newNodeDef.allowsSameNameSiblings()) {
                    throw new ItemExistsException(
                            "cannot add child node '" + nodeName.getLocalName()
                            + "' to " + safeGetJCRPath(parentState.getNodeId())
                            + ": colliding with same-named existing node");

        RetentionRegistry retentionReg =
        if ((options & CHECK_HOLD) == CHECK_HOLD) {
            if (retentionReg.hasEffectiveHold(parentPath, false)) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Unable to add node. Parent is affected by a hold.");
        if ((options & CHECK_RETENTION) == CHECK_RETENTION) {
            if (retentionReg.hasEffectiveRetention(parentPath, false)) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Unable to add node. Parent is affected by a retention.");

     * Checks if removing the given target node is allowed in the current context.
     * @param targetState
     * @param options     bit-wise OR'ed flags specifying the checks that should be
     *                    performed; any combination of the following constants:
     *                    <ul>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_ACCESS}</code>: make sure
     *                    current session is granted read access on parent
     *                    and remove privilege on target node</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_LOCK}</code>: make sure
     *                    there's no foreign lock on parent node</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_CHECKED_OUT}</code>: make sure
     *                    parent node is checked-out</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_CONSTRAINTS}</code>:
     *                    make sure no node type constraints would be violated</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_REFERENCES}</code>:
     *                    make sure no references exist on target node</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_HOLD}</code>: check for effective holds preventing the add operation</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_RETENTION}</code: check for effective retention policy preventing the add operation</code></li>
     *                    </ul>
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws ReferentialIntegrityException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public void checkRemoveNode(NodeState targetState, int options)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, LockException, ItemNotFoundException,
            ReferentialIntegrityException, RepositoryException {
        checkRemoveNode(targetState, targetState.getParentId(), options);

     * Checks if removing the given target node from the specifed parent
     * is allowed in the current context.
     * @param targetState
     * @param parentId
     * @param options     bit-wise OR'ed flags specifying the checks that should be
     *                    performed; any combination of the following constants:
     *                    <ul>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_ACCESS}</code>: make sure
     *                    current session is granted read access on parent
     *                    and remove privilege on target node</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_LOCK}</code>: make sure
     *                    there's no foreign lock on parent node</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_CHECKED_OUT}</code>: make sure
     *                    parent node is checked-out</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_CONSTRAINTS}</code>:
     *                    make sure no node type constraints would be violated</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_REFERENCES}</code>:
     *                    make sure no references exist on target node</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_HOLD}</code>: check for effective holds preventing the add operation</li>
     *                    <li><code>{@link #CHECK_RETENTION}</code>: check for effective retention policy preventing the add operation</code></li>
     *                    </ul>
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws AccessDeniedException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws LockException
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws ReferentialIntegrityException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public void checkRemoveNode(NodeState targetState, NodeId parentId,
                                int options)
            throws ConstraintViolationException, AccessDeniedException,
            VersionException, LockException, ItemNotFoundException,
            ReferentialIntegrityException, RepositoryException {

        if (targetState.getParentId() == null) {
            // root or orphaned node
            throw new ConstraintViolationException("cannot remove root node");
        Path targetPath = hierMgr.getPath(targetState.getNodeId());
        NodeState parentState = getNodeState(parentId);
        Path parentPath = hierMgr.getPath(parentId);

        // 1. locking status

        if ((options & CHECK_LOCK) == CHECK_LOCK) {
            // make sure there's no foreign lock on parent node

        // 2. versioning status

        if ((options & CHECK_CHECKED_OUT) == CHECK_CHECKED_OUT) {
            // make sure parent node is checked-out

        // 3. access rights

        if ((options & CHECK_ACCESS) == CHECK_ACCESS) {
            try {
                AccessManager accessMgr = context.getAccessManager();
                // make sure current session is granted read access on parent node
                if (!accessMgr.isGranted(targetPath, Permission.READ)) {
                    throw new PathNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(targetPath));
                // make sure current session is allowed to remove target node
                if (!accessMgr.isGranted(targetPath, Permission.REMOVE_NODE)) {
                    throw new AccessDeniedException(safeGetJCRPath(targetPath)
                            + ": not allowed to remove node");
            } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
                String msg = "internal error: failed to check access rights for "
                        + safeGetJCRPath(targetPath);
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, infe);

        // 4. node type constraints

        if ((options & CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) == CHECK_CONSTRAINTS) {
            QItemDefinition parentDef =
            if (parentDef.isProtected()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(safeGetJCRPath(parentId)
                        + ": cannot remove child node of protected parent node");
            QItemDefinition targetDef =
            if (targetDef.isMandatory()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(safeGetJCRPath(targetPath)
                        + ": cannot remove mandatory node");
            if (targetDef.isProtected()) {
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(safeGetJCRPath(targetPath)
                        + ": cannot remove protected node");

        // 5. referential integrity

        if ((options & CHECK_REFERENCES) == CHECK_REFERENCES) {
            EffectiveNodeType ent = getEffectiveNodeType(targetState);
            if (ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
                NodeId targetId = targetState.getNodeId();
                if (stateMgr.hasNodeReferences(targetId)) {
                    try {
                        NodeReferences refs = stateMgr.getNodeReferences(targetId);
                        if (refs.hasReferences()) {
                            throw new ReferentialIntegrityException(safeGetJCRPath(targetPath)
                                    + ": cannot remove node with references");
                    } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                        String msg = "internal error: failed to check references on "
                                + safeGetJCRPath(targetPath);
                        log.error(msg, ise);
                        throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        RetentionRegistry retentionReg =
        if ((options & CHECK_HOLD) == CHECK_HOLD) {
            if (retentionReg.hasEffectiveHold(targetPath, true)) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Unable to perform removal. Node is affected by a hold.");
        if ((options & CHECK_RETENTION) == CHECK_RETENTION) {
            if (retentionReg.hasEffectiveRetention(targetPath, true)) {
                throw new RepositoryException("Unable to perform removal. Node is affected by a retention.");

     * Verifies that the node at <code>nodePath</code> is writable. The
     * following conditions must hold true:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node must exist</li>
     * <li>the current session must be granted read & write access on it</li>
     * <li>the node must not be locked by another session</li>
     * <li>the node must not be checked-in</li>
     * <li>the node must not be protected</li>
     * <li>the node must not be affected by a hold or a retention policy</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param nodePath path of node to check
     * @throws PathNotFoundException        if no node exists at
     *                                      <code>nodePath</code> of the current
     *                                      session is not granted read access
     *                                      to the specified path
     * @throws AccessDeniedException        if write access to the specified
     *                                      path is not allowed
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if the node at <code>nodePath</code>
     *                                      is protected
     * @throws VersionException             if the node at <code>nodePath</code>
     *                                      is checked-in
     * @throws LockException                if the node at <code>nodePath</code>
     *                                      is locked by another session
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
    public void verifyCanWrite(Path nodePath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, AccessDeniedException,
            ConstraintViolationException, VersionException, LockException,
            RepositoryException {

        NodeState node = getNodeState(nodePath);

        // access rights
        // make sure current session is granted read access on node
        AccessManager accessMgr = context.getAccessManager();
        if (!accessMgr.isGranted(nodePath, Permission.READ)) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(node.getNodeId()));
        // TODO: removed check for 'WRITE' permission on node due to the fact,
        // TODO: that add_node and set_property permission are granted on the
        // TODO: items to be create/modified and not on their parent.
        // in any case, the ability to add child-nodes and properties is checked
        // while executing the corresponding operation.

        // locking status

        // node type constraints

        // versioning status

        RetentionRegistry retentionReg =
        if (retentionReg.hasEffectiveHold(nodePath, false)) {
            throw new RepositoryException("Unable to write. Node is affected by a hold.");
        if (retentionReg.hasEffectiveRetention(nodePath, false)) {
            throw new RepositoryException("Unable to write. Node is affected by a retention.");

     * Verifies that the node at <code>nodePath</code> can be read. The
     * following conditions must hold true:
     * <ul>
     * <li>the node must exist</li>
     * <li>the current session must be granted read access on it</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param nodePath path of node to check
     * @throws PathNotFoundException if no node exists at
     *                               <code>nodePath</code> of the current
     *                               session is not granted read access
     *                               to the specified path
     * @throws RepositoryException   if another error occurs
    public void verifyCanRead(Path nodePath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        // access rights
        // make sure current session is granted read access on node
        AccessManager accessMgr = context.getAccessManager();
        if (!accessMgr.isGranted(nodePath, Permission.READ)) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));

    //--------------------------------------------< low-level item operations >
     * Creates a new node.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param parent
     * @param nodeName
     * @param nodeTypeName
     * @param mixinNames
     * @param id
     * @return
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IllegalStateException        if the state mananger is not in edit mode
    public NodeState createNodeState(NodeState parent,
                                     Name nodeName,
                                     Name nodeTypeName,
                                     Name[] mixinNames,
                                     NodeId id)
            throws ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException,
            RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // check precondition
        if (!stateMgr.inEditMode()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "cannot create node state for " + nodeName
                    + " because manager is not in edit mode");

        QNodeDefinition def = findApplicableNodeDefinition(nodeName, nodeTypeName, parent);
        return createNodeState(parent, nodeName, nodeTypeName, mixinNames, id, def);

     * Creates a new node based on the given definition.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param parent
     * @param nodeName
     * @param nodeTypeName
     * @param mixinNames
     * @param id
     * @param def
     * @return
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IllegalStateException
    public NodeState createNodeState(NodeState parent,
                                     Name nodeName,
                                     Name nodeTypeName,
                                     Name[] mixinNames,
                                     NodeId id,
                                     QNodeDefinition def)
            throws ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException,
            RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // check for name collisions with existing nodes
        if (!def.allowsSameNameSiblings() && parent.hasChildNodeEntry(nodeName)) {
            NodeId errorId = parent.getChildNodeEntry(nodeName, 1).getId();
            throw new ItemExistsException(safeGetJCRPath(errorId));
        if (nodeTypeName == null) {
            // no primary node type specified,
            // try default primary type from definition
            nodeTypeName = def.getDefaultPrimaryType();
            if (nodeTypeName == null) {
                String msg =
                    "an applicable node type could not be determined for "
                    + nodeName;
                throw new ConstraintViolationException(msg);
        NodeState node = stateMgr.createNew(id, nodeTypeName, parent.getNodeId());
        if (mixinNames != null && mixinNames.length > 0) {
            node.setMixinTypeNames(new HashSet<Name>(Arrays.asList(mixinNames)));

        // now add new child node entry to parent
        parent.addChildNodeEntry(nodeName, node.getNodeId());

        EffectiveNodeType ent = getEffectiveNodeType(node);

        // check shareable
        if (ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_SHAREABLE)) {

        if (!node.getMixinTypeNames().isEmpty()) {
            // create jcr:mixinTypes property
            QPropertyDefinition pd = ent.getApplicablePropertyDef(NameConstants.JCR_MIXINTYPES,
                    PropertyType.NAME, true);
            createPropertyState(node, pd.getName(), pd.getRequiredType(), pd);

        // add 'auto-create' properties defined in node type
        for (QPropertyDefinition pd : ent.getAutoCreatePropDefs()) {
            createPropertyState(node, pd.getName(), pd.getRequiredType(), pd);

        // recursively add 'auto-create' child nodes defined in node type
        for (QNodeDefinition nd : ent.getAutoCreateNodeDefs()) {
            createNodeState(node, nd.getName(), nd.getDefaultPrimaryType(),
                    null, null, nd);

        // store node;
        // store parent;

        return node;

     * Creates a new property.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param parent
     * @param propName
     * @param type
     * @param numValues
     * @return
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException
     * @throws RepositoryException
     * @throws IllegalStateException        if the state mananger is not in edit mode
    public PropertyState createPropertyState(NodeState parent,
                                             Name propName,
                                             int type,
                                             int numValues)
            throws ItemExistsException, ConstraintViolationException,
            RepositoryException, IllegalStateException {

        // check precondition
        if (!stateMgr.inEditMode()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "cannot create property state for " + propName
                    + " because manager is not in edit mode");

        // find applicable definition
        QPropertyDefinition def;
        // multi- or single-valued property?
        if (numValues == 1) {
            // could be single- or multi-valued (n == 1)
            try {
                // try single-valued
                def = findApplicablePropertyDefinition(propName,
                        type, false, parent);
            } catch (ConstraintViolationException cve) {
                // try multi-valued
                def = findApplicablePropertyDefinition(propName,
                        type, true, parent);
        } else {
            // can only be multi-valued (n == 0 || n > 1)
            def = findApplicablePropertyDefinition(propName,
                    type, true, parent);
        return createPropertyState(parent, propName, type, def);

     * Creates a new property based on the given definition.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * <p/>
     * <b>Precondition:</b> the state manager needs to be in edit mode.
     * @param parent
     * @param propName
     * @param type
     * @param def
     * @return
     * @throws ItemExistsException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public PropertyState createPropertyState(NodeState parent,
                                             Name propName,
                                             int type,
                                             QPropertyDefinition def)
            throws ItemExistsException, RepositoryException {

        // check for name collisions with existing properties
        if (parent.hasPropertyName(propName)) {
            PropertyId errorId = new PropertyId(parent.getNodeId(), propName);
            throw new ItemExistsException(safeGetJCRPath(errorId));

        // create property
        PropertyState prop = stateMgr.createNew(propName, parent.getNodeId());

        if (def.getRequiredType() != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
        } else if (type != PropertyType.UNDEFINED) {
        } else {

        // compute system generated values if necessary
        new NodeTypeInstanceHandler(session.getUserID()).setDefaultValues(
                prop, parent, def);

        // now add new property entry to parent
        // store parent;

        return prop;

     * Unlinks the specified node state from its parent and recursively
     * removes it including its properties and child nodes.
     * <p/>
     * Note that no checks (access rights etc.) are performed on the specified
     * target node state. Those checks have to be performed beforehand by the
     * caller. However, the (recursive) removal of target node's child nodes are
     * subject to the following checks: access rights, locking, versioning.
     * @param target
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    public void removeNodeState(NodeState target)
            throws RepositoryException {

        NodeId parentId = target.getParentId();
        if (parentId == null) {
            String msg = "root node cannot be removed";
            throw new RepositoryException(msg);
        // remove target
        // remove child node entry from parent
        NodeState parent = getNodeState(parentId);
        // store parent;

     * Retrieves the state of the node at the given path.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * @param nodePath
     * @return
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public NodeState getNodeState(Path nodePath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        return getNodeState(stateMgr, hierMgr, nodePath);

     * Retrieves the state of the node with the given id.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * @param id
     * @return
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public NodeState getNodeState(NodeId id)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        return (NodeState) getItemState(stateMgr, id);

     * Retrieves the state of the property with the given id.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * @param id
     * @return
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public PropertyState getPropertyState(PropertyId id)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        return (PropertyState) getItemState(stateMgr, id);

     * Retrieves the state of the item with the given id.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * @param id
     * @return
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    public ItemState getItemState(ItemId id)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        return getItemState(stateMgr, id);

    //----------------------------------------------------< protected methods >
     * Verifies that the node at <code>nodePath</code> is checked-out; throws a
     * <code>VersionException</code> if that's not the case.
     * <p/>
     * A node is considered <i>checked-out</i> if it is versionable and
     * checked-out, or is non-versionable but its nearest versionable ancestor
     * is checked-out, or is non-versionable and there are no versionable
     * ancestors.
     * @param nodePath
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws VersionException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected void verifyCheckedOut(Path nodePath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, VersionException, RepositoryException {
        // search nearest ancestor that is versionable, start with node at nodePath
         * FIXME should not only rely on existence of jcr:isCheckedOut property
         * but also verify that node.isNodeType("mix:versionable")==true;
         * this would have a negative impact on performance though...
        NodeState nodeState = getNodeState(nodePath);
        while (!nodeState.hasPropertyName(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
            if (nodePath.denotesRoot()) {
            nodePath = nodePath.getAncestor(1);
            nodeState = getNodeState(nodePath);
        PropertyId propId =
                new PropertyId(nodeState.getNodeId(), NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT);
        PropertyState propState;
        try {
            propState = (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(propId);
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            String msg = "internal error: failed to retrieve state of "
                    + safeGetJCRPath(propId);
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
        boolean checkedOut = propState.getValues()[0].getBoolean();
        if (!checkedOut) {
            throw new VersionException(safeGetJCRPath(nodePath) + " is checked-in");

     * Verifies that the node at <code>nodePath</code> is not locked by
     * somebody else than the current session.
     * @param nodePath path of node to check
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws LockException         if write access to the specified path is not allowed
     * @throws RepositoryException   if another error occurs
    protected void verifyUnlocked(Path nodePath)
            throws LockException, RepositoryException {
        // make sure there's no foreign lock on node at nodePath
                nodePath, session);

     * Verifies that the node at <code>nodePath</code> is not protected.
     * @param nodePath path of node to check
     * @throws PathNotFoundException        if no node exists at <code>nodePath</code>
     * @throws ConstraintViolationException if write access to the specified
     *                                      path is not allowed
     * @throws RepositoryException          if another error occurs
    protected void verifyNotProtected(Path nodePath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, ConstraintViolationException,
            RepositoryException {
        NodeState node = getNodeState(nodePath);
        if (context.getItemManager().getDefinition(node).isProtected()) {
            throw new ConstraintViolationException(safeGetJCRPath(nodePath)
                    + ": node is protected");

     * Retrieves the state of the node at <code>nodePath</code> using the given
     * item state manager.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * @param srcStateMgr
     * @param srcHierMgr
     * @param nodePath
     * @return
     * @throws PathNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected NodeState getNodeState(ItemStateManager srcStateMgr,
                                     HierarchyManager srcHierMgr,
                                     Path nodePath)
            throws PathNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        try {
            NodeId id = srcHierMgr.resolveNodePath(nodePath);
            if (id == null) {
                throw new PathNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));
            return (NodeState) getItemState(srcStateMgr, id);
        } catch (ItemNotFoundException infe) {
            throw new PathNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(nodePath));

     * Retrieves the state of the item with the specified id using the given
     * item state manager.
     * <p/>
     * Note that access rights are <b><i>not</i></b> enforced!
     * @param srcStateMgr
     * @param id
     * @return
     * @throws ItemNotFoundException
     * @throws RepositoryException
    protected ItemState getItemState(ItemStateManager srcStateMgr, ItemId id)
            throws ItemNotFoundException, RepositoryException {
        try {
            return srcStateMgr.getItemState(id);
        } catch (NoSuchItemStateException nsise) {
            throw new ItemNotFoundException(safeGetJCRPath(id));
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            String msg = "internal error: failed to retrieve state of "
                    + safeGetJCRPath(id);
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

    //------------------------------------------------------< private methods >

     * Recursively removes the given node state including its properties and
     * child nodes.
     * <p/>
     * The removal of child nodes is subject to the following checks:
     * access rights, locking & versioning status. Referential integrity
     * (references) is checked on commit.
     * <p/>
     * Note that the child node entry refering to <code>targetState</code> is
     * <b><i>not</i></b> automatically removed from <code>targetState</code>'s
     * parent.
     * @param targetState
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    private void recursiveRemoveNodeState(NodeState targetState)
            throws RepositoryException {

        if (targetState.hasChildNodeEntries()) {
            // remove child nodes
            // use temp array to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
            ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry> tmp = new ArrayList<ChildNodeEntry>(targetState.getChildNodeEntries());
            // remove from tail to avoid problems with same-name siblings
            for (int i = tmp.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                ChildNodeEntry entry = tmp.get(i);
                NodeId nodeId = entry.getId();
                try {
                    NodeState nodeState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(nodeId);
                    // check if child node can be removed
                    // (access rights, locking & versioning status as well
                    //  as retention and hold);
                    // referential integrity (references) is checked
                    // on commit
                    checkRemoveNode(nodeState, targetState.getNodeId(),
                            | CHECK_LOCK
                            | CHECK_CHECKED_OUT
                            | CHECK_HOLD
                            | CHECK_RETENTION
                    // remove child node
                } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                    String msg = "internal error: failed to retrieve state of "
                            + nodeId;
                    throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);
                // remove child node entry
                targetState.removeChildNodeEntry(entry.getName(), entry.getIndex());

        // remove properties
        // use temp set to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
        HashSet<Name> tmp = new HashSet<Name>(targetState.getPropertyNames());
        for (Name propName : tmp) {
            PropertyId propId =
                    new PropertyId(targetState.getNodeId(), propName);
            try {
                PropertyState propState =
                        (PropertyState) stateMgr.getItemState(propId);
                // remove property entry
                // destroy property state
            } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
                String msg = "internal error: failed to retrieve state of "
                        + propId;
                throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

        // now actually do unlink target state
        // destroy target state (pass overlayed state since target state
        // might have been modified during unlinking)

     * Recursively copies the specified node state including its properties and
     * child nodes.
     * @param srcState
     * @param srcPath
     * @param srcStateMgr
     * @param srcAccessMgr
     * @param destParentId
     * @param flag           one of
     *                       <ul>
     *                       <li><code>COPY</code></li>
     *                       <li><code>CLONE</code></li>
     *                       <li><code>CLONE_REMOVE_EXISTING</code></li>
     *                       </ul>
     * @param refTracker     tracks uuid mappings and processed reference properties
     * @return a deep copy of the given node state and its children
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    private NodeState copyNodeState(NodeState srcState,
                                    Path srcPath,
                                    ItemStateManager srcStateMgr,
                                    AccessManager srcAccessMgr,
                                    NodeId destParentId,
                                    int flag,
                                    ReferenceChangeTracker refTracker)
            throws RepositoryException {

        NodeState newState;
        try {
            NodeId id = null;
            EffectiveNodeType ent = getEffectiveNodeType(srcState);
            boolean referenceable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
            boolean versionable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_SIMPLE_VERSIONABLE);
            boolean fullVersionable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_VERSIONABLE);
            boolean shareable = ent.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_SHAREABLE);
            switch (flag) {
                case COPY:
                    /* if this node is shareable and another node in the same shared set
                     * has been already been copied and given a new uuid, use this one
                     * (see section 14.5 of the specification)
                    if (shareable && refTracker.getMappedId(srcState.getNodeId()) != null) {
                        NodeId newId = refTracker.getMappedId(srcState.getNodeId());
                        NodeState sharedState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(newId);
                        return sharedState;
                case CLONE:
                    if (!referenceable) {
                        // non-referenceable node: always create new uuid
                    // use same uuid as source node
                    id = srcState.getNodeId();

                    if (stateMgr.hasItemState(id)) {
                        if (shareable) {
                            NodeState sharedState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(id);
                            return sharedState;
                        // node with this uuid already exists
                        throw new ItemExistsException(safeGetJCRPath(id));
                case CLONE_REMOVE_EXISTING:
                    if (!referenceable) {
                        // non-referenceable node: always create new uuid
                    // use same uuid as source node
                    id = srcState.getNodeId();
                    if (stateMgr.hasItemState(id)) {
                        NodeState existingState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(id);
                        // make sure existing node is not the parent
                        // or an ancestor thereof
                        if (id.equals(destParentId)
                                || hierMgr.isAncestor(id, destParentId)) {
                            String msg =
                                "cannot remove node " + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath)
                                + " because it is an ancestor of the destination";
                            throw new RepositoryException(msg);

                        // check if existing can be removed
                        // (access rights, locking & versioning status,
                        // node type constraints and retention/hold)
                                | CHECK_LOCK
                                | CHECK_CHECKED_OUT
                                | CHECK_CONSTRAINTS
                                | CHECK_HOLD
                                | CHECK_RETENTION);
                        // do remove existing
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                            "unknown flag for copying node state: " + flag);
            newState = stateMgr.createNew(id, srcState.getNodeTypeName(), destParentId);
            id = newState.getNodeId();
            if (flag == COPY && referenceable) {
                // remember uuid mapping
                refTracker.mappedId(srcState.getNodeId(), id);
            // copy node state
            if (shareable) {
                // initialize shared set
            // copy child nodes
            for (ChildNodeEntry entry : srcState.getChildNodeEntries()) {
                Path srcChildPath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(srcPath, entry.getName(), true);
                if (!srcAccessMgr.isGranted(srcChildPath, Permission.READ)) {
                NodeId nodeId = entry.getId();
                NodeState srcChildState = (NodeState) srcStateMgr.getItemState(nodeId);

                 * special handling required for child nodes with special semantics
                 * (e.g. those defined by nt:version,
                 * todo FIXME delegate to 'node type instance handler'

                 * If child is shareble and its UUID has already been remapped,
                 * then simply add a reference to the state with that remapped
                 * UUID instead of copying the whole subtree.
                if (srcChildState.isShareable()) {
                    NodeId mappedId = refTracker.getMappedId(srcChildState.getNodeId());
                    if (mappedId != null) {
                        if (stateMgr.hasItemState(mappedId)) {
                            NodeState destState = (NodeState) stateMgr.getItemState(mappedId);
                            if (!destState.isShareable()) {
                                String msg =
                                    "Remapped child (" + safeGetJCRPath(srcPath)
                                    + ") is not shareable.";
                                throw new ItemStateException(msg);
                            if (!destState.addShare(id)) {
                                String msg = "Unable to add share to node: " + id;
                                throw new ItemStateException(msg);
                            newState.addChildNodeEntry(entry.getName(), mappedId);

                // recursive copying of child node
                NodeState newChildState = copyNodeState(srcChildState, srcChildPath,
                        srcStateMgr, srcAccessMgr, id, flag, refTracker);
                // store new child node
                // add new child node entry to new node
                newState.addChildNodeEntry(entry.getName(), newChildState.getNodeId());
            // init version history if needed
            VersionHistoryInfo history = null;
            if (versionable && flag == COPY) {
                NodeId copiedFrom = null;
                if (fullVersionable) {
                    // base version of copied versionable node is reference value of
                    // the histories jcr:copiedFrom property
                    PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(srcState.getNodeId(), NameConstants.JCR_BASEVERSION);
                    PropertyState prop = (PropertyState) srcStateMgr.getItemState(propId);
                    copiedFrom = prop.getValues()[0].getNodeId();
                InternalVersionManager manager = session.getInternalVersionManager();
                history = manager.getVersionHistory(session, newState, copiedFrom);
            // copy properties
            for (Name propName : srcState.getPropertyNames()) {
                Path propPath = PathFactoryImpl.getInstance().create(srcPath, propName, true);               
                PropertyId propId = new PropertyId(srcState.getNodeId(), propName);
                if (!srcAccessMgr.canRead(propPath, propId)) {
                PropertyState srcChildState =
                        (PropertyState) srcStateMgr.getItemState(propId);

                 * special handling required for properties with special semantics
                 * (e.g. those defined by mix:referenceable, mix:versionable,
                 * mix:lockable,
                 * todo FIXME delegate to 'node type instance handler'
                QPropertyDefinition def = ent.getApplicablePropertyDef(
                        srcChildState.getName(), srcChildState.getType(),
                if (NameConstants.MIX_LOCKABLE.equals(def.getDeclaringNodeType())) {
                    // skip properties defined by mix:lockable

                PropertyState newChildState =
                        copyPropertyState(srcChildState, id, propName, def);

                if (history != null) {
                    if (fullVersionable) {
                        if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_VERSIONHISTORY)) {
                            // jcr:versionHistory
                            InternalValue value = InternalValue.create(
                            newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[] { value });
                        } else if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_BASEVERSION)
                                || propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_PREDECESSORS)) {
                            // jcr:baseVersion or jcr:predecessors
                            InternalValue value = InternalValue.create(
                            newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[] { value });
                        } else if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
                            // jcr:isCheckedOut
                            newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(true)});
                    } else {
                        // for simple versionable, we just initialize the
                        // version history when we see the jcr:isCheckedOut
                        if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_ISCHECKEDOUT)) {
                            // jcr:isCheckedOut
                            newChildState.setValues(new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(true)});

                if (newChildState.getType() == PropertyType.REFERENCE
                        || newChildState.getType() == PropertyType.WEAKREFERENCE) {
                // store new property
                // add new property entry to new node
            return newState;
        } catch (ItemStateException ise) {
            String msg = "internal error: failed to copy state of " + srcState.getNodeId();
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ise);

     * Copies the specified property state.
     * @param srcState the property state to copy.
     * @param parentId the id of the parent node.
     * @param propName the name of the property.
     * @param def      the definition of the property.
     * @return a copy of the property state.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs while copying.
    private PropertyState copyPropertyState(PropertyState srcState,
                                            NodeId parentId,
                                            Name propName,
                                            QPropertyDefinition def)
            throws RepositoryException {

        PropertyState newState = stateMgr.createNew(propName, parentId);

        InternalValue[] values = srcState.getValues();
        if (values != null) {
             * special handling required for properties with special semantics
             * (e.g. those defined by mix:referenceable, mix:versionable,
             * mix:lockable,
             * todo FIXME delegate to 'node type instance handler'
            if (propName.equals(NameConstants.JCR_UUID)
                    && def.getDeclaringNodeType().equals(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE)) {
                // set correct value of jcr:uuid property
                newState.setValues(new InternalValue[]{InternalValue.create(parentId.toString())});
            } else {
                InternalValue[] newValues = new InternalValue[values.length];
                for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {
                    newValues[i] = values[i].createCopy();
        return newState;

     * Check that the updatable item state manager is in edit mode.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if it isn't
    private void checkInEditMode() throws IllegalStateException {
        if (!stateMgr.inEditMode()) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("not in edit mode");

     * Determines whether the specified node is <i>shareable</i>, i.e.
     * whether the mixin type <code>mix:shareable</code> is either
     * directly assigned or indirectly inherited.
     * @param state node state to check
     * @return true if the specified node is <i>shareable</i>, false otherwise.
     * @throws RepositoryException if an error occurs
    private boolean isShareable(NodeState state) throws RepositoryException {
        // shortcut: check some wellknown built-in types first
        Name primary = state.getNodeTypeName();
        Set<Name> mixins = state.getMixinTypeNames();
        if (mixins.contains(NameConstants.MIX_SHAREABLE)) {
            return true;

        try {
            NodeTypeRegistry registry = context.getNodeTypeRegistry();
            EffectiveNodeType type =
                registry.getEffectiveNodeType(primary, mixins);
            return type.includesNodeType(NameConstants.MIX_REFERENCEABLE);
        } catch (NodeTypeConflictException ntce) {
            String msg = "internal error: failed to build effective node type for node "
                    + state.getNodeId();
            throw new RepositoryException(msg, ntce);

Related Classes of org.apache.jackrabbit.core.BatchedItemOperations

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