Package org.apache.torque.util

Source Code of org.apache.torque.util.LargeSelect

package org.apache.torque.util;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
import org.apache.torque.Torque;
import org.apache.torque.TorqueException;

import com.workingdogs.village.DataSetException;
import com.workingdogs.village.QueryDataSet;

* This class can be used to retrieve a large result set from a database query.
* The query is started and then rows are returned a page at a time.  The <code>
* LargeSelect</code> is meant to be placed into the Session or User.Temp, so
* that it can be used in response to several related requests.  Note that in
* order to use <code>LargeSelect</code> you need to be willing to accept the
* fact that the result set may become inconsistent with the database if updates
* are processed subsequent to the queries being executed.  Specifying a memory
* page limit of 1 will give you a consistent view of the records but the totals
* may not be accurate and the performance will be terrible.  In most cases
* the potential for inconsistencies data should not cause any serious problems
* and performance should be pretty good (but read on for further warnings).
* <p>The idea here is that the full query result would consume too much memory
* and if displayed to a user the page would be too long to be useful.  Rather
* than loading the full result set into memory, a window of data (the memory
* limit) is loaded and retrieved a page at a time.  If a request occurs for
* data that falls outside the currently loaded window of data then a new query
* is executed to fetch the required data.  Performance is optimized by
* starting a thread to execute the database query and fetch the results.  This
* will perform best when paging forwards through the data, but a minor
* optimization where the window is moved backwards by two rather than one page
* is included for when a user pages past the beginning of the window.
* <p>As the query is performed in in steps, it is often the case that the total
* number of records and pages of data is unknown.  <code>LargeSelect</code>
* provides various methods for indicating how many records and pages it is
* currently aware of and for presenting this information to users.
* <p><code>LargeSelect</code> utilises the <code>Criteria</code> methods
* <code>setOffset()</code> and <code>setLimit()</code> to limit the amount of
* data retrieved from the database - these values are either passed through to
* the DBMS when supported (efficient with the caveat below) or handled by
* the Village API when it is not (not so efficient).  At time of writing
* <code>Criteria</code> will only pass the offset and limit through to MySQL
* and PostgreSQL (with a few changes to <code>DBOracle</code> and <code>
* BasePeer</code> Oracle support can be implemented by utilising the <code>
* rownum</code> pseudo column).
* <p>As <code>LargeSelect</code> must re-execute the query each time the user
* pages out of the window of loaded data, you should consider the impact of
* non-index sort orderings and other criteria that will require the DBMS to
* execute the entire query before filtering down to the offset and limit either
* internally or via Village.
* <p>The memory limit defaults to 5 times the page size you specify, but
* alternative constructors and the class method <code>setMemoryPageLimit()
* </code> allow you to override this for a specific instance of
* <code>LargeSelect</code> or future instances respectively.
* <p>Some of the constructors allow you to specify the name of the class to use
* to build the returnd rows.  This works by using reflection to find <code>
* addSelectColumns(Criteria)</code> and <code>populateObjects(List)</code>
* methods to add the necessary select columns to the criteria (only if it
* doesn't already contain any) and to convert query results from Village
* <code>Record</code> objects to a class defined within the builder class.
* This allows you to use any of the Torque generated Peer classes, but also
* makes it fairly simple to construct business object classes that can be used
* for this purpose (simply copy and customise the <code>addSelectColumns()
* </code>, <code>populateObjects()</code>, <code>row2Object()</code> and <code>
* populateObject()</code> methods from an existing Peer class).
* <p>Typically you will create a <code>LargeSelect</code> using your <code>
* Criteria</code> (perhaps created from the results of a search parameter
* page), page size, memory page limit and return class name (for which you may
* have defined a business object class before hand) and place this in user.Temp
* thus:
* <pre>
*     data.getUser().setTemp("someName", largeSelect);
* </pre>
* <p>In your template you will then use something along the lines of:
* <pre>
*    #set($largeSelect = $data.User.getTemp("someName"))
*    #set($searchop = $data.Parameters.getString("searchop"))
*    #if($searchop.equals("prev"))
*      #set($recs = $largeSelect.PreviousResults)
*    #else
*      #if($searchop.equals("goto"))
*        #set($recs = $largeSelect.getPage($data.Parameters.getInt("page", 1)))
*      #else
*        #set($recs = $largeSelect.NextResults)
*      #end
*    #end
* </pre>
* <p> move through the records.  <code>LargeSelect</code> implements a
* number of convenience methods that make it easy to add all of the necessary
* bells and whistles to your template.
* @author <a href="">John D. McNally</a>
* @author <a href="">Scott Eade</a>
* @version $Id: 534001 2007-05-01 10:46:05Z tv $
public class LargeSelect implements Runnable, Serializable
    /** Serial version */
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -1166842932571491942L;

    /** The number of records that a page consists of.  */
    private int pageSize;
    /** The maximum number of records to maintain in memory. */
    private int memoryLimit;

    /** The record number of the first record in memory. */
    private transient int blockBegin = 0;
    /** The record number of the last record in memory. */
    private transient int blockEnd;
    /** How much of the memory block is currently occupied with result data. */
    private volatile int currentlyFilledTo = -1;

    /** The SQL query that this <code>LargeSelect</code> represents. */
    private String query;
    /** The database name to get from Torque. */
    private String dbName;

    /** The memory store of records. */
    private transient List results = null;

    /** The thread that executes the query. */
    private transient Thread thread = null;
     * A flag used to kill the thread when the currently executing query is no
     * longer required.
    private transient volatile boolean killThread = false;
    /** A flag that indicates whether or not the query thread is running. */
    private transient volatile boolean threadRunning = false;
     * An indication of whether or not the current query has completed
     * processing.
    private transient volatile boolean queryCompleted = false;
     * An indication of whether or not the totals (records and pages) are at
     * their final values.
    private transient boolean totalsFinalized = false;

    /** The cursor position in the result set. */
    private int position;
    /** The total number of pages known to exist. */
    private int totalPages = -1;
    /** The total number of records known to exist. */
    private int totalRecords = 0;

    /** The criteria used for the query. */
    private Criteria criteria = null;
    /** The last page of results that were returned. */
    private transient List lastResults;

     * The class that is possibly used to construct the criteria and used
     * to transform the Village Records into the desired OM or business objects.
    private Class returnBuilderClass = null;
     * A reference to the method in the return builder class that will
     * convert the Village Records to the desired class.
    private transient Method populateObjectsMethod = null;

     * The default value ("&gt;") used to indicate that the total number of
     * records or pages is unknown.
    public static final String DEFAULT_MORE_INDICATOR = "&gt;";

     * The value used to indicate that the total number of records or pages is
     * unknown (default: "&gt;"). You can use <code>setMoreIndicator()</code>
     * to change this to whatever value you like (e.g. "more than").
    private static String moreIndicator = DEFAULT_MORE_INDICATOR;

     * The default value for the maximum number of pages of data to be retained
     * in memory.
    public static final int DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT_PAGES = 5;

     * The maximum number of pages of data to be retained in memory.  Use
     * <code>setMemoryPageLimit()</code> to provide your own value.
    private static int memoryPageLimit = DEFAULT_MEMORY_LIMIT_PAGES;

     * The number of milliseconds to sleep when the result of a query
     * is not yet available.
    private static final int QUERY_NOT_COMPLETED_SLEEP_TIME = 500;

     * The number of milliseconds to sleep before retrying to stop a query.
    private static final int QUERY_STOP_SLEEP_TIME = 100;

    /** A place to store search parameters that relate to this query. */
    private Hashtable params = null;

    /** Logging */
    private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LargeSelect.class);

     * Creates a LargeSelect whose results are returned as a <code>List</code>
     * containing a maximum of <code>pageSize</code> Village <code>Record</code>
     * objects at a time, maintaining a maximum of
     * <code>LargeSelect.memoryPageLimit</code> pages of results in memory.
     * @param criteria object used by BasePeer to build the query.  In order to
     * allow this class to utilise database server implemented offsets and
     * limits (when available), the provided criteria must not have any limit or
     * offset defined.
     * @param pageSize number of rows to return in one block.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>criteria</code> uses one or
     * both of offset and limit, or if <code>pageSize</code> is less than 1;
    public LargeSelect(Criteria criteria, int pageSize)
        this(criteria, pageSize, LargeSelect.memoryPageLimit);

     * Creates a LargeSelect whose results are returned as a <code>List</code>
     * containing a maximum of <code>pageSize</code> Village <code>Record</code>
     * objects at a time, maintaining a maximum of <code>memoryPageLimit</code>
     * pages of results in memory.
     * @param criteria object used by BasePeer to build the query.  In order to
     * allow this class to utilise database server implemented offsets and
     * limits (when available), the provided criteria must not have any limit or
     * offset defined.
     * @param pageSize number of rows to return in one block.
     * @param memoryPageLimit maximum number of pages worth of rows to be held
     * in memory at one time.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>criteria</code> uses one or
     * both of offset and limit, or if <code>pageSize</code> or
     * <code>memoryLimitPages</code> are less than 1;
    public LargeSelect(Criteria criteria, int pageSize, int memoryPageLimit)
        init(criteria, pageSize, memoryPageLimit);

     * Creates a LargeSelect whose results are returned as a <code>List</code>
     * containing a maximum of <code>pageSize</code> objects of the type
     * defined within the class named <code>returnBuilderClassName</code> at a
     * time, maintaining a maximum of <code>LargeSelect.memoryPageLimit</code>
     * pages of results in memory.
     * @param criteria object used by BasePeer to build the query.  In order to
     * allow this class to utilise database server implemented offsets and
     * limits (when available), the provided criteria must not have any limit or
     * offset defined.  If the criteria does not include the definition of any
     * select columns the <code>addSelectColumns(Criteria)</code> method of
     * the class named as <code>returnBuilderClassName</code> will be used to
     * add them.
     * @param pageSize number of rows to return in one block.
     * @param returnBuilderClassName The name of the class that will be used to
     * build the result records (may implement <code>addSelectColumns(Criteria)
     * </code> and must implement <code>populateObjects(List)</code>).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>criteria</code> uses one or
     * both of offset and limit, if <code>pageSize</code> is less than 1, or if
     * problems are experienced locating and invoking either one or both of
     * <code>addSelectColumns(Criteria)</code> and <code> populateObjects(List)
     * </code> in the class named <code>returnBuilderClassName</code>.
    public LargeSelect(
            Criteria criteria,
            int pageSize,
            String returnBuilderClassName)

     * Creates a LargeSelect whose results are returned as a <code>List</code>
     * containing a maximum of <code>pageSize</code> objects of the type
     * defined within the class named <code>returnBuilderClassName</code> at a
     * time, maintaining a maximum of <code>memoryPageLimit</code> pages of
     * results in memory.
     * @param criteria object used by BasePeer to build the query.  In order to
     * allow this class to utilise database server implemented offsets and
     * limits (when available), the provided criteria must not have any limit or
     * offset defined.  If the criteria does not include the definition of any
     * select columns the <code>addSelectColumns(Criteria)</code> method of
     * the class named as <code>returnBuilderClassName</code> will be used to
     * add them.
     * @param pageSize number of rows to return in one block.
     * @param memoryPageLimit maximum number of pages worth of rows to be held
     * in memory at one time.
     * @param returnBuilderClassName The name of the class that will be used to
     * build the result records (may implement <code>addSelectColumns(Criteria)
     * </code> and must implement <code>populateObjects(List)</code>).
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>criteria</code> uses one or
     * both of offset and limit, if <code>pageSize</code> or <code>
     * memoryLimitPages</code> are less than 1, or if problems are experienced
     * locating and invoking either one or both of <code>
     * addSelectColumns(Criteria)</code> and <code> populateObjects(List)</code>
     * in the class named <code>returnBuilderClassName</code>.
    public LargeSelect(
            Criteria criteria,
            int pageSize,
            int memoryPageLimit,
            String returnBuilderClassName)
            this.returnBuilderClass = Class.forName(returnBuilderClassName);

            // Add the select columns if necessary.
            if (criteria.getSelectColumns().size() == 0)
                Class[] argTypes = { Criteria.class };
                Method selectColumnAdder =
                    returnBuilderClass.getMethod("addSelectColumns", argTypes);
                Object[] theArgs = { criteria };
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The class named as returnBuilderClassName does not "
                    + "provide the necessary facilities - see javadoc.");

        init(criteria, pageSize, memoryPageLimit);

     * Access the populateObjects method.
     * @throws SecurityException if the security manager does not allow
     *         access to the method.
     * @throws NoSuchMethodException if the poulateObjects method does not
     *         exist.
    private Method getPopulateObjectsMethod()
            throws NoSuchMethodException
        if (null == populateObjectsMethod)
            Class[] argTypes = { List.class };
                    = returnBuilderClass.getMethod("populateObjects", argTypes);
        return populateObjectsMethod;

     * Called by the constructors to start the query.
     * @param criteria Object used by <code>BasePeer</code> to build the query.
     * In order to allow this class to utilise database server implemented
     * offsets and limits (when available), the provided criteria must not have
     * any limit or offset defined.
     * @param pageSize number of rows to return in one block.
     * @param memoryLimitPages maximum number of pages worth of rows to be held
     * in memory at one time.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>criteria</code> uses one or
     * both of offset and limit and if <code>pageSize</code> or
     * <code>memoryLimitPages</code> are less than 1;
    private void init(Criteria criteria, int pageSize, int memoryLimitPages)
        if (criteria.getOffset() != 0 || criteria.getLimit() != -1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "criteria must not use Offset and/or Limit.");

        if (pageSize < 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "pageSize must be greater than zero.");

        if (memoryLimitPages < 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "memoryPageLimit must be greater than zero.");

        this.pageSize = pageSize;
        this.memoryLimit = pageSize * memoryLimitPages;
        this.criteria = criteria;
        dbName = criteria.getDbName();
        blockEnd = blockBegin + memoryLimit - 1;

     * Retrieve a specific page, if it exists.
     * @param pageNumber the number of the page to be retrieved - must be
     * greater than zero.  An empty <code>List</code> will be returned if
     * <code>pageNumber</code> exceeds the total number of pages that exist.
     * @return a <code>List</code> of query results containing a maximum of
     * <code>pageSize</code> results.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException when <code>pageNo</code> is not
     * greater than zero.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public List getPage(int pageNumber) throws TorqueException
        if (pageNumber < 1)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "pageNumber must be greater than zero.");
        return getResults((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize);

     * Gets the next page of rows.
     * @return a <code>List</code> of query results containing a maximum of
     * <code>pageSize</code> reslts.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public List getNextResults() throws TorqueException
        if (!getNextResultsAvailable())
            return getCurrentPageResults();
        return getResults(position);

     * Provide access to the results from the current page.
     * @return a <code>List</code> of query results containing a maximum of
     * <code>pageSize</code> reslts.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public List getCurrentPageResults() throws TorqueException
        return null == lastResults && position > 0
                ? getResults(position) : lastResults;

     * Gets the previous page of rows.
     * @return a <code>List</code> of query results containing a maximum of
     * <code>pageSize</code> reslts.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public List getPreviousResults() throws TorqueException
        if (!getPreviousResultsAvailable())
            return getCurrentPageResults();

        int start;
        if (position - 2 * pageSize < 0)
            start = 0;
            start = position - 2 * pageSize;
        return getResults(start);

     * Gets a page of rows starting at a specified row.
     * @param start the starting row.
     * @return a <code>List</code> of query results containing a maximum of
     * <code>pageSize</code> reslts.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    private List getResults(int start) throws TorqueException
        return getResults(start, pageSize);

     * Gets a block of rows starting at a specified row and containing a
     * specified number of rows.
     * @param start the starting row.
     * @param size the number of rows.
     * @return a <code>List</code> of query results containing a maximum of
     * <code>pageSize</code> reslts.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>size &gt; memoryLimit</code> or
     * <code>start</code> and <code>size</code> result in a situation that is
     * not catered for.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    private synchronized List getResults(int start, int size)
            throws TorqueException
        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("getResults(start: " + start
                    + ", size: " + size + ") invoked.");

        if (size > memoryLimit)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("size (" + size
                    + ") exceeds memory limit (" + memoryLimit + ").");

        // Request was for a block of rows which should be in progess.
        // If the rows have not yet been returned, wait for them to be
        // retrieved.
        if (start >= blockBegin && (start + size - 1) <= blockEnd)
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("getResults(): Sleeping until "
                        + "start+size-1 (" + (start + size - 1)
                        + ") > currentlyFilledTo (" + currentlyFilledTo
                        + ") && !queryCompleted (!" + queryCompleted + ")");
            while (((start + size - 1) > currentlyFilledTo) && !queryCompleted)
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    throw new TorqueException("Unexpected interruption", e);

        // Going in reverse direction, trying to limit db hits so assume user
        // might want at least 2 sets of data.
        else if (start < blockBegin && start >= 0)
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("getResults(): Paging backwards as start (" + start
                        + ") < blockBegin (" + blockBegin + ") && start >= 0");
            if (memoryLimit >= 2 * size)
                blockBegin = start - size;
                if (blockBegin < 0)
                    blockBegin = 0;
                blockBegin = start;
            blockEnd = blockBegin + memoryLimit - 1;
            // Re-invoke getResults() to provide the wait processing.
            return getResults(start, size);

        // Assume we are moving on, do not retrieve any records prior to start.
        else if ((start + size - 1) > blockEnd)
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("getResults(): Paging past end of loaded data as "
                        + "start+size-1 (" + (start + size - 1)
                        + ") > blockEnd (" + blockEnd + ")");
            blockBegin = start;
            blockEnd = blockBegin + memoryLimit - 1;
            // Re-invoke getResults() to provide the wait processing.
            return getResults(start, size);

            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Parameter configuration not "
                    + "accounted for.");

        int fromIndex = start - blockBegin;
        int toIndex = fromIndex + Math.min(size, results.size() - fromIndex);

        if (log.isDebugEnabled())
            log.debug("getResults(): Retrieving records from results elements "
                    + "start-blockBegin (" + fromIndex + ") through "
                    + "fromIndex + Math.min(size, results.size() - fromIndex) ("
                    + toIndex + ")");

        List returnResults;

        synchronized (results)
            returnResults = new ArrayList(results.subList(fromIndex, toIndex));

        if (null != returnBuilderClass)
            // Invoke the populateObjects() method
            Object[] theArgs = { returnResults };
                returnResults = (List) getPopulateObjectsMethod().invoke(
                        returnBuilderClass.newInstance(), theArgs);
            catch (Exception e)
                throw new TorqueException("Unable to populate results", e);
        position = start + size;
        lastResults = returnResults;
        return returnResults;

     * A background thread that retrieves the rows.
    public void run()
        boolean dbSupportsNativeLimit;
        boolean dbSupportsNativeOffset;
                    = (Torque.getDB(dbName).supportsNativeLimit());
                    = (Torque.getDB(dbName).supportsNativeOffset());
        catch (TorqueException e)
            log.error("run() : Exiting :", e);
            // we cannot execute further because Torque is not initialized
            // correctly

        int size;
        if (dbSupportsNativeLimit && dbSupportsNativeOffset)
            // retrieve one page at a time
            size = pageSize;
            // retrieve the whole block at once and add the offset,
            // and add one record to check if we have reached the end of the
            // data
            size = blockBegin + memoryLimit + 1;
        /* The connection to the database. */
        Connection conn = null;
        /** Used to retrieve query results from Village. */
        QueryDataSet qds = null;

            // Add 1 to memory limit to check if the query ends on a page break.
            results = new ArrayList(memoryLimit + 1);

            // Use the criteria to limit the rows that are retrieved to the
            // block of records that fit in the predefined memoryLimit.
            if (dbSupportsNativeLimit)
                if (dbSupportsNativeOffset)
                    // Add 1 to memory limit to check if the query ends on a
                    // page break.
                    criteria.setLimit(memoryLimit + 1);
                    criteria.setLimit(blockBegin + memoryLimit + 1);

             * Fix criterions relating to booleanint or booleanchar columns
             * The defaultTableMap parameter in this call is null because we have
             * no default peer class inside LargeSelect. This means that all
             * columns not fully qualified will not be modified.
            BasePeer.correctBooleans(criteria, null);
            query = BasePeer.createQueryString(criteria);

            // Get a connection to the db.
            conn = Torque.getConnection(dbName);

            // Execute the query.
            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("run(): query = " + query);
                log.debug("run(): memoryLimit = " + memoryLimit);
                log.debug("run(): blockBegin = " + blockBegin);
                log.debug("run(): blockEnd = " + blockEnd);
            qds = new QueryDataSet(conn, query);

            // Continue getting rows one page at a time until the memory limit
            // is reached, all results have been retrieved, or the rest
            // of the results have been determined to be irrelevant.
            while (!killThread
                && !qds.allRecordsRetrieved()
                && currentlyFilledTo + pageSize <= blockEnd)
                // This caters for when memoryLimit is not a multiple of
                //  pageSize which it never is because we always add 1 above.
                // not applicable if the db has no native limit where this
                // was already considered
                if ((currentlyFilledTo + pageSize) >= blockEnd
                        && dbSupportsNativeLimit)
                    // Add 1 to check if the query ends on a page break.
                    size = blockEnd - currentlyFilledTo + 1;

                if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                    log.debug("run(): Invoking BasePeer.getSelectResults(qds, "
                            + size + ", false)");

                List tempResults
                        = BasePeer.getSelectResults(qds, size, false);

                int startIndex = dbSupportsNativeOffset ? 0 : blockBegin;

                synchronized (results)
                    for (int i = startIndex, n = tempResults.size(); i < n; i++)

                if (dbSupportsNativeLimit && dbSupportsNativeOffset)
                    currentlyFilledTo += tempResults.size();
                    currentlyFilledTo = tempResults.size() - 1 - blockBegin;

                boolean perhapsLastPage = true;

                // If the extra record was indeed found then we know we are not
                // on the last page but we must now get rid of it.
                if ((dbSupportsNativeLimit
                        && (results.size() == memoryLimit + 1))
                    || (!dbSupportsNativeLimit
                            && currentlyFilledTo >= memoryLimit))
                    synchronized (results)
                    perhapsLastPage = false;

                if (results.size() > 0
                    && blockBegin + currentlyFilledTo >= totalRecords)
                    // Add 1 because index starts at 0
                    totalRecords = blockBegin + currentlyFilledTo + 1;

                // if the db has limited the datasets, we must retrieve all
                // datasets. If not, we are always finished because we fetch
                // the whole block at once.
                if (qds.allRecordsRetrieved()
                        || !dbSupportsNativeLimit)
                    queryCompleted = true;
                    // The following ugly condition ensures that the totals are
                    // not finalized when a user does something like requesting
                    // a page greater than what exists in the database.
                    if (perhapsLastPage
                        && getCurrentPageNumber() <= getTotalPages())
                        totalsFinalized = true;

            if (log.isDebugEnabled())
                log.debug("run(): While loop terminated because either:");
                log.debug("run(): 1. qds.allRecordsRetrieved(): "
                        + qds.allRecordsRetrieved());
                log.debug("run(): 2. killThread: " + killThread);
                log.debug("run(): 3. !(currentlyFilledTo + size <= blockEnd): !"
                        + (currentlyFilledTo + pageSize <= blockEnd));
                log.debug("run(): - currentlyFilledTo: " + currentlyFilledTo);
                log.debug("run(): - size: " + pageSize);
                log.debug("run(): - blockEnd: " + blockEnd);
                log.debug("run(): - results.size(): " + results.size());
        catch (TorqueException e)
        catch (SQLException e)
        catch (DataSetException e)
                if (qds != null)
            catch (SQLException e)
            catch (DataSetException e)
            threadRunning = false;

     * Starts a new thread to retrieve the result set.
     * @param initialSize the initial size for each block.
    private synchronized void startQuery(int initialSize)
        if (!threadRunning)
            pageSize = initialSize;
            currentlyFilledTo = -1;
            queryCompleted = false;
            thread = new Thread(this);
            threadRunning = true;

     * Used to stop filling the memory with the current block of results, if it
     * has been determined that they are no longer relevant.
     * @throws TorqueException if a sleep is interrupted.
    private synchronized void stopQuery() throws TorqueException
        if (threadRunning)
            killThread = true;
            while (thread.isAlive())
                catch (InterruptedException e)
                    throw new TorqueException("Unexpected interruption", e);
            killThread = false;

     * Retrieve the number of the current page.
     * @return the current page number.
    public int getCurrentPageNumber()
        return position / pageSize;

     * Retrieve the total number of search result records that are known to
     * exist (this will be the actual value when the query has completeted (see
     * <code>getTotalsFinalized()</code>).  The convenience method
     * <code>getRecordProgressText()</code> may be more useful for presenting to
     * users.
     * @return the number of result records known to exist (not accurate until
     * <code>getTotalsFinalized()</code> returns <code>true</code>).
    public int getTotalRecords()
        return totalRecords;

     * Provide an indication of whether or not paging of results will be
     * required.
     * @return <code>true</code> when multiple pages of results exist.
    public boolean getPaginated()
        // Handle a page memory limit of 1 page.
        if (!getTotalsFinalized())
            return true;
        return blockBegin + currentlyFilledTo + 1 > pageSize;

     * Retrieve the total number of pages of search results that are known to
     * exist (this will be the actual value when the query has completeted (see
     * <code>getQyeryCompleted()</code>).  The convenience method
     * <code>getPageProgressText()</code> may be more useful for presenting to
     * users.
     * @return the number of pages of results known to exist (not accurate until
     * <code>getTotalsFinalized()</code> returns <code>true</code>).
    public int getTotalPages()
        if (totalPages > -1)
            return totalPages;

        int tempPageCount =  getTotalRecords() / pageSize
                + (getTotalRecords() % pageSize > 0 ? 1 : 0);

        if (getTotalsFinalized())
            totalPages = tempPageCount;

        return tempPageCount;

     * Retrieve the page size.
     * @return the number of records returned on each invocation of
     * <code>getNextResults()</code>/<code>getPreviousResults()</code>.
    public int getPageSize()
        return pageSize;

     * Provide access to indicator that the total values for the number of
     * records and pages are now accurate as opposed to known upper limits.
     * @return <code>true</code> when the totals are known to have been fully
     * computed.
    public boolean getTotalsFinalized()
        return totalsFinalized;

     * Provide a way of changing the more pages/records indicator.
     * @param moreIndicator the indicator to use in place of the default
     * ("&gt;").
    public static void setMoreIndicator(String moreIndicator)
        LargeSelect.moreIndicator = moreIndicator;

     * Retrieve the more pages/records indicator.
    public static String getMoreIndicator()
        return LargeSelect.moreIndicator;

     * Sets the multiplier that will be used to compute the memory limit when a
     * constructor with no memory page limit is used - the memory limit will be
     * this number multiplied by the page size.
     * @param memoryPageLimit the maximum number of pages to be in memory
     * at one time.
    public static void setMemoryPageLimit(int memoryPageLimit)
        LargeSelect.memoryPageLimit = memoryPageLimit;

     * Retrieves the multiplier that will be used to compute the memory limit
     * when a constructor with no memory page limit is used - the memory limit
     * will be this number multiplied by the page size.
    public static int getMemoryPageLimit()
        return LargeSelect.memoryPageLimit;

     * A convenience method that provides text showing progress through the
     * selected rows on a page basis.
     * @return progress text in the form of "1 of &gt; 5" where "&gt;" can be
     * configured using <code>setMoreIndicator()</code>.
    public String getPageProgressText()
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        result.append(" of ");
        if (!totalsFinalized)
            result.append(" ");
        return result.toString();

     * Provides a count of the number of rows to be displayed on the current
     * page - for the last page this may be less than the configured page size.
     * @return the number of records that are included on the current page of
     * results.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public int getCurrentPageSize() throws TorqueException
        if (null == getCurrentPageResults())
            return 0;
        return getCurrentPageResults().size();

     * Provide the record number of the first row included on the current page.
     * @return The record number of the first row of the current page.
    public int getFirstRecordNoForPage()
        if (getCurrentPageNumber() < 1)
            return 0;
        return (getCurrentPageNumber() - 1) * getPageSize() + 1;

     * Provide the record number of the last row included on the current page.
     * @return the record number of the last row of the current page.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public int getLastRecordNoForPage() throws TorqueException
        if (0 == getCurrentPageNumber())
            return 0;
        return (getCurrentPageNumber() - 1) * getPageSize()
                + getCurrentPageSize();

     * A convenience method that provides text showing progress through the
     * selected rows on a record basis.
     * @return progress text in the form of "26 - 50 of &gt; 250" where "&gt;"
     * can be configured using <code>setMoreIndicator()</code>.
     * @throws TorqueException if invoking the <code>populateObjects()<code>
     * method runs into problems or a sleep is unexpectedly interrupted.
    public String getRecordProgressText() throws TorqueException
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        result.append(" - ");
        result.append(" of ");
        if (!totalsFinalized)
            result.append(" ");
        return result.toString();

     * Indicates if further result pages are available.
     * @return <code>true</code> when further results are available.
    public boolean getNextResultsAvailable()
        if (!totalsFinalized || getCurrentPageNumber() < getTotalPages())
            return true;
        return false;

     * Indicates if previous results pages are available.
     * @return <code>true</code> when previous results are available.
    public boolean getPreviousResultsAvailable()
        if (getCurrentPageNumber() <= 1)
            return false;
        return true;

     * Indicates if any results are available.
     * @return <code>true</code> of any results are available.
    public boolean hasResultsAvailable()
        return getTotalRecords() > 0;

     * Clear the query result so that the query is reexecuted when the next page
     * is retrieved.  You may want to invoke this method if you are returning to
     * a page after performing an operation on an item in the result set.
     * @throws TorqueException if a sleep is interrupted.
    public synchronized void invalidateResult() throws TorqueException
        blockBegin = 0;
        blockEnd = 0;
        currentlyFilledTo = -1;
        results = null;
        // TODO Perhaps store the oldPosition and immediately restart the
        // query.
        // oldPosition = position;
        position = 0;
        totalPages = -1;
        totalRecords = 0;
        queryCompleted = false;
        totalsFinalized = false;
        lastResults = null;

     * Retrieve a search parameter.  This acts as a convenient place to store
     * parameters that relate to the LargeSelect to make it easy to get at them
     * in order to repopulate search parameters on a form when the next page of
     * results is retrieved - they in no way effect the operation of
     * LargeSelect.
     * @param name the search parameter key to retrieve.
     * @return the value of the search parameter.
    public String getSearchParam(String name)
        return getSearchParam(name, null);

     * Retrieve a search parameter.  This acts as a convenient place to store
     * parameters that relate to the LargeSelect to make it easy to get at them
     * in order to repopulate search parameters on a form when the next page of
     * results is retrieved - they in no way effect the operation of
     * LargeSelect.
     * @param name the search parameter key to retrieve.
     * @param defaultValue the default value to return if the key is not found.
     * @return the value of the search parameter.
    public String getSearchParam(String name, String defaultValue)
        if (null == params)
            return defaultValue;
        String value = (String) params.get(name);
        return null == value ? defaultValue : value;

     * Set a search parameter.  If the value is <code>null</code> then the
     * key will be removed from the parameters.
     * @param name the search parameter key to set.
     * @param value the value of the search parameter to store.
    public void setSearchParam(String name, String value)
        if (null == value)
            if (null != name)
                if (null == params)
                    params = new Hashtable();
                params.put(name, value);

     * Remove a value from the search parameters.
     * @param name the search parameter key to remove.
    public void removeSearchParam(String name)
        if (null != params)

     * Deserialize this LargeSelect instance.
     * @param inputStream The serialization input stream.
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    private void readObject(ObjectInputStream inputStream)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException

        // avoid NPE because of Tomcat de-serialization of sessions
        if (Torque.isInit())

     * Provide something useful for debugging purposes.
     * @return some basic information about this instance of LargeSelect.
    public String toString()
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
        result.append("LargeSelect - TotalRecords: ");
        result.append(" TotalsFinalised: ");
        if (null == params || params.size() == 0)
            result.append(" No parameters have been set.");
            Set keys = params.keySet();
            for (Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext();)
                String key = (String);
                String val = (String) params.get(key);
                result.append("\n ").append(key).append(": ").append(val);
        return result.toString();


Related Classes of org.apache.torque.util.LargeSelect

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