Package org.apache.maven.plugin.jira

Source Code of org.apache.maven.plugin.jira.AbstractJiraDownloader

package org.apache.maven.plugin.jira;

* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Credentials;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.Header;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HostConfiguration;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpException;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpState;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpStatus;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.StatusLine;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.UsernamePasswordCredentials;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.AuthScope;
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.GetMethod;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.MojoExecutionException;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.issues.Issue;
import org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log;
import org.apache.maven.project.MavenProject;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Proxy;
import org.apache.maven.settings.Settings;
import org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyInfo;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.IOUtil;
import org.codehaus.plexus.util.StringUtils;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

* Gets relevant issues in RSS from a given JIRA installation.
* <p/>
* Based on version 1.1.2 and patch by Dr. Spock (MPJIRA-8).
* @author
* @author
* @version $Id: 1137229 2011-06-18 19:17:30Z bimargulies $
public abstract class AbstractJiraDownloader
    private static final String UTF_8 = "UTF-8";

    /** Log for debug output. */
    protected Log log;
    /** Output file for xml document. */
    private File output;
    /** The maximum number of entries to show. */
    private int nbEntriesMax;
    /** The filter to apply to query to JIRA. */
    private String filter;
    /** Ids of fix versions to show, as comma separated string. */
    private String fixVersionIds;
    /** Ids of status to show, as comma separated string. */
    private String statusIds;
    /** Ids of resolution to show, as comma separated string. */
    private String resolutionIds;
    /** Ids of priority to show, as comma separated string. */
    private String priorityIds;
    /** The component to show. */
    private String component;
    /** Ids of types to show, as comma separated string. */
    private String typeIds;
    /** Column names to sort by, as comma separated string. */
    private String sortColumnNames;
    /** The username to log into JIRA. */
    private String jiraUser;
    /** The password to log into JIRA. */
    private String jiraPassword;
    /** The username to log into webserver. */
    private String webUser;
    /** The password to log into webserver. */
    private String webPassword;
    /** The maven project. */
    private MavenProject project;
    /** The maven settings. */
    private Settings settings;
    /** Mapping containing all allowed JIRA status values. */
    protected final Map<String,String> statusMap = new HashMap<String,String>( 8 );
    /** Mapping containing all allowed JIRA resolution values. */
    protected final Map<String,String> resolutionMap = new HashMap<String,String>( 8 );
    /** Mapping containing all allowed JIRA priority values. */
    protected final Map<String,String> priorityMap = new HashMap<String,String>( 8 );
    /** Mapping containing all allowed JIRA type values. */
    protected final Map<String,String> typeMap = new HashMap<String,String>( 8 );
    /** The pattern used to parse dates from the JIRA xml file. */
    protected String jiraDatePattern;

     * Creates a filter given the parameters and some defaults.
     * @return request parameters to be added to URL used for downloading the JIRA issues
    private String createFilter()
        // If the user has defined a filter - use that
        if ( ( this.filter != null ) && ( this.filter.length() > 0 ) )
            return this.filter;

        StringBuffer localFilter = new StringBuffer( 16 );

        // add fix versions
        if ( fixVersionIds != null )
            String[] fixVersions = fixVersionIds.split( "," );

            for ( int i = 0; i < fixVersions.length; i++ )
                if ( fixVersions[i].length() > 0 )
                    localFilter.append( "&fixfor=" ).append( fixVersions[i].trim() );

        // get the Status Ids
        if ( statusIds != null )
            String[] stats = statusIds.split( "," );
            for ( String stat : stats )
                stat = stat.trim();
                String statusParam = statusMap.get( stat );

                if ( statusParam != null )
                    localFilter.append( "&statusIds=" ).append( statusParam );
                    // if it's numeric we can handle it too.
                        Integer.parseInt( stat );
                        localFilter.append( "&statusIds=" ).append( stat );
                    catch ( NumberFormatException nfe )
                        getLog().error( "maven-changes-plugin: invalid statusId " + stat );

        // get the Priority Ids
        if ( priorityIds != null )
            String[] prios = priorityIds.split( "," );

            for ( String prio : prios )
                prio = prio.trim();
                String priorityParam = priorityMap.get( prio );

                if ( priorityParam != null )
                    localFilter.append( "&priorityIds=" ).append( priorityParam );

        // get the Resolution Ids
        if ( resolutionIds != null )
            String[] resos = resolutionIds.split( "," );

            for ( String reso : resos )
                reso = reso.trim();
                String resoParam = resolutionMap.get( reso );

                if ( resoParam != null )
                    localFilter.append( "&resolutionIds=" ).append( resoParam );

        // add components
        if ( component != null )
            String[] components = component.split( "," );

            for ( String component : components )
                component = component.trim();
                if ( component.length() > 0 )
                    localFilter.append( "&component=" ).append( component );

        // get the Type Ids
        if ( typeIds != null )
            String[] types = typeIds.split( "," );

            for ( String type : types )
                String typeParam = typeMap.get( type.trim() );

                if ( typeParam != null )
                    localFilter.append( "&type=" ).append( typeParam );

        // get the Sort order
        int validSortColumnNames = 0;
        if ( sortColumnNames != null )
            String[] sortColumnNamesArray = sortColumnNames.split( "," );
            // N.B. Add in reverse order (it's the way JIRA 3 likes it!!)
            for ( int i = sortColumnNamesArray.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
                String lowerColumnName = sortColumnNamesArray[i].trim().toLowerCase( Locale.ENGLISH );
                boolean descending = false;
                String fieldName = null;
                if ( lowerColumnName.endsWith( "desc" ) )
                    descending = true;
                    lowerColumnName = lowerColumnName.substring( 0, lowerColumnName.length() - 4 ).trim();
                else if ( lowerColumnName.endsWith( "asc" ) )
                    descending = false;
                    lowerColumnName = lowerColumnName.substring( 0, lowerColumnName.length() - 3 ).trim();

                if ( "key".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = "issuekey";
                else if ( "summary".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "status".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "resolution".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "assignee".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "reporter".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "type".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = "issuetype";
                else if ( "priority".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "version".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = "versions";
                else if ( "fix version".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = "fixVersions";
                else if ( "component".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = "components";
                else if ( "created".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                else if ( "updated".equals( lowerColumnName ) )
                    fieldName = lowerColumnName;
                if ( fieldName != null )
                    localFilter.append( "&sorter/field=" );
                    localFilter.append( fieldName );
                    localFilter.append( "&sorter/order=" );
                    localFilter.append( descending ? "DESC" : "ASC" );
                    // Error in the configuration
                        "maven-changes-plugin: The configured value '" + lowerColumnName
                            + "' for sortColumnNames is not correct." );
        if ( validSortColumnNames == 0 )
            // Error in the configuration
                "maven-changes-plugin: None of the configured sortColumnNames '" + sortColumnNames + "' are correct." );

        return localFilter.toString();

     * Execute the query on the JIRA server.
     * @throws Exception on error
    public void doExecute()
        throws Exception
            HttpClient client = new HttpClient();

            // MCHANGES-89 Allow circular redirects
            HttpClientParams clientParams = client.getParams();
            clientParams.setBooleanParameter( HttpClientParams.ALLOW_CIRCULAR_REDIRECTS, true );

            HttpState state = new HttpState();

            HostConfiguration hc = new HostConfiguration();

            client.setHostConfiguration( hc );

            client.setState( state );

            Map<String,String> urlMap = JiraHelper.getJiraUrlAndProjectId( project.getIssueManagement().getUrl() );

            String jiraUrl = urlMap.get( "url" );
            getLog().debug( "JIRA lives at: " + jiraUrl );

            String jiraId = urlMap.get( "id" );

            determineProxy( jiraUrl, client );

            prepareBasicAuthentication( client );

            boolean jiraAuthenticationSuccessful = false;
            if ( isJiraAuthenticationConfigured() )
                jiraAuthenticationSuccessful = doJiraAuthentication( client, jiraUrl );

            if ( ( isJiraAuthenticationConfigured() && jiraAuthenticationSuccessful )
                || !isJiraAuthenticationConfigured() )
                if ( jiraId == null || jiraId.length() == 0 )
                    log.debug( "The JIRA URL " + project.getIssueManagement().getUrl()
                        + " doesn't include a pid, trying to extract it from JIRA." );
                    jiraId = JiraHelper.getPidFromJira( log, project.getIssueManagement().getUrl(), client );

                if ( jiraId == null )
                    getLog().error( "The issue management URL in the POM does not include a pid,"
                        + " and it was not possible to extract it from the page at that URL." );
                    // create the URL for getting the proper issues from JIRA
                    String fullURL = jiraUrl + "/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?view=rss&pid=" + jiraId;

                    if ( getFixFor() != null )
                        fullURL += "&fixfor=" + getFixFor();

                    String createdFilter = createFilter();
                    if ( createdFilter.charAt( 0 ) != '&' )
                        fullURL += "&";
                    fullURL += createdFilter;

                    fullURL += ( "&tempMax=" + nbEntriesMax + "&reset=true&decorator=none" );

                    if ( log.isDebugEnabled() )
                        log.debug( "download jira issues from url " + fullURL );

                    // execute the GET
                    download( client, fullURL );
        catch ( Exception e )
            if ( project.getIssueManagement() != null )
                getLog().error( "Error accessing " + project.getIssueManagement().getUrl(), e );
                getLog().error( "Error accessing mock project issues", e );

     * Override this method if you need to get issues for a specific Fix For.
     * @return A Fix For id or <code>null</code> if you don't have that need
    protected String getFixFor()
        return null;

     * Check and prepare for basic authentication.
     * @param client The client to prepare
    private void prepareBasicAuthentication( HttpClient client )
        if ( ( webUser != null ) && ( webUser.length() > 0 ) )
            client.getParams().setAuthenticationPreemptive( true );

            Credentials defaultcreds = new UsernamePasswordCredentials( webUser, webPassword );

            getLog().debug( "Using username: " + webUser + " for Basic Authentication." );

            client.getState().setCredentials( new AuthScope( null, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, null, AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME ),
                                              defaultcreds );

     * Authenticate against JIRA. This method relies on jiraUser and
     * jiraPassword being set. You can check this by calling
     * isJiraAuthenticationConfigured().
     * @param client    the HttpClient
     * @param jiraUrl   the JIRA installation
     * @return <code>true</code> if the authentication was successful, otherwise <code>false</code>
    private boolean doJiraAuthentication( HttpClient client, final String jiraUrl )
        // log into JIRA if we have to
        String loginUrl = null;

        StringBuffer loginLink = new StringBuffer( jiraUrl );

        loginLink.append( "/login.jsp?os_destination=/secure/" );

            loginLink.append( "&os_username=" ).append( URLEncoder.encode( jiraUser, UTF_8 ) );

            String password = null;
            if ( jiraPassword != null )
                password = StringUtils.repeat( "*", jiraPassword.length() );
            getLog().debug( "Login URL: " + loginLink + "&os_password=" + password );

            loginLink.append( "&os_password=" ).append( URLEncoder.encode( jiraPassword, UTF_8 ) );

            loginUrl = loginLink.toString();

            // execute the login
            GetMethod loginGet = new GetMethod( loginUrl );

            client.executeMethod( loginGet );

            if ( loginSucceeded( loginGet ) )
                getLog().debug( "Successfully logged in into JIRA." );
                return true;
                getLog().warn( "Was unable to login into JIRA: wrong username and/or password." );
        catch ( Exception e )
            if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
                getLog().error( "Error trying to login into JIRA.", e );
                getLog().error( "Error trying to login into JIRA. Cause is: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );
        return false;

     * Check to see if we think that JIRA authentication is needed.
     * @return <code>true</code> if jiraUser and jiraPassword are set, otherwise <code>false</code>
    private boolean isJiraAuthenticationConfigured()
        return ( jiraUser != null ) && ( jiraUser.length() > 0 ) && ( jiraPassword != null );

     * Evaluate if the login attempt to JIRA was successful or not. We can't
     * use the status code because JIRA returns 200 even if the login fails.
     * @param loginGet The method that was executed
     * @return <code>false</code> if we find an error message in the response body, otherwise <code>true</code>
     * @todo There must be a nicer way to know whether we were able to login or not
    private boolean loginSucceeded( GetMethod loginGet )
        throws IOException
        final String loginFailureResponse = "your username and password are incorrect";

        return loginGet.getResponseBodyAsString().indexOf( loginFailureResponse ) == -1;

     * Setup proxy access if we have to.
     * @param client  the HttpClient
    private void determineProxy( String jiraUrl, HttpClient client )
        // see whether there is any proxy defined in maven
        Proxy proxy = null;

        String proxyHost = null;

        int proxyPort = 0;

        String proxyUser = null;

        String proxyPass = null;

        if ( project == null )
            getLog().error( "No project set. No proxy info available." );


        if ( settings != null )
            proxy = settings.getActiveProxy();

        if ( proxy != null )

            ProxyInfo proxyInfo = new ProxyInfo();
            proxyInfo.setNonProxyHosts( proxy.getNonProxyHosts() );

            // Get the host out of the JIRA URL
            URL url = null;
                url = new URL( jiraUrl );
            catch( MalformedURLException e )
                getLog().error( "Invalid JIRA URL: " + jiraUrl + ". " + e.getMessage() );
            String jiraHost = null;
            if ( url != null )
                jiraHost = url.getHost();

            // Validation of proxy method copied from org.apache.maven.wagon.proxy.ProxyUtils.
            // @todo Can use original when maven-changes-plugin requires a more recent version of Maven

            //if ( ProxyUtils.validateNonProxyHosts( proxyInfo, jiraHost ) )
            if ( JiraHelper.validateNonProxyHosts( proxyInfo, jiraHost ) )

            proxyHost = settings.getActiveProxy().getHost();

            proxyPort = settings.getActiveProxy().getPort();

            proxyUser = settings.getActiveProxy().getUsername();

            proxyPass = settings.getActiveProxy().getPassword();

            getLog().debug( proxyPass );

        if ( proxyHost != null )
            client.getHostConfiguration().setProxy( proxyHost, proxyPort );

            getLog().debug( "Using proxy: " + proxyHost + " at port " + proxyPort );

            if ( proxyUser != null )
                getLog().debug( "Using proxy user: " + proxyUser );

                                                       new AuthScope( null, AuthScope.ANY_PORT, null,
                                                                      AuthScope.ANY_SCHEME ),
                                                       new UsernamePasswordCredentials( proxyUser, proxyPass ) );

     * Downloads the given link using the configured HttpClient, possibly following redirects.
     * @param cl     the HttpClient
     * @param link   the URL to JIRA
    private void download( final HttpClient cl, final String link )
            GetMethod gm = new GetMethod( link );

            getLog().info( "Downloading from JIRA at: " + link );

            gm.setFollowRedirects( true );

            cl.executeMethod( gm );

            StatusLine sl = gm.getStatusLine();

            if ( sl == null )
                getLog().error( "Unknown error validating link: " + link );


            // if we get a redirect, do so
            if ( gm.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY )
                Header locationHeader = gm.getResponseHeader( "Location" );

                if ( locationHeader == null )
                    getLog().warn( "Site sent redirect, but did not set Location header" );
                    String newLink = locationHeader.getValue();

                    getLog().debug( "Following redirect to " + newLink );

                    download( cl, newLink );

            if ( gm.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK )
                final InputStream responseBodyStream = gm.getResponseBodyAsStream();

                if ( !output.getParentFile().exists() )

                // write the response to file
                OutputStream out = null;
                    out = new FileOutputStream( output );
                    IOUtil.copy( responseBodyStream, out );
                    IOUtil.close( out );
                    IOUtil.close( responseBodyStream );

                getLog().debug( "Downloading from JIRA was successful" );
                getLog().warn( "Downloading from JIRA failed. Received: [" + gm.getStatusCode() + "]" );
        catch ( HttpException e )
            if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
                getLog().error( "Error downloading issues from JIRA:", e );
                getLog().error( "Error downloading issues from JIRA url: " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );

        catch ( IOException e )
            if ( getLog().isDebugEnabled() )
                getLog().error( "Error downloading issues from JIRA:", e );
                getLog().error( "Error downloading issues from JIRA. Cause is " + e.getLocalizedMessage() );

    public List<Issue> getIssueList()
        throws MojoExecutionException
        if ( output.isFile() )
            JiraXML jira = new JiraXML( log, jiraDatePattern );
            jira.parseXML( output );
            getLog().info( "The JIRA version is '" + jira.getJiraVersion() + "'" );
            return jira.getIssueList();
            getLog().warn( "JIRA file " + output.getPath() + " doesn't exist." );
            return Collections.emptyList();

    public void setJiraDatePattern( String jiraDatePattern )
        this.jiraDatePattern = jiraDatePattern;

     * Set the output file for the log.
     * @param thisOutput the output file
    public void setOutput( File thisOutput )
        this.output = thisOutput;

    public File getOutput()
        return this.output;

     * Sets the project.
     * @param thisProject  The project to set
    public void setMavenProject( Object thisProject )
        this.project = (MavenProject) thisProject;

     * Sets the maximum number of Issues to show.
     * @param nbEntries  The maximum number of Issues
    public void setNbEntries( final int nbEntries )
        nbEntriesMax = nbEntries;

     * Sets the statusIds.
     * @param thisStatusIds   The id(s) of the status to show, as comma separated string
    public void setStatusIds( String thisStatusIds )
        statusIds = thisStatusIds;

     * Sets the priorityIds.
     * @param thisPriorityIds  The id(s) of the priority to show, as comma separated string
    public void setPriorityIds( String thisPriorityIds )
        priorityIds = thisPriorityIds;

     * Sets the resolutionIds.
     * @param thisResolutionIds  The id(s) of the resolution to show, as comma separated string
    public void setResolutionIds( String thisResolutionIds )
        resolutionIds = thisResolutionIds;

     * Sets the sort column names.
     * @param thisSortColumnNames The column names to sort by
    public void setSortColumnNames( String thisSortColumnNames )
        sortColumnNames = thisSortColumnNames;

     * Sets the password for authentication against the webserver.
     * @param thisWebPassword  The password of the webserver
    public void setWebPassword( String thisWebPassword )
        this.webPassword = thisWebPassword;

     * Sets the username for authentication against the webserver.
     * @param thisWebUser   The username of the webserver
    public void setWebUser( String thisWebUser )
        this.webUser = thisWebUser;

     * Sets the password to log into a secured JIRA.
     * @param thisJiraPassword  The password for JIRA
    public void setJiraPassword( final String thisJiraPassword )
        this.jiraPassword = thisJiraPassword;

     * Sets the username to log into a secured JIRA.
     * @param thisJiraUser  The username for JIRA
    public void setJiraUser( String thisJiraUser )
        this.jiraUser = thisJiraUser;

     * Sets the filter to apply to query to JIRA.
     * @param thisFilter  The filter to query JIRA
    public void setFilter( String thisFilter )
        this.filter = thisFilter;

     * Sets the component(s) to apply to query JIRA.
     * @param theseComponents   The id(s) of components to show, as comma separated string
    public void setComponent( String theseComponents )
        this.component = theseComponents;

     * Sets the fix version id(s) to apply to query JIRA.
     * @param theseFixVersionIds The id(s) of fix versions to show, as comma separated string
    public void setFixVersionIds( String theseFixVersionIds )
        this.fixVersionIds = theseFixVersionIds;

     * Sets the typeIds.
     * @param theseTypeIds  The id(s) of the types to show, as comma separated string
    public void setTypeIds( String theseTypeIds )
        typeIds = theseTypeIds;

    public void setLog( Log log )
        this.log = log;

    private Log getLog()
        return log;

    public void setSettings( Settings settings )
        this.settings = settings;

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.plugin.jira.AbstractJiraDownloader

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