Package org.springframework.beans.factory.access

Source Code of org.springframework.beans.factory.access.SingletonBeanFactoryLocator$BeanFactoryGroup

* Copyright 2002-2008 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.beans.factory.access;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import org.springframework.beans.BeansException;
import org.springframework.beans.FatalBeanException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanDefinitionStoreException;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanFactoryUtils;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.ListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.config.ConfigurableListableBeanFactory;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader;

* <p>Keyed-singleton implementation of {@link BeanFactoryLocator},
* which accesses shared Spring {@link BeanFactory} instances.</p>
* <p>Please see the warning in BeanFactoryLocator's javadoc about appropriate usage
* of singleton style BeanFactoryLocator implementations. It is the opinion of the
* Spring team that the use of this class and similar classes is unnecessary except
* (sometimes) for a small amount of glue code. Excessive usage will lead to code
* that is more tightly coupled, and harder to modify or test.</p>
* <p>In this implementation, a BeanFactory is built up from one or more XML
* definition file fragments, accessed as resources. The default resource name
* searched for is 'classpath*:beanRefFactory.xml', with the Spring-standard
* 'classpath*:' prefix ensuring that if the classpath contains multiple copies
* of this file (perhaps one in each component jar) they will be combined. To
* override the default resource name, instead of using the no-arg
* {@link #getInstance()} method, use the {@link #getInstance(String selector)}
* variant, which will treat the 'selector' argument as the resource name to
* search for.</p>
* <p>The purpose of this 'outer' BeanFactory is to create and hold a copy of one
* or more 'inner' BeanFactory or ApplicationContext instances, and allow those
* to be obtained either directly or via an alias. As such, this class provides
* both singleton style access to one or more BeanFactories/ApplicationContexts,
* and also a level of indirection, allowing multiple pieces of code, which are
* not able to work in a Dependency Injection fashion, to refer to and use the
* same target BeanFactory/ApplicationContext instance(s), by different names.<p>
* <p>Consider an example application scenario:
* <ul>
* <li><code>com.mycompany.myapp.util.applicationContext.xml</code> -
* ApplicationContext definition file which defines beans for 'util' layer.
* <li><code>com.mycompany.myapp.dataaccess-applicationContext.xml</code> -
* ApplicationContext definition file which defines beans for 'data access' layer.
* Depends on the above.
* <li><code></code> -
* ApplicationContext definition file which defines beans for 'services' layer.
* Depends on the above.
* </ul>
* <p>In an ideal scenario, these would be combined to create one ApplicationContext,
* or created as three hierarchical ApplicationContexts, by one piece of code
* somewhere at application startup (perhaps a Servlet filter), from which all other
* code in the application would flow, obtained as beans from the context(s). However
* when third party code enters into the picture, things can get problematic. If the
* third party code needs to create user classes, which should normally be obtained
* from a Spring BeanFactory/ApplicationContext, but can handle only newInstance()
* style object creation, then some extra work is required to actually access and
* use object from a BeanFactory/ApplicationContext. One solutions is to make the
* class created by the third party code be just a stub or proxy, which gets the
* real object from a BeanFactory/ApplicationContext, and delegates to it. However,
* it is is not normally workable for the stub to create the BeanFactory on each
* use, as depending on what is inside it, that can be an expensive operation.
* Additionally, there is a fairly tight coupling between the stub and the name of
* the definition resource for the BeanFactory/ApplicationContext. This is where
* SingletonBeanFactoryLocator comes in. The stub can obtain a
* SingletonBeanFactoryLocator instance, which is effectively a singleton, and
* ask it for an appropriate BeanFactory. A subsequent invocation (assuming the
* same class loader is involved) by the stub or another piece of code, will obtain
* the same instance. The simple aliasing mechanism allows the context to be asked
* for by a name which is appropriate for (or describes) the user. The deployer can
* match alias names to actual context names.
* <p>Another use of SingletonBeanFactoryLocator, is to demand-load/use one or more
* BeanFactories/ApplicationContexts. Because the definition can contain one of more
* BeanFactories/ApplicationContexts, which can be independent or in a hierarchy, if
* they are set to lazy-initialize, they will only be created when actually requested
* for use.
* <p>Given the above-mentioned three ApplicationContexts, consider the simplest
* SingletonBeanFactoryLocator usage scenario, where there is only one single
* <code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> definition file:
* <pre class="code">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* &lt;!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
* &lt;beans>
*   &lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myapp"
*         class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;list>
*         &lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/util/applicationContext.xml&lt;/value>
*         &lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/dataaccess/applicationContext.xml&lt;/value>
*         &lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/dataaccess/services.xml&lt;/value>
*       &lt;/list>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
* &lt;/beans>
* </pre>
* The client code is as simple as:
* <pre class="code">
* BeanFactoryLocator bfl = SingletonBeanFactoryLocator.getInstance();
* BeanFactoryReference bf = bfl.useBeanFactory("com.mycompany.myapp");
* // now use some bean from factory
* MyClass zed = bf.getFactory().getBean("mybean");
* </pre>
* Another relatively simple variation of the <code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> definition file could be:
* <pre class="code">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* &lt;!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
* &lt;beans>
*   &lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myapp.util" lazy-init="true"
*         class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/util/applicationContext.xml&lt;/value>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
*   &lt;!-- child of above -->
*   &lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myapp.dataaccess" lazy-init="true"
*         class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;list>&lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/dataaccess/applicationContext.xml&lt;/value>&lt;/list>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;ref bean="com.mycompany.myapp.util"/>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
*   &lt;!-- child of above -->
*   &lt;bean id="" lazy-init="true"
*         class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;list>&lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/;/value>&lt;/value>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;ref bean="com.mycompany.myapp.dataaccess"/>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
*   &lt;!-- define an alias -->
*   &lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myapp.mypackage"
*         class="java.lang.String">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;value>;/value>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
* &lt;/beans>
* </pre>
* <p>In this example, there is a hierarchy of three contexts created. The (potential)
* advantage is that if the lazy flag is set to true, a context will only be created
* if it's actually used. If there is some code that is only needed some of the time,
* this mechanism can save some resources. Additionally, an alias to the last context
* has been created. Aliases allow usage of the idiom where client code asks for a
* context with an id which represents the package or module the code is in, and the
* actual definition file(s) for the SingletonBeanFactoryLocator maps that id to
* a real context id.
* <p>A final example is more complex, with a <code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> for every module.
* All the files are automatically combined to create the final definition.
* <p><code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> file inside jar for util module:
* <pre class="code">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* &lt;!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
* &lt;beans>
*   &lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myapp.util" lazy-init="true"
*        class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/util/applicationContext.xml&lt;/value>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
* &lt;/beans>
* </pre>
* <code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> file inside jar for data-access module:<br>
* <pre class="code">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* &lt;!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
* &lt;beans>
*   &lt;!-- child of util -->
*   &lt;bean id="com.mycompany.myapp.dataaccess" lazy-init="true"
*        class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;list>&lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/dataaccess/applicationContext.xml&lt;/value>&lt;/list>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;ref bean="com.mycompany.myapp.util"/>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
* &lt;/beans>
* </pre>
* <code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> file inside jar for services module:
* <pre class="code">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* &lt;!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
* &lt;beans>
*   &lt;!-- child of data-access -->
*   &lt;bean id="" lazy-init="true"
*        class="">
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;list>&lt;value>com/mycompany/myapp/dataaccess/services.xml&lt;/value>&lt;/list>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*     &lt;constructor-arg>
*       &lt;ref bean="com.mycompany.myapp.dataaccess"/>
*     &lt;/constructor-arg>
*   &lt;/bean>
* &lt;/beans>
* </pre>
* <code>beanRefFactory.xml</code> file inside jar for mypackage module. This doesn't
* create any of its own contexts, but allows the other ones to be referred to be
* a name known to this module:
* <pre class="code">&lt;?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
* &lt;!DOCTYPE beans PUBLIC "-//SPRING//DTD BEAN 2.0//EN" "">
* &lt;beans>
*   &lt;!-- define an alias for "" -->
*   &lt;alias name="" alias="com.mycompany.myapp.mypackage"/&gt;
* &lt;/beans>
* </pre>
* @author Colin Sampaleanu
* @author Juergen Hoeller
* @see org.springframework.context.access.ContextSingletonBeanFactoryLocator
* @see org.springframework.context.access.DefaultLocatorFactory
public class SingletonBeanFactoryLocator implements BeanFactoryLocator {

  private static final String DEFAULT_RESOURCE_LOCATION = "classpath*:beanRefFactory.xml";

  protected static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SingletonBeanFactoryLocator.class);

  /** The keyed BeanFactory instances */
  private static Map instances = new HashMap();

   * Returns an instance which uses the default "classpath*:beanRefFactory.xml",
   * as the name of the definition file(s). All resources returned by calling the
   * current thread context ClassLoader's <code>getResources</code> method with
   * this name will be combined to create a BeanFactory definition set.
   * @return the corresponding BeanFactoryLocator instance
   * @throws BeansException in case of factory loading failure
  public static BeanFactoryLocator getInstance() throws BeansException {
    return getInstance(null);

   * Returns an instance which uses the the specified selector, as the name of the
   * definition file(s). In the case of a name with a Spring 'classpath*:' prefix,
   * or with no prefix, which is treated the same, the current thread context
   * ClassLoader's <code>getResources</code> method will be called with this value
   * to get all resources having that name. These resources will then be combined to
   * form a definition. In the case where the name uses a Spring 'classpath:' prefix,
   * or a standard URL prefix, then only one resource file will be loaded as the
   * definition.
   * @param selector the name of the resource(s) which will be read and
   * combined to form the definition for the BeanFactoryLocator instance.
   * Any such files must form a valid BeanFactory definition.
   * @return the corresponding BeanFactoryLocator instance
   * @throws BeansException in case of factory loading failure
  public static BeanFactoryLocator getInstance(String selector) throws BeansException {
    String resourceLocation = selector;
    if (resourceLocation == null) {
      resourceLocation = DEFAULT_RESOURCE_LOCATION;

    // For backwards compatibility, we prepend 'classpath*:' to the selector name if there
    // is no other prefix (i.e. classpath*:, classpath:, or some URL prefix.
    if (!ResourcePatternUtils.isUrl(resourceLocation)) {
      resourceLocation = ResourcePatternResolver.CLASSPATH_ALL_URL_PREFIX + resourceLocation;

    synchronized (instances) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("SingletonBeanFactoryLocator.getInstance(): instances.hashCode=" +
            instances.hashCode() + ", instances=" + instances);
      BeanFactoryLocator bfl = (BeanFactoryLocator) instances.get(resourceLocation);
      if (bfl == null) {
        bfl = new SingletonBeanFactoryLocator(resourceLocation);
        instances.put(resourceLocation, bfl);
      return bfl;

  // We map BeanFactoryGroup objects by String keys, and by the definition object.
  private final Map bfgInstancesByKey = new HashMap();

  private final Map bfgInstancesByObj = new HashMap();

  private final String resourceLocation;

   * Constructor which uses the the specified name as the resource name
   * of the definition file(s).
   * @param resourceLocation the Spring resource location to use
   * (either a URL or a "classpath:" / "classpath*:" pseudo URL)
  protected SingletonBeanFactoryLocator(String resourceLocation) {
    this.resourceLocation = resourceLocation;

  public BeanFactoryReference useBeanFactory(String factoryKey) throws BeansException {
    synchronized (this.bfgInstancesByKey) {
      BeanFactoryGroup bfg = (BeanFactoryGroup) this.bfgInstancesByKey.get(this.resourceLocation);

      if (bfg != null) {
      else {
        // This group definition doesn't exist, we need to try to load it.
        if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
          logger.trace("Factory group with resource name [" + this.resourceLocation +
              "] requested. Creating new instance.");
        // Create the BeanFactory but don't initialize it.
        BeanFactory groupContext = createDefinition(this.resourceLocation, factoryKey);

        // Record its existence now, before instantiating any singletons.
        bfg = new BeanFactoryGroup();
        bfg.definition = groupContext;
        bfg.refCount = 1;
        this.bfgInstancesByKey.put(this.resourceLocation, bfg);
        this.bfgInstancesByObj.put(groupContext, bfg);

        // Now initialize the BeanFactory. This may cause a re-entrant invocation
        // of this method, but since we've already added the BeanFactory to our
        // mappings, the next time it will be found and simply have its
        // reference count incremented.
        try {
        catch (BeansException ex) {
          throw new BootstrapException("Unable to initialize group definition. " +
            "Group resource name [" + this.resourceLocation + "], factory key [" + factoryKey + "]", ex);

      try {
        BeanFactory beanFactory = null;
        if (factoryKey != null) {
          beanFactory = (BeanFactory) bfg.definition.getBean(factoryKey, BeanFactory.class);
        else if (bfg.definition instanceof ListableBeanFactory) {
          beanFactory = (BeanFactory)
              BeanFactoryUtils.beanOfType((ListableBeanFactory) bfg.definition, BeanFactory.class);
        else {
          throw new IllegalStateException(
              "Factory key is null, and underlying factory is not a ListableBeanFactory: " + bfg.definition);
        return new CountingBeanFactoryReference(beanFactory, bfg.definition);
      catch (BeansException ex) {
        throw new BootstrapException("Unable to return specified BeanFactory instance: factory key [" +
            factoryKey + "], from group with resource name [" + this.resourceLocation + "]", ex);


   * Actually creates definition in the form of a BeanFactory, given a resource name
   * which supports standard Spring resource prefixes ('classpath:', 'classpath*:', etc.)
   * This is split out as a separate method so that subclasses can override the actual
   * type used (to be an ApplicationContext, for example).
   * <p>The default implementation simply builds a
   * {@link}
   * and populates it using an
   * {@link org.springframework.beans.factory.xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader}.
   * <p>This method should not instantiate any singletons. That function is performed
   * by {@link #initializeDefinition initializeDefinition()}, which should also be
   * overridden if this method is.
   * @param resourceLocation the resource location for this factory group
   * @param factoryKey the bean name of the factory to obtain
   * @return the corresponding BeanFactory reference
  protected BeanFactory createDefinition(String resourceLocation, String factoryKey) {
    DefaultListableBeanFactory factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory();
    XmlBeanDefinitionReader reader = new XmlBeanDefinitionReader(factory);
    ResourcePatternResolver resourcePatternResolver = new PathMatchingResourcePatternResolver();

    try {
      Resource[] configResources = resourcePatternResolver.getResources(resourceLocation);
      if (configResources.length == 0) {
        throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to find resource for specified definition. " +
            "Group resource name [" + this.resourceLocation + "], factory key [" + factoryKey + "]");
    catch (IOException ex) {
      throw new BeanDefinitionStoreException(
          "Error accessing bean definition resource [" + this.resourceLocation + "]", ex);
    catch (BeanDefinitionStoreException ex) {
      throw new FatalBeanException("Unable to load group definition: " +
          "group resource name [" + this.resourceLocation + "], factory key [" + factoryKey + "]", ex);

    return factory;
   * Instantiate singletons and do any other normal initialization of the factory.
   * Subclasses that override {@link #createDefinition createDefinition()} should
   * also override this method.
   * @param groupDef the factory returned by {@link #createDefinition createDefinition()}
  protected void initializeDefinition(BeanFactory groupDef) {
    if (groupDef instanceof ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) {
      ((ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) groupDef).preInstantiateSingletons();

   * Destroy definition in separate method so subclass may work with other definition types.
   * @param groupDef the factory returned by {@link #createDefinition createDefinition()}
   * @param selector the resource location for this factory group
  protected void destroyDefinition(BeanFactory groupDef, String selector) {
    if (groupDef instanceof ConfigurableBeanFactory) {
      if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("Factory group with selector '" + selector +
            "' being released, as there are no more references to it");
      ((ConfigurableBeanFactory) groupDef).destroySingletons();

   * We track BeanFactory instances with this class.
  private static class BeanFactoryGroup {

    private BeanFactory definition;

    private int refCount = 0;

   * BeanFactoryReference implementation for this locator.
  private class CountingBeanFactoryReference implements BeanFactoryReference {

    private BeanFactory beanFactory;

    private BeanFactory groupContextRef;

    public CountingBeanFactoryReference(BeanFactory beanFactory, BeanFactory groupContext) {
      this.beanFactory = beanFactory;
      this.groupContextRef = groupContext;

    public BeanFactory getFactory() {
      return this.beanFactory;

    // Note that it's legal to call release more than once!
    public void release() throws FatalBeanException {
      synchronized (bfgInstancesByKey) {
        BeanFactory savedRef = this.groupContextRef;
        if (savedRef != null) {
          this.groupContextRef = null;
          BeanFactoryGroup bfg = (BeanFactoryGroup) bfgInstancesByObj.get(savedRef);
          if (bfg != null) {
            if (bfg.refCount == 0) {
              destroyDefinition(savedRef, resourceLocation);
          else {
            // This should be impossible.
            logger.warn("Tried to release a SingletonBeanFactoryLocator group definition " +
                "more times than it has actually been used. Resource name [" + resourceLocation + "]");


Related Classes of org.springframework.beans.factory.access.SingletonBeanFactoryLocator$BeanFactoryGroup

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