Package org.apache.tapestry.parse

Source Code of org.apache.tapestry.parse.TemplateParser

/* $$ Clover has instrumented this file $$ */// Copyright 2004 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry.parse;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.hivemind.ApplicationRuntimeException;
import org.apache.hivemind.Location;
import org.apache.hivemind.Resource;
import org.apache.hivemind.impl.LocationImpl;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MalformedPatternException;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.MatchResult;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Pattern;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.PatternMatcher;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Compiler;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.Perl5Matcher;
import org.apache.tapestry.util.IdAllocator;

* Parses Tapestry templates, breaking them into a series of
* {@link org.apache.tapestry.parse.TemplateToken tokens}. Although often referred to as an "HTML
* template", there is no real requirement that the template be HTML. This parser can handle any
* reasonable SGML derived markup (including XML), but specifically works around the ambiguities of
* HTML reasonably.
* <p>
* Dynamic markup in Tapestry attempts to be invisible. Components are arbitrary tags containing a
* <code>jwcid</code> attribute. Such components must be well balanced (have a matching close tag,
* or end the tag with "<code>/&gt;</code>".
* <p>
* Generally, the id specified in the template is matched against an component defined in the
* specification. However, implicit components are also possible. The jwcid attribute uses the
* syntax "<code>@Type</code>" for implicit components. Type is the component type, and may include a library id
*       prefix. Such a component is anonymous (but is given a unique id).
*       <p>
*       (The unique ids assigned start with a dollar sign, which is normally no allowed for
*       component ids ... this helps to make them stand out and assures that they do not conflict
*       with user-defined component ids. These ids tend to propagate into URLs and become HTML
*       element names and even JavaScript variable names ... the dollar sign is acceptible in these
*       contexts as well).
*       <p>
*       Implicit component may also be given a name using the syntax "
*       <code>componentId:@Type</code>". Such a component should <b>not </b> be defined in the
*       specification, but may still be accessed via
*       {@link org.apache.tapestry.IComponent#getComponent(String)}.
*       <p>
*       Both defined and implicit components may have additional attributes defined, simply by
*       including them in the template. They set formal or informal parameters of the component to
*       static strings.
*       {@link org.apache.tapestry.spec.IComponentSpecification#getAllowInformalParameters()}, if
*       false, will cause such attributes to be simply ignored. For defined components, conflicting
*       values defined in the template are ignored.
*       <p>
*       Attributes in component tags will become formal and informal parameters of the
*       corresponding component. Most attributes will be
*       <p>
*       The parser removes the body of some tags (when the corresponding component doesn't
*       {@link org.apache.tapestry.spec.IComponentSpecification#getAllowBody() allow a body}, and
*       allows portions of the template to be completely removed.
*       <p>
*       The parser does a pretty thorough lexical analysis of the template, and reports a great
*       number of errors, including improper nesting of tags.
*       <p>
*       The parser supports <em>invisible localization</em>: The parser recognizes HTML of the
*       form: <code>&lt;span key="<i>value</i>"&gt; ... &lt;/span&gt;</code> and converts them
*       into a {@link TokenType#LOCALIZATION}token. You may also specifify a <code>raw</code>
*       attribute ... if the value is <code>true</code>, then the localized value is sent to the
*       client without filtering, which is appropriate if the value has any markup that should not
*       be escaped.
* @author Howard Lewis Ship, Geoff Longman

public class TemplateParser implements ITemplateParser
{public static __CLOVER_227_0 = char[] {67,58,92,119,111,114,107,115,112,97,99,101,92,106,97,107,97,114,116,97,45,116,97,112,101,115,116,114,121,92,102,114,97,109,101,119,111,114,107,92,116,97,114,103,101,116,92,99,108,111,118,101,114,45,100,98},1096998272901L);
     * Attribute value prefix indicating that the attribute is an OGNL expression.
     * @since 3.0

    public static final String OGNL_EXPRESSION_PREFIX = "ognl:";

     * Attribute value prefix indicating that the attribute is a localization key.
     * @since 3.0

    public static final String LOCALIZATION_KEY_PREFIX = "message:";

     * A "magic" component id that causes the tag with the id and its entire body to be ignored
     * during parsing.

    private static final String REMOVE_ID = "$remove$";

     * A "magic" component id that causes the tag to represent the true content of the template. Any
     * content prior to the tag is discarded, and any content after the tag is ignored. The tag
     * itself is not included.

    private static final String CONTENT_ID = "$content$";

     * The attribute, checked for in &lt;span&gt; tags, that signfies that the span is being used as
     * an invisible localization.
     * @since 2.0.4

    public static final String LOCALIZATION_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "key";

     * Used with {@link #LOCALIZATION_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME}to indicate a string that should be
     * rendered "raw" (without escaping HTML). If not specified, defaults to "false". The value must
     * equal "true" (caselessly).
     * @since 2.3

    public static final String RAW_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "raw";

     * Attribute used to identify components.
     * @since 2.3

    public static final String JWCID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "jwcid";

    private static final String PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN = "_?[a-zA-Z]\\w*";

     * Pattern used to recognize ordinary components (defined in the specification).
     * @since 3.0

    public static final String SIMPLE_ID_PATTERN = "^(" + PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN + ")$";

     * Pattern used to recognize implicit components (whose type is defined in the template).
     * Subgroup 1 is the id (which may be null) and subgroup 2 is the type (which may be qualified
     * with a library prefix). Subgroup 4 is the library id, Subgroup 5 is the simple component
     * type.
     * @since 3.0

    public static final String IMPLICIT_ID_PATTERN = "^(" + PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN + ")?@(((" + PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN
            + "):)?(" + PROPERTY_NAME_PATTERN + "))$";

    private static final int IMPLICIT_ID_PATTERN_ID_GROUP = 1;

    private static final int IMPLICIT_ID_PATTERN_TYPE_GROUP = 2;

    private static final int IMPLICIT_ID_PATTERN_LIBRARY_ID_GROUP = 4;

    private static final int IMPLICIT_ID_PATTERN_SIMPLE_TYPE_GROUP = 5;

    private Pattern _simpleIdPattern;

    private Pattern _implicitIdPattern;

    private PatternMatcher _patternMatcher;

    private IdAllocator _idAllocator = new IdAllocator();

    private ITemplateParserDelegate _delegate;

     * Identifies the template being parsed; used with error messages.

    private Resource _resourceLocation;

     * Shared instance of {@link Location}used by all {@link TextToken}instances in the template.

    private Location _templateLocation;

     * Location with in the resource for the current line.

    private Location _currentLocation;

     * Local reference to the template data that is to be parsed.

    private char[] _templateData;

     * List of Tag

    private List _stack = new ArrayList();

    private static class Tag
        // The element, i.e., <jwc> or virtually any other element (via jwcid attribute)
        String _tagName;

        // If true, the tag is a placeholder for a dynamic element
        boolean _component;

        // If true, the body of the tag is being ignored, and the
        // ignore flag is cleared when the close tag is reached
        boolean _ignoringBody;

        // If true, then the entire tag (and its body) is being ignored
        boolean _removeTag;

        // If true, then the tag must have a balanced closing tag.
        // This is always true for components.
        boolean _mustBalance;

        // The line on which the start tag exists
        int _line;

        // If true, then the parse ends when the closing tag is found.
        boolean _content;

        Tag(String tagName, int line)
        {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1180]++;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5555]++;_tagName = tagName;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5556]++;_line = line;
        } finally { }}

        boolean match(String matchTagName)
        {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1181]++;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5557]++;return _tagName.equalsIgnoreCase(matchTagName);
        } finally { }}

     * List of {@link TemplateToken}, this forms the ultimate response.

    private List _tokens = new ArrayList();

     * The location of the 'cursor' within the template data. The advance() method moves this
     * forward.

    private int _cursor;

     * The start of the current block of static text, or -1 if no block is active.

    private int _blockStart;

     * The current line number; tracked by advance(). Starts at 1.

    private int _line;

     * Set to true when the body of a tag is being ignored. This is typically used to skip over the
     * body of a tag when its corresponding component doesn't allow a body, or whe the special jwcid
     * of $remove$ is used.

    private boolean _ignoring;

     * A {@link Map}of {@link String}s, used to store attributes collected while parsing a tag.

    private Map _attributes = new HashMap();

     * A factory used to create template tokens.

    private TemplateTokenFactory _factory;

    public TemplateParser()
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1182]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5558]++;Perl5Compiler compiler = new Perl5Compiler();

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5560]++;_simpleIdPattern = compiler.compile(SIMPLE_ID_PATTERN);
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5561]++;_implicitIdPattern = compiler.compile(IMPLICIT_ID_PATTERN);
        catch (MalformedPatternException ex)
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5562]++;throw new ApplicationRuntimeException(ex);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5563]++;_patternMatcher = new Perl5Matcher();
    } finally { }}

     * Parses the template data into an array of {@link TemplateToken}s.
     * <p>
     * The parser is <i>decidedly </i> not threadsafe, so care should be taken that only a single
     * thread accesses it.
     * @param templateData
     *            the HTML template to parse. Some tokens will hold a reference to this array.
     * @param delegate
     *            object that "knows" about defined components
     * @param resourceLocation
     *            a description of where the template originated from, used with error messages.

    public TemplateToken[] parse(char[] templateData, ITemplateParserDelegate delegate, Resource resourceLocation)
            throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1183]++;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5565]++;beforeParse(templateData, delegate, resourceLocation);


            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5567]++;return (TemplateToken[]) _tokens.toArray(new TemplateToken[_tokens.size()]);
    } finally { }}

     * perform default initialization of the parser.

    protected void beforeParse(char[] templateData, ITemplateParserDelegate delegate, Resource resourceLocation)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1184]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5569]++;_templateData = templateData;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5570]++;_resourceLocation = resourceLocation;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5571]++;_templateLocation = new LocationImpl(resourceLocation);
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5572]++;_delegate = delegate;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5573]++;_ignoring = false;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5574]++;_line = 1;
    } finally { }}

     * Perform default cleanup after parsing completes.

    protected void afterParse()
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1185]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5575]++;_delegate = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5576]++;_templateData = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5577]++;_resourceLocation = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5578]++;_templateLocation = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5579]++;_currentLocation = null;
    } finally { }}

     * Used by the parser to report problems in the parse. Parsing <b>must </b> stop when a problem
     * is reported.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation simply throws an exception that contains the message and location
     * parameters.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses may override but <b>must </b> ensure they throw the required exception.
     * @param message
     * @param location
     * @param line
     *            ignored by the default impl
     * @param cursor
     *            ignored by the default impl
     * @throws TemplateParseException
     *             always thrown in order to terminate the parse.

    protected void templateParseProblem(String message, Location location, int line, int cursor)
            throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1186]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5584]++;throw new TemplateParseException(message, location);
    } finally { }}

     * Used by the parser to report tapestry runtime specific problems in the parse. Parsing <b>must
     * </b> stop when a problem is reported.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation simply rethrows the exception.
     * <p>
     * Subclasses may override but <b>must </b> ensure they rethrow the exception.
     * @param exception
     * @param line
     *            ignored by the default impl
     * @param cursor
     *            ignored by the default impl
     * @throws ApplicationRuntimeException
     *             always rethrown in order to terminate the parse.

    protected void templateParseProblem(ApplicationRuntimeException exception, int line, int cursor)
            throws ApplicationRuntimeException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1187]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5585]++;throw exception;
    } finally { }}

     * Give subclasses access to the parse results.
    protected List getTokens()
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1188]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5586]++;if ((((_tokens == null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[966] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[966] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5587]++;return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5588]++;return _tokens;
    } finally { }}

     * Checks to see if the next few characters match a given pattern.

    private boolean lookahead(char[] match)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1189]++;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5590]++;for (int i = 0; (((i < match.length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[967] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[967] == 0)); i++){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5591]++;if ((((_templateData[_cursor + i] != match[i]) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[968] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[968] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5592]++;return false;}

            // Every character matched.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5593]++;return true;
        catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex)
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5594]++;return false;
    } finally { }}

    private static final char[] COMMENT_START = new char[]
    { '<', '!', '-', '-' };

    private static final char[] COMMENT_END = new char[]
    { '-', '-', '>' };

    private static final char[] CLOSE_TAG = new char[]
    { '<', '/' };

    protected void parse() throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1190]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5595]++;_cursor = 0;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5596]++;_blockStart = -1;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5597]++;int length = _templateData.length;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5598]++;while ((((_cursor < length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[969] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[969] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5599]++;if ((((_templateData[_cursor] != '<') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[970] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[970] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5600]++;if ((((_blockStart < 0 && !_ignoring) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[971] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[971] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5601]++;_blockStart = _cursor;}


            // OK, start of something.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5604]++;if ((((lookahead(CLOSE_TAG)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[972] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[972] == 0))){

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5607]++;if ((((lookahead(COMMENT_START)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[973] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[973] == 0))){

            // The start of some tag.


        // Usually there's some text at the end of the template (after the last closing tag) that
        // should
        // be added. Often the last few tags are static tags so we definately
        // need to end the text block.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5611]++;addTextToken(_templateData.length - 1);
    } finally { }}

     * Advance forward in the document until the end of the comment is reached. In addition, skip
     * any whitespace following the comment.

    private void skipComment() throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1191]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5612]++;int length = _templateData.length;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5613]++;int startLine = _line;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5614]++;if ((((_blockStart < 0 && !_ignoring) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[974] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[974] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5615]++;_blockStart = _cursor;}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5616]++;while (true){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5617]++;if ((((_cursor >= length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[975] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[975] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5618]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.commentNotEnded(startLine), new LocationImpl(_resourceLocation,
                        startLine), startLine, _cursor);}

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5619]++;if ((((lookahead(COMMENT_END)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[976] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[976] == 0))){

            // Not the end of the comment, advance over it.


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5622]++;_cursor += COMMENT_END.length;
    } finally { }}

    private void addTextToken(int end)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1192]++;
        // No active block to add to.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5624]++;if ((((_blockStart < 0) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[977] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[977] == 0))){

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5626]++;if ((((_blockStart <= end) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[978] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[978] == 0))){
            // This seems odd, shouldn't the location be the current location? I guess
            // no errors are ever reported for a text token.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5627]++;TemplateToken token = _factory.createTextToken(_templateData, _blockStart, end, _templateLocation);


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5629]++;_blockStart = -1;
    } finally { }}

    private static final int WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 0;

    private static final int COLLECT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = 1;

    private static final int ADVANCE_PAST_EQUALS = 2;

    private static final int WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE = 3;

    private static final int COLLECT_QUOTED_VALUE = 4;

    private static final int COLLECT_UNQUOTED_VALUE = 5;

    private void startTag() throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1193]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5630]++;int cursorStart = _cursor;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5631]++;int length = _templateData.length;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5632]++;String tagName = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5633]++;boolean endOfTag = false;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5634]++;boolean emptyTag = false;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5635]++;int startLine = _line;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5636]++;Location startLocation = new LocationImpl(_resourceLocation, startLine);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5637]++;tagBeginEvent(startLine, _cursor);


        // Collect the element type

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5639]++;while ((((_cursor < length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[979] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[979] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5640]++;char ch = _templateData[_cursor];

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5641]++;if ((((ch == '/' || ch == '>' || Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[980] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[980] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5642]++;tagName = new String(_templateData, cursorStart + 1, _cursor - cursorStart - 1);



        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5645]++;String attributeName = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5646]++;int attributeNameStart = -1;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5647]++;int attributeValueStart = -1;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5648]++;int state = WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5649]++;char quoteChar = 0;


        // Collect each attribute

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5651]++;while ((((!endOfTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[981] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[981] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5652]++;if ((((_cursor >= length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[982] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[982] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5653]++;String message = ((((tagName == null) ) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[983] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[983] == 0))? ParseMessages.unclosedUnknownTag(startLine) : ParseMessages
                        .unclosedTag(tagName, startLine);

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5654]++;templateParseProblem(message, startLocation, startLine, cursorStart);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5655]++;char ch = _templateData[_cursor];

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5656]++;switch (state)
            case WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME:

                // Ignore whitespace before the next attribute name, while
                // looking for the end of the current tag.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5657]++;if ((((ch == '/') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[984] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[984] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5658]++;emptyTag = true;

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5661]++;if ((((ch == '>') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[985] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[985] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5662]++;endOfTag = true;

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5664]++;if ((((Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[986] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[986] == 0))){

                // Found non-whitespace, assume its the attribute name.
                // Note: could use a check here for non-alpha.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5667]++;attributeNameStart = _cursor;
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5668]++;state = COLLECT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;

            case COLLECT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME:

                // Looking for end of attribute name.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5671]++;if ((((ch == '=' || ch == '/' || ch == '>' || Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[987] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[987] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5672]++;attributeName = new String(_templateData, attributeNameStart, _cursor - attributeNameStart);

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5673]++;state = ADVANCE_PAST_EQUALS;

                // Part of the attribute name


            case ADVANCE_PAST_EQUALS:

                // Looking for the '=' sign. May hit the end of the tag, or (for bare attributes),
                // the next attribute name.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5677]++;if ((((ch == '/' || ch == '>') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[988] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[988] == 0))){
                    // A bare attribute, which is not interesting to
                    // us.

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5678]++;state = WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5680]++;if ((((Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[989] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[989] == 0))){

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5683]++;if ((((ch == '=') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[990] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[990] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5684]++;state = WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE;
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5685]++;quoteChar = 0;
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5686]++;attributeValueStart = -1;

                // Otherwise, an HTML style "bare" attribute (such as <select multiple>).
                // We aren't interested in those (we're just looking for the id or jwcid attribute).

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5689]++;state = WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;

            case WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE:

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5691]++;if ((((ch == '/' || ch == '>') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[991] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[991] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5692]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.missingAttributeValue(tagName, _line, attributeName),
                            getCurrentLocation(), _line, _cursor);}

                // Ignore whitespace between '=' and the attribute value. Also, look
                // for initial quote.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5693]++;if ((((Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[992] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[992] == 0))){

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5696]++;if ((((ch == '\'' || ch == '"') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[993] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[993] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5697]++;quoteChar = ch;

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5698]++;state = COLLECT_QUOTED_VALUE;
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5700]++;attributeValueStart = _cursor;
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5701]++;attributeBeginEvent(attributeName, _line, attributeValueStart);

                // Not whitespace or quote, must be start of unquoted attribute.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5703]++;state = COLLECT_UNQUOTED_VALUE;
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5704]++;attributeValueStart = _cursor;
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5705]++;attributeBeginEvent(attributeName, _line, attributeValueStart);

            case COLLECT_QUOTED_VALUE:

                // Start collecting the quoted attribute value. Stop at the matching quote
                // character,
                // unless bare, in which case, stop at the next whitespace.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5707]++;if ((((ch == quoteChar) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[994] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[994] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5708]++;String attributeValue = new String(_templateData, attributeValueStart, _cursor
                            - attributeValueStart);

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5709]++;_attributes.put(attributeName, attributeValue);

                    // Advance over the quote.
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5712]++;state = WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;


            case COLLECT_UNQUOTED_VALUE:

                // An unquoted attribute value ends with whitespace
                // or the end of the enclosing tag.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5716]++;if ((((ch == '/' || ch == '>' || Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[995] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[995] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5717]++;String attributeValue = new String(_templateData, attributeValueStart, _cursor
                            - attributeValueStart);

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5718]++;_attributes.put(attributeName, attributeValue);

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5720]++;state = WAIT_FOR_ATTRIBUTE_NAME;



        // Check for invisible localizations

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5725]++;String localizationKey = findValueCaselessly(LOCALIZATION_KEY_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, _attributes);
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5726]++;String jwcId = findValueCaselessly(JWCID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, _attributes);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5727]++;if ((((localizationKey != null && tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("span") && jwcId == null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[996] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[996] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5728]++;if ((((_ignoring) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[997] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[997] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5729]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.componentMayNotBeIgnored(tagName, startLine), startLocation,
                        startLine, cursorStart);}

            // If the tag isn't empty, then create a Tag instance to ignore the
            // body of the tag.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5730]++;if ((((!emptyTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[998] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[998] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5731]++;Tag tag = new Tag(tagName, startLine);

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5732]++;tag._component = false;
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5733]++;tag._removeTag = true;
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5734]++;tag._ignoringBody = true;
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5735]++;tag._mustBalance = true;


                // Start ignoring content until the close tag.

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5737]++;_ignoring = true;
                // Cursor is at the closing carat, advance over it and any whitespace.

            // End any open block.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5740]++;addTextToken(cursorStart - 1);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5741]++;boolean raw = checkBoolean(RAW_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, _attributes);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5742]++;Map attributes = filter(_attributes, new String[]

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5743]++;TemplateToken token = _factory.createLocalizationToken(tagName, localizationKey, raw, attributes,



        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5746]++;if ((((jwcId != null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[999] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[999] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5747]++;processComponentStart(tagName, jwcId, emptyTag, startLine, cursorStart, startLocation);

        // A static tag (not a tag without a jwcid attribute).
        // We need to record this so that we can match close tags later.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5749]++;if ((((!emptyTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1000] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1000] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5750]++;Tag tag = new Tag(tagName, startLine);

        // If there wasn't an active block, then start one.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5752]++;if ((((_blockStart < 0 && !_ignoring) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1001] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1001] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5753]++;_blockStart = cursorStart;}

    } finally { }}

     * Processes a tag that is the open tag for a component (but also handles the $remove$ and
     * $content$ tags).

     * Notify that the beginning of a tag has been detected.
     * <p>
     * Default implementation does nothing.
    protected void tagBeginEvent(int startLine, int cursorPosition)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1194]++;
    } finally { }}

     * Notify that the end of the current tag has been detected.
     * <p>
     * Default implementation does nothing.
    protected void tagEndEvent(int cursorPosition)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1195]++;
    } finally { }}

     * Notify that the beginning of an attribute value has been detected.
     * <p>
     * Default implementation does nothing.
    protected void attributeBeginEvent(String attributeName, int startLine, int cursorPosition)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1196]++;
    } finally { }}

     * Notify that the end of the current attribute value has been detected.
     * <p>
     * Default implementation does nothing.

    protected void attributeEndEvent(int cursorPosition)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1197]++;
    } finally { }}

    private void processComponentStart(String tagName, String jwcId, boolean emptyTag, int startLine, int cursorStart,
            Location startLocation) throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1198]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5755]++;if ((((jwcId.equalsIgnoreCase(CONTENT_ID)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1002] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1002] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5756]++;processContentTag(tagName, startLine, cursorStart, emptyTag);


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5758]++;boolean isRemoveId = jwcId.equalsIgnoreCase(REMOVE_ID);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5759]++;if ((((_ignoring && !isRemoveId) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1003] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1003] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5760]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.componentMayNotBeIgnored(tagName, startLine), startLocation, startLine,

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5761]++;String type = null;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5762]++;boolean allowBody = false;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5763]++;if ((((_patternMatcher.matches(jwcId, _implicitIdPattern)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1004] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1004] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5764]++;MatchResult match = _patternMatcher.getMatch();

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5765]++;jwcId =;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5766]++;type =;

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5767]++;String libraryId =;
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5768]++;String simpleType =;

            // If (and this is typical) no actual component id was specified,
            // then generate one on the fly.
            // The allocated id for anonymous components is
            // based on the simple (unprefixed) type, but starts
            // with a leading dollar sign to ensure no conflicts
            // with user defined component ids (which don't allow dollar signs
            // in the id).

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5769]++;if ((((jwcId == null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1005] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1005] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5770]++;jwcId = _idAllocator.allocateId("$" + simpleType);}

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5772]++;allowBody = _delegate.getAllowBody(libraryId, simpleType, startLocation);
            catch (ApplicationRuntimeException e)
                // give subclasses a chance to handle and rethrow
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5773]++;templateParseProblem(e, startLine, cursorStart);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5774]++;if ((((!isRemoveId) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1006] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1006] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5775]++;if ((((!_patternMatcher.matches(jwcId, _simpleIdPattern)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1007] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1007] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5776]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.componentIdInvalid(tagName, startLine, jwcId), startLocation,
                            startLine, cursorStart);}

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5777]++;if ((((!_delegate.getKnownComponent(jwcId)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1008] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1008] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5778]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.unknownComponentId(tagName, startLine, jwcId), startLocation,
                            startLine, cursorStart);}

                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5780]++;allowBody = _delegate.getAllowBody(jwcId, startLocation);
                catch (ApplicationRuntimeException e)
                    // give subclasses a chance to handle and rethrow
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5781]++;templateParseProblem(e, startLine, cursorStart);

        // Ignore the body if we're removing the entire tag,
        // of if the corresponding component doesn't allow
        // a body.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5782]++;boolean ignoreBody = !emptyTag && (isRemoveId || !allowBody);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5783]++;if ((((_ignoring && ignoreBody) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1009] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1009] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5784]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.nestedIgnore(tagName, startLine), new LocationImpl(_resourceLocation,
                    startLine), startLine, cursorStart);}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5785]++;if ((((!emptyTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1010] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1010] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5786]++;pushNewTag(tagName, startLine, isRemoveId, ignoreBody);}

        // End any open block.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5787]++;addTextToken(cursorStart - 1);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5788]++;if ((((!isRemoveId) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1011] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1011] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5789]++;addOpenToken(tagName, jwcId, type, startLocation);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5790]++;if ((((emptyTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1012] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1012] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5791]++;_tokens.add(_factory.createCloseToken(tagName, getCurrentLocation()));}

    } finally { }}

    private void pushNewTag(String tagName, int startLine, boolean isRemoveId, boolean ignoreBody)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1199]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5793]++;Tag tag = new Tag(tagName, startLine);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5794]++;tag._component = !isRemoveId;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5795]++;tag._removeTag = isRemoveId;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5796]++;tag._ignoringBody = ignoreBody;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5797]++;_ignoring = tag._ignoringBody;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5798]++;tag._mustBalance = true;

    } finally { }}

    private void processContentTag(String tagName, int startLine, int cursorStart, boolean emptyTag)
            throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1200]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5800]++;if ((((_ignoring) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1013] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1013] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5801]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.contentBlockMayNotBeIgnored(tagName, startLine), new LocationImpl(
                    _resourceLocation, startLine), startLine, cursorStart);}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5802]++;if ((((emptyTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1014] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1014] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5803]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.contentBlockMayNotBeEmpty(tagName, startLine), new LocationImpl(
                    _resourceLocation, startLine), startLine, cursorStart);}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5805]++;_blockStart = -1;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5806]++;Tag tag = new Tag(tagName, startLine);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5807]++;tag._mustBalance = true;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5808]++;tag._content = true;


    } finally { }}

    private void addOpenToken(String tagName, String jwcId, String type, Location location)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1201]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5812]++;OpenToken token = _factory.createOpenToken(tagName, jwcId, type, location);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5814]++;if ((((_attributes.isEmpty()) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1015] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1015] == 0))){

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5816]++;Iterator i = _attributes.entrySet().iterator();
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5817]++;while ((((i.hasNext()) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1016] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1016] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5818]++;Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5819]++;String key = (String) entry.getKey();

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5820]++;if ((((key.equalsIgnoreCase(JWCID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1017] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1017] == 0))){

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5822]++;String value = (String) entry.getValue();

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5823]++;addAttributeToToken(token, key, value);
    } finally { }}

     * Adds the attribute to the token (identifying prefixes and whatnot is
     * now done downstream).
     * @since 3.0

    private void addAttributeToToken(OpenToken token, String name, String attributeValue)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1202]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5824]++;token.addAttribute(name, convertEntitiesToPlain(attributeValue));
    } finally { }}

     * Invoked to handle a closing tag, i.e., &lt;/foo&gt;. When a tag closes, it will match against
     * a tag on the open tag start. Preferably the top tag on the stack (if everything is well
     * balanced), but this is HTML, not XML, so many tags won't balance.
     * <p>
     * Once the matching tag is located, the question is ... is the tag dynamic or static? If
     * static, then the current text block is extended to include this close tag. If dynamic, then
     * the current text block is ended (before the '&lt;' that starts the tag) and a close token is
     * added.
     * <p>
     * In either case, the matching static element and anything above it is removed, and the cursor
     * is left on the character following the '&gt;'.

    private void closeTag() throws TemplateParseException
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1203]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5825]++;int cursorStart = _cursor;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5826]++;int length = _templateData.length;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5827]++;int startLine = _line;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5828]++;Location startLocation = getCurrentLocation();

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5829]++;_cursor += CLOSE_TAG.length;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5830]++;int tagStart = _cursor;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5831]++;while (true){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5832]++;if ((((_cursor >= length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1018] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1018] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5833]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.incompleteCloseTag(startLine), startLocation, startLine, cursorStart);}

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5834]++;char ch = _templateData[_cursor];

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5835]++;if ((((ch == '>') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1019] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1019] == 0))){


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5838]++;String tagName = new String(_templateData, tagStart, _cursor - tagStart);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5839]++;int stackPos = _stack.size() - 1;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5840]++;Tag tag = null;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5841]++;while ((((stackPos >= 0) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1020] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1020] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5842]++;tag = (Tag) _stack.get(stackPos);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5843]++;if ((((tag.match(tagName)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1021] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1021] == 0))){

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5845]++;if ((((tag._mustBalance) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1022] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1022] == 0))){
                        .improperlyNestedCloseTag(tagName, startLine, tag._tagName, tag._line), startLocation,
                        startLine, cursorStart);}


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5848]++;if ((((stackPos < 0) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1023] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1023] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5849]++;templateParseProblem(ParseMessages.unmatchedCloseTag(tagName, startLine), startLocation, startLine,

        // Special case for the content tag

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5850]++;if ((((tag._content) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1024] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1024] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5851]++;addTextToken(cursorStart - 1);

            // Advance the cursor right to the end.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5852]++;_cursor = length;

        // When a component closes, add a CLOSE tag.
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5855]++;if ((((tag._component) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1025] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1025] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5856]++;addTextToken(cursorStart - 1);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5857]++;_tokens.add(_factory.createCloseToken(tagName, getCurrentLocation()));
            // The close of a static tag. Unless removing the tag
            // entirely, make sure the block tag is part of a text block.

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5858]++;if ((((_blockStart < 0 && !tag._removeTag && !_ignoring) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1026] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1026] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5859]++;_blockStart = cursorStart;}

        // Remove all elements at stackPos or above.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5860]++;for (int i = _stack.size() - 1; (((i >= stackPos) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1027] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1027] == 0)); i--){

        // Advance cursor past '>'


        // If editting out the tag (i.e., $remove$) then kill any whitespace.
        // For components that simply don't contain a body, removeTag will
        // be false.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5863]++;if ((((tag._removeTag) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1028] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1028] == 0))){

        // If we were ignoring the body of the tag, then clear the ignoring
        // flag, since we're out of the body.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5865]++;if ((((tag._ignoringBody) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1029] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1029] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5866]++;_ignoring = false;}
    } finally { }}

     * Advances the cursor to the next character. If the end-of-line is reached, then increments the
     * line counter.

    private void advance()
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1204]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5867]++;int length = _templateData.length;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5868]++;if ((((_cursor >= length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1030] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1030] == 0))){

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5870]++;char ch = _templateData[_cursor];


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5872]++;if ((((ch == '\n') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1031] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1031] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5874]++;_currentLocation = null;

        // A \r, or a \r\n also counts as a new line.

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5876]++;if ((((ch == '\r') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1032] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1032] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5878]++;_currentLocation = null;

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5879]++;if ((((_cursor < length && _templateData[_cursor] == '\n') && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1033] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1033] == 0))){


        // Not an end-of-line character.

    } finally { }}

    private void advanceOverWhitespace()
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1205]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5882]++;int length = _templateData.length;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5883]++;while ((((_cursor < length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1034] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1034] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5884]++;char ch = _templateData[_cursor];
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5885]++;if ((((!Character.isWhitespace(ch)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1035] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1035] == 0))){

    } finally { }}

     * Returns a new Map that is a copy of the input Map with some key/value pairs removed. A list
     * of keys is passed in and matching keys (caseless comparison) from the input Map are excluded
     * from the output map. May return null (rather than return an empty Map).

    private Map filter(Map input, String[] removeKeys)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1206]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5888]++;if ((((input == null || input.isEmpty()) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1036] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1036] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5889]++;return null;}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5890]++;Map result = null;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5891]++;Iterator i = input.entrySet().iterator();

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5892]++;nextkey: while ((((i.hasNext()) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1037] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1037] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5893]++;Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5894]++;String key = (String) entry.getKey();

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5895]++;for (int j = 0; (((j < removeKeys.length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1038] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1038] == 0)); j++){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5896]++;if ((((key.equalsIgnoreCase(removeKeys[j])) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1039] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1039] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5897]++;continue nextkey;}

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5898]++;if ((((result == null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1040] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1040] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5899]++;result = new HashMap(input.size());}

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5900]++;result.put(key, entry.getValue());

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5901]++;return result;
    } finally { }}

     * Searches a Map for given key, caselessly. The Map is expected to consist of Strings for keys
     * and values. Returns the value for the first key found that matches (caselessly) the input
     * key. Returns null if no value found.

    protected String findValueCaselessly(String key, Map map)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1207]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5902]++;String result = (String) map.get(key);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5903]++;if ((((result != null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1041] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1041] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5904]++;return result;}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5905]++;Iterator i = map.entrySet().iterator();
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5906]++;while ((((i.hasNext()) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1042] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1042] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5907]++;Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry);

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5908]++;String entryKey = (String) entry.getKey();

            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5909]++;if ((((entryKey.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1043] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1043] == 0))){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5910]++;return (String) entry.getValue();}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5911]++;return null;
    } finally { }}

     * Conversions needed by {@link #convertEntitiesToPlain(String)}

    private static final String[] CONVERSIONS =
    { "&lt;", "<", "&gt;", ">", "&quot;", "\"", "&amp;", "&" };

     * Provided a raw input string that has been recognized to be an expression, this removes excess
     * white space and converts &amp;amp;;, &amp;quot;; &amp;lt;; and &amp;gt;; to their normal
     * character values (otherwise its impossible to specify those values in expressions in the
     * template).

    private String convertEntitiesToPlain(String input)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1208]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5912]++;int inputLength = input.length();

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5913]++;StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(inputLength);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5914]++;int cursor = 0;

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5915]++;outer: while ((((cursor < inputLength) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1044] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1044] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5916]++;for (int i = 0; (((i < CONVERSIONS.length) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1045] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1045] == 0)); i += 2){
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5917]++;String entity = CONVERSIONS[i];
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5918]++;int entityLength = entity.length();
                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5919]++;String value = CONVERSIONS[i + 1];

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5920]++;if ((((cursor + entityLength > inputLength) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1046] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1046] == 0))){

                __CLOVER_227_0.S[5922]++;if ((((input.substring(cursor, cursor + entityLength).equals(entity)) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1047] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1047] == 0))){
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5924]++;cursor += entityLength;
                    __CLOVER_227_0.S[5925]++;continue outer;


        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5928]++;return buffer.toString().trim();
    } finally { }}

     * Returns true if the map contains the given key (caseless search) and the value is "true"
     * (caseless comparison).

    private boolean checkBoolean(String key, Map map)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1209]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5929]++;String value = findValueCaselessly(key, map);

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5930]++;if ((((value == null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1048] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1048] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5931]++;return false;}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5932]++;return value.equalsIgnoreCase("true");
    } finally { }}

     * Gets the current location within the file. This allows the location to be created only as
     * needed, and multiple objects on the same line can share the same Location instance.
     * @since 3.0

    protected Location getCurrentLocation()
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1210]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5933]++;if ((((_currentLocation == null) && (++__CLOVER_227_0.CT[1049] != 0)) || (++__CLOVER_227_0.CF[1049] == 0))){
            __CLOVER_227_0.S[5934]++;_currentLocation = new LocationImpl(_resourceLocation, _line);}

        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5935]++;return _currentLocation;
    } finally { }}

    public void setFactory(TemplateTokenFactory factory)
    {try { __CLOVER_227_0.M[1211]++;
        __CLOVER_227_0.S[5936]++;_factory = factory;
    } finally { }}


Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry.parse.TemplateParser

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