Package org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.metadata

Source Code of org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.metadata.MetadataToolsTest

package org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.metadata;

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* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.common.utils.VersionComparator;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ArchivaConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ManagedRepositoryConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.configuration.ProxyConnectorConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.ProjectReference;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.model.VersionedReference;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.CachedFailuresPolicy;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.ChecksumPolicy;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.ReleasesPolicy;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.policies.SnapshotsPolicy;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.AbstractRepositoryLayerTestCase;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.ManagedRepositoryContent;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.MockConfiguration;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.RemoteRepositoryContent;
import org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.layout.LayoutException;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.DetailedDiff;
import org.custommonkey.xmlunit.Diff;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

* MetadataToolsTest
* @version $Id: 755296 2009-03-17 16:13:38Z brett $
public class MetadataToolsTest
    extends AbstractRepositoryLayerTestCase
    private MetadataTools tools;

    protected MockConfiguration config;

    public void testGatherSnapshotVersionsA()
        throws Exception
        assertSnapshotVersions( "snap_shots_a", "1.0-alpha-11-SNAPSHOT", new String[] {
            "1.0-alpha-11-20070316.175232-11" } );

    public void testGatherSnapshotVersionsAWithProxies()
        throws Exception
        // These proxied repositories do not need to exist for the purposes of this unit test,
        // just the repository ids are important.
        createProxyConnector( "test-repo", "apache-snapshots" );
        createProxyConnector( "test-repo", "internal-snapshots" );
        createProxyConnector( "test-repo", "" );

        assertSnapshotVersions( "snap_shots_a", "1.0-alpha-11-SNAPSHOT", new String[] {
            "1.0-alpha-11-20070315.033030-10" /* Arrives in via proxy */,
            "1.0-alpha-11-20070316.175232-11" } );

    public void testGetRepositorySpecificName()
        throws Exception
        RemoteRepositoryContent repoJavaNet = createRemoteRepositoryContent( "",
                                                                             " Repository for Maven 2",
                                                                             "default" );
        RemoteRepositoryContent repoCentral = createRemoteRepositoryContent( "central", "Central Global Repository",
                                                                             "default" );

        String convertedName = tools.getRepositorySpecificName( repoJavaNet,
                                                                "commons-lang/commons-lang/maven-metadata.xml" );
        assertMetadataPath( "commons-lang/commons-lang/",
                            convertedName );

        convertedName = tools.getRepositorySpecificName( repoCentral, "commons-lang/commons-lang/maven-metadata.xml" );
        assertMetadataPath( "commons-lang/commons-lang/maven-metadata-central.xml", convertedName );

    // TODO: replace with group tests
//    public void testUpdateProjectBadArtifact()
//        throws Exception
//    {
//        try
//        {
//            assertUpdatedProjectMetadata( "bad_artifact", null );
//            fail( "Should have thrown an IOException on a bad artifact." );
//        }
//        catch ( IOException e )
//        {
//            // Expected path
//        }
//    }

    public void testUpdateProjectMissingMultipleVersions()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedProjectMetadata( "missing_metadata_b", new String[] {
            "2.0-20070821-dev" }, "2.0-20070821-dev" , "2.0-20070821-dev" );

    public void testUpdateProjectMissingMultipleVersionsWithProxies()
        throws Exception
        // Attach the (bogus) proxies to the managed repo.
        // These proxied repositories do not need to exist for the purposes of this unit test,
        // just the repository ids are important.
        createProxyConnector( "test-repo", "central" );
        createProxyConnector( "test-repo", "" );

        assertUpdatedProjectMetadata( "proxied_multi", new String[] {
            "1.0-spec" /* in */,
            "1.0" /* in managed, and central */,
            "1.0.1" /* in central */,
            "1.1" /* in managed */,
            "2.0-proposal-beta" /* in */,
            "2.0-spec" /* in */,
            "2.0" /* in central, and */,
            "2.0.1" /* in */,
            "2.1" /* in managed */,
            "3.0" /* in central */,
            "3.1" /* in central */}, "3.1", "3.1" );

    public void testUpdateProjectSimpleYetIncomplete()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedProjectMetadata( "incomplete_metadata_a", new String[] { "1.0" }, "1.0", "1.0" );

    public void testUpdateProjectSimpleYetMissing()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedProjectMetadata( "missing_metadata_a", new String[] { "1.0" }, "1.0", "1.0" );

    public void testUpdateVersionSimple10()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedReleaseVersionMetadata( "missing_metadata_a", "1.0" );

    public void testUpdateVersionSimple20()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedReleaseVersionMetadata( "missing_metadata_b", "2.0" );

    public void testUpdateVersionSimple20NotSnapshot()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedReleaseVersionMetadata( "missing_metadata_b", "2.0-20070821-dev" );

    public void testUpdateVersionSnapshotA()
        throws Exception
        assertUpdatedSnapshotVersionMetadata( "snap_shots_a", "1.0-alpha-11-SNAPSHOT", "20070316", "175232", "11" );

    public void testToPathFromVersionReference()
        VersionedReference reference = new VersionedReference();
        reference.setGroupId( "" );
        reference.setArtifactId( "foo-tool" );
        reference.setVersion( "1.0" );

        assertEquals( "com/foo/foo-tool/1.0/maven-metadata.xml", tools.toPath( reference ) );

    public void testToPathFromProjectReference()
        ProjectReference reference = new ProjectReference();
        reference.setGroupId( "" );
        reference.setArtifactId( "foo-tool" );

        assertEquals( "com/foo/foo-tool/maven-metadata.xml", tools.toPath( reference ) );

    public void testToProjectReferenceFooTools()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        assertProjectReference( "", "foo-tools", "com/foo/foo-tools/maven-metadata.xml" );

    public void testToProjectReferenceAReallyLongPath()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        String groupId = "";
        String artifactId = "a";
        String path = "net/i/have/a/really/long/path/just/for/the/hell/of/it/a/maven-metadata.xml";

        assertProjectReference( groupId, artifactId, path );

    public void testToProjectReferenceCommonsLang()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        String groupId = "commons-lang";
        String artifactId = "commons-lang";
        String path = "commons-lang/commons-lang/maven-metadata.xml";

        assertProjectReference( groupId, artifactId, path );

    private void assertProjectReference( String groupId, String artifactId, String path )
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        ProjectReference reference = tools.toProjectReference( path );

        assertNotNull( "Reference should not be null.", reference );
        assertEquals( "ProjectReference.groupId", groupId, reference.getGroupId() );
        assertEquals( "ProjectReference.artifactId", artifactId, reference.getArtifactId() );

    public void testToVersionedReferenceFooTool()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        String groupId = "";
        String artifactId = "foo-tool";
        String version = "1.0";
        String path = "com/foo/foo-tool/1.0/maven-metadata.xml";

        assertVersionedReference( groupId, artifactId, version, path );

    public void testToVersionedReferenceAReallyLongPath()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        String groupId = "";
        String artifactId = "a";
        String version = "1.1-alpha-1";
        String path = "net/i/have/a/really/long/path/just/for/the/hell/of/it/a/1.1-alpha-1/maven-metadata.xml";

        assertVersionedReference( groupId, artifactId, version, path );

    public void testToVersionedReferenceCommonsLang()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        String groupId = "commons-lang";
        String artifactId = "commons-lang";
        String version = "2.1";
        String path = "commons-lang/commons-lang/2.1/maven-metadata.xml";

        assertVersionedReference( groupId, artifactId, version, path );

    public void testToVersionedReferenceSnapshot()
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        String groupId = "";
        String artifactId = "foo-connector";
        String version = "2.1-SNAPSHOT";
        String path = "com/foo/foo-connector/2.1-SNAPSHOT/maven-metadata.xml";

        assertVersionedReference( groupId, artifactId, version, path );

    private void assertVersionedReference( String groupId, String artifactId, String version, String path )
        throws RepositoryMetadataException
        VersionedReference reference = tools.toVersionedReference( path );
        assertNotNull( "Reference should not be null.", reference );

        assertEquals( "VersionedReference.groupId", groupId, reference.getGroupId() );
        assertEquals( "VersionedReference.artifactId", artifactId, reference.getArtifactId() );
        assertEquals( "VersionedReference.version", version, reference.getVersion() );

    private void assertSnapshotVersions( String artifactId, String version, String[] expectedVersions )
        throws Exception
        File repoRootDir = new File( "src/test/repositories/metadata-repository" );

        VersionedReference reference = new VersionedReference();
        reference.setGroupId( "org.apache.archiva.metadata.tests" );
        reference.setArtifactId( artifactId );
        reference.setVersion( version );

        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repo = createRepository( "test-repo", "Test Repository: " + getName(),
                                                                repoRootDir );
        ManagedRepositoryContent repoContent = (ManagedRepositoryContent) lookup( ManagedRepositoryContent.class,
                                                                                  "default" );
        repoContent.setRepository( repo );

        Set<String> testedVersionSet = tools.gatherSnapshotVersions( repoContent, reference );

        // Sort the list (for asserts)
        List<String> testedVersions = new ArrayList<String>();
        testedVersions.addAll( testedVersionSet );
        Collections.sort( testedVersions, new VersionComparator() );

        // Test the expected array of versions, to the actual tested versions
        assertEquals( "Assert Snapshot Versions: length/size", expectedVersions.length, testedVersions.size() );

        for ( int i = 0; i < expectedVersions.length; i++ )
            String actualVersion = testedVersions.get( i );
            assertEquals( "Snapshot Versions[" + i + "]", expectedVersions[i], actualVersion );

    private void assertMetadata( String expectedMetadata, ManagedRepositoryContent repository,
                                 ProjectReference reference )
        throws LayoutException, IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException
        File metadataFile = new File( repository.getRepoRoot(), tools.toPath( reference ) );
        String actualMetadata = FileUtils.readFileToString( metadataFile, null );

        DetailedDiff detailedDiff = new DetailedDiff( new Diff( expectedMetadata, actualMetadata ) );
        if ( !detailedDiff.similar() )
            // If it isn't similar, dump the difference.
            assertEquals( expectedMetadata, actualMetadata );

    private void assertMetadata( String expectedMetadata, ManagedRepositoryContent repository,
                                 VersionedReference reference )
        throws LayoutException, IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException
        File metadataFile = new File( repository.getRepoRoot(), tools.toPath( reference ) );
        String actualMetadata = FileUtils.readFileToString( metadataFile, null );

        DetailedDiff detailedDiff = new DetailedDiff( new Diff( expectedMetadata, actualMetadata ) );
        if ( !detailedDiff.similar() )
            // If it isn't similar, dump the difference.
            assertEquals( expectedMetadata, actualMetadata );

    private void assertMetadataPath( String expected, String actual )
        assertEquals( "Repository Specific Metadata Path", expected, actual );

    private void assertUpdatedProjectMetadata( String artifactId, String[] expectedVersions, String latestVersion,
                                               String releaseVersion )
        throws Exception
        ManagedRepositoryContent testRepo = createTestRepoContent();
        ProjectReference reference = new ProjectReference();
        reference.setGroupId( "org.apache.archiva.metadata.tests" );
        reference.setArtifactId( artifactId );

        prepTestRepo( testRepo, reference );

        tools.updateMetadata( testRepo, reference );

        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        buf.append( "<metadata>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <groupId>" ).append( reference.getGroupId() ).append( "</groupId>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <artifactId>" ).append( reference.getArtifactId() ).append( "</artifactId>\n" );
        // buf.append( "  <version>1.0</version>\n" );

        if ( expectedVersions != null )
            buf.append( "  <versioning>\n" );
            if ( latestVersion != null )
                buf.append( "    <latest>" ).append( latestVersion ).append( "</latest>\n" );
            if ( releaseVersion != null )
                buf.append( "    <release>" ).append( releaseVersion ).append( "</release>\n" );

            buf.append( "    <versions>\n" );
            for ( int i = 0; i < expectedVersions.length; i++ )
                buf.append( "      <version>" ).append( expectedVersions[i] ).append( "</version>\n" );
            buf.append( "    </versions>\n" );
            buf.append( "  </versioning>\n" );
        buf.append( "</metadata>" );

        assertMetadata( buf.toString(), testRepo, reference );

    private void assertUpdatedReleaseVersionMetadata( String artifactId, String version )
        throws Exception
        ManagedRepositoryContent testRepo = createTestRepoContent();
        VersionedReference reference = new VersionedReference();
        reference.setGroupId( "org.apache.archiva.metadata.tests" );
        reference.setArtifactId( artifactId );
        reference.setVersion( version );

        prepTestRepo( testRepo, reference );

        tools.updateMetadata( testRepo, reference );

        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        buf.append( "<metadata>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <groupId>" ).append( reference.getGroupId() ).append( "</groupId>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <artifactId>" ).append( reference.getArtifactId() ).append( "</artifactId>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <version>" ).append( reference.getVersion() ).append( "</version>\n" );
        buf.append( "</metadata>" );

        assertMetadata( buf.toString(), testRepo, reference );

    private void assertUpdatedSnapshotVersionMetadata( String artifactId, String version, String expectedDate,
                                                       String expectedTime, String expectedBuildNumber )
        throws Exception
        ManagedRepositoryContent testRepo = createTestRepoContent();
        VersionedReference reference = new VersionedReference();
        reference.setGroupId( "org.apache.archiva.metadata.tests" );
        reference.setArtifactId( artifactId );
        reference.setVersion( version );

        prepTestRepo( testRepo, reference );

        tools.updateMetadata( testRepo, reference );

        StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
        buf.append( "<metadata>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <groupId>" ).append( reference.getGroupId() ).append( "</groupId>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <artifactId>" ).append( reference.getArtifactId() ).append( "</artifactId>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <version>" ).append( reference.getVersion() ).append( "</version>\n" );
        buf.append( "  <versioning>\n" );
        buf.append( "    <snapshot>\n" );
        buf.append( "      <buildNumber>" ).append( expectedBuildNumber ).append( "</buildNumber>\n" );
        buf.append( "      <timestamp>" );
        buf.append( expectedDate ).append( "." ).append( expectedTime );
        buf.append( "</timestamp>\n" );
        buf.append( "    </snapshot>\n" );
        buf.append( "    <lastUpdated>" ).append( expectedDate ).append( expectedTime ).append( "</lastUpdated>\n" );
        buf.append( "  </versioning>\n" );
        buf.append( "</metadata>" );

        assertMetadata( buf.toString(), testRepo, reference );

    private void createProxyConnector( String sourceRepoId, String targetRepoId )
        ProxyConnectorConfiguration connectorConfig = new ProxyConnectorConfiguration();
        connectorConfig.setSourceRepoId( sourceRepoId );
        connectorConfig.setTargetRepoId( targetRepoId );
        connectorConfig.addPolicy( ProxyConnectorConfiguration.POLICY_CHECKSUM, ChecksumPolicy.IGNORE );
        connectorConfig.addPolicy( ProxyConnectorConfiguration.POLICY_RELEASES, ReleasesPolicy.ALWAYS );
        connectorConfig.addPolicy( ProxyConnectorConfiguration.POLICY_SNAPSHOTS, SnapshotsPolicy.ALWAYS );
        connectorConfig.addPolicy( ProxyConnectorConfiguration.POLICY_CACHE_FAILURES, CachedFailuresPolicy.NO );

        int count = config.getConfiguration().getProxyConnectors().size();
        config.getConfiguration().addProxyConnector( connectorConfig );

        // Proper Triggering ...
        String prefix = "proxyConnectors.proxyConnector(" + count + ")";
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".sourceRepoId", connectorConfig.getSourceRepoId() );
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".targetRepoId", connectorConfig.getTargetRepoId() );
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".proxyId", connectorConfig.getProxyId() );
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".policies.releases", connectorConfig.getPolicy( "releases", "" ) );
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".policies.checksum", connectorConfig.getPolicy( "checksum", "" ) );
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".policies.snapshots", connectorConfig.getPolicy( "snapshots", "" ) );
        config.triggerChange( prefix + ".policies.cache-failures", connectorConfig.getPolicy( "cache-failures", "" ) );

    private ManagedRepositoryContent createTestRepoContent()
        throws Exception
        File repoRoot = new File( "target/metadata-tests/" + getName() );
        if ( repoRoot.exists() )
            FileUtils.deleteDirectory( repoRoot );


        ManagedRepositoryConfiguration repoConfig = createRepository( "test-repo", "Test Repository: " + getName(),
                                                                      repoRoot );

        ManagedRepositoryContent repoContent = (ManagedRepositoryContent) lookup( ManagedRepositoryContent.class,
                                                                                  "default" );
        repoContent.setRepository( repoConfig );
        return repoContent;

    private void prepTestRepo( ManagedRepositoryContent repo, ProjectReference reference )
        throws IOException
        String groupDir = StringUtils.replaceChars( reference.getGroupId(), '.', '/' );
        String path = groupDir + "/" + reference.getArtifactId();

        File srcRepoDir = new File( "src/test/repositories/metadata-repository" );
        File srcDir = new File( srcRepoDir, path );
        File destDir = new File( repo.getRepoRoot(), path );

        assertTrue( "Source Dir exists: " + srcDir, srcDir.exists() );

        FileUtils.copyDirectory( srcDir, destDir );

    private void prepTestRepo( ManagedRepositoryContent repo, VersionedReference reference )
        throws IOException
        ProjectReference projectRef = new ProjectReference();
        projectRef.setGroupId( reference.getGroupId() );
        projectRef.setArtifactId( reference.getArtifactId() );

        prepTestRepo( repo, projectRef );

    protected void setUp()
        throws Exception

        config = (MockConfiguration) lookup( ArchivaConfiguration.class.getName(), "mock" );
        tools = (MetadataTools) lookup( MetadataTools.class );

Related Classes of org.apache.maven.archiva.repository.metadata.MetadataToolsTest

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