Package org.apache.cactus.internal.server.runner

Source Code of org.apache.cactus.internal.server.runner.XMLFormatter

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* Copyright 2001-2004 The Apache Software Foundation.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.apache.cactus.internal.server.runner;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Locale;

import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
import junit.framework.Test;
import junit.framework.TestFailure;
import junit.framework.TestListener;
import junit.framework.TestResult;

import org.apache.cactus.internal.util.JUnitVersionHelper;
import org.apache.cactus.internal.util.StringUtil;

* Format the test results in XML.
* @version $Id:,v 1.1 2004/04/10 15:52:15 vmassol Exp $
public class XMLFormatter implements XMLConstants, TestListener
     * Default stack filter patterns.
    public static final String[] DEFAULT_STACK_FILTER_PATTERNS = new String[]
            "junit.framework.Assert.", // don't filter AssertionFailure

     * (optional) Name of the XSL stylesheet to put in the returned XML string
     * so that the browser will try to apply it (IE at least, I don't know
     * about the others).
    private String xslFileName;

     * The name of the test suite class.
    private String suiteClassName;

     * Duration it took to execute all the tests.
    private long totalDuration;

     * Encoding to use for the returned XML. Defaults to "UTF-8".
    private String encoding = "UTF-8";
     * Time current test was started
    private long currentTestStartTime;

     * The number format used to convert durations into strings. Don't use the
     * default locale for that, because the resulting string needs to use
     * dotted decimal notation for an XSLT transformation to work correctly.
    private NumberFormat durationFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US);

     * XML string containing executed test case results
    private StringBuffer currentTestCaseResults = new StringBuffer();

     * Current test failure (XML string) : failure or error.
    private String currentTestFailure;

     * Sets the XSL stylesheet file name to put in the returned XML string
     * so that the browser will try to apply it (IE at least, I don't know
     * about the others).
     * @param theXslFileName the file name (relative to the webapp root)
    public void setXslFileName(String theXslFileName)
        this.xslFileName = theXslFileName;

     * @param theEncoding the encoding to use for the returned XML.
    public void setEncoding(String theEncoding)
        this.encoding = theEncoding;

     * @return the encoding to use for the returned XML
    public String getEncoding()
        return this.encoding;
     * @return the suite class name
    public String getSuiteClassName()
        return this.suiteClassName;

     * Sets the suite class name that was executed.
     * @param theSuiteClassName the suite class name
    public void setSuiteClassName(String theSuiteClassName)
        this.suiteClassName = theSuiteClassName;

     * @return the total duration as a string
    public String getTotalDurationAsString()
        return getDurationAsString(this.totalDuration);

     * Comvert a duration expressed as a long into a string.
     * @param theDuration the duration to convert to string
     * @return the total duration as a string
    private String getDurationAsString(long theDuration)
        return durationFormat.format((double) theDuration / 1000);

     * Sets the duration it took to execute all the tests.
     * @param theDuration the time it took
    public void setTotalDuration(long theDuration)
        this.totalDuration = theDuration;

     * Formats the test result as an XML string.
     * @param theResult the test result object
     * @return the XML string representation of the test results
    public String toXML(TestResult theResult)
        StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();

        xml.append("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" + getEncoding()
            + "\"?>");

        if (this.xslFileName != null)
            xml.append("<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" " + "href=\""
                + this.xslFileName + "\"?>");

        xml.append("<" + TESTSUITES + ">");

        xml.append("<" + TESTSUITE + " " + ATTR_NAME + "=\""
            + getSuiteClassName() + "\" " + ATTR_TESTS + "=\""
            + theResult.runCount() + "\" " + ATTR_FAILURES + "=\""
            + theResult.failureCount() + "\" " + ATTR_ERRORS + "=\""
            + theResult.errorCount() + "\" " + ATTR_TIME + "=\""
            + getTotalDurationAsString() + "\">");


        xml.append("</" + TESTSUITE + ">");
        xml.append("</" + TESTSUITES + ">");

        return xml.toString();

     * Event called by the base test runner when the test starts.
     * @param theTest the test object being executed
    public void startTest(Test theTest)
        this.currentTestStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
        this.currentTestFailure = null;

     * Event called by the base test runner when the test fails with an error.
     * @param theTest the test object that failed
     * @param theThrowable the exception that was thrown
    public void addError(Test theTest, Throwable theThrowable)
        TestFailure failure = new TestFailure(theTest, theThrowable);
        StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();

        xml.append("<" + ERROR + " " + ATTR_MESSAGE + "=\""
            + xmlEncode(failure.thrownException().getMessage()) + "\" "
            + ATTR_TYPE + "=\""
            + failure.thrownException().getClass().getName() + "\">");
            failure.thrownException(), DEFAULT_STACK_FILTER_PATTERNS)));
        xml.append("</" + ERROR + ">");

        this.currentTestFailure = xml.toString();

     * Event called by the base test runner when the test fails with a failure.
     * @param theTest the test object that failed
     * @param theError the exception that was thrown
    public void addFailure(Test theTest, AssertionFailedError theError)
        TestFailure failure = new TestFailure(theTest, theError);
        StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();

        xml.append("<" + FAILURE + " " + ATTR_MESSAGE + "=\""
            + xmlEncode(failure.thrownException().getMessage()) + "\" "
            + ATTR_TYPE + "=\""
            + failure.thrownException().getClass().getName() + "\">");
            failure.thrownException(), DEFAULT_STACK_FILTER_PATTERNS)));
        xml.append("</" + FAILURE + ">");

        this.currentTestFailure = xml.toString();

     * Event called by the base test runner when the test ends.
     * @param theTest the test object being executed
    public void endTest(Test theTest)
        StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
        String duration = getDurationAsString(System.currentTimeMillis()
            - this.currentTestStartTime);

        xml.append("<" + TESTCASE + " " + ATTR_NAME + "=\""
            + JUnitVersionHelper.getTestCaseName(theTest) + "\" "
            + ATTR_TIME + "=\"" + duration + "\">");

        if (this.currentTestFailure != null)

        xml.append("</" + TESTCASE + ">");


     * Escapes reserved XML characters.
     * @param theString the string to escape
     * @return the escaped string
    private String xmlEncode(String theString)
        String newString;

        // It is important to replace the "&" first as the other replacements
        // also introduces "&" chars ...
        newString = XMLFormatter.replace(theString, '&', "&amp;");

        newString = XMLFormatter.replace(newString, '<', "&lt;");
        newString = XMLFormatter.replace(newString, '>', "&gt;");
        newString = XMLFormatter.replace(newString, '\"', "&quot;");

        return newString;

     * Replaces a character in a string by a substring.
     * @param theBaseString the base string in which to perform replacements
     * @param theChar the char to look for
     * @param theNewString the string with which to replace the char
     * @return the string with replacements done or null if the input string
     *          was null
    private static String replace(String theBaseString, char theChar,
        String theNewString)
        if (theBaseString == null)
            return null;

        final int len = theBaseString.length() - 1;
        int pos = -1;

        while ((pos = theBaseString.indexOf(theChar, pos + 1)) > -1)
            if (pos == 0)
                final String after = theBaseString.substring(1);

                theBaseString = theNewString + after;
            else if (pos == len)
                final String before = theBaseString.substring(0, pos);

                theBaseString = before + theNewString;
                final String before = theBaseString.substring(0, pos);
                final String after = theBaseString.substring(pos + 1);

                theBaseString = before + theNewString + after;

        return theBaseString;


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