Package org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal

Source Code of org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl$OrderedConfigurationToOrdererAdaptor

// Copyright 2006, 2007 The Apache Software Foundation
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal;

import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.*;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.def.ContributionDef;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.def.DecoratorDef;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.def.ModuleDef;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.def.ServiceDef;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory;
import static org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.CollectionFactory.*;
import static org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.Defense.notNull;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.InternalUtils;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.OneShotLock;
import org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.util.Orderer;
import org.slf4j.Logger;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.util.*;

public class RegistryImpl implements Registry, InternalRegistry, ServiceProxyProvider
    private static final String SYMBOL_SOURCE_SERVICE_ID = "SymbolSource";

    private static final String REGISTRY_SHUTDOWN_HUB_SERVICE_ID = "RegistryShutdownHub";

    static final String THREAD_CLEANUP_HUB_SERVICE_ID = "ThreadCleanupHub";

    private static final String SERVICE_ACTIVITY_SCOREBOARD_SERVICE_ID = "ServiceActivityScoreboard";

     * The set of marker annotations for a builtin service.
    private final static Set<Class> BUILTIN = CollectionFactory.newSet();


     * Used to obtain the {@link} service, which is
     * crucial when creating runtime classes for proxies and the like.
    static final String CLASS_FACTORY_SERVICE_ID = "ClassFactory";

    static final String LOGGER_SOURCE_SERVICE_ID = "LoggerSource";

    private final OneShotLock _lock = new OneShotLock();

    private final OneShotLock _eagerLoadLock = new OneShotLock();

    private final Map<String, Object> _builtinServices = newCaseInsensitiveMap();

    private final Map<String, Class> _builtinTypes = newCaseInsensitiveMap();

    private final RegistryShutdownHubImpl _registryShutdownHub;

    private final LoggerSource _loggerSource;

     * Map from service id to the Module that contains the service.
    private final Map<String, Module> _serviceIdToModule = newCaseInsensitiveMap();

    private final Map<String, ServiceLifecycle> _lifecycles = newCaseInsensitiveMap();

    private final ThreadCleanupHubImpl _cleanupHub;

    private final ClassFactory _classFactory;

    private final ServiceActivityTracker _tracker;

    private SymbolSource _symbolSource;

    private final List<Module> _modules = newList();

     * From marker type to a list of marked service instances.
    private final Map<Class, List<ServiceDef>> _markerToServiceDef = newMap();

    public static final class OrderedConfigurationToOrdererAdaptor<T> implements OrderedConfiguration<T>
        private final Orderer<T> _orderer;

        public OrderedConfigurationToOrdererAdaptor(Orderer<T> orderer)
            _orderer = orderer;

        public void add(String id, T object, String... constraints)
            _orderer.add(id, object, constraints);

     * Constructs the registry from a set of module definitions and other resources.
     * @param moduleDefs   defines the modules (and builders, decorators, etc., within)
     * @param classFactory TODO
     * @param loggerSource used to obtain Logger instances
    public RegistryImpl(Collection<ModuleDef> moduleDefs, ClassFactory classFactory, LoggerSource loggerSource)
        _loggerSource = loggerSource;

        final ServiceActivityTrackerImpl scoreboardAndTracker = new ServiceActivityTrackerImpl();

        _tracker = scoreboardAndTracker;

        addBuiltin(SERVICE_ACTIVITY_SCOREBOARD_SERVICE_ID, ServiceActivityScoreboard.class, scoreboardAndTracker);

        addBuiltin(LOGGER_SOURCE_SERVICE_ID, LoggerSource.class, _loggerSource);

        _classFactory = classFactory;

        addBuiltin(CLASS_FACTORY_SERVICE_ID, ClassFactory.class, _classFactory);

        Logger logger = loggerForBuiltinService(THREAD_CLEANUP_HUB_SERVICE_ID);

        _cleanupHub = new ThreadCleanupHubImpl(logger);

        addBuiltin(THREAD_CLEANUP_HUB_SERVICE_ID, ThreadCleanupHub.class, _cleanupHub);

        logger = loggerForBuiltinService(REGISTRY_SHUTDOWN_HUB_SERVICE_ID);

        _registryShutdownHub = new RegistryShutdownHubImpl(logger);

        addBuiltin(REGISTRY_SHUTDOWN_HUB_SERVICE_ID, RegistryShutdownHub.class, _registryShutdownHub);

        _lifecycles.put("singleton", new SingletonServiceLifecycle());

        _registryShutdownHub.addRegistryShutdownListener(new RegistryShutdownListener()
            public void registryDidShutdown()

        for (ModuleDef def : moduleDefs)
            logger = _loggerSource.getLogger(def.getLoggerName());

            Module module = new ModuleImpl(this, _tracker, def, classFactory, logger);


            for (String serviceId : def.getServiceIds())
                ServiceDef serviceDef = module.getServiceDef(serviceId);

                Module existing = _serviceIdToModule.get(serviceId);

                if (existing != null) throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.serviceIdConflict(serviceId, existing
                        .getServiceDef(serviceId), serviceDef));

                _serviceIdToModule.put(serviceId, module);

                // The service is defined but will not have gone further than that.
                _tracker.define(serviceDef, Status.DEFINED);

                for (Class marker : serviceDef.getMarkers())
                    InternalUtils.addToMapList(_markerToServiceDef, marker, serviceDef);




     * It's not unreasonable for an eagerly-loaded service to decide to start a thread, at which
     * point we raise issues about improper publishing of the Registry instance from the
     * RegistryImpl constructor. Moving eager loading of services out to its own method should
     * ensure thread safety.
    public void performRegistryStartup()

        for (Module m : _modules)

        getService("RegistryStartup", Runnable.class).run();


    public Logger getServiceLogger(String serviceId)
        Module module = _serviceIdToModule.get(serviceId);

        assert module != null;

        return _loggerSource.getLogger(module.getLoggerName() + "." + serviceId);

    private Logger loggerForBuiltinService(String serviceId)
        return _loggerSource.getLogger(TapestryIOCModule.class + "." + serviceId);

    private <T> void addBuiltin(final String serviceId, final Class<T> serviceInterface, T service)
        _builtinTypes.put(serviceId, serviceInterface);
        _builtinServices.put(serviceId, service);

        // Make sure each of the builtin services is also available via the Builtin annotation
        // marker.

        ServiceDef serviceDef = new ServiceDef()
            public ObjectCreator createServiceCreator(ServiceBuilderResources resources)
                return null;

            public Set<Class> getMarkers()
                return BUILTIN;

            public String getServiceId()
                return serviceId;

            public Class getServiceInterface()
                return serviceInterface;

            public String getServiceScope()
                return IOCConstants.DEFAULT_SCOPE;

            public boolean isEagerLoad()
                return false;

        for (Class marker : serviceDef.getMarkers())
            InternalUtils.addToMapList(_markerToServiceDef, marker, serviceDef);

        _tracker.define(serviceDef, Status.BUILTIN);

    public synchronized void shutdown()



    public <T> T getService(String serviceId, Class<T> serviceInterface)

        T result = checkForBuiltinService(serviceId, serviceInterface);
        if (result != null) return result;

        // Checking serviceId and serviceInterface is overkill; they have been checked and rechecked
        // all the way to here.

        Module containingModule = locateModuleForService(serviceId);

        return containingModule.getService(serviceId, serviceInterface);

    private <T> T checkForBuiltinService(String serviceId, Class<T> serviceInterface)
        Object service = _builtinServices.get(serviceId);

        if (service == null) return null;

            return serviceInterface.cast(service);
        catch (ClassCastException ex)
            throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.serviceWrongInterface(serviceId, _builtinTypes
                    .get(serviceId), serviceInterface));

    public void cleanupThread()


    private Module locateModuleForService(String serviceId)
        Module module = _serviceIdToModule.get(serviceId);

        if (module == null) throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.noSuchService(serviceId, _serviceIdToModule

        return module;

    public <T> Collection<T> getUnorderedConfiguration(ServiceDef serviceDef, Class<T> objectType)

        final Collection<T> result = newList();

        Configuration<T> configuration = new Configuration<T>()
            public void add(T object)

        Collection<Module> modules = _modules;

        for (Module m : modules)
            addToUnorderedConfiguration(configuration, objectType, serviceDef, m);

        return result;

    public <T> List<T> getOrderedConfiguration(ServiceDef serviceDef, Class<T> objectType)

        String serviceId = serviceDef.getServiceId();
        Logger logger = getServiceLogger(serviceId);

        final Orderer<T> orderer = new Orderer<T>(logger);

        OrderedConfiguration<T> configuration = new OrderedConfigurationToOrdererAdaptor<T>(orderer);

        Collection<Module> modules = _modules;

        for (Module m : modules)
            addToOrderedConfiguration(configuration, objectType, serviceDef, m);

        // An ugly hack ... perhaps we should introduce a new builtin service so that this can be
        // accomplished in the normal way?

        if (serviceId.equals("MasterObjectProvider"))
            ObjectProvider contribution = new ObjectProvider()
                public <T> T provide(Class<T> objectType, AnnotationProvider annotationProvider, ObjectLocator locator)
                    return findServiceByMarkerAndType(objectType, annotationProvider);

            configuration.add("ServiceByMarker", (T) contribution);

        return orderer.getOrdered();

    public <K, V> Map<K, V> getMappedConfiguration(ServiceDef serviceDef, Class<K> keyType, Class<V> objectType)

        // When the key type is String, then a case insensitive map is used for both cases.

        final Map<K, V> result = newConfigurationMap(keyType);
        Map<K, ContributionDef> keyToContribution = newConfigurationMap(keyType);

        MappedConfiguration<K, V> configuration = new MappedConfiguration<K, V>()
            public void add(K key, V value)
                result.put(key, value);

        Collection<Module> modules = _modules;

        for (Module m : modules)
            addToMappedConfiguration(configuration, keyToContribution, keyType, objectType, serviceDef, m);

        return result;

    private <K, V> Map<K, V> newConfigurationMap(Class<K> keyType)
        if (keyType.equals(String.class))
            Map<String, K> result = newCaseInsensitiveMap();

            return (Map<K, V>) result;

        return newMap();

    private <K, V> void addToMappedConfiguration(MappedConfiguration<K, V> configuration,
                                                 Map<K, ContributionDef> keyToContribution, Class<K> keyClass,
                                                 Class<V> valueType, ServiceDef serviceDef, Module module)
        String serviceId = serviceDef.getServiceId();
        Set<ContributionDef> contributions = module.getContributorDefsForService(serviceId);

        if (contributions.isEmpty()) return;

        Logger logger = getServiceLogger(serviceId);

        boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();

        ObjectLocator locator = new ServiceResourcesImpl(this, module, serviceDef, _classFactory, logger);

        for (ContributionDef def : contributions)
            MappedConfiguration<K, V> validating = new ValidatingMappedConfigurationWrapper<K, V>(serviceId, def,
                                                                                                  logger, keyClass,

            if (debug) logger.debug(IOCMessages.invokingMethod(def));

            def.contribute(module, locator, validating);


    private <T> void addToUnorderedConfiguration(Configuration<T> configuration, Class<T> valueType,
                                                 ServiceDef serviceDef, Module module)
        String serviceId = serviceDef.getServiceId();
        Set<ContributionDef> contributions = module.getContributorDefsForService(serviceId);

        if (contributions.isEmpty()) return;

        Logger logger = getServiceLogger(serviceId);

        boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();

        ObjectLocator locator = new ServiceResourcesImpl(this, module, serviceDef, _classFactory, logger);

        for (ContributionDef def : contributions)
            Configuration<T> validating = new ValidatingConfigurationWrapper<T>(serviceId, logger, valueType, def,

            if (debug) logger.debug(IOCMessages.invokingMethod(def));

            def.contribute(module, locator, validating);

    private <T> void addToOrderedConfiguration(OrderedConfiguration<T> configuration, Class<T> valueType,
                                               ServiceDef serviceDef, Module module)
        String serviceId = serviceDef.getServiceId();
        Set<ContributionDef> contributions = module.getContributorDefsForService(serviceId);

        if (contributions.isEmpty()) return;

        Logger logger = getServiceLogger(serviceId);
        boolean debug = logger.isDebugEnabled();

        ObjectLocator locator = new ServiceResourcesImpl(this, module, serviceDef, _classFactory, logger);

        for (ContributionDef def : contributions)
            OrderedConfiguration<T> validating = new ValidatingOrderedConfigurationWrapper<T>(serviceId, def, logger,
                                                                                              valueType, configuration);

            if (debug) logger.debug(IOCMessages.invokingMethod(def));

            def.contribute(module, locator, validating);

    public <T> T getService(Class<T> serviceInterface)

        List<String> serviceIds = findServiceIdsForInterface(serviceInterface);

        if (serviceIds == null) serviceIds = Collections.emptyList();

        switch (serviceIds.size())
            case 0:

                throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.noServiceMatchesType(serviceInterface));

            case 1:

                String serviceId = serviceIds.get(0);

                return getService(serviceId, serviceInterface);



                throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.manyServiceMatches(serviceInterface, serviceIds));

    private List<String> findServiceIdsForInterface(Class serviceInterface)
        List<String> result = newList();

        for (Module module : _modules)

        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : _builtinServices.entrySet())
            if (serviceInterface.isInstance(entry.getValue())) result.add(entry.getKey());


        return result;

    public ServiceLifecycle getServiceLifecycle(String scope)

        ServiceLifecycle result = _lifecycles.get(scope);

        if (result == null)
            ServiceLifecycleSource source = getService("ServiceLifecycleSource", ServiceLifecycleSource.class);
            result = source.get(scope);

        if (result == null) throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.unknownScope(scope));

        return result;

    public List<ServiceDecorator> findDecoratorsForService(ServiceDef serviceDef)

        assert serviceDef != null;

        Logger logger = getServiceLogger(serviceDef.getServiceId());

        Orderer<ServiceDecorator> orderer = new Orderer<ServiceDecorator>(logger);

        for (Module module : _modules)
            Set<DecoratorDef> decorators = module.findMatchingDecoratorDefs(serviceDef);

            if (decorators.isEmpty()) continue;

            ServiceResources resources = new ServiceResourcesImpl(this, module, serviceDef, _classFactory, logger);

            for (DecoratorDef dd : decorators)
                ServiceDecorator sd = dd.createDecorator(module, resources);

                orderer.add(dd.getDecoratorId(), sd, dd.getConstraints());

        return orderer.getOrdered();

    public ClassFab newClass(Class serviceInterface)

        return _classFactory.newClass(serviceInterface);

    private <T> T getObject(Class<T> objectType, AnnotationProvider annotationProvider, ObjectLocator locator)

        AnnotationProvider effectiveProvider = annotationProvider != null ? annotationProvider : new NullAnnotationProvider();

        // We do a check here for known marker/type combinations, so that you can use a marker
        // annotation
        // to inject into a contribution method that contributes to MasterObjectProvider.
        // We also force a contribution into MasterObjectProvider to accomplish the same thing.

        T result = findServiceByMarkerAndType(objectType, annotationProvider);

        if (result != null) return result;

        MasterObjectProvider masterProvider = getService(IOCConstants.MASTER_OBJECT_PROVIDER_SERVICE_ID,

        return masterProvider.provide(objectType, effectiveProvider, locator, true);

    private <T> T findServiceByMarkerAndType(Class<T> objectType, AnnotationProvider provider)
        if (provider == null) return null;

        for (Class marker : _markerToServiceDef.keySet())
            if (provider.getAnnotation(marker) == null) continue;

            List<ServiceDef> matches = newList();

            for (ServiceDef def : _markerToServiceDef.get(marker))
                if (objectType.isAssignableFrom(def.getServiceInterface())) matches.add(def);

            switch (matches.size())

                case 1:

                    ServiceDef def = matches.get(0);

                    return getService(def.getServiceId(), objectType);

                case 0:

                    // It's no accident that the user put the marker annotation at the injection
                    // point, since it matches a known marker annotation, it better be there for
                    // a reason. So if we don't get a match, we have to assume the user expected
                    // one, and that is an error.

                    // This doesn't help when the user places an annotation they *think* is a marker
                    // but isn't really a marker (because no service is marked by the annotation).

                    throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages
                            .noServicesMatchMarker(objectType, marker));

                    throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.manyServicesMatchMarker(objectType, marker, matches));


        return null;

    public <T> T getObject(Class<T> objectType, AnnotationProvider annotationProvider)

        return getObject(objectType, annotationProvider, this);

    public void addRegistryShutdownListener(RegistryShutdownListener listener)


    public String expandSymbols(String input)

        // Again, a bit of work to avoid instantiating the SymbolSource until absolutely necessary.

        if (!InternalUtils.containsSymbols(input)) return input;

        return getSymbolSource().expandSymbols(input);

     * Defers obtaining the symbol source until actually needed.
    private synchronized SymbolSource getSymbolSource()
        if (_symbolSource == null) _symbolSource = getService(SYMBOL_SOURCE_SERVICE_ID, SymbolSource.class);

        return _symbolSource;

    public <T> T autobuild(Class<T> clazz)
        notNull(clazz, "clazz");

        Constructor constructor = InternalUtils.findAutobuildConstructor(clazz);

        if (constructor == null) throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.noAutobuildConstructor(clazz));

        Throwable failure;
        // An empty map, because when performing autobuilding outside the context of building a
        // service, we don't have defaults for Log, service id, etc.

        Map<Class, Object> empty = Collections.emptyMap();

            Object[] parameters = InternalUtils.calculateParametersForConstructor(constructor, this, empty);

            return clazz.cast(constructor.newInstance(parameters));
        catch (InvocationTargetException ite)
            failure = ite.getTargetException();
        catch (Exception ex)
            failure = ex;

        String description = _classFactory.getConstructorLocation(constructor).toString();

        throw new RuntimeException(IOCMessages.autobuildConstructorError(description, failure), failure);

    public <T> T proxy(Class<T> interfaceClass, final Class<? extends T> implementationClass)
        notNull(interfaceClass, "interfaceClass");
        notNull(implementationClass, "implementationClass");

        // TODO: Check really an interface
        // TODO: Check impl class extends interfaceClass and is concrete

        final ObjectCreator autobuildCreator = new ObjectCreator()
            public Object createObject()
                return autobuild(implementationClass);

        ObjectCreator justInTime = new ObjectCreator()
            private Object _delegate;

            public synchronized Object createObject()
                if (_delegate == null) _delegate = autobuildCreator.createObject();

                return _delegate;

        ClassFab cf = _classFactory.newClass(interfaceClass);

        String description = String.format("<Autobuild proxy %s(%s)>", implementationClass
                .getName(), interfaceClass.getName());

        return ClassFabUtils.createObjectCreatorProxy(cf, interfaceClass, justInTime, description);

    public Object provideServiceProxy(String serviceId)
        return getService(serviceId, Object.class);

Related Classes of org.apache.tapestry.ioc.internal.RegistryImpl$OrderedConfigurationToOrdererAdaptor

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